Boxing How I went from a bikini model to fitness to bodybuilder to private boxer beating up men and earning an amazing living. Let's add some reality to this site for a change. I cannot give my name or location due to contractual reasons but I can say I am living in the Pacific Northwest of the greatest country on earth. And here folks is my story. Love it or hate it, just pay me to kick the fuck out of you. That is the only goal. My childhood was normal by all standards, two well-meaning and hardworking, dedicated parents, 3 older siblings and we are all still tight, I was a fair athlete and a decent student, went to college and taught history for 10-years before I got into fighting. Got married at 21 to a fellow teacher, now principal, no kids by choice. When I started to get into fitness I enjoyed it much more than being a bikini competitor, it was nice to see the physical changes occur and one thing led to another and I started competing in bikini competitions. Thank you for good genetics and I am proud to say I have my original non-enhanced boobs!!! I quit my job as a teacher and got some good sponsors and found myself inching towards and finally becoming a full-time athlete into becoming a physique athlete and earned my pro card soon thereafter. For sure all of the new muscles sprouting everywhere was a change but it was well accepted by my delicious and loyal husband who enjoyed showing me off, as it was, almost as much as I enjoyed showing me off. I traveled to far away places to compete and really was enjoying the lifestyle and comradery and I broke into the top 10, but never won any contest and that was OK, on a consistent basis. It was when I was in Japan for a contest where I saw a video of women boxing and kickboxing and thought to myself, hmmm that looks like fun and it also looks dangerous and since I never hit anyone or have never been hit nor even killed a fly I saw what I saw but never for a second thought about seriously. During that same time I was in Japan a bunch of us went to go see 5 more live kickboxing matches that featured both man and women bouts and I have to say I was impressed. Some of the guys I was with, all bodybuilders of some type, started goofing around with some of us women that we are stronger than these women so we should give it a try. We all laughed and I said, well we may be stronger but it sure looks like they can kick our sorry butts, which was spot on I knew it then. However, I could not get the thought of at least learning how to defend myself out of my mind for the next few months. Through a series of events back at home some guy at the gym, a friend, was hitting the heavybag and I have to say it was rather appealing and in fact a little bit of a turn on. Naturally, I had to give it a try and although I had no idea how to throw a punch I did like the feeling it gave me and the journey began. Within a few months I made boxing part of my workout routine and concurrently I toyed with the idea of moving up a notch to bodybuilding. My walk around weight at 5'6 was 140 pounds and I competed in physique anywhere from 125-128 but I noticed one obvious thing, even though I was gaining more muscle in my attempt to be a full blown bodybuilder it was the boxing that made me FEEL stronger and stronger every single day. About 3 months into this journey the same friend who gave me my kick start showed me a poster about a "toughwoman" contest coming to a nearby city and he took the liberty of entering me into it. Yes, presumptuous but I did not say no and was very curious and my training went into high gear. I was nervous to actually fight but I have to be honest that I was also very very confident in my abilities. My stamina was good, I had a lot of power, due to all of the new bodybuilding muscle I felt that no girl could hurt me anywhere except my chin, which one cannot build muscle of course and I also knew I was pretty good at this boxing thing. I was scheduled to fight 5 women in one full day of fighting, well that is IF I won all of my bouts. Each bout was 3 rounds and each round was just a minute long and we wore headgear and 16 oz gloves. I noticed that most of the other girls were heavy (read FAT), some looked like tough chicks who had a lot of "street" fighting cred and a few were real novices and were doing this for the money. The winner got $1,000 and nothing to anyone else. Looking back on it I can laugh how inexperienced I was. The first girl I fought really did not fight as she ended up being my personal heavybag and I beat her down in just the first round. She sat on her ass, bleeding from her nose and was crying like a baby. I actually went over and apologized for beating her up which is something my coach admonished me for. I have a picture of me extending my hand to her as she was on the canvas and at that angle my muscular arms looked bigger than her damn head, lol. There were short breaks in between each match of about 45 minutes. Anyway, the next three were slightly more competitive but it was the same result ending in the first round. I must say my confidence was growing and I loved it. BY FAR I was the most muscular woman since I was trying to be a pro bodybuilder so I intimidated these women. The last girl was a toughie and she knew what she was doing but my power overwhelmed her and in the second round I knocked her down and she quit! So there I was standing in the middle of the ring, very excited I must say, getting this big trophy and a check for $1,000 so I was stoked. Showered and now back at the hotel bar to celebrate with my husband and friends I was having a ball showing off doing shadow boxing and stuff and I knew then I would be interested in getting really proficient at this and all the time knowing there is danger in this sport. Over the next 7 months I shifted more and more to full time boxing while maintaining my muscular body. My hubby was supportive and we both had some serious talks about my fighting future and we agreed I would move forward with this. About that time I attended an all female tournament as a spectator when my boxing life changed forever. There was a woman competing named Karen who was from New York although born in Israel and when I saw her fight I seriously did not believe what I saw. I never saw anyone fight like that, displaying serious power, pinpoint accuracy and she was beautiful with a muscular body that made me think she came from my world. I was dumbstruck watching her knockout and I mean knockout COLD eight different women over two nights of serious competitive fighters, lightyears more advanced then where I was at that time. Eventually I learned of her website, which is WAAAY out there in many ways and I made contact with her after several months and spent a lot of time on the phone talking with her about philosophy of boxing and training. We never fought and that is a good thing because she was and still is 100x more advanced than me. She changed my life and focused me to be the fighter I am today. She has done a lot more for me personally AND for my marriage. It was clear that these "toughwoman challenges" were for the less qualified, to be kind, and I needed more competition IF I wanted to continue boxing. At first I went the amateur route and got all of my certifications but there just was not enough women to fight. I had just 6 bouts and I won those easily including 3 knockout victories. Going professional was nothing I was interested in due to the necessary time commitment since I was still eager to become a bodybuilder so I was in a quandary. And then I met "Big Tony" at a professional women's bout that I was attending as a spectator. BT as he was called was a character like I have never met before. Standing 6'5'' and weighing a solid, lol, ok weighing 350 pounds of cigar chomping, foul mouthed, funnier than anyone I ever met guy who to me was like a cartoon character in many ways. He was like a Tony Soprano character and then some. He spoke fast, had a NY accent and was all about making "bananas", which for the rest of us meant money. I have no idea why he called money-bananas but that's what he did. He also called every woman honey or "that broad" and was more caveman than human but he was THE MAN when it came to "underground fighting" but he also reminded me of a pimp. Not in a bad way but in that he had his group of female fighters that he arranged fights with mostly guys who were willing to pay WAy too much money to either get their asses beaten to a pile of blood or were looking for a competitive fight with a woman. There was no sex required although some women went for that stuff, not me, and sometimes there was extra money for topless stuff. These men paid a huge sum of money for these refereed fights that were ALL done in private settings, usually a gym or someone's private ring in fancy mansions and even in penthouse apartments and big homes located all over the country. The amount of money varied by customer and fighter but I never knew anyone fighting for less than $20,000 cash for a 10-round fight. The men varied a lot from experienced guys, athletic guys who never really fought to lame guys who thought they were the king to young spoiled guys who thought this was a game. I have to say I enjoyed the young stud rich guys at the beginning mainly because they paid more than most and were easy fights and usually they wanted to fight me again yielding me more money and usually an easy fight. And that what I do now! I quit my job, no longer compete in any kind of physique or bodybuilding and I fight full time. I earn almost 10x what I earned as a teacher, literally 10x each year and have been doing it fulltime for the past three years and I fight about 12x a year, sometimes more. Besides the money (ALL fights arranged by my "pimp" BT) these men have given me expensive gifts and vacations, no not vacationing with them, so it is quite the trip this lifestyle has afforded me and my hubby. Ah yes, my hubby and how does he deal with all of this? Well, first off he knows I could beat the tar out of him and he always knew that even before I became as proficient as I am as a fighter, after all I was a very strong lady from lifting. He has attended 50% or so of my fights since his work schedule keeps him at home where I travel quite a bit and since the purpose of these fights is NOT sexual, for me at least, he has little to worry about. I am still known as the most muscular boxer in the ol' BT stable, I am not the best boxer as of yet at least. I would say top 2-3 but there is one girl, a former professional from Germany who is amazing and she is #1. And just to give you an idea how good my friend Karen is that I mentuioned above, she fought this German lady5x, that's right 5x and Karen KO'd her each and every time including one barefisted fight where I thought the German girl would need a blood transfusion she was bleeding so damn much. These fights are safe as BT makes sure of that and they have corner people and all the necessary things one would see in a professional bout, including drug testing of all parties. I have been knocked out 4x during the first year but have not lost since then and actually avenged 3 of those knockout losses with my own KO's for a bundle of money. By the way I say no sex but that does not stop these men or some of these men from asking and asking with big bucks too. I have fought in front of 50 people and no people at times and that all depends on how BT hooks up these fights. Most common it is some dude and a handful of his friends or in front of his wife or girlfriend. At first I would feel badly for the guys I beat up in front of their friends or wives but I got used to that. I have had their wives breakdown and start crying when I give their men a serious beating and I have had women get turned on when that happens, you just never know. I have had men take me out for killer dinners at MAJOR restaurants afterwards, all bruised and stuff and sometimes with their buddies in tow or their wives too. I have even gotten tips that were above my fee and 2x when fighting in Vegas I have had couples take me to the hotel I was staying at and buy me expensive jewelry. The lifestyle is awesome, the money is just incredible, I love the training and all of the friends I have made. Repeat clients are common but the list of men that BT has now is so big there is no need for repeats. A lot of people cannot believe there is no sex involved but it is the truth, hand to God. All that being said, have I had guys cum in their shorts, be KO's with a gigantic or not so much erection lying on the canvas or begging me to "be" with them or simply shadow box as they play with themselves or and believe me ... their wives or girlfriends come on to me and make me offers? All true but like I said, not my thing. That is not to say I have not beaten up some very cute men but I am married and take those vows seriously. Some ask me how old are these guys? The youngest I have fought was 17 but that was for a favor from his mother, very wealthy mother in LA who wanted me to make her son a kinder person, not sure that worked since he lasted a whole 2-minutes and needed to go to the hospital with a broken nose and concussion, to a 63 year old guy who was like superman in both looks and body and OMG did he tip me a lot. The average age is 30, most married and some with kids, mostly white guys like 95% and for the most part all in good shape. Yeah of course a couple of fat slobs but that's everywhere. No woman allowed as BT has a business model and he likes to brag about but the real reason is it is ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS and the men have it. There is no MMA, wrestling or kboxing as we are all 100% boxing. Professional rules apply interms of rounds and gloves and like I said before, there is a referee, time keeper and corner and cut people. All these guys sign waivers that are like 2 pages long and everything is in cash. BT just started video taping the fights and sells them somewhere and supposedly I receive $10 per tape and I think he sold 300 or so of mine. Since BT is way out there it is tough getting a straight answer about a lot of things so I just accept the money at this point and stopped asking him questions. It really does not matter since the pay per fight is so good. I am even going to Europe this winter and will be fighting in Italy and Spain with 5 scheduled bouts over the month I will be there with my husband. BT puts us up at the best places and you have never eaten a meal until you eat with him and his friends. There may be 20 of us going out but enough food for 50 people and enough wine and champagne to get 100 people drunk. It is fun for sure and I cannot wait to kick some European asses, lol. Overall it has been an amazing experience and VERY profitable. All that being said, I plan on "retiring" within 3-5 years as the compettion is getting better, read more dangerous, and getting hurt is not in my retirement plan. That woman Karen I mentioned is my mentor in several ways and even she recently retired although she is much much older than me and has had a LOT more fights than me. So there ya have it people, reality of an underground fighter!