Busting the Boss by Jdean72000@yahoo.com A woman decides to surprise her older, stronger male boss with a battle to prove her worth. Susan just stared at him from across the gym, practically seething. The regional manager, Ace, stood there with his usual proud posture, hands at his hips, chest thrust forward, head resting high and back. The other male staff were standing around him, all of them hanging on his every word and laughing at his every joke, no matter how bad they were. It was the end of a long day, a day where Ace had tested every one of Susan's nerves. He visited their gym once a quarter to check in and see how things were going and he liked to start off his visits with an early morning staff meeting. Susan, of course, was on time. And on time for Susan means showing up at least 15 minutes early. As the only female employee at the gym, it didn't surprise her when all of her male colleagues showed up late, including Ace. "Susan? What are you doing here so early?" Ace asked with skepticism. Some of the other guys were filing in behind him, finding seats in the cramped office. "You said the meeting was at 6 AM, so...here I am," Susan said, shrugging in her seat. "Well that was stupid," Ace said dismissively as he took his place behind the desk. "You know we all went out for drinks last night. You're lucky we showed up at all after the night we had!" Ace and the guys chuckled at each other with the memory of the previous night's shenanigans. Susan had, in fact, NOT known that they went out for drinks last night. No one had invited her to join them. "Speaking of which, I've got a splitting headache. Susan, get me a coffee, would ya?" Ace asked as he started flipping through a binder of information. "Excuse me?" Susan asked. Ace looked up at her. "Did you not hear what I said?" "No, I heard," Susan said, trying to maintain an even tone of voice. "I just...I don't want to miss any of the meeting." "Eh, someone can fill you in later. Cold brew, black." Susan had assumed she would just go to the gym's little kitchen in the staff area to get Ace a quick cup of coffee. But they didn't have cold brew which means Ace expected her to leave and go to a coffee shop. By the time she got back, Ace was sitting on the front of the desk, arms crossed over his chest. "Took you long enough," he said as Susan handed him his drink. "Well you said you wanted-" "And last but not least," Ace announced to the room. Susan, annoyed, took her seat. "As you all know we've been looking for a new manager for this gym ever since Tom left." This was it. The big announcement. Susan braced herself. She had been working toward this a long time and had been working at the gym longer than anyone else. Her interview with Ace a week ago didn't go great since Ace seemed completely uninterested in everything she said, but she told herself that was just his way. He'd have to give her the promotion. "And I couldn't be happier to announce ... " Ace paused for dramatic effect. "...that Chad will be taking up the position of manager." Chad? Fucking Chad? Susan was pissed. Chad was barely out of school with very little experience. Even worse, multiple women who used the gym complained of Chad harassing them. As she sat there, watching Chad get high-fived by the other guys, she told herself to stay calm. But she couldn't help but wonder: was this because she was a woman? "Congrats, Chad. You'll do a bang-up job. All right, that's it!" Ace said, standing up and clapping his hands together once, loudly.. "Meeting's over. Someone go open the doors. We've got a gym to run." The rest of the day didn't go much better. Ace somehow found a way to compliment the male staff on even the flimsiest of pretenses whereas Susan couldn't seem to do anything right in Ace's eyes. She watched Ace ogle the female clientele all day without even trying to be discreet about it. He even had the nerve to make Susan get lunch for the entire staff. And every time she tried to get him alone for 5 minutes to discuss why she didn't get the promotion, he brushed her off. And she realized that every single gym in Ace's region had a male manager and mostly male staff. So now Susan stood there, staring at him, furious. Part of what made her so angry was Ace's cockiness. He was incredibly confident and charismatic. And he was also quite the physical specimen. At 6'3", he was a tower of pure muscle. He was 45 years old and had been working out for almost 30 years. Since he had taken off his suit jacket earlier, Susan could see his massive chest, boulder shoulders and thick arms stretching his button-down shirt to its limits. HIs suit pants weren't faring any better against his tree-trunk thighs, round, full ass and, Susan couldn't help but notice, quite a noticeable bulge at the crotch. And, Susan hated to admit, he was incredibly handsome. In fact, before she got to know his personality, she would've said Ace was exactly her type. Sure, his name was stupid, but she could look past that. It did fit him perfectly, after all. But now...now she had other plans. It was time. She took a deep breath and relaxed her whole body. Then she started walking towards him. The gym had closed and Ace was saying goodbye to the staff with all the usual back-slapping and crude jokes. Susan reached him just as the last of the guys had left the gym to go home. It was just her and Ace. As Ace saw Susan approach him, the smile left his face. "Susan, still here I see," he said, not even bothering to hide his annoyance. Susan walked right up in front of him, facing him. She was eye-level with his pecs. Ace looked down at Susan standing in front of him with her dirty blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, black track jacket zipped all the way up and black pants "Yep, you know me, first one in, last one out," she said with a smile. "Uh, yeah, that's great but-" "You know, I was hoping to talk to you about Chad's promotion." Ace sighed. "Look, I'm sure you were disappointed but I just felt Chad was more qualified." "Qualified? How?" "Well... you know...he's a guy with a lot of knowledge around...exercise and stuff ... " "I have knowledge about exercise too," Susan said. "Yeah, but you know...guys like Chad have grown up around sports and working out their whole lives. And most of our clients are guys so Chad will just naturally understand them better. What they need, how their bodies work ... " Susan saw her opportunity. She took a step closer to Ace which clearly surprised him. "Oh, I know how men's bodies work," she said in a softer voice. One of Ace's eyebrows arched up. "Oh yeah?" A smirk slowly curled his lips. "Oh yeah," Susan said. And with that, she reached out and unzipped Ace's pants. She slipped her hand inside and softly cupped the big, hefty pouch containing Ace's most intimate parts. Her fingers brushed against the skin of his legs, telling Susan that he was wearing briefs. Perfect, she thought. "Well this is a nice surprise after all that attitude you gave me today," Ace said, his hands still on his hips. Susan had to suppress yet another urge to show her true feelings. She had a plan and was going to stick to it. "Oh, sorry about that," Susan said with a giggle. Her hand was now gently massaging him and she could feel his cock getting thicker and longer as it snaked toward his hip. "I guess seeing you strut around here all day in your tight pants made me a bit sexually frustrated." Ace chuckled. "Is that right? You wouldn't be the first female trainer to feel that way." Susan mentally rolled her eyes at 'female trainer.' "But you know, I just want to be clear, this won't get you the promotion. It's too late for that." "Oh, I know this won't get me the promotion," Susan said. She could feel that his cock was long and thick. Her fingers then softly wrapped around Ace's large, heavy testicles through his briefs. Her other hand was sliding up one of his rock-hard pecs until it reached the knot in his tie. "Okay, good," Ace said, still smirking. "But this will," Kell said, her voice now having an edge of hardness in it. Before Ace could ask what she meant, Susan quickly clamped down hard on his balls while also grabbing the knot of his tie and jamming it into his thick neck. One of Ace's hands flew to his crotch while the other flew to his neck as the air was choked out of him. But in the very next instant, Susan started marching backward, pulling Ace by his balls and his tie that was tightening around his neck. Caught off guard and losing his balance, Ace feebly slapped and pulled at her arms but the more he pulled at the hand around his balls, the more it stretched and squeezed them. In just a few long strides, Susan had reached her destination: the elevated boxing ring in the middle of the gym, with four corner posts and three levels of rope running between them. With one giant heave, Susan yanked as hard as possible and threw Ace forward under the lowest rope onto the ring's platform. Ace yelped as it felt as if she might rip his balls clear off his body. He landed with a thud on the ring's mat, sliding forward from the momentum until only his feet were hanging off the edge. Susan knew she had to work quickly. This was a large, powerful male she was dealing with. She could not give him one second to recover. She quickly ripped off both of his shoes and then hopped into the ring. Ace was face down, loosening his tie while clutching his aching balls. "You fucking bitch," he grunted between coughs as he inhaled as much air as possible into his large body. "What the fuck ... ?" "I think you have a woman problem, Ace," Susan said as she stared down at him. She took off her track jacket and threw it out of the ring, revealing a black sports bra that could barely contain her round, plump breasts. "Apparently you think we're only good for fetching coffee and fondling your balls." She now peeled off her track pants to reveal short, square-cut black spandex shorts underneath. "So I'm going to help you become a better man." Ace tried to laugh but it came out as a cough. He started to slowly crawl toward the center of the ring toward Susan. "Is that right?" he muttered. "Yeah, that's right. And I'll start with this," Susan said. She ran over to him and, grabbing the top rope for balance, leapt up and then slammed both of her heels down on Ace's lower back. "Argh!" he growled as his upper body shot up off the floor in pain. Susan repeated it 2 more times before Ace finally rolled away while trying to swat at her with his arms. He pulled himself up to his hands and knees, already huffing and puffing while still groaning in pain. Susan calmly walked over, grabbed his thick dark hair to hold him in place while she clamped her thighs around his neck. Now it was she standing with her hands on her hips, feeling proud and powerful as she looked down at his broad back. "Then I'll follow up with this," she said cheerfully. But in the next instant she was falling forward and had to reach out and grab the top rope. Ace had grabbed her thighs and managed to start standing all the way up despite the sharp pain in his lower back and balls. It was quite the sight: Ace standing up straight while Susan was perfectly horizontal, holding onto the top rope while her thighs were still squeezing his head. Ace's face was becoming red as he slapped at her legs and tried pulling them apart. But Susan's thighs were the strongest part of her body and she refused to let go. Ace was shocked at how strong her thighs felt around his head. She was always covered from head to two at the gym but he just assumed her limbs were as soft and weak as any other woman's. But these felt like two smooth pillars of cement. As Ace pulled and squirmed and struggled, he was able to budge her legs a fraction of an inch at a time while he turned around so eventually he was facing her ass. Ace finally came up with a plan, with one yank, he jerked his body backward so Susan had no choice but to let go of the rope. He assumed she'd fall flat on her face but the momentum made them both fall over. Ace slammed down on his already damaged back while Susan fell on top of Ace, her body driving out all the air from his lungs. With reflexes that were much faster than her male opponent's, Susan quickly reached back and grabbed Ace's hair and wedged his face right up into her ass as she once again clamped her thighs around his head. Ace's muffled grunts and groans were music to Susan's ears as he slapped and pulled at her thighs. She then looked down and realized she had all the rest of his body to play with, too. Holding herself up on one arm, Susan grabbed the front of Ace's shirt and ripped it open, buttons scattering everywhere. Susan finally got to see Ace's muscular pecs and six pack abs and they were as sexy as she had imagined. But she knew she couldn't waste any time. She also undid his belt and yanked it loose from his pants, throwing it out of the ring. And with one more flick of her fingers she unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them as well. With his fly now totally open, Susan let out one loud guffaw as she saw Ace's small, tight purple briefs. But that one second of distraction was all Ace needed. He finally pried her thighs loose enough to free his head and, with one shove of his mighty arms, flung Susan off of his body. Susan knew how to roll through a fall to minimize the damage. She quickly got to her feet to see that Ace was in much worse condition. His face was still red and he was drenched in sweat. His barrel chest heaved up and down as he slowly pulled himself up to one knee. "You fucking bitch," he muttered while hunched over, trying to clear the cobwebs from his skull. "Tsk tsk, Ace," Susan said with mock concern. "You've still got a long way to go." She walked over to him, grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked it up over his head. "Ah! What the fuck!" Ace bellowed while he struggled, twisting his torso as Susan kept pulling until she was able to peel the shirt off his bulging arms and fling it out of the ring. Surprisingly, the tie stayed in place. Susan quickly backed up before Ace could attack her. "Oh, so that's how it is, huh?" Ace asked as he slowly pulled himself to his feet. Now bare-chested. Susan could admire his impressive upper body: his thick, glistening pecs dusted with a light coating of dark hair, small, perky nipples and abs that looked like a solid wall of pure rock. His pants were barely hanging on, the flaps of the fly wide open, the waistband of his purple briefs visible. Ace was finally getting a good look at Susan without her track suit on and was surprised at how curvaceous and, well, sexy, she looked. "Yeah, that's how it is," Susan responded. "And your pants are next." Ace actually smirked even as gasped for breath. "You don't know what you've started, blondie. And you won't like how it ends." "Oh please," Susan scoffed. "You haven't even laid a hand on me yet." That was all the provocation Ace's fragile male ego needed. Hoisting up his fists like a boxer, he charged at Susan. Only it seemed like everything was working against him. Ace's balls still throbbed with pain so moving quickly - which shifted his balls back and forth into his massive thighs - didn't help. His lower back muscles were still spasming and stiffening in agony while he hadn't even fully recovered his breath. Still, Ace was nothing if not determined to defend his pride. He took one wild swing at Susan, flinging his arm around in an arc, his fist aimed straight at her head, but Susan saw it coming and quickly ducked. As Ace's momentum carried him forward, Susan slammed her elbow into his aching lower back, causing Ace to cry out in pain. He quickly swiveled around to face her again and flung his other arm out this time. Susan again ducked, only this time she pitched forward and slammed her shoulder into Ace's abs, knocking the wind out of him as he bent forward over Susan's back. Only Susan didn't stop - she kept charging forward until she slammed Ace back into a corner post, her shoulder now sinking even deeper into Ace's gut. As all the air was forced out of his lungs, Ace's lower back exploded in pain as it hit the post while it felt like Susan's shoulder might shove his once-hard abs straight back into his spine. He let out a grunt of pain. Susan grabbed the ropes on either side of them and used them to propel herself forward again, slamming her shoulder into Ace's stomach. She could those tight, hard muscles starting to soften, as if she was tenderizing them like a meat hammer pounds a steak. She slammed into him a third time, then a fourth, each time making Ace grunt out what little bit of air he could suck into his lungs. As Ace felt so dizzy that he might pass out, Susan took advantage of her intimate position and grabbed the waistband of Ace's pants. She yanked them down, barely able to get them past his thick thighs, until they pooled at his ankles. Ace was still too dazed to react, which is how he ended up slammed down hard on his ass. Susan had grabbed his pants around his ankles and stood up, yanking his pants with her. Ace's feet flew up into the air while his beefy buttocks hit the mat with a loud smack. "Argh!" Ace cried out again as Susan easily pulled his pants off completely and also threw them out of the ring. She also ripped off his black dress socks. Ace sat on the mat, leaning against the post, his legs spread, clad in only his small purple briefs and the gray and black striped tie that still hung around his neck. Susan couldn't help but feel proud as she looked down at the male opponent at her feet. A huge, powerfully built man was bruised, drenched in sweat, his head bobbing around from dizziness. She had stripped him until he was almost naked and she couldn't help but ogle the large bulge that drooped to the mat between his legs. "See? Told ya I'd get your pants," Susan said, chuckling. Ace was too busy trying to get the room to stop spinning to respond. But he could see the blurry shape of Susan's long, smooth legs walking toward him until they stopped in between his thighs. She then crouched so that her face was right in front of his. "Let's get you up, shall we?" she asked innocently. "And let's do it my favorite way!" Susan once again grabbed the knot of Ace's tie, jamming it into his neck. Her other hand reached down and scooped up the large, smooth pouch of his briefs, wrapping her fingers around it and then hoisting the damaged man to his feet as he howled in agony. Sensing he could tip over any second, she planted her palms on his meaty pecs and pushed him up against the corner post. Pressing her body up against his, she could smell his sweat, spicy cologne and musky pheromones. She cupped both of the thick slabs of his pecs, kneading them like bread, before she clamped her fingers around his perky nipples and gave them a twist Ace's head dropped back as he inhaled through gritted teeth. Susan could this reaction wasn't just from pain. He also thrust his hips forward into her and she could feel the large, soft pouch of his briefs swelling against her. 'Men are so easy to toy with,' Susan thought as Ace's reaction aroused her. Before realizing what she was doing, she leaned forward and dragged her tongue up the crevice between them, tasting his salty sweat. Ace groaned. His male brain couldn't comprehend what was happening: she wanted to hurt him but also wanted him sexually? Her hands were running up and down his arms, grazing her fingers into the grooves of his abs and sliding her hands down his hairy, muscular thighs and then clawing her nails back up them until one hand cupped his balls, making Ace's whole body tense up in fear. Susan felt extremely powerful. Her other hand took hold of his chin to make him look at her. "Aww, look at you," Susan said as she stared into his glazed eyes. "Such a big, strong man and yet you got your ass kicked by lil' ol' me." "Ungh ... " Ace could barely mutter. He still wanted to fight back but his body and brain weren't cooperating. The only part of him that was responsive was in Susan's hand, and it was growing bigger and thicker by the second. "All these big muscles," she said as she once again ran her hand across his broad chest. She tweaked one of his nipples. "And what are they good for?" Ace could only grunt again as he felt his large cock straining the fabric of his briefs. Susan's hand was running up and down its length, pumping it to make it reach its full size. "Damn, Ace," Susan said as she looked down at the big man's big cock stretching out his briefs. "Impressive. I'm amazed you can even stuff this thing into these tiny little undies." She then slipped both hands behind Ace, pulling his back away from the post so she could grab a muscular asscheek in each hand while his upper back still rested against the post. She started grinding her smooth, flat pelvis into Ace's throbbing erection. Ace's groans turned into moans as the pressure from her body against his giant tool sent waves of pleasure through his body. And yet he couldn't help but notice that her flat, smooth female sex was flattening his inflated, bulging male sex. "Today could've turned out so different if you'd only made the right decision and promoted me. We both know I deserve it." Susan kept slowly grinding against him as she groped and kneaded his beefy ass. "I'm...I'm...sorry ... " Ace whispered. "Aw, Ace, it's good to hear you say that. But it's also a little too late. I've got a few more things to do to make sure you really have changed." And with that, Susan let go of Ace and pulled him by his tie away from the corner post. He was tottering on his thick thighs until Susan ducked down and wrapped her arms around Ace's waist. Bracing her feet on the floor, Susan grunted with effort as she hoisted Ace up into the air. He was completely horizontal, his legs sticking straight out. Knowing she wasn't strong enough to hold this massive man up for long, Susan took three quick steps toward the ropes before depositing Ace onto the top one, his legs on either side. His whole body came straight down on his balls which were now smashed into the rope. "Arrrgh!" Ace howled as he flung his head back in pain. "Alrighty, little doggy, here we go!" Susan grabbed Ace's tie and started walking toward the next corner post, dragging Ace along using his tie like a leash. "No! Argh! Stop! Please!" Ace was crying as his body was dragged along, grinding his already damaged testicles into the rope. Susan was moving too quickly for Ace to pull himself off - he had one hand trying to loosen his tie while the other one was grabbing the rope to try and push himself up to relieve the pain in his balls. "C'mon! C'mon, little doggy!" Susan said as if encouraging a puppy. "Fuck! Argh!" Ace howled until his big, brawny body was finally able to tip over into the ring. His other leg swung around and then Ace fell back against the ropes, his arms draped over them to hold himself up. Susan looked down and realized the friction from the ropes had ripped a hole in Ace's briefs. His large, hairy balls were now hanging out of the tight purple cotton. She couldn't help but throw her head back and laugh. Ace was in too much pain to get his feet under him and stand up, so he hung there, his body slung back against the ropes, his legs spread out in front of him. His balls felt like they were swelling to the size of grapefruits as they throbbed with the worst pain he had ever felt. He was too distracted by his aching body to realize Susan had stopped laughing. When she looked at his balls again to laugh some more, she saw something else that surprised her. Ace was still hard. Completely hard. Susan quieted down and flung Ace's tie back over his shoulder so it was out of the way. She walked up between his legs, reaching down to grasp his enormous erection. Ace could only grunt, his body tensing up as he looked down at her small, feminine hand wrapped around what he thought of as the ultimate symbol of his male power. Susan's face was right next to his. "You didn't think I was going to just take off your pants, did you, Ace?" she cooed into his ear. Ace slowly pulled his head up to look at her. At the same time, Susan let go of his cock to hook the fingers of both hands in the sides of his waistband. "No...stop ... " he muttered. "Try and stop me, big guy," she whispered. She then proceeded to slowly peel down his briefs. Since they were so small, it didn't take long for his cock to spring free, bouncing straight out from his body. Ace squirmed, trying to lift his arms over the ropes or get his feet under him, but his body was too exhausted and racked with pain. Susan stepped back until she could pull Ace's underwear off his feet. She looked again at the naked man in front of her - his beautifully sculpted body hanging from the ropes, his muscles shining with sweat, and his large, smooth cock bobbing with pulsating masculinity. She could feel her wetness between her legs. She grabbed her sports bra and pulled it off over head and tossed it aside. Her large breasts jiggle from the motion. She then pulled out her ponytail, letting her thick, wavy blonde hair fall to her shoulders. She then pulled off her spandex shorts, standing in front of her prey in all her female glory. She slowly sauntered toward her male victim, swinging her hips, emphasizing her femininity to remind the alpha male that it was a woman who was dominating him. Ace seemed hypnotized by Susan's breasts as they swayed side to side with every step. Once again standing between his legs, she reached down and wrapped her hand around her prize. Her insides melted as she felt its warmth and hardness. "We need to take care of this," she muttered. "It's much too big. It will only get in the way." Ace could only grunt and moan as Susan stepped forward even more until she was so close that she could clamp her thighs around his aching cock. Much like she had executed a perfect headscissors against her male prey earlier in the fight, she was now performing a cockscissors. At the same time, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face forward between her breasts. She started to just slightly thrust her hips forward and back, using her thighs to pump Ace's rock hard dick. Susan threw her head back in ecstasy. Feeling this stud's throbbing evidence of her power over him between her legs while smothering him with her breasts, she had never felt so powerful. Her nipples were harder than ever. Ace's muffled grunts reverberated against her skin. His whole body squirmed as he tried to free both his face and his cock but Susan had wrapped her arms tightly around his head and her thighs tightly around his tool. He wasn't going anywhere. Neither knew how long they stayed like that, the small but mighty woman slowly milking her big male adversary against his will. It felt like an eternity to Ace. He had slept with hundreds of women over the course of his adult life and had been in control of every single sexual encounter. His mind couldn't process that a woman was now in control, using his body for her own pleasure. Ace's muffled grunts became more desperate, his body spasming even more strongly. They both knew he was close - close to cumming and close to passing out. Susan increased the speed of her hips. "Come on, big boy, give it up," she muttered, still deep in her ecstasy. "We both know I'm going to pump your load out of you, whether you want to or not. C'mon ... " Ace kept squirming and moaning which only made Susan wetter and wetter. Every time she thrust her hips forward it pressed her clit against Ace's hard abs, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Finally, they both felt the change. They could both feel his hard cock get even harder and a moment later, his body complied with her command. Thick, white ropes of hot cum spurted from his cock, landing on the mat behind Susan. "Unnf, yes! Yes!" Susan called out. "Oh, god! Don't stop!" Susan said as she squeezed his head even tighter against her. Her own body also started to unleash a powerful orgasm that rocked her from head to toe, drenching her crotch and legs, plus Ace's cock and stomach. Meanwhile, she was extracting more male fluid from Ace than any woman ever had before. Even as his mind was slowly darkening, he couldn't believe how much she was pumping out of him. Susan kept rocking back and forth, completely oblivious as to whether Ace was even cumming anymore. It wasn't until her orgasm had completely subsided and she let out a contented sigh that she relaxed her grip on the drained stud and stepped back on shaky legs. His cock slipped from between her thighs and swung back and forth between his legs with not even a single drop of semen left to leak out. His head dropped to his chest, his mind on the brink of unconsciousness. Susan took a few breaths to compose herself. She looked at her defeated opponent - completely spent, totally drained of his masculine strength - and knew she had won. And now it was time to lay out her terms. She unhooked Ace's arms from the rope and his body dropped to the mat, first on his ass, then his upper body toppling over to the side. Susan grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the corner post. As strong as Susan was, Ace was a big man and all muscle so it took more effort to get him into place than almost their entire fight. But soon he was sitting back against the post, his legs out in front of him. She crouched down and finally untied his tie. She was thrilled to finally remove the last symbol of Ace's male power and render him completely naked. She slid out of the ring and used the tie to bind his hands behind the corner post. It was this pressure on his wrists and his arms being pulled back that finally woke Ace up. "Wha ... ?" he muttered, barely able to pick his head up. He looked around at the blurry ring in front of him but didn't see the fearsome woman who had turned his world upside down. He tried pulling his hands free but could tell it was useless. Suddenly Susan hopped back in the ring, now holding two jump ropes. He looked up at the naked woman, lit from behind by the ceiling lights, looking more powerful than ever. "What the fuck are you ... ?" Ace could barely grunt out. "Oh, you'll see," Susan said as she grabbed one of his ankles. She yanked it over to the bottom rope next to his leg and began to tie his ankle to the rope with the jump rope. "No ... " Ace protested, his voice finally rising above a low murmur. "Hold on," Susan said. Once she was finished, she grabbed Ace's other ankle. "No!" Ace said, no fully awake, knowing what was coming and terrified because of it. There's no way his body could actually- "Argh!" he cried out as Susan yanked his free leg to the bottom rope closest to it, thereby spreading his legs wider than Ace had thought possible. A moment later his legs were both tied up to the ropes on either side of him, spreading him wide open, sending splinters of pain up his thighs and into his groin. "Uuunnnggg! You can't...do this!" Ace whined, his head arched back and his eyes shut tight in pain. Susan sauntered over to stand in front of him, then crouched down, her knees wide so Ace was looking at her face, breasts and the dark, alluring space between her legs. "I can and I am," Susan said. She grabbed his head and pulled it down to face her. "Ace, look at me." Ace barely opened his eyes, blinking through the sweat pouring down his forehead. "You're going to do some things for me. Are you listening?" Ace, knowing he was in no position to argue, barely nodded. "Good boy. First, tomorrow morning you're going to send out an email to the whole staff saying there's been a change of plans and I will now be the gym's manager." "But-" Susan placed her hand over Ace's mouth. "Shhhhh. Chad's just going to have to deal. If he asks you about it, just come up with something. You're a smart guy. You can figure it out. Got it?" Again, Ace slowly nodded. "Second ... " Susan hesitated, staring Ace right in the eyes to build anticipation. "You are now mine. I want access to you and your body whenever I want. I don't care if it's 2 AM, I don't care if you're on a date with another woman, I don't care if you have to drop everything and drive three hours to get to me. As soon as I tell you I want you, you come to me. Understand?" Ace just stared at her, his mind reeling from the implications. "I wasn't totally lying when I said I was watching you strut around in your tight clothes. And luckily for both of us what's underneath those clothes more than meets expectations. In fact, if this was a performance evaluation, I'd say your muscles and your dick 'exceed expectations.'" Susan giggled at her own silly joke. "You've probably always been proud of that big dick and those big balls. Well guess what? It's because you're such a fine male specimen that I'm going to ravish you every chance I get. Just think! If you had a small or even average sized penis I might not bother. It's because you have such a nice big dick that you're going to be my sex slave!" Susan removed her hand from his mouth to give his face a few gentle slaps to emphasize her point. "And...if I don't?" Ace sneered, clearly pissed off. "Go along with these...demands, that is." "Well, big guy. You're looking at the trainer who's worked here the longest, which means I know exactly how our security cameras work," Susan said with pride as she pointed behind her to a camera in the corner of the ceiling. "I'm going to download the footage of my completely dominating and humiliating you to multiple servers and then I'll erase it from here. If you do as I say, no one has to really know how you got your ass handed to you by a younger, smaller woman. But if you don't, I'll send that footage to everyone you know. You'll be the laughing stock of this entire chain of gyms, not to mention all your friends and family. No one will respect you anymore. You'll be an utter loser." Susan knew she had him. She knew Ace's ego wouldn't let him be seen like that by others. "Now," she said, reaching out and wrapping her hands around his cock, still somewhat thick and resting on his swollen, tender testicles."All I need is to hear you say you agree." She began to gently pull on Ace's cock, pumping life into it once again. Ace's breathing quickened as the two opponents stared at each other. Susan sped up her manual stimulation as Ace's cock eventually reached its impressive fullness. "Just say the magic word," Susan teased in a sing-song voice. Ace couldn't stand to look at her anymore. He knew she totally owned him. She had beaten him physically, sexually and now professionally. HIs physical and cultural power was nothing compared to her feminine power and intelligence. He was so ashamed he clenched his eyes shut and turned his head away. But he couldn't shut off his body. HIs body was giving Susan what she wanted and there was nothing he could do about it. His chest started to heave as Susan squeezed out precum and used it to slick up his dick, making the handjob even easier. But that's not all Susan had in mind. Ace felt her let go of him and he looked at her in surprise. "Just one word ... " Susan cooed as she stood up, her damp crotch right in Ace's face. Susan slid her foot underneath his throbbing cock until she could wrap her toes over his balls, pressing them down into the mat. "Let me hear you say it," Susan said, pressing down harder, then easing off for a second, then pressing down harder again. His body jerked and spasmed from the pain. This was the final straw. This was too much. Ace was broken. She had broken him. "Yes ... " he whispered as his body spasmed as if electrocuted. "Sorry, what was that?" Susan asked, pumping his balls faster now.. "Yes," Ace groaned. "Speak up, Ace! Let me hear it!" Susan ordered. "YEESSSSS!" Ace threw his head back and howled as it felt like his balls might pop any second. Susan, victorious, looked down to see that, once again, his cock was still rock hard, bobbing up and down as she rocked her foot. 'This fucking pervert likes it,' Susan thought to herself. Susan then lifted up her foot and pressed it down on Ace's long, hard cock, pressing it to the floor. She could feel each throb of his dick against her foot. HIs fat balls were squeezed in their scrotum to either side of the shaft. "Ah!" Ace gasped in surprise, his whole body tense.. She began to shift her foot back and forth, milking Ace with her foot. "Aw...oh god ... " Ace groaned as he twisted his head side to side, his body squirming. Susan loved the way all of his muscles flexed and spasmed as she milked him, reveling in her power over the big beautiful hunk. Ace had never experienced the combination of pleasure and pain like he was right now as it felt like his cock would be completely flattened under her soft, dainty foot, and yet it still felt so good. Ace could feel his balls pull in close to his body, which Susan noticed too. He couldn't let Susan milk him again and yet it was past the point of no return. Susan leaned forward, burying her crotch in Ace's face, pressing his head back against the post as she continued to jerk him off with her foot. Ace's muffled grunts vibrated through her pussy, sending waves of pleasure to every corner of her body. As she was getting lost in her own ecstasy, she pumped her foot back and forth faster and faster until his cock erupted, shooting blobs of white hot cum straight out in front of him. His body was flexing hard as he gasped for breath. "Arrrgghh! Oh god! Fuck! Stop! Please stop!" "Not until I've gotten every last drop out of you, Ace," Susan said while panting. Her foot kept gliding up and down his shaft, squeezing out more and more every time it slid up and pressed onto the fat red cockhead. Ace continued to squirm as the smooth sole of her foot seemed to ignite his body every time it pressed over the extra-sensitive dickhead. His grunting and groaning reverberated between her thighs until finally she could no longer feel any more cum ooze out against the bottom of her foot. She slowly backed away from Ace, surveying the scene in front of her. Ace, the towering, muscle-bound alpha male was naked, sitting in the corner of the ring, his hands tied behind his back, his legs tied to the ropes on either side of him. His balls were swollen and bruised and his cock looked deflated and squished against the mat. Ace's face was still red from his exertions, his body drenched in sweat, his mighty chest heaving to gasp in as much oxygen as possible. And there, in front of him, was a puddle of his male fluid that she had so easily extracted from his body with just her foot. Susan sighed with pride, her body feeling both tired and energized, waves of physical, sexual and emotional pleasure still running along her skin and fueling her muscles. She forced herself out of her reverie and got dressed. She then gathered up Ace's clothes in her arms and stood in front of him again. "So, Ace ... " she began. He didn't look up. She snapped her fingers a few times. "Ace!" His head snapped up, part dazed, part resentful. "I'm going to take these." Ace opened his mouth to protest but Susan cut him off. "I'll be back in the morning to release you before the others arrive." Ace's eyes grew wide. She was going to leave him like this all night? Susan laughed at his reaction. "I think you have a lot of soul-searching to do, stud. So use this time wisely." Susan turned her back on her fallen opponent and started walking out of the gym. "Wait! You can't ... !" Ace's voice echoed throughout the gym. "Hold on! I'm sorry! Did you hear me, Susan? I said I'm sorry!" Susan just laughed as she shoved open the door to the hallway, thrilled to hear that fucker plead for mercy, and just as thrilled when the door slammed shut behind her so she couldn't hear him anymore. EPILOGUE Susan had barely slept, partly out of the sheer adrenaline she still had from her victory, but also because she kept watching the security camera footage while laying in her bed, rubbing her clit as she watched herself dominate the muscular sex god of her fantasies. And since she had gotten to know Ace and his libido so well, she wasn't exactly surprised when she kept watching the footage after she left the room but before she turned off the cameras. She saw him get yet another reaction after she left the gym, only this time she wasn't there to help him relieve it. But after a few hours of sleep, she did as she promised and returned to the gym early in the morning. Ace had actually managed to fall asleep, his head hanging down on his chest, when she turned on the lights and woke him up. After she made him promise not to say a single word, she untied him. He slumped over, his body sore and stiff. After letting him stretch out for a bit, Susan made Ace clean up the two separate puddles of cum on the mat, both of which had dried, making his job that much harder. She then led him, naked, to the shared office. She made him sit at the desk and open his laptop. Standing over his shoulder, Susan dictated every word as Ace typed up the email he would send to the gym's entire staff explaining that Susan would now be the manager. Once he hit 'send,' Susan gently cupped his chin and made him look up at her. "Good boy," she said warmly. "Now I'm taking you home." Ace almost groaned, feeling way too exhausted to perform whatever sexual activities she had in mind, but then he caught himself. He knew better now. Susan had trained him. He simply stood up and followed her out to her car, sliding into the passenger seat. She sat in the driver's seat and looked at him. "You have precisely 12 minutes and 40 seconds." Ace just looked at her, confused. "That's how long it takes for me to drive home." Ace still didn't get it. "So that's how long you have to get yourself completely, 100% rock hard. And if you're not by the time we pull into my driveway, I'll have to punish you." They stared at each other. Because they both knew. Susan knew, and Ace knew she knew. They both knew that just by her saying that, Ace's body was flooding his genitals with blood and hormones. As she drove home, they both were aware of his enormous erection bouncing between his legs. Susan had looked at the clock: it only took him 32 seconds. Susan smiled. "I told you I knew how men's bodies worked."