Andi Malone – Teenage Tease rewrite of “Roommate’s little sister” ... By Elder Barry Andi and the roommates were stone cold killers Andi Malone - Teenage Teaser Rewrite of The Roommate's Little Sister Paul Prevenza was watching ESPN intrigued by the many outlandishly muscular young girls competing for the title of Miss Teenage World Fitness. The sixth-year graduate student admitted to himself, but to no one else, that he had a fetish, a serious fixation with youngish muscular females. Specifically, well-toned fully flexed feminine biceps sexually excited the hornier than horny twenty-four-year-old virgin. He was nursing a lite-beer noshing on pretzel sticks while sitting on the couch belonging to his fantasy quasi-want-to-be girlfriend's roommate. He was day dreaming about Susie 'the bod' Quinn his 'out of his league' fantasy crush. Paul was unconsciously fondling his genitals when he heard someone at the door. Paul had been certain the roommates would be gone for several more hours. He frantically rearranged the junk in his pants but relaxed when he heard a familiar voice. "Hi Paul." The five-foot-four-inch one hundred fifteen-pound prettier than just pretty teenager dropped her gym bag at the door. "Where is everybody?" She asked. "Rebecca and Susie Q. (Paul had so wanted to say your sister and my girlfriend) are at the mall shopping for shit, eating lunch, and shopping for some more shit." He laughed. "And I have no doubt flirting with anyone and everyone wearing pants." 'I'm pretty sure you're right about that." The familiar voice belonged to Andi Malone, Becca's seventeen-year-old sister who was spending the summer at the house while she attended a soccer camp at the nearby University, a training camp designed specifically for elite soccer playing high-school girls. "We Malone sisters love to flirt and we're sort of kind of built for it too, don't you think." The comely pony-tailed strawberry blonde teenager was still wearing her powder blue soccer uniform jersey, her white shorts that hugged her heavily muscled thighs, and her knee-high blue and white striped athletic socks. Andi and the roommates had something else in common; they were all stone-cold killers. Back in her high school days Becca had killed an Internet blogger who had spread untruths about her on the net. Earlier the same not while working in concert Susie Q. and Andi had brutally murdered their sleazy sexist high school principal. As far as anyone knew each of the roommates had refrained from killing again; as far as anyone knew. However, unbeknownst to the other each of the roommates had snuffed out another life. One morning while jogging in the park Susie Q. noticed a disheveled fat guy teasing a young girl of ten or maybe eleven years of age and not in a fun way. Susie followed them home and surreptitiously slipped into the house via an open window. Hearing a male voice and a sobbing girl 'the bod' burst into what turned out be the girl's bedroom and confronted the now naked man who deftly reached for a weapon; a big buckled belt. Susie wasted no time and karate chopped the sleazy pedophile just below his chin crushing his Adam's apple restricting his ability to breathe; he was dead in less than a minute. "Are you okay?" Susie asked the little girl. "Yeah, thanks." The girl smiled and kicked her step-father in the kidney. "I just wish you would have let me help." She laughed. "I'll tell the cops some big guy invaded the house and killed papa." Several days earlier Rebecca Malone had accepted a date offer from 28-year-old Rocco DeMartini the biggest best looking body builder at the gym. After a movie and a wonderful dinner at a fancy Italian bistro Rocco made his move at the car. "No." Becca rebuffed his advances by categorically uttering the phrase of the day. "Lobster Bisque, Escargot, with brie and garlic butter appetizers, Osso Bucco, risotto, and a slice of tiramisu, while nice, doesn't entitle you to any of my good stuff." However, Rocco, who was accustomed to having his way with woman didn't seem to understand the word. Had Becca gotten to know the big dufus better she would have quickly learned that he didn't understand the meaning of a lot words. "Come on bitch. It was Bisque. In his Neanderthal mind Rocco felt he was entitled to some action; after all he had spent a shit ton of cash for a full course dinner and now it was time for his second dessert. Despite her protestations Rocco awkwardly grabbed her left breast and began to fondle her. Rebecca experienced a powerful adrenaline rush and reacted forcibly, too forcibly. She effortlessly lifted Rocco off the ground by his chin with but one hand and body slammed him to the ground. She grabbed the back of his neck and smashed his head and face forward against the hood of the car. She hadn't meant to kill the guy but shit happens. Andi kicked off her shoes and sat herself down on the sofa uncomfortably close to an already blushing Paul Prevenza. She reached across his body to capture a couple of the pretzel sticks allowing her firm young breasts to nestle up against his upper arm; he could actually feel heat radiating from her body. "What up?" Andi playfully punched that very same upper arm and then she flashed one of those breathtaking ... 'I'm better than you' ... smiles that guys everywhere hoped for but rarely ever received. She nimbly lifted her left leg straight up in the air at an almost impossible ninety-degree angle, tugged on the toe of her sock, and slowly pulled it off revealing a chiseled shapely but muscular well-tanned lower leg. Andi's leg muscles were stunning. Her diamond-shaped calf easily measured a well-defined but almost incomprehensibly large 15-1/2" in circumference while her power packed thighs likely exceeded 24" ... and were something to behold ... Even the girl's pretty feet and toes were turning him on. Her extraordinarily powerful legs accounted for her well above average sixty-five-mile-an-hour penalty kick velocity; by far the best on the team. The same kicking motion and power she had once used to her advantage as she and her older girlfriend (Susie Q.) had beaten and kicked her loathsome high school predator principal to death. As the agile seventeen-year-old vixen lifted and stretched out her toes her calf muscle rhythmically twitched, expanded, and contracted something akin to that of a flexing bicep. As Paul watched her stretch out her arms to remove the sock, he noticed an impressive bicep inexorably rising majestically under the clinging fabric of her jersey. It was at that moment in time Paul Prevenza realized that he was in the presence of his fantasy dream girl; his imaginary masturbatory go-to girl was sitting alongside him on the coach ... in the flesh ... rubbing her breasts against him. However, the nearly twenty-three-year-old man needed to remind himself that the beguiling female sitting alongside him was way-young; barely seventeen (by days) the very definition of jail-bait. In most states (37 out of 50) as well as D.C. and Puerto Rico sixteen was the age of consent and of legal age but Paul wasn't sure about this particular state but he suspected seventeen was off limits for someone his age. It was widely believed by many that if sex with these 'vulnerable' underaged nubile young bodies was suddenly legalized then that's all men would want to be doing or dreaming of doing or actually doing. The sudden rise in teenaged pregnancy at least partially lends credence to that hypothesis. In addition, the proliferation of T.V. shows such as 'Sixteen and Pregnant' ... 'Teen Mom' ... or if you're from the south ... 'Mom' ... further supports that postulation. Paul understood he was being overly paranoid. The likelihood of a couple of salivating mouth-breathing vice cops breaking down the apartment door, questioning her age, cuffing him, charging him with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and then dragging poor Paul off to a prison cell introducing him to his cell mate a 400-pound salivating habitual sex-offender was next to nil. However, if Peter knew one thing, he knew with metaphysical certitude that his longish curly blond hair, his five-foot-eight-inch scrawny one-hundred-thirty-pound body wouldn't fare well in prison. Hell, the nerdish boy had barely made it through high school unscathed. He had been squeezed into so many school lockers he had lost count. In fact, even to this day locker #114, the locker at his old high school, the one where he pissed and shat himself is still referred to as the Prevenza locker. "Andi." In order to break the sexual tension building within him, Paul decided he needed to say something to her so he asked a question to which he already knew the answer. "How old are you now?" "I turned seventeen last week." Her smile was both arrogant and sexy and challenging. "I'm two inches taller and one year older than last year, Paul ... still seven years younger than you but I'm no longer a virgin." She lied while suggestively sucking on the giant pretzel stick. She positioned her still socked left foot and leg in his lap motioning for him to pull off that sock. "Please." She begged him with her big blue eyes. "Why not?" Paul could and was thinking of a number of 'why not' reasons why a 23-year-old man shouldn't get involved with a seventeen-year-old girl but he ignored them all and did what he felt compelled to do. "Oh my God." Paul whispered under his breath. As he slowly pulled off her sock he unconsciously squeezed and massaged her steel-like muscular but velvety smooth leg; quietly moaning to himself as he did so. "Calm down, Sparky." The impish child-like nymph smiled displaying a slight malocclusion (overbite) but otherwise perfectly straight whiter than white teeth. "Paul, It's only a leg." Andi again flexed her thighs and her calves demonstrating conclusively that her leg was anything but 'just' a leg. Andi Malone disengaged herself from Paul and rose to her feet, haughtily looming her relatively short in stature but still formidable 5-4 frame over the still seated Paul Prevenza as she gently forced a muscular leg between his. She pressed her shins and her knees forward, raised her foot, while sensually caressing his crotch with her bare toes. The Malone girl was imagining how sensuous and powerful her big-girl orgasm would be if she brutalized and killed Paul. She realized that her roiling juices would engender unimaginable ecstasy if she simply snuffed out his life right there on the sofa - It would be so easy for her - Thankfully for him she controlled her manic homicidal urges and desires and simply returned to her teasing ways. Stunned and overwhelmed by the teenager's strength and wanton licentious advances Paul could do nothing to dissuade her. It was as if he were hypnotized or paralyzed. He was passively compliant unable to resist her flirtatious advances nor hide his impressive erection from her. Andi slowly and deliberately pulled her soccer jersey up over her head. When she tossed it on his face he was assaulted by the pungent musky scent of her warm body. The jersey momentarily covered Paul's eyes but once he flung it away his gaze fixated on her pink sports bra that was currently cupping her perfect teen breasts. Her deep cleavage suggested that Paul's virgin eyes were about to be treated to something special. "Andi, what are you doing?" "Nothing." She breathed deeply displaying her stunning six-pack abs. "Just relaxing a bit." When Andi reached back to uncouple her bra, her shoulder muscles; deltoids, traps, and triceps literally erupted into mountains of muscle ... her unflexed biceps also showed (lol) promise. "Just making myself comfortable." She discarded her bra flaunting her generous 34C breasts, her pinkish half-dollar size areolas, and her impossibly erect nipples. "Showing off a little bit for you Paul." She admitted as she pressed and grinded her knee against his straining erection. "Come on Paul." Her seductive smile was patently unfair. "Admit it. I can tell you really really like this." "Take a better look at these beauties." She flexed her pecs causing her untethered stunning breasts to dance seductively. Her erect nipples beckoned to him Paul Prevenza was out of his depth and he knew it. He understood that he needed to restrain himself, disregard this nymphette's irresistible advances. He needed to concentrate on the possibility of prison life rather than the euphoria awaiting his acquiescence of the forbidden fruit being offered. "Hey Paul." Andi laughingly tensed and caressed her own right bicep. "Do you like big muscles on little girls?" She continued massaging her unflexed bicep. "Would you like for me to make a muscle for you?" She thought that was a cute and sexy way to describe what she was about to do. "Boom - Kapow - Bam!" The 17-year-old tease made cartoon noises, lifted her right arm, bending at a 90-degree angle, squeezed hard making a fist, rotated her forearm, and flexed with everything she had. "Here comes that muscle I promised you." Her baseball shaped but softball sized bicep began to quiver, palpitate, and pulsate while rising to an impressive fourteen and one-quarter inch of impenetrable feminine muscle. "You like?" She laughed contemptuously. "Pretty damn big, huh?" She flexed her left arm. "Not quite as big as my right arm but still quite a bit larger than yours, right?" "Impressed much?" She laughed at the blushing man. "Stop it." He pleaded with her and began to rise. That's when she reflexively, without real malice punched him in the chest and then the ribs. "Ow." He screamed like the wuss he was. The pain was severe and immediate." Paul was certain she had at the very least bruised his sternum and maybe even cracked a rib or two. It hurt when he tried to breathe. He was afraid to cough which of course he now felt a need to do just that. Thankfully nothing about his current situation was funny to him, so he needn't worry about laughing "Sorry." She laughed indicating she wasn't. "Let's see." She grabbed his right arm, using her strong hands she literally ripped the sleeve from his t-shirt exposing his pasty-white upper arm. She placed her fully flexed deeply tanned bicep alongside his upper arm and made him flex. The contrast was beyond preposterous. The barely 17-year-old dynamo was easily four inches shorter than Paul and at least 15 to 20 pounds lighter and yet her flexed bicep was nearly four inches larger than the less than eleven-inch bicep belonging to the twenty-two-year-old man she was seducing. She squeezed his flabby excuse for a muscle laughing as he winced in obvious pain; she squeezed some more and laughed some more as he winced some more. "Oh my, Paul ... that's truly a shame." She continued to squeeze his almost nonexistent flabby upper arm muscle and giggled like the school girl she was. "How can you be so skinny and flabby at the same time?" Get yourself to a gym, boy. They have these things there called weights." "Paul." She flexed her right bicep and they both watched her nearly incomprehensible muscle rise majestically. "See - Lifting heavy shit works wonders." Naturally Paul was embarrassed but not the least bit surprised. In fact, if the truth were to be known he was actually more sexually excited by the teenager's muscularity and her demonstration thereof than he was ashamed of his own inadequacies of which there were far too many to count. Afterall, what did Paul really have to complain about? He was being teased and fondled by his real-life fantasy girl who at the moment was grinding her knee into his ready to explode throbbing manhood. She too was experiencing a state of sexual nirvana. She was overjoyed, exhilarated by her unquestioned superiority over the males of the world. Paul wasn't the first man to succumb (nice word) to her overwhelmingly irresistible charms and he sure as hell wasn't going to be the last. Andie Malone knew that her most explosive orgasm crested on the night she and Susie Q. killed their overbearing high school principal something Andi wasn't averse to trying again. "Isn't it amazing." Susie Q. stretched her arms way back accentuating and displaying her more than impressive breasts. "I think every guy I meet has a perpetual boner; coincidence? I think otherwise." "Yes, that particular male condition seems to be pervasive." Rebecca coyly brushed her hair back revealing her near 15" pulsating biceps. The roommates were dressed in their sexiest most revealing outfits. Becca was dressed in skin tight pink jeans and a much too tight wife-beater T-shirt that not only displayed her rippling muscles but also encouraged her breasts to move about untethered. Susie was clad in a pair of way too short booty shorts that rode up to her ass emphasizing her extraordinarily muscular derriere. The flimsy sports bra tried valiantly but couldn't contain her big boobies. Had the girls been in a more conservative State they would likely have been arrested for indecent exposure. The roommates were approached by two middle-aged well-dressed macho horndogs with only one thing on their minds; sex. The girls, who were as horny as recently paroled inmates on double doses of Viagra were about to succumb to their most base cravings; a strong desire for sexual release and an absolute need to snuff out a life. The roommates coaxed the men to a secluded area outside the shopping mall itself and the Amazonian like sex-pots served up triple helpings of whoop-ass. Without warning the sexy teen vixens began to beat the living shit out of the innocent and unsuspecting men continuing with their unprovoked onslaught until the men met their maker. In a choregraphed move the girls chin lifted the terrified men and slammed and mashed their faces together resulting in a bloody mess. The girls who had both achieved unappareled orgasmic ecstasy shuttered with delight. However, both girls immediately realized they had crossed the line by eschewing their vow to only punish and kill those who deserved it. Together Becky and Susie decided to reevaluate their priorities vowing to never extinguish another life unless they were absolutely 100% positive that that life deserved a permanent dirt nap. During her short time on earth, even before her 14th birthday, Andi had dominated all manner of men; young and old, tall and short, big and small, strong and weak each with the exact same result ... Those macho guys had all been reduced to quivering, depleted, exhausted and drained horn-dogs all hoping and begging her for more ... hopelessly hoping for the ultimate prize which she judiciously withheld. Andi removed her knee from Paul's crotch and shuddered with anticipation as she felt her second orgasm building within her. The physical act of dominating men never failed to bring Andi Malone to climax. She was amused knowing how proud Paul would be if he knew he had brought the sultry teen vixen to orgasm, twice. She stood back and effected a spectacular double-bicep pose that fully displayed every muscle group in her extraordinary young body. Andi was rightfully proud of her physicality because it was earned through hard work and not aa a result of performance enhancing drugs or DNA or hereditary genes or steroids. Just as her sister had Andi earned her domineering arrogance and wasn't above flaunting her superiority, That was it for Paul Prevenza. He couldn't hold his shit any longer and when that special feeling came over him it was like a tidal wave in his pants. His raging hard-on finally erupted spewing forth a massive load of warm sticking semen into his underpants, the abundant ejaculate spunk seeped through his tidy-withies and ran down his pants leg. A noticeable wet stain was saturating his tan trousers causing a never-ending spreading stain to discolor his crotch area. Was he embarrassed? Yes. Of course he was but he had to admit to himself that his spinetingling release had been worth it. Paul had experienced the most exhilarating pleasure moment of his entire life. "Thanks Paul." He didn't even care that an amused Andi Malone had noticed the mess that was his pants. "I'm going to take a long hot shower." She giggled as she noticed him noticing her noticing the stain. Satisfied with herself she sashayed away shaking her perfect ass; looking over her shoulder she offered a suggestion. "You might want to clean up a bit yourself." He immediately raced to the guest bathroom. She was 100% right, at the very least he needed to wash off the front of his pants. But first he needed to piss and then he needed to address his massive hard-on which refused to be ignored. Paul managed to pee directly into the bowl even though his cock insisted on pointing straight up into the air at the ceiling. Next, he began to knead, massage, and then vigorously yank on his unusually thick seven-inch penis until he spurted copious amounts of cum into the sink affixing globs of spunk onto the mirror above. He ran the water and using Kleenex and toilet paper he wiped down the mirror. Wishing to leave the premises unseen Paul silently made a bee line to the front door. He was holding a newspaper in front of his crotch ready to hide his embarrassment from any pedestrian he might encounter while on the way to his car. "Bye-bye Paul." Andi Malone confronted him just as he reached the front door. She was bare foot wearing her white shorts and her pink sports bra which was failing to cover her generous tatas. She had arranged her blonde hair into two expertly braided pig-tails managing to make herself look even younger. "Don't be a stranger." She offered him another double-bicep pose amazed by her own muscularity and the awe-struck look of incredulity on his face. "Come again Paul." Her wicked smile was disconcerting. "Come again." As he stepped out into the street Paul could still hear Andi's snickering taunts. Despite having just experienced the greatest climax of his entire life the twenty-two-year-old virgin man couldn't wait to get as far away from her as he possibly could. Meanwhile, Andi Malone was experiencing an all-encompassing avalanche of sensations; a warm and intense pressure was growing within her, a pressure that could best be released by a slow deliberate act of murder. Had she not liked Paul Prevenza quite as much as she inexplicably did, she would likely have eviscerated him by now. "Oh shit." Paul patted the front pocket of his pants searching for his car keys which of course were elsewhere as was his car which Susie Q. and Becca had borrowed for the day. "Damn it to fucking hell." He swore under his breath as he lingered at the apartment door. "Oh, shit, fuck, crap." Paul quickly reviewed his limited options; he could bide his time in the fast-food joint around the corner or he could Uber home or he could wait in the house for the return of his car. Then Paul came to his senses ... realizing that one of two possible scenarios was about to unfold for him. Still remembering and feeling the painful effects of her two punches to his chest he feared she might decide to beat the shit out of him ... or on the brighter side ... she might decide to treat him to another sexual experience he would never forget. "Oh goody." Andi clapped her hands together like an excited little kid. "Back for more?' She asked coquettishly contemplating her next move. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her bedroom. He too was excited but not like a little kid ... Paul was as excited as a virgin holding his dad's credit card entering a high-class house of ill repute (read whorehouse) for the first time. His imagination was conjuring up any number of possible scenarios, each better than the next. Paul, not knowing she too was a virgin, was hoping that Andi would pop his cherry and actually allow him to fuck her. He was hoping she would rate his performance a C-plus maybe even a B-minus. He imagined her saying something like .... You get extra points for your enthusiasm and for being so grateful. Paul feared that the sadistic teen dominatrix in training might beat the snot out of him while continuing with her teasing ways bringing him to multiple orgasms until he was drained of all human emotion and all body fluids; not his first choice, but still. Paul was hoping and dreaming and wishing that Susie Q. and Becky would return home and find he and Andi in bed with one another. The roommates could join in and perform a menage a trois plus one ... likely shunting him off to the other side of the room where he would be allowed to watch the girls cavorting while he masturbated. Had the young man been aware that the three very young and very sexual females were responsible for the brutal murders of six adult men, Paul might not have been as anxious as he was for such an encounter. Paul Prevenza was sill contemplating his ultimate fate as was Andi Malone when she roughly tossed his naked self onto the bed ... To be continued ... Dear readers it is suggested that you read the prelude ... "Andi - The Early Years" Andi Malone - Teenaged Teaser ... 4,200 words ... by The Elder Barry