Brother vs. Sister by Buzz Haywood Older brother and younger sister in competition.    On a message board. People posting things that are on their minds. Okay, well I guess this is my turn. I voted and I read other comments. But I was reluctant to add my story. Why? Because people do tend to either lie, or exaggerate, add things to make their stories more interesting. I can see when a story gets too ridiculous or when somebody is being a troll. It gets to the point when a story is good and believable, but people still question it. I just wanted to get that off my chest. OK so anyway, I'm a huge wrestling fan, so is my kid sister. I'm 6 years older. I wrestled in school and did backyard wrestling. I don't know, she kept talking about wrestling, and I'd have my friends over to wrestle in the basement, made a welfare "ring" and just wrestled for fun. When I got my first camcorder, we began taping it. One day while I was bored, me and my sis talked, and next thing I knew we had agreed to a match. There was no arguing or anything like that. The rules were simple, pin or submission wins. I admit I was over-confident. No, I don't remember what we were wearing. (Who cares?) I do have the height, weight, advantage over her. Don't remember too much of how the match went, except it was short.She won, by pin-fall. I was shocked. So we went again, and she used her speed to her advantage and pinned me again. (Talk about embarrassing.) She was getting arrogant, so I asked for another chance. Boom! Another loss by pin for me. By this time she was bragging. So I challenged her again. Bam! Another pin. She wins again. :( I don't know what to do here. She says she bets she can make me submit.Long story short, we both put $5 down. Another long story short, she tripped me down, and twisted my arm, I was hurting, I screamed out. I submitted. She released the hold and grabbed the money. I'm 0-5 here. I wanted another chance to make things right.She talked me into betting $10. I did. She twisted my bad arm, and I submitted again. 0-6 and she took the money. She kept track of this in a notebook. That was day one of our wrestling rivalry....After seeing how hurt my arm was, she stopped gloating. We talked and eventually shook hands, she promised not to tell. She kept the money. A week later we did wrestle again, but the results were the same. (0-16) Yes, there is more to the story, but there's too much to write.[Add-on) Weeks later, the secret came out when she gave me a bloody nose. (According to her records it was win 68 for her and I was still at 0.) Fortunately, only the folks found out...for now. (add on) So we started taping the matches. I was getting frustrated.I was really getting frustrated. She definitely had high confidence when she beat me for the 100th time. I kept getting scared that she'd let the word out. Especially after punching me in the face full force (win 120?) and I had to make up an excuse for the bruise. (Add) Needless to say, the tapes began piling up. (0-180) and eventually, the friends did find out. (Add on.) After her "big 200th win" word got out. The guys are trying to coax me into having a match in our backyard fed with shoot-style rules. Tonight she told me the score is 264 matches. And she "reminded" me she won all of them. I just want to finally win. Add on: We did wrestle in the backyard fed. Yes she won again. She says it was her 286th win. I'm feeling bad. My self-esteem is down over this. I don't know what to do about this. (End Post)Brother: Buzz Sister: Lauren More happens between us. The rivalry continues. An underground MMA league heard about my series of matches with Lauren. The promoter approached both of us. Lauren quickly accepted. But I hesitated."I don't know. Probably not," I said. "Why not? Are you chicken, Buzz?" asked Lauren. She had been acting real cocky these days. The current record was 296 matches. Lauren with 296 wins and me with 0 wins.I would need to train and practice if I was going to accept this guy's invitation. Lauren had all the confidence in the world right now. Myself? I had none. I needed to change all that. My sister was already becoming an accomplished athlete. I needed to set things right. It won't be easy. Lauren is already a way better athlete than I am. Her strength is superior to mine. It's strange, she and I used to get along so well. Now her ego is out of control. I can't believe we're at this point. End Chapter When last we left off I was 0-296 in competitions with my sister Lauren.Wrestling competitions to be exact. She had beaten me every time and now I was the laughing stock of the neighborhood.Now I've been talked into facing her in MMA competition. Yikes! I certainly have a lot of training to do. My little sister defeated me 296 times, now I have a lot of catching up to do.But should I just be worried about only beating her once? Should my goal be to get 296 wins against her as well? Or instead of tying it, do I go all the way up to 297 wins? The heckling from friends and family forced me to work harder at the gym. I actually had to switch gyms twice due to torment from people. "Oh, Lauren OWNS you" I heard. "You get beat up by a girl" they'd say. "Did you get beat up by your sister today?" "How in the world does she over power you?" Now I'm finally at a gym where I'm unknown. Finally thinking positively. Watching as much MMA as I possibly can.It was going to be a big party, a major event. Intermission would be charged. People were bringing cameras and using their phones to tape the fights. Apparently they were saving me and Lauren as a special attraction match. Speaking of Lauren, she stopped by to see me. I had moved out for... "a number of reasons." Apparently she noticed I hadn't been returning her calls. I was intimidated by her, she obviously knew that. "Look, Buzz, just because we're opponents, doesn't mean we have to be enemies outside the ring," she said. "I understand this hasn't been easy for you." I looked at her and saw she was in top shape and totally healthy. "This thing is out of control," I said. "You're right, this has been difficult for me." Lauren: I know it's shattering to your ego constantly losing to your younger sister, but I won all 296 of those matches fair and square. Are you always going to separate yourself from the family now? We used to get along. You've purposely gone out of town for school assignments for Holidays. What gives? Are you this much of a sore loser? Buzz: You don't understand. But you are my sister and I do love you. I'm willing to go back to the way things were, if we just forget about the MMA thing. All this wrestling and fighting is obviously coming between us. So, what do you say? Let's put all this behind us. Let's be friends again. Lauren: Absolutely not! This is a huge opportunity for me. Hey, it's even a good opportunity for you too. Besides, everyone's counting on us. We can't let them down. It's going to be a huge event. Buzz: I understand all that, but can't you see what this business is doing to us? I'm a laughing stock and you're arrogant. Lauren: Arrogant? Arrogant? Who are you calling arrogant? I think you're just jealous. You can't handle the fact that I'm better than you and I'm tougher than you. I'll see you in the ring!! Buzz: Lauren, come on. Don't leave like this. Let's talk this over. This is crazy. Let's work this out. Lauren: You're just afraid of me, that's all! Lauren storms off. I stood there, worried now that my sister is angry, extremely angry, and I have to fight her like this. But no, I had to get this out of my mind and think positively. I needed to use this to my advantage. I needed to get my head in the game. I turned on my boom-box and did some exercises. I was getting my head in the game. "It's on, dear sister!" I said to myself. For one week I trained myself to the limit, pushed myself past the point of no return. Then finally it was the big day. Yes, I was nervous, but I was at last confident. And I was looking forward to it. It was time to go to the show and once I got there, I looked around for Lauren. Wasn't there. Maybe she wouldn't show up. Anything is possible, right? Hey, who'd ever think I'd be constantly beat up by my younger sister and fear her? So, yeah, anything really is possible. I got my gear on. New pair of boots, dark brown. My singlet was silver. I had gold knee pads on along with yellow elbow pads. I felt extremely confident, until I heard my sister showed up. Yikes! No, can't get scared now, came to far. So, I decided to see her before the fight. Lauren was already dressed. Along with her wrestling tights, which were purple, she wore a pink mini-skirt over it. She wore violet knee pads and raspberry colored elbow pads. Her top was light green. She looked beautiful in her fight gear. Buzz: Hi, Lauren. Lauren: What is it, Buzz? Buzz: About last time we saw each other... Lauren: Oh, you mean when you accused me of having an over-sized ego? Buzz: I didn't mean it that way. Lauren: Fine, what ever. Buzz: Look, you're my sister and I love you, don't be like this. Lauren: Let's talk after the match. If you're still able to. I knew there was no reasoning with her. I was called into the ring first. Lauren received the big introduction. The rules were explained. Ten rounds. Five minutes each. The match can only end by pin fall, submission or tap out, knock out or TKO, or when someone cannot continue.The bell rang to begin the match. I ran towards Lauren, she punched me right in the face. I staggered and she kicked me in the stomach. She gave me a DDT and I was in pain. She began stomping on me. The time keeper announced one minute had gone by. Lauren pinned me. The referee counted one, two, I couldn't get up. All of a sudden, she pulled me by the hair. "Not yet," she said. She super kicked me in the jaw. Now she pinned me with one foot on my chest. 1-2... she removed her foot. Twice already she had me beaten. Two minutes had gone by. She busted my nose. Then she gave me a bulldog which made the blood pour even more. Then she gave me a piledriver. Three minutes expired. She applied a head lock. I screamed in pain. I couldn't escape. I couldn't believe she could apply the piledriver on me. She released the hold and clotheslined me. Four minutes passed. Now she applied the figure four leg lock. "Do you submit?" the referee asked. "No!" I screamed. This was not how I had planned things. I haven't gotten any shots in. I must try to reverse the figure four. Can't. So I tried again. Couldn't. Suddenly it was minute five, the end of round one. I needed help getting to my corner. I needed a new game plan. To Be Continued... When last we left off I was involved in my 297th match with Lauren. She had beaten me 296 times already. Here's where we left off. I knew there was no reasoning with her. I was called into the ring first. Lauren received the big introduction. The rules were explained. Ten rounds. Five minutes each. The match can only end by pin fall, submission or tap out, knock out or TKO, or when someone cannot continue. The bell rang to begin the match. I ran towards Lauren, she punched me right in the face. I staggered and she kicked me in the stomach. She gave me a DDT and I was in pain. She began stomping on me. The time keeper announced one minute had gone by. Lauren pinned me. The referee counted one, two, I couldn't get up. All of a sudden, she pulled me by the hair. "Not yet," she said. She super kicked me in the jaw. Now she pinned me with one foot on my chest. 1-2... she removed her foot. Twice already she had me beaten. Two minutes had gone by. She busted my nose. Then she gave me a bulldog which made the blood pour even more. Then she gave me a piledriver. Three minutes expired. She applied a head lock. I screamed in pain. I couldn't escape. I couldn't believe she could apply the piledriver on me. She released the hold and clotheslined me. Four minutes passed. Now she applied the figure four leg lock. "Do you submit?" the referee asked. "No!" I screamed. This was not how I had planned things. I haven't gotten any shots in. I must try to reverse the figure four. Can't. So I tried again. Couldn't. Suddenly it was minute five, the end of round one. I needed help getting to my corner. I needed a new game plan. The ringside technicians worked on my cuts and scrapes. "Can you continue?" That's what I heard. "Yes! Lauren is stopped tonight." The second round started. I charged at Lauren, but she moved out of the way, then karate kicked me in the gut. Then, continuing my humiliation, she body slammed me. "You want to quit, big brother?" She was taunting me. My anger caught up with me. "Never! So shut up, you bitch!" Bad move on my part. "What did you say?" She unloaded with lefts and rights. I couldn't feel my face after a while. Now she applied the figure four again, wanting to break my leg. The pain was too much. I tried to tell the ref that I was quitting, but the words weren't coming out. So I looked at the ref again, trying to submit, but the words weren't coming out. "Do you submit?" the ref asked. "YES!" I finally screamed. But, the bell had rung before I submitted. The referee spoke to the judges. It was ruled the round ended before my submission. So, three times Lauren had this match won. I limped back to my corner. Someone was there joining me. Another athlete. "Buzz, listen to me," screamed the athlete, "you're a man, kill your kid sister!" I looked at him, battered and bruised. "She's disrespected you long enough," he continued, "if you don't beat her and show her who's boss, no one will ever respect you again!" I nodded. "Now get in there and reclaim your manhood!" he ordered. I was now inspired again and ready for round three. "I'm ready for you, Lauren," I said, "this stops now!" My sister laughed at me. Then she clotheslined me. I went crashing down. Next thing I know, she powerbombed me. She pinned me, 1-2... but she pulled me up, again. Four times she had this match won. She began stomping on me. Next was a knee-drop! She then pulled me up by the hair. "Listen Buzz, you've only made it this far into the match because I let you!" she shouted. Then she elbowed me into the chest. I fell down again. I tried to get up. I was on my knees. Lauren kicked me back down again. I could hear the crowd. LAUREN LAUREN! LAUREN LAUREN LAUREN! Next thing I knew, she gave me a DDT. Lauren landed an elbow drop on me. Now she pinned me again. 1-2 the bell rang-3! The judges ruled the round ended before the ref hit 3. Five times she had this won. There will be a fourth round. The athlete who gave me the pep talk earlier walked away in disgust. It was time for the next round. I wasn't feeling as confident this time. BLAM! karate kick to my already messed up leg. The audience in this make-shift arena were continuing to cheer her on, encouraging her to continue her destruction. On my hands and knees I attempted to escape. She drop kicked me down. She followed up with karate chops. Lauren was allowing me to return to my feet. Once I reached my feet she karate kicked me right in the chin. I went crashing down. Next thing I know...BOOM! Leg drop! Another leg drop. Then another one. And another one. Then another and another and then another and yet another one. The only two things that could save me now would be if the bell rang signaling the end of the round or if Lauren would just pin me. Instead she gave me a swinging neck-breaker. Her fans continued to cheer. Next my kid sister suplexed me. And the round ended. The trainers had to literally drag me back to my corner. They just assumed I could "suck it up" and continue on to round five. I felt myself getting shook up and water thrown on my face. "Buzz! Snap out of it!!" That's what I heard. It was that athlete again. "She'll never respect you after this!!! Get it together, man!" I continued to listen to him. "She's turned you into her punching bag and made you the laughing stock of the town," he continued, "she completely owns you!" I knew what he said was true. And I was fuming. I was in a rage. I wanted revenge. I was getting motivated again. My focus returned. "Aren't you tired of being bullied by her? Aren't you sick of being abused?" And I was. Of course I was. I looked out into the crowd. "You suck!" "Lauren rules!!" "You're weak, Buzz!!!" I knew I didn't have to take this. The next round started. I could hardly stand. Lauren knew this. She smirked. I moved towards her, but she kneed me in the stomach. I easily fell down. She elbow dropped me. Lauren pinned me. 1-2-3! She won again. 297 matches. 297 wins for her. 297 losses for me. As I laid hurt on the mat, I think I might have actually seen a little concern in her eyes. Her fans celebrated. I needed help out of there. People were laughing. It was a bad night for me. I had recovered from my latest beating and loss at the hands of Lauren. Yes, my kid sister, Lauren, and had been in seclusion for a while. One day I got a phone call. It was her. Lauren: Hello, big brother. Haven't heard from you recently. Buzz: And why do you think that is? Lauren: Yeah, I know. Looking back on our last match I did go over board, didn't I? Buzz: I'll say you did. Lauren: Are you feeling better now? Buzz: Do you actually care? Lauren: Yes, I do, I did a lot of thinking. Buzz, I am so sorry. My ego got the better of me. I treated you badly, Buzz. Really, I feel just awful. Buzz: Oh, you're sorry, are you? Lauren: Honest I am. Buzz: I can't believe what I'm hearing. I begged you before to call it off. I pleaded with you. Instead you insist on going through with it and kick my ass. Lauren: I know, Buzz, and I feel badly about everything. Buzz: So, what do you want me to say, Lauren? What do you expect from me? Lauren: Forgiveness. Please say you'll accept my apology. Buzz: No. No, Lauren, I don't accept your apology nor do I forgive you. Lauren: What are you saying? Buzz: I'm saying, I've changed my mind. I want this to continue. I want revenge. And I won't stop until I've beaten you and get back my self respect and dignity. Lauren: Buzz, please, I'm trying to make peace with you. Buzz: You've beaten me 297 times! People don't take me seriously. I need to get even with you. I hung up the phone. Once again I had been preparing for battle with my kid sister. I thought back to that horrible last encounter. ( I continued to listen to him. "She's turned you into her punching bag and made you the laughing stock of the town," he continued, "she completely owns you!" I knew what he said was true. And I was fuming. I was in a rage. I wanted revenge. I was getting motivated again. My focus returned. "Aren't you tired of being bullied by her? Aren't you sick of being abused?" And I was. Of course I was. I looked out into the crowd. "You suck!" "Lauren rules!!" "You're weak, Buzz!!!" I knew I didn't have to take this. The next round started. I could hardly stand. Lauren knew this. She smirked. I moved towards her, but she kneed me in the stomach. I easily fell down. She elbow dropped me. Lauren pinned me. 1-2-3! She won again. 297 matches. 297 wins for her. 297 losses for me. As I laid hurt on the mat, I think I might have actually seen a little concern in her eyes. Her fans celebrated. I needed help out of there. People were laughing. It was a bad night for me.) Luckily for me I had a great opportunity coming up. Our cousin, Aaron, was having a birthday party. That meant there would be an audience. All I'd have to do is beat Lauren in a match then I'd redeem myself. I called up Aaron and he loved the idea. Lauren agreed. She said even though she felt bad about what happened, she understands why I'm mad. As well she should. She's the one that let this all go to her head. It soon was party day and Aaron had a make-shift ring made up for us. A lot of people were there. Lauren and I didn't talk much. Music played and soon it was time for the cake. After the presents were opened, it was match time. My old friend, Alan, was the referee. All eyes were on us.The match began. I ran towards her. I tried to take her down, but kicked the back of my leg causing me to lose my balance. She pinned me right away. Alan slapped the mat quickly. 1-2-3! Now she was 298-0. I complained about Alan counting too quickly. So Lauren agreed to another bout. A guest said it only took her nine seconds to beat me. The next match I immediately went for a leg dive. I used all my strength to drive her down. But she immediately applied a Japanese choke hold on me. I quickly tap out. Lauren gets win number 299. This match lasted eleven seconds. I demanded another shot. She shrugged but accepted. I spent this match running around forcing her to chase me. I locked up with her. We struggled, I grabbed her arm, but she took back the arm. She applied a head lock. She dropped down with it.Before I knew it I was trapped in her inside cradle. 1-2-3! Lauren had her big 300th win. This one took 1 minute and 48 seconds. "Are you done?" she asked. "No, not until I've defeated you." I responded. "Fine." And so another match started. I actually cheated in this one by throwing water in her face and applying a full-nelson on her. Bad move. She was angred by what I did. She powered out of it and punched me square in the face. Next she gave me a German suplex. 1-2-3! Lauren has a record 301 wins. I was hurt by the German suplex. "Want to challenge me again?" Lauren asked, still upset by the water being thrown at her. Before I can give her an answer she starts kicking me then pulls me up and chops me hard across the chest then leg sweeps me and applies an ankle lock. Alan asks me if I submit. I say yes. (Lauren 302, Buzz 0) While I was down she lifted me up and clotheslined me. Then she placed one foot on my chest and pins me. Alan counted to three. (303 for her, nothing for me.) "Lauren, I think he's had enough," Alan said. "Yes, Lauren, I think Buzz needs a break," Aaron added. She left me alone for the rest of the party. I sat around after that, too hurt to move around. A friend of ours, Annie, felt bad for me. "Are you okay?" asked Annie. "Nope! Not okay." I said. "Are you hurt?" she asked. "I'll survive, always do." I responded. "I could take you to the hospital." Annie insisted. "Thanks, it's cool." I told her. We could see Lauren walking around having a good time. "What is up with you and your sister any way?" Annie asked. "I don't want to talk about it. How's Mitch? Where is he tonight?" I asked to change the subject. "I wish you'd kick his ass, the jerk cheated on me," Annie told me. I was already in a foul mood. I made Annie call Mitch. She lured him over there. I had no beef with Mitch, but my anger got the best of me. Poor Mitch never had a chance. The guys pulled me off of him. I regretted it. Mitch wasn't my enemy. But I took my frustrations out on him. Annie took me home. I was honest with her and said it wasn't one hundred percent about defending her honor. She understood. We started dating shortly after that. Apparently it didn't matter to her that I can beat up her ex-boyfriend but can't win against my kid sister no matter what. But, Annie said she believes in me. She said she could help me out. Her uncle taught self defense classes. I agreed to enroll. I found the time to write a letter. Hi dear sister, For someone who wanted to make amends you sure crossed the line at that party. What was that all about? All because of some water? Really, Lauren? See you at the tour. Which I'll be winning those matches. Your big brother, Buzz I mailed it out to her and was confident that my self defense lessons would help me on the tour. Annie stayed on me and made sure I was constantly practicing and training. I knew this would be a turning point in our rivalry. >>From when we last left off... Annie took me home. I was honest with her and said it wasn't one hundred percent about defending her honor. She understood. We started dating shortly after that. Apparently it didn't matter to her that I can beat up her ex-boyfriend but can't win against my kid sister no matter what. It had turned into an obsession with me. But, Annie said she believes in me. She said she could help me out. Her uncle taught self defense classes. I agreed to enroll. I found the time to write a letter. I had to win. I needed to win. Hi dear sister, For someone who wanted to make amends you sure crossed the line at that party. What was that all about? All because of some water? Really, Lauren. See you at the tour. Which I'll be winning those matches. Your big brother, Buzz I pushed myself beyond my limits. I mailed it out to her and was confident that my self defense lessons would help me on the tour. Annie stayed on me and made sure I was constantly practicing and training. And then I pushed myself even more. I knew this would be a turning point in our rivalry. Bring it on. There would be no excuses. I was ready. 303 times. That's how many times our paths have crossed and she's defeated me every time. Annie believed in me. A lot of high school and junior high and even elementary schools agreed to book us as a special attraction match during their wrestling meets and tournaments. First stop, California. We arrived in the early morning. The school's principal welcomed us. The referee called us into the circle. All my training, all my hard work. I was determined. The buzzer rang. We charged at each other. We struggled in a lock-up for a few seconds. I attempted an arm drag, but she tripped me and I quickly rolled to my stomach to avoid getting pinned. But, she ran up and cradled me any way. The ref slapped the mat. Now I am 0-304. First period in 26 seconds Lauren had defeated me in a gymnasium full of people. The next day I lasted until the 48 second mark of the first period. (0-305) Annie encouraged me to hang in there. The next day it took Lauren 59 seconds to beat me in the first period. (0-306) After that she defeated me in 1 min. & 28 sec. in the first period. (0-307) "At least it's taking her longer and longer for her to win," Annie said. I gave her a look. "Seriously," she said. "So, you mean the training is working?" I asked. "Absolutely," Annie said. So I went jogging and later, a bike ride. When I got back I found out Lauren had called Annie on the phone. Lauren wanted to talk to me in person. I didn't really want to. But Annie encouraged me to see her. So reluctantly I agreed. She stopped by to see me. She was wearing a new wrestling shirt. "Hi Buzz!" she said. "Hey Lauren!" I responded. As I looked at her, I wondered just how she was able to destroy me? Beat me up? Really kick my butt? Pin me 1-2-3 so easily? Making me submit, tap out? Knocking me out the way she does? How come she's tougher than me? "Buzz?" she asked. "Are you here?" "Aw, yeah, my mind was elsewhere," I said. "I see," she said. "So...what you want to discuss with me?" I asked. "Our feud, that's what," she said. "What about it?" I asked. "When this tour is over we should have a match that'll settle the score once and for all," she said. "Forget it," I said. "You haven't heard all the details yet," she pressed. "Fine, tell me," I insisted. "We have a steel cage now," Lauren said. "Oh, come on," I responded. "I'm serious," she told me. I made a few phone calls and we really did have access to a steel cage now. "I don't know if I really want to have one last match to settle the score," I said. "Just think about it, we really should end this," Lauren insisted. The next day she defeated me in front of another jam-packed gym. This time in 1 minute and 59 seconds. (0-308) Just one more minute and the period would've been over. After the match I heard a cage match between me and Lauren would have a roof on top of it. Was I really too obsessed with my competition with Lauren? Obviously. We've been wrestling throughout California. Pretty soon it would be time for another match. A match that I'd be ready for. To be continued... Siblings continue to Wrestle Last score was Lauren with 308 wins and Buzz with 0. And I'm Buzz and I'm completely obsessed with defeating my sister. The problem is at times I can't help doubting myself. Next California school we went to for our wrestling encounter. She out wrestled me again, but I held on. I absorbed each shot she gave me. Two minutes went by. I finally survived through an entire period. But as the second period began, Lauren was ahead in the points, she had the option of choosing top or bottom. She let me have the choice. "I'm no fool," I said, "I'll have the advantage if she's the one who gets in the stance." So she got down on the mat and I hooked on the wrestling position. We waited for the ref to blow the whistle. I could see him smirk. From the stands I heard someone say "Aren't you her brother? Look at the way you're holding onto her." After the whistle blew Lauren fired off and flipped me over. Did she think I was enjoying that pose? I got pinned. 0-309. Everybody was laughing at me. I started crying. Lauren wasn't laughing. There was a look of pity. That guy heckled me again about where my hands and legs were. So I charged at him. The security separated us, but I jabbed him in the eye first. Annie tried to cheer me up. "Those people need to get their heads out of the gutter," I said. "I wish I could win just once." "I know, Buzz, and don't worry, people can be jerks at times." On the next event that same audience members were there, heckling me. They even allowed that same guy in as a deal. He doesn't press charges, as long as he still keeps his school privileges. One minute into the match, I flicked off the audience. I even flicked off the ref. Lauren then punched me straight in the nose. I was bleeding, then I fell. The ref stopped the match and awarded it to Lauren. I had won. I was now 0-310 against her. "Congratulations, Buzz," she said. "You stuck with it and didn't quit." As I held the icepack to my nose I actually couldn't believe one of my wishes came true. I could now actually say that I was in a real relationship with Annie. Okay, fine, Lauren still kicked my butt... yeah, but the win with Annie was still mine. Our final high school match on the tour would now be taking place. My nose was finally feeling better now. We shook hands and the match began. I tried to tire her out by making her catch me. She leg swept me and of course I fell. But I quickly rolled onto my stomach. I grabbed Lauren's ankle, but I couldn't budge her. She rolled around me and attempted a cradle but I dropped to the mat and she couldn't move me around. The buzzer sounded. The first period had ended. I didn't want to make the top and bottom choice again. It turned out to be her choice and she picked up and quickly slammed me down at the sound of the buzzer. I reached for her arm. I couldn't pull her towards me. I yanked on her arm again but still nothing. So she then took my arm and put me in an arm bar. On the board I saw Lauren had six points and I had zero. I stiffed up to prevent her from pinning me. She hit me in the ear. The referee took two points away from her for unnecessary roughness. Later on her thumb got me in the eye and she had another two points removed. The second period ended.During the third period she stepped on my hand (accidently?) and had her remaining two points erased. We played a game of cat and mouse with one another. She knocked me down, I wrapped my arms around her knees, trying to take her down, but had no luck. She got me trapped in a headlock.Lauren hit a takedown me and scored. The buzzer sounded and now I found myself at 0-311. Me and Lauren shook hands. "You're improving a lot, Buzz," she said, "don't listen to the haters." It was getting tougher to stay angry at her. "I'd like to talk to you more about that cage match," I said, "I'm ready to listen to your ideas." Something told me a match to settle the score might be the best step to take. Plus I wanted to see the cage. I'm not going to kid myself. I've never beaten her, never made her submit, never pinned her, never got a count out win, and never a disqualification win. Lauren is still the better wrestler and the tougher sibling. The problem? Everything. I'm older. I'm male. She's younger. Plus, she's a girl. Afterwards, Annie said regardless, I still should be very proud of my improvement. Annie was right. As usual. The Wrestling Siblings agree to settle the score. It's been 311 matches. I've lost all of them. I'm aware that she's still tougher than I am and that's still a bitter pill for me to swallow. But a huge finale steel cage match will be booked between us at a huge event.  It was decided for the match to settle the score just having a cage won't be enough. Just one pin fall or submission will not be enough. Shamefully Lauren has gotten several quick wins against me. To make sure it goes a long period of time, it'll be a one hour "Iron Sibling" match. Whoever collects the most pins and submissions and even KOs or TKOs will be declared the winner. Also the match can't be stopped because of blood. It'll be guaranteed to go for a full hour. We both agreed.  Could I last an hour? Time to hit the treadmill. I receive a phone call. "Hello?" I said. Turns out there will be a contract signing ceremony. It took place in the middle of a backyard wrestling event. Annie was by my side. We were both interviewed.  Lauren: Whatever the outcome the score will be settled.  I'm in fantastic shape and have no doubts I can last the entire sixty minutes. The question is, can Buzz last an hour in this match? That remains to be seen.  Lauren signed the contract. This guy, Randal, was apparently here to see her. I wondered when this started. I wasn't real thrilled about it. Nothing I could do about it now. Buzz: I've been beaten, tormented, humiliated, by Lauren. Now I'm in better shape.  And yes, I can last an hour. I will be prepared. I will have no excuses at the conclusion of our one hour Iron Sibling cage match.  I signed the contract. It was now official. (Don't know if it's actually legally binding but I gave my word and she gave hers.) Annie and I sat down to enjoy the rest of the event. Lauren and that Randal guy walked by us. Randal smirked at me. I got up. "Is there a problem, dude?" I asked. Randal stopped in his tracks. So did Lauren. "Why? You looking for one?" Randal asked with a cocky tone in his voice.  "Buzz, what's this about?" asked Lauren. "You're boyfriend just smirked at me," I said. "What do you expect?" asked Randal. "Respect!" I responded. Randal laughed at me. "Something funny?" asked Annie. "Yeah, him," Randal said. "Okay, everybody just calm down," Lauren said. "He's disrespecting me and I'm supposed to calm down?" I asked.Randal just grinned. "Well, you are a joke," he said with venom. I got closer. Officials stepped in between us. The officials escorted the four of us to the back. They reasoned that both me and Lauren needed all the preparation for our upcoming one hour Iron Sibling epic so they decided to book some tag team matches between me and Annie and Lauren and Randal. We all agreed to it. Annie was actually excited to wrestle. "I've been a fan my whole life," she said, "I love Madusa and Sensational Sherri Martel, and I like the way Shannon Tweed fights." Then came match time. Me and Randal started off the match. I jabbed him with lefts and rights. He was dazzled. Then I clotheslined him. "Laugh that one off," I said. I lifted him up for a body slam. I went to drop the elbow, but I missed. Soon he took the offense. Randal was pounding me. "I guess I'm laughing again," he yelled. He drop kicked me. Now he went for a leg drop but I moved. Now I took back control. I gave him a DDT but tagged Annie in. She pulled him by the hair and slapped him. She kicked him in the stomach. She went to kick him again, but he grabbed her foot and tripped her down. Randal made the tag to Lauren.Wow! Annie and Lauren are good friends and now they're going to wrestle. They locked up and had a good scientific contest. Then Annie tagged me in. Lauren immediately chopped me then arm dragged me. I stood up and she gave me a diamond cutter. Lauren pinned me. The ref counted 1-2...but Annie pulled Lauren off of me. The ref sent Annie back into her corner, Lauren pinned me again. 1-2...I kicked out. She pulled me by the hair, but I rolled her up. But she immediately kicked out before the ref could even make a count. Lauren tossed me into the corner post. I decided to roll out of the ring. She got out and chased me. I rolled back in and tagged Annie. The girls had a technical showing again. The girls tagged both Randal and myself back in afterwards. Randal got on my nerves again. So I gave him a piledriver and pinned him. Lauren broke the fall at two. We argued and Annie rushed in. The referee sent Annie back to her corner and then Lauren drop kicked me and dragged Randal closer to their corner. The tag was made and the referee saw it. Now Lauren gave me a piledriver and pinned me 1-2-3. Lauren is now 312-0. Two days l ater there was another tag team match. Mid match, Lauren hit me with another diamond cutter and she had me pinned me again and Annie pulled her off of me before the ref could finish counting. In this match I rolled up Lauren. The ref counted one, then she kicked out. The match ended when I gave Randal another piledriver and tagged out to Annie and had her pin Randal, but Lauren broke the cover at the last second. The match ended two minutes later when Lauren tombstoned me and pinned me 1-2-3. Now she is 313-0. Next booked was a 2 out of 3 falls tag team match. Motivation, it keeps me hungry and focused. In the first fall I pinned Randal with a piledriver. Second fall, Lauren pinned Annie. Third fall Lauren powerbombed me and scored the pin. Now she is 314-0. In the next 2 out of 3 falls tag team match I had Lauren rolled up for a two count this time. Lauren kicked out. Later Randal got disqualified for not breaking a choke he had on me.Next I tombstoned Randal and let Annie pin him. Then Lauren gave me a DDT and pinned me.Now she is 315-0.Our next match will be the ultimate match. A picture was taken of Lauren and I in battle mode. People are generally interested in seeing this. Win, lose, or draw. I will have no excuses. One hour in a cage will be more than enough time to settle our differences. I was getting my confidence back, thanks to Annie and the gym, and it felt good. Next: An Hour in the Cage!The time had come. The Iron Sibling match in a steel cage. The time had finally arrived. Richie Kroll was our referee. So far I am 0-315 in these matches.The basement was packed. Annie and Randal were both here. Pre-match interviews were done with the both of us. Annie wished me luck. The introductions were made. I, of course, was introduced first. Oh well! I entered the cage. Next, Lauren got the big, grand entrance. There were even puffs of smoke from a machine. There was even a light show for her. The ring announcer, Dave Cappetta, went over the rules. The bell rang. We circled the ring and then locked up. She began pounding away on me. She arm dragged me. Next she drop kicked me. She then applied a belly to back suplex. She pinned me. I kicked out at two. She kept up the attack. Next I got a DDT from her. 1-2-3! At 2 minutes and 54 seconds she scored the first fall. She pulled me by the hair, I began kicking at her ankle, then I body slammed her. I went to drop the elbow, but she moved. After I crashed, she lifted me up for a body slam, but I cradled her and placed my feet on the ropes for leverage while the referee counted to two as Lauren turned around, breaking the pin.Lauren clotheslined me right down. She dragged me into the middle of the ring and applied a figure four leg lock on me. I tried to fight it, but I couldn't. "Do you submit?" asked the ref. "Yes!" I said. So at 7 minutes and 22 seconds, the score of the match was 2-0 in my sister's favor.I got up slowly, Lauren kicked me, I fell into referee Richie Kroll, we both fell, with me crashing on top of him. As I got up, Lauren rolled me up. Richie crawled over and counted, but I kicked out. Then Lauren threw me into the cage and rolled me up again. 1-2-3! At 9 minutes and 37 seconds. 3-0 in her favor. She wasted no time in applying a sleeper hold on me. I was fighting it and began swinging my feet. My foot kicked his stomach. Richie hit the cage. Lauren had it locked on me. Chip Patrick entered the cage and helped Ricky out of there.My arm was raised and dropped three times. Then Lauren pinned me with one footon my chest and did it again. Man, 6-0 for Lauren. I was way behind. She let meget up. Lauren hit a super kick and then pinned me. 1-2-3! At the 14 minute and 34 second mark. 7-0. I got up slowly and Lauren slapped on the sleeper again. The more I struggled, the harder she pressed. I was moving my arms around, trying to somehow escape. The more I fought it, the worse it got. We both went down onto the mat. The ref raised my arm up, and it went down. Then he raised it up again, and it went down again. Then he raised up my arm one more time and it went down again. So, at the 18 minute and 59 second mark it became 8-0. Then she placed her foot on top of me. 1-2-3! At 19 minutes and 6 seconds it turned into 9-0. Then Lauren placed one finger on me. 1-2-3! At the 19 minute and 11 seconds it became 10-0. Then she placed her hand on me. 1-2-3! And at 19 minutes and 17 seconds it was 11-0. Suddenly, I rolled onto my stomach. Lauren applied a camel clutch. "Do you submit?" asked the ref. "Yes!" I said. So at 19 minutes and 36 seconds the scoreboard was 12-0. I started slithering around the ring. Lauren grabbed onto my ankles, so I grabbed a whole of the ref's feet. As Lauren yanked on me I dragged Chip the ref crashing down.He was still down when Lauren pinned me. Chip stood up and ran over, but twisted his ankle in the process. He was in pain, but he started crawling over then he slapped the mat. Then he slapped it again. And then again. So at the 23 minute and 58 second mark it became 13-0. The match continued and referee Lenny Anderson took over the refereeing duties. Lauren punched me in the face and I went crashing down. Lauren pinned me. 1-2-3! At 25 minutes and 11 seconds the score turned to 14-0. Again, I rolled to my stomach. But she rolled me back. Now Lauren climbed the ropes. She changed her mind and climbed the cage. She went as high as she could and executed a wonderful looking frog splash, but I moved and she crashed. We were both down. The ref put on the count. "One." Lauren was hurt. "Two." But so was I. "Three." I got closer to the ropes. "Four." Five." I was using the ropes for leverage. "Six." Lauren was just laying there. "Seven." I was almost up. "Eight." I was on my feet. "Nine." Now she was on hers. She clotheslined me.Then she applied the figure four. I submitted. Lauren ahead 15-0.We soon needed a new ref after I accidently crashed the ref into the bars after Lauren pulled me into a small-package. There was nobody to count. Later it was revealed that she had me pinned for a 116 count. Mick Hopper was our new ref. When he finally arrived, I still couldn't kick out. 1-2-3. Now she'sahead 16-0. We then kept wrestling. arm bars, reversals, lots of old school stuff.Suddenly, Lauren got free of my arm bar. The look in her eyes and face told me she meant business. She chopped me and chopped me and kept chopping me. Then she kicked me in the stomach. Next she gave me a DDT. Next she pinned me. 1-2-3! Uh oh! Now it was 17-0 at the 40 minute and 36 second mark. She scooped me up and gave me a powerbomb. 1-2-3! 18-00 at the 41 minute and 17 second mark. Next, she dropped an elbow on me and then a leg-drop. Next was a single knee drop. She then pinned me. 1-2-3! At the 42 minute and 58 second mark the score became 19-0. Lauren then applied an STF on me. I quickly submitted. 20-0 at the 43 minute and 19 second mark. She threw me into the cage. Then she punched me. Blood began to fall. She then gave me a tombstone piledriver. She covered me. 1-2-3! 21-0 at the 44 minute and 46 second mark. I couldn't get up. So, she pinned me again. 1-2-3! 22-0. At the 44 minute and 59 second mark the score card turned to 23-0. I was still out. So she placed her foot on top of my chest. 1-2-3! And so at the 45 minute and 10 second mark, the points were now 24-0. Lauren decided to put me in a chin lock. The ref checked the hold, then he raised my arm up. It of course went down. Then the ref did it again. It went down. Then the ref did it one more time. And so at 45 minutes and 43 seconds, the board switched to 25-0. I guess I was out of luck. She applied a cross face on me. I submitted. (46 min./38 sec.; 26-0.)She body slammed me. She applied a Texas clover leaf. I tapped out. (47 min./47 sec. 27-0.) She had the referee count me out. (48 min./9 sec. 28-0.) And then the ref counted me out again. (48 min./23 sec.; 29-0.) She ran towards the rope and leg dropped me. (48 min./4 sec; 30-0.) She then dragged me to a corner of the ring. She climbed the ropes and the cage bars and hit me with a shooting star press. Now she pinned me. 1-2-3! (49 min./2 sec.; 31-0.) She pinned me again. (49 min./8 sec.; 32-0.) She now applied a claw hold on me. 1-2-3! (49 min./ 26 sec.; 33-0.) She then executed a German suplex on me. 1-2-3! (50 min./6 sec.; 34-0.) I laid there, knowing it was over. But I also knew I absolutely tried my best. She pinned me again. (50 min./56 sec.; 35-0.) Suddenly, Lauren looked at me, directly into my eyes. "Buzz, are you okay? Have you had enough?" she asked. I searched for my voice. "Lauren...Lauren, this isn't finished yet! I'm not stopping," I said. The referee looked at the both of us. Lauren gave a thumbs up sign to me. I returned the thumbs up sign to her. She waited for me to return to my feet. It was at the 52 minute and 48 second mark at this point in the match. We locked up. Lauren got a takedown on me. Then she got some arm-drags on me. Lauren lifted me up and slammed me into the corner. Next she gave me a springboard missile drop-kick. Lauren gave me a German suplex. 1-2-3! (56 min./58 sec.; 36-0.) I slowly got back to my feet. (57:18) Lauren jumped at me and pushed me in the corner getting in a few right hands. (57:47) Lauren then got a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on me. She pinned me. 1-2-3! (58 min./48 sec.; 37-00.) I stood up again. Lauren hit me with a clothesline. She pinned me again. 1-2-3! (59 min./07 sec.; 38-00.) Time was running out. I knew that. We both knew that. Next thing I knew she hit me with a dropkick. (59:18) Lauren applied an anklelock. I wanted to hold on. (59:27) I tried to fight it. But I couldn't. I signaled my submission. (59 min./49 sec.; 39-0.) From the anklelock she got me into a pin. 1-2-3! (59 min./52 sec.; 40-0.) I returned to my feet just in time for the bell to ring. (1:00:00) "You're winner, and the Iron Sibling at a score of forty to zero, at one hour, the fabulous and beautiful, Lauren Haywood!" announced the ring announcer. I was exhausted. But so was she. We've now had 316 matches. She's won all of those matches and I haven't won any."You're winner, and the Iron Sibling at a score of thirty-five to fourteen, at one hour, the fabulous and beautiful, Lauren Haywood!" announced the ring announcer. I was exhausted. But so was she. We've now had 316 matches. She's won them all.The referee made sure I was okay. I was exhausted and found my way limping towards Lauren. Boy, I was in pain. Big time. She stood there, victorious, not certain of why I was approaching her. I now stood face to face with her again. I extended my hand. She looked at it. She accepted it. We shook hands. The audience cheered. I raised Lauren's hand in victory. Then, Lauren and I hugged. As her ring music played I decided to walk out to let her celebrated. "Buzz, are we okay now?" she asked. "I love you, Lauren," I said. Tears formed in my eyes and hers. Annie came over to us. She congratulated Lauren and comforted me. Suddenly, Randall walked over. He was grinning. "Man, you're one and final opportunity to prove yourself a man and you get beaten by your little sister again," he said, "man, you're so pathetic!!!!" Lauren kicked Randal right where it counts. Man, he was in pain. So I punched him in the stomach. Next, Lauren punched him right in the jaw. Randal fell down. Then for good measure, I kicked him. Then I kicked him again. Both Lauren and Annie thought it was enough. So we all walked out together. As we were prepared to leave, several people, a lot of them who had laughed at me in the past, said they were very happy that Lauren and I were friends again, the way a brother and sister should be. We both thanked them. We talked for a long time that night, all the time we lost over this feuding. It got late so I slept on her couch. In the morning, while breakfast was being made, the bell rang. Lauren told me to get it. I saw that it was Randal, but still opened it. Randal looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Did you spend the night here?" he asked suspiciously. "Yes, I did. Why?" I responded. "Does Annie know?" asked Randal."Buzz, who is it?" Lauren called from the kitchen. "It's Randal," I said. "So does Annie know?" Randal asked again. "Know what?" I responded. Lauren showed up. "What do you want, Randal?" she asked. "I wanted to save our relationship, but I see that I'm too late," he said, "you've obviously moved on." "With who, exactly?" asked Lauren. Randal looked over at me. "What's your problem?" I asked him. "Dammit, Buzz, she is your sister," Randal screamed. "He knows this already," Lauren added. "What's your point, man?" I asked him. "I knew Lauren was angry, but of all people, of all the men, I lose her to her big brother," Randal blurted out. Lauren and I looked at each other confused. "Wait! You think..." she started to say. "Get your head out of the gutter," I said. "Oh, you mean I was wrong?" he asked. "Good-bye, Randal!" Lauren said. "Can we please speak privately?" asked Randal. "Make it quick," she demmanded. They walked off to talk. I was thinking how lucky I was. No more problems with me and Lauren. She was more than a kid sister. She was, is, my best friend. So what if she can kick my ass? Big deal. Not her fault. Randal said his farewells and walked away. "What was that all about?" I asked. "I have a match," she replied. "A match with who?" I asked. "Against Randal," she said. I smiled. "I know you'll be able to handle yourself." We hugged.Two weeks later they had their wrestling match. The bell rang. She immediately kicked him in the gut and sent him down, head first. She then cradled him. One... Two... Three! In only nine seconds, Lauren won. After the match, Randal begged Lauren to take him back. He even apologized to me. She said she'd think about it. Randal respected her decision. Lauren and I along with Annie celebrated. Things were good. Life was back on track. Now that the battling siblings are finally at peace, what's next for them? Lauren and Randal did have a rematch a month later. Lauren beat him in six-teen seconds this time. A week later she finally took him back. He apologized to Lauren again and apologized to myself and Annie. I was willing to give him a chance. I must admit, he made a good effort. One day, Randal learned of another grappling bro and sis. They didn't wrestle each other, the male wrestled the guys and the female wrestles the girls. So, we decided to make it a double date and check these two out. Me-Annie, Lauren-Randal; went to the matches to watch them. The thing is, they had been asking a lot of questions about us. They are the Alcons. Drake Alcon and his sister, Alexis Alcon. Like me, Drake is the older sibling. We sat and watched the two in singles action. Drake took on a guy who was maybe twenty pounds lighter than he was. It was a good match. Drake won with a running power slam. When Alexis wrestled, she took on a girl just as talented, and Alexis won. She used a belly-to-back suplex to gain her victory. During another match, Drake and Alexis introduced themselves to us. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," Drake said, "I'm Drake and this is my sister Alexis." They both smiled. They seemed like good people. "I guess you can say we're both fans of yours," Alexis said, "we're glad you could make it to the event tonight." "You're both amazing wrestlers," Lauren said, "congratulations on your wins." "So, Drake, who's you're next match against?" I asked. Drake looked like he had something on his mind. "Well, Buzz, I was hoping to be in a tag team match," he said. I nodded. "Oh, good, who do you plan on teaming up with?" I asked. Drake then pointed to his sister. Alexis is very attractive. "I'm hoping we could have a big tag team match," Drake mentioned. Alexis smiled. She has a great smile at that. "I'm hoping we can have the ultimate dream match," she added. "Who is the team you want to face?" Lauren asked. They stared at us. "We want to wrestle the most popular I guess word got around really, really well. Too bad for me, since Lauren was and is the championship wrestler out of the both of us. "I'm honored," Lauren said. "Me too," I said. So we went out for drinks with them afterwards. Me, Annie,Lauren, Randal, Drake, and Alexis. We all agreed this tag team match can be good for all of us. "I think this is a good opportunity for all," Randal said. "So do I," Lauren replied. "I guess we have our selves a match then," Annie added. "Sounds good to me," I added. We all shook hands. The deal was done. The promotional work occurred pretty quickly. Word traveled. Every promoter in the area wanted to hold this match. To get prepared for the match, and to add even more interest, Lauren and I teamed up to wrestle a boyfriend-girlfriend duo. The guy was known as Tiger Browning and the woman was called Drizzy Glau. The match began. The girls started out the match. Drizzy was very quick. They exchanged counter moves and both girls were very pleasant towards one another. After four minutes of scientific wrestling Drizzy tagged Tiger. Lauren kept leg-sweeping Tiger. Then she kept giving him drop toe holds. Lauren went to tag me. "Stupid bitch!" Tiger said. Suddenly, Lauren turned around and tackled him down and began punching him. Lauren body slammed Tiger on top of his arm. Then she cross faced him. Drizzy ran in so I went after her. She drop kicked me. Tiger tapped. I was never tagged in. The two of them challenged us to a rematch. Two days later we wrestled them again. Tiger and Drizzy cut the ring off on Lauren preventing her from tagging me. When she finally did tag me, the ref had his back turned and sent me back. Lauren was getting beaten from pillar to post. Finally, she surprised Drizzy with a small package to win the match for us. The next night, they had the same game plan. They cut the ring off on Lauren so for she couldn't tag out to me. Again the ref missed Lauren's tag and sent me back. Again Lauren small packaged Drizzy for the win. When we wrestled them again, I started off this time to throw off their game plan. Drizzy stood there shocked, expecting Lauren to start off the match. Drizzy spin-wheel kicked me and tagged out to Tiger. I'll give Tiger credit, he's tough. But I still used a Lou Thesz press to take him down. I tagged out to Lauren. She hit Tiger with a senton. Pinned him. One... Two... Kick out! Eventually he tagged Drizzy. After Drizzy suplexed Lauren, she drop-kicked me off the ring apron. Tiger quickly ran in and held Lauren on his knee as Lauren went to the top rope and leg-dropped her. Drizzy pinned Lauren to end the match. Two nights later there were similar results. Only this time Lauren was the one knocked off the ring apron and Tiger and Drizzy double suplexed me. Tiger then gave me a shoulder-breaker and pinned me to win the match. Lauren and I agreed we needed to brush up on our team work. We needed to be on a roll to face Drake and Alexis. We had a grudge with Tiger and Drizzy and we intended on settling the score.