Miya Chapter 2- First Encounter By Neptune Miya meets a trucker Miya had been walking for a while when she heard the loud boom that she recognized as her landing pod exploding. She was by the side of a moderately busy road with cars whizzing by. She noticed that most of the men that passed her were turning their heads to look at her, so she felt confident that her choice of outfit (lycra sports bra and "Daisy Duke" denim shorts) showcased her physique perfectly. A semi-trailer pulled over to the side of the road a few hundred yards from Miya right after the muffled boom. The driver got out of the cab slowly and then began to inspect the tires of his vehicle. Miya surmised that this man had evidently believed that the explosion had something to do with his truck. Miya saw that the load on the rig's trailer appeared to be a stack of concrete slabs, similar to the ones she had seen lining the road. She smiled as she contemplated the big, heavy vehicle and jogged over to the driver. The driver, Bubba, looked up and saw Miya jogging toward him. He was amazed at her perfectly proportioned muscularity as she ran toward him. She was a combination of all of best body parts from each of the champion fitness athletes he had seen in the female muscle magazines he often purchased for his long, solitary hauls. He smiled at her as she approached and thought to himself, "I owe you one, God!" When she reached him, she smiled back and tensed every muscle in her body. Bubba was taken aback by the sudden transformation of her body to resemble an anatomy chart. His expression satisfied Miya that her physique would have the desired effect on human men. She pointed to the trailer and asked, "How much does this weigh?" Bubba was confused by the question, but answered cautiously, "About 30 tons, give or take...Why?" Miya pouted and muttered, "Already did shoulders." Then she moved to the cab of the truck and pointed to it. "How about this?" she asked. Bubba shrugged his shoulders and answered, "I dunno, maybe between 5 and 10 tons?" The beautiful woman's questions were starting to freak him out, so he backed up a bit and asked, "Why do you care?" He was answered by a metal-crunching sound, as Miya drove her left fist through the grille and into the lower part of the cab's engine block support structure. Then she set her feet and looked down at her arm. Bubba was shocked by the punch that this girl had just thrown through the front of his rig. He was even more stunned as he saw her left bicep begin to expand incredibly, with a single vein popping out and running up the peak of her bicep to her shoulder. Bubba watched her grit her teeth and continue applying upward pressure to the stubborn cab. He realized that this girl was attempting to lift his truck with only one hand. He almost fell over when he saw the cab of the rig start to rise slowly off the ground. Miya was frustrated. The cab was heavier than she expected. Her bicep was expanding beautifully under the strain, but the cab was not rising as quickly as she would have liked. Then, she reached a point where the upward progress stopped, just as her arm had reached almost a ninety degree angle. Miya stared at her bicep more intently and let out a guttural roar, determined to complete this curl with only her weak hand. She needed to complete this curl to achieve the pump she craved. From his vantage point, Bubba could see the woman's problem. The trailer with the concrete on it had stayed attached to the cab as it was lifting, and the combined weight of the two pieces of the semi-trailer was resisting this super-woman's bicep. He shuddered as he watched her continue to strain, not yielding to the massive weight. Miya reset her feet and closed her eyes. She imagined her bicep growing larger than it had ever been before. She pictured herself completing the lift, with the huge weight lifted in the air due only to the power of her bicep. She imagined the way her bicep would look, with the peak jutting forth and her sexy vein that she loved so much sticking out farther than ever. She screamed, "NOW!!" and pulled upward with all her might. The coupling between the cab and trailer snapped with a whine. The trailer dropped back to the ground and the concrete blocks rattled against each other, threatening to fall into the road. Miya was oblivious to all this, however, as she joyously completed the curl. When she had slowly curled the cab up to her head, she rotated her wrist and flexed her bicep as tight as she could to maximize the pump. The truck's cab almost comically rotated with her wrist, and Miya broke into a wide smile when she saw the jagged peak of her bicep and her favorite vein threatening to pop out of her skin. Bubba realized that he should be scared and should have been running away at this point, but he just couldn't move from his spot. He just stood there and watched her complete repetition after repetition, curling his cab ever so slowly and contracting her bicep fully at the top of each curl. She seemed oblivious to everything else as she concentrated on her bicep and exhaled softly with each curl. When it appeared to Bubba that her left arm had fatigued, the woman simply changed hands in the hole she had made and completed just as many slow, controlled curls with her right arm. Bubba and Miya were snapped out of their reverie by a loud series of crashes. It appeared that at least one driver on the road had been distracted by Miya's display and lost control of his vehicle. The resulting chain reaction started a pile-up of cars and stopped traffic completely. Miya smiled at Bubba and lowered the cab to the ground. She removed her hand from the truck and started caressing her biceps. She cooed softly to herself as she could sense that her biceps felt bigger and tighter than ever before. "Thanks for letting me use your truck. I guess I'll cross the road now, while it's safe," she said to Bubba. Then, as a final thanks, she slowly raised both her fists in a front double bicep flex right in Bubba's face. She bit her lip and squeezed her biceps to their maximum size until Bubba fainted dead away. Then she turned and crossed the street, smiling at all the people staring at her while she wound her way through the carnage her biceps had caused.