From fatty to beast I never knew I had it in me but when it was unleashed I became a beast! I am proud of who I am and make no excuses for what I have accomplished physically and in turn emotionally and spiritually. My name is Corianne and live and prosper in Northern Cali. I was always the overweight one in the group, always on one diet or another and always very social and unlike most, I loved school. I was self conscious about my weight, what woman would not be and I heard all of the jokes behind my back and sometimes in front of me to my face and never had a boyfriend until my junior year in college and even that was short lived. I always had some GREAT girlfriends who I still love to this day but life as a "fatty" had challenges. I also had/have a very supportive family that helped quite a bit. People around here are shallow and very into their physiques so there were tough days here and there. No sense in repeating the details as I am sure you all know a "fatty", yet, I was always confident and happy to be me, or at least most of the time. In college it was the most difficult as I look back, mainly because I wanted and perhaps needed a boyfriend to be with. The guys I wanted did not want me and those that wanted me I had no interest in. It was in my junior year after this guy dumped me I decided to seriously hit the gym and hired a trainer. At that time I was 5'7 and 194 pounds. Yeah, always the very cute one who was fat. I did play some sports growing up but nothing serious and never lifted a weight in my life. The trainer, a real live female bodybuilder was the nicest and most encouraging person I have ever met and she changed my life forever. I was her "special project" and over a two year period I was unrecognizable to everyone INCLUDING me! After 2 years I was down to 145 pounds of very hard, very very strong and defined or slightly so compared to her, muscle. Every single time I looked in the mirror I was totally amazed that I was looking at ME! Make no mistake about it I was thrilled to death but remember, I was never ashamed of who I was even when I was heavy. However, I did feel more confident, enjoyed hearing the compliments and encouragement from my friends and was getting more attention from men than I have in all of my years before this. Soon thereafter I was a college graduate, starting my own little business as a web designer and finally buying more fashionable clothes. My very first client was a neighbor in the next apartment. Lauren was a doll and we became fast friends. She was a few years older, divorced twice which blew me away at that age to be divorced twice and then I found out more. Lauren was a wrestler. Yup, I shook my head too when I heard that. I had a thousand questions and to summarize them all ... she was a serious athlete and trained all the time, wrestled mostly women for money in this private league and wrestled guys too for even more money. She saw my muscular physique and asked me if I was interested in learning how to fight and earning some extra money. My immediate reaction was NO WAY, I am not interested in fighting anyone but she convinced me it was great exercise and if I did it just for that it would complement my lifting so I agreed to try it. The first training session was bizarre for me as we rolled around on this mat and she put me in different painful holds. That is until I got angry after she choked me out in front of some other fit women and I lost my temper when I awoke and realized what she did. I was fine with learning how to fight and I loved the additional exercise but knocking me out? That was way over the line in my opinion and something I was not mentally prepared for. She apologized and asked me if I wanted to continue and I was torn between having nothing to do with this crap or getting some revenge, if in fact I could. So we faced off as usual and I knew deep down that I was stronger than her from my lifting and I put her in a crude headlock and squeezed her so hard she pounded on my leg to let her go and because I was still upset I held her tightly until I felt her body go limp and I let her go and she flopped to the mat barely conscious. Again I had mixed emotions, I did not want to hurt anyone but I did want to get some revenge, I know, childish emotions but true. Once we all got our senses back it was clear I had some talent to do this. And the common question I get after I tell this story is, how does it feel to choke someone out? When I was doing it I was not trying to knock her out but instead the anger and humiliation I was feeling propelled me to try to do "something" back to her and it ended up that way and I that energy release from me felt good. It took a few days for it all to sink in that I actually choked someone unconscious. Over the next several months I worked my ass off learning how to wrestle and was one of the best in the class in short order. The real test came in my first official fight with another girl not from our class which was just 6 months to the day I started. To say I was nervous would be an understatement, I went back and forth in my head wanting to chicken out and avoid this fight to wanting to do it and face my fear and beat another woman in this pretty cool sport. When that night finally arrived I was the first one of my group to fight and I faced a woman who was my weight but looked flabby plus I heard this was her first fight too. I remember little of what happened since I was so nervous but I threw her over my hip and choked her out so quickly everyone on my team was ecstatic!. I was in shock it was like an outer body experience I swear. I progressed quickly and in short order I was one of the better ones in this group of fun and tight and loyal girls and we were all very friendly. I picked up a few more clients for my new business which was great and was dating a lot which was I have to admit a relief and having these guys fawn over my body was a trip for me. Life was good but I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Meaning I would dream about waking up fat or losing a match and being embarrassed because my entire life up until the last few years was all about being heavy/fat. The fact is I maintained my weight and was eating smart, added more muscle definition, even more strength and outlifted 50% , actually more than that, of the men in the gym easily and was enjoying the wrestling. Most notably were two pretty cool things. I beat Lauren virtually every time we trained and I started beating the guys I dated too and every time I did it was still so new it was like a dream. I am not bragging or saying I am some lethal fighter but I was unusually strong and took to this sport quite naturally. This was a life changer 1000 percent. I knew I could beat all the girls in my training group and they knew it too, my nickname was "the beast", lol. We all had a good time together and socialized often. But wrestling men was something I maybe thought of but never thought I would do nor did I know it was a thing for some guys, actually more than I would have thought. The first guy I wrestled was a super nice guy I met at a bookstore and please understand in the "old days" no guy would ever have approached me to ask me out, actually the thought of that happening back then was impossible to happen. Anyway, this guy was really nice and on our second date he was getting let's say a little too frisky and at one point while he was feeling me up ( I have a natural C cup that looks pretty damn good with the rest of my body nowadays and he was let's say very into touching and feeling) I grabbed him by his wrist and in 2 seconds he was on his knees begging me to stop. After chuckling to myself I got turned on and once again, shook my head in disbelief that I was doing this and feeling like I was feeling. So I let go of him and for the first time I became the aggressor and slept with him, only the second guy I ever slept with too. In bed I dominated him with a variety of wrestling moves he was ill equipped to challenge me and like before, I was liking it. Yes, so was he that's for sure. The next day I was telling some of the girls what happened and was curious to hear their reaction. I am still smiling thinking back 3 years ago to this conversation. All of them had similar experiences and all of them opened up that they were super duper aggressive and dominating with some of their men, husbands/boyfriends, etc. I listened with surprise as they went into gory detail about their sex lives which is something I preferred to keep quiet about even though I had only slept with two guys at that point. Some of these women admitted to cheating on their husbands, some admitted to some pretty kinky stuff they have done with friends, neighbors, relatives etc. I was BLOWN AWAY after hearing all of this and each and every one had stories to tell. And they were all saying that with my body, my "looks" and what a good wrestler I was that I should be doing the same as them and maybe even more. WHOA!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I was naive all these years or maybe I was just that "good girl" that I hoped I was. The next weekend came around and I was curious if I had it in me to go a little further with my then boyfriend. I made dinner and planned on watching a movie and then who knows what. So we finished dinner and all was good when he said "I will go start the movie and you can clean up" and he said it nicely and usually I would be fine with it but I thought for a second, is this my opportunity to kick it up a notch? So I said to him, no I don't think so, you will clean up AND start the movie and I want you to do it now. I almost laughed as I said it since I do not talk that way. He looked at me and said, no YOU clean and I will get the movie going and that's that. I said, that's that? I walked over to him and shoved him HARD against the wall knocking down three pictures, got him in a vicious headlock and flipped him over on to his back and stood there with my hands on my hips and said, NOW THAT'S THAT!!! CLEAN UP NOW OR I WILL HURT YOU. I saw fear in his eyes like I have seen in my opponents once they realize that they should confuse this pretty face with being soft and then I did something I never did with a guy before, I flexed the guns and my guns, when flexed, are impressive I must say. He gets to his feet but keeps his distance and says, listen to me go clean and we can forget about this. I walked over to him as he backpeddled and I said, you will now clean the dishes and you will do it now and do it stark naked or I will choke you out and beat the living shit out of you. I was so turned on and that point like NEVER before and was dying for him to fight me. He said, go fuck yourself and stood there. I was angry now, legitimately pissed off and he knew it as I have never been spoken to like that before nor should anyone I believe. I grabbed him and for the next 15 minutes twisted and broke him with every move I knew using my full strength. He could not stop me although he tried and he tried by PUNCHING me in my stomach and sides countless times. It is crazy to say that in some ways I liked it because he could not hurt me and hearing his fist pound on me with no effect was pretty fucking amazing and knowing I had total control over a grown man was exciting. I ended up punching him in his gut about 4x and he grunted and screamed on the last two and then I maneuvered my body to his back and put him to sleep with a classic choke hold. I got up and his erection was so big it was like I could pitch a tent in his jeans. That got me even more turned on and believe me I was soaking wet down there. He blinked his eyes open and I decided to sit on his stomach so when he opened his eyes and came too he would realize what I just did. When he did he became meek, weak and stood up and took all of his clothes off like I told him too and walked into the kitchen and started scrubbing the pots and pans as I watched. I did not say a word and awaited him to finish with his big erection shaking back and forth each time he scrubbed a pot or pan and once I was satisfied with his cleaning I grabbed him by his arm and walked him into the bedroom and used him like I used to use a dildo. He was a weak irrelevant obnoxious and beaten man to me at this point and he was there to be my servant. After a few orgasms I simply said "you can go now" and again grabbed him by his arm and lead him to wear his clothes were on the floor and basically kicked him out. The following day I could not wait to tell my friends what I did and when I did they literally applauded for me and said "this is the new you girl", lol. Now honestly, I was far from comfortable doing what I did to this nice man and still felt like a fatty half the time even though I was no longer that person. I would walk by a mirror and chuckle outloud seeing this new me but as one could imagine I was quite satisfied with myself. The wrestling was fun, I enjoyed being so good at it, loved working out, loved all the girls who fought alongside me and life was pretty damn good. I also enjoyed being part of a group of very fit and athletic women all of whom were highly educated, normal, nice and one damn funny group of women. Clothes shopping was something I finally enjoyed and like I said, my social life was never this good. At a friend's birthday party I met a REALLY nice guy and I mean one of those types of guys who I know damn well would never look at me in a million years of I looked like the old me. He was everything I thought I always wanted and dreamt about . Handsome as in dreamy handsome, great body, awesome smile, excellent personality and he had that extra something that gave me the tingles which means the one thing one cannot fake ... .CHEMISTRY. We spent a good amount of time together but I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and that shoe was and I knew it and expected it, he had a girlfriend. She was not there because she was recuperating from her boxing match he said. Now I knew women boxed but heck I was still getting my head wrapped around the wrestling thing. I was very disappointed to learn he had this person in his life but what could I do? I would later learn that his girlfriend was someone who he has been with for 4 years and supposedly attractive and very good at boxing. OK I thought, next up? Lol I bumped into Frederick (Freddy) in a Starbucks about a month later. He looked pretty amazing in a suit and tie and I just came from a serious lifting session with my trainer. I had on a crop top shirt and leggings and I was told by a few of my girlfriends that I looked pretty hot in this outfit, which made me happy to hear but still was post sweaty and all. We hugged hello and were making small talk but like the first time, I was feeling something that I never felt before when talking to a guy and I was liking the feeling. I asked how things were going and I then asked how his girlfriend was doing and if she was all healed from her match a month plus ago. I felt it appropriate to ask and get that out there and hopefully he would say they broke up. He said she was fine but added " if she was as strong as you she would have won her last two matches instead of losing them". I smiled and said " how do you know how strong I am?" He looked me up and down and said "well, you look like you could knockdown a wall with one hand tied behind your back" and we both laughed and I whispered a thank you. We stood there for a full hour talking non-stop when he said " look, to be honest, you are a beautiful lady with a body that is incredible" I was dumbstruck and had no idea what to say as I felt myself blushing. This dream of a guy is complimenting me? My body? Wow, I must be dreaming, ha ha. Nothing I was used to to say the least. We were both walking in the same direction towards our cars and things got a little awkward there for a moment and then he leans down and kissed me!!!! Gosh it felt SOOOOO fucking great and without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and made out with him and I swear we became like one person. Meaning, my chest was in his, our pelvis' were touching and I felt his erection and he was moaning as he rubbed his hands all over my hardbody and muscular arms and I was doing the same to him. When we stopped kissing I felt faint and did not know what to do and he said "HOLY SHIT GIRL, you can kiss!!!" I said no, WE can kiss. Still a little awkward for sure, he said " your body is like rock solid" and I said " so is yours and I think every part of you is hard as a rock" as I stared at his cock and we both laughed. Then awkwardly I said, well uh, gotta go, maybe a cup of coffee again sometime soon? He said absolutely!! We parted ways. Honestly, I have no desire to get involved with a guy who is seriously involved with another woman. There are PLENTY of guys out there who desire me, I now know so I should move on and drop this now. Plus, his girlfriend is a serious boxer I hear so I do not need that hassle. Three months later I still had him on my mind even though I was socially very active or at least for me. Randomly I bumped into him at a small strip mall I adore in the town next to me and I am always glad that they are still in business and not taken over by the big box stores. I admit it was not my finest day in terms of what I looked like, ha ha which means our two random meetings I looked like hell.. Translation, I just came from a two hour sweaty workout and was wearing a baseball hat, t-shirt and sweatpants. He on the other hand looked as hot as ever and we started talking I blinked my eyes and a full hour passed by. The conversation just flowed and felt natural and fun plus I was really never so confident speaking to a hot guy since I was dating a lot and being hit on so much it made me laugh out loud sometimes. Anyway, we went to lunch afterwards and continued our conversation and when that was over we spent about 20 minutes making out in front of my car which felt AWESOME. He loved my muscles and strength and kept telling me how sexy I was, all of which was still new to me and I felt I was watching a movie instead of living "the dream". He asked me all about my lifting and wanted the details about my max lifts and all and I was happy to share with him since he seemed so interested. Before things got out of hand I pushed him back, which I did with ease I should add and said, what about your little boxing bitch? I could not believe I was so crude when I said that and just like out conversation all day, it just flowed. He smiled and then put his head down and sheepishly said, we are still engaged and yes she is still boxing but ... but ... but I have some kind of unreal connection with you that I cannot deny. I asked, but what about her? He paused and said "she is beautiful physically speaking but generally has a conceited bad attitude sometimes that drives me nuts. Her favorite topic is HER and most things are all about her and that has gotten to be a lot at times. I stood there silently and moved in for another kiss but this time with more passion and then did something I never did with a guy besides him, I posed a big time double bicep pose that turned us both on WAY beyond what I thought was possible. He put both his hands on my round hard biceps and rubbed them and then KISSED them. I swear I was getting dizzy from all of the emotions and felt like, well I felt blessed and turned on. His hands pushed against my abs and he kissed me some more and if I was a different person or we were somewhere more private I would have done something I never thought I would ever do, if you get my drift. I pushed away again and said, OK we better go now and he stood there, perspiring some and the buldge in his pants was dramatic to look at and knowing I was the cause of his erection was flattering. I felt weak in my knees and was super confused and he said " listen to me, there is something here between us and you cannot deny it" silence for 30 seconds as I thought about what he said and I knew in my soul, in my gut he was right. During that silence I have never felt so sexy, so downright powerful and so ready to make love to him and I mean SLOW making love to a man I actually felt like I was falling in love. This was way past any and all sexual feelings I had for him. Then he said " I want you to fight her". WTF??????? I said, you want me to fight your fiancé? Are you serious? She is not a wrestler and to be honest and I do not want to sound conceited like her but I did my research if you will, on her and she is a good boxer but, we all know I am a lot stronger and would hurt her if we wrestled and to what end? He said, no, no wrestling, I want you to box her and I know, trust me, you will eat her lunch, you are just way stronger than you think and I know you can win. And we stared at each other thinking our own thoughts but I have to say, I never felt so sexually charged or so into a man in my life, hands down, ever. So you want me to beatup your fiancé? He never said he was engaged but I knew via the rumor mill and he was shocked I knew. He looked into my eyes like NOBODY ever has, put one hand on each breast and I inhaled deeply and exhaled as his hands went to my hips and he got close to me and kissed me softly. It was like I was hypnotized by this man. He said, "you are a beautiful lady who happens to be built like a brickhouse, you are smart, athletic and you are ready to get out of your shell and show the world what a powerful woman you are". I was breathless!! I was breathing hard, I believed him, I know he was right, I was in fact ready. I stared at him and every ounce of mental strength was used not to grab him into my car and make love to him right there and then. So I said "you want me to beat up your FIANCE in boxing and not wrestling"? He nodded yes. You know I never boxed before, right? He said, yes I know but I saw you wrestle and I know you have what it takes. Long exhale and I turned and said, let's talk soon and I drove away, smiling, horny as all hell and thinking about the proposition. For literally 2 month's I communicated with him via text and email only. I thought about him day and night even though life was getting very busy with my business, I was training 6 days a week and dated 3 different guys although none serious, none of them matched up to him. But I kept on going back and forth weather to speak with him or even see him again, afterall he was engaged to get married. All of the wrestlers in the gym were a tight group and we shared a lot of information about one another. These women were FAR ahead of me in terms of men and using their bodies and personalities to get what they want and I often thought that since I am the best wrestler, the strongest, why not me? But I still could not take the men I dated to the sexual levels that they did. However, when I told them about my predicament they encouraged me to learn how to box and take this girl on even if I did not want to be with this guy forever. Why I asked? The universal answer was ... because I can AND should dominate her and get what I deserve because I deserve good things. I was still not there but figured why not train in boxing. My friends hooked me up with some couple who owned a private boxing gym in a nearby town. They were both former professional boxers and trained, mostly professional boxers, none of which I knew. They were friendly and encouraging and for the first 2 weeks taught me how to stand, move my feet and actually throw a punch which is something I never did in my life. All of which was totally foreign to me but I did enjoy the workout. The few women who trained there were on another level above me by far but friendly and nice. As opposed to the men who trained there and sounded barely literate and looked mean the women were the opposite, for the most part. Meantime Freddy and I were now speaking on the phone but I still did not want to meet with him yet. By week 3 I was hitting various bags and doing a lot of different training exercises and often received compliments about how hard I hit these bags for what that was worth. In week 4 there was a small tournament that I did not participate in but watched and found it quite thrilling to see the various strategies I was learning actually being used. As I watched these matches I thought I could do this, I was stronger than all of these women but punching someone and being punched may be something I would not like plus it was drilled into my head that in boxing strength helps but what is most important is technique. In week 5 that all changed when I had my first sparring session with a woman with far more experience. A few takeaways. First, although the skill level between us was obvious in that she was more experienced and better it was clear that she could not hurt me even though she landed a LOT and I mean a LOT of body blows, second, she landed some clean head shots (we wore headgear) and I felt them but remained clear headed and three, the few blows I did land over those 4 rounds hurt her to the point she could not continue after I landed a few body blows in a row, which I thought was pretty neat I should say. She remained bent in half in her corner waving the fight to an end with her glove. Meanwhile I had a black eye, my first and as odd as it sounds I liked it, my own little badge of courage proving I belonged. I received a lot of positive feedback about this sparring session and also some criticism by the trainers but that was to be expected. I did have a lot of work to do but when I arrived home and looked at myself naked in the mirror after my shower I was proud of my physique, especially comparing it to where I started, was seeing some super cool definition in my shoulders from throwing hundreds of punches during training and felt very confident. And I was still wrestling but slowed down dramatically with my lifting too. That was for two reasons, first, in my opinion I was getting too muscular and it's a look I did not want, and two the boxing people suggested I do so. Too muscular was funny knowing where I came from (fat), but I was at the point that everyone was commenting on my muscular definition and growing like that or at least to the point I was at was nothing I wanted. Genetically I was gaining a lot of muscles and at the beginning I thought it looked really great but after a while I was not one who wanted really big muscles. The strength I still wanted but not all the muscle and as a result I REALLY loved the way I was looking from the boxing. I finally hooked up with Freddy after 4 month's and met for breakfast in a local hotel, a rather fancy one and I dressed for it. I wore a sleeveless fitted dress with 2 inch heels and was proud of the way I looked and excited to see him. It took no time to get that feeling running through my body when I saw him, it was instantaneous too and hard to hide. The sexual desires were raging but I wanted to suppress them and see what happened. I have to say that I felt confident in my sexuality in that I was dating a lot and even sleeping with a couple of guys here and there and dominating them when I wanted, not to the degree that my wrestling friends were doing to their men but for me it was huge. Anyway, breakfast was first class and our conversation was spectacular as always. I shyly told him that I was boxing, still wrestling and toned down my lifting. He was excited and told me several times how good I looked and wanted every detail about the boxing and I told him everything. Then I did something I knew was wrong but I admit, did it anyway. After breakfast we went to the bar area just to talk more when he put his hand on the table and looked at me with those beautiful eyes and lifted his hand off the table to reveal a hotel "key" to a room. He said " I think the world of you, cannot stop thinking about you and want to take you upstairs to make love to you. I thought I was going to blackout!! My heart was racing, the hormones exploding, on one shoulder was the devil telling me to take him upstairs and screw his brains out and the other shoulder the angel said stop now while you are ahead, you are a good girl, he is engaged and I almost have my pick of men even though he is by far the best. I was majorily conflicted and leaned back and when our eyes connected I realized we were speaking to each other with our eyes and I just grabbed his big hand and we started walking towards the elevator. With embarrassment I say that this was the best experience of my life. I can honestly say that I have never made love before, yes I have had sex several times but never made love and there is a huge difference. Never had a man fawn over my body like he did or pay attention to every inch of me, never felt romance and it was beyond what I thought it could be. We stayed in bed until 7PM when we showered together which was MARVELOUS and a new experience for me, which was also fabulous and ordered in room service for dinner. We made love 4 times that day and spoke for hours. I felt free and uninhibited flexing my muscles, showing off my strength by doing countless pushups on my knuckles and a variety of other exercises he suggested that I do or should say REALLY wanted me to do as it turned him on and if it turned him on I was fine with doing it. It was just an amazing experience for me and he showed off for me too in ways I need to keep private. However, I still felt guilty as hell. I am not a one night stand type of person and I knew he was engaged but still despite knowing right from wrong I wanted more of him and I do not mean necessarily sexually. It was getting late at this point and he told me he had to call his fiancé and tell her that he was going to be home soon albeit late. I sat next to him as he called her which was very weird for both of us but it was honest but there was something I liked about it too. Then we spoke for another hour and that is when I agreed to fight her. Could not quite believe I said it but I did. We left the room at 10:30 and all I can say is I wanted more of him the second we were apart. I saw him almost 4x a week over the next 2 months as I trained my ass off in boxing and let the wrestling go for a while. The physical changes surprised me quite a bit. My weight dropped a little and without doing ANY lifting whatsoever I was seeing changes in the way my clothes were fitting. My back and arms were becoming more developed and bigger but not in a big muscled way more like a trim V shaped athletic way if you can understand that, my waistline was now 26 inches down from 28 a few months earlier and I won't even bother saying how many inches I was when I was fat so this was crazy great. Now I was a SUPER PROUD 36 and 1/2 inches-26-34 and happier than I have even been. My business was doing well enough that I added my first employee too. All I thought about was Freddy, work, family and fighting. I watched boxing videos, I trained non-stop and the sparring was exhilarating. I learned I can take a punch and deliver a better one, my body was god damn strong and can absorb body blows by men and put a few down on the canvas too in sparring, my stamina was great everyone told me and I was ready or would be soon to fight this woman. Freddy and I spoke all the time and I attended one of his fiancés fight and that's when I knew I would win. Even though she has been boxing for 4 years, I saw a weakness in her punches although she looked faster than me but I could not see how she could stand up to my power although I do not want to mock her as she was good and anyone who enters that ring I take my hat off for. She was also very attractive and I am sure a nice person too. The night I saw her fight she lost by decision over 12 rounds and in my opinion she did lose. It was really wild watching her fight knowing I was in love with her man. It was also interesting seeing Freddy there watching her fight and looking back at me and texting me during the fight. Ninety seven days later, but who's counting, Freddy arranged for me to enter one of these tournaments and get to fight her. I was shitting a brick, maybe 2, ha ha. I was confident in a lot of my skills, I have beatup several girls and some guys in the gym but that was a controlled environment in many ways and we always wore headgear and 12 oz gloves. This was going to be a real live fight, 8 oz gloves and no headgear and scheduled for 6 rounds. My trainers were there and did a phenomenal job in getting me to this point. Five days before the fight Freddy spent the night at my apartment and massaged me from head to toe and made love to me also from head to toe and assured me I would win and that would set her off to the point that he would have the balls to call off this wedding. He also assured me that if I lose the result would be the same, we were going to be together. Of this I was confident!!! When fight night finally came I calmness came over me, no nerves. I wore a black sportsbra, black trunks and black gloves and boxing shoes. I had everyone from both the wrestling, boxing and lifting gyms as my support. She wore all red. Facing her in the ring was surreal, both wearing our ponytails and jumping around. This is as close as I ever have gotten to her and saw she was very cute, had a great body, athletic but not muscular like mine and she looked confident or better said, she looked like she knew her way around the ring. When the bell rang it was like an electric shock went through me and I wanted to beat the living shit out of her and get my man. The first two rounds her speed was throwing me off as she landed a slew of jabs to my face and some hooks to my body, none hurt per se but those jabs were taking their toll as I felt my face swelling and seeing her smiley confident face was pissing me off. At the end of the second round she landed six punches in a row in the middle of the round, 4 jabs to my eyes a left hook to my ribs and a right cross to my chin as I stood there frozen by her speed and the crowd went crazy and I had to grab her to stop the barrage. When I did she said " hey bitch maybe less time bodybuilding and more time boxing" when the bell rang. I went back to my corner where my trainer said " you better start throwing punches before she knocks you the fuck out". That really got to me and I could not wait for the next round because my trainer was right. When I got off the stool for this round I felt the accumulation of her punches in that, I felt the pain in my ribs and body and had one eye starting to close and had blood from my nose dripping into my mouth while she looked fine since I hardly hit her. I was determined!!!!! She came at me the same way and landed two fast jabs to my mouth but I noticed she was dropping her right when she did throw the jab plus left her body open. SO I decided to absorb the next jab and time a right hand over the top to her jaw and sure as shit that is what happened. I ate the jab and unleashed a near perfect right to her jaw that made her stumble and retreat for the first time and I saw a fogginess in her eyes. I literally ran after her and had her against the ropes where she protected her chin but not her body and I went hog wild nuts with four hooks that later people said sounded like I broke her ribs and I was surprised I did not drop her since I dropped men much bigger than her to their knees with those kind of blows. Her hands dropped to protect her body and I landed an uppercut to her jaw that surprised me in that her whole face jerked back like it was going to become unattached from her neck and she dropped on her ass. I did not know what to do as the ref was yelling at me to go to a neutral corner. She was up at 9 but looked like crap, so did I for that matter but she was in worse shape even though I looked a lot worse. I walked after her as she retreated like it was a track meet and I could not or did not have the skill to cut off the ring and at the end of the round she rallied and pummeled me with now 11 punches to my face and body when the bell sounded. Back in my corner they worked on stopping the swelling and told me, ok you have her now, you are the stronger fighter and you have to pin her against the ropes and finish this. I was breathing hard, was frustrated that she was by far more skilled than me even though I was stronger by a mile and needed her to slow down or she would beat me for sure. I got off my stool and saw across the ring that she had some fear in her eyes but she still looked in control. I dodged the first few jabs and I was happy I did and I missed with 3 of my own and we circled each other for a while. I was bleeding from my nose, one eye was just about shut and I was concerned they would stop the bout so I figured it was time to throw caution to the wind. I plodded ahead trying to bob and weave but she was too good and was picking me apart, like dying from 1000 cuts but was finally able to put her against the ropes and using my strength I shouldered her in place and started throwing as hard as I could. A few hooks that got through but not flush to her sides and then a great uppercut dead center to her belly that dropped her again. This time she got up at 5 and I knew I would have to chase her because she was going to run away again. However, probably by luck I guess I was able to cut her off and landed a right hook with everything I had and then what appeared in slow motion I saw her fall back into the ropes and then land face down on the mat out, out as in unconscious out. I never saw a knockout live and sure the hell never thought I would be capable of knocking another human being unconscious but sure as shit there it was. I was more surprised than she was. She was lying there, face down and not moving except her right leg was shaking in a tremor and I saw blood pooling around her opened mouth. Next thing I knew my trainers were in the ring hugging me and I was crying and surprisingly did not care about my opponent at all. The celebration in the ring lasted for a while as my opponent eventually was standing and glaring at me with my black eyes and welts on my body knowing she was easily winning this fight until I knocked her out but so be it! Lots of pictures were taken in the ring of me and back in the lockers all of my friends were congratulating me as the pain all over my body was increasing. I knew Freddy had to take care of her ... ... ... ... ... .for now at least. After a lot of celebrating my trainers drove me home and came inside to make sure I was going to be OK and gave me ice packs and advils and told me to rest up. The next day I could not believe how bad I looked and I knew then that I did not want to box again nor would I allow anyone to see me for several days which ended up being 12 full days. However, the next morning Freddy rang my bell and when I opened it he had this big bouquet of flowers, bags of ice for the swelling and told me he is going to break up with his fiancé within a couple of days. He stayed over my apartment for the next two nights and sure enough broke up with her later that week. It was messy with the ring, money spent on the upcoming wedding, telling his family and friends, etc., but he did it all like he said he would. Yes, I do still box from time to time but just training and sometimes sparring and do a lot more wrestling but very little lifting. I am thrilled with what I look like and the old fat me is no more. I am also a married woman to my dream guy who I call my boxing trophy which we both laugh about. Maybe soon we will have children too! I went from fat girl to fulfilled girl and am proud of that. It may sound sick to say but I am proud of my hard fit and muscular body, love to shop for clothes, love being looked at for being fit and I dare say sexy versus for being overweight.