How my newest boyfriend got me back into boxing after a long hiatus. I was happy to find this website the other day since I feel compelled to share my story with others besides those around here who know me. Let me first tell you that I am 47 years old, which may have some of you fantasy people to stop reading right here! What can I tell you? However, I am in fantastic shape and look 15 years younger so everyone says. In any event, I cannot hide from the calendar. I was always very athletic growing up and played organized sports my whole life. In college I had two passions. One was art and the other was sports. I was on the gymnastic, tennis and track teams and although far from an Olympic qualifier, I loved them all. My parents pushed me to get a degree that I could "make a living at" versus my true passion, art. So today I am a pharmacist at a well known chain store and do my paintings part time but do not make any real money pursuing this. I still workout ALL the time and after two children and one failed marriage I am 5'61/2'', 130 pounds of pretty defined muscles that I am rather proud of and still can wear a bikini at the beach. My daughters' friends, both the guys and the young ladies always comment on my muscles, during a pool arty and whatnot, and making comments like I "can kick their asses" "have bigger biceps and more defined abs" than they do. If they only knew how accurate they are! I never intended to get into boxing and did so simply and honestly to add another thing to my workout schedule. I am a very coordinated, disciplined and physically strong athletic woman and I enjoyed the boxing workouts tremendously. When I started to hit the pads with a trainer and took some lessons it was clear that I had some talent and to blow my own mind, I started competing as an amateur. In between having two children and taking breaks accordingly, I had 19 sanctioned amateur fights and ended up with a record of 17-2 with 9 knockouts. I was very into the whole thing and loved how confident knowing I could fight made me feel. No, I never fought outside of the ring except four times and that was with my x-husband. OK I can summarize those and how that led to my divorce. He was becoming a little insecure with the attention I was receiving from these amateur fights. Between the small articles that would appear in the local paper, that EVERYONE read, to the attention I received from friends and family to the changes it was making not only to my body with added muscle although I was always muscular and fit, but to my confidence and what he called cockiness. And he was 100% truly correct in all of that. I know I became more dominant in the bedroom and at first he liked it I have to say but I also became more dominant if not bossy in our daily relationship as well. And that did not sit well with him nor should it. We were having issues so we decided to take a weeks vacation at his family cabin that is located about 3 hours away and is located on 12 private and picturesque acres. A great place!!! We had a nice sized shed, I would not call it a barn, and I had him put in a heavybag, speedbag and weights and one day, on a very hot and humid August day I was in this un-air-conditioned space banging away on the heavybag drenched in sweat and having a blast, wearing a cutoff t-shirt and shorts that clung to my body and left nothing for the imagination as you can imagine. He comes in and says "so you really think you are something , huh?" I said " excuse me" and he says " you really think because you beat up some women and everyone thinks you are so hot that I care?" HUH? What are you saying?. Now I stopped hitting the bag and I am facing him and I saw it in his face as clear as day, he was jealous AND intimidated and I was insulted and getting angry and it takes a LOT to get me angry. He went on because clearly this was all building up inside of him for a while as I knew my aggression and domination in the bedroom was getting to him and hearing everywhere we went with our friends how amazing my body looked after two kids or no kids for that matter. One word led to another angry word and I just came out and said it. I said " FU Jonathan, you know I can kick your ass, you know my body turns you and all of your lame friends on, you see the attention I get when we go out, you see it and hear it so FU." Believe me that is a mouthful for me to say as I am usually very calm. Then he said " you know what you need, a good punch in the face and ass kicking to bring you back to reality". WOWWWWWWWW. He is doing what as a man he has to do I suppose, challenging his trained boxer wife to a fight to "put me back in my place" like he is a caveman. I walked over to my gym bag and threw a pair of gloves and a mouthpiece at him and said " OK you asked for it and I should have done this to you a year ago, so let's do it" It was stone quiet up there and it felt even quieter as he laced up his gloves and put the mouthpiece in. And there we were, facing each other to have a real fight, husband and wife, the man I loved and had two children with, amazing. And I simply said,"ready?" and we began to circle. I knew no matter the gender or size and he was 5'11'' and 185 pounds or so and he was athletic but nowadays just played some golf, that I was going to clean his clock PLUS I was angry. Within 15 seconds he was bleeding from his nose, within a minute I was using him like a pinata and was not holding back. Shortly thereafter he was on his knees from two hooks to his body and I was taunting him I have to admit. I was calling him weak and a pussy and piece of shit and how I was stealing his manhood from him. When he got up I continued ripping him apart until I scored my first knockout of a man!!! He was lying there on his back, totally unconscious and I was not scared or cared in the least after all what he said. When he awoke and realized what I did he began to cry, yes cry, and cover his eyes with his gloves and this may sound sick but I loved it, I was getting off on it and that is terrible to admit but it is the truth. I gave him a water bottle from the portable ice chest but did not speak to him yet. I took off my gloves and bent down and got in his face and I have never seen him look more scared or more sad in my life. On one hand I felt badly for him, for us, because I knew we were never going to be the same and on the other hand I was happy to beat him and knock him out. Gosh this sounds so terrible to say!!! All I can tell you is that when he finally was able to stand and face me, he broke down again sobbing and literally got to his knees and was grabbing me crying, realizing the bottomline and raw truth of what occurred. I will just tell you that the rest of the day and into the night he was for all intent and purposes my boytoy!!!! I had him do things I would never have made him do nor would he in the past but he knew deep down inside that he had NO choice but do what I said and please me as I wished. From making him masturbate on his dinner and then eat it, to pretty much admit that I am the alpha and he apologized 20x for saying those horrible things. However, being a man and still dealing with my dominance in the bedroom, that increased significantly after that, he was going to challenge me or provoke me again. And he did not disappoint. We fought again, always at the cabin and its privacy and the beatings got worse for him since I knew I could and I knew I had to make sure it was cemented in his head that it is ME who is the fighter, it is ME who is the athlete it is ME who has the muscles that people envy, it is ME who is in control of him AND this family and honestly, as I said it is disgusting to admit but I loved having him as my boytoy. He became my puppy dog and was depressed and timid and well, enough of this , it was time for him to go and he did. He is still a loyal dad and a wonderful provider and always gives me more than he is court mandated to give. Yes, he is still in therapy and lives just 45 minutes away. What it is important for me to say is, that despite having countless opportunities to cheat on him, afterall I am surrounded by men at the gym and I receive passing comments from men all the time due to my looks, I have never cheated on him. I believe in the wedding vows I took. So there I was at age 33, two kids and divorced. Thankfully, money was never an issue as he provided for us, and still does, plus I do work. I ended up with the house we live in, one rental property and today, due to the passing of his parents, I own the cabin. Anyway, I began dating and at first I did not care for it but then got on a run of some really nice men. I cannot hide nor do I want to my athletic physique and I am rather proud of it as I was and still am "the mommy with the muscles" but I do not always bring up my boxing history to the men I dated. Plus I stopped boxing a couple of years after my divorce after suffering three knockouts myself, all of which were very devastating to me and not only for the obvious but because I am not to used to losing in any kind of athletic event. Yes, surely I have lost various races, lifting contests, etc., over the years but I am a very sore loser and being knocked out, unconscious, in front of friends and family really messed me up. With not having the time to devote to boxing and getting older but NOT old, I decided it would be healthier for me to avoid that activity. I kept at everything else, marathon running, mudruns, I did three amateur figure and bodybuilding contests that I made the top 10 (and one of the few natural women to be found- no breast implants needed, thank you very much, or anything else) and the cool thing was I became something of a "fitness model". That cracked me up but it happened in a VERY limited way. After the bodybuilding contest I was approached by some people who actually paid me to model bikinis' and some athletic gear. I still appear on some websites and was in 4 magazines but like I said, small time stuff but flattering. I was doing fine, life was good, my kids were doing well and I was dating a nice guy who was 28 years old compared to my then 36 years old. A bright, handsome guy who had a nice career and all was good. I was always leaning to get married again and he was a possibility for sure after 2 years of dating. He never officially moved in but for all intent and purposes he lived with us and the kids were OK with that too. After a while I told him about my boxing and even bragged and showed off the boxes in the basement of all my trophies and awards and he liked seeing it and had a lot of fun questions about that part of my life. Truth be told, I did date other guys during those 2-years and since we were not married I was morally OK with that. Why did I? Looking back I think the answer was I wanted to explore my sexuality some more. The more I worked out and the more attention I received the more sex I was craving and I acted on that all the time with my boyfriend ... ..but I wanted more or so I thought. There were 4 men I "dated" during that time and to be honest there was little more to those relationships besides sex. Two were athletic men and two were not but all 4 turned me on and all 4 gave me new sexual experiences and 2 of these guys were VERY creative and I liked that and would bring those experiences back home to my boyfriend and he loved it all. I have to admit that I like helping people in all facets of my life but in the bedroom it is ALL about me and my pleasure and why the heck not? One Fall long weekend my b/f and I went to the cabin, which I modernized and added on to since my divorce and planned on a quiet loving sex filled weekend. All was going well until we walked into the gym area, which I also expanded on and modernized and something he has seen at least 10x over our 2-year relationship and he asked me to show him how I hit the speedbag and heavybag. I never stopped working out as I mentioned and that includes some boxing training but just NO sparring or fighting. He has seen me do this before and he loved it when I did it topless and did all of my grunting noises that I am known for. Anyway, out of the blue after I was done with the speedbag he says " so why don't you and me go a few rounds?" I immediately told him straightout- I will fuck your lights out but I will not punch your lights out", and smiled. His behavior became immature and bothersome when he started goading me into a sparring session that , 1- I did not want to participate in and 2- he was ill equipped to participate in. Look, I was a trained boxer, not a professional obviously but an accomplished amateur, even if was several years ago, plus he can see how I hit those bags, can see my strong physique and he knows my history. One word led to another when he says " so the tough girl is scared she is going to be humiliated, and after I put you in your place I think I will take some extra blowjobs during the week and he went on with some terribly nasty crap. It was a side of him I never saw before not to mention one thing he never lacked was "blowjobs" from me or any other kind of sex. In fact on more than a dozen times he said " you fuck more than a guy" comment came from his mouth. So now you want more blowjobs??????? I saw red but I still did not want to fight him or anyone else and I also knew I would be dumping him soon. He was relentless and I finally snapped and said OK lets do it. I won't describe each punch and so on but suffice it to say I punished him far worse than I ever did my x-husband. I beat him from corner to corner in that room leaving him sitting against the wall soundly sleeping with TWO black eyes, sore ribs that took 3 weeks to fully recover from, a swollen face and a bruised ego that I think he will never recover from. When he was able to stand and even then he was wobbly and looked awful. He barely spoke for an hour as he tried to get his handsome or once handsome head around the fact that his girlfriend not only ko'd him but BEAT HIM SENSELESS. He sat down in the kitchen and I stood in front of him waiting for him to speak and I admit I was proud of myself for being the bully in some way. I sat on his lap with my top off and my tits in his face and he started sucking my nipples without a word from me. Sucking my nipples like he was a baby feeding and reminded me of what I did as a young mother . This is total domination I thought and I felt his erection and I was hot!!! I told him to stand up and told him to come outside and lie on the lawn and he did and I sat on his face and urinated down his throat in like a dreamlike state for me I have never experienced in my life nor did I ever think I would do that . I have had a lot of GREAT sexual experiences and as a creative artist I LOVEd them all but this one was crazy. He struggled and gagged but he swallowed a lot of it and then I got off of him and slid down to his chest and now he was talking. "What the F did you do", "What is wrong with you" "that was disgusting" in between gags he said all of this as I shook my head as if to say " buddy, you started this and I ended it" and then I slid back to his mouth and told him to eat me out, he struggled and I punched him in his sore ribs and gut and he complied. I was in a different place by then, my head swimming, my body in total extasy, dominating him, owning him and feeling quite powerful in all ways. After a fabulous orgasm or maybe two, its hard to remember, I sat there, still on top of him and heard him struggling to breathe. So I slid back down to his stomach and reached behind me and after just a few strokes of his cock I felt his body quiver and felt his cum shoot up through my hands and on to my forearms and I wiped his cum into his hair and face. We stayed there for a while and told him to pack up and call an Uber or taxi and get out. He barely said a word besides asking me if he can shower first and I told him no and was about to throw his clothes outside when I saw him pack and start walking to the main road, a good three tenths away from the house. The following day I went back home and packed up whatever he had in my house and UPS shipped everything to him. Sure he called 20x, sent texts and emails but I was done with him. On one hand I missed him because I thought I would someday, possibly, marry him. But when he showed his deep true colors, well, you just read what I did. So here I am at the ripe old age of 47, no plastic surgery of any kind, no "enhancements" needed, still working out 5x a week in the weight room and still doing my boxing workouts ... but there is more! In the past 5 years I have been engaged twice but had to break them off and no, I never had to get physical with these sweet men, it just did not feel right. Both of my kids have gotten married to great guys, yes I am still actively dating and even that has changed over the years. At first I always dated men about my age, more or less, but nowadays I date a LOT younger and about 10-years older, which is wild for me. I have found that the younger men 27-35 can keep up with me in the bedroom and the smart one's are interesting but SO many of them are mentally weak. Meaning they, or at least the one's I have found and dated, are the "woke" types and frankly, for me, they all look great but they are not manly enough for me. No, I am not looking for a boxer, bodybuilder or tough guy man, not at all. True, all the men I date have to be in super shape or it will never work, believe me I dated a few like that. What I need is a decision making, take charge, mature, manly man. Sure, I am more dominant then most and more dominant then ever but in my everyday activities I need NOT be that person all the time and I don't want to be. The older guys have trouble keeping up with me, physically and yes in the bedroom too where sex is very important to me ... but I can compromise. The older guys cannot go for a 40-mile bike ride or a 10-mile run, etc., and that bothers me. However, I still date but am still looking for the right man to have forever. All that being said and the point of this writing is, I am back to being an amateur boxer. I had NO plans on doing so but through a series of events and a lot of encouragement I jumped back in. Over the past 3-years I have had 12 fights and won 9 of them and scored 4 knockouts and my losses were all close decisions to women, LITERALLY, half my age!! So I am happy about that and I truly enjoy the competition. In the state in which I live they give me until age 50 to maintain my license without any kind of appeal. If you would have asked me, or my X-Jonathan for that matter, if I would be boxing at this age we all would have laughed and said no, yet here I am. My opponents have all been very respectful and for those ladies I put to sleep, yes we wear headgear, I think I hurt their psyche quite a bit but so it goes. In this nutty online world I get solicited by "private groups" and others to participate in these private tournaments, that seem interesting and quite profitable but for now at least I am happy fighting as a sanctioned amateur. There is no money in it but that's not why I strap on the leather. I do it for me, to prove to myself I can, to let my muscles and strength do the talking and its something I really enjoy. All of my co-workers at the pharmacy are aware of this passion so when I come to work with a slight bruise or worse there is never a problem. I am fully aware that I cannot do this forever and remain healthy so when I get there I will know and I will hang em up. I love being in this kind of shape, still enjoy the comments about my physique especially when I get older and see all of these out of shape young people (actually I am disgusted by so many of them for letting themselves get fat) and how they in an envious way "check me out" and knowing that I possess the skill and power to destroy them is something that still turns me on and even more as I age. I receive a lot of question's from people who don't know me but have heard of me from the gym or the ring. Some gross anonymous questions that they would never ask me face to face but one popular question is about what I wear because they have seen pictures of me. I will tell you that dress age appropriate, I show enough skin and muscle in a classy way but never over the top NOT age appropriate stuff. At work I wear a lab coat! There are two times I let it all go, meaning I wear rather revealing clothing. One is on vacation where I want to totally relax and quite frankly showoff a little and I make sure, for the most part, I go to resorts that are adults only. So to go braless, cut off shirts to expose my 6 pack, the sexiest bikinis money can buy and very often going topless where permitted. Even on vacation I workout almost everyday because I love it and always want to stay on top. The other place is on local beaches. Besides the sexy bikinis I have been with younger guys especially, one's I liked and wanted to take home with me, I would wear one of those cutoff shirts and no bikini and when that shirt gets wet , well, it's obvious what I look like. This is my life.