Muscle story II by P-Towne Big guy, bigger girlfriend...the saga continues We were poolside at a friend's house enjoying the sunny afternoon. Bertrand, the owner, had worked with me a few years back, and we still kept in touch. He was doing very well financially, and his property was gorgeous. I could have baked in that lounge chair all day, but our visit had to be cut short. Me and my girlfriend Karen had tickets to Riverdance that night, and all the lounge chairs in the world could not have kept me away. I just laid there in my bathing suit and smiled contentedly. Bert was sitting across from me in a lawn chair, looking ridiculous in his Hawaiian shirt and with pink zinc on his nose. "What's keeping them in there? I'm sobering up by the second," he said. He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted to the sky, "Must_ have_ more_ beer!" Then he looked over at me. "They seem to be getting along well, don't you think?" "Looks like it." "You know, now she's actually talking about getting a personal trainer. I think your woman is corrupting her." He laughed. "Man, I can't imagine that..." "What?" "Nothing." "You mean having a wife with big muscles?" He looked straight at me. "Don't get me wrong -- I don't see anything wrong with you guys. But for me it would just be too weird, you know?" The ladies approached as we spoke. "Too weird?" asked Karen. They were quite a pair walking up to us -- his wife Angel was a tad short to begin with, but next to Karen she looked like a midget. His wife was slim, pale, and pretty. Unfortunately, wearing a conservative black one-piece with one of those sheer skirts wrapped around her, she looked incredibly dull next to my radiant girlfriend. Karen wore a skimpy black bikini with a gaudy red flame design on it which left acres of her smooth copper skin glistening in the sun. Her long hair hung loose over her mighty shoulders and down her back. She was so unbelievably proportioned, she looked like a caricature. Her oversized neck merged into traps that swooped gracefully out and down to her huge, round shoulders that could hardly fit through doors. Indescribable thickness inhabited her chest and back. Her pecs pushed out further in front than most women's breasts. Arms like Hercules, but with long, beautiful hands at the ends. A waist as big as mine, but tiny in comparison to her broad chest above and round hips below. Monstrous thighs came out of nowhere, casting shadows over her knees and halfway down her shins. Her lower legs had a long and beautiful curve to them, coming up from her perfect feet and suddenly bulging sharply outwards at her calves. To me she looked like an Amazonian warrior from a fantasy painting, only with about ten times the muscle that any artist would feel comfortable putting on a female. She was staring hard at Bert. Then she walked over to my chair. Putting one arm around my back and the other under my knees, she picked me up out of the chair so that she could slide in under me. Once settled, she put her big hands around my waist and repositioned me so that I was sitting comfortably in her lap. I was pretty much in the same position as I'd been in the chair, only now my seat was her huge muscular thighs and my backing was her rippling abdomen. "So what's weird about it, Bertrand?" she asked sinuously. His wife and I burst out laughing, but Bert waited a few seconds before joining in. I was surprised to see that he had actually looked scared for a second. Karen was smiling now, but she didn't move me out of her hold. Instead we conversed a little more sitting like that, his wife again and again expressing her respect and admiration for Karen's muscles. Bert was strangely reserved for the rest of our visit. When it was time to go, we gave our good-bye's and call-me- next-week's. Bert didn't say much, and it seemed like he was trying to ignore my girlfriend for some reason. I didn't think much of it until she brought it up as we were driving home. "Did you notice the way he was acting?" she asked out of the blue. She looked terribly cramped in the passenger side as usual, and she completely blocked my view out her window. Our upper arms were touching because her shoulders were wide enough to take up more than half the width of the car. "Yeah, he was kind of quiet towards the end," I answered. "Did you notice that other thing?" she asked in a weird tone. "Huh?" "You know, when I lifted you up?" "What about it?" "You didn't see?" "No, what?:" "He had a big woody." "No way." "I swear. When I sat down with you, I noticed it. And I don't think he'd had it before." "Did Angel notice?" "No, I don't think so. She would probably have said something if she had -- that woman always says whatever she's thinking." "Wait a minute," I said, eyeing her suspiciously. "So are you saying that you were staring at Bert's crotch the whole time?" She looked at me embarassedly. "I wasn't!" She was blushing and making a big show of her innocence. "I just saw it because...It was pretty obvious!" I had been joking, and let her off easy. I knew that I'd never have to worry about that with her. "So you think he likes you?" She answered, "From the way he talks, I think he's afraid to admit that he likes strong women. I can't wait to set Angel up on a training program. She has the potential to build up nicely. He'll probably freak out when he sees her growing muscles, but deep down he knows he wants a strong woman." "Strong women are weird. Have you ever seen those nasty women bodybuilders? I don't understand how anyone could be attracted to them. I mean it's so gross. Those ladies all look like men." She smiled and gave me the playfully dangerous look I was hoping for. "You'd better be careful what you say to me. When we get home I might just have to straighten you out." As she said it, she gripped my ribs with one big hand, squeezing so suddenly that I jerked the wheel and almost hit our neighbor's minivan. I was pissed but she was laughing hysterically. "And they let you on the road?" she giggled. "Man, that was not funny." She had to wait a few seconds to catch her breath. We were just about to pull into our driveway. Her tone changed suddenly. "You're right, sweetie, I'm sorry." She put an arm over my shoulders and bent over to kiss me on the cheek. "I keep forgetting that you're so.....ticklish!" she yelled as she squeezed the same spot. I spent the next morning putting up a new mailbox. Riverdance was at seven o'clock. At twenty after six I was wearing holes in the rug in her living room with my anxious pacing. She was still in the bathroom, taking her sweet-ass time getting ready. I'd been ready since quarter 'til six -- I hate being late and having to rush. Her laid-back, unhurried attitude towards it all was really getting to me. Boy, was I going to let her have it when she came out of that bathroom. IF she ever came out. The doorknob clicked and I assumed my "angry stance" -- feet planted firmly, hands on hips, furrowed brow, icy stare. She'd walk out of the bathroom and right into my line of fire. I was ready. She appeared, and nothing happened. The order to fire never came. I melted at the sight of her. I couldn't talk or move or think. I could only LOOK. As I stood there, it had seemed like she'd emerged in slow motion -- frame by frame. The first thing that came out from behind the door was a knee. A tanned, beautiful knee. Below it was a carmel-colored calf -- round and sculpted and very strong. Tapering down from the bulge of the calf was a smooth, elegant leg that flowed through a perfect ankle and ended in a long, sexy foot. The knee moved forward slowly, exposing the bulbous mass of her thigh inch by inch. With each inch, the lines of her thigh curved outwards, growing further and further apart. I couldn't believe my eyes. How far away was the peak? It was too big already. When enough of the silky smooth bulk had come out, the peak came and went, but I still hadn't seen any signs of apparel. Where the hell was her dress? The surreal process went on and soon she stood in front of me, a delicious blend of butterscotch curves. The first thing that struck me was the roundness of it all. Everything about her was rounder than round -- solid round calves, immense round thighs, heavy round shoulders, round womanly hips. All this roundness just seemed to be bursting out of her huge body. It was as if God took your average beauty queen, tripled her size, but kept her proportions intact. Then He decided to overinflate certain details of her body without giving her enough skin to cover it all properly, so each vein, each sinew and striation of each swollen muscle group were visible under a microscopically thin, opaque bronze finish as rich and silky as any fabric known to civilization. It's like he went through all that meticulous sculpting just to create this heart-stopping, mind-numbing vision of excellence and tear-jerking beauty that brings a man to his knees in a joyous celebration of thanks and humble praisal of His wisdom. Yes, she did have a dress on, by the way. As stupefied as I was, I hadn't noticed at first. A short, shadow-black minidress that her muscles seemed to be continuously trying to push their way out of. It clung so close it looked like it had been airbrushed onto her. Instead of going over the shoulders, four straps stretched up from the bust and connected to a choker-type thing. At the bottom, the hem came down just enough to cover the perfect curve of her monstrous glutes. For some reason I always feel a deep, penetrating sadness when I see a dress that short on an ass that wonderful. Don't ask me why. It has something to do with the philosophy that to desire is a greater pleasure than to have. The dress made her ass look so perfect that I wanted to unwrap it like a present. Then I'd realize that simply having a present to unwrap is more appealing than actually seeing and having what's inside. You know? But then again, having what's inside is great too. Never mind ....... the point is that her ass looked fine as hell in that black dress. Her legs looked about twice as long as usual, which was downright outrageous. Fortunately their unearthly thickness took one's mind off their shocking length. "Sexy" was not the word for those legs. If they could be removed, one would be in the Smithsonian and the other in the Louvre. It almost seemed like a crime for the majority of the world to be deprived of them. Being the only one present to see them at this moment made me feel like I was the Chosen One or something. Her hair was up and her makeup was on. Diamonds glittered on her ears and on her wrists. When she flashed me a smile, her radiant beauty made me feel terribly unworthy of her. "Well don't just stand there, sweetheart -- we're gonna be late," she said, taking advantage of my paralysis to turn the situation around on me. It really didn't seem fair for her to exploit her physical effect on me like that, but at the moment I really didn't give a rat's ass about fairness. I ran over to her and put my arms around her firm waist, pulling myself to her (because pulling her to me just doesn't work). "Baby, you look.....unbelievable," I said in all seriousness. All the while, I was naughtily sliding my hands downwards. Feeling the divine curve of her super-thick glutes took me higher than any drug I'd ever taken in my life. My hands could just barely touch each other as I reached the widest point around her hips. Standing there with my arms full of the wonderfully heavy bulk of this woman's muscular hips, the thought of missing Michael Flatley and his world-famous dance troupe was becoming easier and easier to stomach. "Why don't we just stay home tonight?" I said, looking up at her with undisguised lust. She laughed and smoothed my hair with her fingers. "But baby, you've been waiting for this for months." Taking me by the shoulders, she separated us gently. "Come on, you know you'll hate yourself if you miss it." Her sensible words shook me out of my kamikaze hornball state of mind. She's right. I'd really be upset later if I missed this ("later" meaning ten minutes later when I'd have shot my wad and we'd have been hopelessly late). Besides, she wasn't going to turn into a pumpkin after midnight. Anything we could do now, we can do later. But God damn, I hate having to wait. "Yeah, you're right," I said in an obvious tone of resignation. "We're gonna have to rocket all the way down Highway 65 if we're going to make it there in time." She put an arm around me as we walked out and kissed me warmly on the side of my neck. "I know you can get us there, baby." Every nerve on my body tweaked and I felt an electric rush. Hell yes, I could get us there on time. At that moment I felt like I could do just about anything. The show was pretty spectacular, but I was less interested in the dancing than I was in the dancers. Every last one of those women was a hottie. During one particular dance, I was literally mesmerized by one woman's firm, athletic thighs as her skirt flicked up and down playfully with each twirl. As if reading my thoughts, Karen laid a heavy hand on my thigh, her long fingers wrapping around quite a bit of it. A sudden squeeze caused me to double over in my seat. The muscles in her giant forearm stood out like steel cables, and I knew them to be just as hard. It tickled at first, but her iron grip soon became painful. I instinctively grabbed her fingers and tried to pry them loose, knowing full well how futile it was. Jesus Christ, I thought, she could probably break my leg like this. She leaned in close to whisper softly into my ear, "That woman has a nice body, doesn't she?" I worried that the people around us were looking, but I couldn't see anything what with my head between my legs and all. As I hesitated, her hand clamped down harder. "Doesn't she?" she repeated. I wasn't in the mood to give in, so I bit her hand instead. She let out a yelp, and the audience all around us murmured. We both sat up stiffly and stared straight ahead. An usher came by to see what the disturbance was, and neither of us moved a muscle. The old couple beside us gave me an accusing stare, but nobody said anything. Pretty soon the usher moved along, and the two of us exhaled simultaneously. I looked over at Karen. She was ostentatiously avoiding my eyes, and her lips were pressed tightly together. I started to smile, but looked away and closed my eyes to avoid laughing. She seemed to be holding her breath. I couldn't maintain and started to shake with silent laughter. Suddenly the dam broke and she let out a snort, which led to contagious laughing that we couldn't stop. Two minutes later we found ourselves on the sidewalk in front of the theatre, both gasping for air. The usher had been rather rude about the whole thing, but we didn't give him any trouble when he escorted us to the lobby. "So now what?" she said as our mirth died down. I shrugged. "I guess we go home." And have lots and lots of hot dirty sex, I added to myself. "Look around, though," she said. "Let's not let a nice evening in the city go to waste." The downtown area did have a certain charm to it. I was a bit reluctant, though. Being a suburbanite, I'd always felt uneasy being in the center of the city. This place was unsafe for people like us. But she was right -- it'd be a shame to waste a nice night like this. "All right," I said. "We have about two hours left in that parking garage anyway. Where to?" We had a nice romantic walk through downtown, enjoying the unfamiliar atmosphere and the brisk night air. I had my arm around her tight waist with my hand resting on her hip. The feel of her muscular haunches contracting with each step lulled me into a blissful reverie. We walked for about an hour at a slow, pleasant pace. Pretty soon it all started to look the same, though, and I grew tired of walking. "Let's go back and get the car. I think we've had just about enough of the downtown scene for one night," I said. The way back proved to be tricky, though, since neither of us had watched where we were going. Fortunately we were guided by a tall, crazy-looking building that stuck out above most of the other buildings. We knew it was adjacent to the theatre, so we just aimed our footsteps towards it. But we were heading a different way than the one we'd come from, and the area through which we passed seemed to be a lot less inviting. I was getting a bit nervous at our surroundings when I noticed three guys in a doorway up ahead of us. They were acting in a rather loud and rambunctious manner -- kind of like the way drunks act. Please God, don't let them see us. "Hey, let's go a different way," I said to her quickly and tried to direct us another way. Pushing against her didn't do much, though, and she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice at first. "What? What are you doing, baby?" she asked. I tried again in vain to push her away, saying, "C'mon, let's just go this way." Too late. I heard, "Hey! You guys! Come on over here." I was about to piss my pants. This was my worst nightmare. These guys might be real trouble, and I'd always had a fear of confrontations like this. And of course they'd immediately start shit with Karen once they saw her muscles. Guys always have something to prove once they see a strong woman, and drunk guys are the worst. She may be strong, but she's not a fighter. Besides, there were three of them. Okay, I thought, maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe these are just nice folks out having a little fun. They were coming closer, yelling at us. I finally got her to start moving away, but they were on top of us in no time. She let out a frightened "oh!" and stepped behind me, squeezing my shoulders. It must have seemed odd seeing an enormous woman like that hide behind a relatively miniscule guy like me. It could have gone the other way, though -- I'd be hiding behind her if she hadn't beaten me to it. "What the hell? Look at the size of that fuckin' bitch!" one of them said. "Hey dude, what's the matter, can't find a normal sized chick or what?" Another one walked straight up to me. "What's up, man? You got any change? A dollar?" I was about to say no when the first guy started walking over behind Karen. "God damn, baby! Now those are some serious legs! Hey man, come over and check this shit out." The third one circled around and took a look. "Shit," was all he had to say. "Hey man, you wanna buy a watch?" said the second one. He was up in my face now, and his stinking breath confirmed my doubts about their sobriety. He pulled a watch out of his pocket. "Five dollars." "No, thanks," I said. "Look, we're kind of in a hurry, so-" My girlfriend yelped and jumped as one of the other guys tried to grab her ass. Raucous laughter followed. She held on to me, and now she stood on the other side of me, sort of pointing me at her attackers. "Look fella's, we don't want any trouble, alright?" was all I could think of. Meanwhile the guy beside me was getting angry. "Give me five dollars for this watch, man! I know you've got five dollars." I ignored him and backed away, Karen doing the same behind me. "Man, give me five dollars, motherfucker!" he yelled and grabbed me all of the sudden. His hands searched all over me for my wallet. That brought the other two into it, and suddenly they were pulling at me, too. I tried to push them away, but they all kept coming back. Panic coursed through me as I drowned in a sea of dirty, stinky, grasping drunks. Then something incredible happened -- one of the guys actually started to fly. It was the watch salesman. His eyes widened in confusion as he rose up before me, his feet kicking wildly several feet off the ground. The bunching of his coat around his neck and armpits told me that my girlfriend had him by the collar. Then he took off sideways, shooting through the air at incredible speed. He hit the ground with a gut-wrenching thud. His body skipped on the pavement once and tumbled many yards before lying completely still. One of his buddies turned around to see what happened and I saw Karen's massive arm fire past me to plant a fist right on the side of the guy's face. There was a sharp cracking sound as she connected. His body jerked backwards off his feet to land flat on the street. The third guy saw the fate of his friends and froze. Then he saw my girlfriend, a monstrous, raging colossus staring straight at him. With a horrible, high-pitched shriek, he took off down an alleyway. I was in complete shock. I looked over at the guy she'd tossed. He was still not moving. Then I looked at the guy she'd tattooed. His body was twitching strangely in some sort of spasms. His face looked weird. I took a step towards him and bent down. "Auughh!" I yelled and jumped backwards. The left side of his face was totally crushed inwards, the blood and bones you could see... I puked all over the sidewalk. Then again. Then again. "Fuck me!" seemed the only appropriate thing to say. I felt strong hands on my shoulders, and I immediately flinched and struck at the person. When my hand hit something huge and solid, I realized who it was. Looking up at her, all I could say was, "God! Fuck, I think you killed him!" She tried to hold my shoulders to calm me down. I jumped back. "Get away! Oh Jesus! Why?" I was shaken and delirious. Her face showed nothing except concern for me. "C'mon, we need to get out of here," she said, holding out her hand. I ignored it. "We have to go, baby, come on!" Hearing the monster that had just committed these terrible acts call me "baby" was too much. I picked a direction and started to run. Within seconds, however, she was on top of me, her huge arms closing in around me and lifting me off my feet. I struggled frantically against her but to no avail. She was saying "shhhhh" over and over again into my ear. Then she was whispering "It's okay" and "Calm down". She kept on repeating the words and I kept on struggling. She had my arms pinned at my sides and was squeezing me firmly to her hard chest. For a long time I tried to fight against her, but gradually her words soothed my jangled nerves. Her warm breath against my ear helped put me at ease. Finally I quit fighting and calmed down. She hadn't touched those guys until they jumped me, I thought. Even when they grabbed her, she didn't touch them. She was just protecting me, I told myself. For some reason that didn't make it right, though. "Okay, okay," I said in a normal rather than panic-stricken tone of voice. "I'm okay." Waiting a few moments to see if I was being honest, she slowly let me back down to the ground. She still had an arm around me, though. "Now let's get back to the car and we'll report this," she said firmly. I nodded and we turned down the street. We said nothing on the drive home after we'd given the cops an anonymous tip. When we got to her place, we got out of the car and I followed her to the door. I was thinking to myself how cold and collected she seemed after that insane experience. Didn't she have a conscience? What's going through her mind? Right after we got inside, her knees gave out and she fell. I tried to hold her up, but she took me down with her. Doubled over on her knees, sobs ripped out of her. "Oh my God, Leo. Oh my God..." she cried. I pulled myself up and put my arms around her shoulders. She responded immediately by grabbing my lapels and burying her head in my chest. I put an arm around her neck and one around her shoulder, rubbing her broad back like my mom used to do to me when I was upset. Her sobs gradually died down, and she sat up. Seeing her sad, tear-streaked face made me want to cry as well. "Leo, I-" she began, but I stopped her with a finger to her lips. "Let's just go to bed," I said. She nodded and wiped her face. I got up and put my arms around her to help her up. She rose, but through no help of mine. She smiled slightly as if she appreciated the effort, though. I helped her undress, tossing the dress that had slain me three hours ago in a crumpled pile on the chair. Once we were undressed, I pulled the covers back for her and she got in. I rounded the bed to my side and pulled the blankets up over both of us. She put her head on my chest. "Goodnight, honey," she said tiredly. Minutes later she was asleep. I stayed awake for a long time afterwards, thinking. Thinking about the woman who had, less than an hour before, beaten two guys to death (or very close to it) in a matter of seconds. A woman with such frightening strength that she could kill with a single blow. A dangerously powerful woman whose mighty body lay by me right now. How the hell was I supposed to sleep beside her after all that? Maybe she had been protecting me, but did it have to go that far? Was it an accident, or was Karen's attack deliberately murderous? But most importantly, what the fuck do I do now?