Galaxy Woman, Chapter 2 By Meadler Betty experiments with her new powers. ======================== CHAPTER TWO - AWAKENING Betty stopped flexing and took a deep breath to recover from her series of exquisite orgasms. As she breathed in and out, she noticed how amazing every single facet of her being felt. She wondered about her powers. Did she have any? She must! She walked over to the squat rack in her lab gym. The Olympic barbell was unloaded and resting on two steel supports. She gripped the center of the barbell with one hand to lift it up but instead snapped the barbell clean in two with her grip. "WHOA!" The two pieces fell down with loud clangs. "I HAVE POWERS!" She wondered what to do now. She had another Olympic barbell nearby that she used for sumo deadlifts. It had six forty-five pound plates loaded on it. She bent over and very carefully gripped the center with one hand, and then stood up and lifted the entire barbell as if it were a baton. She started doing one-sided bicep curls with it, first at fast tempo, then medium, then slow. "Wowwwww... I have powers!" The weight was nothing to her. She changed arms and pressed the weight overhead through one hundred reps. Each rep turned her on a little more. She set the barbell down and loaded it with every forty-five pounder she had for a grand total of five hundred eighty-five pounds, and then she muscle snatched it one-handed, no effort at all. She balanced the weight on the tip of her index finger and did overhead presses like that. A big smile broke out on her face. She was awed by the hugeness of her bicep, tricep, and deltoid as her arm moved up and down. "Superpowers are amazing, but God I am in love with these muscles." She took the barbell over to the squat rack, set it down on the steel supports, superheated each support with an effortless blast of heat vision, crimped the barbell in place by bending the supports around it, then supercooled the supports with an effortless blast of freezing breath. She grabbed the sides of the squat rack, which was bolted to the cement floor at all four of its corners, and pulled the entire rack up off the floor and overhead. Her entire body swelled with more size and a big, radiant smile broke out on her face. "Ohhhh, YEAH!" With an overhead throwing motion, she threw the entire assembly plus barbell up through the roof and used her super-vision to watch it rocket into deep space. "Wowwwwwwwwwwww..." Her displays of superpowered might were turning her on immensely. She breathed in deeply and basked in how wonderful her gigantic muscles and superstrength and superpowers made her feel. She smoothly and sexily brought her huge arms up into a double biceps pose and her biceps grew to an unbelievable size that turned her on even more! "OHH!" She tensed her flexed biceps even more to make them rise even higher and she gazed lovingly and lustfully at the incredible mountains that rose up before her eyes, each one more magnificent than any mountain the earth could ever produce. With a sudden burst of superwillpower, she brought herself out of her reverie. She felt her panties stretching and straining against her and she tore them off. She felt less and less need for modesty as the magnitude of her power and beauty was dawning on her. She moaned in ecstasy as she looked at her nude body and she said, "I might have been a seven or eight out of ten before, but now I'm a hundred out of ten, no contest." She again brought both of her arms up into a monstrous double biceps pose and nearly orgasmed again as her entire upper body swelled and swelled until her chest and shoulders were nearly blocking her view from all sides, but her world- shattering gorgeous biceps were still visible as they peaked above her fists. Another burst of superwillpower hit her and she released her flex. "Phew!" she breathed out to settle down. She saw her bucket of thick, heavy chains that she used for variable-resistance benchpresses. She pulled out a very long length of chain, held her left arm out straight ahead of her, and then wrapped the chain around her left bicep many, many times, until there were two layers of chain surrounding it. She held the loose ends of the chain together with her right hand. Her confidence was at an all-time high and she had no regard for the two layers of chain on her arm. She flexed her left bicep without hesitation and it soared upward and the chainwrap exploded off her arm into a thousand bulletlike pieces, some of which harmlessly ricocheted off her body and face, some of which shot through some of her lab equipment. A radiant smile broke out on her face and she shouted, "Oh my God! My muscles are invincible! I'M invincible!" Her excitement skyrocketed but she kept control of herself. She saw her punching bag and she wanted to test her punch. "There's no way that thing will be useful to me." She utterly vaporized the entire bag with a quick blast of heat vision. She remembered that there were six separate inch-thick steel plates among the construction refuse at the opposite corner of the warehouse. In an instant, she walked over to the pile, grabbed one of the six plates, and punched through it without hesitation or trouble. "Mmmhmmmm..." she hummed with satisfaction. With superspeed, she grabbed the remaining five steel plates, pushed them together, and welded them into one seamless, five-inch-thick unit with her heat vision. She then proceeded to weld one end of the super thick steel plate to one of the building's interior steel support I-beams at chest height. She looked at the assembly for a moment and honestly wondered what she could really do to it. She took her position before her target and let loose a straight left that went through both the five-inch-thick steel slab and the I-beam as if they were wet paper. "Oh my..." she chuckled, a little shocked by the power she didn't know she had. She stood with her arm through the slab and girder and looked up and wondered if the building would collapse around her. Nothing was happening so long as her arm was in place, but the I-beam was destroyed and she wouldn't trust the structural integrity of the warehouse without it. She used her heat vision to superheat the deformed remainder of the steel plate assembly, and the I-beam proximate to it, around her still-in-place arm. Then, at astonishing superspeed, she removed her arm and reshaped and refashioned the steel plate plus I-beam assembly into one continuous mass that she then supercooled with her freeze breath. After a few moments, she was satisfied that all was well with the building. She held her fist before her and saw that it and her arm were totally unhurt by everything she had punched through, and by her metal-melting heat vision, and also by manipulating molten metal with her bare hands. "I'd hate to be the one in front of this fist." After pondering her fist and arm for a moment she remembered the handgun she kept in her lab for safety. It was a nine millimeter with a fifteen bullet magazine. She got it, pointed it at her chest, and fired five shots at herself. All of her senses had become superhumanly acute and she literally saw, felt, and heard each bullet ricochet off her without causing even the slightest dent in her skin. She smiled a big, broad smile and fired another shot at her face. She watched the bullet approach her and then simply caught it by delicately biting down on it with her teeth. Her smile broadened and she spit out the deformed slug. She put the muzzle of the gun in her mouth, wrapped her lips around it, and fired the remaining nine shots. Her smile returned and broadened around the muzzle and her face beamed with joy as the nine bullets ineffectually bounced off the back of her mouth. She giggled with the gun still in her mouth and then effortlessly bit off the end of the muzzle. She closed her eyes and focused on the ten boli in her mouth. She pushed them around with her mouth and tongue, maneuvered them together in her mouth, and then fashioned them all into one solid, spherical lump. She reared her head back and then shot the sphere out of her mouth, through the ceiling, and into space. She casually crushed the remainder of the handgun with one hand and it blew apart into several pieces under the stress of her grip. The potency of the cosmic energies that she must be absorbing was becoming more clear to her. Based on what she had experienced so far and what she knew of Superman's powers, she inferred that nothing on earth should ever again cause her concern for her safety. What was not yet so clear, and required further investigation, was the added potency of the zero-point energy that her body was absorbing. Her massive muscle growth was evidence that she was indeed absorbing something more than the sun's energy, but she had not yet done anything that Superman couldn't do and Superman absorbed only the energy of the sun. She inquiringly looked around at her lab and gym, simultaneously ecstatic and confused. Was there anything in here that was of any more use to her in any way? She felt that she had utterly transcended all the conditions of her old life. "What do I do now?" She received the best possible answer when she merely looked down at her magnificent, hulking superbody and every single muscle on her body swelled, bulged, and throbbed in response. Her body and mind filled with ecstasy that washed away all the confusion. "I need new tests to better understand my powers. Maybe Superman could help me with that." She gently flexed one of her gargantuan biceps and it grew and soared up past her fist. She admired it and kissed it and could feel untold power inside of it and all the rest of her body. It and the thought of Superman aroused her. She continued her flex and moaned, "Mmmmmm, Superman!"