Kaitlin and Christy by mattfalcon1998@gmail.com Kaitlin and Christy walked into the observation room of the police station. Kaitlin was a five and a half foot tall blonde girl. Christy was shorter at five foot two inches and sleek black hair. Looking through the one way mirror, they could see that the table that normally would have been there was pushed into a corner and in its place was a hospital bed. The two girls smiled at what they saw on the bed. A 6 foot tall, 210 pound man was lying cuffed to the bed. His nose was clearly broken, a few teeth were missing, and a large bag of ice was resting on his crotch. Another woman walked into the observation room holding a notepad. She was a reporter for the local news. "Oh wow!" she exclaimed as she looked through the glass. "You two really did a number on him!" "Actually, that was all Kaitlin," Christy explained, "I took care of the other asshole." Just then, the door to the interrogation room opened and an officer walked in. "Mark Forrester, 26 year old white male, arrested for attempted rape and suspicion of ... " The officers eyes widened, "twelve other rapes in the last two years. Looks like your spree is at an end." The reporter started taking notes. Here was one of the most notorious rapists this country had ever seen. For two years he terrorized the city, usually focusing on raping girls at the local college. But investigators were never able to match DNA to any suspects. "We have the video surveillance, but tell me in your own words what happened." It looked for a moment like Mark was going to burst into tears. "We got our asses kicked, what does it look like?" Kaitlin and Christy smiled. But the officer said, "Start from the beginning. Tell me everything." Mark took a few deep breaths and began. "Chad and I went to the campus gym almost every day for strength training. We knew that most girls wouldn't even try to resist if two jacked guys approached them." "Asshole," said the reporter under her breath and she continued to take notes. Mark continued. "One day there were these two new girls who started working there. A blonde and an Asian. Chad always liked fucking Asian girls and I thought the blonde was hot. So we decided we'd rape them. I stole their work schedule and we took it home. We saw that they were scheduled to close one night and nobody else on staff was going to be there. And since the employees don't leave for thirty minutes after close we knew they'd be alone." Christy laughed. "They actually chose us beforehand? Too bad they didn't do a little more research on us." "What do you mean?" asked the reporter. "Christy and I took turns teaching the women's self defense class at the gym." The reporter laughed. "When the night came, Chad and I went to the gym and we hid behind a dumpster near the back exit. We had watched them earlier and saw that they parked in the back lot so we knew they'd come that way. We put on our masks so that we couldn't be identified by the security cameras. And then ... " Mark's voice started to quaver. "They came out." Mark used his non cuffed hand to adjust the ice pack on his crotch. The girls knew this asshole was about to relive the worst few minutes of his life. Mark took a deep breath and continued. "We waited until they were close to the dumpster we were behind and then we jumped out. I told them it was dangerous for two girls like them to be out all alone at night. Chad asked them if they knew about all the other girls on campus who had been raped. But those bitches said they weren't worried and that they could handle themselves. Then I told them that we were the rapists and I said we were going to have a lot of fun tonight. One second we were laughing about what we were going to do to them and the next we were both bent over in pain holding our balls. Those two bitches kicked us in the balls!" The reporter grinned widely as she wrote on her notepad. "They were so busy laughing they didn't see Kaitlin and I give each other a look. We both knew what to do so we did it at the same time," Christy said. "When I bent over to comfort my balls, the blonde bitch kneed me in the face and broke my nose! The force from her knee made me stand back up and I covered my nose with my hands." "Which was a big mistake!" Kaitlin laughed. "But that just opened me up to another kick. So, the bitch did it! She kicked them again!" Mark started to bawl. "Two kicks to his manhood. Not a bad punishment for a rapist," said the reporter. Kaitlin grinned. "We were just getting started." "You didn't run away at that point? Weren't you scared?" Kaitlin shook her head. "Rapists are a lot less scary when they're bent over holding themselves" "Besides," Christy interjected, "by then we knew they were the serial rapists. We couldn't just let them go." Mark stopped crying and continued. "I looked over at Chad hoping to see him beating the shit out of the Asian bitch. But instead she was crouched down in front of him and she was just squeezing his nuts!" "And he was making the funniest face I've ever seen!" Christy laughed. And then she mimicked Chad's face by dropping her mouth open, opening her eyes wide and shaking. The three girls laughed. "I knew I didn't stand a chance against these bitches so I did the first thing I could think of. I pushed Chad at them and turned to run. I hoped they'd both focus on him while I got away." "No honor among rapists I see," said the reporter as she added to her notes. "I watched as I tried to run but when Chad fell down, the Asian girl jumped on top of him and just kept squeezing! And the blonde bitch just grinned at me. I didn't know why because I was looking backwards as I ran but then I ran straight into the dumpster. By the time I realized what had happened she was already right in front of me. And then ... and then ... ." Mark started crying again. "And then he got his what he deserved for all the girls he raped," said Kaitlin. "She just kept hitting me! I tried to punch her back but she was too fast for me! She punched me in the face over and over. She knocked out a couple teeth but I couldn't spit them out because of my mask. She used my gut like a speedbag. And I don't even know how many times she kicks me in the balls." The officer interrupted. "The surveillance video shows twelve kicks to your testicles at that point." Mark started crying and adjusted the ice pack again. "The last kick was so hard that I finally passed out." "I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did," said Kaitlin. "Yea," said Christy, "the other guy was out in less than a minute." "It looks like you were unconscious for about four minutes. Tell me what happened when you woke up," said the officer. "I couldn't move!" cried Mark. "I woke up sitting back to back with Chad on the ground. They had put our belts together and looped it through both of our pants. And they even tied our hands together behind our backs." "With all your scrunchies!" laughed Christy. Kristin smiled. "Oh yeah. I need to get those back." Mark continued. "Then they pulled off our masks and I knew it was over." "You and your co-conspirator's faces, bruised and all, were seen on three security cameras." "Plus all the pictures we got," added Kaitlin. "You got pictures?" asked the reporter. "May I have them for the story?" "Of course!" And Kaitlin pulled out her phone to text them to the reporter. "I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Forrester," said the officer. "Between your confession, your friend's confession, the security camera footage, and the DNA evidence we've collected, I'm confident in saying you'll be locked away for a long, long time." The officer stood up. "It'll be a little while before we can get you more ice. Between you and your friend, our machine ran out." The officer turned and left the room. The reporter looked at her phone and smiled broadly. "These pictures are perfect. I can't wait to plaster these assholes' faces all over the front page." She opened the door and started to leave, but turned back. "My producers will contact you soon. They'll want to have you on our morning show." The girls just smiled as the reporter left. "I'm going to go ask the officer if we can get copies of the security tapes," said Kaitlin. "They'd be great to show to our students!" "Great idea!" laughed Christy. They both took one last look at the loser lying in the hospital bed on the other side of the glass. Soon, everyone would know that this loser and his friend were responsible for the most heinous series of rapes in county history. And soon, everyone would know how they got taken down. "You know, he was right," said Christy. "What do you mean?" "We did have fun tonight." The two girls laughed as they left the observation room. Mark and Chad both got five years for each of their twelve rapes plus another three for their final ill-fated attempt. Mark lost one of his testicles and the other was so damaged he couldn't even masturbate ever again. Chad was so traumatized that he would pass out at the sight of any young, fit woman. Kaitlin and Christy continued to teach women's self defense. But, now they had the perfect video to start off each new class.