Cosmic Claudia By Scribe of Domina Bimbo meets aliens Slut. Wild child. Whore. Nympho. I've heard all the names people call me. I ignore them all. There's only one that matters. The one I call myself. Claudia: Party girl! That's what I am and I'm proud of it. I don't sit around and worry all day. I don't waste my time trying to score another dollar. Life is short and we should just live it. We should always, always, have fun first and foremost. So, I spend every night hitting the clubs. Stumbling out of the latest one my giant jugs to are out of my top as I giggle at something the bartender said on my way out the door. I already can't remember what it was, but I know it was funny. The nerd is covering them back up for me. So sweet! I shove his face into them, stopping him. "Leave them out, I want you to suck them." He moans at the idea. God, I love that. That's why I'm kidnapping him. He thinks he's just being taken home by a sexy stranger he met tonight for a one-night stand. I discovered Domina. I can't let such a perfect sex slave run free. That would be a sin. I shove my tit into his mouth and he sucks away. A bright purple light shines down on us from above. "What the fuck?" My body is tingling all over, getting me all hot and bothered. The suckling feels even better. "Oh, fuck yeah! More! More! MORE!" I cum hard and pass out. I awake still horny. Why am I in the hospital? Is something wrong? I feel fine, just extra horny. I try to sit up but can't. I look down. I'm naked on a metal table. My wrists and ankles are cuffed. "Fuck." "Fuck?" a strange little voice asks. "What is... fuck?" I whip my head to find the owner. I don't know what I'm expecting but this is not it. Three little green men have wandered up to me. "Aliens. Fuck. Aliens exist. Who knew?" "Fuck. This word again. What does it mean?" "How do you guys speak English?" "We scan the minds of our... guests? It not perfect." "Why am I naked?" "We need to see goddess in flesh." "Goddess?" They point to a corner of the room. A large stone sits there with lewd drawings of busty women sexually dominating helpless men. "Where did you get that?" "Guests told us about it. That is, you, yes?" I blush at the compliment. "Is that why I'm naked? For sex?" "Sex?" They thought about it for a moment. "Oh, no, not sex! That is human thing! We cannot have the... sex." "Then how do you make babies?" "Too hard to explain in... human." "How do you have fun with each other?" "Fun?" Each face turns purple. They're blushing! "Ooh, so cute!" "Touching." "You're like little boys! That's so fucking cute! Unstrap me now so I can touch you!" They look uncertain. "Do it! Goddess commands it!" If they want me to play the part, I'll fucking play the part. The smallest one nearly trips over himself letting me up. I think he's a he. Once free I grab him and hug him tight. He moans in my arms. So fucking cute! I lift his head to look at me and cover his little face with kisses. He collapses in my arms. "As goddess I own this ship and everything on it. Especially you boys. Now let's get this place ready to party. Wait. Where's my nerd?" "Nerd?" one of the other asks. "The boy I had with me." "Oh! Slave!" They run over and press a button on the wall. It slides open revealing rows of tubes. They are all empty but one. It holds my nerd, frozen in the moment of orgasm. He is naked too. "No! Bad!" They shrink at the sound of my anger. "Only Goddess keeps slaves there. Let him out. Now." They sheepishly push some buttons, and the tube opens. My nerd falls out into my arms. While he wakes, I strap him to my table. "Wha?" I lean in and kiss him. "Where...?" "Your new home, my nerd." "Wha...?" I shove my tit into his mouth. "No talking slave, worship your goddess." Still confused he obeys. As he should. "I've got good news and bad news. Don't talk. Don't stop sucking and I'll explain everything. Bad news: we've been abducted by aliens." His eyes widen adorably. "Good news: I've conquered them. This is my ship now." He looks so confused. I love it!