Miya Chapter 1 - Arrival By Neptune Strong alien female arrives on Earth Miya looked back at her RV-sized landing pod. She had ejected from her star cruiser in the pod to hopefully evade the sensors of the recovery team that had chased her. The responsibility of the recovery team was to stop any of Miya's kind from affecting the natural development of other worlds. Any female from Miya's planet would be almost a god on a planet with relatively low gravity and a yellow sun - like Earth. Miya had selected Earth based on her research during her university studies back on her world. Nobody on her planet concerned themselves with Earth, due to the galactic unimportance of the basically planet-bound inhabitants. However, Miya was captivated by the thought that she could be almost omnipotent on a planet like Earth. She already knew that her physique was similar to the fitness athletes currently popular among United States males, except Miya's muscles would expand much more than any Earth woman could dream of when they were exerted. As she observed her landing craft, she saw that it had landed on a bunch of rocks, severely damaging the landing gear. Her plan to land in a remote, well-hidden site in the United States not too far outside Washington DC in case she ever wanted to leave had obviously backfired. "Oh well," she thought, "I never claimed to be a pilot." She reached out and rubbed the surface of the pod in one of the dents, and the rock beneath it crumbled at her touch. She startled herself, but quickly recovered and thought to herself with wonder, "I really am a goddess here!" She made a fist and punched the largest rock in the group under her pod quite firmly. She was surprised to see all of the rocks in the group shatter to dust due to the force of her blow. Then she was frightened to see her ship begin to tip down on top of her now that its support had been vaporized. In response, Miya threw up her arms to protect herself from the heavy landing pod falling toward her head. She saw the impact on her hands by the pod and was amazed to see the pod cease its descent instantly and buckle slightly around her hands. Miya laughed out loud as she realized that she was supporting half of the weight of her landing pod with her now super-powerful arms. Even in this gravity, she knew, her ship must have weighed almost 20 tons due to its heavy construction built to withstand the heavy gravity of her home world. She said out loud, "I wonder..." and began to walk her hands toward the bottom of the craft. When her hands reached the bottom, she let out a soft grunt and exploded her legs and arms upward, lifting the heavy ship over her head. Miya stood there for a moment and reveled in her new-found super- strength. The pod's heavy frame completely dwarfed her, yet she was holding it over her head with only moderate effort. She looked up at where her hands were holding the metal frame over her head, and then squeezed. Her knees shook slightly with excitement as she saw the hard surface crumple under her grip. "I need more - I need to do more!" she cried out loud. Then she slowly lowered the heavy pod to her head, and then pressed it back up in the air using only her super-powered arms. She continued pressing the heavy ship up and down military-press style, and with each super-repetition she could feel her shoulders filling with blood. Finally, after she lost count of the reps, her shoulder burn became too great, and she screamed, "YES!" With that, she dropped the pod behind her and ran her hands over her pumped shoulders while her eyes were closed, imagining them to be more pumped than they had ever been before. She stood for a couple of minutes while the burning feeling slowly subsided from her shoulders. Then she opened her eyes again and scanned her surroundings. She saw her dented pod lying askew in the ground where she had dropped the heavy object. She smiled and caressed her engorged arm muscles again. "Now that I'm warmed up, I need to go find some real weight to lift!" she thought to herself. She knew Washington DC was in the direction of the setting sun from where she was now, so she decided to head in that direction. She set the auto-destruct sequence on her ship by remote, and began walking in that direction...