Reunion by Belial Rivals settle old score at ten year reunion "I wondered if you'd come." Deborah said. Her voice was loud in the small auxiliary gym. Intimate. From the main gymnasium directly above, the sound of pounding feet and 80's dance music could be heard, thumping through the rafters. The class of '85 - GO PANDAS! The 10 year reunion rocked on into the night. "You were pretty obvious. You still hate me." Said Kelli. "You still hate me." Deb corrected. "Hate's a strong word." "Doesn't seem strong enough, does it." Debbi shook her head and smiled a rueful smile. She stepped out onto the floor-ex mat, barefoot, dressed in tight aquamarine cotton leggings and a soft blue sweatshirt that hinted at the compact power of her 5'2" frame. Her dark hair was done up in a ponytail - very pretty - with a blue ribbon. Soft curls framed her beautiful face, with its straight, perfect nose and mischievous violet eyes. She bent down to touch the mat, feel the memories. At 28, she didn't look a day over 18. She hadn't lost a step. "You look good." Kelli admitted. "Thanks. I see you're back in shape." "10 year reunion babe. Everyone wants to look good." Kelli was also a muscular 5'2", taut, but fuller throughout the length of her body. Debbi was very tapered, with long dancer's legs and the solid upper body of the gymnast. Kelli had a longer waist and shorter, curvier legs, slightly knock kneed. And, she would add, bigger breasts. After high school she had dyed her hair blonde and never gone back. It hung straight and soft, curled at the edges and bangs, reaching nearly to the center of her back. Her face was more intense than Deborah's, more expressive, with larger eyes, prominent cheekbones and thinner lips. Deb had the fresh faced jock look down pat. Kelli with her soft dark eyes and arching brows was harder to characterize. She gave the impression that she could be anything you wanted her to be. She wore a hot pink blouse and tight black jeans and she too had grown into a stunning young woman. If you were a man, and you had gone to high school with these two girls, one or the other would define your standards of beauty for the rest of your life. "It's ten o'clock." Deborah said. "Are we going to do this or what?" Kelli slipped her wedding ring from her finger and placed it gently on the floor. "Let's get changed." She said. (Grade 10: Debbi and Kelli occupy the center of the `popular girls' clique. Best friends at the start of the year. They shop together, pick out clothes, drink, gossip and decide the fate of their peers with innocent-minded cruelty. One day, Debbi tells Kelli that if she trims her eyelashes, they will grow back stronger and longer than before. Kelli trims her eyelashes, and to her horror, realizes that Deb has lied. Deborah wins.) The auxiliary gymnasium served as a general storage area for the school, with much of the floor space taken up by foamies, pads, ropes, pommel horses, hockey sticks, bats and a myriad other objects which lay in the darkness around the venerable floor-ex mat. Aside from cluttering up the space, the junk served as an effective sound barrier. The air was stale, and too warm. A single bank of flourescents illuminated a portion of the mat, and into this trembling light, the two women stepped, wearing clothes from the previous evening's `retro-skit nite' festivities. Kelli wore her old Panda's volleyball uniform with it's green, preppy collared T-shirt and green Adidas terry cloth trunks that fit snug around her heart-stopping buttocks. She had been captain and setter of the volleyball team in her sophomore and senior years, and the suit still fit. Debbi wore her blue gymnastics leotard and a sloppy yellow T-shirt over top with sleeves that came to her elbows. The slick fitting lycra arms of the leotard extended to her sturdy wrists. Deborah had been captain of the gymnastics squad for three years. She clenched her small, powerful hands as she stared across at her rival. Lower body: advantage Kelli. Kelli's legs were so strong looking, with her tiny knee and ankle joints exaggerating the sweep of her thigh and cut up calves. As Kelli stepped forward, Deb could see the line above the blonde's knee delineating the powerful sheath of muscle accentuated by that knock kneed gait. Debbi repressed the feeling of intimidation, trying not to think about what it would be like to be locked between those thighs. Upper body: advantage Deborah. The T-shirt hung loosely across her thick back and shoulders, and Kelli, who had broad shoulders herself, thought that Deb seemed much larger than she had in the sweatshirt. Can't let her grab me, Kelli thought, skin tingling in anticipation. The girls walked directly towards each other, confident in their strides if not in their hearts. After all these years, one would walk away supreme. All it had taken was a single glance during the initial ceremony, and both knew where the real reunion would take place. The girls fell together, arms outstretched, seeking to clinch, and the quicker brunette wrapped her limbs around Kelli's body, putting her cheek in the crook of Kelli's neck, overcoming Kelli's leg strength with superior leverage. Backpedaling desperately, Kelli hooked her arms around Deborah's, feeling the awesome strength in the brunette's shoulder and tricep. Twisting Debbi's torso, Kelli turned their mutual momentum sideways, and Debbi drove them both tumbling off the mat into the foamies near the entrance. The fall broke them up, and Deborah pushed her way up off the blonde, snapping her leotard back into place as she returned to the mat. Kelli stood and felt her face warming. There was just so much arrogance in the way Debbi walked, her perfect posture. God Kelli hated her. Kelli came at Debbi hard, her feet pounding the floor, and the brunette bounced nimbly away, ponytail snapping back and forth. She did not want to meet the blonde in a head on charge. Kelli stopped, feinted in, stopped again - the sudden motions jostling her tshirt and rippling her thighs in exaggerated fashion. both girls were nervous, as though they had misunderstood going in what was at stake. Suddenly Debbi leaped forward, coming down on Kelli and snaring her in a headlock. Kelli gasped, frightened as Debbi poured on incredible pressure, obscuring the blonde's pretty face with wisps of brassy yellow hair. Deborah turned slowly to her left, pulsing and squeezing, grunting with effort as she looked to maintain her balance. "Remember that?" She spat. Kelli did. (Grade 11: Kelli squeezes Deborah's head in a headlock across the face, causing Debbi's nose to bleed in front of their friends. Deborah flees Kelli's backyard in tears. She is teased for weeks afterwards. Kelli wins.) Putting her hip in hard to Kelli's midsection, Debbi twisted the bigger girl to the mat, executing a move both had learned in Miss Weston's gym class. At Senator Thompson High, there was no discriminating between programmes: boys took wrestling; girls took wrestling. Boys played football; girls played football. Kelli and Debbi had gotten to know one another very well during those classes, and each had been a willing participant against the other. "Give!" Deborah hissed, her chicken grip biting hard into Kelli's soft cheek, scrunching up her mouth. She would pin Kelli if she had to, and God, would she make her pay, but she was hurting her with the headlock and thought a quick victory possible. Debbi had her weight on Kelli's upper chest, and her legs splayed out to one side where Kelli couldn't reach. She could feel Kelli's hot breath on her hands as the girl exhaled small noises in discomfort. Beating Kelli like this, really putting it to her was... Suddenly, Kelli tugged back on Debbi's ponytail and pulled the brunette's head in between her knees, breaking the painful hold and the brunette's reverie all at once. The sounds of the women's high, breathy voices mixed with the deadened blast of the music from upstairs in the otherwise silent room. And Kelli poured on the pressure with an ugly sneer upon her reddened face. At the last second, Debbi had gotten an arm up near her ear, preventing a choke from ending the fight. As it was, she was still seeing spots from the sheer force of Kelli's leg muscle. She had forgotten how dangerous Kelli's legs were. As she clutched at the blonde's golden-brown thigh with her right hand, she felt a thrill of envy at the shape and density of the leg. Her own legs were lithe, but not spectacular. Perhaps that had made the difference. (Gr12 Randy: "I don't want to talk about her with you." Deborah: "You love her don't you?" Randy: "She gets to me Deb. She REALLY gets to me." Deborah: "Did you sleep with her?" Randy: "No." Deborah: "You slept with me and you love her?" begins to cry. She will never understand how Kelli does this, and not just with Randy. Kelli wins.) After more than a minute of taking it from Kelli, both girls were drenched with perspiration. Kelli's hair took on a shiny metallic tinge as it clung in wet clumps to her face and shoulders. The T-shirts both wore stuck to their contours, and their bare legs glistened in the stark overhead light. As Debbi writhed, she managed to turn herself sideways in Kelli's grasp, forcing the blonde to abandon the hold and initiating a mad scramble for position. Kelli, seated, was at a disadvantage, and the brunette was able to lunge across her body from her knees. Squealing and whining, the two began to roll helter skelter across the mat, leaving sweaty streaks upon the ancient vinyl, desperate to avoid the mistake that would allow the pin. (Gr.10 Gym class outdoors. Track and field. 100 m sprints. Debbi: "C'mon Kelli." Kelli: "Nooo-oh." Debbi: "Race me - I need the competition." Kelli: "I just ran." Debbi: "So did I." Eventually they run the race. Debbi leaves Kelli in the dust, and ultimately replaces her as the school's best female athlete overall. It was the baiting of that first race, when both knew who would win, that set the tone. Deborah wins.) Deborah was more agile, better able to control the free for all and came eventually to dominate Kelli on the mat, sitting on the blonde's back, making her feel the weight. Having felt the blonde's flesh, Deborah knew that despite the firm muscle beneath, Kelli was soft - plush was the word. She didn't have the endurance she had as a kid. Kelli groaned in protest as Debbi's sturdy forearm pushed the blonde's face into the mat. The blonde was tiring and beginning to get badly outfought. Debbi worked her over relentlessly, sliding an arm in underneath her chin to choke, reaching in underneath her body to squeeze across her ribs, always keeping Kelli prone and on her belly. Long ago they had learned that the pin would come when the work had been done. And Deborah was getting the work done. A scared, pathetic tinge had crept into Kelli's gasps. She was losing! (Gr 12 academics. Kelli takes a 3rd overall in the school, first in math, wins a scholarship to study in London as part of a college exchange program. Debbi is not going to college. Kelli wins.) Deborah made her move. She slid back onto Kelli's legs and reached in around the blonde's waist, cinching in a nice tight gut wrench. Resting her head upon Kelli's upper back for a moment, Deborah's cheeks puffed out with effort as she pulled Kelli up from the mat to her knees, then over to her side, quickly looping one long leg over Kelli's body to prevent her from bellying down again. Kelli moaned as the brunette slowly, inevitably, turned her to her back. Finally, after God knows how long they had been fighting, Debbi had her opponent in trouble. Kelli struggled back onto her side, but Deborah had her knees on either side of her and soon had the blonde by the wrists. Kelli's cries were becoming louder and more heart rending. They were sweet music to Debbi's ears. She forced the blonde back onto her back and slid her butt up onto the girl's chest. Scootching her crotch up underneath Kelli's chin, Deborah extended her legs out to either side in a perfect split, reaching her hands down into the soft dampness of Kelli's dyed locks. She arched her back - a perfect 10! Kelli's hands looped up from behind and underneath Debbi to pull in vain at the gymnast's pale thighs. Kelli's fleshy fingers dug into the wiry muscle, her face turning red as Deborah thrilled in the moment. "You-Are-MINE!" Debbi gloated, her smile slashing into Kelli like an open handed slap. Kelli's legs bent at the knee, feet flat upon the floor, causing the firm flesh of her hamstrings to quiver mindlessly. "I've waited ten years for this." Deborah growled. "Say it. Beg me." Kelli thrust up with both arms, her shoulders levering up under Debbi's thighs even as her legs powered the bridge, breaking the pin. Deb shot awkwardly forward over Kelli's face with a surprised cry to skid against the mat on her stomach. In a blur of legs and arms, skin squeaking loudly against the mat, and shrieks of mindless emotion, Kelli swarmed Debbi, her dark brown eyes glittering with that strange intensity that was her trademark. Thrashing on their sides, Deborah leaned her chest across Kelli's struggling torso, reaching across to the back of the blonde's trunks with her left hand, and slugging furiously to the girl's belly with her right. Kelli screamed, at the pain, and at the fact that Deborah was crossing a line: they had never punched one another before. It was a sign of how desperate Debbi was that she would risk retribution in kind. With savage power Kelli hooked her left arm around Deborah's face and forced the brunette to her back. Frightened now, Debbi tried to scissor one of Kelli's legs, but the blonde's limbs were too strong. She straddled Deborah with ease and rose up to sit upon the brunette's washboard tummy. Debbi fought wildly with her hands, flailing with her legs, but the bigger girl simply leaned forward, cradled the brunette's head to her chest, and let her mass do the rest. Deborah churned and struggled beneath the blonde, feeling her strength fade, and with it, her will. Kelli was patient, her face calm, eyes focused as she held Deborah's head close to her chest until the struggling slowed. She could smell it in Debbi's sweat - the fear, the humiliation, the exhaustion. All that remained, was to break the brunette's heart. Kelli started first with a forearm press to Deborah's cheek, allowing the blonde to snare the brunette's left wrist, then the right. That done, Kelli sat up, causing a last shock of resistance to jolt through Deborah's body. Kelli brutally put down the resistance, bouncing hard upon Debbi's abdomen with her full backside. Three times, the last a terrific blow which brought tears to Debbi's eyes and a bitter "UHHHH!" to her lips as her legs gave out. Kelli pinned Deborah's rounded upperarms with her shiny knees, and put her weight forward onto the beaten woman's chest. Debbie's mouth pouted open as her eyes clamped shut in near capitulation. "She gets her." Kelli sneered, thin lips turning ever so slightly to smile. She slid the solid mass of her thighs up around Debbi's ears, encasing the brunette's head in flesh and allowing the girl's once-powerful hands to lightly rest upon her knees. Beneath her, Kelli could feel Debbi's body shuddering as the tears began. Soon she was sobbing. "I give!" Debbi slurred, unable to take the agony of the moment any longer. To have come so close and to have lost it all. She just couldn't stand it. "You know what?" Kelli said, Her own tears welling up and running down her nose to drip at Deborah's face. Her voice was calm, almost hyper-rational. "I don't care. I still hate you." "Oh God." Deborah mumbled, opening her eyes to gaze up in fear at her tormentress. "You win. Please." "I don't care what you say. You may as well shut up. We're going to go through it - how I'm better than you - how I've always been better than you, and that when it came right down to it - you couldn't compete with me. Let's start from the beginning..." And they did. They had a lot of catching up to do. A hundred betrayals and a thousand lies to account for. Who did what to whom, and whose victories mattered most. Their competition had made each other, for better or for worse, what they were today. Every incident of the past led directly to Kelli, in the prime of her life, pinning Debbi in the prime of hers, to the floor of a dingy little gymnasium on a hot summer night, 1995. Neither would be the same from that point onward. "You're husband's looking for you." The voice startled Kelli as she had been climbing the steps from the school basement with her head down. She had just showered and changed back into her pink blouse and black jeans. She was glowing. "Randy." Kelli smiled. The nostalgia just never ended at these things. Randy was sitting on the top stair, barely visible in the off hours lighting. Curly headed, dark good looks - he had stayed in town, put down roots, become a family man. Kelli sat down beside him, arms across her knees. She was glad to see him again. "You won?" Randy asked. "Took her apart." Kelli said quietly, "She's still looking for the pieces." Randy shook his head. "Does that make you feel good about yourself?" "How much did you see?" Randy ran a hand through his close cropped hair. "When I noticed the two of you were gone, I covered for you for about an hour, then I came looking. Caught the tail end I guess." He looked at Kelli as if for the first time. "I never dreamed you could be so cruel." Kelli's eyes glittered dangerously. "Yes you did." "I should check on her." "Yes, you should." Smiling, Kelli stood, stretching her back and patting Randy on the shoulder. "Come on." She said. "Let's dance." Kelly began to meander down the hall back to the auditorium. Randy looked down the darkened steps and swallowed. Standing, he turned to follow Kelli wherever she might lead. Kelli wins.