Kevin's Family Chapter 2: Cousin Monica Monica takes the car keys from Kevin Background: 17 year old Kevin is spending the summer at his Aunt Lori's house. Lori, a 43 year old woman, is really his second-cousin (his father's cousin), but he calls her "Aunt Lori." She has 3 daughters: Monica (15), Vicky (13), and Shelly (10). For the rest, read chapter 1. Over the next few weeks, Lori rarely stopped at the chance to humiliate Kevin. Fortunately, she never let anyone see her actions, always making sure that they were either alone or hidden from view. She would constantly fondle him when walking by him and then shove him slightly off-balance. When he was working at the front desk of the gym, she often found an excuse to lean forward and press him against the table, forcing him to bite his lip to prevent revealing the pain. For more humiliating were her actions when they were alone, either at home or in her office. He was often forced to kneel at her feet, and she would hold him snugly between her legs, softly fondling his penis through his clothes but never bringing him to the point of ejaculation. Nothing as overtly sexual as her initial beatings of the young boy, but definitely stimulating. In the meantime, Lori also set Kevin to work on family errands. Since none of her three daughters could drive yet, he often had to chauffeur them to friends' houses or to the many sport practices and competitions in which they engaged. The first few days after the beating at the hand of his 43 year-old aunt, he was very resentful towards his cousins, but after a few days he managed to become polite to them again; it wasn't them who had embarrassed him; besides, they were all friendly to him. Of course, so was Aunt Lori. One day Kevin came home to find a newspaper on the kitchen table. It was opened to the local sports page, and the headline "Multi-Sport Star" grabbed his eye. Right below it was a picture of his cousin Monica wielding a lacrosse stick. Kevin knew that Monica was a great athlete (he knew all too well that it ran in the family), but hadn't realized how gifted she really was. The article told about how, after just two years of high school, she had laid a claim to being the most versatile athlete in school history. A nationally ranked swimmer in middle school, she had given that sport up before her freshman year so that she could play a wider range of sports. She had never played lacrosse or field hockey before high school, but by her sophomore year she was first-team All- State in both sports. She had also made second-team All-State in basketball, but was quoted as saying that she planned on giving that sport up as a junior, so that she could focus on pure conditioning during the winter months. Seeking to broaden her horizons her sophomore year, Monica had run with the cross-country team in meets, and solely based on the conditioning from field hockey she had finished fourth in the state. She had done the same thing in the spring, competing with the track team while playing lacrosse, and had set six team records in a variety of events: the long jump, triple jump, 200 and 800 meter runs, javelin and discus. Only a conflict had prevented her from competing in the state track meet; she had been busy leading the lacrosse team to the state championship that same day. She was now training for both the team and the running sports, and had high hopes for state championships in four different sports next fall. That next day was Monica's 16th birthday, and before she went out with her friends the family had a party for her. After they had eaten the cake and cleaned the tables, and Monica had left to go out to a movie with her friends, the younger girls went to put a tape into the VCR. Kevin was about to join them when Lori stopped him in the hallway, holding his arm by the bicep. "Kevin, you run cross-country, don't you?" He gulped and nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. With her free hand, Lori grabbed him firmly by the chin and tilted his head down so that she could look him in the eyes. "From now on, three days a week I want you to go running with Monica before work. She runs cross-country too, and needs a good training partner." She squeezed his bicep tighter, and a whimper came from his lips. "Don't worry about work, you'll come in late on those days...OK?" A smile was on her face, but it was clear that this was not a request. Kevin tried to nod his head, but her grip prevented it, so he just said, "OK." Fire came into Lori's eyes, and she increased pressure with both hands. "Excuse me?" she asked. "OK, Aunt Lori!" he burst out. Lori smiled again, let go of his arm and hand and lifted him up, holding the teenage boy on her hip as she would a baby. Fortunately for Kevin, none of his daughters were present to see this. She jogged up the stairs with him and tossed him onto his bed. She left, but warned him "I think you better get a good night's sleep tonight," as she closed the door. "You'll need it." Despite the fact that it was only 7:30 and even 10 year old Shelly was still awake, he knew better than to complain. The next morning Kevin woke up at the sound of his alarm and put on his running clothes. He went downstairs and found his cousin Monica waiting for him. Nearly 16 years old, she was gorgeous, with beautifully tan skin and freckles sprinkled lightly on her nose and cheeks. Her light brown hair, usually straight and loose past her ears, was pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing dark blue Umbro shorts and a running bra to match, and Kevin could not help but check out her gorgeous legs, her firm bosom, her beautifully rounded shoulders and her developed abdominal muscles. "Ready, Kevin?" she asked with an innocent smile on her face. "Yeah, sure, let me just loosen up a bit," he replied. As he did so, he kept sneaking peeks at her - hell, if she wasn't her second cousin, he could be interested in her...and then he remembered who her mother was, and shuddered. When he was ready, the two went outside. "How's five and a half miles sound to you?" she asked. He nodded assent, and they took off. She set a brisk pace, which impressed Kevin; he had read that she was one of the best girl runners in the state, but he knew that his times from last year were faster than hers. Of course, he hadn't been able to train as much this summer as she had. As they ran, Monica kept talking to Kevin, ignoring the fact that his responses were brief and non-committal. After a few miles, however, Kevin was only able to gasp out these responses, while she continued talking as if she was just out for a walk instead of an intense training run. For the last half mile he had to go all-out to keep up with her. When they reached the back yard, Kevin flopped on the ground, drenched with sweat, while Monica began stretching. After a few minutes, she walked over to him and stuck her hand out. "Come on, you've got to get to work - my aunt will kill you if you're late!" Kevin glanced up at the gorgeous figure towering over him, covered with only a light glean of sweat, but she was smiling good- naturedly; just a figure of speech, he decided. He reached for her hand, and was surprised at the speed with which she pulled him up. As he hustled to the shower, he heard her yell out, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do better next time!" * * * * * The next day was Saturday, and Kevin did not have to report to work until mid- afternoon. He was lying on his bed, reading Sports Illustrated, clad only in shorts and a T-shirt, when Monica appeared in the doorway. She was barefoot, wearing tight denim shorts and a yellow sleeveless, button-up blouse with a flowery pattern on it. Her hair was pulled back by barrettes above each ear. "Hey Kevin, can I have the car keys? I'm wanna go to the mall." Now that Monica was 16, she and Kevin had to share Lori's extra car. Kevin needed to drive the car to work, however, and was a bit bothered by the way that Monica had shown him up after their run. " Had he been in a better mood, he would have offered to drive her to the mall or drop her off on the way to work. "Forget about it," he said, "I've got to drive to work at your mom's gym this afternoon - you can hang out at the mall some other day." Monica frowned. "Well, you can just walk or bike to work - it's a beautiful day, and the health club's only two miles away." "I could, but I won't," he responded. "Not get out of here." "Well, I'll tell you one thing," said Monica. "I AM driving the car to the mall today." With that, she walked into the room and began rummaging on the dresser, apparently looking for the keys. Kevin sat up. "Get the hell out of here!" he yelled. She turned her head around. "Make me," she replied with a smile and a toss of her hair, and then returned to her search. Kevin jumped up from his bed and reached out to grab Monica by her shoulder. It felt like grabbing a rock, but before this fact registered in his brain he felt a sharp blow to his stomach. Monica had been ready for this move, even expecting it, and had reacted with a swift elbow to his gut. Kevin was bent over now, and Monica took advantage of this position by grabbing him around the forehead in a tight headlock. She then resumed her search, dragging the helpless older boy around the room in the process. The grip around Kevin's head felt like a vise - but a vise covered in silk. On one side, he was pressed against the younger girl's muscular obliques, covered in a light blouse, and on the other side by her powerful bicep, sheathed in cool, soft skin. He struggled to get out, but was unable to make any progress as she searched all over the room, jerking his head around and banging it into furniture. Finally, Monica tired of the search. She tossed Kevin onto the bed and was about to straddle him when she realized her mistake. "And there it was, right in front of me the whole time," she managed to say between laughs, pointing at his front pocket, in which the outline of the keys was clearly visible. Frantic, Kevin turned over on his stomach and tried to crawl off the bed, but Monica swiftly grabbed him by the neck, blocking his escape. She looked down at the struggling boy - even though he had the advantage in age (almost 2 years), height (over 4 inches) and weight (about 30 pounds), she was able to hold him helpless with one hand. The feeling made her shiver, as it always did. Something about seeing Kevin's butt squirming around - why, he was even more fun than the football players she had been ambushing after their summer practices! Maybe because Kevin was always around the house...this, she realized, led to possibilities that she had not previously considered. Monica now reached under him to pull the keys out of his pocket. Kevin feebly tried to grab her arms and stop her, but she ignored his attempts and pulled out the keys. She then lay down on the bed. Turning Kevin around so that he was facing her, she scissored him between her thighs and lay down comfortably. One hand gripped Kevin's hair, forcing him to look up at her, while she tossed the car keys up and down on the other. Her feet slipped under his shorts and boxers, resting directly on his buttocks and pressing them down into the mattress. This, combined with the elevation of his head, caused him to feel pain in his lower back, as well as his neck and hair. "Now, we've gotta talk," the young girl said to her older cousin, a mischievous smile on her face. "You are going to give me the car keys whenever I want, right...right?" she said, squeezing hard with her legs and pulling up on his head. "Y-yes," Kevin managed to say through the pain, trying to nod his head but unable to do so. "Who's the boss of the car?" she asked, increasing the pressure. "You are! You're the boss of the car!" Kevin screamed Monica let go of his hair and lay back, smiling although still keeping the tight pressure on his neck. He was futilely trying to pull apart her legs, but was making no progress. Beating up juniors was nothing new to her - hell, she'd been doing that since she was a sixth-grader. But to have a boy around the house, always there when she needed him, a regular target...she could have fun with this. What he really needed, she decided, was to be totally humiliated, so that he would be so scared of her that he would jump to do whatever she wanted. She thought, and thought...and then came up with an idea. Sitting back up, she let go of the scissor hold. Kevin slumped down, his face in her crotch, and with a look of revulsion Monica brought up her legs and used them to toss the helpless boy onto the floor. Kevin stood up. He felt embarrassed and defeated, and just wanted to get the hell away from his cousin. Before he could do so, however, Monica had jumped off the bed and blocked his access to the doorway. She grabbed him tightly on each arm and squeezed. Kevin tried to shake her off, but was unable to even budge her arms. The smiling teenager brought her arms down, forcing Kevin to slightly bend his knees so that there eyes were on an equal level. "You know, Kevin," she said, staring directly into his eyes, "you were pretty rude to me when I came into the room and politely asked you for the keys, weren't you?" At this point Kevin would have agreed if she had said the moon was made out of green cheese. "Yes, I was rude," he said, still squirming to break away. "I'll never do that again." "Oh, I know you won't," Monica replied. "But still, I've got to punish you for that, don't I?" "NO! No, you don't, I pro-" "Oh yes I do," she interrupted quietly. She continued squeezing hard, forcing him down to his knees. She then lifted him up again, twisted him around and shoved him against the wall - hard. She kept one hand on his back, forcing him against the wall, while using the other hand to rearrange her hair. Kevin struggled to push away from the wall, putting his hands against the wall in a push-up position, but was unable to move against the one arm holding him firmly. Even after Monica had taken a step closer and bent her arm, reducing her leverage, he was stuck. He was helpless to prevent Monica from pulling his shorts and his boxers down to his knees, and even more helpless when Monica brought her hand back for the first time and spanked his bare behind. Monica kept smacking away at his rear end. She didn't try to keep track of how many times she hit him: she was aiming for a final behavior from her victim, not a total count. At first Kevin just protested loudly, yelling at her to stop. Then he was silent for a period, clearly trying to hold in the pain. A few whimpers and moans escaped from his lips, and the first few tears began to dribble from his eyes. At some, uncertain point in the beating, the threshold was crossed. The tears flooded down, the whimpers turned to bawls. Kevin was sobbing hysterically, "Oh please, Monica, stop, whatever you want, just stop!" he repeated over and over again. Monica gave a few more swats before stopping. She removed her hand from his back, letting him slump to the floor, and then picked him up and flung him over her shoulder. She carried him to the bed and tossed him on his back, lying next to him on her side. One hand was used to raise her leg, the other she placed on his chest, while she laid one leg on top of bare legs. Even in his pain, Kevin could feel the smooth, shaved skin covering steely muscles as it rubbed up and down his legs, and he started to become aroused. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked, pressing down slightly with her hand. Kevin didn't respond "Now, if I ask you for something, it's mine, right?" she continued "Yes," he sobbed. "And anything I say goes, right?" "Yes, anything you say!" "I'm the boss, right?" "Right!" "Good boy," Monica said. She got up and roughly pulled his shorts back up. She started to walk out the door, swinging the car keys around her finger, but then turned around and walked back to the bed. "One thing I forgot," she said, and Kevin looked up at her in terror. He started to shake and quiver as she reached to his shorts, but all she did was pull his wallet out of the pocket. Smiling, she removed a $20 bill. "For gas," she said, and walked out the door. As Monica was driving to the mall, she began thinking about the advantages of having Kevin in the house with her, accessible whenever she wanted him. This could be one hell of a summer!