CARMELA WORKS AT HER FAMILY'S RESTAURANT By Esper, Carmela is a forty-year-old woman, who has lived most of her life in the countryside, south of Santiago de Chile. She's very burly and strong. Esteban is a young man from Santiago, who meets Carmela at the restaurant where she attends. Little by little they get to know each other more and more. Both Carmela and Esteban are characters from other stories by the same author. WHO IS CARMELA She's from a "working people" family. Her father was for many years an agricultural worker, a career for farms, until she became the owner of a small property, where she devoted himself to raising animals and sowing some crops and vegetables. Carmela's mother raised her children, and then had different businesses in the village near where her husband worked. These businesses consisted of a warehouse with supplies, a greengrocery and a small restaurant where sandwiches and drinks are served. She generally worked in those businesses with family members, including Carmela. Carmela is black-haired, slightly wavy, dark-skinned. Her nose is something curvy, which denotes energy and will. Growing up she developed like a strong girl. By family it was of burly context. As a child she noticed her thick arms and legs, and her broad shoulders. It's her turn to do physical work since she was a child. Her two older brothers, professional footballers, taught her how to exercise. The weights they had in the house were also used by Carmela. Everyone was struck when at fifteen she was able to carry a sack of potatoes of a hundred kilos. Obviously not only applied strength, but also a proper technique. However, the considerable strength she had was evident. At the age of eighteen she demonstrated how she was able to carry her brothers, taller and with more weight than her. Also at the age of eighteen she went to the city of Concepci�n to study the technical career of hospitality. There she would live where her mother's sister, Aunt Nora. Her parents considered it a good idea to go live there, even if it was for a while, so that she would know other environments and know what it was like to operate in larger cities. At the age of twenty, she became pregnant with her daughter Carmen Gloria. The girl's father was an army officer and lived in the naval port of Talcahuano. she was very tall, and that's why Carmen Gloria came to be six feet as an adult . The sailor did not want to recognize the girl, but her family was of money and supported Carmela on something. At the age of twenty-five, she married and her marriage lasted six years. She had no children of this union, and Carmen Gloria would ultimately be her only daughter. When she was thirty-five she had the encounters with a young man, as recounted in a story of the same author. CARMELA AT FORTY At that age she was installed in her parents' town. It is close to the city of Curic�, which in turn is located two hundred kilometers south of Santiago. Much of the time she spent working in a family restaurant located in the village. The specialty was sandwiches from different parts of beef, pork, turkey and chicken. They also had lunchtime menus. She would attend the tables and occasionally help in the kitchen. At closing time it was part of the restaurant toilet. Her family had realized that she was very attractive to many men who came to the place, which was very good for the business. In fact, they noticed that since she arrived at the restaurant, sales increased considerably, especially in the afternoons after seven o'clock, when Carmela was there. She was particularly attractive to young boys. Surely several chose to go to the place to see her. She treated them kindly, without giving rise to other relationships. With many she knew each other and called them by name. As of date, I had no relationships with customers, of any kind. And it's not that I was oblivious to sex or partner, but that I chose not to have them with clients, because of any problems there might be. A YOUNG MAN NAMED ESTEBAN Esteban is a young man who often went to the village of Carmela. A year ago she became graduated in agronomics. she worked in Santiago, and for work she had to go to agricultural grounds that are near the village of Carmela. One day Esteban went to eat a sandwich with friends. Then she discovered Carmela, who from the first moment attracted him a lot. she looked at her in a not entirely disguised way. she thought about not commenting on that with his friends, so that she could have something else with her. What she liked was his large, strong body, the large size of his hands and forearm. Carmela, measuring a seventy meter and is a little lower than ESTEBAN, who measures one seventy-three One day Esteban went to eat a sandwich with friends, she discovered Carmela, who from the first moment attracted him a lot. I looked at her in a not entirely disguised way. she thought about not commenting on that with his friends, so that she could have something else with her. What she liked was his large, strong body, the large size of his hands and forearm. Carmela, measuring a five feet and seven inches, was a little shorter than ESTEBAN, who measures one inch more. After that first time she started going to the place whenever she could. The food they prepared was good, but more interesting was seeing Carmela. Gradually she tried to get them to meet and engage in conversation. When she arrived she looked at Carmela and greeted her, She was responsible for the greeting. Gradually they started calling themselves by name. In Carmela's eyes, she was a from a high class neighborhood from Santiago. One day, about nine o'clock at night she was the last customer on site. she was enjoying a beer and watching TV. Carmela and another woman attending the place began to do the grooming. Esteban told him that she wanted to charge him to close the box, but that she could stay a little longer. she looked in disguise at Carmela, and excited him to see the strength and energy with which she worked. She easily raised the tables she knew were heavy, and moved them from place to place with the same ease. Carmela realized she was looking at her when she was working. She didn't get uncomfortable because it was common for her to get male looks. And not only did they look at her, but sometimes they called her compliments. With Esteban they exchanged glances, and Carmela issued a slight smile of uncertain meaning. CARMELA: Yes? Were you going to ask me something? ESTEBAN: Nothing , why? CARMELA: You were just looking at me. ESTEBAN: Oh, No. It just catches my eye with the ease you move the tables. CARMELA: Okay, all right. After that brief exchange of words, she's still working. ESTEBAN: Carmela? CARMELA: Yes? ESTEBAN: Did what I told you bother you? CARMELA: No, not at all. ESTEBAN: I just think you have a lot of strength. CARMELA: That's right. Is there a downside to that? ESTEBAN: I'm really attracted to you. CARMELA: Thank you... ESTEBAN: I'd like to meet you more. She stops what she was doing and looks at Esteban. The expression on his face was serious, but she showed no anger. CARMELA: What does that mean you want to know me more? ESTEBAN: It means I want to get intimate with you. I'm telling you straight. She's staring at him. Then she laughs. CARMELA: Find yourself a young woman. I'm too old for you. ESTEBAN: hahahahajja But if you're good! CARMELA: I'm going to say no, but you flatter me anyway. That said, she caressed him under his face, which was to his total liking. Esteban neither short nor lazy took his enormous hand and kissed her. She allowed it. That brief exchange of caresses started to make him hot. CARMELA: well, you know I'm big and strong. I don't think you'll be surprised to see me do things hard. ESTEBAN: Shall we do arm wrestling? She thinks about it for a few moments. CARMELA: All right, shall we bet something? ESTEBAN: If I beat you, you give me what I want from you. CARMELA: hahahahaa very well. What if I win? ESTEBAN: I'm not asking you the same thing... For a while. CARMELA: hahahahaha Let's go to our competition. She sat in front of Esteban. The table was already empty. They held hands in position. Esteban really enjoyed feeling it big and strong, and at the same time feminine. she tried to delay the start of the overdue. CARMELA: Ready? He was just staring at her, unanswered. CARMELA: What's going on? ESTEBAN: Nothing, it's just that I like to be on the hand with you Her response was to start making strength. Esteban tried to resist, but it was in vain. Her strength was far superior. In five seconds she had to give in and touch the table against his will. ESTEBAN: You beat me. CARMELA: Of course I beat you. She put her face on to kiss him on the cheek. Of course she gave it to her, and when she gave it to her she hugged her by the shoulder. She didn't have a qualms. she repeated the kiss. She didn't try to push him away, but she spoke to him. CARMELA: Now, without getting too excited. Give me one more kiss and we'll leave it. Esteban listened to her. AN INCIDENT AT THE RESTAURANT Three weeks passed, and ESTEBAN went back to the restaurant. His idea was to hang out with two friends in a little while. It was early, and there was only one other table with clients, the one that was occupied by two guys. They looked like Carmela's age. The two guys started getting heavy with Carmela. She was told piropos that she answered with a brief, silent glance. she didn't seem to be listening to them. She was probably prepared to face situations like that. Esteban kept an eye out for possible events. she heard one say to Carmela, "my friend just split up, and she needs a pretty woman like you." When they finished eating, they kept talking and laughing. That's what Carmela gave the bill to them. "We haven't asked for the bill, " said one of the guys. "I just saw that you were finished, so I brought it you could leave," Carmela replied, in a clear hint that told them that their presence was not pleasant. One of them took Carmela's arm and returned her account. She, in a sudden gesture, withdrew her arm from where she had her taken. "You'd better go, " she told them. The guys laughed and continued their heavy sayings. In that Esteban decides to help Carmela. she comes over and kisses him on the cheek, the one she accepts. "Are you all right, Carmela? tells him. "Yes," Carmela replies. Esteban noticed the two guys. One had a jockey on his head, and the other was bald. What followed is that she engaged in an argument with the two guys, which quickly got into hand. One of them held Esteban by the arm, and the other gave him two fist blows that almost threw him out. They told him not to get into what wasn't his due. The one with jockey was going to hit him a third, when Carmela takes his hand in the air and stops the trajectory. With what could have been a wrestling or judo key twists his wrist, and holds it behind his back. The guy throws a howl. At that moment the master of sandwiches came out of the kitchen, the one who was a tall, strong guy, Carmela's cousin. She kept the jockey gut, who emitted some cries of pain and could not let go. Carmela's strength and technique were superior. Both Carmela and her cousin told the guys to leave and never come back. Carmela lets go of jockey's and gives him a push to get him out. This one, obfuscated, gives Carmela a fist blow to the face. She gets it by shaking her head, and she doesn't charge any harm. Only the part where she took the hit is held. The guy gives her a fist blow to her abdomen, which she resists too. The guy looks at her in amazeed and Carmela sends her two fist punches, one in the mouth and the other in the eye. The guy bleeds. she sends a blow to Carmela, the one she dodges, takes him by the wrist, does a stilt and immobilizes him on the ground. That's where Dora arrives, who, along with Carmela, attended the restaurant. She's Carmela's cousin. Jockey's not content to lose the fight. They exchange blows with Carmela, but her power is superior to what finishes back on the ground. The master intervenes, and says "let's stop this. You'd better go." The guys listened and left. At that moment Carmela saw Esteban bleeding from her mouth. CARMELA: Come with me to the second floor. I'm going to cure you. ESTEBAN: Okay, thank you. He followed her to the second floor and saw that there was a house room, with two bedrooms. Carmela told him that she often stayed to sleep there, as the entire property was his family's. He sat in the dining room and Carmela brought a damp towel. She wiped his mouth and eye. CARMELA: You're going to hold your eye in ink for a while. But it's going to happen, and you're okay, does something hurt? ESTEBAN: A little. CARMELA: You're quite a gentleman. You defended me when the guys were bothering me. ESTEBAN: I did what I had to do, especially since I like you and I love you. CARMELA: I know and I'm grateful. ESTEBAN: Well, from what I saw next, I realized you can defend yourself, hahahaha CARMELA: Yes, but I still like your attitude. I had a good opinion of you, but now I have it even better. ESTEBAN: Thank you. Once again I saw your strength, and I realized you know how to fight. Have you studied martial arts? CARMELA: For years I have studied self-defense techniques. He stood up and took her head-on by the shoulders. She took it from the waist. They hugged tight spontaneously. she caressed her on shoulders and arms, and once again enjoyed her strength and muscularity. They glued their cheeks, and she gave him several kisses in a row. CARMELA: I have to go take care of the business. Come with me to the bedroom to change my clothes. I got dirty with the fight. Esteban accompanied her. Naturally she took off her shoes, then her pants and what she wore on top. It was left in panties and bras, dark. she looked at her admiringly at her size and definition of muscles. She smiled at him once more. CARMELA: You look at me fed up... ESTEBAN: Well, yes. I'm still impressed by your muscles and your body in general. Then she turned her back and bent her arms showing off her biceps. Esteban was also able to see the muscles in his back, as well as the width of that part of his body. Then she approached him and told him to bite his tongue. When she did, Carmela touched him with her tongue. And then she kisses him on the lips. CARMELA: Do you still want to get intimate with me? ESTEBAN: Of course! CARMELA: If you want to come after the place closes, about nine-thirty. ESTEBAN: All right! THEY GET TOGETHER AT NIGHT AT CARMELA'S HOUSE Esteban arrived at the agreed time. They kissed intensely. She lowered her hand, put her hand inside his pants, and grabbed his penis. The erection came very quickly. She dragged him to bed. She pushed him and she stood on his back with his penis pointing towards the ceiling. She climbed on top of him, turning her back on him. That allowed that while intimate she could enjoy a nice view of the top back of it. Then she started moving until his first orgasm came. Esteban was slow to finish when she was looking up. That's why she could resist without coming. she assumed Carmela knew. The second time she also climbed on Esteban but looked at him. This time she could enjoy seeing the top front of it, large and solid. Again it was her who came. Then there was one more penetration. Ejaculation came the third time, when she licked it. She did it by taking his penis from his sides and licking his glans. It took him something like a minute to be forced to release his liquid, which fell on Carmela. After that they showered together, then lay on the bed to chat. ESTEBAN: It was really good. I really liked it too much. CARMELA: You were very good. You can see you already have your experience. ESTEBAN: Thank you. CARMELA: How old are you? ESTEBAN: Twenty-four and you? CARMELA: Forty. CARMELA: Have you ever been with a strong woman like me before? Esteban laughed at the question. CARMELA: What are you laughing at? ESTEBAN: That you reminded me. I started sexually with a strong woman. She was older than me, too. CARMELA: Tell me more about that. ESTEBAN: She was the janitor in my parents' apartment building. She had been a military woman. She was also muscular, and she was taller than me, five eleven and a falf CARMELA: And who seduced whom? ESTEBAN: I told her openly that I wanted to start with her. At that moment she stopped me. I was a replacement janitor and when her replacement was over I went to her house and there she went. CARMELA: I realize you're direct enough to ask for sex. It was the same with me. ESTEBAN: hahahahaha CARMELA: I also realize that you like tall or strong women. ESTEBAN: Of course I do. CARMELA: And what do you prefer? Height or muscles? He ponders the answer for a few moments. ESTEBAN: Muscles anyway, A tall woman who is too thin, does not appeal to me mostly. CARMELA: I understand. ESTEBAN: And I'm also attracted to wide backs. CARMELA: I haven't lifted you yet. ESTEBAN: Can you do it? I'm sure you can. She crouchs down, puts her hand under her leg, the other hand at the waist and lifts it easily. she kisses it in the mouth. ESTEBAN: Jjajajajaa what a delight! That's where she looks at the time. CARMELA: Go now. You can't sleep with me. ESTEBAN: Okay. ESTEBAN: Can we get intimate again? She's staring at him. CARMELA: Do you want to? ESTEBAN: The question you ask me. Of course! CARMELA: Let's see. If it occurs, of course it is. ESTEBAN: But? CARMELA: You and I are not getting married, because of the age difference we have. I'd rather you get a girl your age and get married. ESTEBAN: Okay. And you? CARMELA: I'm not ingred about re-getting married, but I may ever do. ESTEBAN MEETS CARMELA'S DAUGHTER It was customary that every time ESTEBAN went to town she would come to the restaurant to see Carmela. One day she found her company of a very tall girl, about twenty years old. As Carmela saw Esteban was watching them, she introduced them. She told her name was Carmen Gloria. As the girl was very tall, so she had to bend down to kiss her on the cheek. Within a few minutes, the girl left, because some friends picked her up. CARMELA: Well, you've met my daughter. ESTEBAN: Yes, and it's very tall from what I see. CARMELA: Of course, she is six feet. ESTEBAN: Four inches taller than me. CARMELA: She lives in Concepci�n with relatives. There she studies to be a therapist. She came to spend a few days with me and my parents. ESTEBAN: She's pretty too. CARMELA: Do you like her? Faced with that question she stares at Carmela. . CARMELA: What do you think? You don't want to answer me. ESTEBAN: Do you want me to be honest with you? CARMELA: Of course. ESTEBAN: After what I've had with you, it's going to be very difficult for me to like Carmen Gloria, just because she's your daughter. And it's not like she doesn't have any merit. She smiles like approving what she says. "Nice!" she says. Since there were no more people in the restaurant, she kisses her on the lips. CARMELA: Let's go to the backyard. He followed her. What Carmela wanted, and she did, was to carry Esteban. The first thing she did was put it on his right shoulder. She walked with him. Then she spread his weight on both shoulders. Esteban laughed and enjoyed it. SUBSEQUENT FACTS One day Esteban told Carmela that she was going to start exercising to strengthen him. You'd see if in a near time I could beat Carmela in a win. she effectively increased his strength, which Carmela noticed, but never beat her. The most he's accomplished is for them to be contested for about thirty seconds. They had sex a few more times, when Esteban was going to the village of Carmela. A year after that she began a relationship with a girl from Santiago, with who she would marry. Carmela would also get married a few years later.