The kidnap By Wolfie ( Three very young girls know how to handle kidnappers Introduction This was all very exciting for Tom. He was a freshman at college and now he had found his dream-date. Sure, the girl was younger than him, only sixteen against his eighteen, but boy was she a beauty! Since this year he had his own apartment and now his fresh date was downstairs, ready to go to his place. He saw her enter the room. She had long blond hair, a fair skin and a chest that could at the least be called promising. She was not tall, only 5'4" and slim, all Tom ever wanted in a woman. "Hi Tom, I'm here. Have you missed me? I certainly missed you!" she said seductively. "Sure, I missed you, Wendy! Every moment I'm without you, feels heavy to me." he answered a bit exaggerated and he went towards her and started to kiss her. "You're so sweet Tom. Why should we go out this evening? Can't we stay here and do -, well you now what!" Wendy said. This now went a little bit too far for Tom. He was, though he would not admit it to anyone, still a virgin and he was planning to keep it this way a bit longer still. "I don't know Wen, there's a real good movie on tonight. I wouldn't want to miss it." he said and he put his arm around her waist and tried to pull her along. Weirdly enough she didn't budge. He put some more effort into it, without any result. "What are you trying? Pulling me with you? That isn't possible, Tom. I'm way too strong for you!" Wendy giggled. Now Tom started to laugh. "You too strong for me. Haha, that's ridiculous. I'm seven inches taller than you and forty pounds heavier. No way you can be stronger than me." he said and he started to pull harder, with no result at all. Instead he felt his girl friend putting her arm around him and pushing him towards the bed. Irresistibly he found himself being moved. "What the hell! What kind of trick are you using?" he looked in his girlfriend eyes and saw she wasn't putting any effort in at all. She pushed him on the bed as if he wasn't even there. Wendy saw the unbelief in her boyfriend eyes. "You still think I use some kind of trick, don't you. I will show you something that should convince you I'm really, really strong. Normally I shouldn't do that but I'll make an exception here." she said. She went towards a steel bar that was normally used to put weights on. From time to time Tom did some work-outs on his apartment. She put her two hands on the bar and completely relaxed started to bend it. Tom's eyes almost fell out of it's sockets. "My goodness! That's impossible! No one can be that strong!" he exclaimed. "Well, it's indeed uncommon to be that strong, Tom. What do you think of it. Are you afraid of me now?". Wendy looked really concerned. She knew that what she had just done could well ruin there still young relation. Tom on the contrary didn't know what to think. He had never considered that a female could be strong and now he had seen it he felt weirdly aroused. "Man, this is really strange. I don't know what I feel about it right now. How come you're so strong? Did you take some kind of serum or so?" he asked. " No, I guess I'm born with this strength. My mother is very strong and so are my two younger sisters. It's something that only seems to affect the female side of the family. My mom says it's because we have an extreme density of the muscles. They don't seem any bigger than normal people's but they are much stronger. Now, I think this has all been a bit too much for you. I will now go and let you think about it. I'll call you tomorrow." Wendy answered. She went towards Tom and gave him a passionate kiss. Instinctively she knew her seductive powers would be too big for him and that she wouldn't have lost him. She could have forced him of course, but she didn't want to do that. She really had feelings for the boy and she wouldn't ruin that. She felt he was a still a virgin and adored him even more for it. evening of the kidnap Tom felt kind of nervous. He had just rang the bell at Wendy's house. Her parents weren't home and he was invited by her. After that famous evening when he had heard about her strength he had done some serious thinking. His conclusion was that he didn't feel bad about the fact that his girlfriend was so strong. After all, nobody was as strong as her so why should he be ashamed about being weaker than her. She still remained as pretty as she was and boy was she pretty! A big house they have, he thought. As a matter of fact he had never seen a bigger house. He realised this must be a very rich family. A young girl opened the door. In contrast with Wendy she had dark hair in one long ponytail, but she had also a fair skin. She was slightly smaller than her sister. "Hi, you must be Tom. Wendy told about you. Follow me, she will be here immediately. I'm Courtney by the way." she said. So Tom followed her into the living room and took a seat in a couch. "I hear you know already that Wendy is very strong. I'm only thirteen but I'm very strong as well! Do you dare arm wrestling me?" she asked with a mischievous smile on her face and she put her arm on the table. Tom knew he shouldn't do it but he couldn't let a little girl challenge him like this as well. He just couldn't believe she could be like her sister so he locked with her hand. He started pushing slightly. Hmm, her arm didn't budge and she still kept smiling. He slowly increased his pressure without result. After a while he noticed he was using his full strength and her arm was still not moving! She just kept on smiling. Courtney saw how much Tom was exerting himself and realised he was now using full strength. "Is that all you have? I'm not even feeling that! Use both hands!" she exclaimed. Humiliating as it might seem, Tom actually did that. It had no effect at all and as if she felt no resistance she put Tom's arms down. "Incredible! You're almost as strong as your sister." Tom muttered and he saw a real cute little girl enter the room. She had half long brown hair and a very fair skin like her sisters. She couldn't have been much taller than 4'1". "Ah Meagan, come here. Meet Tom, Wendy's new boyfriend. Tom, this is Meagan. She's the youngest, only seven." Courtney said. "Hi, Meagan. Cute little girl you are. At least one person weaker than me in this house." He said with a half hearted smile. "I wouldn't be so sure about that Tom. Show him Meagan!" Courtney said. Meagan went towards the couch, she kneeled and before Tom knew it his was lifted in the air, high above Meagan's head, his own head almost touching the ceiling. "Hey, let me down! Let me down." Tom really felt bad at ease now. Meagan quickly lowered the couch again. "You see now I'm strong. I bet you can't do that even with the couch empty!" the cute little girl said happily. Tom indeed tried to lift it, but he was unable to do it. This couch was very big and heavy. Two big men would be needed to move it and yet this little girl had easily lifted it above her head with him in it. God, this seven year old had just done a strength feat he wouldn't expect in the strongest man! Just while he was looking down on the two incredible girls, Wendy entered the living room. "So I see you have made acquaintance already. Don't worry about it Tom. Even Meagan would pale the competitors at the world strongest man competition or at the Olympic weightlifting contest. I told you, it's the intense muscle density that makes us, even a seven year old, superior to any living man. Now it's time for you to go to bed girls! Me and Tom will want to spent some time alone." She said. Indeed, this could still become a great evening, Tom thought. 24h same evening Seven armed men moved in on the house. This was a important mission for them. They would capture the daughters of one of the richest men in the country, the leader of their major rival crime organisation. They had planned it all perfectly. Nothing could go wrong. The parents weren't home and weirdly enough there wasn't any protection at the house. Now they had just cracked the back door and were about to enter the house. "Ok, men. Now it's the moment of truth. We will do exactly as planned. You, Thomas and Bill will go immediately to the room of the smallest girl. Chris and Fred, you take the middle daughter. Me, Peter and Joe will go for the oldest girl. Remember, do it as quiet as possible. Since we have seen no guards at all, there should be no problem." The leader of the men said. "Ok ,Follow me and keep your voice low." He now said to Peter and Joe. They entered Wendy's room. Suddenly Wendy and Tom awakened. They saw three armed men standing in the doorway. "Freeze girl. You're coming with us. Damn, a boy. What's he doing here." The leader said. Wendy quickly overlooked the situation. She knew three men shouldn't pose a problem for her. She had to be careful though because they were armed. Not that these puny guns were likely to hurt her, but they could hurt Tom. She figured it would be best to first do what they said. "Ok, come here Wendy. Yes we know your name. Don't be afraid. If you do what we say you'll not be hurt." The same man said. "Damn, you're naked. Put on some clothes." and he got a hard one just by looking at the gorgeous girl. She was perfect. Long blond hair, perfectly round breasts- Wendy went towards the men. "You boy, put your hands in the air and sit down on your knees to--" He couldn't finish his sentence because he felt his gun being kicked away. Wendy had come into action. With one powerful kick she had unarmed the three men. "So, that's the end of the fun- for you that is-" and she quickly grabbed the necks of two men, using them as leverage to jump and take the third man's neck between her thighs. Because of her strength they immediately fell to the ground. She then pushed the heads of the two men against her breast. The fact of overpowering the men with such an ease made her very aroused. The men didn't know what happened to them and tried to bite her. It made her only more aroused. She moaned and shook from pleasure. Her juices flew in the third man's mouth. To his amazement Tom saw that in his girlfriends hands, the men looked like they were only dolls. Suddenly Wendy went into a wild climax. The powerless men all went out. In the mean time, two other guys had entered Courtney's room. "Ok, girl. Come here. Don't be afraid. We wont hurt you." One of the guys said. Courtney followed their order. But when she had just reached them she took, with incredible speed, the weapons away. "Don't you know how dangerous these things are! I hate weapons. They are only used to hurt people." And showing incredible strength she cracked both guns. The men couldn't believe their eyes but neither could they just run away. They had a job to do and weren't allowed to fail. They cautiously closed in on the girl. "Oh, still not learned your lesson. Look what more I can do." Courtney said. She took one wrist of both men and started to squeeze only slightly. They immediately fell down on their knees in pain. "Already too much for you- Poor men, so big and yet so weak-" Courtney said. She gently knocked the men's heads together making sure they were only unconscious and not hurt too much. The two last men were now standing at Meagan's bed. Even trained professionals like them feel somewhat awkward having to kidnap such small girl. She looked so cute and peaceful. Suddenly she awakened and looked right into the eyes of the two men. For such a small girl she kept herself remarkably cool. Before the men knew what happened, Meagan knocked the weapons out of the men's hands. "Damn, how did she do that!" The tallest man said. And he wanted to go for his weapon. Meagan hindered that by taking a hold on the men's belts. Both men took an arm of the girl with both their hands trying to get loose. In vain, it didn't seem to have any effect- "Is that all you can do- I don't feel that! I'm only seven, you are two big guys and still you don't stand even the slightest chance!" she giggled. The men than felt themselves lifted into the air. There they hanged: two battle trained veterans, chance less against a little girl. With a display of enormous strength, Meagan threw them away so they landed against the wall. They went both out cold- John suddenly awakened. He saw himself and his mates bounded by ropes and sitting against a wall. He saw a little girl standing in front of him. What where they doing here? What had happened? All these questions raced through his mind. He quickly remembered everything although he couldn't believe his own memories. Suddenly the little girl, who he remembered must be Meagan started to speak. "Ah, you'll finally all awake. I'm here to guard you guys and to ask who you are and who sent you." She said with her sweet, girlish voice. "If you think, we'll tell that to a girl hardly more than a toddler, you're wrong. Now, help us untie or you'll be very, very sorry-" John threatened. Meagan just smiled. " So you're calling me a toddler. Look what this toddler can do!" She took a thick steel bar and started to put pressure on it. The metal started to shriek- She looked with a mischievous smile at the men. "Still don't want to tell me who sent you-" she teased while she casually bent the steel bar. "If you see what I can do with a steel bar, think what I could do with you guys." The men trembled with fear. This girl was so incredibly powerful. To be continued?????? This is the first story I've ever written. I don't know whether anyone will enjoy this story. If you do want a sequel to this story, please mail me at If no one is interested I won't do the effort to write a sequel.