The Lost Daughters of Krypton The Elder Barry The space module was impenetrable THE LOST DAUGHTERS OF KRYPTON (The Space Module Was Impenetrable) A maturing twelve-year-old Clark Kent was alone in the barn with his over-developed fourteen-year-old classmate Amber Blair. She was kneeling atop the blushing boy her pert little ass firmly pressing against his chest. Her knees restraining his arms overpowering him with the classic schoolyard pin. She flexed her burgeoning biceps delighted by her own strength celebrating the power she held over him. "You like my muscles, Kent?" Clark realized he was fully capable of lifting her off his body any time he wished but he didn't; he didn't for two reasons. First. and most importantly his parents had been admonishing him to never display his strength to anyone in public or otherwise. His superpowers must remain a secret because if he were found out to be an alien with powers the government would undoubtably take him away from home and subject him to tests and study. However, if the truth were known, today, Super Boy was enjoying the sexual sensations he was feeling for the first time. Amber was experienced beyond her years and she was groping for his penis which she could tell was way big. When she unbuckled his belt and along with the top button of his jeans the pulsating head of his oversized Kryptonian penis poked out startling Amber. Nonetheless, she grabbed hold with her right hand and began to massage his tool. "Amber, stop that." The embarrassed little vixen jumped up and ran out the barn. "I'm going to tell your mother." Superman was awakened from his dream by the alarm notification on his cell. The text simply read 'turn on your T.V.' The breathless blonde CNN reporter was explaining to the viewing public that two identical several-hundred-pound comets were on a collision course with the earth. Superman rocketed himself to the nearest NASA research facility on the outskirts of the city of Metropolis where he learned that at the speed the comets were traveling they would collide with the earth near Washington D.C. in approximately forty-eight-hours. He was dispatched to investigate and immediately flew along side the descending projectiles which didn't appear to be comets at all. They appeared to be man made or more likely alien made. He extended his superpowered arms and shoved hard attempting to redirect the faux-comets off their course to no avail. He lacked the wherewithal to stop or change their course. In fact. the objects exponentially increased speed with impact not expected within a couple of hours. It appeared that the people of earth would need to sack-up and face the consequences of a direct hit. Superman flew directly to the expected point of impact; it was expected of him. He watched in utter disbelief when the objects slowed their descent, eventually hovering in the air before gently landing right in front of him. Identical panels slid open and two golden colored ramps were lowered allowing two 'aliens' in space suits complete with see-through helmets to set foot on the earth. They each appeared to be over six-feet-tall; 6-2 and 6-4 respectively. Satisfied with the air quality the aliens removed not only their helmets but all of their clothing as well permitting their long lustrous blonde hair to cascade down over their well-muscled shoulders framing their beautiful faces. Their naked bodies were exquisite and at the same time breathtaking consisting of 38DD breasts, tiny 18" waists, impressive well-developed 8-packs, and impressive bulging 26" biceps. One of aliens walked over to a parked 4.000-pound army jeep, lifted the two-ton vehicle into the air with one hand, and tossed it at least 100 yards in the air landing with a gigantic thud. The aliens, for some reason, felt it necessary to demonstrate the extent of their strength. They each leaped into the air and flew around the city at supersonic speed. Again, showing off their physical prowess. "I'm called Valerion." The taller of the two introduced herself first. "And my sister here is called Varios. "We are from Krypton." Varios smiled. "We've been traveling for a long time." "My name is Kal-el. I too am from Krypton." He hugged the two females. "My cousin Kara is here as well." "This should be fun." Varios flexed her arm and laughed as her right bicep erupted into a 26" peaked bicep. "Look." She joked. "I have another one just like it over here." She flexed her left bicep to prove her point. "We must have contest to determine who among us is the strongest." "Why?" Superman asked. "So, we will know who among should rule this shit-hole planet." "What - no -no - that's not the way we do things here." "Be careful Kal-El." The two sisters flexed some more seemingly obsessed with the size of their own gigantic biceps. "We don't know yet who is the strongest." "We have been monitoring your transmissions for years and we both consider you to be a major fucking wimp. "You treat these earthlings as equals." Varios snickered. "We should be treating them as servants or pets." "Come here." Valerion grabbed one of the honor guard marines. "Fix us up with your very best accommodations and see to it that your superiors schedule a round-robin mixed-martial arts mano-mano tournament battle for supremacy of this planet." "Set up a banquet for us tonight." Varios slammed her fist into her open palm frightening the guard who nearly pissed himself. "We are very hungry." At the insistence of the daughters of Kryton the tournament was scheduled to begin in less than a week which passed quickly; the first no rules match pitted the 6-4 Valerion against the 5-9 Supergirl. The 150,000 seat stadium was filled to capacity with every occupant rooting for Kara and Superman. "No rules." The referee stated what had reluctantly been agreed to. The two females touched gloves and retreated to their respective corners both confident they would be victorious. Unbeknownst to the other neither had ever been defeated in combat. The bell rang and Supergirl moved in close wishing to neutralize the bigger Valerion's superior reach. Kara pounded the bigger girl in the stomach but was completely stymied by the impenetrable abdominal muscular slabs of steel that protected her mid-section. Valerion hammer visited Supergirl on the top of her head several times causing Kara's legs to buckle. The bigger Kryptonian surprised Supergirl by grabbing her around the waist with both hands, lifting her into the air, spinning her around before driving Kara head first into the ring floor embedding her pretty head deep into the mat so only her flailing legs were visible to the crowd in the arena. Supergirl struggled mightily to free herself from her absurd prison but she was too slow. Valerion took hold of each of her ankles and began to spread them apart as if she were making a Thanksgiving-day wish with the drum sticks. Kara's muffled cries of anguish could barely be heard above the roar of the crowd until Val viciously ripped each of Kara's legs independent from one another out of the mat discarding them as one would trash. Superman and the doctors and the ring attendants raced to Supergirl's aid extricating her from the mat below the ring but it was much too late, Kara was long dead having bled to death. "One down one to go." Varios was speaking directly to Superman. "Unless you wish to forfeit which is your right." "Fuck you." Superman was livid intent on crushing each of the daughters of Krypton. The referee called the combatants together in the middle of the ring where they touched gloves before retreating to their respective corners. The crowd in the stadium was apprehensive to say the very least fearing that should Superman lose then the planet would be at the mercy of these two alien females who didn't seem to possess any mercy. Superman's plan of attack was very simple. He would wade into the fray guns a blazing. Throwing caution to the wind and unleash the most powerful punches he could muster destroying the alien female before she could mount an offense of her own. He approached Varios quickly and delivered a virtual thunderbolt connecting with her chin only to have her laugh at him. "Is that all you got?" More laughter. "Please, you're embarrassing yourself. She flicked out a powerful left jab that sent Superman reeling back on his heels following up with a devasting right cross and a left hook that dropped the Man of Steel onto his knees. She hammer-fisted him several times on the top of his head all the time laughing at the overmatched erstwhile Protector of the Planet. Various stepped behind the reeling superman, wrapped her pulsating 26" bicep-blessed arms around his neck and begin to administer a rear-naked choke hold maintaining the deadly hold until spittle formed on his lips and his pallor turned a disturbing unhealthy looking bluish color. Superman was awakened from his dream by the alarm on his phone ... the text simply read, 'turn on you T.V. which he was reluctant to do. The Lost Daughters of Krypton ... by the Elder Barry ... 1,500 words