The Freshman: Part I By Tre' *Author's note: This is a combination of fact and fantasy related to my experiences in school. If you have any comments or suggestions, please post or write to me at - be patient, however, as I can't tell everything at once!* While checking into my dormitory to begin my sophomore year, my eyes fell upon a tall, rather attractive young woman who I'd not seen before. "Must be a freshman," I thought to myself. As there were a number of student groups offering moving assistance to incoming students, I quickly volunteered my services to some organization and went to work. After running two armloads of stuff upstairs for some geek, I had worked up a pretty decent sweat, and so I set my eyes upon the blonde I'd spotted moments earlier. With careful timing, I approached her just as she signed the last of her forms. "Hi there!" I said, extending my hand to her, "My name's Jason." My perspiration set off my already glistening smile. "Thanks!" she said, with quite a radiant smile. "My name's Julie," as she grasped my hand and shook it enthusiastically. As I stood next to her, I determined that she must have been 5-11 or so. She smiled and nodded "yes" when I asked if this was her first year. Like most of the girls, she was wearing shorts and a tank top. Now, you may wonder why this attractive green-eyed blonde with the amazingly long legs wasn't immediately swarmed by several guys. Well, beneath that beautifully tanned skin lay a physical presence seldom seen in one so young as she. This young 18-year old was BUILT. I was first taken by the round striated deltoids which led down to arms that were so thick, yet so ripped, that the muscles virtually danced as she moved. And then there were the legs. My God, those legs! Almost 6 feet tall, those legs stood as monuments unto themselves. The thick, billowy quads provided a muscular symphony when she walked -reminiscent of Anja Langer at that age. The calves were full and wide and tapered down to the tiniest ankles on earth! I longed for a chance to see her in heels. All this muscle beset by tiny joints, further enhancing her already perfect physique. Now, I had done a little lifting over the summer and had managed to put on a few pounds. I was 5-9, 155 lbs and had a bit of definition, but I knew that I was in no way a match for this femme. In an ill-conceived attempt to prove that chivalry was indeed alive, I walked over to pick up the largest box I had seen her bring inside. Using proper technique (legs, not back), I tugged and strained, but could not lift the box. I had just seen her carry it in! Noticing my struggle, Julie came over to save me from serious injury. She then lifted the box with the greatest of ease, and I was left to carry her handbag and backpack. Without saying a word, she had made me feel about 6 inches shorter. In silence, we walked up to her room, but I knew that she knew she'd just embarrassed the crap out of me. Damnit! She knew! I don't know which made me feel worse - the fact that she was bigger and stronger, or the fact that she didn't say anything about it......she knew, but she was going to torture me by making me torture myself over the ordeal. What a manipulative bitch! I had a mind to punch her square in the face for what she was doing, but I thought better of this -- after all, I was a true Southern gentleman. End of Part I