Desiree I had just started working at a silicon valley software company. I was fresh out of college, and I was working very late hours to get experience quickly. I was on the campus at any time of day or night, and went for walks in the neighbourhood regularly. After a couple of months, I noticed that a young skater girl always seemed to be around when I went for walks. She was a teenager, at most twenty, tiny and slim and blonde. She seemed to delight in getting my attention by perfroming fast, sometimes dangerous skate stunts dangerously close to me. I of course ignored her, because I considered her a little young and reckless, and I was very busy thinking about work. As time went by, her approaches became more and more breathtaking. She began wearing tiny string stops and shorts, doing handstands and flips, showing me every inch of her supple well toned body. I began pausing to give her an audience, and would even applaude the more incredible feats of strenght and agility. I used to be a street skater, and still had my old cruiser so my walks became cruises, and soon we were surfing the hood together. Her name was Desiree, and a more precocious girl I had never met. When she smiled at me, my world lit up from within. She made everything bright. She was entering college on a gymnastics scholarship, and really wanted to excel. I began attending her practices, and was really amazed at her beauty. Ok, I was now in love. Now Desiree was no angel. She had had lots of boyfriends, and was very forward about her attraction to me. I was very flattered, and couldn't conceal my foot long erections in her presence. I didn't even try. She would always laugh and duck her head coyly whenever she noticed me bulging in her direction. I really wanted to bed her, and delighted in flirting with this young bombshell. I attended a seminar with her about russian gymnastic methods. The lastest drug-test aviodance technique was as shocking as it was simple. The coaches would have their proteges ingest pints of semen obtained at great cost from local spermbanks. The semen contained many steriods including testosterone, which was completely natural, and undetectable by the tests (of course). It proved to boost performance by 15 to 20 percent if ingested just prior to competitions. Desiree stopped laughing at my gallant reactions to her presence, and began taking me much more seriously. She was a very competitive girl, and her advances lost all of their coyness. When I drove her home from pratice, she would always manage to lay across the bench seats of my old chevy, her head in my lap. We didn't speak of it, but I knew what was coming, so to speak. She finally asked to see my apartment. I lived up in the city, so we stopped at her place so she could pack an overnite bag. I sped to my lower haight apartment like the chev had grown wings. We grabbed a bottle of vodka at the corner store and found ourselves lightheaded and making out on my sofa the next moment. She was unbelievably responsive to my actions, she sucked my fingers, my tongue, my nose. She closed her eyes and pushed me back. perching delicately on my bursting groin. She then began licking me with her long, slender tongue, my face, my chest, my abs. I went crazy then, and ripped her clothes off. I stood in front of her as she knelt on my sofa, her sweet face smiling up at me, and staring intently at my enormous cock, protuding from my Calvins. I held her face in my hands as she released me from my briefs. I had a full 14 inch vertical erection. Her eyes rolled back and she nearly feinted. I brushed my dong in her hair, and over her moist and parted lips. She began licking my swollen balls, and I arched my back, twisting her golden hair in my hands. She then went wild. She ducked her head up and over my cock and had me in her throat before I knew it. She was sucking with such force that I nearly came right there. She was forcing me deeper and deeper into her, her neck strained and bulged with the effort. She wrapped her powerful arms around my waist and really applied pressure, squeezing harder and harder. She was unstoppable, and became more and more frenzied. I held onto her shoulders for balance and let her have her way. I was more than a little frightened by her actions. I trembled in her arms. She was looking up at me angrily now, her will hell bent on giving me the orgasm of my life. Suddenly, she planted her feet on the floor, and stood up, lifting me in her arms, her jaws still working my aching member. She shook me and swung me from side to side. I began to vibrate, every muscle screaming with tension. My vision blanked, and I exploded from deep inside. She froze, and began swallowing as I came and came. I forced my self as deep as I could down her throat, her teeth scraping the base of my bursting rod. She relaxed knelt down slowly. My feet touched the floor and I began pumping luxuriously, still bringing up semen. She slid her lips up to my head, sucking every last drop, wringing my shaft with both her fists. She began laughing as the last drop fell on her tongue. I just stood there, wavering, and seeing stars. She pounced with the force of a tigress, slamming back on the sofa. I remember lying there helpless, as she lowered her flexed abdomen over my still aching phallus. She pinned my hands over my head, and ground her way slowly downwards. She was so tight, she couldn't get more than halfway without buckling. Tried to gently push her off, I couldn't breath. She kept grinding, and began sweating profusely. Every muscle in her body sprang forth as she strained to take all of me. I was getting panicky. She was entering some kind of animal state, and becoming stronger by the second. She slammed me back with such a ferocity I began struggling to escape. She wrapped one hand around my neck, and still had ample strength to pin my hands toghether. I was being raped by a girl I knew was in the grips of cum-lust. Her feral gazed ceased my struggling. I was completely in her power. She coiled over me and with one massive thrust, her vaginal walls surrendered to my full length. She writhed and flexed and shook me like a rag doll. I was in a trance, but my erection was actually getting stronger. She was furiously trying to get me to come again! I was helpless, but I flexed my shaft in defiance. I knew I could break her will if I held out engough, exhausting her semen induced feat of endurance. She screamed and squeezed my throat and pumped me. I relaxed, and began enjoying the ride. She finally began weakening after several minutes of this. Her screams became load moans and her violent spasms of strength became shudders of extascy. At the final moment, I broke her grip, and knocked her on her back. She tried to resist, bu she was totally exhausted. I was so full of pent of adrenaline from her terrifying attack, that raised her in my arms, and stood with her still impaled on my rock hard staff. I swung her about as she flopped and cringed. I grabbed her tiny, hard ass really rammed it in. I could sense her orgasm beginning. Her abdomen was contracting painfully, and stiffened and collapsed in my grasp over and over. With a final wail, she came. I lowered her back onto the sofa. She passed out. When she came to, I was stroking my still stiff rod along her neck. She touched it meekly, drawing me gently to her swollen lips. I came instantly. She swallowed and swallowed until I was drained. I knelt before her and began blowing gentle puffs of air along her moist, taut body. She sighed and sighed, stretching langourously, every muscle spring forth and relaxing. I was blinded by her beauty, the moment forever seared into my memory. We slept like dead until late the next afternoon. She had a pratice in the valley that evening. I drove her back down, the two of us madly in love, gazing longfully at each other at every red light. She was so irresistible. When we parked at the campus gym, she got a really evil grin on her face and I knew I couldn't deny her. After a brief but intense blow job, we ran to the practice. I was sprawled out on the bleachers as I watched her fly through her routine, barely touching the ground. Her coach was spell bound. She got first ranking that week, and held it. I was her edge and she knew it. We got married during break, and started winning championships. I helped her with her classwork. She was becoming so powerful, so radiantly beautiful, that I went through the next year in an absolute rapture. But I underestimated her desire to win. The national championships were our undoing. I should have known that she wanted more than I could give.