Mayn-Assah-Yaram-Sayah by Hex119 a metaphysical female muscle growth story [This story deals with explicit sexual situations, and thus should only be viewed by those who are legally and spiritually capable of dealing with such impressions responsibly. Also, metaphysical or mystical matters receive a certain amount of attention within this tale, and the appropriate cautions apply. Do What Thou Wilt. The author is not, nor has ever been, an Initiate member of any Thelemic order, and he has obtained the elements of this story pertinent to Thelema from reading documents available to the public.] Her breathing slowed to almost nothing. She sat like a statue in full lotus position atop my lap, which itself made that figure. She faced me, and my erect penis stood inside her gracious and wondrous temple. The effects of Ch'Krasa'Kth produced fantastic musculature over her body, her pectorals pushing her lush breasts against my chest, and her added weight making her stone-hard thighs sit like stone on my own. It was an extremely pleasurable sensation, and one which made full attention of both my mind and penis easy to maintain. She had become interested, lately, in the arcane studies which had led me to explore and produce the Ch'Krasa'Kth effect with her; this effect, a love-under-will-based muscular explosion in her own body, had made her strong enough to lift me as if I were a rag doll, had removed the debilitating muscular pain condition under which she had suffered for so long, and had, at long last, stimulated her interest in some of the same sorts of subjects that had guided me to the state of prayer and meditation that, together with her own then-unrealized magickal spirit, had caused Ch'Krasa'Kth to occur. Our lives had been sweet and strong and sublime since that finding. She found out about my secret donation to Ordo Templi Orientis but somehow didn't mind; her gracious acceptance of this gift, however arcane its trappings, had made her love me all the more for helping bring it to her. And now we had begun a study of tantra, her natural strength and agility lending itself to the exercises. Indeed, the awakening of her spiritual as well as sexual appetites was truly putting me to the test, as I strove both to withstand the pressure of her eager muscles around me, and to suppress the urge to explode inside her in immediate release while gazing upon her body, the body of a goddess. Her eyes were closed now, and I slowed my breathing and synchronized it with hers. I shut my eyes and began whispering a mantra, which she picked up. "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." We had both dreamed this phrase the night before, and it seemed to fit well in our training, at least in terms of the calming effect and the mental images we both experienced when we repeated the vocal sounds. "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." Soon I could detect her voice growing deeper. I opened my eyes at the sensation of her vagina caressing my cock with even stronger muscles, and indeed I saw the muscles of her whole body roiling and becoming larger as we chanted. Her shoulders became those of Hercules, while her torso kept the proportion, smoothness and femininity of an Artemis. Truly in my mind the strings of my heart's bow were held taut by those firm hands, the forearm muscles boiling and bulging, the biceps swelling to melon size. Her breaths were giant intakes of deep, baritone winds, entering the ponderous, mighty chest whose breasts tantalized me with hard, sharp nipples that would pierce me to the heart if I left down my guard. My legs were numbing under her growing steel thighs and calves; I kept chanting and breathing and was able to return circulation to them. There should be no doubt in your mind that I was able to remain stimulated inside her. My continuing marvel was that I had not already come. The chant was keeping us both steady and focused on what was happening. And then I realized that the release of pressure on my thighs was arriving from quite an unexpected source. I was becoming she. It was as if my body was dissolving entirely as hers grew, and the difference between myself and herself was being annihilated. The point of view I had no longer existed; for a moment I seemed to see all sides of the bedroom we were in, and almost saw every molecule inside out if I had wished to study. Then something went snap, and we seemed to occupy a single body, a mass of feminine muscular divinity, sitting alone on the bed in lotus position, but yet filled with itself, as if both of us were still there, still making love. Two voices still chanted the mantra. "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." "Mayn-assah-yaram-sayah." And then the bed disappeared, and the bedroom around us. We became a single, mighty, feminine entity, with a difficult if not impossible to describe environment around us. Not sky, not stars, not universe, but true, transfinite, trans-material COSMOS, in all its energy and glory. We were one, truly one, moving and flexing and sliding through and around and all over this new space, and only now beginning to move inside each other/ourself, bringing the sexual sensation to an impossibly unified peak (who was ejaculating? I was no longer here!) The waves from our ecstatic (and true!) union radiated outward, changing the whole space in which we/I found ourselves/myself. That which had been Shannon flexed mighty muscles and that which had been my own self shot the last of my physical and psychic load into this alternate space, a space which we thus somehow co-created and which I cannot describe . . . . . . but to which we certainly hope you will have the pleasure of journeying someday.