Jockette I beat-up my husband for his own good! He deserved it and we are all better off as a result. I was always a jockette, as far back as I remember. You name the sport and I played it and played it well. In High School I was on the softball, track and field and lacrosse teams and was captain or co-captain of each one. I was also a good student but sports is what I loved. I only dated athletic men since we had so much in common and that's who my friends were. In college I received a partial scholarship for lacrosse and am sure that if I was a guy it would have been a free ride but so it goes. After college and 2-years of grad school earning my MBA I went to work for a Fortune 500 company and you guessed it, played and starred in the company softball team and overall was having a lot of fun at work. Here is where I met my husband, got married 2- years later, had 4 children and now at the age of 40 am living the suburban life and stopped working to raise the kids. Even after 4 children I am still 135 pounds on my 5'7 1/2 frame and have never stopped running, working out and getting involved with sports when I can. I also coach 2 of the 4 kids' teams in soccer and basketball. Everything is good and I know I am blessed by God. So why did I beat up my husband? Note, I am not using any names or locations so I can keep this as "private" as possible while still telling my story, a story I simply want to tell to give other women a positive role model in a world that needs one. OK. After child #4 at age 32 (2 of the kids are fraternal twins) I immediately went back to the gym, actually a new fancy one and began working out a lot especially since they had day care available. A lot has changed over the years in terms of women working out to gain muscles and there was a plethora of new classes to experiment with. Everything from yoga, strength classes, boxing classes, all kinds of eastern stretching classes, etc. I started out just doing what I have always done and until I was approached by trainer who was complimenting me on the amount of weight I was lifting and in general about my "mommy muscles" and the fact that I went from one machine to the next without stopping. He was a nice enough guy and I eventually hired him for some one on one training and almost immediately noticed the changes in my body. I had a great foundation obviously but with his help I gained a lot of strength and muscles, which was strange at first and then he introduced me to his passion ( I later found out) boxing. I am one peaceful and loving person who never even saw a fight on TV, how stupid I thought, but there I was all strapped up with these big gloves taking these boxing classes. It took almost two years before people around me noticed that I had a talent for this sport. Personally, I thought it was because of my athletic abilities, be it coordination or my always desire to be the best and my competitive nature in whatever sport I participated, it was a natural conclusion for someone to reach. In any event, things began to take off. What does that mean? It's funny to look back on this now knowing what kind of a person I am. It meant I started taking (expensive) private lessons with a real boxing trainer instead of a group class taught by some nice young man who I thought I could out box after a few classes (yes, I can have a swollen head when it comes to anything athletic), started watching some live events that people I now knew participated in and as unlikely as it was back then, actually thought about sparring (not fighting) with some women. Yikes! I mean it took me a month of having a nervous stomach thinking about actually hitting a person instead of my trainers gloves or a heavybag. Yet, I went for it. And this, as they say, was life changing! Through my trainer, my expensive trainer, he arranged for my first sparring session. I swear I was never so nervous before any athletic event. In the dressing room I was all geared up with 14 oz gloves, headgear, breast protection, groin protection and it all weighed on me. I did not need to warm up to build up a sweat as I was sweating over nerves. By the time I entered the ring I was dizzy, no kidding, and anxious does not explain my feelings. The woman I was going to spar with was heavier and shorter but here is the point, she has sparred for at least a year and has 2 amateur REAL bouts that she won. Wow. My trainer brought us to the middle of the ring, like you see on TV, and said something but I was too nervous to hear and next thing I heard was a bell and this woman charging towards me. I felt awkward and out of my comfort zone by a milethe place and I was trying to defend myself but there was just much going on in my head. She was not hurting me at all, like I said I am very strong and had pretty impressive muscle at this point and I guess I had some natural defensive abilities. When that round ended, exactly where it started with me being battered in the corner, I had enough, really. I sat on my stool and my trainer spoke to me in a way that NOBODY has ever spoken to me. I remember exactly what he said since I have told this story to a lot of people. Every other word was the F bomb which I will not use but you can imagine. With his face inches from mine he said, " you look like the biggest loser I have ever trained, you brag about all the sports and stuff you play but you got nothing, you have all of these BS muscles that mean nothing, you are a weak pathetic woman who should go back into the kitchen or have another baby or something because that is a real woman across the ring, one who is going to steal your lunch and f your husband" I saw red!! A loser? Weak? "F" my husband? Are you serious? I did not say a word but stood up, stuck out my chest and banged my gloves together like a bull ready to charge and shut him up. The bell sounded and it opened up a new world for me. She came charging out of her corner like before but this time she was met by two hooks to her flabby gut that made her not only grunt but stop in her tracks. I was laser focused now. And it was the me show, all about being who I knew I was, me the athlete, me with these new muscles popping out, me who everyone in high school, college and even at work knew I was the best athlete, me who people whispered behind my back how awesome and strong I was looking, yes ME. I attacked her with a vengeance by pummeling her into submission in those two minutes, leaving her sitting in the middle of the ring with a bloody nose and sore ribs and belly and unable to move so much get up. The trainer, who was also acting as the referee and counted to 10 and she was still sitting there, bloody and in pain. It's not that I was happy about beating her up I was PISSED off at my trainer for speaking to me that way. I have to say, after I took off my headgear and gloves, actually I threw them off in the ring figuring I am done with this crap, he came over to me with his big smile and said "see all you needed was some motivation and went to hug me. I backed off and told him a thing or two and walked out. Over the next few days I calmed down and received a lot of congratulatory calls from friends who heard about what happened and I received 10 plus voicemails from my trainer pleading with me to come back since he saw I had talent. I thought, hmmm, the genius saw I have talent all of a sudden and more importantly I thought, I think I like this boxing thing. Over the next 3 weeks I lifted and ran and took some cool classes but stayed away from boxing and was happy. That changed when I saw the woman I beat up while shopping at Costco. I saw her first and was embarrassed to see her since I did kick her ass and did not want to have that awkward, "oh how are you and sorry I beat the crap out of you" type of thing. So there I was trying to avoid her and was successful until she approached me while I was loading up the car with the things I bought. I was taken aback since I was not expecting it and it was dark and got startled. Now I do not want to brag or anything but I was wearing a cutoff t-shirt that was sleeveless since I live in a very warm climate, the point is, my new muscles were very obvious, I am taller than her, let's say I am much more feminine looking than her too, thank you mom for the genetics and if one went by looks alone, one would say I could crush her with one hand tied behind my back. So after I felt a tap on my back and she called me by name I turned and I immediately saw no anger or anything on her face and I relaxed and I also remembered it was me who left her in pain and bloody on the mat and not visa versa. However, I did fear a physical confrontation since that is not me and in my wildest imaginations, to say the least, fighting outside a ring was abhorrent. She gave me a very long and awkward once over as she stared at my muscular and veiny arms and then my abs and looked back up nodding her head and said " I want to congratulate you on your win a few weeks ago and I , I um (as she stared at my body over and over) I had no idea that you were like a bodybuilder type or anything and you really hit hard but I see why". Again, I was taken aback and said with a fake laugh " I am not exactly a bodybuilder by any stretch (they have a few at my gym and trust me, I am not one)but I am a good athlete and yeah so thanks". She said "listen I have been doing this for a long time and I am telling you, if you wanted to, you could be good at this". I thanked her and we both went our own way but her comments about me possibly being good at this stuck in my head and others have been saying the same. Meantime at home all was pretty good except I was seeing less and less of my husband due to work. And, here is the crux of me writing this story about my life, he was acting a little too macho and obnoxious around the house that I attribute to his new position at work at the same Fortune 500 company we both started at and I stopped working there before the twins were born. It's the power thing men get hooked on I think. And, to bare my soul here, we were not having sex that often, and that is something I thoroughly enjoy in all forms I admit and add to that I am living in the gym and getting turned on by some of the men I see there and last but not least, I am getting approached by many many of them and being asked out by a good number. I am not bragging when I say that I have always been approached by men since even women who are not that pretty get attention from men but I always have since I am around men more than I am women and I am very good looking and I always had a very good body. However, that body is now a magnet for men or at least has become one. Anyway, cheating on my husband or anything else for that matter is Not my thing but it was super flattering and it did fuel my workouts. Without sounding terribly conceited my body was never so hard and muscled and I was never so confident showing myself off wearing outfits that allowed that and believe me I never lacked for confidence before this. And I was annoyed sometimes that all of these men in the gym approached me, women asking me questions about my physique, friends outside of the gym saying really nice things, when we went out with couples catching every single man and most of the women stealing glances at me and making a comment yet my own husband did not. Finally, after one such dinner we were home and in the bedroom and I wanted to have sex so I stripped down to my bra and panties (and he never commented on the fact that I was now wearing all new and very sexy panties and bra's) and stood there in front of him and lightly pushed him on his shoulders and started strutting around the room and posing and showing off the goods and asked me straight out, "why is it that every man you know and lots of guys in the gym all love this (and I did a double bicep pose and flexed my abs and stuck out my big chest-thanks mom again for the genetics, and you are silent?" I see his erection growing and he says " look I think you are the best, sexiest, athletic and a great mom, but these muscles and that BS with your boxing, is all girl stuff, good stuff and you should be proud but don't think you can compete with a man." I was livid, I mean livid and told him so and then I lost it. I said and I used some foul language that I will not repeat here but I said " first of all these muscles are the real thing mister and you know how I know that, because I can lift more than 50% or more of the men in the gym, which you are not since you work all the time, I can outlast 90% there in terms of endurance, I get hit on all the damn time due to this great body and big boobs too I am sure and screw you with the boxing, the fact is everyone told me how good I am and I should pursue it". Things got nasty and he slept in the living room for the next few nights until he left for a 10 day business trip to the Far East. It was durng those 10-days I decided to determine if I could get into boxing again and develop myself where I could have a showdown with him. Showdown meaning, yes, a boxing match. Yes, a HUGE step but an appropriate one. It took almost 9 months of intensive and almost full time training to get there. It was brutal training and I was damn serious about it. I even had to hire a nutritionist to change my diet just to maintain my weight since I was working out so much I thought I was getting too skinny and that resulted in a hyper muscular look I did not want even the attention I was receiving was off the charts. I will tell you thatone day shopping in an outdoor flea market with a friend I got stopped often and I mean that, by people who wanted me to flex so they could take a picture of me ( I did not allow that), or some person complimenting my physique or some guy asking me out for a drink. It was embarrassing. Boxing is really all I thought about almost 24/7. I already had a lean body that was hard and strong but now, its funny to say but now I felt stronger and more accomplished than ever in my life. Sparring? I sparred through all the women in the gym and a few from outside that my trainer brought in as "fresh meat" as he said. I was relentless in beating them all and that included my first real knockout and doing that with big gloves and headgear was a serious accomplishment they told me. The funny thing about that is when I saw her lying on the mat totally still, unconscious, I did not feel badly for her at all. That is strange since I am a very sympathetic and caring person and here I am standing over this unconscious woman not caring at all I did this to her. I left a few girls bloodied and crying, left one hanging on the ropes and being my personal punching bag until my trainer pulled me off her and my reputation was secure. Then I graduated to some real fights, no headgear, 8 oz gloves and in front of small groups of people. This too was a major tipping point of my life. Meantime at home things were fair with my husband. We were talking more and having sex on occasion but I was noticing him staring and touching more on my entire upper body and I knew what he was thinking, I just knew it, but he was getting concerned and worried, I just knew it, as he saw how powerful I was getting. He never asked me about my sparring but sure as heck all of our friends were asking because they were hearing things. There was many a dinner where I would go into detail about what I was accomplishing and they loved hearing about as I would see my husband blush but say little. It got awkward too since his reaction to hearing about his wife kicking ass was clearly bothering him. It helped me, my head that is, that it was as constant as the air we breathe that men would come on to me and to be honest, some women too. I will recall this one incident after a shower I took in the gym. I toweled off and wore that towel around my waiste and was brushing and drying my hair in the mirror. Now I knew what I looked like at that point, I had the lean defined muscles, the big D cup but SUPER firm chest, the strong back (my back got a lot of attention as well) and all of that and I felt a few of the women staring and to say I did not love it would be inaccurate. When I looked in the mirror I caught 5-6 of them staring at me the way guys look at me and it was neat. Now I turned and walked towards them where my locker was, still wearing just the towel and being pretty pumped up from the workout and when I walked towards them they parted like the Red Sea. It was very funny it was like they were intimidated by my new hard physique. When I walked past them I said hello, since I am super friendly and they said the same and I put on my bra and panties and flip flops and wanted to floss and dry some more and like I said, I was now wearing very cute, expensive and sexy panties and bras. I felt all eyes on me and then did something I never did before. I started posing in the mirror and took some photos of myself all flexed and I admit it was exciting, no doubt having this little audience and I imagined all of them at Starbucks talking about me. Then I put down my phone and did a little shadow boxing in the mirror and I heard one of them say " oh my god look at her" and I turned around and her blushing and the others all looked, well to be blunt, they all looked like they were ready to have sex with someone and when I turned to look at them I said " sorry to bother anyone, I just am getting ready for a big boxing match and I cannot help myself sometimes". That led to a long conversation with them and some more fun in that, these women were all in very good shape but standing in front of them I felt, and I know this is an exaggeration, that I could knock them all out without breaking a sweat and probably their men too. Being surrounded by them in a circle as I was in my sheer bra and panties and having their eyes "eat me up" was some very special moment for me. OK, so the sparring was fabulously easy and now it was time for the real thing. Without spending time typing a book here, suffice it to say that I had 6 matches, each one was scheduled for 2-minute rounds and there would be 6 rounds. I won them all!!!!!!!! Less nervous with each and learned something each time. The first match lasted all 6 rounds, I had a black eye but the girl I fought had two of them and a bloody nose and mouth and looked like something the cat dragged in. The other 5 I ended in 4 rounds or less including a serious knockout of one of them. I felt I was a different person now, a real boxer and not scared but confident and wore this on my sleeve, as they say, for everyone to see. It got to the point that my confidence, reputation, muscular hard body was the talk everywhere I went and I may be humble but this was all swelling my head. I even thought about cheating on my husband since I needed a LOT more than he was giving me, meaning in the bedroom particularly, and there were a lot of young hot guys to choose from, however, I stuck to my morals and religion and did not do it. And I was ready to take on my husband now and I decided that whatever happened to us after that was just meant to be. The kids were with their grandparents for the weekend and I was in the pool when my husband came out with an armful of newspapers. I came out of the pool and he hardly looked up, keep in mind I was always getting looks, fingers pointed at me and comments from many people about my physique, yet he did not even look up and I was angry. I walked over to him and took off my bikini top and stood next to him dripping wet and put my hands on my hips and said" OK enough of this crap mister, look up at me now!" He did and looked back down and said, OK I see you are wet so what go dry off and get me a cup of coffee. I don't think I was ever so insulted in my life! I bent down and had my face one inch from his and spoke slowly and mockingly and I said, OK first off get yourself a cup of coffee you wimp, I know you know how strong I look and I know you know about my boxing and I know I intimidate you and therefore I am officially challenging you to a boxing match tomorrow and will invite all of our friends as I batter you like the wimp you are" I stood there and saw him get angry and he stood up next to me. Now he is 6'2'' which is naturally much taller than me but the difference in our muscles was startling and I never took note what happened to him over the years. He went from athletic man to weak looking daddy body while I headed in the exact opposite direction. I did say some other mean and threatening things to him and I did flex as I said them and then I did what I should have done a year ago. I said, watch this and I was still topless I have to say, I shadow boxed for what had to be 3 -4 minutes and made all the grunting noises to add accent to it all and when I stopped I was sweating since it is so hot here and I knew my body was glowing in muscles in the sweat and being wet from the pool and I stuck my big chest out and held a double bicep pose and called him some more names and told him tomorrow at 2PM at the gym and if you do not show I will know as will all of our friends what a pussy weakling big mouth you really are and no title at work will change the fact that your wife is going to give you a beating and change your big shot life once and forall. I walked off leaving him there standing, with his erection, looking scared, red faced and started calling my friends and he heard it all. Then I slipped on some sweats and left the house and did not come back till 8PM. I went for a massage, make the arrangements and did some light bag work. I came home and ignored him and reminded him the time and details of the fight. At that point he already heard from 8 of his friends who knew about the fight. All he said to me was "you are going to regret your immature and stupid decision and I will knock you the F out and teach you a lesson woman" Right there and then I could have punched his obnoxious fouled mouthed face in but kept quiet and locked the bedroom door. More determined than ever. I thought we would never get there but finally it was fight time!!!! I was sick with nerves but anxious to kick his ass and I was confident I could. I was picturing 20 of our friends witnessing this train wreck, friends we had for decades, friends who knew us well and having them see me as a real boxer in a ll my glory and then seeing me beat up my husband was blowing my mind. We drove separately and I was happy to hear that he arrived and was getting ready which I knew was making him feel uncomfortable. Why? First off, he was not in his usual mode which means he was not in control and next he was wearing boxing attire-gloves and all which he never has and I also knew how out of sorts he was going to be facing me in a ring with our friends watching. I felt badly for him for a little while but was eager to get this over with. Finally in the ring I looked across to him and saw he was trying to act macho but I saw and it was no surprise he looked very out of place. I stared at him and was already imagining punching him in specific spots and believe me I was ready. Our friends were all funny hooping and hollering away. He did not look great with the extra weight and less definition than years ago wearing blue silky shorts and blue 8 oz gloves and I was wearing a black sports bra, black shorts and black 8 oz gloves and even had a blue mouthpiece. We touched gloves and he would not make eye contact. It was happening. Round 1- We came out and circled each other and I went right for it, throwing jabs in his face and chest and they all landed with a thud. He looked confused and obviously he had no idea what he was doing. He also looked surprised that I was that I was punching him in his face. He banged his gloves together and looked very angry and said something but I could not make out what it was but I am sure it was not nice. He threw some off balance jabs himself but they were at least a foot short and there was no concern at all. I bobbed and weaved to get inside and that too was easy as he swung some hooks or his version of them that sailed over my back and then I landed a text book perfect four punch combo to his ribs and stomach and they were as solid as any punches I ever landed and the sound they made was beautiful and he made that grunting noise I have heard others make. I stepped back and he was holding his ribs so I knew I hurt him and I shuck my head thinking how outclassed and out" strengthed" he was. I went back to jabbing him in his face and they were beautiful punches, well balanced, full force, they were sucking out his confidence and dare I say manhood as his left eye swelled and his nose bled slightly and his mouth was already opened sucking in needed oxygen. He was on the defensive now as I am sure his head was clouded with confusion as the humiliation he was suffering not only in front of me but in front of all of his friends. These are only 2-minute rounds and already it was so one sided it was delicious and I was loving it. My trainer implored me to go after him and I did. Everytime my hands moved he jerked back and covered up, yes he was scared now, so I faked a jab and went back to his ribs and body, first with a left hook to his ribs followed by 2 jabs to his chest and then back down with an uppercut to his belly and that one hurt him badly as he covered his belly but then the bell rang. He staggered back to his corner and sat down looking pretty bad and in pain and I sat down on my stool like I was hitting a heavy bag. My trainer told me to go for the knockout as he is ready for the taking but I was not ready for that. Anyway, I was ready to continue proving my point to him. Round 2- This time he walked towards me a few feet and then stood his ground obviously scared to confront me. So I motioned for him to come closer to fight and then put both of my hands up yelling at him to "COME ON AND FIGHT" which made my friends go crazy yelling and laughing and then I did a double bicep pose and flexed my abs and pounded them with my gloves to annoy and embarrass him some more. He walked towards me gingerly and I smiled. When he was in striking distance I unleashed a volley of blows that blew his mind not to mention knocked him on his ass. It was the final straight left that dropped him and I say this because I am a righty and it was my left that dropped him. Meantime my trainer is yelling at me to finish him. Seeing him on his butt looking so defeated made me feel badly for him but I knew I had to make this fight an example for him. He did get up and as I moved forward he backpeddled until his back was against the ropes and then it began. I was going for it, first a few punches to his sore ribs and then I went for the KO and one solid hook had him drop his hands and I saw his eyes got glassy so I stepped back and I wanted to "paint his face" with more jabs to make sure the swelling lasted for days and the humiliation a lifetime and that is exactly what I did with pinpoint punches to his eyes, nose and mouth until I had him totally confused, embarrassed, NOT in control in any way and 3 head shots later my husband layed out at my feet as my friends were apoplectic. I walked around the ring to applause and then the ring was filled with my friends hugging me and some trying to take care of my husband who was now sitting up and looking sadder than when his mother tragically passed away 2-years earlier. He barely hit me at all and I was feeling strong, sexy and in control and enjoying the moment. I made my way over to him at he was now sitting on a stool drinking some water through slitty swollen eyes and I knew his body was aching but the humiliation was eating him alive. One needs to understand that this is a man who was always in control and held a powerful position in a large public company but there he sat, defeated and beaten by his wife. I walked over and bent down and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, hey mister maybe you will respect my muscles for now on unless you like getting your ass beaten and knocked out and I kissed him on his swollen lips. Some of the guys asked me what they should do with him, drive him home, drive him to an ER, they were not sure. I told them to drive him home now and I will follow in an hour or two. That is exactly what happened, when I got home, unshowered but feeling great he was in the den with two ice packs and drinking scotch. I walked in still wearing the same outfit and he looked up at me and gave me a weak hello. Now it was my time so I said in a demanding voice, stand up, and he looked at me and did not move and I said, stand up now or I will punch you in yiour face. He looked at me with that fear in his eyes and he stands up and says "what now?" I said, "what now?" are you kidding me? Walkover here and get closer and I balled my fists up so he could see but had NO intention of hitting him but I did want to intimidate him. He walks over and I said, start apologizing for being a rude asshole for so long and marvel at my muscular killer body that you know everyone loves. What happened next saved our marriage. He broke down hysterical crying, more than regular crying but sobbing like a baby and he told me everything. He told me how impressed he was with my physique, my classy way I dress to allow others to see what I have accomplished, how good a boxer I was and how much it bothered him over the years that I was getting so strong and so much attention and then he said the best things, he told me that he was scared of me now knowing what I could do to him, how unmanly he felt, how embarrassed he was to face our friends and he went back to the unmanly comments a lot. He stood there trembling, literally shaking, not making eye contact and keeping his head down, all of which is VERY uncharacteristic of who he was. I stood there in silence listening and then we both stood there in silence as we wrapped our heads around our new lives, and yes it was going to be a new life. I reached out and put my hand under his chin so he would look into my eyes and the tears were dripping as he was telling me private thoughts about this new humiliation. Doing so through slitty swollen eyes, a battered face and a very battered ego. I told him that he brought this upon himself by not admitting what every single person who knew me knew, that I could kick his butt. That comment stung him and stung him deep but it had to be said. I told him to feel my muscular body, feel it like everyone else wants to but he can and feel the body that whipped your ass and knocked you out. Mean? Yes, but it was ME time, I worked for it and I did it. He started running his hands over my body with a look of curiosity and disbelief in some ways how strong his wife was. I guided his hands over some parts of my body that I wanted him to specifically feel and I did some muscle posing for him that I learned from a fbb in the gym. His breathing became heavy but I wanted more from him and that included him admitting loud and clear that I was stronger and I was the better fighter and it was me who was the ALPHA now and not him. He nodded his head but I wanted to hear it out of his mouth and when he said " do I really have to say it all?" I said yes, every word. He did it with tears dripping and then I did one super obnoxious thing and had him kiss and I mean make out with my fists as I stood in front of him and told him that these were the fists that emasculated him and I have to say it was surreal. I took his hand and took him into the bedroom and I cannot give you the details but suffice it to say it was the new normal, me in control, me the focus, me getting pleased first and second, me doing things to him I never dreamed of doing and him being 100% all in. It has been 11 months since then and our relationship has never been better. I only train in boxing and do minimal sparring now and am very content with life.