Superman versus the NEW WOMEN By the Elder Barry He didn’t stand a chance SUPERMAN versus the New women (He Didn't Stand a chance) Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter from the Daily Planet was sitting in front of his work computer surreptitiously taking furtive glances at the Miss Teen Olympia Body Building Championship while searching the net for unusual news stories when he took notice of an Associated Press (AP) article that caught his attention. Earlier that day an unprecedented 7.8 magnitude earthquake had struck at the heart of the Amazon rain forest; its epicenter was in a mostly unpopulated region 25 miles northwest of the city of Barranca giving some credence to a propositus story gaining interest across the globe. A story claiming that a heretofore unknown tribe of giant females had been discovered living in the Amazon an area consisting of 2.2 million square miles of dense mostly unexplored jungle. If a previously unidentified village of giant women were to be uncovered anywhere on Earth, then the virtually unexplored area of the Amazon would be the most likely place for it to happen giving at least a modicum of credibility to that one aspect of the story. According to the AP these mysterious women, for reasons yet to be determined, were migrating away from the rain forests of Brazil heading due north through Latin and South America presumably heading towards the United States, an arduous 4,500-mile quest. Even at their current unsustainable non-stop pace of ten miles per hour the women wouldn't reach U.S. soil for anther twenty days or more. Oliver Arnold, the veteran AP reporter filing the story, was claiming that exactly one hundred women, no more no less, ranging in size from overly muscled six-feet-tall to outrageously proportioned warrior like females in some cases exceeding eight to nine feet in height; an awe-inspiring sight. All of the women regardless of their size were wearing only the traditional cache-sexe (G-string) at the waist covering their nether regions and nothing else. They nonchalantly displayed their more than just generously sized gravity defying firm breasts arrogantly ignoring societies' social mores of dress. Awe-inspiring indeed. The moment Oliver provided a link to the videos showing the expressionless uber-women marching in unison the video went viral achieving five million views in less than three hours. It was now universally accepted as fact that the AP story was an accurate portrayal of the mysterious women of the Amazon. The tall beautiful physically superior women who were emerging from the jungle all but guaranteed that the population of earth would refer to these women as Amazons, amazons who were now marching, practically goose-stepping, three a breast in identical rows of thirty-three being led by one of smallest of the Amazons who was holding a "USA or bust" sign over her head with one hand. Superman, among all those who saw, couldn't help being impressed with the long muscular legs stepping in perfectly synchronized unison as if the 'amazons' were of a single consciousness. The ladies' diamond shaped calves and tight muscular thighs were the very epitome of feminine perfection. Each of the women no matter their respective height or weight displayed thick steel slabs of clearly rock-hard abdominal muscles; muscles that were not limited to the standard six-packs or even eight-packs Oh no ... These Amazon's all had thick well-developed muscular connected masses of abdominal muscles that were arranged in hard sets of prominent twelve-packs suggesting that these spectacular specimens of female grandeur were not of this earth or at the very least a yet to be discovered species with medical or physical anomalies. Thousands upon thousands of nervous, frightened, and intrigued native on-lookers were lining the tree and bush lined roads, often as many as five-deep. Many were taking cell phone photos, cheering raucously, clapping their hands loudly, and in some cases inexplicably displaying true adulation by genuflecting. To these mostly uneducated indigenous peoples of the area it was as if these 'amazon' females of legend were an omen, somehow signaling the arrival of the true Goddesses of legend. Legitimate Internet reporters and bloggers for the most part were responsibly reporting on the story admitting to their readers that much was still unknown. While the ubiquitous Internet conspiracy theorists were weighing in on the issue postulating unfounded speculations, each one more preposterous than the next. For instance, Fox News was claiming that the women were 'fake news' all a part of an elaborate scheme cooked up by the Democrats in concert with the long believed dead Che Guevara to take the minds of the America and European public away from the 'failing' U.S. economy; an economy which by the way, was actually booming. The running motions of the amazing females were identical, scarily so. Leading some to speculate that the women were actually cyborgs and not human at all. Their arms swung and pumped in unison demonstrating perfect form, maximizing effectiveness. In every case the arm opposite to the raised leg was bent 90 degrees at the elbow and swung back and forth like a pendulum while the opposite arm swung simultaneously in the opposite direction which lent more credence to the suspicions that these women could be Extraterrestrials; aliens living among us? Maintaining their feverish unwavering pace, the outrageously proportioned females furiously swung and pumped their unnaturally long athletic looking arms, in perfect sync. Blue worm like veins were evident in their still unflexed yet clearly muscular arms suggesting considerable, well above average arm strength. To which anyone who saw the video of the Amazon women and heard that comment would retort 'DUH'. Brazilian and Venezuelan authorities, including fully equipped military units, hastily erected make-shift barricades at their mutual borders to act as checkpoints to deter the females from marching any further north until the women identified themselves, stated their purpose as well as revealing their ultimate destination, and most importantly they must willingly submit to physical and medical examinations. By now the entire world was aware of and deeply concerned by the mysterious one-hundred uber-women marching northward across South America. The citizens of the world were eagerly awaiting the inevitable confrontation between the military forces and the advancing muscular nearly naked females. The Corps of Engineers from both countries constructed barricades on the road, barricades meant to prevent the marching women from advancing any further. The military leadership felt that at this time there was no need to prepare for vehicle assaults so the 'barricades' were more akin to check points. The advancing Amazons were still arrogantly goose stepping in formation towards the border city of Boa Vista determined to breach the blockade. When Brazilian and Venezuelan guards demanded that the lead girl, the smallest of the bunch present some form of identification She barely even broke stride and silently lifted the flummoxed soldiers high over her head flinging the shocked men to the side of the road. The marauding horde of Amazons stormed through the gates and continued their inexorable way forward through and over the inadequate obstacle having been placed before them. Barely slowing down the ladies grabbed, crushed, lifted, and flung virtually every piece of metal in their way, out of their way. The subsequent newly assembled barricades down the road (three more in all) were constructed much more formidably but offered almost no resistance to the women. An overhead view supplied by cameras from the air showed any number of soldiers and policemen strewn all over the nearby road and the jungle area. The bigger than just big females took turns lifting and chucking the military guards and auxiliary police away as if they were as superfluous as links of pork sausages at a bar mitzvah. Gaining momentum, the Amazons continued on their quest crushing and discarding large and small portions of the succeeding barricades willy-nilly with little effect on their progress. Government authorities from surrounding countries ... Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, and Guyana with an advisory delegation from the U.S. declared an emergency and called for the development and implementation of a strategy to deal with the incursion of the mysterious Amazons. The discussion of the use of military grade arms had been seriously discussed and argued for and against before the cartel of nations finally adopted a limited and controlled military response. As the now sprinting unrelenting army of Amazon females who by the way were now sprinting at a speed of nearly twenty-miles an hour approached yet another barricade a flash of light appeared in the sky and Superman, the self-appointed Protector or the Planet, touched down directly in the path of the one-hundred Amazons. "Hola ... Parada ... Por favor." When Superman held up his hand, he was surprised that the Amazon hordes came to a complete stop while still marching in place. He explained in Spanish to the ladies that in order to proceed any further they must identify themselves, state their purpose for marching, and reveal their intended destination. "Shut the fuck up, Clark." The six-foot-four-inch overly muscled Amazon who was leading the procession forcibly shoved her sign into Superman's chest sending him back on his heels. He didn't know what had surprised him more ... that the smallest of the ladies was 6-4 equal to his height ... her display of strength ... her knowing his secret identity ... or ... the fact that she had spoken perfect English to him. Anxiety engulfed a confused Superman consuming his very being; the extreme tension was rendering the Man of Steel paralyzed, petrified. From the outset he feared he would be helpless before any one of these superbly conditioned Amazons. How could he possible stand up to 100 of them. Before Superman could speak another word, the Amazon using her left hand and only her left hand grabbed the Man of Steel by his throat, took hold of his ass, effortlessly lifted him off the ground, and began to bench press his sagging body as if he were a dumbbell he had so often proven himself to be. She flung the astonished Superman into the hands of the largest Amazon in the group. The nine-foot-tall four-hundred-plus-pound female roared out a frightening thundering howl of triumph. She too grabbed Superman under his chin and throat lifted the Kryptonian off the ground with ease. She held him suspended in the air with but one hand, her left. She was amused watching him furiously churning his legs trying to run away to who knew where; even while his feet were still off the ground, he continued to air run. "Who are you?" He struggled to speak. "Why are you here?" "My name is Artemis also known as Diana ... Some of your kind refer to me as the Goddess of the Hunt while others associate me with the protection of women ... and ... ah ... I don't know ... a whole bunch more shit. You humans seem to be compelled to put labels on everything and everyone even the Gods and Goddesses." "However, my main duty and responsibility is to protect the rights of females throughout the galaxy, to ensure that they're being treated equally, and given every opportunity to prosper." She tightened her body displaying more muscle definition than Superman had thought possible and when she flexed her muscles her spectacular 72" biceps erupted. The Goddess dwarfed the Kryptonian superhero and his heart nearly burst as panic enveloped him immobilizing the Protector of the Planet. Superman immediately realized he was unequivocally overmatched by this ginormous female completely at the mercy of her and the other Amazons. Maybe for the first time in his heretofore idyllic life the Man of Steel contemplated his own death and yet he was compelled to caress her 72" bicep with both of his hands. He was astonished at the steel like texture of her arms. Try as he might he couldn't get his hands around her generously peaked biceps which by the way were three times the size of his 24" guns. "I, we have come to earth because the policies, attitudes, and actions of too many of your governments and citizens of this planet conclusively demonstrate that the third planet from your sun, your planet, is by far the most sexist and oppressive planet in this galaxy and I blame you for allowing this." "Me?" "I'm sure you're cognizant that in many regions of your world women are treated as chattel required to dress from head to toe in a black garment called an abaya which covers the women's entire body." She punched him the stomach as if he were the one responsible. "Even more reprehensible, for centuries in Africa, the Middle East, and in Asia over 200 million women have been subjected to genital mutilation and other acts of barbarism." She punched him again; this time even harder. "You think I'm responsible?" He asked breathlessly. "Yes, I do." Artemis slapped him across his face sending shock waves throughout his body. "You are an enabler which is every bit as bad as being a perpetrator. In your own county many of your states prevent women from abortion even though the laws of the USA allow for the procedure should a female wish it." "Women, doing the same job on average earn 17 1/2 % less than a man for commensurate work. Why have you done nothing for these women?" She punched the of Man of Steel in the face surprised when blood spurted from his nose. "No ... No ... No." Superman cried out. "You don't understand." "Oh no Superman, I do understand." She flexed her massive biceps enjoying the look of fear spreading across the man's face. "You see, SUPERMAN, even though you could have intervened you've done nothing to stop these vile practices. Benign neglect is tantamount to approval ... Afterall you've proclaimed yourself to be the Protector of the Planet and yet you did nothing, do nothing to protect the females from the many atrocities heaped upon adult women and young girls ... and for this you must and will pay." "Listen." Tears welled up his eyes as he tried to explain that his role on planet earth was predetermined by the dictates of his long-passed father; he was to protect the planet from catastrophic damage while doing no harm. Protect when necessary but he was to never interfere with the traditions, mores, and customs of the planet. "Superman are you saying you were just following orders? Does that sound familiar to you? To me it sounds as if you're saying that you will protect the status quo, enable the haves to always be the halves, but that's not your stated credo --- Truth, Justice, and the American Way ... I challenge your commitment to your stated moral code. Your words have consequences so what is about to happen to you and to your world ..." Artemis let her words trail off ominously. The nine-foot-tall chick had become bored with him so she began to pummel Superman about the head and body watching closely as blood spurted from every facial orifice; his nose, (both nostrils), his mouth, even his ears. She had dislocated his strong jutting jaw causing his facial features to take on a shape reminiscent of a Pablo Picasso painting. She easily spun him around and effected a reverse bear hug entrapping him in her muscular prison from which there could be no escape. Not ready to surrender yet, he exerted every last ounce of his super Kryptonian strength clutching at and squeezing her forearm expecting to break her vice like grip. He was shocked, actually he was traumatized by the unassailable unyielding impenetrable muscular texture of the woman's body. "I believe I've answered your questions." She released her unbreakable hold and peered down at the mighty Superman. She laughed derisively as she delivered a powerful left-hook to his already broken jaw sending the strongest most powerful human on earth head over heels to the base of the barricade. He blinked his eyes attempting to focus but immediately entered the world of cartoons seeing and hearing birds and bees and butterflies tweeting and chirping, buzzing, and flapping as he descended into the dark recesses of semi-consciousness. "I thought you were supposed to be invulnerable." She giggled. "Oh well, makes me no never mind." She giggled some more. "Ka-lel, over the next one-hundred days you will feel my wrath and you will experience unimaginable pain as well as unbridled sexual ecstasy." Artemis, the Goddess of a whole bunch of shit kissed her perfectly peaked 72" biceps demonstrating in no uncertain terms the extent of the super-powers residing within her. Then in a nano second, she lifted the man to his feet and delivered a most devastating right-handed uppercut lifting the 240-pound Kryptonian six-feet off the ground sending Superman flying head over heels through the air at least thirty feet away from her rendering a near dead Superman into a state of true unconsciousness where he would likely remain for a number of days dreaming unpleasant dreams; dreams where he was mercilessly teased and defiled by each one of the 100 amazons; one a night for one-hundred nights. For the moment the rest of the giant Amazons remained stoic while continuing to march in place. When the nearly naked female began to manhandle Superman, tossing him around as if he were nothing more than a frisbee, members of the military unit brandished their weapons and open fired into the midst of the Amazons. The terrified soldiers and policemen, if they hadn't been before, were all horrified when they came to the realization that the bullets were having no effect on the formidable females. In fact, all of the bullets fired into their midst bounced of the impenetrable Amazon bodies ricocheting in all directions wounding more than one of the shooters. A total of nine Amazons forcibly marched into and over the barricade, took control of the soldiers who had been shooting at them, secured their weapons, twisted the guns into pretzel shaped pieces of useless metal. By now the guards were in full retreat. Those who were unhurt and still able to run, ran away. Many of the injured managed to limp away, while those unable to walk steadily were assisted by their colleagues. Their overwhelming power and strength weren't surprising given all that had transpired ever since the discovery of the Amazons. However, what was surprising was, that unaided the Amazons, in mass, took 'flight' heading for who knew where. "Oh Jesus, no." A prone Superman found himself staring up at the looming presence of Algos the seven-foot-eight-inch Goddess of Pain; the bringer of weeping and tears. He knew not what to expect but whatever it was to be he knew he wasn't going to like it much. "Oh yes, Superman ... for the next twenty-four-hours you belong to me." Algos arrogantly pumped up her biceps to cartoonish proportions easily exceeding sixty-inches of throbbing amazon muscle. "Would you like to feel my muscles?" She asked already knowing the answer. He wasn't about to admit it to anyone but he did; he really did. Algos grabbed his wrist and placed his trembling hand on her bicep of granite. Hoping to cause her pain Superman used every ounce of his super-Kryptonian strength and forcibly squeezed her bicep as hard as he could but even with his super strength he couldn't even make a dent in her unyielding muscle let alone hurt her. In return she violently squeezed his hand sending shock waves of unbearable agonizing pain that traveled up his upper arm to his burning deltoids. She grabbed hold of his hands and inserted a needle sized metal rod that had been soaked in jalapeno juices deep into his skin under his finger nails a process she repeated ten more times; the puncturing of his heretofore impenetrable Kryptonian skin underneath his finger nails engendered a pain well beyond simple agony while the jalapeno juices burned more than one could imagine. Next, Algos inserted a similar but longer more jagged rod into the head of his penis much like a catheter followed by her joyfully inserting and pounding a 14" even more jagged rod deep into his anus. Algos understood that the pain Superman was experiencing was beyond that of a human's capacity to endure and she reveled in the delicious irony that his Kryptonian healing powers were the only things allowing her the latitude to continue her tortuous ways. However, now it was time for something completely different. The Goddess exuded sex and she flaunted her massive 52" DDD breasts rubbing herself all over Superman's naked body. Despite the horrific pain he had experienced and was still experiencing his legendary 15" unusually thick Kryptonain cock almost immediately came to life seemingly waving at Algos beckoning her towards him. She reached out and gently removed the iron rod from his rod and commenced to knead and massage his rock-hard penis enjoying the feel in her hand. She inserted his engorged penis into her pussy wrapping the walls of her vagina around his member. Using Kegel exercises Algos rhythmically gripped and released Superman's penis while simultaneously grinding and pumping in a piston like motion. When the Goddess sensed he was about to cum she used her powerful pussy muscles squeezing hard enough to keep him from ejaculating. She managed to prolong the 'love making' for another thirty minutes or so; bringing him to the precipice of sweet release several times only to deny him the pleasure he desperately sought. When she finally disengaged from him, he gratefully exploded sending copious amounts of his semen high into the air with much of the gooey mess landing on his face and bare chest; despite the less than ideal circumstances he had experienced the most sensual moment of his life. She wiped down his chest accumulating some of the cum on her hands which she proceeded to smear onto his face forcing much of his spunk into his mouth causing him to vomit up brownish and yellow bile which dripped down his chin onto the floor beneath. Algos was intent on inflicting as much pain as possible and she couldn't have been happier with herself. Never one to pass up on an opportunity to humiliate an adversary she immediately grabbed the back of his neck shoving the Man of Steel's face down into the disgusting pile of barf forcing him to lick up and eat his own vomit. As humiliating as this was for him, he immediately acquiesced without objection. "Superman let me remind you of this. I am the first of 100 amazons charged with the task of punishing you for your sins against women." She laughed. "You got ninety-nine problems but after today this bitch ain't one of them. She again mounted the Man of Steel and repeated her previous love making ritual. When she sensed he was about to cum she prevented him for as long as possible - 10 - 20 - 30 minutes - until finally setting his pulsing penis free allowing him to again spew forth his super Kryptonian semen much of which Algos again forced into his mouth. "Okay, that's enough." At first Algos was incensed at having been interrupted until she realized that it was Artemis who had done the interrupting. "Superman, you can relax now." The nine-foot-tall Artemis slowly allowed herself to shrink down in size to less than six feet more in keeping with the accepted image of the Goddess Diana. "It's not often that a Goddess apologizes to a mere-mortal, even less so for me, but I've found that I must." Diana gently lifted and carried the traumatized withered body of a nearly paralyzed Superman to an outdoor balcony allowing the sun to beat down on his emaciated body. The permeating solar energy from Earth's yellow sun was regenerating the cells that made up Superman's broken body restoring his super-strength in less than an hour. "Mea Culpa Superman." She nodded to the Man of Steel. "I have traveled to your Fortress of Solitude and perused the archives. I have read over the instruction manual bequeathed to you by your deceased father and I've learned that ... "Your mission was and is to protect the planet from outside forces. You, the last Son of Krypton, were to honor the principals and adhere to the dictates of the Prime Directive; refrain from interfering with the natural, unassisted, evolution of the varying societies on planet earth. ... non-interference was the embodiment of the ethical principles with which you were charged." "I now understand that you were directed to not interfere with the natural order of things." The Goddess smiled demurely. "As near as I can ascertain you have done just that." She smiled again some more. "I misjudged you and your actions." "As of this morning the ladies of my Amazon army have returned to their respective worlds leaving no trace of their presence here on earth." She clapped and rubbed her hands together with a flourish indicating that she was washing her hands of the entire incident. "All of the videos and narratives preciously on the internet and Tik Tok as well as privately shot cell phone and other home videos have all been expunged. In addition, the collective memories of the entire world have been wiped from people's minds. All of the females of earth who were physically enhanced by the visiting Goddesses have been restored to their previous selves with no recollection thereof. "My God Diana." He looked incredulous. "How can you do that?" "Duh." She looked at him sideways. "I'm a Goddess. I can do some pretty cool stuff." AS Diana left the planet she wished Superman luck and urged him to be more sympathetic to the plight of the females on earth. Diane issued him an ominous warning; Laverna, dubbed by earthlings as the trickster goddess, confided in Diana that she had left an enhanced earth woman in Brazil. Unbeknownst to the seemingly unaffected female she carried the 'Amazon Gene' and within an unspecified time the girl would emerge as the most powerful being on the planet. Superman was immediately overwhelmed by the prospect of having to face off with yet another uber-woman. Epilogue Laverna the trickster deity was also thought of by earthlings as the Goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly and a natural born prankster with a wicked sense of humor. When Diana gave the order to unenhance those that she had enhanced, Laverna balked and true to her nature she decided to drop a fly in the ointment; that fly being an enhanced earthling who would possess unimaginable super-powers several times stronger than Superman. The female who would be preprogrammed to mercilessly and gleefully attack the Man of Steel, humiliate him in front of the entire world, before she humbled the man by beating the livin' shit out of him. For nearly three years Superman worried himself silly, obsessing over the credibility of Diana's warning until he finally managed to convince himself that Laverna's diabolical trickster mind probably concocted the 'boogey man' scenario just for shit-and-giggles, a story that postulated that an enhanced female with superpowers greater than his own would be lurking on earth plotting to attack and humiliate him. On the third anniversary of the Amazon's date of departure from earth Superman was faced with his worst nightmare. The outrageously overly muscled female he had been expecting crashed herself through his bedroom window. She was undoubtably the female Laverna had promised would eventually confront and humiliate him. However, this super-woman was not what he had been expecting. As it turns out the muscular one's given name had been Andre but since the transformation it was changed to Andreia; meaning warrior in Portuguese. She was three or four inches taller than he and considerably larger than he in every other aspect of physical development as well. Her imposing muscularity dwarfed his. Each time she flexed her body seemed to expand to cartoonish proportions and her spectacularly peaked biceps that likely exceeded fifty inches suggested incalculable limitless power. She lithely but arrogantly pirouetted on her toes adroitly spinning her body around in order to display and flaunt the entirety of her awesomeness to him. "Please." He was about to beg but he knew not for what he should beg. He realized immediately that the goddess like female was as promised considerably stronger than he, likely three or four times more powerful. Superman knew that he should make an effort to stand up to her but he had no doubt it would be hopeless. He was literally scared shitless of the woman and he could feel his sphincter muscle surrendering knowing that at any moment he could succumb to unsightly anal leakage. Without a word the grinning female plastered Superman in his face with a devasting right-cross that would have floored the man had she not grabbed hold of him. From behind she encircled his head and neck with her right arm forcing her pulsating bicep under his chin against his adam's apple effecting a rear-naked choke hold; she could have killed him right there but what fun would that have been. So, instead, she grabbed him around the waist and with him in tow leaped from his 28th floor apartment building forcing him feet first into the pavement below; with only his head, shoulders, and upper torso visible to the onlookers. Within minutes a huge stunned crowd had assembled. With cell phones in hand and their collective mouths agape the astonished onlookers were snapping pictures faster than the cast of the Real House Wives of Metropolis could guzzle a case of Cabernet. The nearly naked female was wearing only a skimpy day-glow yellow G-string which served as nothing more than dental floss for her ass-crack. The onlookers marveled at her preposterously large biceps and lusted after her mammoth mummeries. Without preamble the Latina Fem-fatale extricated him from his symbolic concrete prison, tore the Man of Steel's clothing away from his body; first his shirt with the silly letter "S" embossed on the front was forcibly removed and discarded, then his tight pants were stripped away, and finally his red, white, and blue underpants were now but a memory. If one were to compare Superman's physique to that of the mysterious woman, he would appear gaunt, puny, and helpless in comparison ... that was probably because in comparison the Man of Squeal was gaunt, was puny, and was helpless. The Amazonian Goddess punched and pummeled the naked man with aplomb (actually she used her fists, no plum) until he dropped down onto his hands and knees weeping as the surprisingly sympathetic Metropolis crowd pleaded with the woman to show mercy to the Protector of the Planet. "Misericordia?" Andreia spoke to the crowd in Portuguese her native language. "Eu conheco para ele." The crowd gasped in disbelief as one of the most beautiful females spectacularly muscled females to ever walk the face of the earth removed her thong and proudly unraveled an enormous 16 1/2 inch flaccid penis allowing 'Mr. Big' to swing unencumbered like a life-sized replica of Thor's hammer. Paralyzed with unrelenting fear Superman remained on his hands and knees, his ass exposed. The traumatized Man of Squeal dreaded what he understood was about to 'cum' next. Unable to resist Superman could feel the massive tool boring itself into his malleable and pliable readily accepting virgin asshole. He could feel the damn thing expanding within him as the head of the probing penis violently collided with his prostate slamming against the gland over and over and over again. For what seemed like hours to Superman but in actuality was barely five agonizing minutes of excruciating pain the embarrassed Man of Steel endured until he literally passed out as his damaged ass-hole bled profusely. While Superman was in a deep six-hour long coma, explicit videos of his ass rape by the Portuguese Amazon were circulating on the internet; going viral across the land. Millions of views of dozens of separate films all with a similar number of likes was proof positive of the overwhelming interest. His prescient coma dream was a vision in which he learned what had happened three years earlier. Detailing how Laverna enhanced an estrogen dominated young eighteen-year-old trans-boy as if her were an actual woman. That explained why the other Goddesses had been unable to locate the enhanced one; they were all searching for a female but Andre hadn't quite gotten there yet. Without explanation the Portuguese speaking female from Brazil deposited the traumatized Kryptonian on his bed whispering to him in Portuguese a not to be disobeyed edict warning him that he was never to fly again ... adding 'se nao.' Giving new meaning to the phrase ... to clip one's wings. Superman wept uncontrollably because he understood that Andreia could return to the city of Metropolis anytime she wished ... He sarcastically thought to himself that he better sign up for an Uber account. Superman vs the new WOMEN ... By the Elder Barry ... 5,400 words ... to be continued?