Jessica By "It just might work",thought Jessica."If this formula works I'll be the most powerful woman on the planet." For two weeks Jessica Johnson had been working on a superstrength formula that would transform her into a big muscular goddess. Now the potions was complete and all that was left was to test it out and see if it worked. Figuring that the potion would cause her to out grow her clothes she decided to take them off before taking the first drink. With all of her hopes high Jessica closed her eyes and drank every drop of the formula. It didn't taste too bad. She made sure of that by adding a little cherry flavoring to it. Anxiously Jessica waited. Ten minutes passed and still nothing. After fifteen minutes she decided that the formula was a complete and utter failure. Disapointed with the results she went to the bathroom and took her shower and got ready for bed. As she lay in the bed she decided to give the formula another try by trying to figure out what went wrong tommorow. But she had a physics test and it would have to take priority over her work. She went to sleep determined to correct her mistakes. The next day at school Jessica sat in class daydreaming about what she would do if she got her formula to work. As she gathered her books her best friend Todd walked up to her to ask her how her "project" was coming along. "Last night was a total failure and I'm not sure why. I had all the calculations right and it should have worked but it didn't." "Don't worry Jess," assured Todd,"I'm sure you'll get it right. In the meantime I gotta get going. I got some work of my own to finish for my computer programming class to turn in next week and I better hurry." "No problem. You think you could come over later tonight around seven? I don't have any plans and it would be nice to have someone to talk to while I try to fix the formula." asked Jessica. "Sure thing. When I get my work squared away I'll swing over." With that Jessica smiled and said, "Thanks". Jessica went over and over her notes and calculations countless times and still couldn't figure out why the experiment didn't work the night before. She decided to give it a rest and waited for Todd to come over. Maybe a good game of chess or a round of Street Fighter on the Playstation was all she needed to clear her head. Todd had been Jessica's best friend since she started attending the university. In the three years they had known each other they had become very close and where always hanging out together. Lately Jessica had started to notice Todd in a different light. She had never dated a friend before but the idea of dating Todd had crossed her mind many times. He was such a nice guy and she hated to see how he got his heart broken time after time because some girl took his kindness for weakness. She wished she could just come out and tell him how she felt but she knew it would never work between them. She'd known other people who'd dated their best friends and had disastrous results. Still, she couldn't help but get a little turned on whenever Todd was around her. He was a handsome young black man. He was very clean cut but not conceited. He stood about 6' tall and had a very muscular build. He worked out on a regular basis and tried to keep in the best of shape. The more Jessica thought about him and his body the more turned on she got. She felt her nipples become erect at the thought of him shirtless and covered in sweat after a hard work out. She started to rub the insides of her thighs as she felt her self become moist from the shear thought of touching that solid chest of his with those large hard pecs and chiseled abs. Those muscular arms of his that buldged with the slightest of movements. Her pussy became more and more wet, and its muscles tensed. She had a sexual desire that only Todd could fulfill. Suddenly she felt warm all over. She began to feel light headed and she sat down on her couch to keep from falling. Just then she felt a strange feeling. A feeling she had never felt before but she was able to identify it. A feeling of incredible POWER. She got up to go get a glass of water because she was thirsty but she stopped dead in her tracks. It wasn't because she wanted to stop or because of something she saw or heard. She just couldn't move. At that same moment she felt her body tense up all over. Then something incredible happened. Jessica stood frozen in front of her couch. Every muscle tense and tight. suddenly she felt her clothers become tight all over. She managed to look down at her body and she was amazed at what she saw next. Her arms began to swell so large that her flannel shirt's sleeves began to develop tiny tears along the sides. One by one each stitch in the sleeves pulled apart as her rapidly growing muscles forced themselves out. The buttons on her shirt began to strain as her breasts and pecs grew. Her jeans began to slowly tear and rip along the seams as her legs became larger and more muscular. She became even more wet as the transformation cotinued. It was pure eroticism to her and she loved it. Her jeans stretched and ripped all over. Large powerful calve, quad and glute muscles formed. All of them becoming hard and striated as they grew so large until there was nothing left of her jeans but torn rags on the floor. The power in her legs was so great that it caused her to fall to her knees. Her sleeves ripped and tore to shreds as her biceps, triceps and forearms grew to massive proportions. Veins and striations emerged all over them as well. Her breasts and pecs grew until the buttons on her shirt finaly gave way. As each button popped more and more of her large fleshy breasts were revealed. They were pushed out even more by her heavaly muscled pectorials. Her abs became hard and etched revealing a six pack of muscle to make anyone envious. The increased muscle mass of her lats put unbelievable strain on the back of her shirt. Bones and muscles lengthened and grew stronger all over her body. Her pussy was so wet now that a small pool of cum formed on the carpet under her. Her enormous and muscular lats and delts made the back of her shirt rip open slowly down the middle until it burst open revealing a back as thick as concrete. "Ohhhhhhh my god. I-I-I-I I'm still growing. Unnnnngghhhhhh. My body feels so thick and ooohhhhhhhhhh so p-p-p-p-p-POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!", Jessica exclaimed as her body cotinued to grow. Her body was covered in sweat and she arched her back in pure ecstasy. Her legs grew longer and wider than before. As did the rest of her body. "Sssssssttoopppp, ppppppllllease, I-I-I-I-I cccccan't take it annnnnnnnnny mmmmoooorrre. Uuuuuunnnnggggggghhhhhhhhhhh." Every cell in her body felt on fire. She was beginning to feel a pain that she couldn't bear but she could not stop it. Her body stopped growing longer and just got thicker and more dense. Her legs grew thicker and harder and so did her arms, chest, and back. Her back widened four more inches and the painful and erotic transformation finally ended. Jessica shook her head and stood up. She wiped the sweat from her forehead. She looked down at her new body. Her legs were like thick and strong tree trunks. Her biceps and triceps were bulging with the slightest movement. Her forearms crackled with power. Her lats and delts were hard and very pronounced. Her breasts sat out much further than before. Her abs were rock hard and defined like granite. On average, Jessica was about 5'5" tall and weighed 160lbs before her transformation. She was now 6'4" and weighed 290lbs of solid muscle. She stood in front of her full length mirror in her bathroom and admired her sexy new powerful and muscular body. She was still in complete shock about the whole thing. Her formula had worked after all. She quickly put on one of the bigger T-shirts she had purchased in case her experiment worked. She grabbed her notes and started doing figures in her computer to determine why the formula just now took effect. After a few minutes of careful analysis she finally figured it out. It must have been because of her sexual arousal when she thought about Todd. Somehow the formula interacts with the hormones in the blood. Whenever the subject is aroused the formula takes effect. She was curious as to how long the effects would last. She had changed about 20 minutes ago and was not feeling any weaker. However, she wasn't any less aroused. She assumed that as long the person was still excited the formula remained in effect. She decided to test her theory. She went into her shower and turned on the water. She set it to be just warm enough to steam up the windows in the bathroom. She began to touch and feel all over herself. Slowly and steadily she manipulated her erect nipples. The sensation was like a surge of power. She used her free hand to play with her clit. The combined sensations were beginning to overwhelm her entire being. She moaned more and more with each passing moment as her entire body began to heave and sway from the sexual power rush. The sexual intensity increased more and more. She began to feel herself climax. She let out a loud erotic moan and she experienced the most erotic orgasm she had ever felt. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over body as she arched her wet and muscular body in pleasure. The wetness of her womanly passion pored out and ran like a river down her muscular thighs and onto the floor of the bath tub down the drain. She let out one last orgasmic moan and she dropped to her knees and laid against the back of the shower. Jessica awoke and found herself in the shower soaking wet. She clearly remembered the events that had happened prior to her awakening. She looked down and discovered that her body had returned to normal. Her hypothesis had proven correct. She turned off the water and stepped out to dry herself off. Jessica stepped into her living room and sat down. She had dressed in one of her Valkyrie t-shirts. As she laid out across her couch she began to ponder the ideas in her mind. She knew that what she had done was incredible and quite a leap in science. She noticed her answering machine's message light and checked it. It was a message from Todd. He said that he had to take a rain check on their get together. He had a little more fine-tuning left to do on his project and was completely swamped. She listened with understanding ears as she was glad he didn't come over tonight considering what had just happened earlier tonight. Todd was always working on something. Jessica often wondered how he find time for a social life at all. She gathered her notes and filed them away in her desk and went to bed. That night she felt a sense of well being. She had succeeded in her experiment and was very pleased with it's results. She knew that her life would never be the same after tonight and she felt it was for the better. She fell asleep anxiously awaiting the next day. The next day at school went well for Jessica. Her test score was 2 points less than perfect, her history professor decided not to have class and let everyone go early and she noticed a few cute guys looking her way. "Guess it's true what they say. When ya feel good ya look good", she thought to herself. Her last class was Basic Concepts of Physics, her favorite class. In the front of the class Jessica sat at full attention. She loved science. It was her life. When she was five years old her father bought her a chemistry set in the hopes that it would make her take an interest in science. Well it just so happened that it worked and form that day on she was heavily into anything involving science. She looked outside the classroom and happened to see Todd pass by. He was in a rush but he stopped to wave back to her. Just then he walked into another guy passing down the hall. This guy was pretty big. He was bigger than Todd. Todd bent over to pick up his books and apologized for bumping into him. The guy just stared at Todd with a hard cold look. Todd tried to shake his hand but the guy turned the other way and left. Todd just shook his head and went on his way. The guy was a student in the same physics class that Jessica was in. He came in and took his seat around a bunch of his other jock-type friends in the back of the class. Jessica was working on the assignment that the professor had just given the class when she over heard the guys in the back talking. The guy that Todd had bumped into was named Jake Watson. She heard Jake bragging about how he could've creamed Todd if he wanted to. He just didn't want to do it in the school. This made Jessica a little peeved. He then went on about how he was looking for someone to start trouble with and he figured that Todd would make a pretty good victim for him and his buddies later tonight after the game. This made Jessica furious. She couldn't believe that this guy would want to start trouble with Todd over a little accident in the hall. After all, Todd tried to apologize but the other guy was too big of an ass to accept it. Now he was going to get his friends to help him jump on Todd after the game. The more she thought about it the more it pissed her off. When class ended she got her books together and went to find Todd. He was getting in his car when she spotted him in the parking lot. He took off before she could get his attention. She tried to call him on his cell phone but he had turned it off. She went home mad and worried. She tried to call Todd at his apartment but all she got was the machine. She hung up the phone pissed off because she was unable to get in touch with Todd to warn him about the jerks who wanted to knock his block off just for kicks. She decided to go to the game tonight and hopefully find him and warn him just before the punks had a chance to make their move. She got dressed in a long sleeve silk blouse a black skirt that stopped just above her knees and her black heels. She ran downstairs to get in her car. With each passing moment she became more and more angry. Jessica put the keys in the ignition and turned them. Nothing. She tried again. Still nothing. She went to check under the hood. Everything looked okay. When she sat back in the car she noticed that the switch to her fog lights was on. At that moment she cursed herself for hitting the switch by accident on her way out of the car earlier. That must be why the car won't start, the battery was dead. "Of all the days for this to happen it had to happen just when I really need to get somewhere important", Jessica grumbled to herself. "Now I'll have to call a cab and that could take all night just for one to get here and take me to the game". She picked up the phone book and the telephone to call the cab. The line was busy. "This is taking too long. How can the lines all be busy. I'll try another one". The next number she called wasn't busy but they said it would be half an hour before someone was able to get there. She told them to send the cab and she'll be outside waiting. She went to get her car keys. She looked in the kitchen and saw that they weren't on the counter. At this point she was so angry she could have screamed. She went to look in the living room and she tripped on the edge of the rug and fell. That was the last straw. She tried to get up when all of a sudden she felt her body tense up all of a sudden. She got up on her knees and clenched her fists tight. She was so angry. She had never been angry like this before. Just then she began to feel something else along with the anger. She began to feel incredibly strong. Like she could move a house. Just then her clothes felt tight again and she saw her sleeves fill up. A tiny rip starting at the end of her sleeve and crept its way up. Her sleeves ripped apart revealing large muscular biceps, triceps and forearms. The buttons on the front of her blouse began popping off as her chest began to swell and expand. The back of her blouse ripped apart revealing her thick muscular lats, delts and lumbars. She bent her body forward and wrapped her arms around herself. At the same time her thighs, glutes and calves grew more and more muscular. They grew so large that her skirt ripped up both sides and the only thing that kept it on her was the fact that her waist didn't get any bigger. Her abs became shredded and more defined. She pulled at what was left her blouse and ripped it off the rest of the way. She stood up in all her muscular glory and splendor and flexed. She felt even more powerful than the first time she had changed. She looked in the mirror and saw why. She was much bigger than before. She was now 7'3" tall and 370lbs of granite hard feminine muscle and power. She could feel the increase in her power all over. It was like her anger produced an even stronger muscular growth than her sexual arousal. She figured that the intensity of her emotions had a direct effect on her strength. "This is perfect, I can get the jump on those goons before they get to Todd at the game tonight. Let me find something to cover my chest and away I go." Jessica found a t-shirt that just barely fit her. Her muscular body made it stretch quite a bit but for the most part it would do just fine. Just then she felt a sudden tingle all over her body. She ignored it and went on her way. She decided to hot foot it to the game. The time it took to get to the game was rather quick considering she had those super muscular legs to help speed her up quite a bit. She ducked down in the bushes by the main entrance. Just then she spotted the punks she had come to stop. Jake had a made sure that all of his boys came with a pair of brass knuckles to make short work of Todd. "Okay fellas ya know what to do and when to do it. As soon as that punk Todd comes out in the crowd two of you grab him and bring him in the back where the rest of us will be waiting to pound him into dust." Jake explained his plan so there would be no mistakes. Jessica waited for his goons to get into position. The first two got into position. Jessica took both of them out with two simple punches. They never saw Jess's fists but they sure as hell felt them. She stood over their bodies flexing her biceps. She got such an adrenaline rush from taking out those two punks that she could have sworn she felt even stronger. She ran around the back to take out Jake and the rest of his friends. The first one was an average sized guy. He jumped up and was surprised when he heard a sound behind him. He was even more shocked when he saw what it was that had made the sound he heard. He found himself face to chest with the biggest most muscular woman he had ever seen. "What the hell are you, an escaped science project?!!" he said. "You could say that, you can also say goodnight now." With that last note Jessica picked up the goon and placed his body in a scissors lock between her very large and muscular legs. He struggled with all of his might to get loose but it was all a waste of his time because Jess was able to out muscle him. His vision became blurred as he gasped for air. A small "cracking" sound was heard and blood poured from the thugs mouth as two of his ribs snapped and he fell unconscious to the ground. The other thug tried to surprise Jessica from the rear. He hit her in the back with his brass knuckles. "Ouch, that wasn't very nice now was it. I guess I'll have to deal with you too before I get Jake" Jessica said with an almost evil sneer on her face. She picked the goon up by the neck with one hand. She tossed him into a brick wall like he was a rag doll and he was out cold. "Now for the big man himself." "What's taking them motherfuckas so long. He shoulda come out by now." snapped Jake. He had been expecting his boys to bring Todd to the back by now but nobody showed up. "Awww, is the big bad man feeling a little pissed. I know the feeling. I just hate it when people are late." came a voice from behind. Jake turned around to face what was the most muscular female he had ever seen in his life. "But what really makes me mad is when someone tries to beat up someone for no good reason" laughed Jessica. "I don't know who or what you are but you're in way too deep. I hope your ass has got life insurance 'cause you're gonna need it ya big bitch!!!" yelled Jake as he leaped at Jessica and cold cocked her in the face with his brass knuckles. Jessica fell back a foot or two but wasn't harmed much. She swung at him with her left fist. He ducked and caught her of guard with a sweeping roundhouse kick. It knocked her off balance and she fell on her back but was up in no time flat. She landed a hard right hook in Jake's stomach. He fell back against the wall. Jessica ran at him full speed. Just when she thought she had him where she wanted him he did a backflip kick and hit her in the chin hard. She fell back. Jake was much tougher than his friends. That wasn't gonna stop Jessica though. She saw him come running full speed at her and she caught him by the shoulders and flipped him on the ground. He pushed off the ground and kicked Jess in the face again. That had done it. Jess was even angrier than she was before. She stood up and felt her body tense up again. Just then her muscles began to grow even more. She began to tremble as her body went through the changes. Her biceps were ripping her short sleeves. Her thighs grew even wider. Her lats began spreading even more until a rip formed down the back of her shirt. She let out a loud moan as she stood up. She rushed Jake into the wall and began to pound into him. Little did he know what had happened. The anger rush had made Jessica even more powerful but it also made her more primal. She was not thinking as she normally would have. Instead her instincts had taken over. She beat him until he was knocked out. She picked him up over her head and was going to slam him down on her knee until she heard a siren. She dropped him and quickly leaped away. Two police officers soon appeared. They had got a call about some noises behind the school and had come to check it out. They found Jake and his crew sprawled out like cars in a wreck. They made a call to the nearest hospital to come pick up the guys. The two officers were confused at who or what could've done this. A frightened and not so strong Jessica ran as quick as she could to her place to think. "From what I can tell, my emotions cause the change and the intensity of the feeling has a direct effect on my strength. But how do I control myself when my emotions get too intense. I could've killed that guy. I was just trying to stop them from hurting Todd. The formula still needs some work." These were the words that Jessica spoke into her tape recorder the next day. She had recalled the events of last night very clearly but she was so confused as to why she was unable to control herself when the fight with Jake had pissed her off. She put the recorder down and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. She decided to take a sample of her blood to see if she could create a formula to counteract the emotion factor. Maybe a mild neutralizer would do the trick. If she made the formula in her blood less potent maybe she could control the intensity of her transformation and not have to worry about becomming a raging beast at times of intense emotion. Jessica went outside to check her mail when all of a sudden she was grabbed from the back by two guys in black.. One of them injected her with a sedative and she was soon unconscious. Jessica awoke to find herself in a dark room with only one light that was focused on her. She heard a loud voice over a speaker in the room. “You are a very interesting young lady. we witnessed your battle with those thugs last night. You seem to have lost quite a bit of size since then but the tracer we planted on you led us to your home. I have many uses for you and your special formula. We’ll be using your blood sample to analyze it’s effects and maybe even improve upon it. Rest well.” Jessica had never been kidnapped before and for the first time in her life she was frightened for her own life. She was chained passing minute. She never thought that someone would find out about her formula let alone take her hostage happen to her. Sweat began to soak her blouse and short jeans. She began to feel dizzy and all of a sudden all the way to her waist. Her chest became more and more massive and muscular as well as her back. Her lats glutes and calves became thicker and harder and more massive. She was awakened by the rush of power and raw energy. “AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” screamed Jessica as she stood up and for the first time truly her awesome muscular power. She was very well aware of her situation and decided that she could use strength to escape. Searching for an exit she heard the sound of footsteps running towards her. turned around and ducked a fist that was coming her way. Jessica threw a left hook and hit man in the face that had thrown the punch. He was out for the count. It was obvious whoever her kidnapper was they meant business. She decided that the best way to go to get was in the direction that the her would be attacker had come from. Running down a seemingly endless hallway Jessica was confronted by two more thugs. They both about 6’ tall and very muscular. Unfortunately for them, Jessica’s fear and primal taking over and there was only one thing on her mind. Escape!!!! She rushed them both a double clothesline attack. They both fell hard but one of them was rather agile and managed to pull off a sweep kick that put Jessica flat on her back. She rolled back to feet and delivered a hard swift kick to his chest. He fell to the ground unconscious. The thug took off in fear for his life. Deciding that it was better to leave than chase him, continued on her way. She came across a door that was not locked. She opened it and peeked find a very large and elaborate laboratory. She wondered what kind of work was being conducted Suddenly Jessica began to feel tired. Almost exhausted. She dropped to her knees and felt body tremble. She was reverting back to her normal state. When she stood back up she noticed all she wore was some torn clothing. She saw a lab coat and decided to put it on. Just then heard footsteps approaching the door........... TO BE CONTINUED...........................