Amazon challenge by Diana the Valkyrie An illustrated story from I'm a warrior. Fit, strong and horny. I was talking in the pub with my chums, and one of them mentioned the Amazon Challenge; if you can dfefeat one of the Amazons, then you get to shag her. "Piece of cake," I said, "I can defeat any mere women, and then fuck her brains out!" So Jim said "Go on, then. Stroll down to the market next Wednesday, and make a challenge." "Maybe I'll do just that," I replied, "I could use the exercise." I grinned as I thought about some gorgeous, fit beauty being defeated in the wrestling ring and then fucked to within an inch of her life. Yes - I'm going to the market to see what I can find. And so it was that on Wednesday, I was looking round the market - and there was plenty to look at. I saw a likely looking redhead with great tits, and a gorgeous blonde who looked like she'd be great in the sack. Both of them were heavily armed (and with great legs too), obviously Amazon warriors. Each of them was several inches taller than my six feet, and built like a wet dream. I wondered if I really could defeat a woman who was so much bigger than me - the redhead must have been seven feet six, at least, and I was inclining towards choosing her. Just imaging fucking a girl that big! I'd heard that these Amazons were unstoppably strong. But no-one had mentioned that they came in at seven feet tall, breasts like basketballs and muscles like iron. But hey - after all this, they are still just girls, and would fall to my manly strength. It was a toss-up which I'd choose - and while I was trying to decide between them, I saw the girl in the white dress. She was like a vision from the afterlife. The dress fitted her like a second skin, so that I could see her terrific boobs, slim waist and great butt. She had a golden torc round her neck, and was carrying a rose, and to me, that signified that she was up for it. Just as a rose is thorny, she was saying "I'm horny". And I thought, "Me too," while I looked at her come-hither smile. I felt the tightness in my trousers. She was sexy as all get out, and I thought, "She's the one. Plus, she's more my size than those other two". Pretty? She was gorgeous - a vision of loveliness and just right for a roll in the sack. Her breasts stood out like they knew nothing about gravity, and the tips of her nipples must have been a full eight inches in front of her chest. She was definitely just what the doctor ordered, and my dick trembled as I thought of all the things we would do together. Plus, she was petite compared to that redhead; she couldn't be more than a few inches more than me, so she would be that much easier to defeat. So I approached her and started to chat her up. She was tall, slightly taller than me, and I'm no shorty. I'm a six-footer, and she had an inch or two on me. But at least she wasn't a foot taller like the redhead and the blonde. "Great tits," I told her, and she laughed, "Yes, I know, all the men stare at them." "Are you up for the challenge?" I asked. "Not really," she replied, "I'm only visiting the market to buy new wrestling boots." As you can imagine, that really got my cock quivering. "I'd still like to challenge you," I repeated. "Look," she said, "I'm actually Charybdia, princess of the Scyllans. I leave that sort of thing to the warriors" and she pointed to the redhead and blonde that I'd noticed earlier. "But you're in the market," I insisted, "it's Wednesday, challenge day. Are you chickening out on me?" She sighed. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into," she warned. "Oh I know full well. When I defeat you, you have to put out for me, and I'll give you a seeing-to like you've only ever dreamed about." "Oh, you men. Always boasting. Always talking the talk, but can you walk the walk?" "Let's do this," I answered. At least she was only a bit taller than me than me, unlike the blonde and redhead either of which would have outreached, out-muscled and out-wrestled me. We went back to her place, which turned out to be her palace, and I started to strip off for wrestling. No sword, obviously, no armour, and I was sitting waiting for her. And in she came. Wow. She was naked, apart from the gold decorating her fine body. And she offered me wrestling trunks. "Take your trousers off, you need to wear these." I put them on, and she got ready by removing most of the gold, revealing a sort of gold fabric bikini, held in place by slim leather straps, and high heeled boots. "You've done this before, haven't you?" I asked. "Yes. A few times. And I've never been defeated - I'm an Amazon princess. You're just the latest in a bunch of weakling males, who is about to feel the power of an Amazon." I reckoned that she was just boasting, trying to undermine my confidence. Matches often start that way, so I replied in kind. "After you've submitted to my strength as a wrestler, you'll submit to my cock as it fucks you into orgasm. And then again. And again. Oh yes, we're going to have a great time," I smiled. She shook her head. "Chance'd be a fine thing. Here's some advice for you - if you find yourself between my thighs, you're finished. I can crush a coconut with these. So don't let me get my thighs around you." We faced each other in the ring, both of us nearly naked. The spike heels of her wrestling boots added another four inches to her height, but I wasn't intimidated. Of course, if she stamped on my foot with one of those, the heel would go straight through the flesh and bones, but that's against the rules. Isn't it? She adopted a wrestler's crouch, hands on her knees, waiting for me to make the first move. I faced her, distracted a bit by the way her breasts projected in front of her body by several inches. My god, she was pretty. But I'll soon have her begging for me to let her go ... followed a bit later in the bedroom by her begging me not to stop. "Fear, pain and humiliation," she said, "that's the Amazon Triangle of Domination, the recipe for how an Amazon woman dominates a man. And you're about to experience the Triangle of Domination." As she crouched, her breasts jiggled, just a little bit, but enough to leave me breathless with desire. I thought about how I'd use them to make her helpless with passion, begging me to enter and fuck her, fuck her hard. But that was for later. Right now, I needed to defeat this girl, to make her understand the superiority of men, and that she would serve me as I serviced her. Time to attack! I bent over, and went for one of her legs - my plan was to grab the leg and topple her over, onto her back. The fall would knock the wind out of her, I'd get on top, and I'd be able to get a submission out of her. It didn't work that way. As soon as I bent over, she raised her very long right leg and her knee smashed into my face, powered by a hugely muscular thigh. I was confused by the hit, this wasn't supposed to be how it went. I staggered a bit, and then she did it again, only a lot harder, with her other knee. My brain bounced inside my skull, and the world went grey. I managed to stay on my feet, but she vanished. Where was she? Has she taken advantage of my momentary lapse into semi-consciousness to run away? No. I soon found out where she was - she was behind me! Behind me, and on top of me. And I was in deep trouble. She had wrapped her arms round my neck - she could have cut off my breathing and left me unconscious. But that wasn't her plan. She also wrapped her thighs round my waist, trapping my arms. She linked her feet together, and stretched her legs. This brought her thighs closer together, but with my body between them, and my body wasn't strong enough to resist the crushing effect. She'd warned me about her thighs, and I hadn't taken her seriously. Now I was taking her seriously, very seriously indeed. Her thighs were so strong! I couldn't take a breath, because she'd constricted my diaphragm. But worse - I could feel my ribs bending under the terrible pressure that she was exerting. I tried to shake her off, but she gripped me like a bench vice, and increased the pressure on my ribs. This was what she'd warned me about - her killer thighs. My body was no match for the incredible force that was crushing me like a boa constrictor or a reticulated python. I felt one of my ribs go. And then another - CRACK! Was she going to work her way up, breaking each one? I felt helpless in the grip of her thighs- I couldn't breathe, and she was calmly breaking my bones with her powerful legs. How had I been so stupid as to challenge an Amazon princess? Then the pressure relented; she uncoiled her arms and legs, and I collapsed to the ground. I could breathe now, but each breath was agony because of the broken ribs. How many ribs had she broken? I wasn't sure, but it was enough to leave me in agony. I just wanted to crawl into a corner and pass out. But that wasn't what she wanted. And what I wanted, was of no account. She was an Amazon princess, and she got what she wanted. She looked down at me and smiled. "Not so boastful now, are you?" She took my right wrist in her hand and put her thumb over the veins on the inside; I felt her thumb moving gently around, searching for the right spot. It felt nice. Then she found the place and squeezed. It was like someone had put my hand in a bench vice and was closing the jaws. It was like someone had driven a spike through my hand.. Her grip strength was unbelievable, I suppose all the practice with swords had done that. But it wasn't just the pressure she was exerting, it was where she was pressing. At that point, the nerves that control the hand run very near the surface, and her thumb was compressing those nerves. After a few seconds, the agony ended, because my hand was numb, I couldn't move my fingers. Then she moved her hand up to my elbow, and squeezed the inside - again, a few seconds of intense pain was quickly replaced by that numb feeling and an inability to move my wrist. My whole lower arm felt like it was made of wood. And then she crouched down to grip my armpit. Again, that's a place where the nerves run near the surface, and they have very little protection. Certainly no protection from an Amazon's clutch. My whole arm was paralysed. "Don't worry sweetie," she said, "it isn't permanent. Your arm will recover in a few weeks, although the pins-and-needles sensation will be so bad, you'll wish it was still frozen." She smiled, and said "But you have two arms, don't you?" After she'd finished with my left arm, I lay on the ground, unable to move either arm. "They say that when both your arms are useless, you find out who your real friends are." I was too dazed to work out what she meant. She slid her hand down the inside of my shorts, and I felt her fingers curling round my testicles. If she used that same crushing grasp on my balls, they would disintegrate. "No, no, please," I begged. She stroked my scrotum, which would normally have resulted in a raging erection, but not now; now this resulted in abject fear of what she might do. I tried to fend her off, but my arms wouldn't move, paralysed. She smiled and tickled underneath. And at that point terror overcame my bladder control, and I wet my shorts. "Eeew," she said, "you're incontinent! You challenge an Amazon princess, and you can't even control your own bladder!" My face burned with shame at the situation, but the voiding of my bladder had been involuntary. Her control over my entire body was complete. Fear, pain and now humiliation, the Amazon Triangle of Domination. Now, at last, I understood the purpose of the market day challenge. It wasn't to give some lucky man the possibility of screwing an Amazon. The purpose was to reinforce the dominance of the Amazons over us men. She picked me up. I'm 200 pounds, but she lifted me like a baby. One arm round my neck, the other crushing my crutch. I felt emasculated, and I hoped that she wasn't planning to crush my cock and testicles. I was still in too much pain from the broken ribs to be able to resist, and my arms were paralysed. Why, oh why had I challenged an Amazon? And then I thought, if I'd actually challenged one of the seven footers, I'd be in an even worse situation than I was now. If Charybdia was anything to judge by, that blonde or that redhead would have disposed of me in minutes, and my genitals would be history by now. But squashing my genitals wasn't what she did next. What is the most humiliating action that a woman can do to a man? I didn't know, but I soon found out. She knelt on the floor, one knee up and one down, and balanced me on the upright knee, face down. Then she explained what would happen next. "You've been a naughty boy, so I'm going to spank you. I'm going to spank and spank until you arse is red and raw and you won't be able to sit down for a week. And I'm going to continue to spank you until you weep real salt tears, and you beg me to stop." "Never," I said, "I still have my pride." "I'll soon take that away from you." and she started the spanking. I couldn't believe how much she could hurt me with her small, strong hands. Small, but hardened by combat practice. And each time her hand smacked my arse, I was pushed down onto her knee, and my broken ribs ground against each other. This was more pain than I could handle, and after trying to hold out for as long as I could, I broke. I wept, and begged her to stop. She didn't stop. I begged harder. She still didn't stop. This was more than I could take, and there was nothing I could do to stop her. Then she stopped. "You didn't last very long," she said. "Some guys I have to spank for nearly an hour before they break - you only lasted 20 minutes." She stood up, and I collapsed to the ground. But I wasn't there for very long, because she had another way to inflict pain. She stood me up, and from behind me she put me in a full nelson hold. She held me so that my feet were dangling some inches above the ground, so I had no purchase to do anything. And I needed to do something, because her hands were forcing my head down, lower and lower, and I was in fear of my life - this powerful woman could break my neck if she wanted to. All I could think of was the feel of her large, firm breasts as they dug into my back. She was taking me apart, and maybe killing me, and all I could feel was her hard nipples digging in to my flesh. But that wasn't her intention - she seemed to want me alive. And then I found out what she wanted. She used the leverage of her long arms, with my neck as the fulcrum. There was a dull pop from my right shoulder as she dislocated it, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to use my right arm any time soon. I moaned from the pain, and she said "Are we having fun yet?" and dislocated my left shoulder. As my head was forced down, I was finding it harder and harder to breathe, and soon I passed out from lack of air. I fully expected to wake up in the afterlife. I should be so lucky. She wasn't done with me. When I regained my senses, I was about eight feet from the ground, held over her head in a full body lift. My 200 pounds was something she could handle - easily. "Wakey wakey," she said, "are you back with us now?" I groaned. "Ah, good, you're awake." She didn't just drop me. She threw me to the ground with her hard unforgiving hands, and I smashed into the hard unforgiving stone, and I think I might have bounced a few inches. It's called the "dead cat bounce". I had landed on my side, and I think I felt a bone in my shoulder break; my hip didn't feel good either. I groaned again. "Still awake?" she said, and picked me up, held me over her head again, and smashed me into the ground again. This time, I fell on the other side, and again I felt something break. This time I didn't groan. Because this time my brain had said "enough" and I was unconscious. She might have repeated the lift-and-smash a few more times, I don't know. I was out of it now. But not dead. I regained consciousness, and found myself lifted up once again, this time with her arms under my armpits. She held me about fifteen inches from the ground, and looked up at my face. She was magnificent. But too much for me, too much for any man. She held me in that position, my 200 pounds as nothing to her powerful arms, and for the first time I was able to look down at her face. My god, but she was pretty. Beautiful face, long silky hair, fantastic tits but arms and legs that could destroy any man foolish enough to challenge her. With her arms that strong, it was no surprise that she'd been able to break my ribs with her powerful thighs. I was lucky that she had stopped after breaking just a few. Plus two dislocated shoulders. Plus whatever damage she had done by throwing me to the floor from eight feet up - my hips felt numb, and I wondered what was happening there. And then she did something even more astonishing than her impressive wrestling abilities. She held me so my face was a couple of inches above hers, and she kissed me. And kissed me again. She was being very gentle, because she no longer needed to use violence on me. My whole body was battered and bruised, I had at least two broken ribs, one, maybe two broken shoulders and the pain was all over my body - and she was kissing me. I was so much in pain, that I couldn't respond; my usually-reliable dick was small, soft and limp. And she wanted sex? I don't think that's possible in my current broken state. What I could, or could not do was, of course, unimportant. My resistance, which had never been much against her terrible strength, was broken. I thought of all the stories I'd heard, of men being defeated then raped by an Amazon. I hadn't believed then, but I believed now. She was going to rape me, and there was nothing I could do to stop her. There's one thing that Amazons need men for, and only one thing - fertilisation. When an Amazon wants a baby, she chooses a man, then rapes him. I was going to be raped by this iron-hard girl. As usual, I was mistaken. She carried me into her bedroom, stripped off her wrestling outfit, and reclined on a couch. I felt like I ought to have an erection at this moment, because her tits were big, rounded and her nipples showed that she was already aroused. But down there - nothing. Too much pain and humiliation. And the fear of more pain and humiliation. "Kneel," she said, "and lick." I knelt in front of her and looked up. This isn't something that a proud man does, I thought, but all the pride had been beaten out of me. She spread her thighs. "Lick, or I'll crush your skull between these thighs." And I thought, yes, she could probably kill a man with those thighs. If she can break my ribs, she could certainly crush the thin layer of bone that was my skull. So I licked. "Harder," she said. So I licked harder. I licked and licked, thrust with my tongue, which was probably the only muscle in my body that wasn't aching. And I drove her into orgasm. She lost all self control, her thighs came together with terrible force, and everything went dark. So here I am, in the afterlife. It isn't as good as they said it would be. Too many Amazons, all demanding sex with violence. The food isn't too bad, though. An illustrated story from