Super Super Models By the Elder Barry Superman Submissively Succumbs SUPER SUPER MODELS (Superman Submissively Succumbs) PROLOGUE: Superman's once unworldly 240 pound muscular impenetrable, indestructible impervious to pain Kryptonian body was a thing of the past; a distant memory. Currently the Man of Steel was a relatively puny nearly emaciated super-less insignificant six-foot-four-inch gangly gaunt 167-pound man, a mere shadow of his former self. Superman knew not where he was, how long he had been where he was, nor how he had come to be where he was. He was currently sitting at a small table by himself eating a surprisingly tasty bacon, lettuce, avocado, and tomato sandwich with oven baked low fat potato chips on a toasted glutton free brioche bun slathered in avocado oil-based mayonnaise. The cuisine led him to believe that he was somewhere in California, likely Northern California. His eyes were drawn to the state-of-the-art 104-inch OLED television screen that dominated the room. He was looking at a still image of a statue, a magnificent well-detailed statue, a statue of a familiar looking young outlandishly muscular blonde girl, a blonde girl he knew as ... Bella Donna. Superman's Kryptonian eidetic memory allowed him to recall the events that led him to this moment in time and to this place, where ever or whatever this place was. He remembered all too well the girl's Goddess like strength and her power. He remembered the embarrassment, indignity, shame, and humiliation of being overwhelmed and subdued by the ego-driven five-foot-three-inch ruthless girl. The paused image on the screen morphed into a movie or more likely a documentary film. The camera pulled back encompassing a broader panorama revealing that the statue of Bella Donna was more than just a statue, so much more. It immediately became clear to Superman that the statue was actually a 250-foot-tall monument equal in size to that of a high rise twenty-story building; seemingly a loving tribute to Bella Donna either that or the populace had kowtowed to her narcissistic whims and threats; knowing what he knew of her he concluded that the former was the more likely scenario. Superman could see a steady never-ending stream of beautiful well-built scantily clad females of all ages all paying homage to the imposing monument honoring Bella Donna ... Many if not all of the females were stopping to genuflect and then kiss the feet of the huge monolithic tribute to the woman being called ... 'THE GIVER OF MIGHT.' Curiously there wasn't a man in sight; not even one. The tableau being presented to the viewer was oddly sans men. Superman assiduously searched his memory banks trying to make sense of the nonsensical reality that was confronting him. He realized that in order to put it all together he would need to begin at the beginning. Intuitively he understood that the beginning for him would be his much publicized break-up from Lois Lane. CHAPER ONE: Superman behaving badly All of the network television and cable news programs had covered and sensationalized Superman and Lois Lane's tumultuous breakup ad nauseum as did all of the national and local newspapers, You Tube, Tik Tok, TMZ, Instagram, Twitter, the tabloids, as well as the omnipresent internet bloggers' salacious postings not to mention the international newspapers from around the world. Ms. Lane, the unceremoniously kicked to the curb former fianc� of Superman, had been devastated by the breakup so much so she took a lengthy leave of absence from her high-paying job as an investigator reporter at the Daily Planet. She retreated into relative obscurity and to the sanctuary of a number of high-priced sanitariums essentially living a cloistered existence. Superman had for some time yearned to spread his metaphorical sexual wings and sleep with as many different women as he possibly could; predictably there would be no shortage of willing hotties begging for the Man of Steel's attention. Having lived his earthly life in strict observance of Kryptonian laws and religious tenants Superman had arduously denied himself the pleasures of the flesh for far too long and his carnal desires were now insatiable. He imagined a kindred kindship with Vulcan males who, at times, felt and experienced the blood-boiling insatiable need for female companionship and sexual release which they referred to as ponfarr; a phenomenon that manifested itself every seven years resulting in an extreme physical and psychological dependence which, if not acted upon would result in a deleterious effect on a Vulcan males' health should he not carry out the coupling ritual ... Superman embraced the ritual by bedding as many females as possible. He was banging three or four and even five females in a day sometimes two and three at a time. Apparently, his sexual prowess and proclivities were limitless and he did his very best to prove that to be true. Superman was in constant demand to make public appearances something he had in the past been loath to do, something he had eschewed with a passion. However, now such personal appearances were common occurrences; basically fishing expeditions for him. On one particular evening Superman, in full uniform, found himself seated in a packed Metropolis City Civic Auditorium watching with great interest as a plethora of outrageously proportioned scantily clad universally recognizable fitness, swimsuit, fashion, Internet-influencers, and super-models as they proudly sashayed their way up and down the catwalk strutting their tantalizing stuff clearly vying for the Man of Steel's undivided attention as well as displaying the designer clothing they were being so handsomely paid to wear. Kal-El, the Kryptonian 'love god' was hungrily eyeing the smorgasbord of tasty nubile youngsters of the female persuasion who were unashamedly posing and preening for his benefit. Lois had for a number of weeks been surreptitiously and forlornly stalking her former lover from afar. Uninvited Ms. Lane had crashed the Metropolis Meta Gala and was immediately disgusted by the debauchery shown in Superman's demeanor as he was obviously trolling the young nubile models seeking a companion or two for the night. Lois, the cuckolded fianc� (cuckquean) wished that she could exact a measure of revenge for his infidelity and she prayed to 'the powers that be' and to any and all sympathetic Goddesses everywhere hoping to be gifted with the where-with-all to do so. The fawning femme fatales in attendance at the Gala, some as young as fourteen (off limits), hyperbole aside, were considered to be among the most beautiful females to have ever walked the surface of the planet. When the swanky televised fashion show finally concluded a number of those same models requested face to face meetings with and autographs from the Man of Steel not to mention private selfies. The girls were all so gorgeous and they were all so willing Superman was having a 'hard' time culling the herd. Even had the most loquacious of all of the romantic poets from the renaissance age or any other age for that matter were to have been resurrected to modern times the poet would be hard pressed to adequately describe the unparalleled beauty to which he was being treated to at that very moment. Standing in the wings Superman spied one of the most muscular females he had ever had the pleasure of seeing. Bella Donna, the five-foot-three-inch-tall blonde fitness-model was watching the other super models with a jaundice eye as she flexed and massaged her more than just impressive deeply-cut chiseled biceps, biceps that Superman conservatively estimated to be real fucking big, maybe even bigger than that. When the two genetically blessed beings caught the eye of the other, the arrogant temptress seductively smiled at Superman and he smiled back. The familiar looking muscular blonde vixen flexed her body with a purpose pumping up her big bulging biceps each of which seemed to be inflating to near cartoonish proportions or so it seemed to him. She seductively traced her undulating bulging right bicep with her index finger accentuated to the fullest her 13 1/2" fully-peaked biceps which admittedly were considerably smaller than his own 24" boulders ... and yet she was every bit as impressive as he. Superman's muscular-girl fetish was a closely held secret known only to Lois. Nonetheless, the blonde was teasing him with her own spectacular muscularity as if she knew something about him that others didn't ... which in fact she did. The Kryptonian never failed to respond to a female displaying bulging muscles and that night was no different; Kal-El could feel his cock unfurling in his shorts getting harder and harder and more and more visible. He compulsively watched as the girl extended her right leg forward and arrogantly tensed her magnificent shapely mounds of muscularity unmercifully teasing him with her massive quads and diamond shaped calves clearly inviting him in. Her gams, to borrow a descriptive phrase from the 40's, actually sent shivers up and down the heavily breathing Superman's spine. He was sweating profusely as he locked his unbelieving eyes on her ever-expanding wall of rippling feminine wonders. Her gravity defying 36D-cup breasts resting high atop her chest supported by her overly developed pectoral muscles mesmerized the Man of STEAL. He knew not what to make of her splendiferousness; he only knew that at some point in time he planned to experience her to the fullest which would turn out to be prophetic ... However, one must always be mindful for what one wishes ... Nonetheless, Superman wanted what he wanted and as was his want he wanted the girl who didn't want for muscles. Superman smartly retreated from sight and took refuge backstage where he met with the other models, submitted himself to a plethora of selfies, kibitzed with and then signed autographs for the girls while collecting phone numbers from the nearly naked females. The mostly teenaged/early twenties super-models were all well beyond just beautiful and to the woman they possessed well-toned nubile bodies exuding endorphins and a sexual haughtiness well beyond their years; each signaling her availability. All the while Superman was searching for one particular girl, the one who had caught his eye earlier. All of the models were beginning to leave the backstage area each making goo-goo eyes at the Man of Steel taking their endorphins with them leaving a still aroused Superman to his own devices. Superman's roving eye spotted Lois Lane who was angrily ogling him and the muscle girl; she knew all about his proclivities. She was disguised as an older woman, Lois not the blonde muscle girl. However, she hadn't fooled Superman and he asked a member of the security team to escort the uninvited reporter out of the building. "Ms. Lane, you have been asked to leave the premises." A security guard gently took her by the arm. "By whom?" Her question was ignored. "If you leave quietly you will avoid embarrassment." Lois left in a huff; actually, she left in an Uber seething at the loud almost unrecognizable Hip Hop music that assailed and assaulted her ears; music that inexplicably complimented the ass of every woman on the planet. Superman was readying himself to search out the intriguing little Miss Muscles when he finally spotted Zoey Taylor, America's sweetheart and former top model award winner and his number one draft choice for that evening. She was seemingly in distress; for some reason the beautiful woman was trembling uncontrollably, hyperventilating to be sure. "Miss are you okay?" The horny already erect Superhero was silently thinking to himself ... 'Oh boy ... Great ... a damsel in distress ... Like shooting fish in a barrel.' However, unbeknownst to Superman Zoey Taylor wasn't a fish in a barrel. She was feigning her distress, baiting a honey trap for the walking-hard-on. He was being subjected to powerful endorphins likely engendered by an application of his own sperm that had been rubbed on her body; neurotransmitters were being released throughout the dressing room promoting feelings of unbridled joy and sexual pleasure. "Superman." She smiled demurely. I've never ever felt better not never ever better." Her low-cut dress was displaying cleavage for miles and she offered him a dazzling smile that was devastating. "Don't you remember me?" She surprised him when she amorously and forcibly grasped him by both sides of his head. He didn't resist when she pulled him towards her, pursed her luscious lips, and kissed him deeply parting his lips with her long probing tongue in the process transferring a potent 450g tab of LSD into his mouth as she massaged his malleable tongue with hers. "E-gads woman." The still rather puritanical Superman uttered a mild expletive as was his want. His legs were shaking uncontrollably and were beginning to buckle under his own weight. (a comedian might suggest he sue his legs for non-support). He was feeling uncharacteristically feint, losing his equilibrium as he nearly collapsed. Zoey's firm embrace was the only thing keeping the strongest man on Earth from a quick introduction to the carpeted floor below. Now he remembered her; Zoey Taylor was her name and she had been one of the first women with whom Superman had shared sexual congress after the breakup. At this moment in time, she was overwhelming him with her blatant and wanton sexuality; inexplicably ennui was diminishing his resolve. The Man of Steel's entire Kryptonian body was tingling with sexual excitement and burning with anticipation literally unable to resist the vivacious vixen and for the moment he was perfectly content to nestle in her tender warm embrace; comfortably resting his lolling head up against her big soft breasts. Surprisingly Zoey was displaying astonishing strength as well as a better than average seized bicep approaching 11 3/4" ... She surprised him some more again when she persuasively pushed him down onto his back as if he were nothing more than an inconsequential child's inflatable bounce-up toy only Superman didn't bounce back up but rather he just lay there inert as she ominously loomed over his prostrate body. She quickly resumed the passionate act of passionately locking lips with him passionately prolonging the most passionate of passionate kisses. Zoey admired the length and girth of his colossal Kryptonian cock that was straining against his tight trousers and she began to grope at his zipper while forcibly but tenderly kneading his pulsating penis. Zoey was likely no more than five-foot-five-inches tall maybe 120 pounds and yet she had demonstrated unquestioned supremacy over him; it wasn't just her girlie muscles, although they were impressive enough considerably above average nor was it her strength which she had yet to display. It was nothing more than the transference of their mutual lust, pure sexual domination. Her massive gravity defying 34DD tits had him quivering like a bowl of gelatinous Jell-O. "Enough woman." The Man of Steel's ardor had softened (as had his dick) and not wanting to be caught in a compromising position or risk being photographed or filmed by the ever-present paparazzi. Superman with some effort reluctantly managed to lift the gyrating super-model off of his body. He gently placed her off to the side before rising to his feet. "Stop it Zoey ... Let's continue this at my place." She flexed her right bicep kissing her peaked muscle and accidently allowed her breasts to pop out of her lowcut dress, her nipples beckoned to him. "You like?" "Oh yes, yes I do." He admitted before he again forcibly demanded for her to stop. "You best stop now." He demanded again. "OR WHAT? CHAPTER TWO - Superman badly beaten The tenor of a voice that didn't belong to Zoey Taylor was both commanding and demanding and Superman took notice. "I say again. Or what?" Unnoticed by Superman Zoey had handed Ms. Muscles a ring with a glowing green gem embedded within ... At which point she confidently intervened some more again. "Or what?" She said again this time even more confidently repeating her not so veiled challenge. That commanding voice belonged not to Zoey but rather to Bella Donna the five-foot-three-inch teasing teenaged girl who was now confronting Superman beaming with unbridled confidence buoyed no doubt by her big-ass biceps. "Oh, it's you." He smiled lasciviously. "Will you be joining us?" "In your dreams, asshole." Bella scoffed at his lascivious invitation. "I doubt you can handle even one of us." She flexed her pulsating biceps. "I bet I can make you cum before you get your pants off." He was mesmerized actually in awe of her throbbing deeply defined musculature which was unprecedent for an eighteen-year-old girl. Unprecedent for a five-foot-three-inch-tall one-hundred-fifteen-pound teenager. Unprecedent for anyone who wasn't a charter member of the Justice League ... plus this girl was hell-a-cute, too. Inexplicably Superman found himself flat on his back looking up at the five-foot-three-inch-tall grinning teenager. She had leveled him with a single unseen upper cut to his jutting jaw that actually lifted the shocked, stunned, and alarmed uncomprehending Superhero two feet off the ground. The prevailing thought in his head was ... how?" She too was shocked and stunned by the ease at which she had knocked the strongest man in the world on his ass. He was staring blankly at her with unfocussed eyes. Bella had known she was stronger than just strong; but she had only hoped she would be strong enough to render Superman near senseless Buoyed by her initial success she jumped up and down and clapped her hands together like the child she was. Then, with blinding speed and quickness as well as immeasurable strength the tiny teen defied all rationality when she simultaneously grabbed the still reeling Man of Steel by his crotch and his backside belt. To Superman's utter amazement the girl in one swift uninterrupted motion had effortlessly lifted his powerful 240-pound Kryptonian body, which was more than double her own body weight, high over her head using only one hand, her left one. "Surprise!" The awesome teenaged girl held him there for moment before she bounced the flummoxed helpless to resist Superman up and down and up and down and up and down grasping and releasing his muscular ass as if he were nothing more than a child's paper-m�ch� faux-human toy. Her grasp was unrelenting and he was helpless to break free. Until that moment in time Superman had always been able to extricate himself from all manner of restraints with a simple muscle flex. However, Superman was literally trapped in a figurative maelstrom from which he couldn't envision escape ... such was her power. "How?" Superman was non plus unable to grasp what was happening to him so he asked her how she was doing to him what she was doing to him. "How." She giggled self-assuredly and held up an open righthand emulating a native American saying hello. "How, yourself." Bella knew she was strong, unbelievably strong but until that moment she hadn't realized just how strong. "Put me down." He demanded without much conviction. "Or what?" With a narcissistic bent and newly found confidence she laughed at the panicky superhero's futile attempts to extricate himself from her vice-like grip. "What are you going to do if I don't?" She awaited an answer which never came. "Don't worry Superman ..." The egotistical child was gleefully showing off her dominance. "I will do so ... In good time ... But not yet ... First, I want to hear you to say uncle and then I wish to see you ejaculate." Bella held the startled and defenseless Superman motionless in the air, the epitome of complete absolute domination, grinning as she did so. She held him there for what seemed to him to be an hour or more but in reality was but a few seconds. Going into battle against Superman had been a daunting and scary proposition one fraught with many unknowns. Bella understood she was well beyond just strong. However, when push came to shove, she didn't know exactly how she would match up against Superman ... But now that she knew the extent of her dominance she was joyfully demonstrating her overwhelming power and her unfathomable strength not only to him but to herself as well. Bella didn't know as yet how much stronger than Superman she actually was. However, the girl quickly realized that she was in complete control of the struggling super-less man. She understood instantly that, in his present condition visa vie hers, he was absolutely no threat to her nor would he ever be. Her ever-growing strength coupled with the presence of Kryptonite made her invincible and a quick hummer or two would make her even more so. His frantic futile struggling was turning her on big time; the man concerned her not. It was if he were nothing more than a new born struggling and squirming in his mother's arms such was her supremacy. Her somewhat normal sized biceps were pounding and thumping exuding seemingly unlimited feminine power and Superman couldn't help but take notice of her awesomeness and her unquestioned supremacy ... And yet the narcissistic young girl was less than satisfied. She craved even more power, even more strength, and an even higher level of superiority ... and she understood exactly what she must do to attain that ... POWER. So, the muscle girl did what she understood was needed, needed to achieve her lofty aspirations of ultimate-power ... She forced her right hand deep into his shorts, grasped and removed his engorged penis from his pants which she began to suck and lick, lick and suck, suck and lick and suck some more swirling her tongue around his dick until the helpless to resist Superman finally exploded depositing copious amounts of his remarkable semen into her greedy mouth and down her throat almost immediately stimulating her body to even greater and greater muscular definition and enhanced super-powers that she came to conclude far exceeded that of Superman. "Now I want to hear you say uncle." Just for shit and giggles Bella proceeded to body-slam the self-proclaimed Protector of the Planet onto the ground stomping on his chest with her relatively tiny feet completely covering the big iconic red 'S' embossed on his uniform shirt. She amused herself further by jumping up and down on his chest and stomach as if he were nothing more than a human trampoline forcing the air from out his burning lungs as she did so. Zoey Taylor couldn't contain herself. The stunning beauty was laughing so hard she found herself holding her sides willing herself to not piss herself. She watched as Bella effortlessly lifted the thoroughly confused and defenseless Superman back up onto his feet all the while wondering what was to come next. "What do you want from me?" A confused and clearly defeated Superman asked. "I already told you ... I want you to say uncle." "What?" He asked again. Bella silently grabbed the Man of Steel with her vice like grip directly below his jutting jaw squeezing hard enough to constrict his throat. She was gleefully demonstrating her incomprehensible strength to him and to Zoey as well as to herself by dominating the clearly vulnerable, scared shitless, utterly helpless to resist Super-less-man as no other human being ever had. Bella's delicious orgasm overwhelmed her nearly knocking the awesome girl off her feet while the second climax dropped her down to her knees panting. "Say it." She stood tall and punched him in the nose punctuating her second orgasm. Blood spurted from the Man of Steel's broken nose shocking both he and she. "Okay, okay ... Uncle." He gave in. "Uncle ... Uncle ... Uncle ... Okay," "Too late." Bella slapped him across his face and snickered aloud. "Poor pathetic Superman; you have no idea what's happening to you nor what's about to happen to you." She planted her left foot in the ground and nimbly lifted her lithe but muscular right leg high into the air and locked her ankle behind her neck flashing him a glimpse of her denuded paradise. "A penny for your thoughts." She giggled girlishly. On the night of their first meeting and her inexplicable transformation from a muscular teen into a Goddess like entity, Bella sensed she could someday be his equal; filled with hubris she suspected that she might've already been stronger than he. Bella was giddy because now with the assistance of Zoey Taylor's thoughtful present and the bejeweled ring Bella Donna knew for with absolute certainty she really was stronger than he, much stronger. Bella was later to learn that the infusion of massive amounts of Kryptonian DNA into her relatively smaller and receptive still developing teenaged body had increased her strength and power exponentially inexplicably endowing her with unmatched strength that easily exceeded that of the strongest man in the world by a factor of ten. "Bella, it's time - Let's go." Zoey was getting nervous concerned that they might be seen. "In a minute." She easily lifted the last Son of Krypton off of the ground yet again this time by his throat restricting even further his ability to breathe. His powerful legs churned and churned and churned as he attempted to run off to who knew where. "Give it up." She began to sing a little R&B ditty from the 60's ... 'You have nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide ..." She joyfully inspected her own ever expanding now 161/4' fully peaked biceps and smiled arrogantly understanding that the size of her muscles and her flexed biceps in no way adequately represented the unfathomable strength lurking therein. For years young females from around the world fantasized about having sexual congress with the Man of Steel and now 'little' Bella Donna was not only sexually interacting with Superman she was at the same time dominating him, inexplicably beating the living shit out of the once strongest person on earth inducing yet another powerful orgasm. Just because she could Bella repeatedly slammed his sagging body against a wall and then with her free hand she blithely pummeled him targeting his liver and his kidneys; at the very least Superman would be pissing blood into the next month. "So, what do you think, big guy?" "Big guy?" Zoey snickered. "LOL." Zoey again scoffed aloud at her description. "Bella., look at him now. He cowers in your presence. It's almost as if he's shrinking." She offered even more disrespectful snickering. "He's puny. If not in height, then in stature." "Zoey dear ... You're so right." Bella double fisted the man atop his head dropping him to his knees. "Let me amend that to ... puny man." She twisted her green glowing ring on her finger and continued to pump up her glorious biceps watching the diminished 'puny' man blushing as if he were a school boy who had just seen his first tit. "Should I kill you now?" With disrespectable arrogance she slapped him again. "I can you know; kill you that is." She warned him that if he even attempted to fly away from her she would track him down and force him to watch as she killed everyone he had ever cared for. "Or should I allow you to read the final climactic chapter of this passion play?" Bella held up her right hand. "You needn't answer me. That was a rhetorical question." "No - No." He answered anyway. "Please don't kill my loved ones." He pleaded for their lives. "I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say." "I know." She gently slapped him across the face. 'Okay then, how about I kiss you instead." She forced her probing tongue deep into his mouth depositing yet another even more potent hallucinogenic mind-altering reality shifting drug capsule down his throat. Bella Donna was more than just dominating the universally recognized strongest man in the world with ridiculous ease. She was diminishing him, humiliating him, and hurting him; hurting him a lot. Bella was fast coming to the realization that she would soon be crowned queen of the world; revered by many - feared by all. Superman was ashamed of his weakness and his mind was reeling ... He was completely helpless against this seemingly deranged Goddess-esque abomination and he knew not what he could do about it ... He knew not what he could do .... because in reality there wasn't anything he could do about it. Superman briefly considered the possibility that the tiny teen titan might be something other than a mere human. Maybe she was a vengeance demon from hell in disguise or maybe a vindictive Goddess whom he may have somehow unwittingly offended in the past. He was beginning to suspect she might be a witch or she could be in possession of kryptonite which he had to admit was a much more likely scenario. However, said possession would in no way explain her preposterous level of strength and power. When she again tore off his pants and deep throated his massive 15" penis to completion he concluded that she wasn't a goddess. She was nothing more than a slutty cock-sucking cum-swallowing bitch. Bella's aura was all encompassing; she held sway over him having effectively neutralized his cloak of invulnerability ... He realized that Kryptonite could do that to him, but those muscles from where had they come? Simply to protect himself he decided to fight back, mount an offensive before it was too late. He summoned the last vestiges of his dwindling Superpowers and unleashed the most powerful punch of his life; a veritable lightning bolt aimed directly at her unprotected mid-section rocketing at a supersonic speed followed by a powerful left hook aimed at her jaw --- In boxing parlance a classic one-two. He was about to break his sacred vow to never kill a human being but given the circumstances he felt justified in doing so; the powerful punch was already exceeding the speed of sound shattering windows and causing thunder claps around the city. The mighty teen would be dead in a matter of seconds of that he had no doubt. Immediately upon impact the screams of pain were shrill and deafening shattering numerous windows and all manner of glass including eleven (11) mirrors thus insuring seventy-seven-years of bad luck ... Bad luck for the completely humiliated whining, whimpering, wailing, whipped Superman. When his massive clenched super-powered fist of steel first connected with her impenetrable eight-pack the bones and cartilage in his right-hand shattered like a Faberg� egg. Hitting the muscular slabs of her abdominal muscles which were tantamount to hitting an indestructible brick wall; the key word being indestructible. A stand-up comedian might joke that the 'yoke' was on him. Bella had easily plucked his rocketing left-handed punch from out of the air as if it were nothing more than a floating feather well before it had any chance of connecting with her jaw. She inspected his big fist with amusement before squeezing hard enough to crush and eviscerate every bone in his left-hand; twenty-seven in all. Superman's vaunted healing powers would need more than just a couple of minutes to make things right. In the meantime, he shed a river of real tears. Kal-El of Krypton was beginning to more than just suspect the presence of and feel the deleterious effects of Kryptonite poisoning which would explain his overwhelming feeling of ennui and puniness. Bella, amazed him with the extent of her clear superiority; with the ingestion of his Transformative DNA she had been transformed into a true SUPERWOMAN. She studied his tearing unfocused blinking steel-blue eyes. Those same frightened eyes crossed causing double vision until he finally shut them entirely. He wasn't aware of it but he was trying to deny that what had just happened to him had actually just happened to him ... Deny that what was currently happening to him was actually happening to him ... Deny what he feared and suspected was about to happen to him was indeed about to happen to him. Superman finally decided that he needed to sack up and face his reality. When he finally deigned to open his eyes again, he couldn't see anything but her massive fully-flexed throbbing boulder-like female biceps the size and girth of which astounded him while obscuring his view of the rest of the room. "Poor Superman." She laughed contemptuously and asked sarcastically. "How can little old me be soooooooooo much stronger than thee?" She stared up at the man she had hated and detested for so many years; the man who had been responsible for her dad's arrest, incarceration, and ultimate death. Bella moved closer to the man she was dominating, the man who was more than a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than she. She compared her fully-flexed 16 1/2' biceps against his much larger 24" biceps and smirked. "How?" She laughed. A frightened yet enamored Superman was in awe of her and he grudgingly fixated his gaze on her muscles which seemed to be expanding. He so wanted to touch her, squeeze her, lovingly caress her perfectly peaked bicep ... but he couldn't. From the very beginning the Man of Steel had been nearly paralyzed with fear, scared shitless. Searching for answers he initially suspected that the teenager could be a Goddess or at the very least a demi-goddess. He had feared that some form of black magic might be in play. He feared she might be a witch ... In short, he feared her. However, he now suspected that Kryptonite poisoning might be a foot; a palpable dread assailed his senses. The muscle girl's undeniable awesomeness demoralized and immobilized the now powerless Superman. His gumby like arms hung uselessly at his sides looking rather inconsequential when compared to the incomprehensible magnificent massive steel-like unassailable well-defined now 16 3/4" mounds of mighty muscle, muscle belonging to the condescending smirking 115-pound fully-flexed Bella Donna. He assiduously studied her; and her imposing physique with his X-Ray vision discerning that Bella was an earthborn humanoid with a just a hint of his Kryptonian DNA most likely from the ingested semen. Bella Donna moved back a couple of feet allowing him to better appreciate the complete grandeur of she. Bella's ego driven growing narcissism was nearly out of control and she seemed to be exuding unrestrained hubris from every pore. She effected an awesome double bicep pose effortlessly surpassing any and all competitive body builders; male and female alike. The size and girth of her expanding straining near 17" biceps looked completely out of place on her tiny five-foot-three-inch frame and her otherwise normal looking physique. However, the definition of the imposing teenager's muscular physique was a mind-blowing awe inspiring spectacle. She leaned back, locked her fingers behind her head demonstrating to the flummoxed super hero that her cute girlie biceps were truly lethal. The teenager moaned in ecstasy as she flexed her erupting biceps, biceps that continued to rise to the heavens, biceps of rippling fibers of her sinewy well-cut musculature. The egotistical psychopath forced the Man of Squeal to kiss and lick her muscular upper arms even as they fluctuated between 17" and 40" or more of girth at least that's how it seemed to the drug addled hallucinating Superman. She and Superman both watched as his saliva slowly rolled down her biceps, she scooped up his spit and slurped it into her mouth. "Waste not want not." She caressed her lips with her long tongue. She placed her hands on her hips and tensed every muscle in her muscular torso ... Her already ripped slabs of abdominal muscles surged unabated. "Pretty damn big, huh?" She placed his shaking hand atop her throbbing bicep and giggled like the teenager she was. "Rock hard too, right?" Bella loved teasing her hated advisory so much so that she achieved yet another big girl orgasm causing her to wonder what's the word record; no matter she had already lost count. She giggled some more enjoying her vaginal rush; multiple big-girl orgasms were coming fast and hard. She placed her strong right hand over his quivering mouth restricting his ability to agree with her ... or take umbrage with her ... or to even breathe. Calling upon all of the super-strength in his fingers he couldn't even budge nor loosen her grip; giving further credence to his Kryptonite fears. She brazenly ignored his feeble attempts and using her left hand slowly opened Zoey's clinging blouse one button at a time triggering a massive super-model titty drop. He wordlessly grasped the sturdy leg of a huge nearby conference table, squeezed super hard immediately crushing the leg into a pile of sawdust proving to himself that at least his super-powers were still intact. "How cute." Bella giggled. "Maybe later you can beat up some of my furniture?" Bella smirked aloud. "I have a feisty imported Italian made oaken seven-foot-tall etagere at home that could give you a go." Still laughed at his display of strength, such as it was, Bella fondled Zoey's spectacular DD breasts and teased him as she shoved her partner's erect nipples into Superman's face. Zoey tingled with the excitement of nipple manipulation and stifled a belly laugh of her own when he unconsciously began to suckle on one of her teats like a hungry infant only to be rebuffed by Bella. "Oh no ... Not yet super baby." Bella laughed aloud. "Not fucking yet." "How can you be doing this to me?" The Man of Steel could feel his super strength and his resolve seemingly being syphoned away; maybe not literally but figuratively to be sure. He was crying real tears. Superman was beyond bewildered; he was gob-smacked to the nth degree ... Praying that this unspeakable nightmare would soon be over. "You're an earthling - You shouldn't be so damn strong. I'm much bigger than you." He beseeched her for an explanation. "Is it Kryptonite?" "Kryptonite? Why the fuck would I need Kryptonite when I have these babies?" The narcissistic bitch refused to admit her advantage to him; torturing him with the unknown. Instead, she brazenly flexed and twisted her closed fist causing her perfectly formed biceps to slide across her arm jumping up and down as if each had a mind of its own. "Oh yeah." She parroted his own words. "Not big enough? Is that what you said? You must have slept with an elephant last night to think these aren't big." Her unworldly biceps rose to mythical cartoonish proportions fast approaching 42" of unlimited feminine power or it seemed. The 'perception altering' drug she had fed to him had nourished his hallucinations convincing the Man of Steel that the tiny teen was actually even more huge than just huge. "Feel this." Bella's massive biceps retreated to her more normal 17" and she flexed her right one presenting it to him for inspection. "This should be your first clue." Next, she presented to him her fully flexed left bicep. "And this baby is your second clue." "Superman, face it. (He was beginning to.) I'm stronger than you. (That was becoming more and more obvious) ... and getting stronger." (He feared that to be the case) It wasn't the size of her muscles; it was the steel like texture of her impenetrable body. No matter how hard or where Superman squeezed, pinched, or punched he was unable to make even the slightest dent in her steel-like impenetrable muscles. Suddenly, he experienced an epiphany, a realization that Bella Donna had undoubtably endowed herself with overwhelming super-powers simply by the introduction of his Kryptonian DNA into her digestive system. He hadn't known that to be possible but if true, then this wasn't an aberration, but rather this would likely be the norm for the rest of his life, her life, their lives and the lives of everyone on the planet. He was being double teamed by what was most assuredly one of the most beautiful women on the planet and by the unquestioned most muscular most powerful most strongest female ever to have walked anywhere on planet earth; more powerful than Wonder Woman and Supergirl, and that Buffy twit. As he cowered away from the now fully naked Bella Donna and her intimidating muscles. She lifted him and pressed his engorged self against her body inserting his erect penis into her vagina using him like a human dildo pumping furiously until he exploded sending an avalanche of cum into her inviting pussy. He could feel a dark blackish shroud of unconsciousness descending over him forming a vortex subjugating him to the two females' collective will. Faced with the overwhelming superiority of the tiny five-foot-three-inch-tall female, Superman retreated deep within himself essentially surrendering to the golden goddess like creature, a girl with whom Superman feared he could never hope to compete. He understood that she could replenish and increase her power and strength simply by sucking his cock to completion. He groaned weakly while attempting to stem the overwhelming power and aura of the muscular blonde who was diminishing him both physically and mentally. With each and every movement of her arms, no matter how slight, her muscles began to ripple expanding to plus 42" before retreating to her now normal 17" biceps. Superman was fixated, imagining the unlimited power residing within her surging bulging, pulsating, and throbbing biceps each straining to break free from the epidermis layer of her tight skin encasing her muscles. How and why had he ever deigned to think he could ever measure up to her awesomeness or even hope to compete with her let alone defeat her? She was endowed with his very essence, his Kryptonian supremacy, his dominance. She had harnessed his superpowers unto herself magnifying them to a point where she was now at a minimum more than ten or fifteen times his superior. Bella Donna had completed one of her goals; the sissification of the Man of Squeal who was staring at her with a combination of awe, fear, and admiration. Much to her delight a pleather of tears flowed unabated rolled down the cheeks of the panicking nearly defeated Man of Fright he could taste his own salty waterworks and he could hear the fat lady singing. She mischievously spread her muscular arms apart and like a demented symbols player on crack cocaine she began to roughly cuff his ears with the palms of her open hands until they bled; his ears not her hands. Bella, with triumphant narcissistic glee shrieked like a banshee and stared into Superman's mournful grief-stricken eyes with her own pitiless merciless fiery emerald green eyes, eyes that revealed her heartless psychopathic nature. It was at that moment in time that Superman came to the realization that he was now standing eye level with Bella Donna staring directly into her arrogant eyes. A paralyzing fear engulfed him; she had either grown to his 6-4 height or he was shrinking down to her level; either prospect was equally abhorrent and terrifying to him and he began to shake uncontrollably such was the extent of his unmitigated fear of the abomination standing before him. Suddenly she was another four-inches taller than he; six-foot-eight and still growing. However, he was somewhat relieved when he realized he was standing at the bottom of a landing while she was standing on the second step of a staircase. When she condescendingly wiped a tear away from his cheek she accidently brushed the face of her ring against his cheek burning his skin leaving no doubt in his mind that the ring contained Kryptonite. He realized then that further resistance would be futile: he was hers to do with as she wished and it was clear to him that what she desired was to diminish him, weaken him, and humiliate him. The sissification of the Man of Steel was a fate accompli. Ms. Muscles callously and brutally grabbed the now power-less man by his forearm and cruelly lifted the muscle-less appendages up to her own face, shattering his forearm in the process. He was powerless to resist her, he knew it, she knew it, and even a joyful Zoey Taylor knew it. He ashamedly and complacently lowered his gaze while still managing to watch as she salaciously sucked on his middle fingers as if she were expecting the Man of Squeal to ejaculate through his nails. His legs trembled as she released his hand allowing his fingers to slip down from her lips over her chin while slipping even further down caressing her long neck, lingering as long as he could on her supple but firm breasts. His body shuttered as his fingertips traced the steel like slabs of her abdominal muscles; discerning an unmistakable unyielding steel like eight pack to be sure. A new addition to the body of the muscular female with whom he had slept just a few scant weeks before. He fingered her belly button allowing his open hand to caress the wispy blonde hairs that covered her vagina, an orifice he not only wished to finger but yearned to enter as well. However, he hadn't the strength nor the will to even try. "That was hell-a-fun. How about a true test of strength Dropper-Man?" She pulled his arms straight up, intertwined her fingers with his initiating a universally accepted test of strength. "Let's do that some more, shall we?" The Kryptonian knew he stood not a chance against her. Predictably his overmatched powerless arms immediately began to tremble. Nonetheless, the prideful Kryptonian pointlessly attempted to push her hands down. Bella Donna laughed but quickly tired of simply holding the overmatched man's hands in place so she began to slowly but inexorably exert a slight downward push repeating the humiliating process one more time. The Man of Steel helplessly stared into her merciless eyes infuriated when she coquettishly winked at him just as he unwillingly began to slide further and further down ... Down past her luscious inviting lips tingling as her wet tongue licked his cheek ... Down passed her long supple neck ... Down to her fully engorged nipples where she took the opportunity to motorboat the helpless dufus scraping her erect nipples across his cheek drawing rivulets of blood ... She rubbed and scraped his face against her unyielding slabs of abdominal muscles chaffing his skin while unsightly reddish welts peppered his skin actually causing him pain ... And then she pushed his face against her moist vagina where she forced him to engage in cunnilingual acts. "Thank you, super-slurper." He saw them coming but he was incapable of reacting as Bella delivered a barrage of wicked rights and lefts to his body crushing his abs turning his own eight pack into a gelatinous mess. "Please." Shameful tears continued to flow. "Stop hurting me." He begged the clearly superior female for mercy. "Why ... Why would I ever stop." Her condescending laugh was telling. "This is hell-a-fun for me something I've dreamed of ever since I was a child." Instead of empathy the egotistical female unleashed another devasting uppercut to his jaw and watched as he slipped into a bottomless abyss that totally enveloped his awareness. "Nighty night." The girls, in unison, had bid him a fond farewell ... and those were the last words he recalled hearing that night. CHAPTER THREE: Superman being treated badly Superman, the Man of Steel, the Last Son of Krypton, the Protector of the Planet as well as the lesser known Mighty Metropolis Marvel and not that anyone had taken any notice the mild-mannered reporter from the Daily Planet ... Had gone missing not having been seen nor heard from in several weeks. Supes was either physically incapable or simply unwilling to address the emergent chaos fulminating around the world as the entire fabric of Earth's social ecosystem, the ever-changing gender roles, and the transfer of power from males to females was being manifested across the land. The entire population of planet earth, 7.7 billion living breathing citizens, were anxious and apprehensive. No one understood what was happening to them and to their planet and even more importantly fearing what what was about to happen next. When the self-proclaimed, still missing, Protector of the Planet finally awakened from his coma induced respite from reality he found that he was in a world of shit, deep pooh-pooh, if you will. His wrists and ankles were shackled to a steel contraption the purpose of which he couldn't even begin to imagine. A golden ring with a green glowing substance hung from his neck, Kryptonite no doubt. His pathetic and feeble and unsuccessful attempts to break free from his restraints were met with derisive snickering demeaning girlish laughter and mock applause. The same two beautiful nearly naked genetically blessed all-powerful females Superman had encountered at and succumbed to while attending the fashion show were proudly standing in front of him flaunting their magnificently sculpted bodies which now seemed to be even more remarkable, even more chiseled than before. "What's this?" The cringing captured Kryptonian creep cringed. He could feel a Vaseline treated mechanical latex gloved hand gently kneading his junk. When he looked down he saw a glass beaker directly below his semen spewing penis collecting his essence. The beaker contained nearly a pint of his Kryptonian cum which strongly suggested to him that this was not a one-time occurrence. "Okay ... I guess you're entitled to an explanation." They spoke in unison as if their response had been pre-planned and rehearsed, which it had. "Dude." The girls paused for dramatic effect. "Your Kryptonian spunk is the shit." "What the hell does that mean?" Superman was in no position to be forceful. Better he should have said pardon me. "Best you be patient, Superman." Zoey puckered up her lips and kissed him on the forehead as if he were a mere child. "I'll start at the beginning." Bella Donna followed suit and kissed him on the forehead before kissing and licking her own larger than ever peaked biceps; teasing the man with the image of her magnificent self. The girls began their narrative thusly: "First, let me state the obvious." Bella Donna slowly pumped up her huge biceps with prideful pride. "Superman. as you can plainly see ... Me BIG ... Me Strong ... You not." She slapped him across his face leaving the imprint of her hand on his cheek. Superman's destiny had been determined and forged as a result of a fortuitous one-on-one meeting between two genetically blessed females each of whom had early in life wished for nothing more than sexual satisfaction, world-wide fame, sexual satisfaction, lots of fun shit, as well as a certain amount of adulation from an adoring public, and of course never-ending sexual satisfaction. World domination had never even occurred to either of them and yet ... The two pretty party girls began to chat. They compared notes and were canid enough to admit to one another, maybe even brag a little, that they had each exchanged bodily fluids with the Man of Steel with startling results. Naturally they began to elaborate ... Zoey candidly admitted that her encounter with Superman had been the best sexual experience of her young life; three powerful orgasms left her sated with unequaled pleasure while her fourth and fifth shuddering pleasure moments were almost too much to bear, almost. In the aftermath, she watched with amusement as Superman collected his used condoms before leaving. Later that evening Zoey came across (no pun intended) a cum filled Durex extra-wide XXL model prophylactic under her bed, one that had somehow eluded Superman. She was reminded of an old joke - A previously used condom can be reused - all one needed to do was shake the fuck out it. She carefully picked up a cum filled prophylactic intending to throw it out when a bit of his Kryptonian semen alit on her fingers. On a whim she rubbed a dab on a recently emerging unsightly cutaneous blemish (a skin tag) on the inside of her forearm and it almost immediately dissolved into nothingness; the blemish not her arm. Only a few short days later, the barely eighteen-year-old Bella Donna, even though she had hated the self-proclaimed 'top cop' with a passion allowed herself to be seduced by the most desirable man on the planet. She and the Kryptonian cocksman of Steel engaged in mutual acts of coitus and fellatio throughout the night and early morning. She admitted to Zoey that unbeknownst to Superman she had swallowed every last drop of his massive load and then she did it again; it was if she had drunk an entire vanilla milkshake. Zoey thought nothing of it until she watched him collecting his used rubbers. He hadn't noticed that the tiny teen vixen had swallowed his sperm. Since he was so protective of his semen she decided to not mention it to him because she actually feared that he might induce vomiting to purge her system of his DNA. After a fully sated Superman exited her apartment whistling a happy tune, Bella felt inexplicable levels of power and strength surging through her veins. That evening she had learned something odd about Superman; she learned that the man was more interested in her teen muscles than he was in her big boobs or her well-groomed tight cooch. Bella Donna always had an acute heightened predilection for extreme musculature development. While others did more weight training than she, more muscle building exercises than she, none experienced a more spectacular body transfiguration than she; from the age of thirteen her musculature development had always been remarkable; she was by far the strongest girl in school as well most of the guys. Bella Donna stripped down and posed in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom astonished by her sudden metamorphous. It was then that the happiest of happy happenstances happened as massive amounts of Kryptonian DNA (approximately 0.8 ounces - considerably more than the average male) invaded her body shocking her system engendering the SUPER acceleration of muscle growth and strength. The results had been immediate, startling, and spectacular. The already muscular five-foot-three-inch one-hundred-ten-pound teenager's body had exploded into something more, something not to be believed. In less than an hour the diminutive teenager's already impressive biceps had increased in size from 11 3/4" to nearly 14" of unmatched feminine splendor; she could feel a delicious warmth permeating her loins and she paused to enjoy the full orgasmic effects. To test her corresponding strength, Bella latched onto one of her the weight bars of one of her and effortlessly twisted the bar into the shape of a pretzel essentially tying the iron bar into know. Next, she latched onto a twenty-five-pound barbell exerting her unimaginable newly acquired strength to its fullest she proceeded to crush the weight with but one hand and watched with amazement as the iron-weight disintegrated into nothing but a pile of swarf; metallic shavings and debris. Only the fear of what Superman might do to her influenced Bella Donna's decision to conceal the extent of her burgeoning musculature and her super strength. However, the hubris filled egotistical teenager enjoyed showing off her big guns, her big boobs, her miniscule waist, and her flaring hips. So, the first time an opportunity presented itself the bicep obsessed girl unhesitatingly showed off. Late one evening as Bella was returning to her home from the market she was accosted and threatened by a rather large 350-pound man who had grabbed her from behind attempting a rear-naked choke hold. Bella immediately turned the tables on the big oaf. She easily broke the choke hold and the man's right arm at the same time. When she lifted the seven-foot miscreant high over her head the surprised man began to scream in fear ... and pain. "Shut the fuck up or I will rip out your tongue." Bella's voice was scarily calm. She body slammed the now quiet giant to the ground and repeatedly stomped on his broken arm while kicking him in the balls watching with amusement as he silently writhed about in excruciating pain. At that moment in time Bella came to realize just how much she would be enjoying her super strength. Bella removed her hooded-sweet shirt revealing her outrageously muscular body to the man who immediately began to whimper aloud. She grabbed him by his throat and half carried and half dragged the tremulous man into her studio apartment. "Listen up shithead." She flashed a sadistic smile. "Were you planning on raping me or robbing me or both?" Before the man could speak, he messily shat himself emitting explosive diarrhea everywhere. "Not cool man; not fucking cool." She grabbed him by the nape of his neck and carried him at arms length carefully into the bathroom, stripped the man naked with shit and vomit spewing everywhere. She threw him into the bathtub and forced him to eat a good portion of his own shit and his disgusting yellow and brownish bile before finally turning on the shower water. "Oh my." She fondled his tiny dick. "What is your name?" "Charlie ..." What were you planning on doing with that, Charlie?" She tweaked his tiny penis. "I mean besides pee." "Bear with me for just a moment." Bella put on a spectacular muscle show for the astonished pervert as well as for herself; flexing her massive biceps as well as every muscle group in her unworldly body which was an instant turn on for her. She orgasmed twice without ever having touched her naughty parts. The guy was amazed and awe-struck and scared to death by her musculature because he intuitively realized that this teenaged girl wasn't showing off just for the fun of it, she was undoubtably intending on using those muscles of mass destruction with ill intent. "Do you want to feel these?" She flexed her arms and her biceps literally erupted. "Of course you do." She flexed some more. "Who the fuck wouldn't?" She forced his head between her forearm and her pulsating bicep and began to slowly squeeze incrementally exerting every ounce of strength she possessed. His face began to contort and lose its shape quickly resembling a Picasso painting. The condemned man wanted to recite the Act of Contrition but he couldn't remember the words so he settled for ... "Sorry God; heartly sorry." She could feel the man's head beginning to implode until it finally exploded like an infected blackhead on the Dr. Pimple Popper on the TV show airing the T.L.C. The miscreant wasn't the first man she had killed. In fact, he was her third but most assuredly he wouldn't be her last; the little psychopath with the big ego enjoyed killing way too much to stop at three. She took a long-hot cleansing shower before shoving what was left of the guy, piece by piece, into a large black trash bag for later disposal. Superman's Kryptonian sperm irrefutably contained beneficial transferrable properties. Afterall, his DNA had already transformed a muscular eighteen-year-old-girl into a virtual superwoman and an attractive beauty contestant into one of the most beautiful females on earth. Once the two genetically blessed teenaged girls had exchanged the details of their mutual sexual encounters and experiences with Superman the psyched-out young ladies immediately recognized the immense commercial opportunities inherent in the commercialization of Kryptonian DNA they hatched a plan ... An audacious ambitious plan that had come to fruition without so much as a hitch. The girls came to the inevitable conclusion that the properties of Superman's DNA were special and together they brainstormed what they thought to be the perfect plan: Zoey was to isolate and seduce Superman ... Easy enough for one of the most beautiful women to have ever walked the surface of the planet. The girls were to accumulate his semen and Bella was to ingest as much of Superman's bodily fluids as humanly possible presumably making her as strong if not stronger than Superman himself. Obtain a number of powerful hologenetic tablets of LSD that when ingested would alter his perception of reality confusing the man. They were to make every effort to secure and expose Superman to quantities of Kryptonite rendering the Man of Steel quasi-superless and powerless to resist Zoey's beauty and Bella's muscles. They were to overpower his diminishing body and perform fellatio as often as possible ingesting even more and more of his semen bestowing Bella with even greater super powers. Surreptitiously abduct the Man of Steel, collect and distribute for sale the magic elixir that was Superman's DNA to females, completely transmuting the current world-wide female vs male dynamics revolutionizing the status quo, and then get obscenely rich. Since Superman's successful abduction the girls had been collecting his semen by the gallon. Zoey with the help of chemists had developed for retail sale facial lotions and body creams that magically beautified the user while Bella's 'muscle in a bottle' transformed every female, nearly four-billion grateful ladies into Amazonian Warriors to the nth degree; converting even the mousiest of females into quasi-Arnold Schwarzenegger clones ... an exaggeration to be sure but none of the enhanced women were complaining. Because the newly introduced products had worked wonders, the creams and pills dominated the world-wide market, making nearly all like products obsolete and in the process make B&J Enterprises a multi-billion-dollar Fortune Five-Hundred company almost overnight. On the night of the Met Gala Zoey had shared the remainder of Superman's cum filled condom with the already overly-muscled Bella Donna who ingested every drop. The results were amazing and immediate. The size of Bella's biceps increased exponentially exploding from 14" to nearly 16" in a nano second. Bella could feel unfathomable power cursing through her veins; powers that she had no doubt were equal to and in many ways far exceeded those of Superman, of this she was confident or at least hopeful. A few days earlier Bella Donna accomplished the iffiest yet most important aspect of the girls' plan. She had easily seduced a young lab technician from a highly classified government testing lab teasing the man with her breasts intimidating him with her muscles while promising him sexual experiences well beyond his wildest dreams ... But only If he did her a tiny little favor to which he readily agreed. Once he delivered, she did likewise. He had managed to secure an almost infinitesimal but sufficient quantity of shaved shards of Kryptonite ... losing his virginity in the process. Bella Donna confidently rubbed and squished the alien mineral onto a jade stone infusing the gem with small but potent quantities of Kryptonite making her ring a debilitating weapon, an almost lethal weapon for which Superman would have no defense against, find no escape from, and eventually succumb to. "I'm so ready." An almost too confident Bella smiled at Zoey. "Game on, girl." They exchanged high fives. "Game fucking on." Better she should have proclaimed ... Game fucking over. As it turned out Bella Donna was more than ready; she had been fucking ready and Superman; well let's just say Superman wasn't. CHAPER FOUR: Superman - Badly in need of help Within a few short weeks after the abduction and Super-less-man and his ultimate captivity Bella Donna had, with the assistance of a cadre of dedicated female scientists and chemists perfected a muscle producing formula; specifically; a pill that when ingested by a female enhanced and promoted spectacular muscle growth and superior strength. B&J Enterprises contracted with Amazon Prime's distribution facilities which allowed for timely world-wide product distribution. In a delicious bit of irony, the effects of the formula for some reason having to do with biology and physiology effected only females ... Something having to do with the overwhelming dominance of even just a miniscule drop of Kryptonian DNA when mixed with earthly females' estrogen inexplicably resulted in self-permeating massive amounts of testosterone promoting and stimulating unprecedented muscle growth and corresponding stages of increased levels of unprecedented strength, power, and overwhelming degrees of feminine bad-assery. "What is it, Mandy?' Bella had wanted an update relative to the effectiveness of the formula and Mandy Hader the team leader was the one in the know. "Bella, we're ready to distribute." Mandy flexed her own impressive biceps demonstrating just how ready they were. "However, if we delay for a week or two with just a few minor formula adjustments we could improve the product so that men could also benefit in the muscle growth phenomenon. "Why? Why would we do that? No ... no fucking way. We don't want that ... It's far better if women become and remain the dominate gender." Bella gently squeezed Mandy's biceps causing her a little pain. "Right?" "Yes of course." She blanched noticeably. "That's exactly what I was thinking ..." She lied. Mandy rubbed her arm and grinned ... and that's how the female domination of planet Earth cane to pass. Less than one-one-hundredth of one percent of Superman's DNA per pill, taken once a week, was sufficient to attain incomprehensible spectacular muscle growth and strength in every female who partook of the pill; women's biceps across the world almost instantaneously increased from 12" to an average of 14 1/2" in diameter with corresponding increased strength far outdistancing that of most males. "My God!" Superman moaned plaintively. "How long have I been here?" "Allow me to answer that for you." Bella Donna could hardly wait to see the reaction on his sure to be shocked face. She stood directly in his line of sight preening for his benefit egotistically enamored with her own musculature. "Super Chump, what do you think of my new and improved little girlie body?" Bella Donna smirked before she slowly raised her arms and began to flex her big biceps each independently rose higher than just high and then still higher seemingly reaching for the heavens before finally leveling off at perfectly peaked 281/2" which apparently represented her upper limit of development. "How long, you ask?" Bella nonchalantly flexed her upper arms yet again. "I would have to say 111/2" ago ... 23" if you wish to count them both." She proudly performed a double bicep flex suggestively licking each bicep. Superman retreated unto himself knowing that no matter what else were to happen the bitchy bicep-blessed Bella Donna would always be stronger than he and he inferior to her. While her biceps were only 4 1/2" larger than his. (Only, being a relative term) ... 4 1/2" larger than his own biceps ... She would forever be infinitely stronger than he ... Likely at a minimum of ten-fold ... Likely into perpetuity, maybe even longer than that. "By the way Superman, today the world record for the largest female bicep is 30 1/4" which belongs to a five-foot-seven-inch-tall one-hundred-fifty-seven pound seventeen-year-old high school girl named Arya Stark Manning, who was undoubtably named after the 'Game of Thrones' character of the same name. "Never mind Ms. Muscles." Zoey switched on the TV monitor and invited Superman to watch a well-produced documentary on the current state of the planet. "This should bring him up to date." She giggled displaying her undisguised disrespect. "However, I must warn you that what you are about to see and hear will only serve to further demoralize your puny self." He could hear the raspy female voice of the narrator narrating the documentary film which began with a full screen image of a huge building that was the American headquarters for the multi-national corporation named ... Bella Zoey Enterprise (B&Z) ... The company has been credited with or blamed for (depending on one's gender) the development and distribution of the vastly popular Zoey Taylor skin creams, lotions, ointments, etc. as well as the muscle enhancement supplements commonly known to the world as 'Bella Donna's muscles in a bottle'. This company and these revolutionary products have been universally recognized as being 100% responsible for the revolutionary changes to the very fabric of our society. It is estimated that the unidentified accelerants accelerated the genic evolution of the female gender by several centuries. Two and a half decades ago, two young female entrepreneurs, Zoey Taylor and Bella Donna invented and developed proprietary products, products that have unquestionably precipitated the phenomenal muscle growth and stunning physical enhancements of females around the world as well the revolutionary skin care products that have somehow endowed all women with physical beauty heretofore only dreamed of. "Decades? ... Twenty years? ... Twenty-five fucking years?' Superman was beyond incredulous. "Are you telling me that I have been shackled to this fucking machine for a quarter of a century?" "Well, yeah." Bella Donna enjoyed the look on his face. "We have been supplying your sorry self with hands full of Viagra pills as well as intravenously feeding you the drug ... Over the past twenty-five years you have ejaculated on average eight-times a day, approximately 3,000 times per year for over the 25 years, well over 75,000 pleasure moments slightly exceeding 6,600 pounds of sperm ... By the way, you're welcome." The strong feelings of intense vengeful rage and anger welling up within the man of steel had quickly and pitifully subsided when Superman came to the demoralizing but inescapable realization that no matter how mad he got, no matter how much he craved personal retribution, and no matter how used and abused he felt he would always be completely helpless incapable of doing anything about his current circumstance. Together the girls forced Superman to watch the film of the initial unveiling of the monolithic 250' foot statue of Bella Donna. For the first time in his adult life Superman felt powerless, was powerless, is powerless, as well as helpless and vulnerable ... He was totally unable to defend or avenge himself or his friends and loved ones ... For the simplest of reasons ... Superman was no longer super ... He, for lack of a better word was ... puny ... SHE BIG - HE NOT. "Well, not exactly." Zoey softened her tone. "Superman, you have been under our 'care' for nearly twenty-five years." She tenderly wiped tears from his eyes. "To keep your body from experiencing atrophied and deteriorating even further we have provided you with a personal trainer and allowed you to exercise and lift weights on a regular basis, encouraged it in fact. "In addition to the many 'vitamin' supplements being intravenously fed to you, you have been, on occasion, treated to substantial gourmet meals. Because of the powerful sedatives you have been receiving you likely don't remember much of that or for the matter much of anything. However, let me assure you we have been treating you well." "Better than you deserve." Bella flaunted her remarkable muscles again rubbing her thumping bicep in his face. "Kiss it, asshole. Go on. You know you want to." "I'd love to." Superman feared the possible repercussions should he refuse so he acquiesced and kissed the massive muscle with aplomb ... actually he used his lips (no plum) but you already knew that. "Bella, why do you hate me so much?" His tearing eyes were begging her for an answer. "Please, tell me." "She doesn't hate you." Zoey intervened. "Oh, but I do ... I really really do." She punched him the right arm and then in the left causing near paralysis in each. Should his arms remain immobile for long he would be forced to ask someone, one of the ladies to help him piss. "You fucking arrogant holier than thou shithead ... You tracked my dad down, had him and the rest of my immediate family arrested and incarcerated for more than a quarter of a century ... Which resulted in me spending ten-years of my young life as a ward of the state remanded to a godforsaken state-run correctional facility for 'troubled girls. Where, for the first time, I began lifting weights and honing my body into that of a fitness model where I was constantly molested by the pedophilic gym director." "When he made the mistake; the fatal mistake, of putting his face between my legs - He quickly realized he had bit off more than he could chew." She giggled. "My powerful thighs crushed his head like a grape, he was the second of my three delicious murders." "The first kill was an 'accident'. At the facility I was taught how to box and because of my relative size and strength I was pitted against a much older, much more skilled, much more experienced fighter than myself. In the first round the muscular boy pummeled me without mercy. They wanted to stop the match but I wouldn't allow it. When the bell for the second round sounded, I rushed across the ring and punched the startled unsuspecting boy in the throat with such power that I crushed his windpipe. He died from asphyxiation within seconds." "For some reason they offered me grief counseling." She laughed; that's when she was classified as an emotionless egotistical psychopath. "Hi there - Supes." Bella sneered at the 25-year absentee Superhero. "Subsequent to that happy event everything else happened thusly: "I was barely eighteen and I had just won my second consecutive Miss Fitness contest on the prestigious California circuit and as you can imagine I was so full of myself; that's when I learned the meaning of the word hubris. Superman, despite my unbridled hatred for you I immediately succumbed to your masculine charms and magnetism falling under your macho spell." "You approached me, congratulated me, showered me with compliments, seduced me, took me to a suite at the Four Seasons, paraded me around the lobby showing me off as your trophy girl de jure. For the moment I ignored are mutual past." "You fed me a generous portion of Kobi Beef and an entire Main lobster and you plied me with expensive champagne. You fucked me silly, left me in the suite in a state of euphoria ... You even sent me a delicious tiramisu cake and a golden locket with your picture within ... I naively thought I was Superman's girl-friend. However, I waited and waited and waited but you never called me again ... You broke my heart." She produced the locket in the palm of her hand and squeezed until it was nothing more than a fistful of dust which she shoved into his mouth forcing him to swallow much of it. "However, here's the kicker "S" Man. While I was deep throating your monster cock I swallowed your semen, every last drop of it, twice in fact; I was so proud of myself. Later that night my muscle definition nearly doubled in size and I discovered the magical properties of your Kryptonian semen. That was the nascent beginnings of B&J Enterprises which initiated the sudden 'female evolutionary domination' of planet Earth. More importantly that was the renewal of my obsession with defiling the once pristine image, enviable legacy, and the legend of Superman. "In addition, to becoming the strongest female, neigh person, on the planet I have singlehandedly tarnished your legacy, spreading false rumors relative to your image as a Lothario ... I coaxed (paid) several young underaged girls to file big money civil suits against your estate. No one on planet earth has a positive image of you any more ... The destruction of your reputation and legacy is now a fait accompli." "I have toppled you from your 'rightful' place atop the Pantheon of earthly heroes down to the dregs of society; the lowest rung on the evolutionary ladder. When the history books and essayists speak and write of you, if they mention you at all, the stories will not be kind to the alien pedophile rapist." "Superman, for the moment I will leave you to watch this documentary; you have so much to learn." "All of this turmoil because I didn't call you back?" "Yeah ... Pretty much." She curtseyed demurely and skipped away laughing. "The day after call is more than just a courtesy." "Superman?" Zoey was still standing at his side. "Is that why you were collecting the condoms containing your sperm?" She reached over and almost tenderly tousled his graying hair. "Did you know your sperm would enhance females in this way?" "No. I didn't want anyone to use my sperm to artificially impregnate a woman with a Kryptonian child, my child." Then he revealed information he shouldn't have. "Lois and I have already taken care of that. We've discretely stored several vials of my sperm and her eggs at a fertility clinic, just in case" "Don't tell that to Bella." Zoey seemed to blush a bit. "Seriously, don't tell her." She returned her attention to the TV screen and to the documentary film adding ... "I seriously doubt she's even heard of King Herod but she's not above ..." She allowed her ominous words to trail off but her inference had been clear. The film narrator pointed out that the mysterious yet to be explained female enhancements coincided with the unexplained disappearance of Superman. The voice postulated that there may have been a correlation but after years of intense investigations no link to Superman has ever been found. However, surveys proved conclusively that every physically enhanced woman, now nearly 90% of the world's female population under the age of sixty-five had or was currently using Bella Donna's Muscle in a Bottle pills and Zoey's beauty lotions. The spectacular muscle enhancements coincided with the advent and the mass distribution of the 'muscle in a bottle' pill from D&J Enterprises. It hadn't happened overnight but to many if not most of the male population it seemed as if it had. At first the males were mesmerized by the physical beauty and the fit muscular bodies of the uninhibited new women. Males were still looking at the distaff set as nothing more than sexual objects and they liked what they were seeing. As was their want the entirety of the male populace was thinking with their dicks and not with their heads. The new physically enhanced women, all 3.8 billion of them were all prone to exhibitionism. They flaunted their long shapely legs, their impressive muscles, and their perfect boobs as well as their truly devastating good looks. Females became more sexually aggressive dominating their partners in the bedrooms until the boys were fully sated. The guys loved the new female attributes until they didn't ... Until they really didn't. The documentary focused on a nude beach in southern California where outrageously bicep blessed well-tanned exquisitely stunningly gorgeous young and middle-aged females flaunted their bodies as they physically dominated the few pasty-skinned males who had dared to venture out onto the beach that day, like scenarios were being duplicated throughout the world. Before anyone had fully realized what was happening females were beginning to dominate every aspect of life ... Over the years they had stealthily secured nearly every elected position both in local and national elections, the ladies dominated everything from government jobs, the private sector job market (both tech and manual labor) as well as all manor of sports ... Men were being regulated to low-paying service jobs. Amateur female athletic teams, no matter what the sport, routinely demolished professional men's teams until there was no point scheduling such events. Males were not only envious and jealous of the superiority shown by the enhanced females, they were scared, intimidated, subservient, and hopelessly dominated. Numerous federal and state laws were passed all favoring women and diminishing the worth of males essentially consigning the penis carrying set to second class citizens ... Their fate in life was now limited to low-paying service industry jobs, to janitorial and farm workers, to domestic servants, to fuck toys, and most humiliating of all, household pets ... yada, yada, yada. The future prospects for males on planet Earth were less than bright and as a result the retail sales of sun glasses plummeted along with males' status in the world. The most aggressive of the young muscle girls would terrify young man, flaunting their superior bodies laughing at the smaller males who cowered away from their dominating females. The beautiful bicep-blessed females would force men to act as judges deciding which of the girls had the best bodies, best biceps, prettiest faces, etc. The men always acquiesced because they feared the consequences of not doing so. It was either better or worse (again depending on one's gender) in the Islamic world. Within the first year of distribution to the middle east and other Muslim countries, the mega-muscled female population took over every governing body in their respective countries. The muscular Semite females almost immediately discarded their hajibs and their traditional head-to-toe black robes jubilantly and triumphantly flaunted their muscular bodies daring their male counterparts to object. The Arab women overflowing with hubris subjected men to bizarro Sharia laws denying males the right, among other things, to drive a car and requiring every male who appeared in public to be covered from head-to-toe by Hajib garments, reducing a man's testimony in court which now carried half the weight of that of a woman, to public floggings of males administered by vindictive Arab women for even the most trivial of indiscretions. When U.N. Human Rights inspectors investigated and objected to the treatments being perpetrated on males. Government spoke persons of the female persuasion pointed out to the inspectors that the U.N. investigators were more than 2,000 years late reminding the well-meaning U.N. folk had for more than twenty centuries accepted and condoned the common practice for Islamic males cutting off the clitoris of Muslim women. Israel was in turmoil fearing that the Arab world might coalesce their resources and attack. After all, the Zionists would no longer be under the protection of the Uber Mensch (Superman0) who had vowed his fealty to the Hebrew people. The narrator continued to repeat the theories of many internet bloggers who had for years postulated that Superman somehow foresaw the eminent onset of the female evolution and decided to leave the planet rather than deal with the new paradigm. Exquisitely beautiful overly entitled overly muscled and overly jealous mothers began to provide the B&J lotions and the muscle enhancing pills to their daughters as early as their 10th birthday. The results were predictable and the preteens experienced puberty at earlier and earlier ages displaying abundant muscularity manifested sooner than expected, followed by burgeoning and generous breast development, as well as stunningly beautiful facial features. Young boys as well as older boys obediently bowed down to their physically superior counterparts; sisters, classmates, and the neighborhood girls knowing in their hearts that it would be forever thus. Realizing that for the most part these 'fabulous females' would be nothing more than masturbatory fantasies for most of them but unfortunately never their actual girlfriends. Many internet and tabloid 'newsmen' quoted Lois Lane who pointed out that her finance's disappearance coincided with the advent of the female growth syndrome. Lois didn't believe in coincidences and that was pretty big coincidence for her not believe. It was now universally believed that the world's weakest enhanced female was considerably stronger than the strongest male on the planet. Enterprising fight promoters hastily organized MMA styled fights all over the world pitting the biggest, strongest, most skilled professional male fighters against seemingly average enhanced females. The results were always that same ... The girl would systematically with little or no effort pound the overmatched men into submission often leaving them in need of various levels of medical treatment. Needless to say mixed-sex fighting matches were banned by the government. Even the infrequent poorly attended unregulated and unsanctioned underground fighting venues predictably failed and folded because of the lack of competitiveness which engendered disinterest. Lois Lane, being an award-winning investigative reporter decided it was long past time for her to do some investigating. After the breakup Lois had descended into a deep clinical depression feeling sorry for herself. However, she had remained hopeful that Superman would eventually grow weary of his philandering ways and attempt to woo her back; hoping that she and he would resume their idyllic life together. From the very beginning, in an attempt to make herself feel better, Lois availed herself of the beauty creams and the 'muscles in a bottle' pills that had become readily available. Her enhanced physical appearance belied her emotional distress. Beauty and muscularity didn't make up for the loss of the love of her life but it hadn't hurt either. As a result of Superman's sudden unexplained disappearance Lois had plunged herself into an even deeper depression unable to deal with the overriding trauma that had consumed her life twenty-four/seven for well over two decades. After several intense sessions with therapists, psychiatrists as well as a number of prolonged stays at Mental Institutions Lois Lane finally became Lois Lane again. For the first time Lois took notice of her remarkable enhanced physique; 14" biceps and a face more beautiful than any woman deserved. Her physical enhancements buoyed her self-worth and she slowly emerged from her two-decade long depression. She had once been a top-flight investigative reporter with a certain know how. "Zoey." Superman had waited for the two of them to be alone in the workout area. For obvious reasons he never completely trusted the beauty to be completely honest with him. "What happened to my friends and my colleagues?" He asked poignantly. "Sorry Superman, your Superhero friends began to investigate your disappearance and each and every time one of them got close Bella would dispatch them with extreme prejudice. "You mean she killed them." Superman so wanted to be the one who avenged them but he understood that that eventuality was nearly nil. "Who ... How ... Tell me "Okay." Zoey lowered her eyes and her voice to a whisper. "Supergirl, Batman, and Robin each confronted her physically and, in her words, they all took dirt naps. They were all brutally killed by Bella in televised hand-to-hand combat." Zoey bowed her head and looked around the room. "I shouldn't say this but she seemed to enjoy it." Ms. Wilson leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "I can't stop her." "By the way those battles were recorded. You can watch the replays should you wish." She pointed to the 104" T.V. set. "Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Batgirl, and most of the other Justice League members retreated to Paradise Island with Wonder Woman where they remain in hiding ... FROM HER." "And what of Lois?" He looked apprehensive. CHAPER FIVE: Superman badly in need of help "As for Lois, in technical medical terms, she went cuckoo for coco puffs." Bella had chimed in at which point Zoey suggested that Bella lighten up. "Bella, lighten up." Zoey suggested. "Your special lady experienced severe mental issues and on more than one occasion was remanded to high security sanitariums. Bella was giddy with delight. "Just recently she returned from seclusion to her former life seemingly better off, seemingly." Lois made learning what had happened to and what had become of Superman her life's mission. Even though the trail was more than 25-years cold Lois Lane knew exactly where to begin - at the beginning. The two-time Pulitzer Award Winning journalist visited the archivist at the Civic Auditorium and, in deference to her journalistic credentials, was provided with unfettered access to historical records. Lois rummaged through videos, limited as they were ... finding nothing of import ... However, she struck gold when she perused billing records and spied a familiar name, a name known world-wide ... None other than Zoey Taylor the co-founder of Z&B Enterprises had been issued a pay check for the evening ... Lois Lane had found her smoking gun. Lois searched the Internet for photos of Bella Donna which were myriad. She was undoubtedly the muscle girl from 25-years ago. Lois suspected that somehow the two super vixens had managed to overpower Superman (Kryptonite?), restrain him, hold him in captivity for twenty-five-years while milking his semen for inclusion in their lotions and pills. Lois investigated twenty-five-year-old internet stories and articles and blogs searching for she knew not what but knowing full-well she would recognize it when she saw it. Lois uncovered a couple of reports that helped her support her suspected scenario. A brief article stating that a minute quantity of Kryptonite had gone missing from a government facility stating further that a thorough investigation would be forth coming the results of which Lois could find no evidence of. If the kidnappers came into possession of Kryptonite then they could have overpowered Clark. A government lab employee was found dead torn asunder ... No explanation was ever offered or reported. Lois compiled all of the known facts and pieces of evidence, circumstantial as they have been, came to the inescapable conclusion that the most likely scenario was ... Superman disappeared on the night of the fashion show ... He was in the presence of both Bella Donna and Zoey Taylor (founders of B&Z) Bella Donna's freakish muscularity was likely the result of ingesting Superman DNA making her a quasi-superwoman ... Equal to or stronger than he. Quantities of missing Kryptonite may have been involved further diminishing him. Superman's disappearance was likely a kidnapping. Superman, if still alive, was being held in captivity and his DNA (cum) was being used to help produce the 'Bella Donna's muscle in a bottle pills' which were the catalyst for the female domination of the planet. Believing Superman to still be alive Lois Lane needed to rescue him, but how? She had to be careful most everyone in the world had watched Bella eviscerate three of earth's Superheroes on closed circuit TV. Lois understood that her enhanced physique, as amazing as it was, would be insufficient to battle and overcome her former lover's two captors; a daunting endeavor to say the least. It was at that moment in time that Lois experienced an epiphany. She laughed at its simplicity rationalizing that if even tiny doses of Superman's semen could alter the landscape and transpose gender equality across the entirety of world; then what could a full dose accomplish? She rushed to the fertility clinic, withdrew a number of vials of Superman's frozen sperm, and headed home intent on transforming herself into the strongest woman on the planet. She placed two vials in her freezer for safekeeping and proceeded to chug one entire bottle of his creamy splooge. Lois moved herself to her bedroom, stripped naked, and posed her naked body in front of a floor to ceiling mirror, and waited. What happened next was far beyond even her most lofty expectations. Almost immediately her upper arms and her entire body burst forth into the most muscular female imaginable ... Not incrementally as the 'muscle in a bottle' promo videos had shown but rather expontentially seemingly defying the laws of physics. Lois slowly lifted her arms and began to flex her fully peaked biceps, biceps that were inexorably attaining mythical proportions, growing four-full-inches leveling off at an astonishing eighteen-inches of unlimited power. Lois Lane felt that she was now fully capable of successfully defeating both Bella and Zoey. However, Lois immediately thought better of it. The B&J vixens had had 25-years to perfect their bodies. Lois drank from the second vial containing Superman's DNA and as with the first vial the effects were immediate. Lois Lane's growth spurt was again remarkable; her biceps had increased an additional four-full-inches increasing her to twenty-two inches of amazingly peaked biceps ... Now she felt that she was ready. But first Lois decided it would be prudent for her to view the fights; coincidently Superman was just beginning to watch the same DVR recordings. Batman and Robin hadn't understood what they were up against and naively accosted the 5-3 muscle girl hoping to free Superman ... While hope springs eternal in most cases hope springs a leak. Lois and Clark separately watched as Bella Donna effortlessly lifted the Dynamic Duo high over her head; one in each hand. Bella had grabbed the faux-superheroes by their respective necks lifting them off the ground with ridiculous ease; demonstrating how she was at least ten-times more powerful than Superman had ever been. Batman and Robin were dispatched in a nano-second when she slammed their heads together spilling copious amounts of their blood, their brain matter, and fluids spewing from their smashed heads landing everywhere. In a delicious piece of cinematic brilliance, the purplish colored blood and the remanences of the duo's brain matter splattered against the camera and slowly rolled down the lens providing a macabre horror movie vibe that would have done justice to the cinematic acumen of a Quentin Tarantino or a George A. Romero. Both Lois and Clark separately watched Bella's confrontation with Supergirl who in the guise of Linda Devers had wrangled a meeting with and then challenged Superman's captor. The Maiden of Might discarded her conservative business suit revealing her Supergirl uniform beneath and with it her true identity. Without warning Supergirl with supersonic speed launched herself at Bella Donna with fists flying. Bella possessing not only ten times the strength of Superman but also ten times his speed and with it ten times the reaction time. Bella easily caught the fast-approaching Kara who to Bella appeared to be moving in slow motion. Bella Donna took immense pleasure in catching Superman's terrified cousin in mid-air grabbing her flailing fists completely thwarting her forward momentum. The clearly amused Bella Donna held the apoplectic Maiden of Might motionless in her grip. Bella squeezed hard enough to break and crush every bone in each of Kara's hands. She stepped away from the Maiden of Fright and flexed her mountain like 281/2 biceps kissing and licking her mesmerizing thumping peaks of power. Kara had been rendered completely helpless and began to cry out experiencing excruciating levels of unrelenting pain. Her piteous begging and uncharacteristic screams for mercy went unheeded. Unfortunately for the 'Last Daughter of Krypton' Bella Donna lacked empathy possessing not even a scintilla of compassion ... clearly mercy had taken the last train to the far coast. Bella proceeded with aplomb to ruthlessly pound and pound on Kara's sagging body with both of her lethal fists, not a plum, but you likely already knew that. Bella straddled the prone body of the woman commonly referred to as the Maiden of Might, before wrapping her muscular legs around Kara's torso squeezing with all of her considerable might not stopping even when the screaming Supergirl's innards began to escape her faltering body seeping from every available orifice ... Spewing from out her ears, eye sockets, nostrils, mouth, pores, anus, and vagina until the world's sweetheart resembled an empty deflated balloon of Kryptonian skin awash in brownish icky ooey gooey intestines and unidentifiable gelatinous internal stuff causing a world-wide viewing audience revolution as tens of millions of viewers puked. A physically and psychologically defeated Superman wept uncontrollably realizing that he was indirectly responsible for the death of his cousin as well as most of his friends, and for the dismal future fate of the world. Meanwhile a resolute Lois Lane, headed for the frig and poured herself another vial of Superman semen increasing her bicep measurements another four inches to 26" of inconceivable power. Lois had done everything she could to prepare herself for the fight of her life. She brazenly entered the lobby of the B&J headquarters building. She pushed aside two very muscular blonde security guards and rode the elevator to the reception area on the 42nd floor, exited pushing aside an additional four heavily muscled blonde security guards where she was met by the imposing figure of Bella Donna and her barely covered imposing 281/2" biceps and her 40" DD boobs that were perfectly displayed and accentuated by her sleeveless tight-fitting wife-beater Tee-Shirt and lilac and green booty shorts. "Lois?" Bella, who had been watching the security monitor immediately closed the distance between the two of them. "You look good.' She feigned a welcoming smile. "It's so nice to see you again." "Cut the shit, bitch." Lois was having none of it. "Where's Superman?" "Oh. Sorry Lois." Bella confidently closed the distance between the two of them even more. "He's out ... Probably getting a blow job." "Bull-fucking-shit." Lois Lane took umbrage with Bella's clear display of disrespect and viciously head-butted the shocked woman but seemingly unaffected bitch. Bella stood tall unblinking and unmoved while a tottering Lois Lane was second guessing her unplanned and unwise assault. Lois was feeling feint and wobbly and vulnerable; colorful animated cartoon birds and butterflies and bubble bees were encircling her head singing and peeping and tweeting and chirping. Lois shook her head and blinked repeatedly trying to clear her timorous mind of the metaphorical cob-webs. For the first time Lois noticed that the muscular blonde girl was looking rather shaky herself; a trickle of blood seeped from her forehead. She was unsteady on her feet and her eyes were unfocused. Lois reacted quickly and pushed her to the ground and pounced placing her perfect ass in the middle of Bella's impressive chest. Lois effected a dominating schoolyard pin with her knees pinioning Bella's muscular arms to the ground. "Game on bitch." Lois Lane proudly flexed her imposing muscles joyously revealing her 26" biceps to a startled Bella Donna. Exacting a measure of revenge, she maximized her superior strength and power and leveled assorted punches to Ms. Muscles muscular body compromising her defenses; causing real pain to one who had for the previous 25-years been invulnerable and immune to pain of any kind. Lois pulled a wheezing Bella Donna up to her feet and forcibly shoved her in the chest with such super powered intensity Bella rocketed herself backwards with her feet and legs perpendicular to the ground and her backside jutting out. She crashed against and then through the far wall continuing across the breadth of the adjoining room through another wall bouncing across that room until finally coming to rest unharmed against a third wall ... angry as hell. "Hello there." Lois had turned her attention towards a trembling Zoey Taylor. "Don't move a muscle or I will break your fucking neck." A very perplexed but determined Bella Donna rocketed herself back to the fray where a smirking Lois Lane was awaiting her return. Bella angrily unloaded a lightning-fast powerful right cross aimed at Lois' jaw only to have it intercepted by the seemingly all-powerful Lois Lane who took hold of her right arm and began to swing Bella round and round before releasing the overmatched Bella Donna flinging her head-over-heels across the room again crashing against the far wall. When Superman stepped through the first Bella Donna shaped hole in that far wall, he was shocked and pleased to see the hugely muscled Lois Lane beating the shit out of Bella Donna, his tormentor for the past twenty-five-years. "Kill her ... KILL HER." Superman was enjoying immensely the destruction of the woman who had tortured him for soooooooo long and with such glee. "Make her suffer but kill her." He demanded. Superman was painfully aware that he was a mere shell of his former self. Yes, he was still six-foot-four, however, he was nearly seventy pounds lighter than the last time he had been with Lois. The Protector of the Planet was no more. Instead, he was nothing more than a gaunt scrawny nearly emaciated super less whining little man. Hiding his embarrassment, he caressed Lois's cheek and kissed her full on the lips at which time she momentarily lost track of Bella Donna who took full advantage and fired three swift left jabs to the side of Superman's head sending him sprawling to the ground where he proceeded to roll up into the fetal position weeping and wailing like a freighted child ... trembling with fear; remembering all too well the massive dildos and what she had done to him in the not so distant past ... The traumatized faux-superhero nearly pissed himself. "Die bitch, die." Superman was foaming at the mouth. "Kill her a lot!" He had managed to prop himself up against the wall still spewing forth his vitriol between fearful sobs. Lois was disheartened. Seeing the weakened and shrunken Superman's diminished physique was deeply distressing. In addition, it broke her heart to hear a vindictive Superman spitting out pure unmitigated hate. Lois understood why but nonetheless she didn't wish to hear that from the most virtuous man she had ever known, the man she had loved unconditionally being consumed with vitriolic hate. "Don't worry sweetie." She mouthed him a kiss. "Die she will." Lois winked at a salivating Superman, slammed the helpless Bella Donna down onto her back, pounced on her impressive chest, and began to pummel the once strongest person on earth with an assortment of lethal left and right-handed strikes to her head, face, and body. Next Lois viciously twisted and squeezed Bella's bicep-blessed right arm breaking it in three places; her wrist, her elbow, and her precious bulging bicep while simultaneously dislocating her shoulder. With piston like precision Lois accurately targeted Bella's broken body delivering blows crushing Bella's muscular torso into a pudding like substance. Whatever superpowers Bella Donna had once possessed were deserting her apace. She couldn't withstand Lois's superior strength advantage. Without respite Lois pounded away at her ribs, liver, and kidneys stopping occasionally to flex her massive biceps simply to further embarrass Bella whose once beautiful face now resembling ketchup covered chopped liver. Superman dragged himself over to the deflating body of his tormentor and held a mirror up to her face so she could see that her once gorgeous face had been eviscerated beyond recognition. Superman impulsively kicked her in the crotch over and over again until he came to the realization that he was hurting his foot more than he was hurting her. Lois recognized his pain and then she noticed the ring. She filched the glowing ring from around his neck and crushed it and the Kryptonite into non-existence. Superman took Bella's hands in his and with great effort managed to break each and every one of her fingers; the modicum of revenge no matter how slight elated the Man of Steel. With even more effort Superman rolled her over so her ass crack was easily accessible. "Lois how about we take a visit to outer space." He laughed, something he hadn't done for years. "Bella together we are about to visit Uranus." He grabbed a two-foot-tall statue that identified Bella Donna as the Woman of the Year; one of twenty-five such awards she had received. With the help of Lois he roughly inserted the near two-foot-high trophy into her anus driving the entire length of the statue deep into her anal cavity twisting it to the left and then to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, and so on. seemingly gaining strength with the sound of each of her ear piercing screams of agony. "You remove it." He nodded to Lois. "And make it hurt." Lois ripped it out with one yank. The pain was overwhelming and Bella mercifully passed out. "Bye, bye bitch." Superman, with the removal of the Kryptonite necklace was feeling stronger. He jostled her awake and began to smash her face with the base of the trophy. He sat on her chest, held the trophy with both hands, leaned back as far as he could, raised the trophy over his head, abandoning his vow to never kill a human he smashed the trophy down on her face with all the force he could muster; a process he repeated dozens and dozens of times ... continuing long after his nemesis was well past extremely very dead stopping only when Lois took the trophy away from him. He cried tears of joy knowing that he had ended her, the culmination of a twenty-five-year-long dream. CHAPTER SIX: Badly treated Superman in paradise However, that was only the beginning for the citizens of earth. Both Lois and Superman were in total agreement that the world needed to be returned to the natural order of things and to do that the supply of the growth and beauty enhancement pills needed to be disposed of ... So, with all dispatch, all existing inventories were destroyed. Zoey Taylor agreed to make the 'grave' announcement informing the population of the world that Bella Donna had passed away in her sleep as a direct result of a brain aneurism and massive heart failure attributed to an adverse deleterious reaction to the muscle growth pills ... A cadre of respected 'medical professionals' concurred and strongly recommended that all existing inventories of those products in private hands needed to be disposed of as well ... the dangers were just too great. Not surprisingly none of that happened. Enhanced females who wished to remain enhanced understood that they needed to continue ingesting the pills as boosters or eventually their bodies would atrophy and they would return to normal. Females with money attempted to and for the most succeeded in purchasing as much product as they wanted. Females with criminal intent began to loot stores and steal as much of the product as they could find. The long-repressed males of earth saw an opportunity and they seized upon it. They retrieved their hidden cache of weapons and began to indiscriminately attack women killing as many as they could with the intention of destroying all B&J Enterprises' muscle enhancing products precipitating a true battle of the sexes; a war destined to continue for years and years. Meanwhile, Superman and Lois along with a few others including Zoey Wilson were whisked away to Paradise Island where they lived relatively happy lives. The island cared for all of their needs. Fruits, used for jams and jellies and pies, and other good shit, and vegetables, including olives and nuts, were staples and plenteous. Well-tended herds of cows provided the islanders with dairy; milk, butter, yogurts, ice-cream, and cheeses but no meat. Well-fed flocks of chickens were plentiful so eggs were abundant. All species of snakes provided a ready source of meat. Various varieties of mushrooms and soy beans grew willy-nilly all-over the island providing delightful meat substitutes of course, the sea was replete with almost every species of fish imaginable; daily platters of fish including shrimp, crab, and lobster as well as Superman's favorite, calamari, were available to diners each and every day. Superman thought back on his twenty-five-years of captivity and the constant torture and excruciating pain, never allowing himself to dream or even hope for a better life never expecting he could ever escape from the clutches of the ruthless Bells Donna. However, within a couple of short mouths of his arrival on the Island the rays of Earth's yellow sun had reconstituted and recharged his Kryptonian body returning him to his former super self; the mere absence of pain was nothing short of euphoric for him ... approaching nirvana. A smiling prepubescent Amazon youngster greeted Superman with a warm hello, a sisterly kiss on the cheek while delivering his morning meal demanding that he tell her a joke involving breakfast; a morning ritual. "Okay." Superman searched his memory banks and offered up a cute one ... "What did the cat have for breakfast." He paused for comedic effect. "Mice Krispies." "Yuck." The Amazon child made a face but laughed politely. "Before I leave tell me another one, maybe a funny one this time." "Okay ... When bacon and eggs entered a bar, the bartender demanded they leave stating in no uncertain terms ... We don't serve breakfast here." When she didn't laugh again Superman sighed aloud thinking 'Oh well, if she didn't want to laugh no one could stop her.' Superman spent hours and hours basking in the sun feasting on avocado toast, ripe cherry tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced basil and garlic drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Grain, yeast, hops, and water were plentiful on Paradise Island allowing for the production of beer ... Life was good on the Island. However, each evening the inhabitants of said Island were jolted back to reality when they forced themselves to watch one hour and only one hour of the evening news. The war between the sexes was continuing with no end in sight. Physically enhanced women with money had sequestered themselves behind impenetrable walls protecting their mansions surrounded by well-armed body guards ... These women had it all and they intended to retain the status quo ... Meanwhile much of the remaining population, including less the fortunate muscular women, battled for sustenance and whatever amenities could be acquired. Not once has Superman even considered returning to the main lands to lend a helping hand to either the struggling males or the dominant females. Super Super Models ... by the Elder Barry ... 18,000 words