Mother-in-law training #2, by juno Jim's head was spinning and his arm had little or no feeling as he was sprawled on the kitchen floor where Hilda had dropped him. Jim was trying to clear the cobwebs, when he heard Hilda say, "weak one, you have 20 minutes to clean up your mess in the kitchen, make my breakfast again, strip down to your panties and be waiting in the dining room with my breakfast." Jim craning his neck to look up at Hilda, trying to make some sense of what just happened to him, as Hilda looking down at him and said, "keep this fact in your feeble mind, I have done nothing to you but put my strong female hands on you." "Just think the shape you would be in if I had used either my fists, or my feet, a knife, a gun, a club or whatever on your weak little body," mocked Hilda. "No, small son-in-law, you have just been womanhandled for the first time in your pathetic life by the superior, more powerful sex, a dominant women, your mother-in-law," said Hilda as she left the kitchen. "But not womanhandled for the last time you can be sure," laughed Hilda as she went down the hall to the guest bedroom. As Hilda went down the hall, she smiled to herself, not a bad start she thought. It was important to remind her son-in-law that her earlier domination and control of him was accomplished just by Hilda's strong hands and powerful body being placed on him. Hilda knew that fear and control were necessary to bring about behavioral change. And her favorite method was not to start out by hitting, wrestling, using bondage or other various methods of force, but to physically dominate the male by using only her hands and body to manipulate the male by gripping, holding in place, lifting, pressing, etc., but not hitting or applying submission type holds. This method of physical dominance administered by the woman was harder for the male to rationalize and deal with the effects of being controlled by a woman. Whereas, the use of weapons, bondage, etc. could give the male the excuse of "what if" those items were not used, but there is no excuse if the male is physically dominated by the woman using only her hands, strength and mental attitude. Again, as if by sheer coincidence, Jim was thinking almost the same thing, but he was not smiling. Hilda's comment about not using her fists, feet, etc. was just starting to sink in his spinning head. Hilda was right in that she had totally controlled him with just her hands and body. She had pushed him all over the kitchen, held him in place, lifted him up and all at her will and desire. His efforts to stop her, push her off or slow her down in any way were useless, Hilda simply had her way with him. Damn, what's happening he thought as he slowly got to his feet. Maybe this is just a bad dream, no his body hurt to much for a dream. Whatever, Jim decided for now it was best to comply with Hilda's wishes or was it her demands. Jim cleaned up the kitchen, remade Hilda's breakfast and set up the dining room for breakfast. Jim still had on his clothes, what was Hilda's meaning when she said strip to his panties. Panties were for women, Jim thought, he wore underwear. Maybe, Hilda meant his underwear, so he started to remove his clothes. Jim was just finishing taking off his socks, when he heard, "ready for lesson number three, wee one," boomed Hilda as she strode through the kitchen and into the dining room where Jim sat nervously in his underwear at the dining room table. As Hilda burst into the dining room, Jim thought he saw something in Hilda's hand, but everything was moving to fast for Jim. Instead of going to where her breakfast was placed at the table, Hilda in two quick strides was next to Jim and saying, "first mistake, little man, you never sit without the woman's permission." With that said, Hilda grabbed Jim by his upper arm with her free hand and yanked him bodily out of the chair. As the chair crashed to the floor, Hilda swung Jim up in the air and placed his feet rudely down on the floor. As Jim tried to maintain his balance, Hilda released her grip from his arm and stepped back, but only about a foot. Hilda wanted Jim to stay aware of their size difference, as Hilda towered over Jim. Hilda knew that her superior size was intimidating to smaller people, especially men. Most men felt inferior to women that were taller than them, forcing them to look up to the woman. Hilda was naturally taller and bigger than Jim, but she wanted to emphasis their physical disparity even more by her being fully clothed and wearing boots. While forcing Jim to be practically naked, except for his underpants. Jim was still in shock, his trip out of the chair was a surprise, as he stood facing Hilda, he felt even more unsure about himself. Hilda had on blue jeans, a sleeveless blouse and boots with either 3 or 4 inch heels. Hilda's closeness to Jim as she towered over him was especially unnerving to Jim. Earlier in the kitchen, Jim stood about eyelevel with Hilda's neck and chin area, now he stood before Hilda staring into her chest. His eyes were now below Hilda's shoulders. Jim knew the reason was Hilda's clothes and boots, but he still had the feeling that Hilda was growing taller and bigger before his very eyes. Jim felt totally out of control and rooted to the floor, as he watched Hilda's chest heave as she breathed almost touching against his face. Jim feeling of smallness was not being helped by Hilda exposing her muscular arms by her sleeveless blouse. Hilda knew the effect she was having on Jim. She knew from experience that her sudden increase from 6'1" to about 6'4" in her height would further unsteady Jim. Jim also had trouble keeping his eyes away from Hilda's muscular arms, she knew this would be the case, since her arms were significantly larger than Jim's arms. The poor man was practically in tears, barely able to stand in front of her. Hilda continued to say nothing, she would only inch a little closer to Jim and continued to tower over him. Hilda was using only her height advantage to control Jim. Hilda did realize that her earlier treatment of Jim in the kitchen played a role in Jim's behavior, but at this moment she truly felt that her size alone, without touching Jim, that she could totally control him. Hilda then suddenly stepped back a couple of feet and held out her hand with the object she had been holding that Jim noticed when she entered the dining room. "Well, time for lesson number three, little Jim," said Hilda as she fully extended her arm in his direction. "Here put these on, they are your new panties," said Hilda. Jim focused his eyes on Hilda's hand and recognized that she was holding a pair of pink panties. "Soft silk panties are what little men wear, now get out of what you are wearing and put these on," said Hilda. As if in a trance, Jim removed his underpants and reached for the panties in Hilda's hand. Perfect thought Hilda, some feminization was necessary, for now the panties would suffice. The more painful feminization would come later, Hilda mused. Hilda had expected more trouble with Jim in his accepting the wearing of the panties, but her increased size advantage and the surprise of her lifting him bodily out of the chair, she assumed was to much for his feeble little mind. Since Jim offered no resistance, Hilda decided to have some fun. As Jim removed his underpants and reached for the panties in Hilda's hand, Hilda raised her arm up out of Jim's reach. Jim's hand just grabbed air, he swiped at her hand again and again missed. Hilda just kept raising her arm and Jim kept missing, as he attempted to grab the panties from Hilda's hand. "What's wrong, shorty, is the big tall woman too fast for you," taunted Hilda as she continued to raise or move her arm to avoid Jim's grabs. "Come on, jump higher, little one, jump higher," laughed Hilda. "Come on Hilda, you know that I can't win, you are to tall," pleaded Jim as he continued unsuccessfully to reach for the panties in Hilda's outstretched hand. "OK little man, just say that you like wearing silk panties and you want Hilda's help," said Hilda. "Hilda, please, this is embarrassing enough," pleaded Jim. "Say it, bitch," yelled Hilda with such force that Jim staggered back a couple of steps. Jim looked at Hilda standing in front of him staring down at him, with one well-muscled arm and hand on her hip and the other well- muscled arm still holding the panties in her hand over his head and out of his reach. Jim continued to look at Hilda, could he be more naked, feel more inferior to this strong, tall, powerful woman, who fully clothed was mocking his manhood by telling him to beg for the panties and ask for her help. Hilda could tell by Jim's demeanor and eyes that he was about ready to give into her again. And once again, Hilda had dominated Jim by simply using her size, presence and attitude. Other than yanking Jim out of the chair with her hand, she had not even physically touched him. But she was bending him to her will and desire nonetheless. As Hilda continued to confront Jim by holding the panties just out of his reach and staring down at him, she noticed a visible shudder on Jim's part and it appeared that Jim shrank a bit as he said. "You win, please Hilda let me wear the panties and please help me," Jim mumbled as he just put his arm straight out toward Hilda to take the panties. "Help you how, small one," laughed Hilda still holding the panties out of Jim's reach. "Help me, however you think is best," said Jim. "Small one, you have successfully passed lesson number three," said Hilda as she stepped forward and with her free arm reached under Jim's arm, wrapping her arm around Jim's back, grasping under him under his armpit and lifting him off the floor. With Jim firmly gripped to Hilda's side by her one arm, Hilda carried Jim across the dining room to the chair at the table where Jim had placed her breakfast. As Hilda pulled out the chair and set down, she without any effort shifted Jim to a sitting position in her lap. Still firmly supporting Jim with her one arm, she held the panties in front of Jim's face. "Well my little son-in-law, these pretty pink panties will look good on you, they are pretty don't you agree?" said Hilda. Jim still had to look up to answer Hilda, even though he was sitting on her lap. "Yes, they are pretty," said a dejected Jim. Jim was even more dejected as he became aware, that not only had Hilda lifted him off his feet, carried him with no effort, was firmly holding him on her lap, but his feet were not even touching the floor. Jim thought, could his mother-in-law, who even seemed to be dominating his mind, make him feel any smaller or inferior to her. "Good, I am glad you like the panties, now lets put them on," said Hilda. Hilda then move her free arm that held the panties to hooked Jim's legs from the backside of his legs and pulled them back, causing the effect of having Jim's legs now sticking straight up in the air. Hilda at the same time had moved her arm that was supporting Jim's back to placing her hand around the back of Jim's neck and supporting him from his neck as she slid Jim's back so it now rested on Hilda's lap. This movement happened so fast, that before Jim knew what was happening he went from a sitting position on Hilda's lap to on his back on her lap with his legs and feet sticking straight up in the air. Hilda was now grasping Jim's ankles together with one hand and firmly gripping the back of his neck with her other hand. Again, Jim was totally helpless in Hilda's firm grip and completely at her mercy. "Little man, it is a good thing that I don't have a third hand or I would be tempted to spank your pretty little ass," laughed Hilda as she began to slip the panties on Jim. With one quick motion, Hilda righted Jim up, pulling the panties up to his crotch as his feet hit the floor. "There you go, all dressed and ready to serve the superior woman in your presence, me!" boomed Hilda as she released Jim and he staggered a few feet, but didn't fall. Hilda remained seated, noting that even seated she was nearly as tall as Jim was standing. Hilda's family genetics resulted in the women in her family having extremely long torso's. The women in Hilda's family didn't have extremely long legs, but their extremely long torso's resulted in them being considerably taller than either the average woman or man for that matter. The past five or six generations of women in Hilda's family averaged being a little more than 6' tall, while the men not having this genetic abnormally averaged being a little less than 5' 8" tall. This genetic abnormally might also be the reason why the women in Hilda's family seemed to possess greater than average strength in their upper bodies. These two facts combined would easily explain the domineering role women play in Hilda's family. "Just stand there, shorty, while I have my breakfast, then when I am finished we will continue with our lessons," said Hilda. Hilda smiled at Jim while she ate, Jim stood still and tried to avoid looking directly into Hilda's eyes. Jim must have some natural submissive traits thought Hilda, the training was moving along smoothly. So far Hilda mused, it only had required the grip of her strong hands, genetics and maybe being 6' 4" or so in her boots to Jim's 5' 7" didn't hurt either. Hilda laughed aloud, startling Jim, as she thought to herself, the hurting will come soon enough. To be continued...