Jubilee vs. Sabretooth Jdean72000@yahoo.com The large, beastly mutant is physically, mentally and sexually dominated by the smaller, younger member of the X-Men. [Note: this X-Men story contains mixed fighting, femdom, ballbusting and forced ejaculations. Also note: THIS IS NOT CANON.] "What're you lookin' at, girlie?" Sabretooth snarled. He was standing in what was basically a jail cell in the X-Men's laboratory. They had managed to capture him and Professor X was intent on trying to lure him to their side, the good side. Wolverine, Sabretooth's arch nemesis, kept pushing for them to keep the giant man-beast locked up permanently, or maybe face even more dire repercussions for all the pain and destruction he caused. But for now, Sabretooth was holding on to the cell's bars, sneering at Jubilee who had just walked into the room and was now staring at him. The windowless room was underground. The walls, ceiling and floor were all metal, with one side housing the control panel and a grid of TV screens. "Hmmmm," she said, squinting and rubbing her chin as if considering something. "I have a proposal for you." "Oh yeah?" Sabretooth said, not letting on that he was surprised by her statement. "Well I'm bored out of my fucking mind so let's hear it, girlie." "Okay, here goes," Jubilee said, taking a big breath. "I'll let you out of this cage ... " "WHAT?" the giant man-beast roared in disbelief. "You wouldn't dare-" "IF!" Jubilee interrupted. "If...you fight me." In a rare occurrence, Sabretooth was shocked into silence. Then he threw his head back and guffawed, his mighty pecs bouncing up and down from the laughter. "Little girl, I'll crush you! Look how much bigger I am than you!" "Um, yeah...true," Jubilee said, her voice giving away her fear.. Her eyes traveled down his spandex-clad body, all 6'6" and 275 pounds of pure muscle, from his broad boulder shoulders, bulging biceps, two big slabs of pecs and forearms corded with muscle and veins to his bulbous six-pack abs, tree-trunk thighs and, much to her delight, the heavy bulge that drooped between his legs. His bodysuit, yellow with a wide dark brown stripe down the middle that tapered directly to his groin, also had a mask attached that covered the top part of his face. The spandex clung to every nook and cranny of every bulging muscle like a second skin. Her eyes roamed back up to take in everything again before making eye contact. Despite his piss-poor personality and penchant for ridiculous costumes, she knew the big dude was actually quite handsome under the mask. He wasn't quite as attractive as a certain team member she long had a crush on, but she couldn't deny Sabretooth's potent masculinity. Sabretooth noticed her checking out his body and especially noticed when she stared longer at his crotch than anywhere else. He thought maybe when she said 'fight' she actually meant...something else. So he walked closer to the bars until his body was pressed up against them, his muscles forming around the steel and his bulging crotch protruding between the bars. "I know you don't want to fight all of this ... " Sabretooth muttered. Jubilee walked closer to him. Sabretooth couldn't help but notice that she seemed almost scared of him, with her slow, tentative steps. She was wearing a pink crop top, jean shorts and black boots, plus her signature long yellow coat. Her short black hair was spiky and her dewy skin seemed to almost glow. Her full, perky breasts, flat, toned tummy and long, smooth legs definitely made Sabretooth more interested. It was almost comical, seeing the two mutants standing so close. 19-year-old Jubilee barely reached the height of Sabretooth's chest "But...but what if I do?" she asked. "I could use the practice and all the X-Men take it easy on me because I'm so young." "Girlie!" Sabretooth growled as his hand reached out and grasped her wrist before she could react. She gasped as it felt like his meaty paw could crush her bones like a twig. He then pulled her arm closer until her hand was flat on his chest, the middle finger buried in the crevice between his two rock-solid pecs. "I don't think you know what you're dealing with," he sneered. Jubilee was shocked at how hard his muscles were, how she could feel each striation as he slowly dragged her hand down his chest and then to his cobblestone abs, pressing her fingers into the grooves around each carved-rock muscle. "This is not a body you can hurt. This is pure muscle." Jubilee, almost trembling at the power she felt with her small, soft hand, finally pulled her arm away right as the big brute started dragging her fingertips over his hefty bulge. "I wouldn't go easy on you," Sabretooth muttered, smirking at how he felt so powerful over the small girl even though he was the one behind bars.. Jubilee took a big breath. "Fine. I'm not asking you to." Sabretooth shrugged, looking almost bored. "Okay. Your funeral, girlie." "Then do we have a deal?" She took one more step forward until her face was mere inches away from his chest and they could both feel his bulge pressing against her tummy. Jubilee couldn't help but love inhaling his musky, masculine scent while Sabretooth's whole body seemed to respond to her floral, feminine pheromones. "Deal," Sabretooth said, smirking. "Good!" Jubilee said, clapping her hands with glee. She walked over to the control panel and pushed a few buttons. Five of the bars slid down into the floor, creating an opening for Sabretooth as he walked out into his freedom. "I can't believe how foolish you are to free me," he said. "You better not back out of our deal," Jubilee said, walking out into the open area of the lab where they'd have more room. "Well, I was planning on just getting the fuck outta here," Sabretooth said as he interlaced his knuckles and stretched his hands and arms above his head. His massive body seemed even bigger and broader as he expanded his chest and stretched out his abs. "But it's been way too long since I got to shred the shit out of somebody. I've got an itch to scratch." "Lucky me," Jubilee said, taking another big breath and tensing up her whole body, trying to get herself ready for anything. "Now are we going to start or what?" Sabretooth grinned. He could tell she was trying to look tough but underneath was obviously afraid of him. He loved that. With the speed and reflexes of his beast-like powers, in one second he was squatting down, his hands almost on the floor in front of him, and in the next instant he had launched himself into the air, arcing toward his prey, his arms stretched out as he reached for her, his fangs bared and glistening in the harsh light of the lab. Jubilee, of course, knew exactly how Sabretooth liked to attack his opponents and saw this coming a mile away. While she was, indeed, a little frightened of the huge man-beast flying down toward her, she was already raising her hands up at him. With one moment of focus, she shot a shower of brightly colored energy directly into Sabretooth's face. The big man howled as the hot shards of energy seared into his eyes, face and shoulders, blinding him. Jubilee threw herself to the side, rolling onto the floor, as Sabretooth's body lost its power and he crashed onto the floor. The momentum forced him to stumble straight into the metal wall, cracking the top of his head. Jubilee knew that Sabretooth's powers included quick healing so she couldn't let up for a second, especially now that she had the advantage. As Sabretooth pulled himself up onto all fours, dazed, his head throbbing and his eyes burning, Jubilee once again stretched her arms out in front of her. This time, the stream of energy splattered right into Sabretooth's meaty rump, peppering his ass, thighs and the fat, heavy bulge hanging between his legs. "Aaaarrrrgh!" he howled as he threw his head back in pain. It felt like a thousand little bursts of lightning were stabbing his most vulnerable area. Realizing he had now been attacked twice before he even laid a hand on his opponent, adrenaline shot through Sabretooth's body and he quickly stood up and turned around. He was furious, the stinging pain around his head, shoulders, ass and balls only fueling his ire. With a mighty roar, he swung his mighty arms up and then back down again, flexing them to make every muscle and vein pop while also squeezing his pecs to inflate them. It was a pose he often struck to intimidate his enemies and convey that they were about to be destroyed. Except Jubilee, who once seemed about to collapse with fear by merely touching his massive body, didn't cower at the sight of this flexing, tense mountain of a man. Instead, it was now her turn to throw her head back and laugh. "Ha ha ha ha!" she cackled, one hand on her chest as if to catch her breath. "You look so stupid!" Sabretooth's snarling face drooped into a confused scowl. 'Huh?' he thought. Then he looked down. What he hadn't realized was that Jubilee's energy shots did more than just temporarily blind him and stab him with pain. They had torn at the material of his bodysuit, ripping a huge hole in the top so it now hung down, exposing one of his broad shoulders and one huge, hefty pec with it's pink, perky nipple. Even worse, as he peered over his heaving chest, he realized her attack had the same effect on the back of his lower half, the spandex peeling away so now his bare cock and balls hung between his legs, swaying in the breeze. He could also feel that his ass was entirely exposed. Jubilee stopped laughing to take in the sight in front of her. She didn't have a lot of experience with naked males but even she knew that Sabretooth's manly appendages were big and thick, drooping almost comically between his beefy thighs. And now that his stupid bodysuit was peeling away, she could start to really ogle the studly body underneath. "Now we're getting somewhere," she said as her eyes roamed all over his body. Sabretooth was once again stunned into silence. Did she mean to do this? To strip him, revealing his bulked up body? And not just for humiliation but for...her pleasure? He wasn't used to being objectified, especially not during a fight. He had never really cared if women liked his body or found him attractive or not. If he wanted to fuck them, he would. This humiliation was infuriating, but something more was going on in the back of the brute's mind. He knew even with his super healing powers, he had his weaknesses just like any other mutant. And that weakness unfortunately was located right in his testicles. He had learned over the years that any pain there seemed to slow his healing rate down...a lot. It wasn't normally a problem because most of his opponents were men, and men didn't attack his balls very often, either because he destroyed them before they had a chance or out of some misplaced sense of 'fairness' and 'integrity.' But Jubilee was no man and now his balls felt like they were on fire mere moments into their fight due to her aggressive tactics. Which meant that the pain elsewhere in his body wasn't going away as quickly as normal. He had to end this fight and end it now before it got even worse. No more time for posing and flexing, he reasoned. His anger shot down into his feet as he started running directly at the small girl in front of him. But while normally his spandex suit pulled his meaty genitals up into a tidy, albeit big, pouch, keeping them out of the way, they were now free and loose, slapping back and forth against each thigh as they pumped him forward. He felt ridiculous and yet he couldn't let that distract him. Jubilee, quickly evaluating the situation and realizing even her energy shots probably wouldn't stop him, decided to take a chance. At the last moment, just as the towering bulk of the man was bearing down on her and a growl crawled up his throat, Jubilee used her years of gymnastics and martial arts training to quickly bend all the way backward, planting her hands on the floor as her feet flew up in the air, her coat swinging around as if it was her own superhero cape. And with the grace of a ballerina, her steel-toed boot cracked right into Sabretooth's outstretched chin, sending the beast staggering backward, almost knocked out on his feet. "Ungh!" he bellowed as his huge body wavered back and forth as pain seemed to shoot both straight up into his brain and directly down the core of his spine. Jubilee completed her back-bend, her feet continuing their arc until they landed on the floor and she could stand up again. Professor X had warned her never to use this move as it was too risky, too easy to miss her mark, made her too vulnerable. But she had executed it perfectly, pride coursing through her body as the huge hunk of man tottered around on his quivering, muscular thighs. She realized this was the perfect time to now fire more energy directly into his torso and it's armor-like slabs of muscle. She stretched her arms in front of her, focused until she felt the build-up in her hands and then let loose with a barrage of glittery yet painful sparkles. Too dazed to react in time, Sabretooth's addled mind could barely recognize the bright burst of lights heading his way before they painted his chest, abs and, as Jubilee lowered her aim, his swinging, floppy genitals. "AAAAARRGGGHH!" he bellowed, as the force of the attack pushed him back until the brute's tree-trunk legs gave out on him and fell back. A loud thud rang through the room as his massive frame crashed onto the metal floor. All the wind was knocked out of him as it felt like the front of his body was on fire. His vision was blurry, the room was spinning and yet he could hear that god-awful, irritating laugh again. He could barely lift his head up to gape over the heaving mountain range of his pecs to stare at his opponent before he realized that he was looking at his bare pecs. "Huh?" he muttered as he pulled his head up even higher, looking down on the bare, bulbous muscles drunkenly stacked together to form his abs. And even worse, his mind was putting together that he couldn't see his genitals but he could feel them, his balls resting against his taint with his cock resting snugly against his scrotum. The pain in his most intimate, manly parts from Jubilee's attack was making him even more anxious, knowing that the more she damaged his balls, the less he'd be able to heal himself and the quicker she'd sap him of his strength. His bodysuit was completely shredded, with only his mask and a few remaining swaths of fabric around his forearms and ankles remaining. And through his massive thighs, he could see Jubilee across the room, pointing and laughing at him. Jubilee's tactic was to get the big man naked, of course. And she knew if she played her cards right she'd be enjoying the beef buffet in front of her soon. But for the moment she couldn't help but notice how ridiculous he looked, sprawled out, mostly naked and confused. "That's it ... " Sabretooth grumbled as he hauled his huge frame over on its side, then started to get up. "You're done for, girlie." He pushed himself up on his hands and got on one knee before he heard the clanging of Jubilee's boots on the floor getting louder and closer. His reflexes were slowing down too much for him to react in time and - although he might not realize it - he still was cocky enough to think that there was no way this smaller, younger woman could actually defeat him. So unfortunately for him, Sabretooth left himself wide open. And that's exactly what Jubilee saw: his massive thighs wide open and his thick, soft genitals hanging like fruit from a tree. With one final sprint, the young woman reached out and grabbed all the man meat she could, squeezing and hauling it all back and up to his muscular buttocks. "AAAAAAEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWW!" Sabretooth roared as he felt his precious organs stretched farther than he would've thought possible. He tried reaching down to pull Jubilee's hands off of him but then felt her twist his genitals almost 180 degrees. He howled again. "Don't!" the young woman ordered. "You touch my hands and I'll rip these off!" "Girlie ... " Sabretooth seethed between gritted teeth. He was slowly pulling himself upright to ease some of the pressure he felt between his legs, but Jubilee kept pulling up as well. His enormous legs were shaking, his feet constantly shifting around as his body rebelled against the pain. But since he couldn't reach behind him and he dare not reach down for her hands again, he didn't actually know what to do...for the first time in any fight he'd ever been in. "Girlie ... " he tried again, trying to sound as menacing as possible while his whole body quivered in agony. "Don't make me-" "Don't make you what? In case you haven't noticed, I'm in charge now," Jubilee shot back. She still had both hands wrapped around his thick, soft cock and fat, hairy balls. But as Sabretooth tried standing up straight, Jubilee quickly let go of his cock and pressed as much of his scrotum and balls into one fist so she could reach up on her tip-toes and finally yank off his mask, tossing it aside. Sabretooth's mind was in full panic mode. This wasn't just a random hit or two to his most vulnerable target, this was now a never-ending, chronic source of pain that reverberated up through his whole body. He understood how effective her attack really was when he realized he was still feeling the pain from her energy shots all over his body, her kick to his head, even from falling on the floor. His body wasn't healing! The pain was just getting worse! He had never known his towering, massive frame of pure muscle to feel this much agony for this long. Jubilee, meanwhile, realized she could now control this huge, hulking male with just her one small, feminine hand wrapped around his testicles. So she couldn't resist using her other hand to start caressing his beefy buttocks, slipping her fingers in between them, cupping and groping them, before sliding her hand all the way up his back to feel all the shifting slabs of thick muscle as her captive struggled in her grasp. She realized that even with all her superpowers, this might have been the most powerful she had ever felt: controlling such a huge, dangerous, powerful man with just one hand. Sabretooth now felt intimately violated by Jubilee's groping of his backside in addition to all his pain. His chest was heaving and sweat was pouring down his face and shoulders. He couldn't focus, he could barely keep standing and he could barely suck in enough oxygen to feed his enormous body. Jubilee realized she had him - not just literally by the balls, but she had him. She gave his tortured sack one last yank, pulling it up practically between his ass cheeks. Sabretooth howled out yet again. "Do you give?" she asked. Sabretooth refused to answer. She yanked again. "DO YOU?!" "I GIVE! I GIVE!" Sabretooth howled out, seemingly on the verge of tears. "Finally! Geez ... " Jubilee said as she let go of her captured prey, letting his vulnerable male anatomy once again swing freely between his spread, drunken thighs. She wrapped one of her hands around one of his massive, softball-sized biceps and started to turn her defeated opponent around to face her. "Look, I know this didn't go-" "RAWR!" Sabretooth growled as his free arm suddenly swung out. It almost knocked Jubilee's head right off but luckily her reflexes were now much quicker than his. She ducked, planted her hands on the floor, and with all her body weight, shoved her big thick boot right in the middle of Sabretooth's massive chest. Her heel smashed into one pec, her toes planted against the other, and she noticed both pecs quivered upon impact as her kick sent Sabretooth flying backwards until he once again slammed into the metal wall, the crack from his head's impact ringing through the room. Jubilee, pissed that her opponent lied to her and tricked her, raised her arms once again. But this time, she was surprised that Sabretooth did the same. "No more ... " he was barely able to grunt out. "Please...no more ... I'm sorry...I won't do that again ... " He was panting heavily, leaning against the wall to hold himself up, barely able to keep his head from hanging shamefully down on his broad pecs. That was it. That attempt to punch her was his last shot, drawing on his last bits of energy. He was finished, and he knew it. Stunned, Jubilee lowered her arms. She took a big breath as her whole body relaxed and softened. She put one hand on her hip as she sauntered toward her defeated foe. "Well, well, well ... " she teased. "The mighty Sabretooth, losing to a younger, smaller, inexperienced girl like me...whoda thunk?" Sabretooth, now actually afraid of his small opponent, stood up from the wall, his whole body tensing in fear as he groggily swayed side to side. Much to the big brute's surprise, Jubilee didn't stop when she neared him. She kept walking until she was in between his legs, pressing her body right up against his. Her hands reached up to cup what she could of his heaving, sweaty, slightly hairy pecs. "That was fun," she cooed. "Thank you for the good workout." Her hands started traveling up his broad shoulders, then down his bloated, veiny arms, gripping his bulging biceps. "You look like you need a little support," she said softly as she barely pushed his arms back. His wavering body had no choice but to follow until he was once again pressed against the wall. "There, that's better," she said as she pressed her body against his. Her hands then started traveling up his abs and over the vast hills of his pecs. "What are you-" Sabretooth muttered but was cut off when Jubilee reached up with both hands to pull his face down to hers and press her lips against his. Now that she could finally see him without his mask, she found herself extremely turned on at the naked, muscular, handsome man in front of her. Sabretooth was stunned but didn't pull away. He was too beaten, too dazed, to make any sudden decisions, so he let her kiss him, and even acquiesced when she forced her tongue into his mouth. Jubilee loved feeling almost enveloped by his powerful masculinity. His pecs seemed to be squeezing her, his arms and legs surrounded her, the short, soft hair that swept across his chest and streamed down the middle of his abs to pool at the base of his cock felt primal under her fingers, and his musky scent sent tingles across her skin. She spent her days with numerous muscular men walking around in spandex suits, trying not to ogle them, much less getting to do anything more fun with them. Now that she finally had a big, well-built male under her control, she was going to enjoy every minute of it. And enjoy it she did. She could feel herself getting wet and her nipples getting hard as they darted against her opponent's body. Meanwhile, as she was eager to fully experience every bit of masculinity Sabretooth had to offer, one hand traveled even lower. It wrapped around the thick shaft of his soft cock and started pulling it upward over and over again. Jubilee was thrilled when she felt it begin to swell, loving the power she had to change this man's body, to direct the flow of his blood. She also loved how long, thick and hard it got and how warm it felt in her hand. She finally pulled out of the kiss to look down at her male captive's massive tool, which seemed to be staring straight up back at her. "Very impressive ... " she said, more to herself than to him. "What...what are you doing to me?" Sabretooth asked. Jubilee looked up and giggled. He was still clearly dazed, his eyes out of focus, his heads bobbing from side to side. He didn't understand how she went from kicking his ass to caressing him and even jerking his cock. He couldn't comprehend the desires of a young woman who wanted not only to dominate him physically, but sexually as well. "Enjoying my trophy, of course," Jubilee said. "But...also...I do have to punish you for lying to me back there. That was very naughty." "I'm...I'm sorry," Sabretooth offered, as if in a trance. He was so cute when he lookd so dumb, Jubilee thought. "I'm sure you are, but it's a bit too late for that," Jubilee said. "Just one more punishment and then we can carry on with this, okay?" "What...what are you going to do?" the towering male asked in a faint voice. But Jubilee was just looking up at him, curling her pink, soft lips into a smirk. "I don't have to do very much. As you can see, I can control your big, strong body with just my hand. But in fact, I bet I need less than that. I bet I just need two fingers." And then Sabretooth felt it: a very soft pressure against the bottom of both of his balls. "Huh?" he said, trying to look down past his pecs and saw that Jubilee had just pressed two of her fingertips up against his balls. Then, after a quick moment of focus, she felt an electrical current whoosh through her forearms, then her hands, then into just the two fingers she had extended, sending a white-hot, burning pain directly into the Herculean male's most sensitive spots. "Aaaaaargh!" Sabretooth wailed as his body writhed in pain.. Sabretooth's head fell forward past Jubilee's shoulder, his mouth open but no more sound able to come out, his hands flying to his balls. His whole body was shutting down, the muscles slackening, his brain on the verge of going black to escape the pain. He could no longer hold himself upright and started to collapse forward. Jubilee, unable to hold the big hunk up herself, stepped out of the way to let him collapse on the floor, cradling his crotch with his hands, rolling back and forth on his stomach with his ass both clenching and quivering. There was a Sabretooth-shaped dent in the wall. 'Shit,' she thought. 'Professor X is gonna be pissed.' "There," Jubilee said, almost bored. "NOW the fight is over." She knew she was going to have to wait a bit for the big man to recover enough for her to resume her enjoyment of his body, so she fixed her hair, wiped away the sweat on her forehead from her exertions, fiddled with her clothes to get them all back in place and looking good again. Meanwhile, Sabretooth just groaned as he continued to rock back and forth. "Okay, big guy, that's enough time," Jubilee said as she whipped off her coat and crouched down next to him. She reached over the broad expanse of his back and grabbed his arm, then started pulling it toward her. Normally there's no way she'd even have a chance at getting it to budge an inch, but Sabretooth was too exhausted and too defeated to resist. The more she pulled, the more he had to twist around, finally facing upward and rolling onto his back. All his muscles, now soft and yielding, seemed to shake and wobble from the momentum before settling down into place. Jubilee knelt there, between his arm and his ribs, and placed both hands on the muscular landscape of his torso. One hand began to once again explore his chest and abs, tweaking his nipples, digging into the grooves between his ab muscles. The other hand slid down his flat, firm lower tummy until she could once again curl her fingers around the thick meat branch sprouting between his legs. Despite the pain that still overwhelmed his body, Sabretooth's cock responded instantly, stretching and inflating into a towering achievement of male virility. Jubilee was thrilled that the man she was dominating had a large cock. The last time she had seen a big one was when she was traveling with her X-Men team and they had to stay at a cheap, shitty motel one night. Her room was connected to Wolverine's by a shared door. And late at night, lying in bed, she heard what sounded like heavy breathing and even grunting. Confused, she got up and realized the door connecting their rooms had accidentally been left slightly open. Creeping over the grimy carpet to peer through the crack, her hand flew up to her mouth to prevent herself from gasping out loud. There, in the faint blue moonlight stretching into the room, was Wolverine, laying on his bed fully naked. She could see he was masturbating, his hairy hand sliding up and down his enormous, long cock. Jubilee was mesmerized, watching how his hand squeezed his own flesh, thinking that would hurt him but apparently had the opposite effect. She could also hear him muttering something under his breath. She stayed very still, trying to listen. Je...Jean? Jean Grey? Is that what he was saying? Jubilee's eyes immediately filled with tears. Even though she desperately wanted to watch him finish, she didn't dare in case he looked up and saw her. Instead, she quickly scurried on her tip-toes over to the bathroom and locked the door. 'Of course he's dreaming about her!' Jubilee pouted to herself as she stared in the mirror, wearing just a small white t-shirt and small white shorts. She pictured what Wolverine had been doing, wishing it was her hands wrapped around him, feeling how hard and strong his lust was for her. 'He'll never see me as a grown woman! I'll never be enough for him!' As the sobs started to shake her body, she began to furiously finger her clit until she came in a huge, silent, body-shuddering orgasm. And now...now she was the one whose hand was wrapped around the giant cock. While she was quite confident it wasn't as big as Wolverine's, she knew Sabretooth was definitely on the very big end of the spectrum. She loved how when her hand slid up to the large, red cockhead, she could squeeze out a thick, clear blob of precum that she used to slick up his shaft. Not only was she manipulating his male body, she was extracting fluids from it! "Wait...no ... " Sabretooth barely grumbled. He was desperate for his body and mind to come back online and sync up. The pain from Jubilee's shot to his balls was maybe the worst pain he had ever felt and, ironically, was causing him to not heal at all, making the excruciating agony last even longer. Every movement sent shockwaves of agony bolting throughout his body. Just trying to lift his arm an inch off the ground - ostensibly to pull the sexually voracious vixen off of him - was too much and he'd have to drop his arm back down, lifeless at his side. "Shhhh," Jubilee said. "Don't act like you want me to stop. It's pretty clear ... " she gave his cock a squeeze "...that you like it. "No, please ... " Sabretooth muttered again. He occasionally was able to lift his head, barely able to look past the two heaving domes of his chest to see her small, smooth hand traveling up and down the tower of his cock pointing straight up. He also couldn't help but notice her breasts in her pink crop top, slightly shaking as she leant over him, manhandling him. "Please...you can't do this ... " "Really? Because it seems like I can," Jubilee teased, giving his nipple a good twist. "Ungh," Sabretooth grunted at the violation. "What...what would Professor X say?" Jubilee scoffed at the thought and quickly let go of his cock to give his drooping, swelling balls a quick slap. Sabretooth's whole body spasmed. "Yeow!" he bellowed. "That's what you get for such a dirty thought," Jubilee scolded, picking his cock back up again to resume pumping it. "Nice try though, big guy. This is going to happen whether you want it to or not. Now that I've drained you of all your strength, I'm going to milk you dry. It's only once I've squeezed every last drop out of your big, fat cock and have totally drained your big, fat balls will I feel like I've truly defeated you." "Uggghhh ... " Sabretooth could only groan in reply to hearing her plans, his head rocking back and forth as if to deny reality. Not only was it humiliating to be controlled and dominated physically, mentally and sexually like this, he knew that draining his balls, just like pain to his balls, drastically slowed down his healing powers. And yet there was nothing he could do to stop this smaller, younger woman from having her way with him. "Remember how before our fight started, I pretended to be afraid of you?" Jubilee asked her aroused captive. "I can't believe you bought it. But then again, you don't seem like the sharpest crayon in the drawer." "No ... " he muttered again as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, the combination of pain and pleasure overwhelming his system. "Stop ... " Jubilee just ignored him now. With one hand absent-mindedly groping his pecs and twisting his nipples, she was focused entirely on the hand that was working his giant fuck stick, pumping it faster and faster, squeezing harder and harder. More precum oozed out as more sweat slicked his whole body, his breathing quickened as his chest heaved up and down and his balls tightened in close to his body. "No ... " he barely whispered, terrified at the thought of his vulnerable body deprived of its ability to heal. But it was too late, with one last twist of Jubilee's small, soft hand around his grotesquely engorged cock helmet, Sabretooth felt the first spurt race through his shaft until it exploded out of his cock and landed directly in the valley between his two pecs. Sabretooth started groaning while his body started to spasm and flex uncontrollably. His hips started bucking as if on auto-pilot. Jubilee squealed with glee as she kept pumping more and more thick white globs shot out of his cock and splattered his sweaty, hairy torso. Jubilee loved the feeling of controlling this huge, powerful man, especially by controlling his huge, powerful cock. She felt herself getting wetter, dampening her panties. "That's right, give me every last drop," she ordered as she kept sliding her fist up the long, veiny shaft. Finally, her hand reached the top and nothing came out. She was thrilled - she had successfully milked a male opponent against his will. She had not only drained his strength but drained his masculine essence right out of him. She let go of his now-softening cock onto his belly and wiped the sticky cum covering her fingers onto Sabretooth's lifeless thigh. He was still softly groaning even as his whole body had slumped to perfect stillness, besides his heaving breathing. She leaned over and patted his cheek a few times. His eyes were barely open as he looked over at her. "There. Now I have totally beaten you. And it was fun! You were barely a challenge at all, which is kind of surprising, seeing what a big, strong man you are and what a small young woman I am. Kinda embarrassing for you, huh? Jubilee said with a giggle as she stood up. Sabretooth just groaned again as now shame joined the pain washing over his body. He looked up, his eyes barely able to focus, as saw Jubilee staring down at him: her long, bare legs leading up to her shapely hips, her smooth, flat tummy exposed by her crop top, her full, round breasts stretching the fabric covering them, and her confident smile as she stared back at him. Sabretooth couldn't help it. He felt it happening but couldn't stop it. In almost no time, his cock once again began to swell, stretching eagerly until it almost reached his belly button. It began to twitch and throb as if desperate for release yet again. The energy it took to fuel his desire was all his body had left. He started to pass out. "Wow, really, dude? Seems like at least one part of you is healing pretty quickly," Jubilee joked. "But as tempting as that is, I'm going to have to take a pass. I've got shit to do, you know." Jubilee walked over and picked up her coat just as Storm, Jean Grey and Wolverine ran into the room in full costume. "Jubilee!" Storm called out before all 3 of them stopped dead in their tracks once inside the room. There, laying on the floor in front of them, was one of their most feared and dangerous enemies. Sabretooth's body was naked, spread eagle, covered in sweat and bruises and...were those burn marks? Even more shocking was that it looked as if his torso was covered in...was that cum? But...he's also rock hard, his cock bouncing up and down over his body the only other sign of life besides his heaving chest. And there stood Jubilee as she folded her coat over her arm, looking fresh and satisfied. "Hey guys! What's up?" she asked as there wasn't a huge naked man-beast on the floor. "Professor X sensed you were in trouble," Jean Grey explained. "We got here as fast as we could." "Aw, that's sweet, but as you can see I'm fine," Jubilee said. She looked back at her defeated opponent. "Sabretooth and I had a little spat and, as you can see, it didn't end very well for him." "You...you and Sabretooth got into a fight?" Wolverine asked, clearly as confused as the other two women. "Yep!" Jubilee beamed. "And...you beat him?" he asked, slowly processing her story. "Yep! Wasn't that hard actually." "But what about ... ?" Jean Grey asked, motioning to Sabretooth's cum-covered body. "Oh, yeah, right," Jubilee said, realizing that she did indeed take things much farther than a normal mutant fight. "I..uh, well, what can I say? I wanted to beat him every way possible!" Jubilee started walking toward the door and stopped until the two women were on one side of her and Wolverine was on the other. "We should probably get him back into his cell," Jubilee suggested, the 'we' clearly meant only for the adults she was talking to. "Unless, of course, you ladies want to..um...inspect him too?" Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine just stared at the naked, unconscious man. "Well," Storm couldn't help but offer, "His phallus is quite impressive." "'Atta girl," Jubilee said with a giggle, then turned to the stunned object of her affections right next to her. Her eyes scoped out Wolverine's compact muscular body in his skin-tight yellow spandex suit with its blue briefs. "But don't worry, Wolverine..." All three adults were confused by Jubilee's statement and looked at her. They then gasped at what she did next. Jubilee gently cupped the big bulge of Wolverine's briefs. His body froze as he felt the gentle pressure of her hand against his most vulnerable, masculine parts. "You're definitely bigger." And with that, she winked at him and then left the room. Wolverine just stared at the two women facing him. He noticed their eyes travel downward to his crotch. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight on his feet, clearly uncomfortable and stunned that Jubilee could be so brazen. And they all wondered, how did she know how big he was? The three of them then looked back at Sabretooth, still trying to grasp that he was defeated - and more - by the young woman they had rarely taken seriously. EPILOGUE Sabretooth's eyes fluttered open, his vision hazy. His head ached and, with his growing awareness, his whole body did, too. He felt pressure running up and down every few inches against his body. The bars...he was back in his cell, somehow pressed up against the bars.. Which also meant he was upright. And he felt pressure at all his limbs. He tried to move but realized he had been tied up. His arms and legs were stretched out, making him look like a starfish, pressed up against the bars of his cell, staring out into the room. He heard voices laughing and muttering and felt a pressure tugging at his hips. He could barely tip his head down to see past his naked torso to his fully erect cock stretched out in front of him between the bars, with two hands stroking it back and forth. There were four people kneeling or crouching on the floor in front of him outside the cell, two on either side of his cock. He also felt a hand cupping and rolling his balls around, another grabbing and squeezing one of his ass cheeks, and both of his nipples getting pinched and twisted. And there, on the empty floor directly in front of him, were countless white blobs scattered everywhere, some even four or five feet away. "See? I told you he was big ... " "Isn't it my turn yet ... ?" "I can't believe how long the big oaf has been passed out ... " "Do you really think he has more in him ... ? He could barely make out the shapes and colors of the people but after a few moments he was sure one of them was Jubilee, another - all in white, with white hair - must have been that bitch Storm. Another, all in green with a red ponytail, must have been Jean Grey. And the fourth...wait...short blond hair... a deeper voice...was that...Iceman? What the fuck? Sabretooth didn't even have the energy to groan, much less roar at his arch enemies who were crossing a line with him. The pain was still too great. He felt himself sink into darkness again, his body slightly rocking as his hips were being pulled harder against the bars by his cock. Meanwhile, up in his room, Wolverine lay on his bed, stark naked, masturbating. Like he always did when jerking off, he had AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" blasting out of his speakers so no one could hear what he was up to. One hand was siphoning his enormous erection, the other was rolling around his big, hairy balls. His eyes were shut as he fantasized about the one he wanted but felt he couldn't have. And he muttered her name, the same name he had been muttering those many months ago in that motel room ... "Jubilee ... " "Jubilee ... "