LAMENT. In sweet repose let the spirit of I your son return. Smoke , swirling spectres , mocking sighs . The misty viel of time unfurling . A jarring ring of fairie bells All contrast . With manly pride ( in chains ) a'stirring . A sigh , eternal life the bane of man , could you believe a witch's spite would condemn a healthy intellect to aimless wanderings ? Such inner strife . No longer mighty master , more a helpless pawn ,slave to a perverted desire . Her's ? an unrequited lust , my denial , call it chivalry . As knight errant , bold I rode , to slay an evil person . To free the land , uphold the law , to cleanse a frightened nation . Oh so easily , snared , like a rabbit helpless I lay . Entranced by magic . She a sorceress , I a knight , my vow , a critereon for which to die . No dingy cavern , rather a bed of roses , captive kept alive . Dependant on a whim, hers , for my dignity . Lord , Guardian , of my vow . Let me die as befits a man ! in battle , my courage whole . God , creator , instigator of my life , let my spirit lie in peace . In ancient runes of ages long since past , the spell began . What cared I ? I could not leave that accursed place . Doomed to re-life , my soul in other forms to lie . Thralldom was her offer , or immortality she would gift . cause me to wander outlawed from my race . Free me from this binding , release me from my woe . Christ , show me the haven where all warrriors travel . Valhalla I name thee , Olympus I crave thee , somebody , Show me the bridge where all warriors hasten . The home in the sky where all mankind go . I yielded to her passion , to evade an endless life . Shackled to a bed of roses , captive , kept alive . She showed me who was stronger , I was no match for her wiles . Kitty, squatting on me , forcing me to serve . To lick her pubic forest , and drink her bitter wine . I traded love and honour . To be treated as a pet . Captive for her pleasure,barely kept alive .