The Lessons of Andy's Little Sister By San Kirkpatrick Picard Andy heard the clatter of keys on the kitchen bench. Cassie looked up. Her arm was raised, ready to slap her brother again. "If he's left his shit on the bench again..." Cassie muttered. Cassie got off her brother. She walked out of the garage and into the kitchen. She stopped as she entered the kitchen. Her muscular back broadened as she put both hands on her wide hips. A short skirt barely covered thick muscled thighs and a large firm ass. "For fuck's sake Brian," Cassie shouted. Andy was caught off guard by his younger sister calling their father by his first name. "I was going to put it all away," Andy's dad stammered. Andy and Cassie's father was taller than them both. He stood about 6'2 inches and weighed over 200 pounds. Andy had always been intimidated by his father, so it was strange to see this man he admired tremble at the rage of his daughter. She wasn't as tall or heavy as he was but the ripped young girl made him look small and feeble. "No, you weren't. You were going to leave it to me or mum." Andy approached the kitchen and his father looked up and saw him. "Andy, you're home?" He turned to his daughter. "Cassie, what have you been doing to your brother?" Brian asked exasperated. Andy felt his face and it was tender to touch. His face felt red. Cassie hadn't seemed to have been trying to hit him hard. Still, he expected his face to be bruised tomorrow. "Nothing as bad as I'll do to you if you don't clean your shit off the bench in the next five seconds." Cassie sneered. Andy was shocked as he watched his father scramble to put away keys, books, a bag and jacket. "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - too late," shouted Cassie and she rushed to him and grabbed her father by the hair. "You're just a dirty slob. You need a wash." She dragged her helpless father to the kitchen sink and forced his head under the tap. She turned it on and drenched his face under it. He struggled with all his might but he was no match for the strength of his young daughter. "Cassie you psycho..." Andy started. "You shut up before I fuck you up," Cassie interrupted. "Cassie let me go," Brian gargled. Cassie yanked her father's head out from the tap. Water dripped from his soaked hair and face and dribbled down his shirt. "I told you daddy," she started with a savage tone, "That your punishment would be so much worse the next time you left your crap lying around." Cassie waited a beat before delivering a punch to his stomach that nearly cut him in half. Brian doubled over and fell to his knees. It was a sucker punch that shouldn't have had much force behind it but it left her father struggling for breath. Andy was enraged. Andy suddenly found a courage he didn't know he had and rushed his sister. She hadn't seen him coming and she tipped face first down to the ground as he crashed into her. Andy dove onto her back. He used his left hand to pull his right arm around her throat while she was off balance. He pulled with all his might. Cassie wrapped a strong hand around his wrist as she regained composure. She slowly pulled his arm from around her throat. Andy was frightened. Even face down on top of her she was about to overpower him. A single arm of hers was stronger than two of his. "I'm going to hurt you little brother." She said through gritted teeth. Andy tried to be a dead weight on his sister's back, but Cassie shuffled up onto her knees. Andy struggled to hold onto her. Suddenly, Cassie whipped herself onto her back. She came face to face with her brother. Two powerful legs wrapped around his sides. Andy threw a punch into her stomach. Andy winced as his fist crashed against Cassie's rock hard stomach and his wrist buckled. She smirked threw a punch at Andy's nose. She was still on her back and almost out of reach so she didn't connect properly. Andy still saw stars and blood started dripping from his nose. It stained Cassie's top, body and skirt with bright red droplets. Blood mixed with sweat and ran into the crevices of her deep abs. Andy's father was finally getting up. "Leave him alone," Brian begged. He attempted to pull his daughter off. She grabbed at his shirt while her legs pinned her brother. She slapped Brian across the face. It made a sickening crack. "Go to your room while I deal with your fat slob of a son," Cassie answered. Andy watched helplessly as his father turned and walked away, not looking back. "I've trained him well." Cassie said. "I don't know why women don't regularly beat up their men. It's such an easy way for women to train them." This time she brought her arm behind her head to wind up for another punch. Andy used his free arm to grab at her arm. Her arms were long and he could only reach her upper arm. His hand looked silly against her enormous bicep. He looked around for his father but he had really gone. "Really, little brother? Do you really think you could stop me hitting you if I wanted to? She flexed her arm. Her flexed bicep was the size of a small melon. "Squeeze it." She smirked. Andy squeezed her. Her bicep didn't budge. "I've been stronger than you for a long time little fatty. I never wanted to fight back when you bullied me in case I hurt you. I used to feel sorry for you. Weaker than your younger sister. No girlfriend. Always staring at my tits. You've always wanted to feel them. C'mon. Cop a feel." Cassie grabbed her brother's hand and pulled it towards her tits. She forced his palm over her firm breast. They were larger than his hand. It was the largest breast he had ever felt. He felt himself go hard. His sisters' legs had him locked against her pelvis. She looked down as his cock pressed against her. She made a cheeky grin and squeezed her legs tighter. His hard cock was bending against her pelvis as she pulled her legs in. Andy groaned in pain and tried to free himself. He pressed against her legs but her legs just mocked him. He felt dirty. This was his sister causing his cock to bulge larger and larger. He could feel it pulsing. He was relenting to a fetish of being under the control of a younger, stronger woman, even if this woman was his sister. She squeezed her legs tighter still. He felts as though his cock was going to snap. He grabbed for it to try and free it. She grabbed his hand and pulled it away. She grabbed his throbbing cock and pressed it against her cunt. She wasn't wearing anything under her skirt. He felt sweet relief as his cock finally had somewhere to go and he slid helplessly inside her. She hit him in the face. His vision blurred. She placed her hands on his hips and started thrusting. Her powerful hips and legs pulled him in. Her arms and hips pushed him out. She hit him again and thrust harder. Pleasure. Pain. Pleasure. Pain. Pleasure. Pain. He was helpless as she fucked him. She thrust him up and down. He was on top but still, she was playing with him like a rag doll. She hit him. Fucked him. Hit him. Fucked him. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. She ripped off her top and freed her tits from her tight sports top. She hit him a final time and he went limp. His face slapped against her bare tits and he moaned in both pleasure and pain. Her cleavage comforted his swollen face. "This is the secret to boys little brother. You can't just hit them. You have to give them the carrot and the stick. When I'm done with you I'll drag you to watch helplessly while I beat and fuck daddy for being such a slob. You shouldn't have come home little brother. I'm going to break you." She grabbed him by the hair and buried his face in her cleavage. "Every week you will pay me $200. Just like daddy does. Just like my boyfriend does. If you miss a week you get extra beatings." With a final, powerful thrust she pulled an extra, impossible fraction of an inch of cock into her and Andy felt his back arch. He blew his load into his own sister. In that disgusting moment he realised that his own sister was the best fuck he had ever had, even if he had to get the shit beaten out of him to get it. She got up off her brother. She grabbed him by the leg and started dragging him across the floor. "You might have finished, but I didn't. Let's go find daddy."