The Wrong Date by a_bundie220 When a man and his date encounter another woman, all hell breaks loose. --------------------------------------- So there I was with my date Sally, a beautiful blonde with ample cleavage and a tone, fit body. She always bragged about her washboard abs to me and was showing them off now with a mid-rift shirt. Even better than that was that her big breasts were just pressing agianst an obviously too small shirt. Well needless to say i couldn't get enough of her. We had wrestled and armwrestled and she had beaten me convincingly at both. So here we were at Joe's diner when a monster of a woman began walking toward us. "hey stud, why are you with that twig when you could be with a real woman." the big woman said. This woman was huge. Easily around 250 pounds. She wasn't a bodybuilder either. She was wearing a very short skirt with fishnet stockings and an incredibly tight sleeveless shirt. Her bosom was just huge because of her weight. Not only that but her arms were big as well. "why don't you try going out with a woman who can carry her weight as well as yours?" the big woman said. "the name's Bertha but who cares about names. Ditch the twit and I'll show you what a real woman can do."Needless to say my girfriend Sally was pissed. "who the fuck do you think you are you fat slob? this is my man! He doesn't want you, you pig!!" Sally said.Sally then got up from her seat and was ready for a fight. Big Bertha just laughed at the Sally. they exchanged a couple of shoves and then it was on. Bertha missed on her first two swings. Sally didn't. Two blows to Bertha's considerable stomach. But they had no effect. "Don't pull your punches for me, twig!" Bertha roared. Sally tried to get Bertha in a test of strength. Sally figured that her well-defined biceps would over-match her beefy foe. They locked up and Bertha soon gained control. Sally was down on her knees screaming in pain. Bertha's massive arms were obviously superior in strength. Sally was almost crying now. Bertha continued laughing throughout all this. Finally Bertha loosened her grip. But then Bertha got her up in a bearhug and started to squeeze the life out of Sally.She let Sally go and then fired two punches to Sally's washboard abs. This was all it took to break down Sally's wall of muscle surrounding her stomach. Bertha knocked Sally down and then drop a huge beefy leg across sally's face. Throughout all of this I was getting pretty turned on by the way Bertha's ass pressed against her short skirt and by the way she just so easily manhandled Sally. Bertha finally decided to end this beating by pressing Sally high above her head and dropping her down. Bertha then flashed her great ass towards me. Her legs were magnificent slabs of flesh. Her face was cute. And her breasts put Sally to shame. Her massive 250 pound frame was too much for me to handle as I found out the next day in bed with her. I left with Bertha that night. leaving behind my broken and beaten now ex-girlfriend. I had found a woman superior to sally in every way.