Supermans Defeat by CYTHONNA Fan fic by AndzWard Short Fan fiction story about Supermans worst nightmare.. a fight against a Kryptonian Ice Goddess with Powers far beyond even His! CYTHONNA - "Superman" NO MORE (by AndzWard) It had been 2 months since Superman's fight in Metropolis against Cythonna...but Superman awoke in his bed trembling in fear and sweat Shouting "NO"! from his worst Nightmare being re-lived.."What's Wrong"? asked Lois Lane sitting up in bed trying to comfort her man.."Is it dreams of Her Again"? "Cythonna is in my my mind Lois the Krypton Ice Goddess..her evil Ice cold white Eyes..She was back Again"! said Clark..."Just as before my dream was of our last meeting..she had You held hostage and the entire city of Metropolis at her Mercy..and I couldn't do Anything to stop Her or her Powers. Cythonna's Freezing cold Power ice blasts cut into my muscles my Very soul!".."The Pain..the Fear! She was just Too Strong and quick in combat..she threw me around Metropolis city like i was Nothing Lois!" "Grabbing me by my cape and spinning me around sending me Crashing into buildings and car's...Cythonna's punches and kicks Iv Never felt such Power or felt so out matched by Any opponent"..."I tried to Fight.. hit her back Lois.. but She just laughed at all my attempts and my best punches had no impact on Her"!."They bounced off her! I was hurting my Own hands and fists against Her face and body" " Is that the best you have got Superman!" " Your power and punches are Nothing to Mine"! Cythonna laughed!" " She grabbed me by my neck and kissed Me on the lips to mock me some more!"..."I took punch after punch.. kick after kick and She Demanded I Beg for mercy and Grovel at her Feet! She made me Scream her name and plead for her Mercy with every freezing ice cold power blast she hit me with...It felt like she had the Power of a thousand kryptonian God's! She even made the weather turn to I had No Sun rays to heal my wounds to re charge my powers and make myself stronger for my impossible fight against Her"..."Even with the Sun Cythonna was easily my I decided...To Save the innocent people and myself...I had to Bow I had to Kneel before Cythonna!".."The Shame of it Lois front of You and All the men and women in the City who looked up to me as there Protector..there Hero..I was supposed to be the Man Of Steel a Superman as You named Me..but I was Nothing now compared to Cythonna and her Awesome Powers"..."So I kneeled before her as she told me to do..but she just Laughed and kicked Me away sending me flying out of control into the air and crashing into a police car." " I was almost out cold when she used Her Ice cold power charged sharp Claw like Finger nails to slash at my chest..she Cut through my Skin and my once Famous so called indestructible kryptonian blue and red costume..ripping holes in my red cape and tearing my heroic S symbol apart to pieces on my chest". "Cythonna threw it away in the wind like litter!" NO NOOOOOO" I shouted knowing I faced certain defeat. "My once proud and famous S symbol that meant Hope and so much to Me..You..and all the shocked people and news media..who were now filming and reporting on my total defeat at Cythonna's hands across the city..." I looked into her cold unforgiving evil white eyes..and I was scared..Afraid of her Lois"!..."I wanted to fly away but I was so weak from all the ice cold power blasts I had taken..I had no power left to fly away...I crawled face down on the ground through the snow..the ice cold conditions Cythonna had created that were now hurting my exposed bare chest..."She continued to walk me down and stalk her prey! "She grabbed me by my jet black hair and lifted my entire limp body up with one hand and gave me a slap! to wake me up! "Then with her other hand she grabbed me by my red boots Lifting me high above her head in a bench press hold grip! She shouted "SUPERMAN IS NO MORE".." I CYTHONNA Am Your Ruler Now"..showing me off to the shocked citizens of Metropolis and worldwide news cameras..and then Crashing Me and my back down hard against her ice cold knee! The Screams of my pain and defeat could be heard in Gotham City"! " The people of Metropolis shouted for me to get up and fight back..but I couldn't and they all soon realised that the fight in me against Cythonna was over!" " I was a Superman No More"!!..Only a broken power- less passed out Clark Kent lay flat on his back on the ground now in the street outside the Dailey Planet." " Lucky for me Cythonna thought I was dead and decided to fly away content and happy with her victory over Superman! "But she has killed me Lois...broken me mind..body..and spirit.. and my legend of being Superman earths greatest hero is Over"...the nightmares of Cythonna beating me in our fight as easily as she did continue..and Lex Luthor filmed and had all the pictures of my defeat at her hands published in the Daily Planet Newspaper..I cant Ever show my face in the city of Metropolis ever Cythonna probably would finish and destroy me for good anyway next time if I ever dared to go near there Lois as Lex and her are friends now!" .." We must stay safe and hide here at my Fortress Of Solitude home i can't protect you..I cant win I can't stand up to Cythonna?!!"..."Shush" said a teary eyed Lois hugging Clark and putting what was left of Supermans red cape around him. " We will get you and us through matter what she did to you Clark..You will still always be a Superman to Me"!! Back in the now Cold deep snow filled Metropolis city...Cythonna was now the Ruler and she stood over the remains of Supermans smashed City tribute statue! She looked at the red yellow and blue S symbol fabric piece of costume that she had torn from his chest and held it as a trophy in her hand! Laughing to herself.." I doubt He is still alive and even if He is...He will hide away ..He wont Ever want to face Me Again" " Iv Won"!....Everyone in the city had to Obey and live to Cythonna's Rule now! The many media press pictures and tv shows of Superman's Defeat at her hands were still being shown at her Demands...SUPERMAN WAS NO MORE! The End!