My Wife - A Real Life Ball Busting Story Part 3 By Ricoh San Juan As I alluded to in parts 1 & 2, I love a dangerous woman. My wife had already shown me she could handle herself, as I have written about previously. However for me, the more dangerous, the more erotic. I had been pressing her for years to take a self defense class and she had resisted. I finally broke down and just said we allot her temporarily more spend money from my share if she would. She finally agreed to. There is an old wise saying, "Be careful what you wish for." That wasn't exactly true in the case, but after she was done with the class, in which she got practice actually fighting with men, I did notice that she was much more aggressive. That aggression showed in her dealing with me. She was more likely to yell and get mad. Not long after her first class, we had an argument she was really thinking about getting physical. She admitted as much. She freely and confidently spoke about her newfound skills. She told me she could hurt me really bad if she wanted to. She said the same thing about a friend of mine when we spoke of him grabbing her from behind, because that is the sort of thing, we thought this person might do as a joke if he heard my wife took self-defense. She said someone better not attack her or they are going to get hurt when the subject of her being sexually assaulted on the street was brought up by someone else. She even mentioned that if a stranger tried to sexually assault her, she was going to do society a favor and hurt their testicles such that they would be unable to escape or rape another woman. She says this while still managing to usually be a loving, kind, relatively gentle woman. She is my dream girl. She added a new move, a fist or punch to the balls. Something she practiced in self defense class no doubt. After this class, I began to get this move with some regularity. Usually it was when she is slightly or somewhat irritated. It is usually but sometimes not a fake shot. I have needed to move to avoid it. Her knuckles have rarely met testicle, and never hard, I don't think her hands a particularly fast. I wondered how good she really was. Despite the fact that she is strong for a little lady, I am stronger. Quite a bit I would say. If we really got into it, could this sexy petite little fireball take me down? I kind of doubted it. Fairly recently, I don't remember the exact day, but it was within the last three of four months, I decided to test her. We had a bit of an argument. She threw her little fist towards my balls and I blocked it or maybe avoided it. She told me to watch it or something like that, and this was usually the end of our encounters. This time however, I was in the mood to push it. I grabbed her from behind and told her I was the boss. We tussled a bit and she went for my balls. This got me very erotized, so I went in the other room, took off my pants, and came back and grabbed her again, this time with my bear penis sticking into her back. I decided I was going to get her on the ground and control her and see if she could stop me. I'm pretty sure I told her what I was trying to do, and she more or less seemed to agree to it. My dick was rock hard as I grabbed her from behind. My hands first squeezed her large breasts, and my I thrust my stiffened penis between her legs. With my left hand a grabbed the side of her sweatpants by her left hip and began to force them down. Suddenly a quickly she turned and wrapped both arms around my waist, putting her head right into my chest. My left arm was momentarily trapped between us as I was still holding on to her pants. Her strong legs lifted slightly, and she was able to throw me on the ground with her coming with me. I was immediately fearful for my balls and she was reaching for them. I really became frustrated because at that point on the ground, I was completely on the defensive. She kept her head and her body close to mine; I could not have struck her even if I wanted to. I was immobile and she seemed to be trying to keep me that way by thrusting her upper torso on top of me. For a couple seconds her hand was free, and the only thing that saved my balls from being grabbed was the fact that I had trapped them in my own thick muscular thighs, and her hand couldn't reach through them. I was getting really mad at what was happening. I was supposed to be winning this I thought. My wife's girly little grunts as we struggled didn't make it any easier. She sounded like a child almost. My goal was now to reestablish control and get behind her. It was probably 30 seconds of our wrestling that I was able to get to my knees, and she followed. I think she was going to try to throw me over down again as she was close, but I managed to grab her and more or less twist her around. I had the upper hand fairly well and had her what I thought was well under control and I was behind her. Suddenly I felt one of her hands, her right hand I think, around my bare balls. She had reached behind and grabbed me. My testicles were now completely in her grip. The hand I had once seen bend steel now completely encircled them in her fist. She could have crushed them or probably fairly easily pulled them off if she wanted to. I was done. At first, I was concerned. Would she make feel some real pain. No, she quickly let them go. I felt no pain. Once again, I was frustrated, but without now a chance for victory. I continued to wrestle half-heartedly for another 20 or 30 seconds as if my balls weren't hers, but I knew I had lost. Knowing she'd already won and could have destroyed me, she put up very little resistance. I then stopped. I had mixed feelings. As we grappled, and this kind of really became more of a wrestling match, I had spent most of the time on the defensive. She was constantly going for my balls, and I was trying to protect them. If I am wrestling with a well-trained woman who is going for my balls, that will be difficult to defend. When I quit defending and went on the offensive for a bit, she got my balls. I had to admit that if I just engaged in a wrestling match with my wife and she was going hard for my balls, I would probably lose. This was a bit of a funny place to be. It was kind of erotic to think my wife could really get my balls most anytime she wanted. It was cool yet to a certain extent it wasn't, but it was mostly cool. "I got your balls you know," my wife said with a bit of a smile. As if I didn't know. "I know. You had me," I replied. There was no use denying the facts. She smiled more. "You know, if you were really a stranger on the street, after I flattened your balls out, I would have given you some heel kicks to the head until you were completely unconscious," she said or something very similar to it. She said this matter-of-factly and without a smile. I had no reason to doubt what she said, but it sounded rather mean. I'm sure my expression showed this. "So you're going to scramble the eggs and the brains," I thought, but I didn't say this. She then went back to the housework she was doing. I am glad I have a good Christian wife who loves me. Self defense has been good for my wife, it's made her even more confident. She dresses rather modestly for the most part, not particularly showing off her sexy legs, narrow waist, curved butt or breasts. That's probably good, because if she ever needs to remove a man's nuts, and I now have great confidence she will if the situation ever arises, at least she will not have led them to their doom by unnecessarily showing off her great assets. I wonder how many other women there are out there like this. They look sexy, beautiful, desirable, vulnerable. However if you were fool enough to try to take them by force, you'd wake up in the hospital, your testicles and brains perhaps forever scrambled. As in my previous entries, this account is entirely true to the best of my recollection.