The Grange The evening I had been looking forward to for so many months had finally arrived, after driving into the country my friend Alan and I were in the company of four other dinner jacketed men at The Grange health farm. The Grange was a well appointed country house owned and run by one of the four men, Dr. Peter Evans. Being a health farm there were many amenities in the house and grounds, yet it was on one fairly large room, the gymnasium, that all our minds were focused. The doctor, in his early forties, was a devotee of women's boxing. During the infrequent periods when there were no clients booked in for residential courses of treatment and if girls willing to box could be found, an evening's entertainment, such as tonight's, might be arranged. This was my first time at a Grange boxing match, being introduced to the group by Alan some six months previously. All the expenses were borne by the doctor and inviting more than six spectators was deemed to spoil the intimate, select atmosphere of the events. Alan said that he thought the doctor got almost as much pleasure from setting up the ring, the lighting and getting the girls arranged and ready on the night as he did from watching the fight itself. He rapped on the hallway table with a slim, gold pencil and suggested that we should meet the girls while he prepared them for the ring. We trooped down to a warm, white room furnished with some hospital beds, massage tables and several comfortable armchairs. A door opened and in stepped the two girls we knew must he the night's fighters. The doctor, still very much in charge, announced them as Sue and Angie, both twenty years old and both second year BE students at a womens' teaching college in nearby Birmingham. Even dressed as they were, in fashionable figure hugging jeans and stretch tops they looked about the same size and weight. He beckoned us to the armchairs and began, in front of the girls, to outline the conditions under which their boxing match would take place. Alan whispered to me that he knew that both the girls had fought there before, though not against one another, and that each would know what was expected of them. While the doctor droned on I studied the girls more closely. Both were obviously on edge, keen to get on with the fighting I supposed. Sue, the blonde with a deep tan clenched and unclenched her fists, while Angie, also fair but with very light red hair, raised her heels off the carpet often whilst staring straight ahead. My attention flashed back to the doctor when I heard him mention dress. Tonight the girls would wear brief, white panties and their hair, both wore it to the shoulder, would be tied back away from their pretty faces with white ribbon. He explained that, term having finished a few days previously, the girls could use six ounce boxing gloves as they would not have to return to college with their faces marked. Neither girl showed any surprise at this nor did they when he said that gumshields would be available but that the girls should use them only if they wished. The fight would take place, after weighing in and preliminaries, in the main ring under lights and would be a fight to the finish. An unlimited number of rounds until a knockout or a retirement. Again, glancing at the girls, I found that they still looked impassive. He finally ground to a halt after rather a long silence during which he looked wistfully at the girls who, by now, were showing visible signs of restlessness. He nodded to a corner of the room where there stood a weighing machine and asked the girls to strip ready for measuring and weighing in. As they walked across the room they both kicked off their shoes and began to draw their tee shirts over their heads. Each stood in bra and jeans while the doctor fiddled with the machine, finally satisfied he turned to the girls and having stood them under the stand announced 5' 6" ..... 5' 6". Then he told Angie to strip completely. She reached behind her back and slipped the catch of her pale blue bra, yanked it off her shoulders and threw it down. Her breasts were large, freckled and tipped with the big, fat pink nipples typical of a redhead. Quickly she unzipped her jeans and drew them down over her powerful young thighs. She paused and looked around before rolling her tight blue panties to her knees and kicking them off. She seemed to sense a feeling of freedom and massaged her heavy breasts and thighs for a moment before stepping onto the scales.... 9st. 8lbs. observed the doctor, beckoning Sue forward. Her white bra unclipped at the front and fell away to reveal her evenly tanned breasts and dark, prominent nipples. She peeled both jeans and panties off at once and turned to face the men as if to show off her shaven pubis I thought that she may well have acquired her all over tan in one of the solaria in the house. Looking at the girls side by side, their builds were almost identical. Sue got on the scales.... 9st. 7lbs., at my side Alan said, "again a perfect match." The doctor led the girls to the massage tables and asked them to get ready. The two pairs of panties supplied for their fight were white, shiny and very brief. As they wriggled into them I thought that they would be quite a sight after several rounds under the harsh ring lights. There was a white satin dressing gown with regulation wide sleeves for each girl too and thus attired they led us into the gymnasium next door. The girls went to opposite corners of the ring, climbed the low steps and dipped through the ropes. My heart skipped a beat. The lights were turned on and we could see that half a dozen comfortable chairs had been placed around the ring side. Alan and I sat down quickly and watched the