By Robojoejoe
The adventures of an adopted muscle girl and her little "big" brother
Konstantin Orlovsky had been a hero of the State.?? A gifted athlete as a child, he had been taken from his parents at a young age and raised in a State sponsored sports school.?? Here he trained every day of his life.?? Konstantin was also the test subject of drug and genetic manipulation designed to make him into a world class strongman.?? The experiments were meant to help win in the Olympics but were also intended to become the means to enhance soldiers.?? All Konstantin knew is that he had grown into a monster of a man, 6"5 and 350 pounds of muscular beef.?? He was the strongest man he knew of.?? But his world came crashing down when he was drug tested before an international competition.?? The International Sports Authority found an unimaginable cocktail of drugs in his system.?? Some they knew, many they couldn"t identify, all skillfully hidden from detection.?? But this year, a new test had been devised and Konstantin"s career in sports was over.
Now, Konstantin was being driven by State Security from the only home he knew.?? They arrived in the country at a large nondescript concrete building.?? He was let out in a deserted courtyard and led into a hallway with a series of locked doors.?? It didn"t look quite like a prison, but he couldn"t tell exactly what it was.?? The guards opened a door and Konstantin was directed inside.?? The room was medium sized and empty except for a large bed in the center.?? And of course, the cameras.?? They were everywhere.
"Wait here."?? One of the guards said.?? Then they left and slammed the door behind them.??
Like Konstantin, Yelena had spent her life in a State School.?? But her school was not for sports, it was for espionage.?? Yelena was a busty and stunningly beautiful blonde woman.?? Tall, at 5"11, she grew up learning how to manipulate and bend people to her will.?? Failing that, she was also taught how to torture and kill them, with no emotion, no feeling.?? Yelena was good at her job.?? She was smart, almost genius level smart.?? Her intellect made her successful as a spy, but it also made her question her purpose in life.?? She eventually began to question the legitimacy of her government as it suppressed its own people.?? The fall of sympathetic governments throughout the east led to increased exposure to other cultures.?? This in turn led to a wider movement demanding freedom.?? Then a revolution erupted.?? Yelena made the mistake of trusting the wrong person, and her sympathy for the goals of the revolutionaries was discovered.?? That made Yelena expendable.?? But she had one last role to play for the state.??
Konstantin heard the lock on the door turn, and he quickly stood up.?? The door opened and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen was pushed roughly into the room.?? She was followed by a worm of a man in a dark suit and an obsequious doctor.??
"Konstantin Orlovsky"? asked the man in a suit, "Are you ready to redeem yourself in the eyes of the state"???
"Yes," he stammered.?? He could have turned all of them into blood stains on the floor in seconds.?? But his lifetime of indoctrination taught him to fear and obey the State and its representatives.??
The suited man displayed a sneering smile.?? "Excellent.?? Your job is to fuck this bitch."?? He pushed Yelena onto the bed and laughed.
Konstantin was confused.?? "I don"t understand."
"Are you stupid"??? asked the doctor.?? "Impregnate her!"
With that, the worm in the suit, the doctor and guards filed out and slammed the door.?? The lock turned.?? To Yelena, it clicked with a frightening finality.?? Yelena looked at the beast of a man.?? He was repulsively large and muscled.?? She knew she had no choice here, so she began to strip.??
Konstantin was in shock.?? He didn"t want to hurt this unknown woman.?? He was even more shocked when she took her clothes off and stared at him with a cold fury.?? In spite of himself, he became aroused.?? She was, beyond arousing.??
"Come on you bear, fuck me and get this over with."
Konstantin shyly removed his clothes and took her on the bed, trying not to crush her.?? As soon as he came, he rolled off of Yelena.?? The door slammed opened and the guards returned.?? They grabbed Yelena and led her out into the hallway where the doctor waited.?? They turned and walked out of Konstantin"s sight.?? The suited man then stepped into the doorway.??
"Konstantin Orlovsky," he said, "you have performed your duty."?? He raised a pistol and shot Konstantin dead.
Yelena spent the next 9 months pregnant and in a hospital room tied to a bed most of the day.?? She was fed a mixture of drugs and subjected to treatments similar to those Konstantin had endured as a child.?? In her room, Yelena had no knowledge of the events in her country.?? That the revolution was not only growing but had become an inexorable force.?? None of that mattered on the day that the contractions started.?? Yelena screamed through the birth, surrounded by masked doctors and the ever-present members of State Security.?? Finally, after a short but intense labor, she gave birth to a girl.?? The baby did not cry.??
"Is she alright"??? Yelena asked the doctors plaintively.?? "Why is she not crying"?
"That is none of your concern."?? The doctor coldly responded.??
The nurses wrapped the baby and carried her out of the room.
"Where are you taking my baby!!"?? Yelena screamed.
The suited man walked up to her bedside and smiled.??
"That baby belongs to the State.?? You have now done your duty."?? He shot Yelena and walked out of the room.
The newborn baby was placed in a crib, in a room filled with dozens of cribs.?? The babies lay still and silent.?? None of them cried, or cooed, or showed any sign of life except for their sad eyes moving around the room.?? They didn"t even respond when an alarm began to wail and a loudspeaker announced that the facility was to be evacuated.?? Two suited men and a doctor conferred.??
The suited Worm turned to the doctor and said "Burn all the records, destroy the equipment.?? Everything."
"What about the children"? the doctor asked.
"They are too young to talk, and we don"t have enough bullets to kill them all.?? Let the little monsters burn the world when they come of age."
The Worm turned to the other suited man and said "But the adults, kill them all.?? When you are done, we leave."
When representatives of the new government found the facility they were horrified.?? There was blood everywhere along with the charred and unidentifiable remains of dozens of victims.?? Worse, there was a cavernous room full of babies.?? There were no records of who they were, where they came from or why they were here.?? All the new government knew is that they now had an orphan crisis on top of everything else.?? They had to find help.
The Adoption
On the other side of the world, a family watched as events unfolded on the news.?? Don and Evelyn had a wonderful four year old boy named Joe.?? He was a sweet, good natured boy.?? Evelyn liked to think that her son had an "old soul".?? He was quiet, inquisitive, empathetic and bright.?? He was a slight boy, who suffered from asthma, but he endured the pain of his affliction with more grace than a child his age should have.?? Don and Evelyn had desperately wanted a sibling for Joe, but a complicated pregnancy and delivery ended that possibility.?? The newscaster was reporting the story of an orphan crisis and ended with a plea for prospective parents.?? Don and Evelyn knew this was their chance to complete their family.?? They contacted the Embassy, and within the year, were traveling overseas to find a second child for their family.?? Before they left, they told young Joe what they were doing.?? He was so excited to have a sibling.?? He looked at his parents with expectant eyes and asked, "Do you think I could have a sister"??? His Mom and Dad teared up at the look on his face.?? "We"ll do the best we can Joe."?? His dad answered.
When Don and Evelyn arrived at the orphanage, they were shocked at the scope of the misery.?? The building bustled with activity. ??Doctors, nurses and aides treated a seemingly endless stream of babies and toddlers.?? An administrator walked Don and Evelyn into a room with a few dozen children.
"These are the ones who are well enough to travel."?? She said with a twinge of sadness.?? "They are all healthy and strong.?? You will notice that none of them are very vocal.?? They can make sounds, but mostly they just don"t.?? They have all been tested and are otherwise developing normally for their age."?? Don and Evelyn walked around the room looking at the babies.?? Some made eye contact, many did not.?? They came to a crib in the back corner, holding a one year old girl with the name "Lilya" on a sign.?? This baby definitely made eye contact with them and would not look away.?? Evelyn"s heart melted.?? Don looked at this wife and asked, "Are you sure"??? The infant girl looked at Don and raised her arms to him.?? He answered his own question.?? "We"re sure."??
Don and Evelyn returned home and introduced young Joe to his new sister, Lilya.?? Joe was over the moon.?? As he sat on a sofa, his mother placed his new baby sister in Joe"s arms.?? Joe looked at her with fascination said, "I love you Lil"Lil"Mom, I can"t say her name."??
"Can you say "Lily""?
"I can!" Joe said.?? "I love you Lily."?? He nuzzled her.?? "I"ll take care of you forever." ??Little Lily made her first sound since coming home.?? She smiled up at Joe, took hold of him with her tiny hands and cooed.
Growing Up and Out
Lily and Joe were virtually inseparable growing up.?? Joe loved going to school but would beeline for Lily as soon as he got home.?? He was always happiest when he was doting on his baby sister.?? For her part, Lily also seemed happiest when she was with her new big brother.?? She seemed happiest, but it was hard to tell.?? She was still generally emotionless and quiet.?? It wasn"t until her third birthday that Lily consistently displayed emotions and began to talk."? At four years old, it was clear that Lily would be a bundle of boundless energy.?? She would drag her bother outside, and he would watch her as she ran and tumbled around their yard.?? Joe would try to keep up with her, but his weak lungs held him back.?? When he could go no more, he sat and watched his sister with a grin on his face.
Don and Evelyn knew they needed to give Lily and outlet for her energy, so they enrolled her in gymnastics classes.?? Lily excelled under professional tutelage.?? Almost immediately she became very aware of her body and its capabilities, and she pushed to improve it.?? By her 8th birthday, Lily had developed very defined musculature.?? She was among the best of the girls in her gymnastics school.?? She was the only girl who could replicate the strength moves of the boy gymnasts.?? And she much preferred to do them.??
Shortly after her 8th birthday, Lily started having serious growth spurts.?? This spelled doom for her budding gymnastics career.?? She was just getting too big.?? She enjoyed swimming, but what she really wanted was a truly individual sport.?? She was walking with her parents one day when they passed a multidisciplinary martial arts dojo.?? Lily asked to see, so they went in.?? The dojo was run by the two brothers named Lee, one specializing in jiujitsu, and the other in karate.?? Lily was hooked and her parents signed her up.?? As with gymnastics, Lily was a natural and progressed quickly through both forms.?? As she grew in skill, she also added krav maga and muay thai to her repertoire.?? Martial arts increased Lily"s awareness of her physical self.?? As she added technical skill, she realized she needed to add power.?? For her 10th birthday, she asked her parents about a gym membership.?? Lily"s parents spoke to the Lee brothers, and they recommended a gym run by a friend of theirs where Lily could receive weight training appropriate for her age and skill.?? Her body responded to weight training in a spectacular fashion.?? The nutritional tips she came home with certainly helped.?? If Lily had displayed defined muscles at 8, at 11 she was looking like a bodybuilder as she continued to grow in mass and height.?? By the time Joe turned 14, he had stopped growing at 5"5.?? Eleven year old Lily was the same height as Joe now and outweighed him by almost 60 pounds. ??And she kept growing.??
As Lily matured, the genetics of her lineage began to engage.?? She not only grew larger than her brother, but also both of her parents.?? Her mind had always been focused and disciplined, but now she was driven.?? She could seemingly shut off her emotions at will, endure crushing physical strain and endure unimaginable pain.?? She mastered the four martial arts she studied.?? Her powerful body was taught to break boards and shatter bricks.?? Her workouts would cripple mature men.?? Some might have seen her as an emotionless monster.?? But to those she allowed to be close to her, she was anything but.?? Her two sensei, the Lee brothers, guided her physical development, while her loving parents gave her all the emotional support she could ever need.?? She loved them all.?? But she reserved her greatest adoration for her "big" brother.?? Even though she dwarfed him, he lived on a pedestal in her eyes."? Joe was also the only person in Lily"s age group who really knew what a powerhouse she had developed into.??
The Asthma Attack
One night, 14 year old Joe had a serious asthma attack, his first in several years.?? Joe"s struggle to breathe woke Lily up with a start.?? She ran into her parents" room and called for help."? Evelyn brought Joe an inhaler and eased his symptoms.?? Lily, Evelyn and Don sat on Joe"s bed with him as he settled back down.??
"You should sleep upright tonight Sport."?? His dad said.??
"I"ll stay with him."?? Lily declared.?? Don and Evelyn kissed their children goodnight and went back to their room.??
Lily sat on the edge of Joe"s bed and stared into his droopy eyes.??
"You scared me, dummy." She said with a weak smile.
"Yeah, I scared me too."?? He rasped with a weak laugh.?? Joe"s laugh brought on a cough.?? Lily scooted next to Joe and pulled him next to her.?? It felt funny to Lily.?? Joe had always been the big brother, always taking care of her, always holding her.?? Now at 11, she was not only taller than Joe, but quite a bit bigger everywhere.?? She wanted to be the one who took the care of him for a change.?? When Joe"s cough passed, Lily stood up from his bed.?? She carefully placed her arms under his legs and back and lifted him into a cradle.??
"Wow," she thought, "he"s so light."
"What are you doing, Lil"??? Joe asked in surprise.?? He wasn"t expecting to be lifted, certainly not by his little sister.?? Startled, he gripped onto her arm with one hand and her back with the other.?? He knew Lily was getting bigger than him, but he hadn"t really wrapped his head around how strong she was.?? She had big, hard lumpy muscles everywhere.?? "She isn"t even a teenager!" Joe thought.?? Joe quickly realized that Lily was controlling his weight easily, so he lay his head on her shoulder and relaxed in her arms.
Lily sat back down on his bed and backed up to the headboard.?? She arranged Joe between her legs and leaned his back up against her chest.??
"Dad said you need to be upright tonight, so I"ll hold you here.?? Go to sleep Big Bro." Lily kissed Joe on the side of his head.?? She placed her hand against his forehead and gently guided his head back onto her chest.?? She wrapped her arms around him in a hug and let him relax.?? Joe lay his hands on Lily"s solid forearms.?? "When did she get so hard"? Joe wondered as he drifted off to sleep.??
School Taunting
As Lily grew, the taunting at school began.?? Bullies were everywhere.?? There were the kids who were just mean; the kids who were themselves different and needed to lash out to compensate.?? Whatever the reason, Lily was a target because she literally stood out from the crowd.?? By 7th grade, when Lily was 13, she was 5"10 and 180 pounds.?? Easily three inches taller than the next tallest boy in her class.?? Lily tried to hide her growing physique.?? It was bad enough that she was so tall.?? No one needed to know that she was also the most muscular student in school.?? But one day, Lily"s legendary stoicism reached its limit in the face of the teasing.
Joe had entered high school, so Lily was alone in middle school.?? She started her walk home in the afternoon, anxious to hit the gym and then her dojo.?? She passed out of the school grounds, behind the bleachers of the sports field and walked along a secluded back wall lined with trees.?? Her walk was usually quiet and lonely.?? Just how she liked it.?? Today though, two boys were huddled against the wall, playing video games on their phones.?? She recognized the boys from her class but didn"t really know them.?? The boys looked up from their screens as she passed by them in silence.??
"There goes the Jolly Green Giant."?? One of the boys snickered.??
"Too tall!" said the other.?? "She"ll need to kneel down to get a date."
Both boys laughed loudly to themselves.
Lily stopped.?? She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.?? "Enough."?? She thought.
She turned and walked back to the boys.?? "Did you say something about me"? she asked as she glared at them with a mixture of anger and hurt.
"Fuck off, you ogre."?? One of the boys responded with disdain.?? "No one wants you around."
Lily dropped her backpack and lunged at the seated boys.?? She wrapped her hands around their necks and lifted them to their feet.?? The boys yelped at the unexpected assault, but they were unable to prevent Lily from controlling them.?? Lily had her arms at full extension keeping their swings and kicks away from her body.?? Her steely fingers pressed on the sides of their necks, compressing their arteries and cutting off the flow of blood to their brains.?? The two boys struggled but couldn"t fight their way out of Lily"s grip.?? They landed blows on her solid arms, the only part of Lily they could reach because she was so much bigger than them.?? Inexorably, the boys quieted.?? Neither could believe what was happening.?? A girl was crushing their necks!?? She was owning them!?? She was"it didn"t matter.?? Their vision faded to black, and they were out.
The boys slowly woke up, crumpled on the ground, struggling to regain their senses.?? They heard Lily before they saw her.?? Wisping breaths, followed by solid thumps.?? The boys pulled themselves upright and found her.?? What they saw made the color drain from their faces.?? Lily had taken off her sweatshirt and left it folded neatly on her backpack.?? She was both awe inspiring and frightening.?? Her muscles were beyond anything the boys had ever seen"anywhere.?? Lily was very lean and very defined.?? Her muscles bulged out everywhere.?? Six deeply etched segments lined her stomach.?? Her obliques stood out in stark relief.?? Her lats were like slabs of beef hanging off her sides.?? Her shoulders stood out from her arms like melons, the ridges of muscle on them rippling with every rapid movement.?? Her biceps were tight, defined and bulged upwards, splitting into spectacular peaks.?? Her triceps dropped equally proud from the bottom of her arms.?? Her back was a wide V shaped field of deeply etched beef.?? Thick veins covered her body like webs.?? She was a vision of unbelievable power.?? But it was what Lily was doing with her muscles that gave the boys the fright of their lives.?? She was dancing in front of a large tree and punching it like a speed bag.?? Her fists were calloused from years of martial arts training, but otherwise unprotected.?? Lily showed no pain as she connected over and over with the smooth bark.?? She punched so quickly that her fists were a blur.?? Bits of bark and wood flew off in all directions, and dents from her punches were visible in the wood beneath.??
One of the boys let out a squeak of fear.?? Lily heard the pitiful noise and stopped.?? She let her arms drop, but kept her fists clenched.?? Lily slowly turned her head towards the boys.?? She let the twerps drink in her intimidating presence and smiled a half smile at their fear.?? Her body was covered in a sheen of perspiration.?? The moisture highlighted her muscles and made her look even more threatening.?? She turned and walked over to the boys.??
"Get up." She said slowly.??
The boys didn"t move.?? Their brains were still foggy and working in overdrive to comprehend the sight before them.
Lily would brook no delay.?? She grabbed each boy by the front of their shirts, yanked them to their feet and pulled them close to her.?? She powered them back against the wall behind them.?? The boys hit the wall with such force that the air was driven from their bodies.?? They slumped forward, remaining upright only by the power of the arms holding them.?? The boys" hands reached for Lily"s wrists to help support themselves.?? They felt the steely and unyielding muscles bulging in her forearms.?? Lily yanked them close to her and stared deeply into their eyes.
"I could break you two like twigs." She growled in a venomous tone.
The boys shook in terror and began to babble over each other.?? They begged Lily not to hurt them and to believe how sorry they were.?? Lily shoved the boys back into the wall again and let go of their shirts.?? The boys dropped to the ground, winded and afraid.?? Lily squatted down and looked at them intently.
"If either of you EVER mocks me again, I"ll turn you both into bloody piles on the ground.?? Understand"?
Both boys desperately responded "YES!"
Lily stood up, turned and walked over to her bag and sweatshirt.?? As she walked, she spread her lats and hunched her shoulders.?? Her back exploded into an eye-popping field of power as her traps rose around her neck.?? The image was meant to continue the intimidation, and it worked.?? One of the boys jumped up and ran away as fast as his feet would carry him, a fearful wailing trailing behind him.?? The other boy stayed rooted to the ground.?? He too was frightened of Lily, but he also felt the first pangs of ecstasy that comes when an average male experiences the power and dominance of a strong and muscular woman.?? His life was forever changed.?? Lily slid her sweatshirt on, slung her backpack over her bulbous shoulder and began to walk away.?? She turned to see the worshiper still staring after her, and she smiled to herself.??
"Boys."?? She thought with a satisfied eye roll.
The Bully
Lily was ecstatic when she entered High School.?? She would finally get to be in school with Joe again.?? They both enjoyed sharing the experience.?? But shortly after the start of her sophomore year, things got strange.?? Joe, now a senior, stopped talking about school and quickly changed the subject whenever it came up.?? Lily also realized that she could rarely find him on campus. ??It was like Joe was hiding.?? Lily was very sensitive to Joe"s emotions and knew something was wrong.??
She spent some time sleuthing around and quickly figured out the problem.?? There was a bully in Joe"s senior class.?? A new student at the school, Tim Simons, was a classic bully; at 5"11 and 170 untrained pounds, he was bigger than some of the kids and just mean.?? Joe had stood up to Tim when he picked on a classmate.?? The act of chivalry earned Joe bruises when Tim punched him hard in the stomach.?? Lily found out about the incident from friends and decided to confront Joe about it at home.
At 16, Lily"s growing height had finally caught up with her musculature and density.?? She was now bordering on monstrous at an even 6 ft tall and 201 pounds.
Lily paused outside of Joe"s room and summoned calm.?? She knocked and went in.??
"Hey Bro."?? She said gently.?? "We need to talk."
"OK." He replied, turning to her in his chair.?? "What"s up"?
Lily sat on the floor in front of Joe. ??Seated, she was almost eye to eye with her slight older brother. "I know about the bully in your class and that he hit you."
Joe"s face went white.?? He didn"t want to escalate the problem with Tim, and he had desperately tried to keep the information from Lily.?? But at that moment, he knew it had been a foolish move and a lost cause.?? He stared at Lily.?? Her presence had always brought him comfort and joy, but now he saw a tenseness in her bulk.?? Her muscles were twitching below her serious look.?? Joe recalled the moment when Tim punched him and began to weep.??
He clenched the arms of his chair.?? "I"m sorry Lil.?? I don"t know why I kept it from you.?? I guess I didn"t want it to get any worse."
Lily slowly rose in front of Joe, hands on her wide hips as she glared down at him.?? She wasn"t mad at him, but she was stern.?? "Joe, you NEVER keep secrets from me again.?? Do you understand"?
"Yes Lily."?? He answered obediently.
Joe stared into the massive quads in front of his face.?? The meat overhanging Lily"s knees flexed as she stepped up to him.?? Joe leaned forward and rested his face on her quad.?? The rock-hard ridges of her thigh were covered with a soft warm skin that felt so good. ??Joe calmed down, then looked up to see Lily"s blue eyes boring into him.??
Lily bent over at the waist and wrapped her steely fingers around both Joe"s skinny forearms and the arm of the chair.?? Joe looked up at her exposed pecs and watched as the shredded muscle bulged and rolled up to her neck.?? For the first time in his life, Joe felt a pang of fear at the power of his little sister.?? Still holding onto his arms, Lily squatted down in front of Joe.??
Slowly and firmly, she said "You"re my brother.?? You belong to me.?? No one hurts you."?? She gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and caressed his cheek. ??Joe closed his eyes and pressed his face into Lily"s calloused hand.??
Lily rose to her full majestic height and walked out of his room.?? Joe watched as her shoulders filled the doorway.?? The mass of her body never ceased to amaze him.?? Lily spent the rest of the night in their basement gym.?? Joe heard the clanging iron and wondered what would be in store for Tim"and him.
Lily knew that the best way to end a bully"s reign of terror was to humiliate them publicly.?? The next day she found Tim in the park just outside the school grounds.?? The school day was over, and kids were streaming through the park on their way home.?? Tim was sitting on a picnic table in a copse of trees, joking with the other jerks in the school.?? As usual, Lily was dressed in a loose sweatshirt and jeans, her long luxurious blonde hair tied tightly in a bun to keep it out of her way.?? She walked to him forcefully and with a serious look on her face.?? People quickly moved out of her way, not wanting to be run over by the large girl.?? As she neared the picnic table, she called out in her deep voice, "Tim Simons, we have business."
The group looked up.?? Tim was alarmed at her size, but momentarily taken by her beautiful face.?? Looking at her body, he decided she must be a fat cow and dismissed her almost immediately.?? "Go away fat chick.?? Only the hot girls get to do the business with me."?? Tim"s retinue laughed."? Lily rarely exposed her muscles in public, but that was about to change in a dramatic way.?? She smiled in a manner that made Tim uncomfortable.?? Lily slowly unzipped the front of her sweatshirt.?? Her large breasts, concealed behind a cropped tank top t-shirt, were the first thing the boys saw.?? "Nice tits!" one of the boys exclaimed.?? Lily kept her steely eyes focused on Tim.?? As the sweatshirt parted at the bottom, her rocky abs were revealed.?? Lily peeled the sleeves of the sweatshirt off the mountainous mass of her arms.?? The boys went dead silent.??
"Whoa, she"s a freak." Tim exclaimed, trying to cover his fearful amazement with bravado.
"Really"??? Lily replied.?? "You see this kind of power in front of you," she swept both of her arms up into a colossal display of biceps, "and the only thing you can think to do is insult me"??? Lily"s arms were vascular, shredded marvels.?? Her 18-inch biceps had a deeply defined split peak that caused a stir of awe in the crowd that was forming to watch events unfold.
Tim was a jerk, but he also had a survival instinct.?? It was time to leave.??
"Yes, you"re a freak, you wanna-be man" he retorted as he tried to walk past Lily and exit the situation.??
He tried to push her out of the way with a shove of his shoulder.?? But instead of moving Lily, the inertia of Tim"s push only spun him around the immovable pillar of muscle.?? Lily smirked and raised her left arm straight out to block his path.?? Her raised arm elicited another gasp from the crowd.?? It was clear she had large shoulders, but on an outstretched arm, they popped up like striated pumpkins.?? Her unflexed and extended biceps rose menacingly on top of her thick arm.?? But it was the hanging beef of her triceps that were the most mesmerizing.?? Tim tried to push past her monster arm but could not.?? Lily easily swung her arm forward and pushed Tim back in front of her.?? Tim"s survival instinct lost to his internal rage at being shown up in public.?? He roughly put his hands on Lily"s hard pecs and pushed with all his might.?? He was going to put this skank in her place and on her ass.?? It was like pushing against a wall.?? Lily didn"t move an inch.?? Instead Tim only succeeded in pushing himself backwards.?? Lily gave him a patronizing smile.?? Tim tried again, this time giving himself a running start. The result was the same; Lily didn"t move at all.?? She peeled Tim"s hands off of her chest and wrapped them in her big fists. ??She compressed Tim"s hands, causing a high pitched scream of pain from the boy.?? Tim"s legs collapsed beneath him, but Lily wouldn"t let him fall.?? She pulled up sharply on his arms, tossing Tim into the air and back onto his feet.?? She let go of Tim"s crumpled hands and shoved him hard in the chest.?? Tim"s feet left the ground as he was thrown back six feet, landing hard on his back.?? The assembled crowd grimaced at the move.??
Lily strode up to Tim.?? "That"s how you push someone down.?? This is how you pick them up again."??
Lily grabbed at Tim, wrapping one big hand around his neck and the other between his legs, crushing his balls.?? Tim tried to let out another high-pitched screech, but it was choked off.?? Lily lifted the frightened boy straight up over her head.?? Tim"s friends had had enough; They ran.?? Lily walked with Tim over her head to the picnic table and slammed his body down on it.?? All of the air left Tim"s body.?? He flopped on the table gasping like a fish out of water.??
As usual, Joe had waited for most of the kids to leave before he left school.?? He paused at the top of the school building steps, saw a commotion across the street and wondered what was happening.?? Then, through the crowd he saw Lily in a tank top.?? "She never dresses like that in public.?? What is she doing"??? he wondered.?? Then he saw Lily lift a body over her head.?? "Oh no!"?? Joe took off at a run and barreled his way through the crowd.??
Lily leaned in low and close to Tim"s face.?? "You like to bully weaker people??? How does it feel when it happens to you"? ??She whispered to him.?? Tim couldn"t answer.?? Lily pulled her head back and raised her fist up, ready to strike. ??Tim"s world narrowed down to the big fist and massively muscled arm that hung over his head.?? Lily"s tone turned venomous. "I"m not normally a violent person.?? But when I found out that you hurt my big brother, all I wanted to do was put my fist through your face."
Joe ran up to Lily and Tim screaming. "Lily! ??No! ??Please don"t hurt him!"??
Joe didn"t really care about Tim"s welfare, but he knew that Tim was a bug compared to Lily"s power.?? He didn"t want Lily to do anything she would regret.?? Lily, however, was clever, calculating and knew exactly what she was doing.?? ??She slowly turned her head to look at Joe"s worried face.?? She hadn"t expected to see Joe here, but she decided to play off his presence.??
"Yes, big brother." She said in a tone of mock resignation while rolling her eyes.?? Lily turned her face back to Tim, her expression returning to deadly serious.?? "You hurt him, and here he is trying to save you.?? Maybe you should take lessons in kindness from him."?? Lily broke into an evil grin, never breaking eye contact with Tim.?? "Do you know what would happen to you if I put my fist through your face"???
Tim had recovered some of his breath, but still couldn"t speak.?? He was physically shivering in fear at the massive gun cocked over his head.?? Quicker than a blink, Lily powered her muscular arm down.?? Her calloused anvil of a fist struck the two-inch-thick wood of the table next to Tim"s head, and smashed straight through it.?? The wood shattered under Lily"s assault.?? Tim"s eyes slammed shut and he screamed, preparing for pain.?? When none came, he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head.?? He saw Lily"s wide, vascular forearm flexing next to him, her fist and wrist completely hidden in the splintered hole in the table.?? Tim wet himself.??
Lily leaned in close and whispered, "One of my punches would kill you.?? Let"s make sure I never need to show you my fist again.?? Alright"???
Lily pulled her hand through the broken wood and gently patted Tim"s face.?? Tim"s brain short circuited.?? He rolled over to his side, curled up in a ball and started to wail.?? Lily turned away, picked up her sweatshirt and put it back on.?? She looked at the crowd of kids and said "Leave Tim alone.?? He"ll be fine."?? The kids obeyed Lily and walked away, wide-eyed at the spectacle they had witnessed.?? Joe remained rooted in place as Lily walked up to him.?? He looked sad and a little afraid.?? He loved Lily so much and didn"t want her to lose control and get in trouble on his account.?? And what if she lost control on him??? Lily read the emotions on Joe"s face.?? She wrapped her rocky arms around Joe and lifted him into a gentle hug.?? As she held him to her, Joe"s fears and concerns came tumbling out.?? "Shh."?? Lily replied.?? "I was in total control.?? And I would NEVER hurt you."?? She pulled her head back and looked Joe in the eyes.?? "But remember what I said in your room.?? No one else will hurt my big brother either."?? She set Joe back on his feet and they turned to walke home, little arm in massive arm.
Boy Toy
After Joe graduated high school, he went on to college.?? Thankfully there was a highly regarded school very close by, so Joe was able to live at home.?? The arrangement made everyone happy.?? Lily was still left to her own devices in her final years of high school, which she enjoyed.?? ??But there was one class that annoyed her: phys ed.??
"I mean really.?? Look at me.?? Do you think phys ed is going to do more for me than I already do for myself"??? she asked the gym instructor.??
The coach conceded her point after watching Lily do endless reps with his maximum lifts.?? Instead of making Lily go to gym class with the other students, he allowed her to have a "self-study" period in the weight room.?? Lily loved it.?? She had more workout time in a deserted weight room, exactly how she liked it.??
One afternoon, toward the end of a grueling chest workout, Lily became aware of another person in the weight room.?? She looked up from the bench and saw a boy staring at her.?? He was wide-eyed and slack jawed.?? It took Lily a moment to realize that it was the same boy she had taught a lesson to in middle school, the one who couldn"t tear his eyes off of her as she walked away from him.?? His name was David, and for the past several years since his "correction", he had maintained a very respectful distance from her.?? Clearly some retraining was going to be necessary.??
Lily rose from the bench and slowly walked toward David.?? Now 18, she had finally stopped growing up at 6"3.?? She had not stopped growing out though, tipping the scales at a solid 225 pounds. ??Lily knew she was quite a sight. ??As a fully mature young woman, she was a stunning beauty.?? It wasn"t arrogant to admit the truth.?? "I must have good genes."?? She once thought to herself.?? Her long, luxurious blond hair framed a gorgeous face with high cheekbones, a perfectly straight nose and full lips. ??She also possessed the assets that boys and men drooled over; her breasts were full and unnaturally perky D-cups with nipples that would only be hidden by the most padded bras.?? Her traits would have made her the most sought after girl around, if she hadn"t been the largest and most muscular gym beast anyone had ever laid eyes on.?? Her breasts were perky because they were supported by inches of striated pecs.?? Her beautiful face capped a thick neck, surrounded by high traps.?? And today, after a long workout in tight shorts and a loose tank top, she was a sweat covered vision.??
"What, exactly, do you think you"re doing"? Lily"s deep sexy voice asked David.?? "Didn"t you once make me a promise to leave me alone"???
David stammered, but no words would come out.?? Instead he dropped his head down and stared straight at the floor.?? He pressed his palms tightly against his legs and began to shiver.?? Finally, he got two words to form.??
"I"m sorry!" he squeaked.
Lily was right in front of him now, hands on her hips.?? She looked down at the boy who couldn"t be more than 5"9 and was maybe 100 pounds lighter than her.??
"For what David??? Why are you sorry"???
"I"m sorry for bothering you.?? I hoped you"d be here.?? I know it"s creepy, but when I saw you, I couldn"t look away""?? As he spoke, David"s voice got softer and softer.?? He knew he was in serious trouble.?? But he couldn"t help himself.?? His eyes raised slightly to look at the legs in front of him.?? Lily"s large feet held up lower legs with bulging veiny calves.?? His eyes traveled a bit higher and saw the four large muscles in each of her quads, vascular and distinct.?? Lily could see that David was staring at her legs, so she started twisting one.?? Her ponderous quad became a rolling tidal wave of motion until she snap-flexed it into a striated mass that hung over her knee.?? David knew he was caught, again.?? He slammed his eyes shut and began to whimper, expecting the worst from the girl who was both his nemesis and greatest fantasy.??
"David, you"re not the brightest bulb in the box, are you"? Lily said with a quick laugh.?? She pinched his jaw between her strong fingers and forced his head up. ??She bore into his eyes with her eyebrows raised.??
"Tell me why you"re here."
David began to sob.?? "I love you!"??
Lily let go of David"s face and returned her hands to her hips.??
"You don"t love me David.?? Before right now, the only words you ever spoke to me were insults, and then you begged forgiveness when I knocked you on your ass for it.?? That is NOT love."
David quieted and looked up sadly at Lily.??
??"All you love is the IDEA of me.?? You"re hot for the muscles you don"t have and wish you did.?? What you LOVE is how my muscles make YOU feel.?? You don"t care a bit about ME.?? If you did, you wouldn"t be sneaking around copping looks at me."
Intellectually David knew that Lily was correct, and he was ashamed.?? That emotion showed clearly on his face.?? But his lust didn"t care at all.?? THAT emotion showed in David"s growing erection.??
Lily dropped her arms to her side in exasperation.?? "Unbelievable!"?? she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes.
She was about to pick up the annoying twerp and toss him out of the weight room, when an idea formed in her mind.?? Lily was not without her own lust.?? As she matured, she became more aware of her own sexuality and enjoyed exploring it.?? Her explorations had been with herself, and by now she was quite skilled at arousing herself and using her fingers to achieve climax.?? She listened to other girls talk about their experiences with boys.?? Maybe it was time she experimented with one.
Lily had been silent and staring mindlessly through David for a long of minute.?? He decided to slowly back up and leave.?? "Maybe she won"t beat me up again" he hoped.
"Wait David" Lily ordered, in softer tone.?? "How about this.?? I"ll let you feel my muscles.?? But on MY terms, not yours.?? Yes or no.?? You decide right now."
David went wide-eyed again.?? "Yes, please!" he whispered.
Lily knew that Joe had late classes tonight and her mom and dad were out of town for a few days.?? She safely had the house to herself until at least 10pm.
"Meet me at my house at 6."?? Lily said.?? "And from now on, you call me Liliya.?? "Lily" is reserved for the people who love ME, not just these."?? She ran her finger down her torso, flexing muscles as her finger passed, bouncing pecs, tensing abs.?? David nodded, his mind in a daze.
David arrived at Lily"s home exactly at 6.?? He wouldn"t dare disappoint her.?? Lily had come home, showered and changed into a new workout outfit.??
"Hi Liliya."?? He said tentatively as he handed her a small bouquet of flowers.??
"Well aren"t you chivalrous."?? She smirked as she took the flowers.
Lily led David down to the gym set up in the basement.?? David looked at the racks of heavy weights in wonder.?? Lily sat down on a bench and pressed David on his shoulder until he was on his knees in front of her.?? As he had earlier in the day, David surveyed the frightening bulges that covered Lily"s legs.
"Well"? she asked as she pointed to her bulbous calves.?? "Are you going to feel them"???
David took his finger and ran it along the largest vein, then poked at the solid unyielding mass.
"What are you doing"? Lily demanded.?? "I"m not a pincushion.?? If you want to feel my muscles, don"t poke them, put your hands on them!"
She grabbed his hand, opened up his fingers and wrapped them around one side of her calf.?? It was all he could palm.?? David looked up to make sure he had permission, and then tried to wrap both of his hands around the muscle.?? He couldn"t.?? When she lifted her foot, the muscle grew even bigger and harder.?? He moved his hands to rub the large hamstrings hanging below her thighs.?? Lily flexed her mountain of bicep and lowered it for him to explore.??
"How strong are you"? David asked in a hoarse voice?
"How much do you weigh, David?
"130 pounds."
"Hmmm, can you count how much weight is on this bar"? she asked as she pointed to the bar racked above the bench.??
David looked at the eight 50 pound plates with wide eyes.?? "That"s 400 pounds!"
"Yep.?? That"s over 3 times your weight, right"?
David nodded slowly.?? Lily lay down on the bench, unracked the bar and pressed it with precision for 10 reps.?? David knew he couldn"t lift even one of the 50 pound plates over his head.?? He shivered at her display.?? Lily sat back up and flexed for David again.?? His eyes were glued to Lily"s arms and chest.
"Why do you build your muscles so big"??? he asked.
"I do it for myself.?? I like the way they look on me and I like the power they give me."
David was so curious.?? "Power to do what"?
"Whatever I want."?? Lily said with an evil grin.?? "See those cinder blocks against the wall??? Bring one to me."
David stood and used two hands to bring the big block back over to Lily.?? He lay it at her feet and resumed his position on his knees.
"Punch it." Lily demanded.
"WHAT??? I can"t punch that.?? It would break my hand."??
How do you know if you don"t try"? Lily answered.?? "Do it."
David gingerly raised a fist and punched the cinder block.?? As he expected, it really hurt and skinned his knuckles.?? He hadn"t even punched it that hard.
Lily laughed at his attempt. "Pitiful."
She got down on one knee over the cinder block, raised her fist and punched down hard.?? The block disintegrated.?? She looked David in the eye and raised her hand for him to inspect.?? The callouses on her knuckles were so hard, there was not a mark to be seen.??
"THAT is why I build power. Do you want to try to do a benchpress??? I"ll give you a weight you should be able to handle."??
David had never lifted a weight in his life and really didn"t want to start in front of Lily, but he didn"t know how to say no.?? Lily removed the 400 pounds of plates, leaving only the 45 pound bar.?? She showed David how to handle the weight, then stood over him to spot as he tried.?? He was able to unrack the bar, get it down and halfway back up.?? Lily had to help him finish the rep.?? David was not a strong boy, but part of his problem was a lack of concentration.?? Lily"s crotch hanging over his head was a major distraction.?? Her workout shorts were skintight, and there was a tantalizing mass between her legs that riveted David.?? After re-racking the bar, he nonchalantly tried to graze the bulge with his hand."?
"What the hell do you think you"re doing!"?? Lily yelled as she slapped his hand away.
David flinched and scrunched his eyes shut.??
"I told you that you were here to touch my muscles on MY terms, NOT yours.?? If you want to touch me there so badly, that comes on my terms too."?? Lily"s voice had a hard edge to it that frightened David.?? He didn"t have to wait long to see what Lily"s terms were.?? She slid off her workout shorts and straddled the bench over David"s head.
She pointed to her shaven crotch.?? "There are two places you need to know." She used two fingers to pull out her large clit.?? "This, you suck between your lips."?? She moved her fingers to spread her labia wide open.?? "This is where you put your tongue.?? I"ll tell you when you get it right."
Lily lowered her crotch onto David"s face.?? She gave him specific directions which he followed like the absolute amateur he was.?? In frustration, Lily grabbed the sides of his head and moved it herself as she rode his face.?? That worked!?? She was eventually able to extract a thundering climax that left her weak in the knees.?? Lily sat down heavily to regain her senses.?? David"s face was rubbed red and covered with her musk and juices.?? He began to gasp loudly when Lily sat on his chest.?? He desperately tried to press up on the glutes hanging over both sides of his chest.
"Please Liliya!" he sputtered, "I can"t breathe!"
Lily lifted up quickly, scooted down the bench and sat back down.?? She grabbed a fistful of David"s shirt and forced his body into a sitting position facing her.?? She used her sweat soaked towel to wipe David"s face clean.?? He breathed in deeply as she cleaned him up, hypnotized by her aroma on the towel.
"Was it everything you hoped it would be"? she asked him with a sarcastic grin.??
David looked to be in shock, his eyes wide and unfocused and his hair a mess.??
"Hey," Lily said, leaning down to look him straight in the eyes, "you did ok."
David gave her a spacey smile.
"That"s enough for today. You need to go."
David looked down at his stiff erection and looked back up at Lily wantingly.
"Oh no!"?? she said.?? "You deal with that thing on your own time.?? You"re here for my pleasure."
David hung his head and allowed Lily to pull him up by his upper arm and guide him to the front door.??
"Remember, what happened here tonight stays between us."?? Lily said as she flexed a menacing bicep.?? "I don"t want to hear that you blabbed about our experience."?? She pressed the knuckles of her large fist against David"s lips, which he kissed.??
"Yes Liliya."??
With that Lily sent him on his way.?? On her way back down to the basement she giggled loudly to herself.?? "OK, lesson learned.?? Faces are better than fingers."
Lily allowed David to explore her muscles in exchange for her pleasure for the rest of the year before David"s family moved away.?? Later in life, he looked back on his experiences with Liliya as his most formative.?? She was never mean to him, unless he did something stupid.?? But she broke him sexually.?? He would eventually marry for love and raise a family.?? But he would keep the deep secret that only one massive woman could ever truly arouse him.
After David, Lily was perfectly satisfied with self-pleasure.?? Her muscles were for herself.
The Dojo
It is an unfortunate truth that it sometimes takes tragedy to spur change.?? During Lily"s senior year in high school, two teenage girls were abducted in a nearby city.?? Thankfully the girls were found before any harm came to them.?? Nevertheless, the trauma of the incident broke the illusion of safety that many parents clung to.?? They needed to protect their little girls.??
After years of study with the Lee brothers, Lily had developed into a highly skilled martial artist.?? In the aftermath of the kidnapping, their dojo was inundated by worried parents wanting their teenage girls to be trained in self-defense.?? The brothers prided themselves on teaching every student personally, but they knew they wouldn"t be able to manage the volume of students coming to them.?? The only member of their dojo they were willing to consider as an instructor was their star student: Lily.?? She jumped at the opportunity the brothers offered.?? In short order, Lily was leading her own self-defense class.?? While not meant exclusively for girls, her first class was entirely comprised of her female high school classmates.??
One aspect of the high school experience Lily hated was the cliquishness.?? The smart kids were separate from the jocks, who were separate from the popular kids and so on.?? This is why Lily generally kept to herself.?? When she surveyed her first class, she saw girls from all groups, the pretty and the plain, most younger than her, some from her senior class.?? Without question though, Lily was the Alpha.?? Her experience, size and obvious power made her role as sensei an unquestioned one.?? One of the lessons she would teach her class was how to stick together as women and not as members of a meaningless clique.
To start her first class, she sat with the girls to set expectations.
"Why do you think you"re here"??? she asked them in her deep sonorous voice.
The answers were consistent.?? The girls were there because of their parents.
"So, your parents are afraid.?? They want you to be safe."
The girls all nodded.
Lily looked every one of them in the eye with her intense gaze.??
"I want you here for a different reason.?? I want you to be strong.?? I want you to earn the confidence that comes from strength."?? Lily flexed a towering bicep covered in a web of thick veins, eliciting wide-eyed gasps.?? "And I don"t mean you have to have muscles like mine.?? I"m talking about the strength that comes from knowing that you can take care of yourselves.?? I will teach you that, if you"re willing to learn."
The girls were mesmerized and fully bought in.?? Lily trained her class well and in a matter of months she was leading a group of skilled fighters who knew they were in control of their well-being.?? Lily knew it was time for the next "talk."
"Ladies, you"ve come a long way in a short time.?? There isn"t a guy anywhere in this town who should want to meet you in a dark alley."
The girls giggled and high fived each other.?? Lily laughed with them, but then became more serious.
"What are you going to do with the skills you"ve learned"?
One girl said, "Throw my little brother out when he bugs me."
"I"m KNOCKING my brother out."?? another declared.??
"OK," Lily interrupted, "all boys can be pains in the ass.?? I love my brother like crazy, but even he has his moments.?? But what you cannot be, are bullies.?? With the work you"ve put in, you contain more power than most people.?? That power is not to use against someone weaker than you.?? If anything, you should be protecting the people weaker than you."
The girls were shamed but embraced the message their sensei was giving them.
"YES SENSEI!"?? They responded in unison.
"OK, let"s go back to drills."
The girls rose and went to their positions.?? Outside the dojo, a boy lingered by the window reading the posted brochures and looking in.?? Lily saw him through the glass and vaguely recognized him from school.
One of the younger girls, Molly, followed Lily"s eyes and said "I know him.?? His name is Will.?? He"s in my class."
Something made Lily curious about the boy.?? "Ask him if he wants to come in."
Molly nodded and went to the front door.?? Molly was a red-headed sophomore and an accomplished gymnast, one of the "jocks" in the high school.?? Like Lily, she started gymnastics at a very young age, but had kept at it.?? Now at 15, Molly was a stocky 5 foot tall powerhouse.?? The other girls in the class nicknamed her "Sparkplug" because of her short stature and boundless energy and power.??
Molly walked out to Will on the sidewalk.?? In school, they had never spoken.?? "Hey Will!"?? she said brightly.??
Will was startled and jumped.?? He was on the small side for a boy, only a couple of inches taller than Molly but nowhere near as thick.?? "Uh, hi Molly" he answered with lowered eyes.??
Molly smiled at his cute display of shyness.?? "We"re having a class inside.?? Our Sensei wants to know if you want to come in and watch."
Will looked up at Molly.?? "Well, I don"t know""
"Come on!?? We have fun!?? Sensei is awesome!" Molly gushed.?? She grabbed Will"s upper arm to pull him in.??
Will"s reaction to her grip was dramatic.?? His face screwed up in pain and his body curled.?? Molly quickly jerked her hand back.?? She knew she hadn"t grabbed him that hard.?? Will"s arm seemed paralyzed and he rubbed it gently with his other hand.??
"I"m so sorry!"?? Molly apologized.?? "I didn"t mean to hurt you!"??
"You didn"t" Will muttered.?? "It"s just""?? Then Will went silent.
Molly reached out tentatively to Will"s upper arm again.?? "Will"?
Will flinched and took a step back.
"Will!"?? Molly"s voice and expression became commanding.?? Will surrendered and dropped his hand.?? Molly gently lifted Will"s sleeve and uncovered a bright and ugly bruise on his upper arm.??
With an expression that morphed from worry to anger, Molly asked "Who did this to you"?
Will named a couple of jerky boys in their class.?? Molly rolled her eyes in disgust.?? "Please come in Will."
"OK."?? He said dejectedly.?? Will"s emotions were a whirlwind.?? He was a shy boy and rarely interacted with girls.?? Molly"s direct attention caught him by surprise, and she was so pretty.?? He didn"t know how to retreat from the situation, so he decided to go with it.??
Molly took him by the hand and brought him into the Dojo.?? She loudly introduced him to her classmates, who all greeted him.??
"Oh God," Will thought, "They"re all girls!"
Molly walked Will up to Sensei Lily and introduced them.?? Will went stiff in shock.??
It"s funny how legends work.?? They"re often based on a true story that grows with the retelling.?? Lily"s handling of Tim Simons was one of those true stories.?? The tale of her strength and dominance was retold at school to the point that the incident passed into the realm of myth.?? By reputation among the students, Lily was a giant destroyer of men.?? This wasn"t something Lily appreciated, but she couldn"t control it and ultimately, she had brought it on herself.?? Will heard the story of the big muscle woman when he entered high school, and soon thereafter saw the subject of them from a distance.?? He figured the safest thing to do was to never be in Lily"s presence.?? Now, here she was, looking down at him like a hammer looks at a nail.??
"Sensei Lily," Molly said, "This is Will."
"Hello Will."?? Lily said gently.
Even though Will and Lily were separated in age by two years, her imposing presence commanded respect.?? "Hello Ma"am."?? Will said as he extended his hand.
Lily gave her hand to Will.?? He was stupefied not only by the size of Lily"s hand, but the exposed forearm it was attached to.?? Lumpy ridges of muscle pulsated when she moved her fingers. Will"s father taught him manners and the value of a firm handshake.?? But this situation was completely outside of his lessons.?? What do you do when the hand you"re shaking completely engulfs yours??? It"s a little hard to have a firm grip, but Will did his best.?? Lily recognized the meaning of the gesture and smiled.
"So, Will, are you interested in some martial arts classes"?
"Show her Will."?? Molly said encouragingly.?? Molly"s look and tone made it clear that Will had no choice.?? He lifted his sleeve and displayed the gruesome bruise like a badge of shame.?? The other girls who saw it cringed.
Lily felt pity for the small boy but refused to let it show.?? She didn"t want to humiliate him further.?? "I get it."?? She said and let him cover his arm back up.?? "Our dojo has a lot of training options.?? Why don"t you hang out with us for a while and watch"?
Will knew that Lily was asking a question, but coming from the Destroyer of Men, he didn"t think he should say no.?? Will took a deep breath and accepted Lily"s invitation.?? Lily directed him to a seat against the wall while she ran the class through drills.?? Will was mesmerized by the girls.?? The precision of their movement, their guttural yells and barely contained power enthralled him.?? Lily broke the class into sparring partners, and then came to sit next to Will.?? She described the movements and techniques the girls were using.?? Lily appreciated the undivided attention he gave her.?? Will paid particular attention to Molly, who wore a sleeveless gi and baggy shorts.?? Her bare, gymnastics trained shoulders looked like big balls that lead into defined biceps.?? "Her arms look bigger than my legs." He thought.?? He admired the V shape of her body as it moved and thick powerful legs that drove her.?? How could someone so short and so wide be so beautiful?
Lily shook him from his reverie. "Would you like to try a technique"???
"It won"t hurt will it"??? Will asked, only half jokingly.
Lily laughed deeply.?? "No.?? I"ll show you how to flip Molly over your hip."
Molly heard her name and bounced over.?? Lily placed Will and Molly in position.?? Molly helped Will put his hands in the right spot on her body.?? Will had never touched a girl before, so he gulped hard and fought his rising embarrassment.?? She was so hard.?? He expected a girl to be soft, but Molly"s body was solid and unyielding.
One of the other girls in the class, a gorgeous tall cheerleader name Sheila, called out "Hey, watch where you put those hands, grabby."
Will"s face went beet red and he started to yank his hands off of Molly like she was boiling hot.?? Molly had none of it and put his hands back.?? "She"s just teasing." Molly said as she gave Sheila a sour face.
Lily described the movements Will would make to roll Molly over his hip, and then let him try.?? Will followed her directions and at first nothing happened.?? Then, to his surprise, Molly flipped over him and hit the mat hard on her back.?? Will stared at her prone figure in shock.?? Had he really just done that?!?? The clear answer was no.?? Molly used her gymnastics training and natural athleticism to launch herself in a flip over Will"s hip.?? The girls and Lily clapped and cheered for Will as he apologized profusely to Molly."?
"Oh God, I"m so sorry!?? Did I hurt you"?
Molly laughed as she rolled her legs up over her head and kip kicked to her feet.??
"Whoa!"?? Will was wide eyed at the feat.??
Molly strode up to Will and hugged him lightly.?? "Good job Will.?? I"m fine."?? She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"You let me do that to you, didn"t you."?? Will whispered to her.
"Of course I did Will."?? Molly said sweetly.?? "It"s not like TV.?? You have to be trained to do this stuff.?? I wanted you to know what it feels like to win.?? Sensei Lily can teach you if you"ll let her."
"Well Will," Lily asked as she strode up clapping, "Are you interested in joining the dojo"?
"I am interested.?? Let me go talk to my folks.?? Thank you Sensei Lily for showing me all of this." Will"s voice and manner had changed from intimidated to reverent.?? He shook Lily"s hand again and walked out of the dojo in a trance.?? At the door, he turned to look back at the class.?? The girls all waved at him.?? He smiled and left.??
"Ladies," Lily said seriously, "Let"s keep an eye on him."
"YES SENSEI." They replied in unison.
Sheila asked no one in particular, "Do you think he"ll come back"?
Lily smiled knowingly.?? "He just might."
"He"ll be back."?? Molly declared confidently.
"OOO, Molly"s got the hots for the little guy!"?? Sheila teased.
Molly jokingly gave Sheila an acid look.?? "Sensei, I"m sparring with Sheila next!"
"Bring it on Sparkplug!"?? Sheila retorted.
Lily told the girls to take their positions and she restarted their lessons.?? As she looked over her class, Lily allowed herself a moment of pride.?? She had trained a tightknit and talented tribe of amazons.
The Lunch Room
Immediately after his visit to the Lee Dojo, Will rushed home and begged his parents for permission to join their self-defense class.?? They were so pleased that Will wanted to engage in any physical activity that they consented immediately.?? They signed off on his paperwork and gave him a tuition check.?? Will could barely contain his excitement, but he had a full day of school to get through before he could go back and formally enroll.
The day drug on interminably, but the lunch bell finally rang; the day was half over!?? Will went to the cafeteria to grab something light.?? His stomach was fluttery in anticipation of his afternoon and he just didn"t have an appetite.?? What little appetite he did have was soon ruined.?? Will sat alone at a corner table near the cafeteria door.?? The cliques all had their groups, and Will didn"t belong to any of them.?? He had no sooner taken his first bite of lunch when the boy who had punched will in the arm, Denny, and a couple of his jerk friends approached.?? Will groaned on the inside.
"What are you doing at our table Skinny"?
"Hi Denny."?? Will moved over to the end of the bench.??
"No way Skinny Mini, clear out.?? This is our table."
While the oft repeated scene played out, more and more students wandered into the cafeteria.?? Among them Molly, who quickly spied Will surrounded by the boys who had hurt him.?? Molly was a minor celebrity in high school.?? Earlier in the year, one of her floor tumbling routines became a viral sensation on social media.?? The video of her powerful upper body and thick, muscular legs in a leotard launching into insanely high leaps and tumbles had stunned the public imagination.?? In high school, your social status is very closely tied to the status of the people you hang with.?? That made Molly a hot commodity as a friend.?? Conversely, you never wanted to be on the wrong side of the right people.
Will"s back was to the cafeteria door, so he didn"t see Molly marching up behind him.?? Denny did though.??
"Oh, uh, hey Molly!" Denny gushed, trying to be cool and suave.??
Will spun around in his seat and came eye to abs with Molly"s ridged midsection.?? Her tightly defined abs were clearly visible in her tight long sleeve t-shirt.?? He looked up into her eyes and despite himself, he flushed.?? Molly met his eyes with a million-dollar smile.?? "Hey Will." She said in a sexy friendly voice.??
"Hi Molly." Will almost whispered.?? He didn"t know whether to be embarrassed that she was here while he was in the middle of his abuse, or if she was going to be his savior.?? It didn"t take long to find out.
Molly"s million dollar smile faded as her gaze rose to meet Denny"s eyes.?? Molly"s expression morphed into a glare with a set jaw.?? She had heard Denny"s taunts.
"So, Denny, you think Will is a skinny mini"?
Denny had not expected to get called out this way, and certainly not by a girl.?? Who cared about the skinny dork anyway?
Molly started to pull up the sleeve on her right arm, which she held rigid and tensed.?? As the sleeve came up, her sinewy forearm was bared, and then the ridged horseshoe of her bulging tricep.??
"Should we compare our arms and see who the skinny one is"???
Denny was a lean 5"9, not overly muscular but certainly not in bad shape.?? In no way could his arm compare to the gymnastics trained gun that the 5 foot girl was displaying for his education.?? He knew better than to challenge the popular and clearly buff Molly.
As several other dojo girls came into the cafeteria, they saw Molly and Will with Denny, and walked over.?? Lily had also come into the room.?? She rarely ate in the cafeteria, but had decided to run in to grab some fruit on the way to the gym.?? She too saw what was happening.?? Her protective instincts pushed her to intervene, but she decided to hold back and see how her girls did.??
Shiela was another of the bright stars on the high school status board.?? She was a 5"8 cheerleader with a fit figure to die for.?? Any boy in the school would melt if she would deign to acknowledge them.?? As she walked up on the scene, Denny"s eyes shifted from Molly"s arm to Shiela"s luscious chest, then to her eyes.?? This day was just too crazy and he became a tongue tied mess.?? Shiela greeted Molly and Will, then flashed a dazzling smile at Denny.?? Without breaking eye contact with him, Shiela took hold of Will"s sleeve and exposed his bruise.??
"Did you do this to Will"?
Denny"s eyes went wide with shock.?? Several other girls from the dojo, and many of the most popular in school, surrounded the boys.??
One of the girls from the chess club said "Show him your bicep Molly.?? It"s so hot."
Molly curled her exposed arm, transferring the massive bulge under her arm into a baseball sized mound on top.?? This was a bicep that none of the three boys could match.??
"Shiela"s got great biceps too."?? Molly said.?? Shiela"s breasts bounced as she raised and flexed her very defined ridge of muscle.
A tall black girl from the basketball team leaned down behind Denny and put her lips next to his ear.??
"I"m thinking you need to leave.?? We," she extended her long toned arm and pointed her finger at the all the girls surrounding them, "like him." she pointed to Will.?? "She," her finger pointed to the still flexing Molly, "REALLY likes him," the finger went back to Will.?? "And you hurt him."?? She stood up straight and gave Denny a subtle push towards the door with her tall body.
Will"s mind was spinning as the scene played out.?? Yesterday he walked into a martial arts school with the ridiculous idea that he might be able to make his waifish body into something better.?? Today, he was being protected by a virtual gang of the hottest and most popular women in his high school.?? His eyes scanned the group surrounding him and landed on Lily.?? She was leaning in a corner with an impish grin.?? Suddenly this all made sense to Will.?? Lily"s eyes met Will"s.?? He stared at her in adoration for second, then he mouthed the words "Thank you."?? Lily gave him a half smile and a wink in return, then quietly made her way out the door.
Denny and his friends beat a hasty retreat with Denny leading the way.?? How could this day get any worse!?? First they were shown up and embarrassed by a bunch of girls, but worse, they were the hottest girls in school.?? At least none of them tried to start a real fight.?? Denny led the boys around a lightly traveled corner away from the cafeteria.?? No one needed to see them right now.?? As Denny rounded the corner at a near run, he hit a brick wall and fell back into his friends.?? They all went tumbling to the ground.?? The boys regained themselves from the sudden shock and looked up.?? It was no brick wall that Denny hit, but he wished it had been.?? Lily was standing in front of them, imperious and forbidding with her arms crossed over her full chest.??
"Just to be clear," she said in her most intimidating voice, "Will is a friend of mine too."?? She unzipped her sweatshirt and pulled the bottom open with her fists as she placed them on her wide hips.?? Rolling waves of power rippled over her vascular abs before she tensed them into deeply set bricks.?? "Do I need to say any more"?
Denny swore he would never ask if a day could get any worse ever again.
Joe and Lily were both home over summer break, enjoying the sultry weather and each other"s constant company.?? One evening, their folks went to dinner with friends at a local restaurant.?? The kids were watching TV when a strange car pulled up in their driveway.?? A policeman and another man in a suit came to the door.?? Joe answered the bell and let the two in.?? The man in the suit introduced himself at Detective Reynolds.?? Both officers had very serious looks on their faces, but Detective Reynolds" was tinged with a strange sadness.?? His voice quivered as he asked Joe and Lily to sit down.??
"Look, there is no easy way to say this," he began, "Your mother and father were killed by a drunk driver tonight.?? He ran a red light in a large pickup truck and struck your folk"s car.?? They didn"t suffer, they were killed instantly.?? They probably didn"t even know it happened."??
While Joe and Lily both sat in stunned silence, their emotional range was very different.?? Silent tears began to trickle from Joe"s eyes.?? Stoic anger began to build in Lily.??
"What about the drunk driver"??? Lily asked.
Detective Reynolds look down at his hands clasped together in his lap.?? "He"um"he walked away from the wreck without a scratch.?? We"re holding him in jail.?? I"ll stay in touch with you as this case develops.?? I"m so sorry for the two of you.?? Please feel free to contact me whenever you feel the need to."?? Detective Reynolds left them his business card and the two officers left.??
The next weeks were a whirlwind for Joe and Lily and left little time for grieving.?? They arranged for a funeral, contacted their parents trust attorney, filed life insurance claims and talked to friends and relatives.?? The business of death kept their minds occupied.?? Joe and Lily"s parents were reasonably well off and very well insured.?? The house was free of a mortgage, and between the trust and insurance payouts, Joe and Lily shared two million dollars.?? It was plenty to get them both through college and to restart their lives.??
Once the business ended, the grieving began in earnest.?? Joe was able to make it through his days in college.?? But at night, he lay in bed sobbing inconsolably.?? Lily was still stoic.?? She held her grief inside until she could decide what to do with it.?? Her priority was Joe.?? She would lay in his bed with him at night, spooning around him.?? She held him tightly, his head resting on a bicep, and let him cry himself to sleep.?? She stayed with him every night, watching him sleep, always maintaining physical touch with him.??
As the months went by it became clear that the drunk driver, a man named Simon, was going to get off with no punishment for the death of Don and Evelyn.?? The rumor was that he had a relationship with someone in the County Prosecutor"s office.?? Whatever the rumors, the prosecutor declined to press charges citing adverse road conditions at the time of the accident and improper procedures by the police during the arrest.??
Joe had no tears left to cry but was despondent at the situation.?? Lily"s stoicism, however, was nearing its limit.?? She had to do something.?? Lily had discovered Simon"s home address in the police files, which also said that Simon lived alone.?? He had a large piece of property far on the edge of town.?? On a cloudy evening when Joe was in class late again, Lily threw her bike in the trunk of the car and drove out that way.?? She parked in a secluded lot a few miles from Simon"s property.?? She biked the rest of the way.?? His home was off of a side road.?? It was secluded, with no close neighbors and surrounded by a thick ring of trees.?? Lily stashed her bike in the trees and pulled up the hood of her black hoodie.?? She quietly made her way to the edge of the glade and surveyed Simon"s house.?? It was in the center of the clearing, about 300 feet from the treeline she stood in.?? There was a light and movement on only one side of the house.?? She lowered herself as much as she could, and carefully approached the dark side of the house.?? Once she crossed the clearing, she flattened herself against the siding and worked her way around to the back.?? There she saw him.?? Simon was sitting at a dining table alone, his back to two French doors that separated his kitchen from the small porch that Lily was approaching.??
"What am I doing here"??? Lily asked herself.?? Impulsively, she had decided she wanted to see this man but had no other plan beyond that.?? As he ate, Simon picked up a copy of the local newspaper.?? Lily was close enough to read the headline: "Drunk driver goes free."?? Simon laughed loudly as he read.?? The fury that Lily had been suppressing for months erupted in uncontrollable rage.?? She charged onto the porch and burst through the French doors.?? Simon heard Lily"s heavy steps and scampered from his seat into the kitchen.?? He threw open a drawer and pulled out a pistol.?? He turned toward the noise and tried to raise the gun.?? All he saw was a large shadow filling his field of vision.?? Lily grabbed the hand holding the gun, pulled Simon"s arm to the side and crushed down on his fingers.?? The bones in Simon"s hand snapped.?? He screamed in pain and frustration as the gun fell from his ruined grip.?? Lily dropped Simon"s hand, and raised her arms to pull back her hood.?? Her face was a fearsome scowl of anger.??
"You fucking bitch!"?? Simon screamed.?? "You broke my hand!?? What the fuck do you want"?
Simon grabbed a kitchen knife with his good hand.?? Lily easily slapped it away.?? She drew her arm across her chest and unleashed a devastating backhanded slap to Simon"s face.?? Teeth and blood sprayed out of his mouth as his head and body were snapped around.?? He collapsed on the floor, facing up towards his angry attacker.??
"I want you to feel what my parents felt when you killed them."?? Lily spat.?? "Because of you, I"ve now lost TWO sets of parents."?? Lily"s deep scream reverberated through Simon"s body.?? Lily wrapped one hand around his scrawny neck and picked him up.?? Simon pawed at her arm with his one good hand.?? Lily had her thumb on his throat and her fingers wrapped around the back of his neck.??
"Let go of me you whore! ??What kind of monster are you! ??I"ll have you put away forever!"??
It was the worst thing Simon could have said.?? Lily clenched her teeth and powered her thumb into Simon"s throat, crushing his windpipe.?? She dropped Simon and watched him grasp at his neck, struggling to breathe.?? She kicked Simon over onto his stomach and grabbed both of his weedy legs in one hand and arms in the other.?? She placed her big foot on his lower back and shrugged her powerful shoulders.?? Simon"s spine snapped easily.?? His body flopped on the floor.?? Lily kicked him over onto his back and looked into his panicked eyes.?? He knew he was on the edge of death.?? He couldn"t breathe and couldn"t feel his limbs.?? Lily picked the limp body up into a cradle hold.?? She roared as she brought her massive arms together and folded Simon"s body in half.?? His back broke again.?? When his legs were folded into chest, Lily grasped her hands together and compressed the corpse against her rocky pecs.?? Simon"s bones snapped with a wet finality.?? She dropped the lifeless body and staggered backwards.?? The deed was done and her rage ebbed, allowing conscious awareness to return.??
"Oh shit."?? She whispered to herself.?? "What have I done"???
Panic began to overtake Lily, but she closed her eyes, breathed deeply and summoned calm.?? She opened her eyes and looked around.?? There had to be a solution here somewhere.?? Maybe she could burn the house or"
As Lily prowled around the kitchen, she noticed an oddly placed bookcase on a short wall.?? It was not flat against the wall.?? She pulled on the bookcase and it slid away easily, revealing a locked door.?? Her powerful leg made short work of it.?? A set of stairs were illuminated when Lily turned on the light switch just inside the doorway.?? She walked cautiously downstairs and gagged in surprise.?? The chemical odor was intense.
"This guy is running a drug lab!"
Lily surveyed the huge room full of chemicals.?? Clearly Simon hadn"t been smart enough to ventilate the highly flammable space.?? How he hadn"t blown himself up was a mystery, but Lily wasn"t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.?? This would solve all her problems.?? Lily opened every large jug and vat of chemical she could find and poured most of them out on the floor.?? She brought one jug of acetone up to the kitchen and spread it out on the floor leading to the stairs.?? Lily rolled up the newspaper Simon had been reading, lit the end and tossed it through the French doors towards the acetone puddle.?? Then she ran for all she was worth.??
When Lily had reached the tree line, she turned and looked back at the house.?? She could see fire through the windows.??
"Come on you bitch, blow!"?? she growled to herself.
Lily didn"t have to wait long.?? The explosion knocked her off her feet even though she was 300 feet away.?? She sat up in a daze and saw"no house.?? There was plenty of fire, but the structure was gone.??
"But that means""?? Lily looked up and saw pieces of flaming debris raining down from the sky.?? She took off as quickly as she could run.?? She got back to her bike, made certain the road was still deserted and pedaled like a demon back to her car.?? Lily stowed the bike, breathed deeply to calm herself again and slowly drove home.??
Lily drove the car into the garage and shut the door.?? Even here on the other side of town she could hear a cacophony of sirens wailing in the distance.?? She had to get rid of any evidence.?? She had definitely drawn blood from Simon, which could be on her clothes.?? She stripped down to her underwear and walked into their secluded back yard.?? The family had a fire pit that they had enjoyed sitting around on cool evenings.?? Lily dropped her clothes in the pit, added some kindling and set it ablaze.?? She sat in a chair staring absently into the flames, replaying the events of the evening as her clothes were reduced to ash.?? She heard Joe"s car drive up, but she couldn"t drag herself away from the fire.?? Her rage had left her mentally exhausted.?? Joe stuck his head into the back yard when he saw Lily sitting out there in her underwear next to the fading fire.??
"Lil??? What are you doing"???
"Nothing.?? I just couldn"t sleep and wanted to sit next to the fire, like we used to do with mom and dad."
"Ok." Joe shrugged.?? He wouldn"t question how Lily wanted to grieve.??
She rose and walked past Joe into the house.?? She kissed the top of his head and went up to shower.?? The hot water felt so good.?? It was like washing away pain.?? Lily dried off and went into Joe"s room.?? She curled herself next to him in bed, wrapped him in a heavy arm and went to sleep.
The next morning Joe and Lily were making breakfast when a car pulled into their drive.?? Lily was standing at the sink and recognized it as Detective Reynolds" car.??
"Damnit!" she thought to herself as panic again threatened to consume her.?? "How did they figure this out so quickly!"?? Lily played scenarios out in her mind.??
"Maybe I can kill Reynolds. No!?? That"s dumb.?? He"s been nothing but good to us."
"Maybe I can just knock him out and run with Joe."?? No.?? How can I hide.?? It"s not like I blend in anywhere."
"No.?? I have to accept responsibility for what I did.?? Maybe someone will understand why I had to kill Simon."??
Lily calmed her swirling emotions.?? She joined Joe and Detective Reynolds in the living room.
"Kids, I have some"strange news that I have to share with you.?? It appears that our man Simon was running a meth lab in his house and blew himself up last night."
Joe went weak in the knees and dropped into a chair.?? Lily leaned against a doorway, hoping against hope that this was good news.
"There was definitely a body in the house, and we know Simon lived alone.?? But we can"t be 100% sure it was him yet.?? The explosion was so intense, there are parts of the body and house in two counties.?? Anyway, I want to think karma got that bastard.?? I just wanted you to know."
Joe rose to show Reynolds out.?? "Thank you Detective.?? We really appreciate everything you"ve done for us."??
Relief flowed through Lily, but it also increased the mental exhaustion she felt.??
Joe walked up to her.?? "I hope to God that was really Simon in the house.?? I don"t know what I"d do if he ever shows up again."
"He won"t Joe.?? Simon is gone."
Joe persisted. "But how can we be""
"STOP!"?? Lily"s tone was far sharper than she meant it to be.?? She gently placed a finger on Joe"s lips and shushed him.?? "Please trust me, Joe.?? Simon will never bother us again.?? It"s time to close this chapter of our lives and move on.?? It"s what mom and dad would have wanted."
Lily turned and walked up to her bedroom.
Joe spent a few minutes collecting himself, then walked up to Lily"s room.?? He heard her sniffling.?? He ran to the bathroom, got a fresh box of tissues and went back to Lily.?? He walked in quietly. ??Lily was curled up on her bed, moist eyes staring into space.?? Joe placed the tissue box on her bedside table.?? He crawled over Lily and spooned behind her.?? Joe draped one hand on Lily"s arm and ran the other through her hair.?? Lily laced her fingers with Joe"s and pulled it to her lips as she wept.
The Coffee Shop
Since the death of their parents, Joe redoubled the effort he put toward college.?? While he and Lily had been left with a large nest egg from their late parents, they were young and he knew that money wouldn"t last forever.?? He had to get out of school and find a great job that would support him and Lily.?? At least until Lily herself got out of school and went off to lead her own life.?? That part always left Joe melancholy, but he tried hard not to dwell on it.?? The other thing he tried not to dwell on was his lack of a social life.?? Joe"s focus on college left him little time for one.?? He had dabbled with dating in high school, but girls just didn"t seem interested in the tiny "big" brother of the school muscle beast.?? "Fine." He"d think, "I"d rather have Lily over other girls any day."
One part of college that Joe really enjoyed were study groups.?? They gave him a way to meet people without overly distracting him from his studies.?? Tonight, he was meeting two girls from his international logistics class at the local coffee shop.?? Holly was a statuesque raven-haired girl.?? Her emerald eyes, highly toned figure and down to earth manner made her great fun to pass the hours with.?? Debra was quite the opposite.?? She was loud and brash, and something of a sex pot.?? Debra loved to display her ample assets and made sure everyone knew just how pretty she was.?? Regardless of her manner, Debra was an intelligent woman and a great contributor to the group.??
On this night, after several hours of study, Joe received a text from Lily asking when he"d be home.?? He answered quickly and set his phone down.?? His screen displayed a vacation photo of him and Lily laughing hysterically from a couple of years ago.?? Joe was riding on Lily"s shoulders on the beach, with her in a bikini.?? Vascular muscle bulged out everywhere on Lily and Joe looked positively puny in comparison.?? Debra was sitting next to Joe and saw the photo.??
"OH MY GOD!" she shouted.?? "Is that a man in a bikini"?
Joe tried not to take offense, but he couldn"t suppress his protective instinct.?? "That"s my sister.?? And she"s beautiful.?? How can you mistake her for a man"??? Lily"s overwhelming muscularity just seemed normal to Joe, and he had little patience for people who didn"t accept it right away.
"Well just look at her!?? Girls are supposed to have tits and ass, not muscles."?? Debra proudly shoved her ample chest out and made her breasts sway.?? She looked at the picture more closely.?? "Well, I mean she does have great tits, but damn I don"t know about the rest of it.?? And you look like a midget on top of her!"??
Dispassionately, Joe had to admit that that the scene was a study in contrasts.?? Lily"s heaving muscularity was on full display.?? She held Joe"s ankles in her hands.?? His legs looked like two broom sticks coming out of her big fists.?? Lily"s elbows were held high.?? His thighs nestled in the deep valley between the ridged balls of her shoulders and upwelling of traps.?? Joe"s torso was narrower than the base of Lily"s traps.?? He looked like a child riding a Clydesdale.??
Joe swiped his phone away and pursed his lips.?? There was no point arguing with a loudmouth.??
"Anyway, I"ve gotta go." Debra dramatically closed her books, waved goodbye to Joe and Holly and sashayed away.
Holly just sat there and shook her head as she watched Debra"s butt wiggle left and right on the way out the door.?? She looked back at a red-faced Joe and reached her hand out to cover his.?? Her vascular hand was warm and comforting.??
"Ignore her.?? Can I see the picture"? ??
Joe pulled the photo back up and passed the phone to Holly.??
"You two look so happy together!" she said with a giggle.?? "And"she has got a PHYSIQUE.?? I thought I was getting big."?? Holly curled her other arm in front of her and popped a lemon sized bicep.
Joe smiled.?? Finally, a girl who could relate to him.??
"What"s her name"?
"Lily, short for Liliya."??
"Wait!"?? Holly shouted.?? She realized she had been loud and covered her mouth.?? "Sorry!" she said in a lower voice, "But does your sister teach at the Lee Martial Arts School"?
"Yeah, she"s gone there forever, and started teaching a while ago.?? Why"?
With a mile wide smile she said, "My sister Sheila is in one of her classes.?? She worships Lily.?? If I have to hear, "Sensei Lily says" one more time I might have to pop her."??
Joe"s heart began to melt, both at the gushing enthusiasm Holly expressed about Lily, and at her heart stopping smile.?? Then Holly"s boyfriend walked in and sat down beside her.?? Wes was a well put together guy.?? He was maybe two inches taller than Holly"s 5"9, and obviously a gym rat.?? He wasn"t pro bodybuilder big, but he was obviously built.?? He flashed a big toothy grin to Joe as he introduced himself, and then kissed Holly on the lips.??
"Of course."?? Joe sighed to himself.??
"You"ve got to see Joe"s sister!?? You are going to die."?? Holly said, enunciating each word.??
"Holy crap!" Wes wheezed as his eyes bugged out of his head.?? "That girl is diesel!?? Look at her guns!?? How big are her bis"?
"Uh, I don"t know in that picture, but I think she"s over 19 inches now."?? Joe answered.
"Shit!?? She"s got to be juicing, right?
Holly turned and punched Wes in the shoulder.?? "Dumbass, you"re talking about his sister!"
Wes turned red.?? "Uh sorry, I didn"t mean anything wrong by it.?? But she has to be to get that big."
Holly punched him again.?? If looks could kill, Wes would be a puddle.??
Joe laughed at the two of them.?? "Lily doesn"t use drugs.?? She"s just always been big.?? She got bigger than me when I was eleven."??
"Whoa."?? Was all Wes could say.
"This is the girl teaching Sheila martial arts."?? Holly told Wes.?? She turned back to Joe and told him about the major changes in Sheila since coming under Lily"s influence.?? "I love my sister, but she was always so self-centered and vapid.?? She reminded me a lot of Debra and her twitchy butt.?? After going to your sister"s classes she"s become a different person.?? She"s found discipline, and she goes out of her way to help other people.?? It"s been awesome to watch."??
"That"s the truth."?? Wes agreed.?? "So, does your sister do any personal training??? I"d love to get some pointers from someone who can build that kind of muscle.?? I mean, look at the shape of her quads compared to her upper body.?? Her symmetry is insane."
Holly grabbed the phone out of Wes" hands and gave it back to Joe.?? "Eyes up here schmoe.?? You"ve already got a gym girl."??
Wes turned a deeper shade of red.?? "Sorry, you"re the only muscle babe for me."?? He smiled weakly and leaned over to kiss Holly to mollify her.?? "But she"d be a great trainer, don"t you think"?
Holly looked at Joe with an apologetic grin.?? "We need to go."??
Joe laughed again.?? "It was good meeting you Wes.?? If Lily starts personal training, I"ll let Holly know."?? Joe stood as they prepared to leave.?? Holly leaned down and gave Joe a kiss on the cheek.?? "Same time next week Joe"?
"Sure thing." He grinned.?? Holly squeezed his hand and led her chastened gym boy out the door.?? Joe sat back down and texted Lily that he was leaving for home.?? She answered right away with a text that read "I"ll be in the basement when you get here" followed by a bicep emoji.?? Joe smiled.?? He might not have much luck with dating girls, but he certainly had his own gym girl, and she was a world beater.??
Through sheer force of will and dedication, Joe graduated with both a BA and MBA in 4 years.?? Lily had graduated from high school and was still teaching martial arts at her dojo.?? She arrived home after an early day, but Joe was nowhere to be found.?? She knew he had an important job interview.?? Hopefully this meant things were going well.?? Lily was endlessly proud of her big brother.?? He was so smart and worked so hard.?? Joe was always trying to make sure things were perfect for her.?? Lily was not usually a sentimental girl.?? But when it came to her big brother, her heart flushed.??
As Lily was making dinner for them, she heard his car in the driveway.?? Joe walked into the kitchen with wide eyes, wearing a goofy, confused smile.?? Lily giggled at his look.?? "Joe??? Are you high?!""?
"Uh"maybe.?? I got the job offer Lil!?? You"re not going to believe this.?? The salary is mid-6 figures and they want me to start next month."??
"Oh my GOD!"?? Lily screeched.?? She ran over to Joe, grabbed him under his arms and lifted him straight into the air.?? "You are the MAN!"?? As Joe yelped, she let go of him and he dropped into a waiting bear hug.?? Lily held Joe to her wide body and cuddled his face.?? "I"m so proud of you Joe."
Joe held onto Lily"s veiny traps and pushed himself back so he could look at her.?? "There is one thing though.?? The job is in Denver.?? We would have to move.?? I need to know you"re ok with that."
Lily had to let that sink in for a second.?? "I get to come with you, right"?
"Of course Lil.?? I"m not going anywhere without you.?? Would you like Colorado"?
Lily pulled Joe back into her body.?? "As long as we"re together, I"ll be fine anywhere."
Joe hugged Lily tight, then slid down to the ground.?? "Dinner smells good and I"m starving.?? Can we eat"?
The two ate, talked about Colorado and what the future would hold.?? Lily knew Joe had dated on and off, but didn"t think he was with anyone now.?? "Is there anyone special you need to tell"??? She asked.
"No.?? Dating has never really worked out for me.?? You"?
"Ha!"?? Lily snorted.?? "I"ve yet to meet a guy who isn"t intimidated as hell by me.?? They definitely don"t want a relationship with a girl bigger and stronger than them.?? And I don"t need a muscle worshipper type.?? Why haven"t you had any luck with girls??? You"re a good looking guy Joe.?? You"re smart, have a wicked sense of humor and you"re not a jerk."?? Lily rested her chin in her hand and looked off into space.?? "Maybe you"re too nice.?? I should teach you the finer points of being a bitch."?? Their dinner ended in laughter.
They cleaned up and collapsed on opposite sides of the couch, facing each other.?? Joe was pensive for a minute.?? "I think the reason I stopped dating is because I gave up on ever finding a girl who would meet my standards."??
"What standards"??? Lily sarcastically quipped.
"Well, I compare all the girls I meet""
"To what??? Pornhub"?
Joe gagged on his laugh. "No!" Joe retorted in mock indignation as his face went beet red.?? Lily could not stop giggling.?? His bare foot play kicked at his sister"s leg.?? Joe went quiet as he retreated into his own mind.?? He had once promised never to keep a secret from Lily, yet there was one fantasy that he had repeatedly played out in his imagination recently.?? As he stared off into space, his foot lingered on Lily"s calf, rubbing the spot he had kicked in a silent "I"m sorry."?? Joe"s toes rubbed over the bulging muscle, feeling the dramatic size of her lower leg.?? Lily absentmindedly bounced her foot in response to Joe"s touch, flexing the calf into a large stony heart.?? Touch between them was so normal and appreciated.
With his eyes looking down, Joe continued in a hushed, almost embarrassed voice.?? "I"compare all the girls I"ve dated"to you."?? Lily stopped giggling and looked at her big brother in stunned silence.?? Joe timidly brought his eyes up to Lily"s.?? "You"re the most perfect woman I know.?? How could I ever commit to spend my life with someone less than you."
Lily gazed at Joe for a moment. The atmosphere had become very serious.?? Lily"s eyes glazed over in thought.?? Joe was talking about something she instinctively understood and embraced.?? But like Joe, it had remained in a dark corner of her mind.??
Lily finally broke the silence.?? "You know, we"re not REALLY brother and sister.?? I don"t have a drop of your family"s blood in my veins."
Joe looked down and battled uncertainty.?? He questioned whether he should reveal the dark fantasy he had entertained for the past year.??
"I"ve actually thought about that once or twice" he admitted.??
Joe looked up at his little sis and expected to see her make a disgusted face at him.?? Instead he saw her soulful blue eyes peering into his.??
"The only man who has ever made me happy, who has ever treated me like an equal out of respect and love and not fear, is you Joe.?? You"re the only person I have in the world who loves me unconditionally.?? I already love you more than I can put into words."
Joe was stunned.?? "This is crazy talk, isn"t it"?
Lily threw the question right back at him.?? "Is it"?
"No." Joe admitted, "it isn"t.?? It would be awkward as hell in this town.?? But in a new city, the fact that we grew up together wouldn"t even be known."
Lily reached her vascular hand out to caress Joe"s face.?? "I love you, Joe."
Joe flushed, and his heart started to beat faster.?? Lily slid over on the couch, placed her knee between his legs and leaned into him.?? Her heavy muscular body crushed him down into the sofa.?? She lowered her face to his and kissed him on the lips gently.?? She pulled back to see his reaction.?? Joe looked longingly into Lily"s eyes as he held on to her big biceps.?? His hands were only able to palm the top of the large peaks that sat atop her arm.?? He slid his hands around to grasp her bulging triceps, and he pulled her back to him.?? She kissed Joe again, this time taking his lower lip into her mouth.?? She sucked it lightly and let it stretch out of her mouth as she pulled back.
Joe could barely breathe.?? His heart pounded in his chest.?? "Please Lily, take me." He whispered.
Lily gave him a predatory smile.?? She stood and gathered Joe in her arms and carried him up to her bedroom.?? Joe rested his head on her shoulder, arms laced around her neck.?? Once in her room, Lily lay Joe on her bed.?? She slowly stripped off his clothes, leaving his cute little body naked in front of her.?? He stood, eyes level with her large chest.?? Joe pulled up Lily"s t-shirt.?? She finished taking it off, because he couldn"t reach over her head.?? Lily then pulled off her bra.?? Her lats flared, her pecs and traps bulged, then her fulsome breasts were free.?? Joe stared at the growing nipples in front of his eyes and lightly lapped at both of them.?? They hardened further at his tongue"s touch.?? Lily gasped.?? She pushed down her sweatpants, revealing massive quads, each almost as big around as Joe.?? Joe wrapped his arms around her waist, then caressed her powerful striated glutes and the big ridged dimples on their side.?? His hands came around, and rubbed up Lily"s flaring lats and back down over her cobblestone abs, .?? One hand then slid down to rub her shaven mound.?? Lily"s clit was poking through her labia.?? She was already wet.?? Joe"s erection was so hard it was almost painful.??
"Lily, I"m still a virgin."?? Joe said in a worried tone.
Lily picked up Joe, lay down on her bed and laid him on top of her. ??"Don"t worry, I"ll teach you."?? She slid his body down between her spread legs until his head was over her waiting sex.?? Lily Pulled her stiffening clit up for Joe to see.?? "Joe, please suck on me." "?Joe pulled her oversized clit between his lips and sucked lightly.?? While one hand fingered her sensitive nipples, the other gently palmed Joe"s head and guided him to her most sensitive spots.?? Joe moved his tongue around her vagina as she directed.?? He looked up at Lily to see what made her face the most expressive.?? When she moaned, he pleasured her like a man possessed.?? Lily orgasmed, her muscles quivering out of control
??"Oh Joe, that was GOOD."?? Joe was pleased with himself and hugged into her abs.?? Lily raised and separated her massive thighs.?? "Get in me Joe.?? It"s your turn now."?? She said in a lusty voice.?? Joe wrapped his arms around her powerful hamstrings for stability and entered her.?? Lily let him set his own pace as she massaged him with her powerful vagina.?? He screamed and moaned, both in pain and pleasure.?? When Joe came, it was the most amazing feeling he had ever experienced.?? He collapsed on Lily.?? She held his head for a moment, allowing him to recover himself.?? She realized he was still hard in her.?? "Joe!?? Are you multiorgasmic"??? Joe looked up at her with a questioning look.?? Lily held fast onto his little butt and rolled over, keeping his stiff cock in her.?? Lily was now sitting on top of Joe, looking down at her little cutie.?? She extended her arms and forcefully flexed her biceps.?? "My little guy must love big muscle girls."?? She brought her arms forward into a most muscular pose.?? Lily"s sweaty traps rose around her neck, her soft hair matted to her skin.?? Joe was in awe.?? He had grown up around Lily"s muscles, but never before had she flexed like this for him.?? His erection had indeed stayed hard in Lily"s vagina, but now it was almost painful again.?? Lily grabbed his wrists and trapped them next to his head.?? She rode him and his stiff cock to another orgasm for them both.??
Lily collapsed next to Joe.?? His eyes were wide, as if he were in shock.?? Lily giggled at his look.?? "You can stop laughing at me now." he said with a raised eyebrow.?? "You might hurt my confidence."
"Little man," she breathily said back to him, "If you can come more than once, you"ve got no reason to question your confidence.?? I"ll have to start calling you "Mighty Joe"."
They laughed together as Lily rose and picked Joe up off the bed.?? She guided him to the bathroom, and then into the shower.?? The hot water flowing over their bodies felt marvelous.?? Joe soaped up Lily"s towering body, letting his fingers lovingly trace the veins and crevices that covered her herculean form.?? She picked him up and held him against her side so he could wash her hair.?? Lily let Joe slide down her body and he rested against the shower wall while she rinsed.?? Lily took the soap and returned the favor on Joe, tweaking all of his erogenous zones and turning him on all over again.?? Lily turned the water off and wrapped them both in an oversized towel.?? Joe held on to her powerful body and looked into her eyes, his mind lost in lust and love.??
"Joe"??? She whispered.
"Yes, Lil"?
"Will you be mine, to have and hold, forever"?
Joe"s voice was choked with emotion.?? "Oh God yes, Lily!""? Tears fell from his eyes as he rested his head on her pillowy breasts, the only soft spot on her body.?? She took his chin between her fingers and turned his head up to look into her eyes.?? Joe placed his hands on Lily"s cheeks.?? "Lily, will you be mine, and let me honor and obey you??? Forever"??? Lily"s smile made Joe"s heart explode with joy.?? "Yes, my big man.?? Forever."??
Colorado, here we come!