SLAVE PRINCESS The kingdom of Valvia was unique in the 25th century; it was a small population of approximately 1000, governed currently by Queen Julia. Isolated on a mainland Valvia was protected by a force field, it's inhabitants were the cream of society and surprisingly in the polarised society of that time Valvia had peaceful ambitions. Male and female lived in harmony with only small thought given to protection. The rest of the mainland was prone to lightning raids from predatory groups and bands, Valvia, a peaceful society in which male and female honoured each other. Earth at this era was a mixture of technology, magic and contests between the Goddesses of good and evil. Chiefly representing the goddess of good were Queen Julia and her virgin daughter, evil was well represented by the witch Talia and her twin sister Zia. Queen Julia had two daughters, but one Lia had been abducted outside of Valvia 2 years previously when she was 16 and had not been heard off since. The other Stephanie, 16 years old and radiantly beautiful. So this story starts in the higher realms where Tala the goddess of lust laid a wager with Tula the goddess of virtue, the bet was complete dominance over the loser for 100 years, the champions were chosen. Julia decided to enlarge the scope of Stephanie's education on her birthday, Valvia was remote from the rest of society, having nothing in common, save trade, which was done under great security. Stephanie, dearest we will go to Zaphia, which was the next largest community and trading outpost, you should learn a little more than from vid disks and telebooks. You will learn to trade and continue to keep Valvia prosperous. Zaphia was a safe haven (and only the journey needed good security); this was provided by Valvia's protection force, a mixed gender group of combat specialists. All citizens of Valvia were taught to fight as a necessity of survival. Julia summoned Cralis, her most trusted intelligence agent, and was fully briefed on the current dangers, Julia trusted Cralis with her life and kingdom. The date was set and the journey safely made, Zaphia was a bustling trading town and commerce centre, where a mutual peace was kept. Stephanie spent 4 wonderful days enjoying the different sights and broadening her knowledge, on the last day she encountered a stunningly beautiful women, even more so than herself, this women was in her early thirty's and possessed such power although known to Stephanie, this women was a witch/warrior whose sole aim was to subjugate and humiliate. Talia had long coveted the kingdom of Valvia and it's beautiful inhabitants, but was unable to penetrate the force dome, this meeting might be fun, of course Stephanie knew her, she was after all the main threat to her inheritance, However Zaphia was neutral to any hostility and Stephanie reasoned she should know her enemy. She was taken back however by the tactic Talia used, "Well, well princess Stephanie, my beautiful thing, how nice to see you" We have so much to discuss, and Stephanie fell under her hypnotic charm and led to Talia's chambers. She still felt safe because ancient magic prevented the force on people within Zaphia's walls also Stephanie was not Lesbian so she would not succumb on that account, indeed valvia's population were all heterosexual. Still Stephanie felt uncomfortable in Talia's chambers, Talia having no inhibitions about nudity stripped off revealing an amazing body, large breasts, trim waist, thick pubic hair and powerful legs, She sat next to Stephanie on the divan and chatted amiably inwardly cursing the magic that prevented aggression, they were served by Talia's naked slaves, this offended Stephanie who was taught that no person had the right to dominate another, Talia casually fingered her slaves while talking amiably to Stephanie, time and time in that lust laden atmosphere she tested Stephanie's resolve and was refuted on each occasion, it was hard to keep control and smile, Talia snapped her fingers and a male slave crawled in led on a leash by another muscular fully naked male slave, the slave on a leash was garbed in a tight fitting material that show every inch of a fit body, he was masked so it was impossible to see his face, his lower buttocks and groin was completely bare, displaying a handsome cock, Talia casually fondled the organ and commended the masked slave to suck the other off, he complied swallowing the huge organ, down his throat, all the time Talia was fondling his cock and balls and speaking to Stephanie in normal tones, the giant slave came in his throat and Talia smiled, "now as a reward fuck his bum", and the first slave was laid on a table legs hoisted in the air, bumhole exposed and entered, the giant slave came a second time, so did the other, the masked slave was brought to the feet of Talia, who re-erected his cock massaged his balls and fed him his own sperm, "does he remind you of anybody" asked Talia to Stephanie Stephanie frowned he was the same build she thought as Cralis, her beloved, but Cralis would not subject himself to such indignity, "no" said Stephanie "just wondered" commented Talia, Talia rang a gong in came another naked slave, Stephanie guessed she was 18, short cropped hair, 6ft 11 in tall, wide shoulders narrow waist, flaring hips and huge upper thighs, to strong calf muscles and legs, Talia, being a witch, and magic prevailing in the 25th Century, had altered her body to suit Talia's taste, The slave was gorgeous, by any measurement, "expose yourself" said Talia, and the slave fingered her thick sex lips apart, her clit was like a miniature penis, dripping fluid, Talia pointed to a dildo, it was huge, and mounted on a board six inches from the floor, "fuck it" said Talia and the lovely slave did just that swallowing the huge replica penis in one swift thrust and began her task, Talia motioned to Four male slaves to advance on the rutting female, including the masked male. The girl grabbed two cocks in her hand one in her mouth and instructed the fourth to use a dildo in her bum, she was in control! "Funny I have only had her for a couple of years" said Talia "she was quite the virgin". Stephanie was transfixed, never in her life had she seen such debauchery, when the lovely slave had finished she glided over to Talia and began sucking her off "one moment darling" Talia said to Stephanie and Talia spread her legs and surrendered to the exquisite pleasure of a knowing tongue, she spurted into the open mouth of the sucking slave "Ah that feels better" Stephanie felt shame and disgust for the female, and voiced her thoughts, "but darling" said Talia enjoying her power, "face reality all people are divided into Owners or slaves, some just don't know it" Stephanie hotly retaliated " In Valvia we respect people" Talia interrupted "so you didn't get excited" "No" "prove it" taunted Talia "are you wet" "no" replied Stephanie, "listen sweetheart you know in Zaphia I cannot molest you, so why are you afraid?". Stephanie felt backed into a corner, "ok I'll prove to you your disgusting antics and your slave slut don't affect me" with that she stripped, Talia drew a sharp breath at the gorgeous body but it was true Stephanie was not exited, the slave female ran her tongue over Stephanie's body, but still the princess remained unmoved. Talia admitted defeat and defused the situation with a small comment "win some lose some" after that Stephanie made a very rude comment to the slave female and left the room and rejoined Julia she recounted her encounter, which caused some concern to Julia, indeed she made plans to leave under full security. Julia had it in the back of her mind to question Cralis, after all he was the spymaster and should have been aware of their worst enemy. Where was he? However her party left to return to Valvia and safety, as home loomed in sight their party went to the secret entrance and Julia uttered the password known only to herself and Cralis, such was her trust in him. The force barrier shimmered and opened and all fear left Julia. 2 weeks later Julia had forgotten her worries and Talia faded to the back of her mind Stephanie was courting Cralis, they were deeply in love and Julia was happy. Cralis' duties as intelligence gatherer saw him leave Valvia that morning I'll be back soon beloved he promised Stephanie then lightly kissed her and left. This always left a void in Stephanie's' life but he would return shortly. The day passed and evening fell. Deep in the middle of the night Talia struck, her band of 200 lesbian warriors invaded Valvia, tall strong muscular women the scourge of the continent gained access to Valvia, they planned their attack meticulously and released sleeping gas into the air, 10 minutes later all Valvia was succumbed Talia's band activated the fresh air system and all gas was removed leaving only sleeping inhabitants. Now their work started, in earnest they stripped and manacled all the inhabitants only Julia and Stephanie were left unmolested and as the day dawned the great open courtyard was a scene to behold. Crosses had been erected and Valvia's inhabitants were fastened to them, they had all been fed a potion that erected penis's and engorged clits and Talia's women warriors were enjoying their conquests, valvia's women hitherto heterosexual were being fucked into oblivion, the men were made to suck each other off, Talia's warriors making ribald comments and finger fucking the women tied to crosses. Julia and Stephanie in complete ignorance arose for their daily swim, and walked out in the great court yard stunned and frozen like rabbits caught in light they incomprehensibly surveyed the scene, nice isn't it said a naked Talia, goddess look at her cum! As another female victim shuddered on a dildo, "Oh by the way slaves I am now your new ruler". With that greeting she and Zia advanced on the shocked pair, what a sight Talia and Zia magnificent naked women they grabbed Julia and Stephanie and began fighting and stripping the queen and princess, Julia and Talia stood no chance they were soon humbled and bound at the feet of their captors. Julia was so shocked as Zia thrust her fingers into her pussy and rubbed with great vigour, Zia's finger found Julia's clit and flicked the muscle so rewarding, and all around was a mass enforced orgy courtesy of Talia's potion and women warriors. "Stephanie darling lick my pussy, drink my cum, drink my piss", ordered Talia with a huge grin on her face, she wrapped her hand in Stephanie's long hair and pulled her face into her own steaming groin, she bumped her pussy on Stephanie's nose separated her lips and made the virgin princess lap up every drop of liquid that leaked out, indeed all around the courtyard valvia's inhabitants were obeying the perverse desire of Talia's warriors, Talia crouched over Stephanie and sat her arsehole on Stephanie's face "tongue my hole bitch ream me and Talia kept Stephanie at her task for two hours after that Talia arose, Zia buckled a dildo inside Julia, I think we will go to the throne room and Julia and Stephanie were led to it. Talia and Zia advanced on the thrones and kicked the two erstwhile royalty to their knees sitting with legs wide open and two mouths firmly glued to their pussies Zia, said, I think an explanation is in order, we all know how impregnable Valvia is so we formulated a plan to ensnare Cralis, oh yes your betrothed Cralis isn't that right Stephanie? Faithful, and Julia your most trusted confidant, the only other person in the world with Valvia' code. Well four months ago trusted cralis was captured on a spying mission, for you Julia, well apart from the immediate sexual fun we had with him, fucking his arse, his face, we saw an opportunity, well we could fuck him to death or enslave him, as you know my sister is an accomplished witch and easily enslaved the poor thing, we instructed him to forget our visit to Zaphia which was fun for us like playing with mice, at this point Talia spoke, oh yes slutling our meeting, my rooms "Do you remember the masked slave" Stephanie replied "yes" "well here he is" and from the shadows the slave emerged, garbed the same, "remove your mask" ordered Talia, It was Cralis! Talia continued to heap on the humiliation "fucked in front of you for my pleasure". "My sweet little pet" Talia addressed the slave, "I have a job for you, fuck Queen Julia for me, I like watching", and Cralis screwed Julia for the amusement of the two sisters, He screwed the queen rutting like an animal, "so nice to watch" said Talia, "Stephanie darling" said talia, absently caressing Stephanie's' breasts "suck his cock deep throat him take his cum down" the poor princess did just that and Cralis shot his sperm into her mouth and over her face, "Julia" barked Zia lick her face clean and she complied. "Now" said Talia, getting into the mood "the first job of a queen is to protect her subjects", she called to one of her warriors, bring a slave here, and a nubile female was brought in led in on the hand of one of the amazon warriors, her pussy soaking from being handled in such an obscene manner, Julia slutlet, said Talia sit on your daughters face and fuck her good, Never retorted the deposed queen Never, talia said to her warrior on the count of five kill the slave, now slut-let you said never, Julia hesitated the count reached three and she capitulated, she squatted on her daughters' face grabbed the back of her head and rubbed herself to orgasm for the benefit of Talia and Zia, she coated her daughter's nose and mouth and pissed over her, on instruction from zia she whispered crude words into Stephanie's ears she made Stephanie lick her arse she farted and orgasmed to order. Zia was most impressed I think you and I need to go somewhere private I want you between my thighs licking me, Talia looked at Stephanie, "oh yes one other small surprise" and in walked the female slave from Zaphia, "darling what is your name?" "Lia" said the slave "who is your mother"? Queen Julia of Valvia" she replied, "Lia, Stephanie does not believe you, recount some intimate stories to her" and Lia did just that only stories that sisters could know. "Stand up" Talia instructed Stephanie, legs spread, arms behind your back, Talia fondled the open pussy agitating the proffered flesh diddling her clit; she made Stephanie lick her cum of her fingers she blew air into stephanies ears, she made the princess cum, she laughed with happiness, now I want you to fuck Cralis, but first a little adjustment, with that she buckled a dildo around Stephanie's waist and greased it she ordered cralis to present his arse and guided Stephanie in "grab his cock" said Talia, "squeeze it fuck his bum oh his quite used to rough treatment my warriors educated him" gloated Talia "ok speed up nice rhythm now make him lick his sperm nice, ok slut-let on your back, suck my pussy eat me drink my piss" Talia settled down for a rewarding session, Stephanie's tongue licking her ample sex lips sucking and blowing as instructed doing every thing to please the women above her, "you know Stephanie you really are the most beautiful women on this continent, that is why I had to have you, that and the fact you were so straight, you were a challenge to me , ok I'm stunning but I'm so decadent opposites attract, lick a little higher love, good bitch, oh yes your training, well a virtuous bitch should really learn other skills, different sizes of cock different pussy's loyalty to one's mistress, oh don't worry I'll share you, make you a lesbian slave, like your sister, to my band of fighters, now I have a secure base and lots of fuck slaves, but firstly my darling as you are aware all power in Valvia passes to the first person that takes you, as sworn princess ( with your consent) it would have been Lia but,.. And of course you are still a virgin well I am going to break your cherry with that promise she walked the nude virgin to the courtyard and on a raised table staked her out, my warriors will use your face your subjects now our slaves will lick you into submission then you will beg me to take you". Stephanie kept quite but vowed she would never give in, Talia might fuck her, but she would never consent, thus Talia would not completely win and Valvia would recover, The trial commenced Talias' warriors mounted Stephanie's' face in order of seniority and many ribald coarse comments Stephanie's mouth was coated with semen and her pussy licked by her erstwhile subjects, such debauchery! She had multiple orgasms and these were commented on by Talia in great detail, but never once was her hymen breached, her breast and pussy stroking was personally administered by Talia always careful to avoid deep thrusts Stephanie cried her joy into the pussies and arses of Talia's warriors, two hours of intense passion and Stephanie was begging to be fucked, Talia held back, although it required a superhuman effort, Stephanie was told to kneel, her hands tied behind her back, rope passed through and tied off in the ceiling, her legs were spread apart and manacled, exposing her rear, nipple clamps were fastened on her breasts, chains attached and fastened to the floor, now she was exposed a mass touching session began, any of Talia's warriors, could rub or spank Stephanie's pussy to their hearts content, none passed over the opportunity! Her nipples were tickled, twisted scratched, her head was held, and her ears licked, at last after many frantic pleadings by Stephanie Talia strapped on a 12 inch penis and stood between Stephanie's' out- stretched legs the head of the dildo against her maidenhead, Now beg said Talia and Stephanie did just that, Talia pushed once and deeply and sundered the maiden, she made Stephanie cum on her penis Talia now controlled Valvia. Talia spoke to Lia, "I want to see you debase your sister" Lia went to the side of the prostate Stephanie, her first action was to insert two fingers into Stephanies cunt with her other hand she squeezed her sisters jaw open, and tongue kissed the open mouth with relish, she fed Stephanie her large nipples and commanded her to suckle, like a baby, all the time massaging Stephanie's cunt. She spat into her sisters mouth, "poor baby" she crooned, her nipples leaked milk (a side effect of the magical enhancement) Stephanie suckled like a little child. Lia massaged her own breasts to increase the steady flow, it squirted into Stephanie's mouth. Lia gave a throaty laugh, "you poor thing, you poor pathetic baby, keep sucking bitch, my virtuous sister, Lia tilted the bench slightly, so Stephanie's head was down and stood over her, she fingered her large clit into an erection and made Stephanie suckle on it "make me cream" said Lia she leaked copious amounts, "my arse needs some attention lick it" said Lia reversing her position, and she spread her legs so Stephanie would stare straight at her bumhole, brown and pulsing, she lowered herself to just catch Stephanie's tongue , "do you like the view?, now get eating bitch" after 30 minutes of licking Lia leant forward, shifting her pussy full on Stephanies face and began poking and licking Stephanie's pussy, sucking strongly on her clit, Lia "take you sister in the butt" make her know the joy of cumming" Lia fastened Stephanie to the bench belly down, embedded in the bench was a 10 inch penis, and Lia reached under Stephanie, rubbed her sexlips and guided it into the soft flesh she strapped her sister firmly to the bench and pulled her buttocks apart, with that she rubbed her clit on Stephanie's arsehole mimicking the thrusts of a penis, She greased her sisters arse and screwed her with a strap on dildo, pinching her sisters tits, slapping her buttocks, diddling the soft pussy flesh, the ointment of Talia was irresistible and Stephanie shuddered on the dildo in her cunt while her arse was fucked. Lia then unbuckled Stephanie threw her to the ground and made her suck her off. Lia made Stephanie suck her large clit, she instructed her sister in the art of cock sucking, and Talia was amused. Lia then threw Stephanie over the bench again, with one hand under Stephanie's buttocks she caressed the wet pussy flesh, with mobile fingers, she intruded into Stephanie's wet fuck tunnel, she stuck a long finger in Stephanie's bum all the way in feeling the heated muscle contract and loosen, she agitated Stephanie's pussy even more, poor Stephanie her muscles tightened her loins began a crazy fuck dance as she was forced to orgasm for the amusement of Talia. Lia casually fed Stephanie her own sperm by making her lick her fingers clean. Lia strapped on another dildo and with great joy again fucked Stephanie in the arse, again raking her back with sharp nails, bending forward and licking her ears, grasping her buttocks and rocking them on her dildo and reaching forward and fondling Stephanie's' breasts and nipples. Lia showed no mercy to her sister. Still more clit sucking and then she pissed into Stephanie's mouth, directing the golden flow with small movements of her large hips, she moved her sisters head sideways and made her follow the steady flow that gushed from her cunt, "not bad" she commented. All of the other slaves were being similarly treated one female was impaled on a dildo In her bum, one leg raised and tied off on a post, giving free access to her cunt, which was being stuffed and fondled by Talia's amazon warriors, Lia licked her lips She untied Stephanie, and forced her to her knees, standing spread legged she grabbed her sisters head and pulled it into her ample groin, masturbating and feeding juices into Stephanies sucking mouth, "pussy licking sex slave" she taunted, Talia's toy. In that moment Tula won her bet with Tala and they both materialised in Valvia, Tala naked and in chains, Talia and Zia recognising their goddess Tula were astounded, this magnificent immortal had shown herself, Tula spoke "dearest mortals you have done me a great service" I will explain and she then laid her story, so you see Tala is now trapped in mortal form for 100 years and I gift her to you, I am now free to reign unhindered. Tala in mortal form 6ft 9 inches tall naked and bound, chains through nipples a ring through her nose and clit, head bowed, the enormity of her defeat sunk in, Stephanie her champion was writhing on Talia' cock also understood the scale of her defeat. Talia and Zia strolled to the immortal two cocks bulging from their loins ran their hands freely over the goddess, Tula went to Stephanie and guided her head inwards to cavernous loins her sex seeping as Stephanie's tongue started licking, Zia and Talia were double fucking Tala their cocks penetrating the goddess's orifice's making her cum she sucked cock leather and wet she licked pussy she drank piss and Tula fucked Stephanie and Julia soon, an orgy of immense action was in progress and the defeated of Valvia served the Amazon warriors of Talia men were made to suck each other under direction slave females licked their captors and each other Tala was passed around the entire warrior band of 200 strong, taking their dildos and drinking their cum kissing their pubic hairs Tula materialised an immense statue of herself in perfect detail and jutting penis, Tala was made to fuck it then lick Stephanie who came again in her mouth. Morning came and further introductions needed to be made, of course slaves Julia Tala and Stephanie were prominently displayed on a St Andrew cross's, Zia and Lia were absently stoking their bulging mons, Lia doing Tala and Julia at the same time. She was instrumental in Talia's plans to utterly humiliate Julia and Stephanie, Lia had Julia tied in the same debasing fashion as she had previously done to Stephanie, over a bench dildo in pussy arms tied below, this time she had a succession of 30 male slaves cum in her arse, the males were in bondage, Stephanie was in bondage, she was being made to suck the slaves to erection, another female warrior was guiding their penis in, when any need further stimulation, the warrior massaged their balls or fingered their arseholes, she loved her work! Lia sat on the bench and was making her mother lick her ample cunt; she sat upright, back on a convenient rest, feet on the bench, working her mother's face in her slimy pussy, making her suck on her engorged clit, pissing as the need took her. Rubbing Julia's face in her mass of spiky pubic hair, blowing cool air in her mother's ears. What Stephanie and Julia did not realise that Lia had turned so much she was chief bodyguard to Talia. Now Lia turned her attentions to both mother and daughter, they were both placed in body harness's and suspended, the harness was padded under the buttocks and they were quite comfortable the legs of Julia and Stephanie were put in spreaders, thus they hung thighs apart, "you sluts exposing yourself" exclaimed Lia "have you no shame? I suppose you want to fuck? With that she speared the two helpless women on her fingers and began rocking them by their pussies, "lick your daughters pussy juices" and Lia stuck her wet finger in Julia's mouth, " LICK IT GOOD" she went behind them and began finger spanking the exposed pubes, her hand under their buttocks and lightly tapping two helpless pussies, "cum for your mistress" she said "do you want something in your arseholes?" "two nice dildos?" she fastened the false cocks in their arses, and resumed the pussy spanking, "want my fingers in your cunts" it was a rhetoric question, they got it any way! "ok you two les bitches I want you to please me", with that she released them, "on your knees" she screamed "now Stephanie part my bum I think you know where it is, nice, now lick, Julia slutlet, lick my pussy, yeah, work that tongue, she stood tall above them ,easily dwarfing the enslaved pair, and kept them at their task for ages. "good now here are my tits as you are aware they lactate, it's because of my enhancement, but also the milk is a love potion, anyone drinking it becomes my helpless slave, so what are you two waiting for? So two mouths suckled at Lia's ample nipples and drank the nectar. It was true both females felt an overwhelming urge to prostrate themselves at Lia's feet, "good slaves now stand up, hands behind backs I'll just tie you nicely, you look so helpless I might just rape you" she said, Lia then fondled their pussies and two slaves rocked helplessly on her fingers, feeling their cunts explode with orgasm, Lia easily supported them, "you know when Talia captured me, I felt you would mount a rescue party, I was the designated princess, actually Talia taught me a lot, never trust family I wondered what my revenge on you two would be, oh Steph I took Cralis after he was engaged to you, made him eat me, and mother now that I own your pussy what should I stick up it? Want a drink" she pissed in their mouths "drink it all" she admonished "I made it for you" "Now I want you two to play lesbian love games for me, you know do the perverse lovemaking you fucking sluts do", she laid them in a 69 position, so they could suck each other and casually screwed there exposed bumholes as the whim took her Do you recognise these five warriors? Lia enquired of Stephanie, Stephanie gave a blank look, they were five very fit women but no, ah you see you have a selection process for Valvia do you not? Every year the most moral and beautiful young people present themselves, these were 5 that were rejected on the grounds of morality, well they were recruited by me, yes you were quite right they were morally unsuitable, but I'll leave you in their tender clutches with that promises Lia continued her inspection tour. Stephanie was now in the prying hands of five ex- candidates who lost no time in fetting the captive, Their fingers squeezed, stroked, prodded, and fucked every inch of her body and inside, Pia a tall girl, had designs of fist fucking Stephanie, and her fingers were causing havoc to the vulnerable cunt, the cross was rotated to vertical and locked in position this allowed much tongue kissing and face sitting to occur, and Pia's fingers were ever mobile if Stephanie was in trouble Tala was in worse her torment was being personally supervised by Zia, she had asked the newest recruit to their band to participate, Thala revelled in the opportunity to debase the slave goddess, she sat on her face and summoned 12 captive males to stand by, she then grabbed two cocks and masturbated them, while rubbing herself off, when the slaves came between her thighs Tala had to lick her clean , this was repeated six times, Thala was a horny bitch and having the goddess of virtue between her thighs licking her, slutting herself on demand was amazing she loved Talas' tongue brushing her thick lips, running over her dense pubic hair, poking inside her fuck tunnel, The Enemy serving the newest recruit, to much! She pissed into Tala's mouth she strapped on a thick dildo and screwed the goddess silly, banging away with careless abandon, even Zia was impressed! Thala then crouched over Talas' face and ordered her to lick her arsehole Goddess! Life was good, Tula now ruler of the mystic realm arrived 7ft tall she smiled at Thala "do not be afraid my warrior you are doing well, I must watch my sister's debasement carry on she does seem to be wet does she not", Tula summoned Julia "Little Bitch, little slut service me suck my pussy, drink my wine I owe my victory to you and your daughter, you will be well rewarded by a life of fucking I must leave for a short time but your slavery will keep me amused". Before Tula left all the Slaves were pierced through nose, nipples and clits, Tula employed magic to heal the small wounds, mainly so the rings could be used straight away. Talia and Zia were left in complete control and they were soon devising amusing plans. The division of plunder was easy, 5 slaves to every warrior, and after Talia and Zia had first pick, Thala keeping Tula, the rest were raffled, men and women led away by their cock and clits, breast wobbling, cocks bobbling, Leather thongs around their thighs and under their legs pressing into arses heightening the eroticism. The hitherto young pure of Valvia were to be educated in the ways of Tula goddess of Sin. Many of the young females were fastened with leg spreaders, their pussy lips lovingly stroked in to wet arousal. Ingenious clit- clamps, fastened at the base of that sensitive muscle, ensured it was easily accessible and aroused, love ointment applied and such hardness achieved, so sensitive to the lightest touch, their legs and buttocks arching in ecstasy, very often their male counterparts would be commanded to suck hard erect nipples, all for the amusement of their respective owner, the males would have a dildo inserted in to their arses, which ached to the forbidden pleasure of it all. Most degrading, were the verbal taunts that all of Talia's warriors were capable of inflicting, especially as they were based on truth. All that lust supervised! Phallia Was one such mistress, an excellent wrestler, who revelled in her skills, her slaves 3 female, two male, were not to be envied, Phallia's favourite hold was to enter a young pussy with her fingers, grip and lift, impaling the unfortunate slave on her divine crack: Males were lifted by having their balls cupped in a large hand, Phallia often walked around with a female impaled on her fingers, displaying her undoubted strength and when she stood still, two of her animals would render oral service on her. Mouths on pussy, mouths in arse! Worshipping her divine holes. She adored a mouth glued to her mons drinking her urine, Phallia was a true adherent of Tala, later that day she met Thala who was sporting with Tula, they suggested a mutual exchange and Phallia gained Tula for 12 Hours, now she could really wrestle, Phallia took the 7 ft. Tula apart, she could use her full strength and muscular thighs to great effect, for although Tula was in mortal form, she being a goddess could not be harmed. Her head was squeezed between huge thighs and fucked with out mercy, she was unable to retaliate because of her wager with Tala, she just had to absorb the punishment and humiliation, for being in mortal form she had mortal sex feelings and Phallia delighted in making her cum as Phallia dictated. Phallia delighted in striding the slave giantess and rubbing her cavernous pussy over the slaves mouth feeling her lips contract over the captive nose and release her abundant juices. Stephanie, found herself being tied to an ingenious chair, her arms were tied to the legs, her legs were tied apart, so her pussy and arse were well exposed. Lia stood by her head and absently rubbed her wet cunt in Stephanie's face, Lia grasped the maidens jaw forcing it open, forcing Stephanie's head in small circles, around her abundant cunt "Lick my finger, suck on it, wet it" and she slowly fucked Stephanie's mouth, feeling Steph's tongue licking, "Good this is going in your arse" said Lia, walking to the rear, "Tight bum, nice" she slowly drilled the digit in, "some grease I think", this was the ointment that relaxed anal and vaginal muscles, and caused an unbearable heat to build, "slips in nicely now, Steph your bum hole so inviting its wanking its self you horny bitch, I'll rub your pussy do you want that?" "it does not matter, really, your going to get it anyway". She masturbated the helpless princess into orgasm, "suck my finger sister, lick your juices up" Lia really piled the verbal humiliation on. "sweet little sister, sex slave to Lesbians, I think a squatting session is called for, my pussy is dripping, seeing you so helpless, what a turn on , I think, firstly, I'll wank off a dozen males, into a saucer, then you can have the job of cleaning it" Lia was as good as her word, 12 of her warrior friends brought 12 male slaves, they masturbated the slave's cockstems and fondled their balls "hey this one is holding out" said phallia "ok said lia "no problem" Lia pulled Stephanie over to Phallia and her slave by her crutch, standing behind Stephanie, she pinched Stephs nose causing her jaw to open "Now suck him good, make him hard" and the combination of Stephanie sucking, Phallia fondling his balls and wanking his cock brought the desired result, a firm penis, like most things the amazon warriors always won, "she does it so good" said Lia "But practise makes perfect so little cock sucker you can do the rest" and Stephanie was forced to suck 11 more dicks, when all 12 were firm and ready, the warriors in unison made them cum, in copious amounts, into a saucer, "thanks Girls" said lia "no problem" chorused the reply, Stephanie was horrified, her debasement was so casual, a once special event (sex between people) was done in the open for all to witness. Lia dipped her finger into the mess, pinched Stephanie's nose and slowly fed her their forced offerings, "yeah that's nice now you really know your people, oops bit left over!, there lap it all up! Good girl! Ok you can do me next", Lia said releasing Stephanie, "good bitch, on the floor, spread your legs" "show me your talented tongue" Lia spent the next two hours rocking on Stephanie's face. She was replaced in the chair, Lia stapped on a smooth dildo greased it and entered Stephanie's bum in one thrust she began fucking, lightly caressing any part of Stephanie's body she chose, Phallia strode up, naked, stood in front of Stephanie and guided her head into her mass of pubic hair, it was really dense and long, her cunt juices glistened on the hair, perfect for young slaves to suck on, Stephanie found this wet forest in her mouth, the more she sucked the wetter the hair got, Phallia's clit grew, "sweet bitch suckle me" she ordered, "find the spot that I like, lightly flick My salty clit" Stephanie with a mouth full of pubic hair surrendered to her task "poor baby" crooned Phallia, manipulating the captive head "Has Lia been cruel has she used you badly" Lia increased her tempo "no the slut enjoy's rough sex" "is that true" asked Phallia now Stephanie was caught, to say no was to incur the wrath of Lia, she chose to her the lesser of the two evils "yes Mistress" "so I think a little arse licking is in order" replied Phallia and stephanie did just that. As a pleasant fortnight passed Talia and Zia assessed their present fortune and decided to plan further alliances, most pressing were the Mawa, also dedicated to Tala, but as Talia this did not necessarily make them friends, she decided to rectify this oversight and forge a peace, no small undertaking, the Mawa were she-males a creation of Tala none of them under 6ft tall She gathered a small band of 20 warriors fully armed, she also took Stephanie, Julia and Tula, as peace offerings, useful fuck slaves. They quickly made their way to Mawa country, and one hour in the Mawa made contact, fully 100 she-males surrounded the small band, and for the first time Talia wondered if she had miscalculated, "We come to talk", Talia said, "I come from the Goddess Tula" which was a white lie, however they were escorted to the encampment, and were given hospitality. Zara, the war leader, recognised Julia and Stephanie as being from Valvia, so Talia gleefully narrated her story, this brought approval, "however I do not recognise her" Zara said, "meet Tala Goddess of Virtue" replied Talia, that sealed the alliance, "my implacable enemy" mouthed Zara, "how delighted to meet you", and on a nod from Talia hoisted Tala on a table, exposed her bum and entered her with her mighty penis, Zara also used her fingers inside Tala's cunt, Julia and Stephanie were gang fucked to seal the alliance and Talia's warriors joined in the mass copulation , All Mawa's she-males were surprised at the willingness of Julia and Stephanie to fuck, Stephanie in particular was sluttish, and the Mawas took her in pairs and often a third in her mouth with her hands wanking two cocks off, "what have you done to her?" Zara asked Talia, "I think she had a talent I just helped it out." Talia replied, passionately kissing the slave in question, Stephanie was prompted to push her breasts out to be fondled, and act slutishly , Talia rubbed her body and fussed her pubic hair, Stephanie's mouth fell open and Talia spat inside, Talia pulled Stephanie's nipple rings and finger fucked her property's pussy, So wet and slimy: She was very proud of Stephanie: Tala of course was being well serviced, she was suspended so both her holes were available, and a specially constructed high chair allowed the she-males to sit in comfort allowing the suspended slave to suck them off, they threw their legs around her neck and either made her lick arse while being fucked or suck cock, or she could swallow the ball bag such a variety of debasements! The Goddess of virtue used a sex object by the followers of her rival. It was so humiliating when young she male prised her mouth open and commanded her to pay homage to sin! Kneeling on the ground her hands fastened behind her back: Swallowing cock on demand, then Talia took over heaping it on: standing spread legged her pussy gaping guiding Tala's head in and around her divine mound, up and down Talia would move the captive face, her features expressionless only taking what was her due, Stephanie, freed from immediate service, was resting, feeling great pity for Tala cried softly. Yes it was a fruitful alliance with the Mawa and in the morning Talia's band trekked home. Talia was looking forward to seeing her sister, so they could plot more mayhem. On returning to Valvia: Julia and Stephanie were forced to recount their adventures to the fellow slaves indeed many of their friends had also succumbed to their inevitable life and there was much mutual touching, this amused the various mistress's the warriors had definitely assumed the masculine protective role over all their slaves and the once proud males, had totally succumbed to being the weaker gender! They were encouraged to be weak and helpless! Tala Julia and stephanie were the only slaves in Valvia that was unhappy, their minds remain untouched although their bodies reacted Every command reiterated their positions. Valvia their model city was conquered, the shame was unbearable, but new depravity was looming. It was selection time, when hundreds of young aspiring people would trek to Valvia In hope of joining the select society, this is why Talia had kept her conquest so secret! This year 300 young pure hopefuls would submit to the test, only a small percent would pass, they would swear allegiance to Julia and Stephanie and Tala the goddess Of virtue, the tests were conducted outside the city and as expected only 50 applicants were pure enough to face The rulers of Valvia, The dome shimmered and opened, 25 virtuous females and 25 pure men walked in, As expected Julia Stephanie and the great Goddess Tala greeted them, the dome closed, a gong sounded, Julia Stephanie and Tala stripped, showing 3 magnificent but fully pierced bodies, gold rings adorned the nipples and clits, shock and horror etched on the faces of the newcomers, what was this? This was disgusting, more horror, 50 of Talia's warriors appeared, led by Talia, and the rout began, none of these youths were scared, but none were battle hardened and all were shocked, all succumbed to the Amazons, all were stripped and bound, 50 virgins for debasement! Talia, naked and flushed with the fruits of victory, addressed the defeated youth, "times have changed in Valvia I rule" ok not a great speech but effective. "Firstly you see those three", indicating with her hand, they belong to me I own them, now normally you would pledge allegiance fully clothed, but times change, you will now swear to Tula, then lick their cunts, the air shimmered, Tula appeared, "Favoured mortal" she spoke to Talia, and then kissed her lightly, "may I watch the ceremony" Talia in awe of her goddess; bowed, Tula, by magic, compelled the 50 virgins to swear allegiance to her, then she made them lick the pussies of Julia and co. Talia was quick to verbally humiliate each virgin, "she licks good, nice cock", Talia patted them on the head, she encouraged Stephanie on. Julia had multiple orgasms and really fucked in head in turn, Tala responded to the mass tonguing, Tula was quick to note it, Lia was supervising Stephanie, who had had another female virgin between her wet thighs, "Get your nose in her breathe deeply", she grabbed the virgins hair and manipulated the tearful face "now suck and blow, nice" she said The initiation finished and 50 virgins had their first taste of pussy slime now they would be fucked to complete their ordeal, of course the men were taken from behind, the young girls were impaled on triumph leather cocks, ridged to increase sensation, Stephanie was ordered to erect a male so that his friend could suck him, she grabbed his ball bag pulled it underneath his legs and gripped, her other hand snaked around his waist and masturbated the stem above his friends face, Stephanie was so ashamed, the poor virgin spunked in wads down the others throat, turnabout is fair and she repeated the exercise on the other. "Stephanie slutling, I have a job for you " said Lia sitting on a female slave, she whispered some instruction and Stephanie oiled the females bum, , sticking her greasy finger in smearing quantities of Talia's ointment in the girls bum, she strapped a thin smooth dildo on and proceeded to screw her initiate, a girl that had come to Valvia, to respect and honour the young princess, was being bum fucked by her instead, Lia commanded the girl to start licking her cavernous pussy, and Stephanie to twist the initiates nipples as she fucked with a steady rhythm. She ground the cock in gently bit the girls nipples erecting them, Talia leant forward and fussed with the girls clit, dipping her fingers in, she rock the full length of her bottom possessively on the girls face letting her juices drip on the girls mouth making small grey puddles, Lia wet her self, she felt the need for action and swapped places with Stephanie, now it was Stephanie that slowly pissed into the initiates mouth, rocking her sex lips over her nose, mouth, forehead, kissing her ears spitting into her mouth feeling the tension rise she settled down for long slow licks, giving optimum verbal guidance grinding down and slowly capturing the nose in her wet fuck tunnel, rocking forward and feeling contact with her engorged clit, a slow moan erupted, back and forth, rock and fuck, screw her face, "come on baby suck me hard, little cunt sucker, pussy eater, you know you love it really" She inwardly blushed at the spoken crudity. Lia was summoned to a war council, Tala had told her that a small group of females were trying to release the slave goddess Tula, Tala thought it amusing for Talia to intervene. That night Talia, Lia and eight others slipped quietly out of Valvia they made their way covertly to the temple, some 25 miles away, the battle was ten on ten, early in the morning Talia's band breached the temple security, Talia smiled and tripped a hidden alarm. The 10 priestess responded immediately, and a battle ensued, Lia picked a long legged priestess and launched her attack, her wrestling skills were impressive, her clothing daunting, she squeezed the young priestess between powerful thighs, applied a pile driver and a submission hold, her first victory, Lia looked for more, but of course as Talia had predicted, they had won, still even more fun would follow. The priestess's were bound and their clothing cut away they were staked out for Talia was not going to leave until nightfall and their was much lesbian raping to be done, Talia asked the captives where there menfolk were, "we had magic to perform they are at home" of course this was known to Talia but she always planned ahead, The captives remained defiant our Goddess Tula will save us "of course dear" said Talia. "Of course" said Tula, Talia spun around to confront the 7ft Tula, "you see you were to late to halt the spell, my sister is in this retreat captured, all I need to do is regain my amulet, to regain my power, I was summoned here by magic," with that she dropped a vial on the floor, rendering all of Talia's band insensate, except Lia, who leapt back, Tula said "Lia, you were once my princess, there is no need to fight", Lia said "when I was captured where were you? and the fight was on, Lia was at a slight disadvantage, although not much, but she made up in cunning, she locked embrace with Tula, who stood her ground, and then forced Lia backwards, realising she did not have the strength of the massive Tula, Lia employed martial art tactics, using the impetus of the opponent to effect a series of spectacular throws, such was the speed and rapidity of Lia's attack, Tula was winded, "never give a sap a second chance" said Lia, and when Tula rose to her feet Lia administered 4 spinning heel kicks, "don't go to sleep on me" said Lia, "I've only just begun" She pulled Tula by her hair into her oiled groin and rubbed contemptuously, Tula breathed in the perfume and as Talia predicted became fearful and unsure, Lia waded in Tula was to heavy to pile drive but very susceptible to drop kicks, as she lay on the ground from a barrage of kicks, Lia in a flash ripped a scarf from a priestess, straddled the fallen goddess and employed a garrotte, lights out for Tala and as she fell limp Lia re- applied her bonds, she kicked the fallen goddess to her back and hoisted her to her feet by gripping her pussy and lifting, she pussy walked the goddess to a tree, tied her wrist with a length of rope, threw it over a branch and tied it off, Tala now swung helpless, Lia tied the feet apart, and casually rubbed Tala's cunt, "looking perky" she enquired with that she kneed the goddess in her groin, each time tala slumping on Lia's huge thigh, each time Lia would rub the captive pussy and fuss with the pubic mound, 5 times, splat Tala slumped helpless on Lia's huge thigh, Lia rubbed Tala's clit "Ah" moaned Tala the rubbing was having an effect "like pain do we" asked lia "answer me" "please mistress no more" begged Tala, "I'll finish when I'm good and ready" promised Lia, she swung Tala around And kneed her in the back of her thighs 4 times, swung around again, pussy felt and Lia elicited moans of joy from Tala, kneed in the crotch again, and once more Tala slumped on Lia's thigh, Lia jiggled it around, "rough sex, nice, turns me on" Lia lay on tala and rubbed her pussy on a trapped limb trapping it between her thighs and fucking with her hips, she massaged Tala's breasts, "I'm so randy" she said. Thump kneed in the groin again, pussy stroked, this went on for two hours, every time Tala was kneed Lia would finger fuck her, or if kneed from behind she would fuck Tala's bum, or wrap her hands around her waist and finger her, pain for Tala, pleasure for Lia! Tala's head was slumped to her chest, Lia, pulled it back by her hair and licked Tala;s face "I think I have a job for you are you up to it?, with that she untied the fallen goddess and Tala slumped to the ground Lia crouched over her face, a low moan escaped from Tula, Lia sat fully on her face for eight long minutes, her pubic mound sealing Tula's nose Tula was being smothered into oblivion, she struggled, but to no avail, she felt her senses slipping, then fresh air, relief, then an instruction, "keep that dirty mouth open or else" said Lia, Tula knew the or else, she opened wide, "follow my hips", Lia rocked side to side, Tula followed every movement, staring into the open cunt For five minutes Lia rocked, her gaping cunt a hair breadth from Tula's face, "breathe deeply" and Tula breathed the scent of Lia strong and overpowering, A further five minutes elapsed, "stick your tongue out" commanded Lia and continued the hypnotic rocking, this time feeling Tula's tongue lightly brush her heated flesh. "open your dirty mouth" and as Tula complied Lia let gush a steady stream of piss, "drink it all" and she did, "lick my victorious pussy clean, dry me", then "now use your tongue pleasure me" and Tula servilely complied with the erotic direction. Lia orgasmed eight times into that open mouth and all this was watched by the priestess's of Tula, they were horrified. "Do not worry" said Lia, "you dirty bitches, your turn will come soon and no doubt you will as well" making a crude reference to the lesbian ordeal they would undergo. Lia now reversed her position, and again crouched over the defeated face of Tula, this time her arse was lowered over the defeated goddess, "lick me" came the inevitable command, "yeah, follow my arse", the eldest priestess, a comely 25 year old summoned courage to speak to Lia "please do not debase my goddess" Lia paused in mid orgasm, her bum muscle twitched on the lapping tongue She looked at the bound form and strolled over, she ran her hands over the priestess, her full breast, stomach and pouting pussy, she diddled the lips, and fingered the offering, coaxing juices out, "Tula" she spoke, "do you want to lick my arse?", there was no reply "ok I'll ask again, next time I want a reply", she ambled back to the fallen goddess, planted her feet firmly on the ground by Tula's head and crouched down, her thick pussy opened over Tulas' nose, and its scent wafted over for a second time Tula was smothered and when Lia deigned to shift back Tula was babbling "you see" Lia said "she likes it, so do I, but I'll make it easy for her, come here" she told the priestess, and she hobbled over, "now while my pussy is being so delightfully sucked, you can suck my tits and I can finger fuck you and if you do well I'll be gentle" and so the priestess began suckling on Lia's large breasts as well as being fingered, Tula was slavishly licking Lia's cunt, Talia had now reawakened and Tala was freed, They now had 10 priestess's and Tula all secured for the return journey, Tala had extracted the story from Tula how she Stephanie and Julia had telepathically contacted the priestess's for help and Lia promised her sister a lovely surprise. The trek home commenced. The slaves were of course naked, they were tied in line with ropes passing through their buttocks for the 3 day trek home. A long march with their pussy's constantly rubbing the tight rope, and the two evenings were one of servitude, and lesbian sex. As they eventually approached Valvia they were greeted by Zia after narrating her side of events, one minute she (Tala) was there the next gone Talia filled her in on the rest. "So Stephanie and Julia are expecting a surprise well they will have one, promised Lia", "I'll leave them to you" said Talia. Lia strode up to Julia and Stephanie, "so you two bitches have been playing games" A guilty silence ensued, "your punishment has been left in my capable hands and as you seem so friendly with Tala I have all three of you" The bitch amazon called the beaten goddess to her side, looking at Julia and Stephanie "so you preferred this slut to me" "slut lick my arse", Tala meekly separated Lia's huge buttocks, and began her onerous task, Lia raised one leg on a stool, and motioned Stephanie to crawl forward, "bury your nose in my pussy" and stephanie on her knees gazed into the distended sex lips of Lia her elder sister, with her nose she rubbed and pushed, "good bitch, now suck" the huge lips clinging wetly to her nose and tongue wafting pussy scent in her nostrils. Lia sighed and spent the next 30 minutes taking her pleasure and giving thought to Julia Tala receiving the benefits of farts every so often. Lia then tied a rope around Julia's waist and under her legs, though a ring under Stephanie's legs and tied on a ceiling mounted ring, there arms were cuffed raised and tied to the ceiling, now two sluts were gyrating on a rope, which was rubbing their most intimate flesh, Lia caused the rope to vibrate sending spasms to the two slaves pussys, she casually rubbed the offered pussy flesh, causing the two ex rulers to moan, she kneed them in their groins, she made them rub their pussys on her upper thigh, and as one moved the other felt it. Lia casually stood by their sides and rubbed their clits into response, she placed a finger in stephanie's arse and rubbed her clit "who do you love slutlet" Stephanie moaned "you mistress" She felt Lia's hand grope her pussy "please may I rub myself off" she begged, Lia walked to her front she kneed the helpless slut in the groin 3 times, Stephanie slumped on her huge leg, Lia backed off, she fastened a dildo, by straps, on her leg, and advanced, she grabbed Stephanie by her pussy and hoisted her up and over the dildo, Lia placed her foot on a stool so her leg was at right angles, then lowered Stephanie onto the dildo, now any flexing of Lia's legs would fuck Stephanie, Lia grabbed Stephanie's breasts and bounced the helpless princess up and down, Lia had Tala suck her off, Lia tongue raped Stephanie's mouth "you plotted against me" Lia said, "oh mistress forgive me" stuttered Stephanie, "of course you are a slave" granted Lia "your only purpose and function in life is to please me" "I need you to prove your self" "oh anything Mistress" "ok" she released Stephanie and led her to the toilet by her pussy "I need a shit you are my toilet slave perform this duty and you are forgiven, kneel in front of me while I have a crap nose between my legs" Lia then waited for nature to happen, "ok here is the paper wipe me" poor Stephanie, but she did as ordered, " am I clean there?" "yes mistress" "good now lick me" Stephanie parted her buttocks and tongue washed Lia's bottom, "good slave" mocked Lia "obedient little pussy licker" now wash your mouth, Lia reattached Stephanie's cunt lead and led her back to the dungeon, "well sluts" she announced "I am making progress, let me see Tala just loves licking arse, so does Stephanie that leaves Julia" "Queen of Valvia, slave to Lia, I think you should practice a skill that will become part of your existence" with that promise Lia bent over a stool presenting her arse and Julia meekly served Lia's pleasure. "So nice to see icons where they belong" "where do you belong?" The chorus was "at your feet mistress" "yes you are learning no more silly plots", tearfully the slaves promised. "Well I think we shall retire to my chambers and think of amusing games". "Julia and Tala, yes you can suckle at my breasts, Stephanie, I think a nice trip down below is called for, lick my thick sex lips, juice me up, breathe my pussy scent , Cum is good for you", and so Lia spent a comfortable afternoon being serviced by three chastened slaves, she had a wonderful appetite for sex, and the three ex rulers were used to partially alleviate her desires. All three changed position all tasted every orofice that was presented to them. The next morning Lia proudly walked her acquisitions, to a communal area, she made all her slaves bend forward and tied their wrists to a hitching post all three had their sexlips pierced and ringed, these were tied off allowing the inner flesh to be displayed. Then it was a simple job to reach under and fondle to her hearts content She fondled pussy flesh and fondled tits at the same time, all buttocks moved to her command, she stood to the side of Stephanie, gripped her waist and fingered her exposed bum anybody was free to watch and comment, she fucked bums or pussies in complete random order, so completely exposed were her slaves. Talking to her friends normally, she completely humiliated her belongings, just treated them as sex objects, her education programme was commencing, Tali, passed by, "Lia, how nice to see you?", The two women kissed, "feeling frisky" asked Lia, "always" Tali responded, Tali gazed at the sight of three naked bums "Ah I see", she buckled on a dildo and proceed to screw a slave, Lia sat on a stool and fondled tits or her fingers stroked pussy, Tali preferred sodomy, great sight, Tali gripping hips and screwing slowly, Lia playing with tit and pussy , "goddess! These slaves are randy" remarked Lia, "my fingers are soaking!" "a good slave is a randy one" laughed Lia. Tali walked around to Stephanie her pubes level with Stephanie's face "lick me little darling, I want to cum on your face I want your royal tongue to wash me, yeah deep inside suck me slutlet" she grasped Stephanie's head and gyrated slowly on the captive face, feeling Stephanie's mouth chew on her sex lips, her nose pressed deep inside her sopping pussy, "breathe my scent, pussy licker, swallow my cum" Her thick sex lips parted and Stephanie's nose brushed up against them and pushed inside, her tongue, now so used to pussy licking, commenced it's duties, Tali let out an appreciative moan, she was extra randy, "here slutlet I'll just sit down now crawl forward stick your face where it belongs good bitch" she patted Stephanie on the head, a trumpet peal, ripped through the air, Lia strode to the walls with Talia and Zia, "I see 4 mounted warriors" commented Talia, Lia said "it's Princess Dazed, I wonder what she wants?" "let them in" Talia commanded "I'm curious, Stephanie Julia, Sluts to heel" Princess Dazed met Julia and Stephanie in a small garden, near the force dome, her honour guard attentive, they were old fiends and allies, after the greetings Princess Dazed, said " I have some intelligence for you, Talia curse her black heart is in the area I thought you should know", Stephanie and Julia remained non committal "I think we should end her reign for good" concluded Dazed. At that precise time Talia, Lia and three warriors emerged, Dazed was stunned "what's happening" "Oh nothing" said talia "but you want me so badly here I am" "oh meet Lia , your friend" Dazed gazed at the enhanced Amazon 7ft tall 290 pounds of rippling muscle, "Dazed so nice to see you fancy a wrestle you were good" With that the battle commenced, Dazed courageously leapt at Lia, only to be caught easily in mid air and tossed aside, Lia advanced and picked her up and lifted dazed over her head, she walked to a pool and tossed Dazed into it contemptuously, her body guard was being similarly dealt with, Lia waded into the pool and pushed Dazed's head under water for two minutes up for air, under, up and under, up and onto the bank, Dazed spluttering like a beached fish, her long thighs barely supporting her, marvellous sight and dazed was 5ft 10 nice fulsome build wide shoulders tapering waist an excellent wrestler when matched against her own kind, Lia plonked herself on Dazed stomach winding her, she arose, with one large hand in the hem of Dazed's garment she ripped it of, underwear every thing, Dazed was now nude, Lia almost wet herself with excitement! Surveyed the area to find, of course, all of Dazed bodyguards stripped tied and helpless!! "well my teenaged friend you have grown" mocked Lia Talia suggested some sport, in the garden were four curved frames the captives were tied so they were "arched" and exposed, "pussy straining skywards" said Lia "how nice" "I think a spot of Lesbian rape is called for" and started fondling Dazed offered pussy, slipping in her forefinger, rotating and pushing feeling slime and heat build in the groped groin, dipping in at leisure diddling Dazed's clit, she evoked moans from her, so quickly from Ruler to ruled, Dazed presented a spectacle, Lia was sitting on a stool in front of Dazed's out stretched legs happily screwing the princess with a nine inch dildo, her fingers rubbing the pubic mound, Dazed push up and onto the leather cock in enforced orgasm, push, twist, screw, Lia patted her mound, "not bad for starters" "Stephanie I want you to suck her if she misbehaves bite" "now my helpless little toy" said Lia "I want you to suck me", she lowered her gaping pussy on Dazed head and leant forward, which gave her the advantage of fondling her pussy, flicking cum into Stephanie's mouth and feeling Dazed tongue on her clit, in her cunt, licking delightfully. The view that Dazed saw was awesome, a gaping wet clit and the taste was salty as her head was engulfed by the thighs of Lia, Lia came in torrents and she pissed into the face of Dazed, life was great, she made Dazed lick each sex lip carefully heaping on the verbal humiliation, when Dazed was released from the frame she was grateful, but more was to come, Lia put on a micro leather skirt, it really was, just for effect, and then a feat of strength , two fingers in Dazed pussy well in, lifted one hand on her breasts, for balance and 50 power lifts over her head, Dazed was pumped by her pussy, not even breathing heavily, Lia then lowered Dazed, who slumped on Lia's huge thighs, clasping them in mental anguish, Lia guided Dazed's head by her chin upwards under the micro skirt, her thick pubic hair was brushing Dazed nose, her cunt was leaking, "I think you know what I want" said Lia in a husky voice "Your tongue on my pussy, get to it, if you are good you can lick my arse as a reward, you don't want to think about failing" Dazed, was shocked, rebellious thoughts arose, but how could she not obey, her tongue hesitantly poked out "Listen piglet, you haven't got all day lick or be dammed" Dazed chose the lesser of the two evils, she grasped Lia's huge buttocks with her hands, and licked obediently, she was rewarded by grunts of satisfaction, as her face manoeuvred around Lia's huge pubes, it was drenched very quickly, Lia pushed her to the ground, in order to grind properly, Lia then squatted over Dazed's face and presented her arsehole, that brown crinkled ring that begged attention, it took six pussy smacks to convince Dazed that the only place for her tongue was in Lia's arse, licking dutifully. "sweet little piglet you show promise" said Lia "now what can go into your cunt"? So Dazed was tied face upwards on a leather bench, her arms were fastened downwards on the legs, "sweet piglet, horny bitch, listen I want you to drape your legs over the sides, it will expose your pussy", of course Dazed resisted, 3 smacks on her pussy convinced her to comply Lia ran her fingers through the moist slit, "Stephanie, get your tongue on her cunt now" "you can eat her she can eat me" Stephanie's tongue wrecked havoc on Dazed bring feelings of pleasure in rising waves, "finger her arse" Lia commanded, "juice her" "I need to piss" Dazed was the recipient of a flow of urine, gushing into her mouth, down her throat, "hey your good" mocked Lia "get used to it" She shuffled forward and caught Dazed's nose on her clit, and rubbed strongly, back and forth with small rocking's, panting with pleasure, feeling her muscles tighten in anticipation, so Dazed felt the small river lets of cum juice trickle on her face, her nipples were twisted and tickled into hard rocks that stood proud They were then flicked and sucked into obedience and manipulated by Lia's fingers Dazed suckled on Lia's huge breasts drinking the milk that flowed nuzzling as a child, almost unable to comprehend her plight, while her pussy was being licked and rubbed and poked by Stephanie. Lia bared her huge clit, suck on me baby suck cock let me fuck your mouth. And then Dazed and her bodyguards were led into the main city, leashes under their legs tits wobbling, pussy rubbing on leather, the ritual orgy was about to begin, where the new slaves would service the victorious. Dazed was suspended upside down her legs spread, and was being well fucked, helpless on the fingers of Lia, that invaded every orofice, Lia strapped on a 10 inch cock threw Dazed on a bench, bottom nicely raised and slowly began the lesbian rape of Dazed, murmuring soft endearments, and nibbling Dazed earlobes, bringing her on doggy style, fucking her helpless pussy, "I think I need some cock" said Lia, Stephanie, Dazed, "you can suck 5 men each for me make them hard for your mistress" Dazed if you are lucky you can lick me out each time" then Lia enjoyed the fruits of their labours, each orgasm Dazed would obediently clean her pussy and swallow cum sucking down male juice mingled with Lia's spendings, feeling the puffy pussy lips engulf her nose and contract, never had she been so used, almost like a dishcloth, just an object for the pleasure of Lia, "sweet pussy fuck" said Lia "I like you" "soon you will rock on my dildo, and have slave orgasms, but first I must prepare the way" With that Lia smeared copious amounts of ointment in Dazed pussy and arsehole "sweet cunt slave, are you randy" oh course Dazed erect nipples and leaking sex was a dead give away, " Take my cock, little sucker, fuck it hard, Lia lay back and let Dazed do the fucking, really she was screwing herself, sliding up and down on a leather 10 inch cock, her body helpless to sex "sex slave, piss drinker nipple sucker" Anouther sex slave for lia. Lia groped Daze's breasts and mauled her nipples, Lia was squatting on Dazed, gazing down at the defeated warrior princess, Lie's mouth was sucking Daze's nipples into hardness, small cherries hard on large breasts, wet with saliva Lia was rubbing her mons on Daze's feeling her hair invade and irritate, poor Dazed was overcome by the eroticism and felt herself react to the Amazon on top of her, her pussy swelled and bucked helplessly, always being ground down in total submission, Lia was too strong and dominant, Dazed was her sex toy and Lia knew how to treat her belongings, she tongue kissed Dazed possessively and licked every inch of her face, she pulled the helpless warrior into her crotch and gyrated wildly on her face and nose "stick your tongue out suck my clit" Suck it bitch" "lick your master" "useless fuck slut" Lia was pleased with herself and getting quite excited all the virtuous icons in the Kingdom belonged to her sex rules and her slaves would know it . "lick my arse bitch who told you to stop you have no function but to please me now lap""now stand" Lia placed a yoke around Dazed's neck and fastened her hands, it lifted and spread her breasts nicely, "spread your legs, cow, my property Lia's slut slave" I want to finger you make you cum on my fingers you helpless bitch slave now move as I command slowly fuck my fingers push onto them you wanton bitch I might set you to stud, fuck with male slaves, yes would you like that, fuck with the herd, suck cock at my command, Steph's good at it, she practises a lot, here I'll show you, Lia summoned 20 male slaves Stephanie and Dazed sucked them all exchanging wet kisses to each other on command Stephanie pumped balls while Dazed sucked cockstems and when the poor males came in Dazed mouth she was ordered to kiss Stephanie and Lia fingered her two slaves as her whim took her, Lia even ordered some of the men to piss on Dazed and Stephanie and the two had to lick each other dry "piss drinkers" mocked Lia very pleased with her handiwork, real slaves, subdued by me, oversexed cows well I am kind and I will let you indulge. With that Lia parted Dazed's sex lips and rubbed her clit firmly gripping with fingers forcing the helpless warrior to push against her finger agitating her clit even more, her mouth dropped open and belly bucked against demanding fingers, she could not control her feelings of submission to this huge amazon, and anyway Lia would not allow it. Her teenaged friend was now her adult slaveslut, fuckslut, cumdrinker, and Lia would not have it any other way. Lia pumped her fingers inside Dazed's love tunnel, wet slippery responsive, she pulled Dazed's clit ring she made Dazed suck her off, her tongue deep inside Lia, and Lia's pubic hairs rubbing her nose her face, so sexy, there was nothing that Dazed would not do for Lia, strapped helpless on a cross, Lia caressed Dazed clit with a fine Painting brush the hairs tickling the erotic muscle, up and down pushing irritating , and all Princess Dazed could do was moan in pleasure pushing onto the instrument of delight, leaking copious amounts of love juice her thigh muscles bar taught with erotic spasms her slit wide open and dripping "wet pussy being fucked" "cuming on my fingers" Dazed magnificent breasts were pierced and chains pulled them tight she was tethered by her nipples her sex was distended and being fist fucked and Lia had Stephanie between her thighs sucking and drinking Lia's wet offerings