Universe Woman, Chapter 4 By Meadler Betty and Clark ascend. ======================== CHAPTER FOUR - A NEW LIFE Betty admired her love nest as she held and caressed Clark. At an earlier time in her life, even all the way up to her second enhancement, a place such as this would have struck her as irremediably barren and nothing more; but she understood now that every desert hid beneath itself an entire jungle of luxurious beauty, and only the spare and precious stuff of life was needed to give the jungle form. All of space was now a black desert to her. She had no reason to fear any of it. She was now and would always be comfortable anywhere within it. The condition of her life was no longer to observe a limit of hers and be frightened by it back to safety, but to instead deem it only another horizon to be passed over for new lands totally unknown. ======== Betty slowly nourished Clark's overwhelmingly awesome body with some of her power as he slept. She entered his dreams to help him toward contented bliss. She found him in his dreams, in the pitch black dark of frightening night, out in the fields of a larger place that his dream self recognized as his childhood home in Smallville; but the two were man and woman rather than boy and girl, and, although nude, they appeared to each other as they were before their recent changes. He was cold and alone and lost. She came upon him from his backside, and she hugged him and held him. She made the sun rise for him, and she told him they were home now and would be home for a long time to come. A cozy house was within view and she walked him to it through the fields as she held him. He had always known this sweet woman, and she began to talk to him about what she had learned in the library from his Fortress of Solitude. They sat down in the living room of the house and talked about these ideas for hundreds of years. As they talked, she became more and more beautiful to him, and he wanted to kiss her and feel her. She let him, and they kissed deeply and passionately, and they felt up one another for hundreds of years more, and he was amazed at how potent her wonderful body felt. When they finished making out, they reverted to their prior discussions and talked again for yet more hundreds of years. They went for walks as they talked, watched the stars as they talked, tended the fields as they talked, and simply lived their lives as their dream selves lived life, all as they talked. And in time, Clark again needed to kiss and feel this amazing woman, and she let him. This pattern continued for thousands of years. There was always something new to discuss, and then there was always a need to make out more passionately than before. One day, Clark was feeling stronger than usual, and he wanted to do more than simply make out with Betty. She told him now was not yet the time for that. Then she took him by the hand and led him out of the house to a barn so enormous that the doors were themselves bigger than buildings. He despaired at the idea of ever opening such doors, but Betty easily pulled them open and he was amazed at her more than ever before. Inside the barn was one single tractor that was itself larger than a multistory building. It must have weighed hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of pounds! Maybe more than a million pounds! But its tires were flat. Betty said to him that he needed to help her change them. The tall, tight, and fit woman walked over to one corner of the tractor, grabbed the body of the tractor near the wheel, and cleanly lifted that entire corner of the tractor off the ground. He then saw the size of the flat tire attached to the monstrous tractor, and he knew there was no way he could handle it. She gently sat the tractor back down and the ground shook when she did so. He couldn't believe this woman! She was the most amazing woman ever! And her muscles were a little bigger than before! He was so turned on! She flexed her biceps for him and asked him if he liked her muscles. He was beside himself at her beauty and sweetness but he nodded. She asked him if he wanted muscles and strength like she had. He managed to nod again, and she said that they could lift weights together. She took his hand and led him back into the house and on to a new door deep, deep, deep inside the pantry, of all places. She opened the door and there was a gym inside. He had never been so turned on in his life! He could make his muscles bigger here! And so could she! He came as he stood in the pantry and looked at the gym, and then she pulled him inside. They were lifting weights as soon as they had stepped through the door, and the next few tens of thousands of years became an endless blur of weightlifting bliss. Every single rep of every single set made Clark cum, and then every single rep that Betty did made him cum harder as he watched her amazing body lift weights and she became Heaven in motion! In what seemed like no time, Betty and Clark were hulking behemoths of muscle! He camber curled a dumbbell that weighed tens of thousands of pounds for thousands of reps, and his bicep soared and he came like never before with every contraction, and Betty was kissing his bicep all the while. She straight-leg deadlifted an immense barbell loaded with hundreds of thousands of pounds, and her glutes and thighs and trunk exploded with muscle with every movement, and Clark was kissing her ass and legs and back and obliques as he came time and again. And in no more time after that, Betty and Clark were absolute mountains of muscle! He benchpressed with the same barbell that Betty had just deadlifted, and his upper body swelled immensely as Betty worshipped all of his muscles while he pushed out reps and repeatedly orgasmed. She did overhead presses with an even heavier barbell, and her entire body swelled immensely as Clark worshipped every muscle of this unbelievable goddess of muscles! And then they were absolute galaxies of muscle! They were again in the barn, after eons of weightlifting, and Betty told Clark to take care of the tractor. He lifted the front end with no effort, and then worked his way underneath the body until he had the entire tractor lifted off the ground with him underneath it. He did slow and deliberate overhead presses with the machine resting on his open palms and his body exploded with more muscle than ever before. Then he threw the entire tractor up through the roof of the barn and into space. The explosive force of the collision destroyed the entire barn. Clark awoke with his head in Betty's lap, and he trembled in joy because the real world was now even more sweet and beautiful than his entire dream had been! The goddess was real, and she was his, and he was hers, and they were together for real! He reached for the hand on his face with both his hands, and he gently grabbed it and lightly kissed it again and again. They both shed tears of joy for their love for each other, and for their union in time and space, and their deepest feelings were beyond even their own powers to put into words. ======== She thought out to him "The time is near for us to make love again, but there remains something else to be done. I have seen the path forward to omnipotence. Would you like me to tell you about it?" He trembled at her words and continued worshipping her hand and thought back "My Supreme Goddess knows!" "Yes, your Supreme Goddess knows and loves all about you. As there is energy that holds together a galaxy, there is also energy that holds together the space between galaxies. That energy will become our new source of life. I will ascend first. The superwoman that you first met on earth was an atom compared to what She is now, and what She is now will be far less than the Planck length compared to what She will soon be." Clark was quaking in ecstasy at her words. He began to cum at the thought of his Supreme Goddess ascending. He kissed her hand more fervently and worshipfully. She continued "And when She ascends, Her supreme god will despair, as he does, that She may not want him anymore because She is so much more great and beautiful than ever before, and he is nothing in comparison to Her. And then She will return to him and he will understand, better than before, that it is the simple, animal feeling of love, and nothing more, that unites them. And he will rejoice like never before, and She will fill him with her love and power and beauty, and Her supreme god will become Her Supreme God and She will worship Him." He was kissing the muscles of her gigantic forearm in the deepest worship, and his cumming intensified as he thought of what he could do with such power. He thought back to her "And Your Supreme God will despair, as He does, that even one facet of His Supreme Goddess is no longer supreme. And He will fill Her with His love and power and beauty, and His Supreme Goddess will be SUPREME!" Betty kissed his mind and continued "And so the process shall continue. His love will again be surmounted by His despair that His Supreme Goddess may not want Him, and His despair shall be vanquished by Her endless and incorruptible love, and He will understand, better than before, that it is the simple, animal feeling of love, and nothing more, that unites Them. And He will rejoice like never before." Clark was delirious with worship as he kissed Betty's already supreme biceps and triceps. He was cumming like never before. He bathed in Her words and thoughts as they entered his soul. He heard Her and understood Her. He simply kept repeating "I love you, Goddess," and all of their enormous muscles began to throb and swell as their arousal increased. Betty smiled radiantly and began to kiss his mind more fervently. She continued "And We will become the final result when the simple, animal feeling of love--birthed countless eons ago and growing ever since--finally and unconditionally conquers all else. We will be free, unlike all others who want, because we will have everything we want; and we will be beyond free, like no other at all, because we will always discover more, and receive more than enough, of all that is good in life in this universe. Such conditions will be the actuality of our existence, and never shall the potentialities of our existence be subverted away from these conditions." "When do You ascend, Goddess?! My whole being aches for Your Becoming!" "Whenever you are ready for the rest of your life, beautiful one." He kissed her hand one last time and thought "My Supreme Goddess knows!" "Yes, She does." ======== With her telekinesis, Betty gently pulled Clark away from her. She locked eyes with him and he was totally transfixed. They were both so turned on that their gigantic muscles were throbbing and growing like never before. She magnificently swept her arms up into a double biceps flex and her biceps soared up well above her head and simply kept throbbing upward. She slowly floated toward him in this pose, and the question "Would you like to see a show of power?" quietly echoed through his mind and being. He was unable to answer or to do anything other than observe, and attempt to comprehend, the ultimate entity before him. Her face floated toward his and he was allowed to open his mouth. The two locked lips. She was inside him, and around him, and everywhere. And then she was gone. He was no longer transfixed, but he was stunned and confused. He looked around for her. Somewhere in the universe, in a location relative to him that he could term as only ahead of him and to his left, an enormous and very bright accretion of sparkling things of some kind began to mass together and grow rapidly. An arm emerged from the accretion and reached out all the way across the universe in front of him. It was the Arm of his Supreme Goddess. It was all he could see of Her and It alone was more than he could truly fathom. The Muscles upon it were more gigantic than ever before, both proportionally and absolutely. The Hand was open and the Fingers were relaxed. The Arm reached and reached and reached, outstretched all the while. The scale of It was not comprehensible to him. It was simply on and in the entire side of the universe in front of him. The Arm stopped emerging. Some of his Supreme Goddess's beyond-enormous Shoulder was visible, but then there was only the enormous and very bright accretion from which It emerged. He wanted to see Her Face but he was terrified. The question "What do you think the sparkles are?" echoed through his mind and being. The question did not reach his mind as a thought, but as the sensations produced by an unapprehended yet actual thing experienced in the real world around him. The sensations were joyous, blissful, and beautiful. He was made passive by them, and they elicited from his unconscious mind the response of "Galaxies." which entered his conscious mind and floated therein for a moment before vanishing. He experienced another question: "You are wise, tiny one. How many such galaxies are there?" He felt as if he were at the end of a conduit linking him to a universal ocean of love. The sensations of the experience elicited from his unconscious mind the response of "More than I can count." which entered his conscious mind and floated therein for a moment before vanishing. He experienced the idea "You are wise, tiny one." and it made him inert. The Arm of his Supreme Goddess began to move and all Beauty was in the Motion and Life of It. The Fingers of the Hand curled into a Fist. The Forearm Muscles exploded in Size. The Forearm supinated and the Bicep began to rise. The Arm tensed and the Bicep and Tricep both exploded in Size. The Arm began to curl and the Bicep soared upward. The Definition of the Musculature, the powerful Vasculature, the Size of the Muscles, all nothing less than supremely beautiful and yet only a Portion of Her Majesty. The Flex continued and the Bicep rose higher and higher. He experienced the structure of space and time change around him everywhere in the universe, and the consequence thereof was the joyous command "Attempt to worship even the tiniest fraction of my magnificence, tiny one." He was impelled forward toward the Arm at the highest speed he could attain, his arms outstretched ahead of him, his hands in fists. Millions of light years passed by. Billions. The observable universe was long behind him in an instant and all of his power was devoted to merely reaching his Supreme Goddess. He flew faster and faster and faster. She helped him by feeding him power and energy, more than a billion times than that which he had absorbed from the suns of the universe. "You cannot reach me, tiny one. I am beyond all that you know." He quaked in ecstasy at the beauty of Her Words and in agony at the horror of their meaning. He was using so much power and energy to reach Her that he began to tire, and there was nothing nearby that could feed him. He was outside of all space and time now, and yet he was no closer to Her than before. Her Flex continued and the Bicep continued to rise. He was frantic and desperate to reach Her but he simply couldn't and he had to stop. And when he did, the Arm faded from sight. She was gone. ======== He looked around. She was gone. All color faded from the universe. She was gone. She had ascended to a place where he couldn't possibly be needed or wanted. He wept in despair. He wanted to destroy himself. He wanted to find the largest and most powerful black hole in the universe and throw himself into it. But he didn't even know where he was. The pursuit of the ultimate entity had wrenched him from all the reality he had ever known. None of his power was of any use to him to reckon his place in space and time. For all he knew, he had just spent billions of years trying to reach something that he had had the audacity to believe was within reach. He looked around himself in his despair for anything: any sign toward any place in life that would not be constituted by utter despair. He noticed the slightest glimmer of beautiful color far off away from him. It was tiny but bright. Other glimmers of the same quality began to appear, slowly and surely. More and more of them appeared, at first everywhere around him, and then everywhere in the universe. But he was so distraught at that moment that he could not recognize the glimmers for what they were. The entire universe spoke to him, all at once and from every direction, and he experienced the question "Do you love me, tiny one?" He was in an agony of ecstasy that She had spoken to him again. The sensations of the experience elicited from his unconscious mind the response of "More than I can fathom." which entered his conscious mind and stayed therein. He now recognized the glimmers around him. They were all Her Love for him! She had rent furrows in the structures of space and time everywhere and everywhen and filled them all with Her Love for him. Her Love for him was everywhere. Literally everywhere! No atom anywhere in the universe could move in any direction by any degree without touching Her Love for him! Infinity and eternity were now endless symphonies of love! In a moment, he was as big as Her. He was gently pulled up from the handful of spacetime dimensions he knew, and the two of them were now things of more than a thousand spatial dimensions, in a jungle of life so full and so beautiful that they were not yet ready to fully comprehend it. The number of dimensions in which their reality obtained began to increase as the complexity of their united being increased, and these increases would occur forevermore and without fail! The two made love. His entire, gigantic penis was within her. He was on his back. She was atop him and moving up and down his shaft. His hands were everywhere upon her thighs and abdomen and pectorals and arms. She swept her arms out into a double biceps flex as she rode him. Her entire body exploded in size with so much muscle growth that their increasing powers of comprehension needed thousands of years to comprehend her new size, but his penis began erupting a universe of semen into her well before then, and her body erupted with orgasm after orgasm, and they continued making love like so for billions of years. ======== The two were in a hyperreal delirium of love and lust. She filled his body with power. So much power. More power than she had within herself. And his muscles grew, and his penis grew, and his love grew. He became aware of all of her mind and body as she was aware of his, and her entire being was now within him as his entire being was within her. And now that her being was within him, she was within his being within herself; and then she was within his being within her being within himself; and then she was within his being within her being within his being within her being within his being within herself... Betty contained Clark contained Betty contained Clark contained Betty contained Clark contained Betty contained Clark... Clark contained Betty contained Clark contained Betty contained Clark contained Betty contained Clark contained Betty... And now the two were joined in unbreakable love. When one experienced something, the other experienced the one's experience of the thing, and then the one experienced the other's experience of the one's experience of the thing, and then the other experienced the one's experience of the other's experience of the one's experience of the thing... And the two were experiencing love. Unending love. Every movement each made was a new expression of love never before known in the universe, because every experience each had, no matter how slight, no matter how inconsequential, was an unending cascade of experiences never known before in the universe, and every experience was cherished and shared in full by the both of them. They had no need for dreams anymore because life was now more than any dream could ever be. The Supreme Goddess smiled down on Her Supreme God. The smile was already more beauty than He could yet fathom, but He wanted more for His Supreme Goddess, and He filled Her with more power than He had, and more power than She had ever had before. -= THE END =-