Humiliation of my boyfriend by My boyfriend Mike and I were at a party outside that evening. I knew my ex would be there too, but I did not think it would be a problem. I had talked to my boyfriend about my ex a couple of times, mostly about his physical abilities. My ex was quite athletic and agile. Moreover, he had started karate at the age of six, and had earned the black belt by the time we were together. For some reasons, my boyfriend got always angry when I talked about that. My bf and I had just gotten together a couple of weeks earlier. I liked him because he looked and behaved like a tough guy. I like when guys show their masculinity. He looked even more aggressive that evening, mainly because of his look. He was wearing army pants, combat boots and a blue Levi's denim jacket covering a black t-shirt. That kind of look makes a guy appear even tougher and makes me scream in bed. To be honest, from the beginning of the party on I was already wishing to be in bed with him. We went a bit away from the main place of the party and started to make out. We kissed, while his boner was pressing against my crotch and stomach. Grabbing my ass he lifted me, so that I could feel his dick on my ass. Then he put me back, unzipped his pants and pushed me down. I gave him head while he was grabbing my hair. After a while we stopped and went to get a drink. The plan was to move to a room nearby and continue there. His boner was clearly visible from his pants. While I was getting two drinks, I noticed that my boyfriend had ran into the group of my ex that was standing nearby. My ex kind of blocked his way and made some remarks about the visible bulge in his crotch. My ex was wearing army pants as well and a t-shirt that showed his athletic figure. And there it all started to go downside for my boyfriend. Mike, being sure that I was watching, tried to prove a point by punching him. My ex gigged, almost as if he had just been waiting for that. He just moved on his side and grabbed his arm while punching Mike's stomach with his elbow. He then rapidly moved Mike's arm behind his back, bent him backwards and pushed onto his chest. The bulge in his pants was still a bit visible, which gave me like a strange sensation of pleasure. My bf fell down while my ex and his group of friends laughed aloud. There was no match, my ex was just much stronger and faster. Mike came back to his feet and attacked again my ex running towards him. My hex stopped the attack with a blow into Mike's stomach and grabbing his arm. Again, he forced Mike's arm behind his back, and pushed, forwards this time, with his arm onto his upper-back. He forced him to bend onto a chopped tree-trunk that served as a table. Mike's boner was fully gone by now. Discretely I was touching myself somehow enjoying the scene. My ex was giggling calmly glancing at me from time to time. Mike was bending forward, his right arm behind his back, with his head partially hidden behind my ex's arm. "Ahhhhh, please", my boyfriend started to say. "please ... what?" my ex replied always calm and giggling. "Let me go." "Hahah, why should I?" "You should find yourself a real man, not this wimp," he then added sarcastically looking at me. He then grabbed the collar of Mike's denim jacket and put his arm below Mike's neck. "Say that you are sorry," he said seriously. My boyfriend, almost crying, said with a shaking voice: "sorry ... sorry!" "Yeahhh ... and now say that you are not a real man, and that I am the man here." My boyfriend hesitated, but my ex just put a bit more pressure onto his arm and my boyfriend quickly followed "You are the real man here, I am not a man. I am not a man!" "Hahah you learned it hahah, good!" was the reply of my ex. He then grabbed him again by his jacket's collar and and pushed him onto the ground. "Yeahh, that's what happens when you try to face a real man!" was my ex's remark. I, on my side, I couldn't stop getting excited at this demonstration of power. My ex looked at me a couple of times, he knew all too well that I liked men being men. When he threw my boyfriend onto the ground, he was careful to do throw him towards where I was standing. Then, knowing that I also like stuff like denim or leather jackets on guys and wanting to fully humiliate my boyfriend , he went to my Mike and took his. "You won't use this, you are going home anyway haha" said he while stripping my bf's Levi's jacket from him. He put the jacket on with the collar popped up, and then went away. After some seconds I went to my boyfriend, who was more hurt in his ego than physically, and tried to help him. Physically he was ok, my ex had never lost control and had not hurt him seriously, but his self-confidence was destroyed. Back in the room I tried to do my duty and console him, even trying to have sex as planned. Yet, his confidence in bed was as low as it could have been in that situation, and we ended up not really doing anything. The problem concerned me as well: how could I take him seriously as a man, after the humiliation he had suffered in front of me? Moreover, my ex had taken from him his jacket, without him being able to do anything. That night, while he was sleeping, I masturbated a couple of times thinking about my ex and wondering what the future would have in store. (To be continued? Please send your comments, criticisms, ideas to: