The Story of PAWS - The Challenge ©1998
A story by Kandi (author of
and Hit
Until the invention of Wroxing (see
also More than
a Match II,
the original More
than a Match),
catfighting had been either real and quite brief or scripted and
quite phony-looking. But the Wroxing format with all its rules
and restrictions originally invented for scripted video fights,
had proven to be perfectly doable for real. Since the early catfights
using the Wroxing format (Kandi 1-5), 3 houses of video producers
had adopted the format and had constructed a league-- the Professional
Athletes of Wroxing Society (PAWS). The Society had cleared many
hurtles including establishing rules and sharing profits from
the videos. Now it was the Asian twins Kako and Kato who posed
a threat to the emerging sport's organization.
These two had quite a sordid history.
Both had been in prison: Kako for passing illegal checks in association
with Asian gang activities and Kato for trying to kill Kako. In
some sense Kato was the evil twin, violent and moody, while Kako
always tried to please. After joining PAWS they had embezzled
funds and managed to implicate the organization by planting faked
documents. Co-founders and semi-retired fighters Rena and Satoko
had uncovered the mess, but the Asian Invasion twins had threatened
to take PAWS down with them. It had come down to a tag-team fight.
Rena (now age 37) and Satoko (35) would fight the 25 year old
Asian twins. If they lost, the twins would leave quietly and all
papers would be destroyed. If they won, they would keep the funds
they stole and take control of PAWS.
The twins arrived at the PAWS arena
wearing silk kimonos over matching yellow string bikinis. Rena
wore her red workout outfit with sports-bra-like spandex top and
tight short shorts, showing lots of midriff. Due to her "monthly
situation," Satoko was unable to contend and brought her
student, Zena, a beautiful black girl. She entered wearing a halter
top and boxer shorts. Most of the top officers of PAWS were standing
around the ring, and the first producer of Wroxing, Rick, stood
as referee.
The standard rules of Wroxing applied:
1. Each fighter wore a 10 oz glove
on one hand of their choice.
2. no contact above the shoulders.
3. no punching with the ungloved
4. punches to bare skin only.
5. no holds banned by Greco-Roman
6. wins by wrestling pins, submission,
or decision by the referee.
7. the referee had discretion to
place a fighter in the "down" position, award a penalty
punch, or award the fight when infractions occurred.
There were special rules for tag-team
matches that included 5-minute rounds, 30 seconds of transition
between tags in which 2 fighters could be in the ring simultaneously,
3 falls, and no saves by the bell.
When Rick brought Rena and Kako together,
the roar of cheers for Rena was deafening, and all but drowned
out the cheers of 2 Asian men calling for Kako to "kill the
slut." Kato was shouting instructions from her corner and
as Rena fenced with Kako's hands she heard Kato scream from the
corner, "Ambush her bush... the old bitch can't take it."
Rena was just a second too slow when Kako dove for a 2-leg takedown.
As Rena tried to push her legs back and away from Kako, Kako reached
her free left hand up behind Rena and rolled her shorts and silk
panties down to her thighs. The 3 cameras that were set up to
document this monumental fight all raced to zoom to Rena's exposed
bare butt. Rena was distracted by her attempts to pull her bottoms
back up, and let up her defense momentarily, allowing Kako to
complete the 2-leg takedown. Rena's back hit the mat hard. Kako
grabbed the front of Rena's shorts and pulled them off her legs,
stood up and tossed the pants to Kato to ensure Rena could not
put them back on for the rest of the fight.
Rena stood and now she faced Kako
bottomless. This time she heard Kato yell, "OK, sis, time
to do some serious bush whackin'." Before she could react,
Kako slammed in a low blow that hit Rena right on her newly bared
pubic mound, flattening her straight line of curly black hairs.
The strength of the punch surprised Rena and pushed her back a
step. Rena defended her lower belly with her gloved left hand
and tried to grab Kako's right arm. Kako knocked her hand away
and latched her left hand on to Rena's undefended left breast
through her spandex top (a legal hold in Wroxing). Rena grabbed
Kako's wrist trying to remove the hold, but Kako pulled Rena forward
and slammed her glove into Rena's left side, bruising a rib. A
wince of pain shot across Rena's face. She dropped her left elbow
to protect her side, and Kako took the opportunity to land another
solid low blow that hit to the left and above Rena's sore pubis,
compressing her bladder and ovaries.
Standing along side Zena in the corner,
Satoko screamed for Rena to make a move, as Rena sagged to one
knee from Kako's low punch. Kako stepped behind Rena and punched
her in the right kidney. Kako used her free left hand to grab
the back of Rena's top and pull it up over her head. Rena slipped
out of her top and her bare breasts flopped out as the fabric
dragged up over them. But as Kako victoriously waved the top and
tossed it to Kato, Rena grabbed Kako's legs and slammed her to
the mat on her back. Rena put her hands on Kako's shoulders and
attempted to press her to the mat for a pin. But Kako responded.
She punched Rena in her bare left tit as it dangled above her.
Her right gloved fist slammed into the dangling mammary again
and again, contacting it from the side and smashing it into Rena's
breast bone, while Rena bravely endured the pain and tried for
the pin. Smack, smack, smack the crowd could hear the sound of
leather on flesh. Rena took six solid punches before she had to
abandon her pin attempt and cover her chest, at which time Kako
was able to roll free.
Rena had small nipples and wide half-dollar
sized aureoles on her beautiful c-cup breasts that sagged only
slightly from age. As she stood to face Kako again, now completely
naked, the cameras zoomed to show the reddening left breast and
the nipple made erect from the painful contact. Kako's nipples,
too, showed through her bikini top from the stimulation of the
fight. With encouragement from Zena to, "Go get her,"
Rena charged Kako, driving her shoulder into Kako's exposed midriff
and pushing her back into the turnbuckle. Rena grabbed Kako's
bikini top in the middle of her chest and pulled up, then slammed
her left gloved fist into Kako's belly, pulling her forward into
the punches by her top.
But they were in Kato's corner and
Kako reached out to make the tag, starting the 30 second transition.
Kato jumped in and pulled Rena's arms behind her back, preventing
further assault of her sister. Kako straightened up with contempt
on her face. She grabbed Rena's left nipple with her left hand
and pulled up. It almost looked to Zena as if Kako was trying
to pull the breast over Rena's left shoulder, and Rena's face
showed the agony of this move. But then Kako slammed her glove
into the exposed underside of Rena's breast. Rena's breast took
a horrible pounding as Kako squared up and put maximum force behind
her punches. She had to contact Rena's tit from the side, somewhat
under her arm to avoid pulling away her nipple hold. Rick broke
in after the 5th punch to push Kako out of the ring.
The man with the handheld camera
concentrated on Rena's chest showing the purple and red of the
beaten left mammary in contrast to the untouched right. Kato still
had Rena from behind. She pushed Rena up against the ropes and
twisted her back and forth until Rena's breasts were draped over
the top rope. Kako, standing outside, applied a vicious illegal
karate chop to the top of Rena's wounded left tit as it hung over
the rope. The contact point bent the breast in half over the rope.
Rena screamed in agony as the chop pounded the top of her aching
breast, while the rope dug up into the beaten underside. Rick
was there immediately to release Kato's hold and award a penalty,
but not before Kako landed a second chop. Kato was placed in the
down position and Rena was awarded the top.
Blood rushed into Rena's wounded
mammary as she knelt above Kato, pulsing the pain that increased
with the swelling. Rena was in agony as she knelt waiting, her
throbbing breast reddening as she waited, and when Rick finally
said "go" she quickly stood up and ran to make the tag
with Zena. As Zena entered to face Kato "the evil twin",
her friend, Satoko, administered to Rena by pressing ice packs
around her damaged left breast, hoping the pain and swelling would
Zena charged Kato and they met in
a mutual bear hug, center ring. Zena grabbed the backs of Kato's
bikini bottoms, painfully pulling the fabric up between her legs.
Kato was able to lift Zena off the ground, but could not throw
her because of her hold on her bikini. So Kato moved to the corner
carrying Zena and slammed her back into the turnbuckle, releasing
a grunt of air from Zena's lungs. Zena released her grip and slumped
to the mat... but it was a trick! Zena grabbed the front of Kato's
bottoms and pulled them to her ankles and pushed. Kato tripped
backwards onto her butt, allowing Zena to pull the bottoms the
rest of the way off, and quickly toss them to Satoko outside the
Before Kato could get to her feet,
Zena grabbed her left leg and twisted, occasionally pausing to
pound her glove into the extended thigh muscle. Zena placed her
right heel into Kato bare crotch and continued to twist and pull
her left leg. Kato knew she was in trouble as the pain in her
leg grew. She could not shake off Zena, so she crawled toward
her corner, finally succeeding in tagging Kako. When Zena removed
her heel to stand and face Kako, she noticed just a trace of blood
from Kato.
Kako moved left and right trying
to catch Zena off balance, but it was Zena who made the first
move. She dove for Kako's legs, but missed and landed on her face
with Kako on top. Kako slipped her hand down the back of Zena's
bottoms and began to pinch her tender flesh. Zena was a strong
girl and she reacted by lifting Kako from below until she flipped
Kako, slamming her to the mat by standing and falling backwards.
Zena turned and controlled Kako's gloved right hand, painfully
twisting Kako's arm, while driving her heel into Kako's underarm,
nearly dislocating the girl's shoulder. Kako desperately grabbed
at the foot pressed into her underarm, twisting and pulling at
the toes until Zena had to pull away. Kako rolled free and tagged
Kato in her corner.
Bottomless, Kato approached Zena,
then bull-rushed her, pushing her back against the ropes. Zena
was surprised at the fury of this onslaught and failed to react
in time to prevent Kato from pulling her halter top down off her
chest. Zena's exposed chest revealed her most remarkable inch-long
nipples, fully erect. Kato managed to grab the right nipple firmly
with her free left hand, pinching it between her thumb and middle
finger. Zena's face winced with the painful assault. Kato pulled
the struggling Zena by her nipple across to where Kako was waiting
and made the tag.
Kako jumped into the ring, anxious
to take advantage of Kato's nipple hold on Zena's extraordinarily
long nipple. But Zena fended off the first punch waving her hands
wildly in front of her. So Kako restrained Zena's arms, while
Kato began to abuse the undefended chest of the now-screaming
Zena. Kato pounded her glove into Zena's stomach while keeping
a firm hold on the right nipple. As Zena's body bent with the
punch it pulled down and jerked the nipple, but Kato held tight.
A punch to the left breast straightened her up for another gut
punch that tore at her sore nipple. As the referee broke up Kako's
hold, she pulled Zena's halter down over her hips to her ankles.
Kato stepped out of the ring while Zena crossed her arms across
her chest for comfort and defense.
Kako pushed Zena so the halter around
her legs tripped her back onto her butt. Kako used Zena's legs
to turn her to her stomach and drag her to center-ring. Zena's
sore right breast dragged painful across the rough canvas, abrading
her aching nipple. As Kako tried to straddle Zena, Zena managed
to turn and slammed her glove into the descending girl's belly.
Kako let out an "oomph" and fell to her knees beside
Zena. Zena took the opportunity to jump up and run to her corner
to tag Rena.
As Rena jumped in to face Kako, Satoko
applied ice to Zena's swelling right mammary and sent her sister,
Yuko, out to get some more ice from the cooler in their van. No
one noticed the two Asian males follow Yuko outside.
Kako faked a punch to Rena's left
side and instead landed an open-handed slap with her un-gloved
left hand smack on to Rena's right tit. It hit the top of the
breast and made more sound than pain, but it brought the crowd
to life. It startled Rena enough that she failed to block a solid
low blow to her undefended pubic mound that pushed her back. But
as Kako tried to step in and follow with another right, Rena surprised
her and executed a 2-leg takedown, landing Kako on her back.
Kako turned to her stomach to avoid
a pin, which allowed Rena to pull the string on Kako's flimsy
yellow string top. Now it was Rena's turn to go to work. Rena
slammed her glove repeatedly into Kako bare back, punching her
kidneys and spine as hard as she could. Then she grabbed the string
bottoms and pulled up as hard as she could, trying to lift Kako
off the mat. The string fabric sliced into the tender flesh between
Kako's legs and she screamed. Kako managed to stand, but her top
fell off to the canvas. She threw her left arm behind Rena's neck
and Rena continued to apply the wedgy pressure, the fabric grinding
into Kako's soft labia. When that did little good, Kako reached
back again and this time found a hold on Rena's damaged left breast
and twisted it savagely, digging in her fingernails into the softness
and squeezing with vengeance. Rena immediately dropped her hold
on Kako's bottoms and tried to pull away. It proved to be a mistake,
as Kako was ready and landed another solid low blow to Rena's
naked torso and sill maintained her tit hold enough to pull Rena
towards Kato in the corner.
"It's time for a little more
bush wackin" smiled Kato as she grabbed Rena's left wrist
and left ankle and pulled them over the top rope, suspending the
girl in the corner like a sideways letter "X". Kako
dug her left hand up into Rena's exposed crotch, scratching her
labia and vagina, while simultaneously landing punch after punch
into her stretched belly, pounding deep into her bladder and stomach.
Kako used Rena's pubic hair as her target and slammed her glove
in deep again and again until the referee pulled her back at the
end of the 30 second transition. Kato had to drop her hold to
enter the ring, which enable Rena to begin crawling to make a
tag with Zena.
Meanwhile, Yuko, on her way to get
more ice, had been grabbed as she opened her van by the 2 Asian
men who had followed her. One man stuffed a sock in her mouth
while the other handcuffed her arms in front of her. Yuko was
hustled off to a room in the sub-basement of the building. Her
tight jeans shorts were unfastened and removed along with her
silk panties. Her halter was pulled up over her head and off her
handcuffed arms. Naked, Yuko was placed atop a large table and
her handcuffed hands tied to the floor over her head. Loops of
rope were used on each leg to pull them apart and tie them to
table legs.
Yuko had no breasts at all, only
large nipples filling small aureoles on her chest. One of Yuko's
captors slapped each nipple raising it to an erect knob on her
chest. He pulled on both of them and Yuko tried to scream. The
other man tried to encourage his friend to be gentle and not to
injure their bait. But the other Asian was very aroused and began
to pull on Yuko's long black pubic hairs, tugging as if to pull
them out by the roots. Finally the other was assured that no harm
would come to their victim and he left. Immediately the remaining
tormentor dropped his pants. He smeared Vaseline between Yuko's
legs and began to penetrate her as she gasped with horror and
revulsion. He slid inside her repeatedly, then finally got up
on his knees while still inside. Yuko tried to garble a plea not
to cum inside her, which the man heard and understood. Kneeling,
he was drawn to the milky white flesh of Yuko's tender belly,
and he lashed out with a bare-fisted left-right-left combination
that drove deep into her midsection, silencing her protests. He
continued to poke into her and finally reached up and began to
twist her nipples. All at once he pulled out and slip his manhood
across her hairy mound, smearing the slippery fluid that emerged.
For a moment he enjoyed streaking his organ across the guts he
had just punched, then got off her and began fooling with some
equipment above her head and out of Yuko's sight. She began to
Back in the ring Rena managed to
crawl to about center ring before the "evil twin" Kato
caught up with her. Rena made the mistake of reaching for Zena
with her left hand, exposing her damaged left breast from the
side. Kato took advantage with an illegal kick up into the dangling
breast, crushing it into Rena's chest and knocking the wind out
of her. Rena was in agony from Kato's foot flattening her damaged
breast. Rick immediately intervened and placed Kato in the down
position. With "go" a furious Rena dug her free hand
up into Kato naked crotch. She managed to force her finger into
Kato's anus and pulled up. When Kato's legs separated as she was
pulled, Rena slammed her glove into the revealed slot, doing a
little "bush whackin" of her own. Kato had no answer
for this attack, but as Rena pressed her advantage and continued
to punch, Rick intervened to end the 5 minute round. Rena had
to drop her victim and slump into her corner for some water.
During the break Satoko wondered
where her sister had gone, but paid most of her attention to Rena
and Zena, applying ice packs and encouraging their wrestling skills.
She cautioned them both to avoid fighting the twins' fight and
to go for skilled pins instead of brawling fisticuffs.
Two topless fighters, Kako and Zena,
met to start the second round. After fencing with their arms,
Zena managed to get control of Kako's sore right arm and began
twisting. She managed to get it turned behind Kako's back, then
dropped down, and tripped Kako to the mat, face first. Kako's
arms were extended over her head for balance and Zena landed a
solid right to Kako's right breast before she brought her right
arm back to cover. Now Kako winced in pain-- the first breast
punch was always the most painful. With her leverage gone, Zena
rolled Kako over onto her back. Kako fought off the pin by arching
her back and pressing up on the back of her neck. But Kako's belly
then presented the perfect target, and Zena slammed home three
consecutive hard rights into Kako's midsection, deflating her
back onto her shoulders. Zena wrapped up Kako's right leg into
a cradle position, and Rick began the count for pin, slamming
his hand to the mat, once, twice, three, "she's pinned!"
The first fall to Rena and Zena.
During the break Satoko further applied
the remaining ice to the fighters sore spots and congratulated
their skills in sticking to the plan to wrestle and not box. Rena
was sent to face Kato to begin the second (and Rena hoped, final)
fall. Satoko looked around again for the return of her sister...
but nothing.
As the second fall began, Satoko
walked outside to look for Yuko. When she saw the van open, she
began to look around behind the building for her sister. The Asian
captor who had returned, hid and followed her. He could not believe
his luck as Satoko wondered into the dark remote area behind the
building looking for Yuko. He closed on her and as she turned,
he punched her hard on the jaw, knocking her backwards. Her head
hit the edge of a steel can, ensuring that she fell limp and unconscious
to the ground. The man quickly stripped off her clothes and threw
them in the can. He longed to take further advantage of her lifeless
body, but knew what he must do. He straddled her and landed five
hard bare-fisted punches to each beautiful round fleshy mound,
making sure to drive straight into the nipple for maximum effect.
As she began to come around, he stood and stomped his foot down
into her unprotected feminine organs, then ran off, leaving her
bent and broken body on the cold stone driveway. The entire incident
was over in less than 2 minutes.
Back in the ring, Rena aggressively
dove at Kato, but Kato was too quick and landed a solid punch
to Rena's sore left breast, leaving her aching and frustrated.
Kato grabbed at Rena's long pubic hairs and when Rena moved to
defend, Kato again tagged her left breast with a solid right uppercut.
Rena, completely frustrated by the continued abuse of her left
breast, rushed at Kato who slid to her left just in time, and
pushed Rena along into the turnbuckle. Rick was obscured from
seeing that Kako's foot was extended into the ring to meet Rena's
belly, sending Rena to her knees in the corner. Kato reached her,
made the tag, and pulled her arms up over the top ropes exposing
her entire torso. Kako entered and went to work on her, slamming
her glove into her sensitive mammaries again and again, as Rena's
head started to droop from the pain. When the referee broke Kato's
hold after 30 second, Rena flopped face first into Kako's arms.
Kako let her fall to the mat except for the left arm. Holding
Rena's arm around her neck enabled her to continue to expose Rena's
left tit to continued pounding. Rena tried to defend with her
right hand. Kako dropped her to the mat and moved behind her to
pull Rena by her left leg only out into the ring. Kako jumped
in behind Rena and her knee drove in between Rena's split legs
from behind, causing a pained flinch. Rick deemed this incidental
contact instead of a violation of the no knee rule.
Rena was clearly beaten and it was
just a matter of what submission hold Kako chose to apply. Kako
wanted to do a little more damage before ending this to ensure
Rena had nothing left for the third fall. Kako grabbed both Rena's
wrists and stood up, pulling her arms straight behind her back.
Kako kept pulling until Rena's chest came off the mat, then she
dropped her back down slapping both her breasts onto the canvas.
Six of these had Rena dizzy, as her breasts splattered against
the mat and oozed out the sides. Finally Kako dropped her for
the final time and dropped on top of her back, knees on either
sides. Kako saw that Rena's breasts were accessible along her
sides. First left then right she re-positioned her knees onto
the portions of the breasts that pressed out on either side, pinching
them against the mat. This was most painful to Rena's damaged
left mammary. Rena was too groggy to call out her submission.
After a short while of grinding Rena's tits into the mat, Kako
turned her semi-conscious victim over onto her back. Rena's arms
simply dropped to the mat over her head. Kako turned her butt
towards Rena's face and as Rick counted out the pin, Kako emphasized
it with punches deep into Rena's soft stomach.
Rena felt like she was going to puke,
but struggled to the corner with Rick's help and wondered where
Satoko had gone. Just then Satoko, naked, dragged herself into
the arena from a side door, helped by the doorman. "What
happened?" Rena asked as she began to lose all hope. "I
think they have Yuko," she answered as she covered herself
with a tee-shirt and shorts from her workout bag. Zena heard and
jumped in with, "What can we do?" Satoko seemed to be
recovering her wits as she sat down. She looked at Rena's condition,
hunched over and ice packed around her swollen left breast. She
answered, "Win the match and send those losers packing."
With that the break was nearly over, just leaving time for Rena
to have a long drink of water.
Strategically Zena had changed gloves
to her left hand during the break. Kako stood to face Zena to
begin the deciding fall. As they met center-ring, Zena grabbed
Kako's injured right arm, tugged and then stepped along side,
painfully twisting her arm at the shoulder. Zena slammed her gloved
left fist into the back of the shoulder wrenching it further out
of the socket. As Kako went to her knees to relieve the twisting
motion, she grabbed and latched onto Zena's right breast and began
to squeeze. Zena twisted the shoulder harder hoping to release
the pain dangling from her chest, but Kako's grip was strong and
she turned her thumbnail into the tender flesh to gouge it. Zena
released her shoulder hold hoping she could step away from the
agonizing assault, but Kako's hold was vice-like. Kako's right
arm hung at her waist guarding her stomach and she seemed unable
to lift it higher. With Kako's left hand latched onto her right
breast, Zena had open access to Kako's chest and began to throw
haymaker lefts that crashed into the girl's unprotected tits.
Kako answered this attack by continuing to work the hold on Zena's
right mammary, pulling and twisting it up and left, crushing it
as hard as she could. The combatants were now locked into a test
of wills. The room went quiet at the violence that had erupted
so early in this round, and it could not last long. Even a single
punch like those landing on Kako's chest would cause an average
girl to quit. And Zena was landing one after another. The tears
in Zena's eyes revealed the agony of Kako's grip. Kako's thumb
had moved down to gouge directly into Zena's soft tender nipple.
The drama played itself out in a minute that seemed to last an
hour. During this time Zena's glove plowed into Kako's fleshy
mounds, pancaking them flat against her chest with the "thump"
of leather on skin. Kako would bear down with her grip until another
haymaker splattered a tit under her face. She'd take a deep breath
and dig and twist some more.
Everyone could see that neither one
could take much more, as simultaneously their knees went weak,
and they continued their battle kneeling. Zena's breast felt like
it would explode, but she'd swing another mighty left hook that
plowed into Kako's tits. Kako would catch her breath after each
thud on her chest, grit her teeth, and wrench her handful of flesh
up and down, then tear at it left and right, pressing her thumb
deep into the pointy end. Kako's grip was getting slippery from
the sweat of her palm and the targeted wad of skin. A final Zena
left hook crashed up into Kako's right mammary from underneath,
the force knocked her back on her ass and her grip slipped off
with a final pinch of Zena's destroyed nipple. With the recoil,
Zena fell back on her butt as well, cupped her wounded tit in
her hand, and began to crawl away toward Rena. Kako wanted no
part of further contact either, her ashen face showing the strain
as she crawled toward Kato. Both girls made the tag about the
same time and rolled out of the ring.
Rena entered the ring with her left
forearm guarding her red and swollen left mammary. She was wary
that further contact would cause permanent damage. She stalked
the "evil twin" Kato, knowing the only weakness she
had shown so far was the left leg. Kato was slightly favoring
her left leg, but her eyes peered straight at Rena's vulnerable
tit, not surprisingly the target of her first straight right,
which caught Rena's forearm, but nevertheless painfully compressed
the breast back into Rena's chest. Rena dove immediately for Kato's
sore left leg. She got it, but was rewarded with a punch to her
left kidney. Rena stood up with the leg, leaving Kato hopping
on her right foot. Rena twisted the leg left and right, pulling
the muscle and hoping to unbalance Kato, who hopped around skillfully.
Rena held the leg up with her free hand and punched up into the
exposed extended hamstring again and again. The pain of each punch
showed on Kato's grimacing face. Rena pressed the leg higher,
into a Rockette's high kick position that caused Kato to fall
back into the ropes, her leg fully extended. Kato had to reach
back with both arms to catch herself on the ropes, revealing the
soft target between her legs. Rena's gloved fist slammed into
the soft pliable slit that was revealed, eliciting a high-pitch
"oh" from Kato. A second blow to the same area elicited
more of a short scream. Rena went to work, crotch punching as
hard as she could while maintaining the leverage on the left leg.
Kato finally hopped away from the rope enough to cover her crotch
with her glove, but she felt a small trickle of blood run down
her inner right thigh, as Rena returned her attention to punishing
the extended hamstring.
Rena felt she was close to victory.
Kato was squirming to get away and began to use the ropes to pull
herself toward Kako. Kako was in no shape to help much, but when
Kato made the tag, Kako used her healthy left arm to reach down
between Rena's legs and pull up. Rena had to defend this crotch
attack and released Kato's leg. Still favoring her right leg,
Kato trapped Rena's arms in a full nelson and pushed her into
the corner. Kako helped position Rena's damaged left breast directly
on top of the turnbuckle again. Rena knew what was coming. Kato
held Rena in place while Kako applied the first karate chop down
on top of the breast. Kako marveled at how the flesh oozed and
expanded as it was bent in half. The nipple seemed to expand as
the breast was crushed in half, forcing blood in both directions.
Kako stared at the target of her violence and after the third
hard chop thought she saw some fluid emerge from the distended
nipple. The fourth chop confirmed that some edema was leaking
from nipple of the battered breast, seeping from the hardened
pink skin when crushed. Kako's attention was so focused that she
did not even hear Rick call for a break after the fifth chop.
Rena's ashen face revealed she was
barely staying conscious. Her formerly red swollen breast was
taking on shades of dark red and purple, except for the bloodless
white area under each of Kako's chops. Kato continued to hold
Rena in place as Kako changed her tactics and dropped her elbow
onto the trapped tit. Rena's eyes rolled up into her head with
the pain of this blow. Rick now tried to pull Kato off Rena and
award a penalty position. But Kato struggled against this, allowing
Kako to drop the second elbow, eliciting a drop of fluid that
leaked onto the top of the turnbuckle making it feel wet and slippery.
Rick was getting angry and tried once more to pull Kato's hold
free. But she held fast. A third time Kako's elbow crashed down
onto Rena's flattened gland and the agony was finally too much.
Rena's head slumped forward as she fainted from the pain.
Rick screamed that the fight was
over, and awarded the match to Rena and Zena. As Rena passed out,
the weight of her limp body pulled her free of Kato's hold and
Rick forced Kato out of the ring. Kako managed to kick the unconscious
body in the crotch from behind, a final sign of contempt from
the losers as they loudly expressed their disdain for the decision.
Yet it was clear that Satoko and Rena would maintain control of
PAWS and the Asian trouble makers were through with their bid
to take over. Rick and Satoko rushed to help Rena sit up as the
Asian twins dressed in their kimonos.
Satoko, Rena, Zena, and Rena's boyfriend,
Mike, collected near their corner of the ring to be congratulated
by their friends and supporters. Mike was most concerned about
tending to Rena's battered left breast in hopes of averting permanent
damage. He ministered to her with more ice packs and wrapped the
packs to support the breast using ace bandages, creating what
looked like a sling over Rena's right shoulder. No one noticed
the Asian man quietly discussing things with the twins. Kato wiped
her hand between her legs several times to smear the blood that
was finally stopping its flow from her damaged crotch. Kako had
her right arm tied up in a sling as well, and she helped her sister
limp toward the arena exit.
After most people had left and the
winners were left to themselves, the lone Asian male walked over
and spoke quietly to Satoko, "if you want to see your sister,
she's waiting for you downstairs. Be sure to bring your friends...
so we can all talk." He hesitated on this final word as if
constructing the euphemism on the fly. Before he left he added,
"just you four... anyone else and you won't see your sister
Rena did not like what she was thinking
was about to happen, but she knew they had to go to retrieve Yuko.
Satoko was hurting from her alley beating, Zena and Rena were
in no shape to do anything more than sit in a whirlpool for 3
days. Mike led the way to the sub-basement where they found the
Asian twins with their two male companions, and Yuko, stretched
naked across the table, leg apart, and her stomach covered with
Satoko was horrified and disgusted,
knowing her sister had only two prior experiences. As they entered
the room, Satoko ran toward Yuko, but one of the men intervened,
pushing her back against the wall. Satoko banged the back of her
head against the wall and was momentarily stunned. Mike was not
about to see his girlfriend treated so roughly and stepped up
to punch the guy, but the other man behind Yuko halted him when
he yelled, "take on more step and Yuko gets it," as
he pressed the button beside him. Mike noticed the wires leading
to Yuko's nipples as Yuko's back arched up. "Strip"
was Kato's order and all obliged hoping their compliance would
will Yuko's release. Zena and Rena dropped their robes while Mike
took the longest getting out of his jeans and tee-shirt.
Mike sized up the situation, 3 girls
and 1 guy (plus Yuko tied to the table) versus 2 girls and 2 guys.
But he knew that if they didn't act quickly, they would be put
at an increasing disadvantage. His first priority was the guy
holding control of Yuko, if they didn't stop him first, anything
else they did would result in terrible consequences for her. So
he watched for his chance to move on him, hoping the others would
take his lead.
Meanwhile Satoko began to regain
her senses and realized she recognized the guy pushing her against
the wall as the guy who followed her and beat her in the alley.
Now she stood before him naked again, and her disgust welled up.
Rena had stripped off her clothes but the ace bandage was still
wrapped around her left chest supporting her destroyed breast.
Kato was amused and reached to poke her index finger into the
breast. Just then Satoko spit at her tormentor, and Rena deflected
Kato arm from its intended target. As Yuko's controller distractedly
watched this display, Mike knew this was his chance and he took
In five steps he was able to jump
at the guy behind Yuko and prevent him from pressing his electrical
torture device. Mike banged the guy's head repeatedly into the
wall. All hell broke lose throughout the room.
Taking his lead, Satoko rushed at
the guy in front of her, Rena kicked Kato in the crotch and Zena
moved to confront Kako. But Kako met her with a solid high kick
to Zena's chest that drove her backwards. Zena hit her head on
a pipe hanging from the ceiling, and was knocked out. She fell
to the floor and Kako was immediately on top, not yet realizing
she was out cold. Kako grabbed both Zena's breasts as she lay
sprawled on the floor and began banging her knee up into the girl's
Mike had made almost as quick work
of his guy. As the guy's face came off the wall, Mike pushed him
back into the boxes behind him. A corner drove in to the man's
kidney and he arched back in agony. Mike brought his foot up between
his legs and he sagged to the ground. A final knee to the side
of the head and he fell backwards, unconscious.
Mike turned to see Rena and Satoko
actively fighting, while Zena appeared lifeless on the floor,
with Kako on top trying to rip her breasts off and Zena's body
giggling from the knees to her groin. Mike moved quickly to grab
Kako from behind and pull her up and off Zena's body. But she
turned and drove a hard right into his unsuspecting stomach. He
grabbed her around the waist and the two tumbled to the floor,
wrestling for control.
Meanwhile Rena's kick to Kato's crotch
had been devastating, taking Kato to her knees. But when Rena
moved to grab Kato, from her knees Kato's right hand lashed out
and up, fingers pointed straight, and knifing deep into Rena bruised
breast tissue. Rena tried to scream but the pain that shot through
her left tit took her breath away. Rena's arms crossed to protect
her chest. Kato was still kneeling in front of Rena, staring right
at her pubic hair. She looked up at Rena and said, "no rules
this time, baby!" And with that she drove her head forward
into Rena's belly. Kato's nose was buried into Rena's pubic hair
as her forehead drove deep into Rena's bladder and ovaries. Rena
dropped to her knees, her body wracked with pain. Kato knew she
had won, and stood to finish the job. As she drew her right knee
back to hammer the ace-bandaged target for the last time, she
was interrupted by a bare-fisted punch up between her legs. Kato's
face showed more surprise than pain, but her insides were aflame
and she could feel some of the warmth from that flame begin again
to trickle down her inner thigh. Kato was not so distracted though,
that she did not hear the words from Rena, "right, no rules!"
Rena did not hesitate to go to work
on Kato's chest in desperate revenge. Rena' peeled off the kimono
from her paralyzed opponent, trapped Kato on the floor by pressing
her knee behind Kato's head, and lifted Kato's left arm up to
get unobstructed access to her left side. Rena enjoyed the feel
of her bare right fist burying deep into Kato's breast flesh.
"Now we'll see how you like it," she said, as she flattened
the girl's breast driving the nipple into the ribs behind. Kato
was helpless to prevent the assault and the fear showed on her
Meanwhile, Satoko's bull-rush of
her assailant had pushed him back across the table where Yuko
lay suspended. But when she reached to hit him, he kicked her
in the gut, doubling her over. He got up off the table and tripped
her to the floor, just beside where Rena and Kako were slugging
it out. The guy got on top of Satoko and began to bang her already
woozy head against the concrete floor. In less than a minute her
arms went limp and her prostrate body lay open beneath him. He
grabbed both her breasts and viciously began to squeeze them as
hard as he could causing the inflamed nipples to pop out. Then
he jammed his thumbs into the protruding nipples and laughed as
he became aroused. He pushed her limp legs apart, licked his finger
and reached down through her hairy bush to lubricate her slit.
But before he entered her, he saw Rena had pinned Kato and was
beginning to work over her left tit. He reached up from his position
over Satoko and threw a left hook into Rena's back.
Rena had no idea what had hit her
when her body jerked back, again wracked with pain as the man's
fist drove into her kidney. Kato looked up to see Rena arch back.
Beaten and broken, but not defeated she heaved herself to a stooped
over kneeling position, cocked back her right arm, smiled slightly
and pounded her are fist deep into her favorite ace-bandaged target.
Rena's eye rolled up in her head from the pain and she collapsed
to the floor. This time Kako was sure she had won. She wanted
to see the results of her handiwork and began to unwrap the ace
bandage from her fallen foe. She held Rena up in a kneeling position
to make the unwrapping easier. When she was done, a severely red
and purple bruised breast flopped out. There was considerable
swelling and there was a wet mark inside the bandage where the
nipple had pressed. Kako savagely squeezed Rena's nipple to milk
another drop of fluid from the pulverized gland, and she watched
the drop ooze down the side of the taut skin. Rena was awake but
stayed limp and did not make a move.
As Kato reared back to flatten the
mammary again, Rena beat her to the punch with a devastating low
blow into Kato's battered feminine organs. It was like something
had released inside Kato and she was sickened by the feel of the
flow of warm liquid leaking out between her legs. Kato lurched
forward and threw up. Rena struggled to stand and kicked her foot
up into the dangling chest of her enemy. Now it was Kato's brain
that could take no more pain and her eyes rolled back as her body
slumped to the floor.
After his punch to Rena, Satoko's
assailant went back to work on Satoko's lifeless body, pounding
his fist into her soft stomach and then banging her breasts with
left-right combos. But when he saw Rena finally take out Kato,
he jumped up and grabbed Rena from behind. Rena managed to turn
to face him, but he slammed her back against the wall where he
trapped her with his forearm. Rena's head hit the wall and she
went limp. But the man kept her body pressed against the wall
and pounded his fist into her broken breast, flattening the purple
swollen tit against Rena's beaten body.
Mike could see that Kako's chest
was inflamed from Zena's fistic assault in the ring. He managed
to grab both breasts and pull up. The girl's eyes widened as
she tried to pull his hands free. With her attention completely
focused on free her tits, it was easy for Mike to move back in
to position for a brutal knee to Kako's crotch, that dropped her
like a rock to floor. He moved with her to floor, still holding
tight to her beaten breasts. Once Kako's back was on the floor,
Mike saw her belly was still open and drove his knee down with
all his weight. Kako was nauseous and tried to turn her head
to throw up. But Mike pulled her away from the floor by her breasts,
then pushed her back. Kako's head hit the floor and she was out
Mike immediately grabbed the guy
holding Rena against the wall, allowing Rena's body to slump down
to her knees. She was groggy but not totally gone. As her eyes
opened, she saw she was face to face with her attacker's crotch.
Her right hand grabbed the man's balls and twisted violently.
Rena regained some strength and tightened her crushing hold on
the agonized man. Mike easily pushed him forward into the wall
and his head hit with a resounding crack.
Now it was clear who had ultimately
won. Mike help Rena to her feet and together they released Yuko,
raised Satoko and Zena and tied up the four gang members who thought
they could destroys the founders of PAWS. Instead, they were
found by police an hour later. The text of this story is consistent
with the report given to police. The controlled sport violence
of PAWS was now established as legitimate, free of the corrupt
and brutal elements... for the moment.
Two factions compete for control
of the organization Wroxing and Catfighting.