Julie by Hank Salamander Julie was a 5'6", 125 lb blonde, and one of the fittest people I've ever met. At a little over 5'8" and 130 lbs, I should have known that I was no match for her physically. I denied it to myself for a long time and knew well enough that she, and women in general, already had too many advantages in a typical relationship as it was. Having a girlfriend who could physically dominate you puts you completely at her mercy, and Julie hardly had any. She never beat me up in public or in front of our friends, or ever really hurt me, but she humiliated me in just about every other way possible. From the little she told me, her last boyfriend had been a big, abusive brute. She had managed to get the better of him at the end, but she probably felt safer with a guy like me. On top of being fit and feminine, she had a stunning face with bright blue eyes and a sexy smile. Julie could have had just about any guy she wanted, and girls like her usually went for guys who were at least six feet tall. She told me that she had always preferred smaller guys, that there were certain advantages to having a boyfriend who was easier to handle. By our third date, she started to get physical. Looking back, I should have known that she was testing me. The first time we wrestled, she let me get on top of her and pin her and complained about her long hair being in the way. I let up on her and let her roll me over. Once she had me pinned, I started mocking her by saying "my hair, my hair!" I had just gotten a buzzcut and I guess I thought I was being funny, but after that, our grappling became less playful and a lot rougher. "Funny." She gripped my wrists, dug her elbows into my biceps, and let a drop of spit start to dangle from her lips. I struggled and her thighs tightened around me as she beared down, forcing my arms to the ground. I pushed up at her as hard as I could, but couldn't get her off of me. Just as the strain was exhausting me, she sucked the spit back into her mouth and I untensed beneath her. "There it is. That moment when you know you're beaten." She let her spit dangle again and I struggled with the same result. Her grip was surprisingly strong and her elbows were hurting my arms and zapping my strength. She sucked her spit back in and laughed at me. "Poor thing. How humiliating for you." I made a last desperate effort and managed to raise my hands about half an inch before I felt her arms tense and overpower me. She didn't bother to use her elbows this time and I still couldn't get her off of me. "We started with you already on top." I was about to say that it wasn't fair but already regretted saying anything. "Making excuses are we? Already?" She stared down at me for a good ten seconds, then got off of me and stood up. "I'll spare you the humiliation of asking to be let up." I started rubbing my biceps and looked up at her standing over me. She was wearing tight jeans with a little white tank top and I could see the black straps of her bra on her shoulders. She looked down at my crotch and I stood up, it had been a mistake for me to let her see that she had hurt me and to stay down for as long as I had. She put her hands on my shoulders and I almost flinched. "Poor baby." She lowered one had to the small of my back and raised the other to grip the back of my neck as she pulled me into her and kissed me. "It's okay. I won't tell anybody." "What's there to tell? We were just playing around." She looked me in the eye. "I had you pinned and there was nothing you could do about it. You tried your hardest to escape, and you couldn't do it." I opened my mouth and she kissed me before I could say anything, then walked me backwards as she made out with me. The backs of my legs hit her couch and I was sitting with her straddling me. She stopped kissing me and my face was inches from her chest. I looked up at her and she smiled. "Poor little guy." "I'm taller than you are." "I can beat you up." She rubbed my biceps with her thumbs. "Do you really think you could beat me up? In a real fight?" I asked. "I know I could." She stared down at me and I looked away, and as I did her hands moved to my back and hugged me, pushing my face into breasts. "It's okay. I won't abuse you." I pulled away to speak and she cupped a hand over my mouth. "Do you really want to say anything?" She squeezed her thighs and pushed her crotch into mine and I moaned. "That's what I thought." She stood up and turned to walk into her bedroom and I couldn't help staring at her plump, firm ass, or noticing that she didn't even bother to check if I was moving to retaliate. I didn't realize it yet, but she already had me beaten and she knew it. As far as she was concerned, her dominance had been established. From here on out, it was just a matter of getting me to admit it and accept it. If you enjoyed this story, a book with similar stories is available here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZJSTYSD