The Housewife Changes, Part Seven - More women are empowered In this episode, Sarah convinces a feminist that her way will work, she hosts a part, and finds a lover for Alanna Hussell Sarah After my day off for flying and family time, which I enjoyed immensely, I set up a schedule for my diet and for working out that was even more ambitious than any schedule I had followed before. I was eating six meals a day, all rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. I was working out three sessions a day, each one focusing on a major muscle group so I could really grow and not leave any muscle group out of the fun. I found muscles I barely knew existed, muscles that gave more amplitude to my butt, muscles that separated my biceps and gave me that muscle on muscles look, and muscles that made my thighs look even more tremendous than before. Week by week I slowly gained size and definition. Each week I stepped on the scale and was surprised to see how much weight I had gained. By the time my six weeks were up I had ballooned to 272, more than twenty pounds more than I had thought possible. My chest was so thick that when lying on my back under the sheets, something I rarely needed to do because I generated so much heat, the sheets were actually as high as they were when my husband lay erect underneath those same sheets. The muscles swelled in my chest right up to my neck and looked almost unnaturally huge, as if someone had hung a muscle suit on top of my bone structure and somehow stretched a layer of skin on top. The shoulders were monstrous, and the trapezius muscles gave me an unnatural look, as if I was wearing shoulder pads that were too short to reach my deltoids. I flexed my biceps for Richard, who measured them. "Twenty-four and a half inches for each one," he said. "And no synthol and no steroids. You are a miracle." He played with the swollen vein that draped over the muscle but under the skin. Then he wrapped the tape around my waist. I had added a few inches to that area, the product of increased dead lifts. (I was doing 600 pounds for reps by then.) Twenty-nine inches, but that was still significantly smaller than the thirty-four inches of muscle that was filling my quadriceps, so much muscle that my thighs made my twenty-one inch calves look small. I had shoulders so wide I had to turn sideways to go through many doors, and in the stalls of public bathrooms, I frequently spanned from wall to wall. I was really proud of my achievements, and I had no doubt that I could have taken them further, but I had made a deal with myself that at the end of six weeks I would change my workout pattern in order to slim down, so that was what I did. But not until after the event Richard and I had planned, a Women's Strength Extravaganza. Richard and I decided we would sponsor a huge fundraiser for the shelter, an arm-wrestling competition. We contacted some well-known strong women to participate and to demonstrate strength, and we rented out a space. We advertised it extensively, and we made it into a weekend event with speakers and demonstrations. Of course, the climax of the event was going to be the arm-wrestling competition in different weight classes and a series of challenges to raise money. The final challenge was going to be me taking on any and all challengers. For one hundred dollars, people could challenge me, and if they win, they get $500.00; if they lose, they only lose their $100.00 entry fee. I figured we might call in a few other strong women to participate in this part of the women's strength extravaganza, and certainly, there were details that we still needed to work out. Meanwhile, I made contact with several local women's shelters to discuss my ideas. It was not easy to do, because the shelters themselves have to be hard enough to find that the abusers can't find them easily. Initially I had to meet with people at a neutral location, so I agreed to meet with one of the women at a local coffee shop. I love coffee, and even though I have changed from drinking mine with cream and sugar to drinking it black, I still enjoy the process. The great national chains make a product that I usually enjoy, but the local emporiums always have an ambience that I love, so we met at the Starlight Café on Main Street two towns over. Brittany was a few years older than me and looked something like a holdout from the sixties. She had straight mousey brown hair parted in the middle, and streaked with grey. She wore minimal make-up and steel rimmed glasses. She wore blousy loose fitting clothing that hid any nuance in her figure. Evidently, she was a product of the second wave of feminism that, because they were fighting the notion that a woman's role in society was to please her man, deemphasized their need to look young and pretty. Predictable she was as sharp as a Cutco knife and missed no logical inconsistency in any of my ideas. She would be a good ally, even if we were different. "Your ideas have merit, Ms. Latella," she said, looking over the top of her glasses that had settled at the end of her nose. "Clearly empowering women is a big part of the answer to this issue. Women have to shed the idea that they are worthless unless they are pretty. They have to emphasize their inherent value as individuals. However, I am worried that by empowering them in a way that emphasizes physicality we aren't playing in the ballpark of the enemy so to speak." "I see your argument. There is a danger people could misunderstand and think we are trying to divide men and women and make them physical equals. I am not suggesting that they will be able to overpower their men in order to protect themselves. While this might happen in some instances, it is not the plan. What I want to do is give women psychological confidence so they are less likely to become victims, because women who have goals in their lives, goals they can achieve through hard work, will have a better self-image and will be less likely to become victims." "There is a thin line between those two if you take your approach." "True, but I believe that women who have self-confidence are inherently more attractive to their partners, male or female, and if they get this confidence through setting goals and reaching them in physical areas, so much the better; they will be able to defend themselves better, will feel better and will look better too." "I don't like the emphasis on looks," she said. "It leads to all the problems. Women who emphasize appearance are usually doing it for other people and are more likely to be victimized. They are weak. That is why I chose not to dye my hair. It is why I dress the way I do. This philosophy informs all my choices" "But those are YOUR choices, right?" I had the impression that there was more to her choices than I could tell from the surface impression. She had that self-denying feminism of the sixties, but her childhood could have been no earlier than the late eighties. She was a gen-Xer, not a baby boomer, so she must have experienced some sort of trauma. "They are not forced upon you. That choice gives you your empowerment." She hesitated a moment and answered. "Y ... Yes" "So you are empowered by those choices, the choice not to dress and make yourself up for other people is your way of taking control. On the other end of the spectrum, women who choose to be strong and beautiful because it makes them feel good about themselves are also empowered. Women who choose it because they want to get the attention of a man who pays no attention to them otherwise are vulnerable, but women who do it for themselves are empowered. I want women to get stronger and improve themselves for their own sakes, not for other folks." She opened her mouth to argue, but came up with nothing. "Hmm," she said. "I see your point. Beauty for its own sake is not the enemy. Beauty for the sake of others can lead to emptiness and victimization." "Yes," I agreed. "But it doesn't have to." "In my experience, people who are obsessed with appearance are usually weak, but perhaps that is changing. I have noticed among the younger feminists a return to obsession with appearance without all the negative ramifications, and then there is you. I have never met anyone quite like you. You are one of the most strikingly beautiful women I have ever met, but you are clearly strong, and I mean both physically and emotionally."She blushed in saying this; I blushed too and smiled a thank you, and then she paused, thinking. "If you want to raise money for a gym on one of the properties, I will give it my support." "What I was hoping for," I said "was to have a series of talks and demonstrations for some of the folks who are survivors of abuse and for others who are threatened with it still. If I come up with money for such a thing, would you help identify people who might benefit from it and advertise it?" "Certainly, that is something I can and will do." And with that we shook hands and set up the specifics. I went home with the feeling that I had cleared a major hurdle. I had not really thought of it from her point of view, but for the feminists of the sixties, they had to fight the obsession with appearance because back then it meant obsession with looking good for the men. While I had no problem with that, because my man was awesome, I could see that looking good for men in the abstract would lead to disempowerment. Underneath, however, our goals were the same. Brittany was going to be an ally. Brittany I met the most remarkable woman today, Sarah Latella. She had called to discuss building women's self-esteem through exercise programs and especially weight training. She was especially interested in those women we deal with in battered women's shelters. I had my doubts about her but agreed to hear her out. We met in the Starlight café. I arrived first and was staring out the window, waiting for her, when I noticed a woman across the street. She was tall and strikingly beautiful, so beautiful it took my breath away. Then she walked in the café and looked around. "Brittany," she asked as she looked at me, and I realized she was the person I was waiting to see. "Ms. Latella," I said, and she nodded. "I'm Brittany, please sit down." When she sat down, I realized she was not only tall but huge. She was built like a football player. The muscles between the neck and the body rose up in a way I have never seen, and beneath her shirt, I noticed that her chest was almost as deep as it was wide, and not from fat. When she rolled up her sleeves, I could tell her arms were very muscular. but still, she was entirely feminine. She proceeded to pitch me on the idea of empowering women through building strength and building up their physiques with weight training. At first I thought she was pitching me on some product to make women prettier and sexier; she seemed to stand for everything I am against. However, soon she won me over. I began to realize that the way I have protected myself as a survivor has been to deemphasize all the feminine qualities that I thought would attract men to me. I have always thought that gave me power over them, but she convinced me women can empower themselves by being strong. I realized, I could do so myself. I realize that looking at her may have colored my thoughts, and I realize it is stupid to think I could look like her, but maybe I can try something different. I wouldn't mind a little exercise and a little strength. This Aphrodite who is built like Hercules has won me over. In fact, I am looking forward to working with her on this project. Sarah I went home, excited from my conference with Brittany and eager to get to my workout. I have become obsessed with my workout, so much so that if something comes up to get in the way, I resent it, at least a little. I quickly jumped into my workout clothes and went downstairs to the gym we have. I told you before, it is an extensive gym for a home gym, and one thing it includes that many home gyms probably do not is an adjustable cable crossover machine with a lat pulldown unit on one side and a seated rowing machine on the other. I love doing double biceps curls on that machine for very selfish and narcissistic reasons. Doing them correctly and right in front of a mirror is an incredible turn on, because my biceps grow to such huge proportions while I curl, and I get to see it. If I were a man I would give myself an erection. I usually do these after I have done the other biceps exercises. I always start with preacher curls. I don't know why, but they seem to give me the most bang for the buck. I put a forty-five, a twenty-five and two tens on each end of the bar, so I start by doing as many curls as I can with a little under 200 pounds; I do these carefully, because I don't use collars. This enables me to do supersets more effectively, and, when I finish with the first mini-set, I quickly remove a ten from each end. Then I repeat the exercise two more times, removing the other ten before the third mini-set. After a short rest during which I stretch, I repeat the whole thing again two more times. By this time, my biceps are totally shot, but I do concentration curls, and hammer curls with dumbbells, super-setting the concentration curls from 60 to 50 to 40 pounds on each arm. Then, finally, I do the bicep curls on the adjustable crossover machine. By this time, the biceps are totally engorged in blood and look even bigger than they will later on. Not only that, they show incredible separation.The veins are pumping and stand out like a garden hose under my skin. Even I am impressed. If I were at a gym, I am sure I would have an audience including some men who would have to hide the bulge in their shorts. For triceps, I do overhead triceps extensions with dumbbells and supine triceps extensions with dumbbells. After that, I attach weights to my waist and to triceps dips, and finally, I do cable triceps extensions. Each of these different exercises works the same muscle group in slightly different ways, and I love the muscular horseshoe shaped triceps I end up with. The other effect is to increase the upper arm measurement. Mine are twenty-four and a half inches cold; I think they were even bigger right after I worked out. The biceps may be the most noticeable muscle in the upper arm, but the arm measurement increases tremendously if the triceps are bigger too. Mine have gotten so big as to blot out the sun, and I love it. Richard I am so proud of my wife and her progress in making a difference to the women who might have been victims of spouse abuse or at the very least serious bullying in their homes. When one gets married, one assumes that the spouse will be a support, but that isn't always the case. Some folks get married because they think that is what is expected. Some get married without the faintest idea how to converse with and live with another person. Some are so selfish they can't give the support their partner might need. Marriage is a tricky business, much trickier than driving a car. Yet there is no requirement like "marriage ed required before marriage as there is drivers ed. before you get to drive. The result is that many marriages end in divorce, or worse, they end up in a cycle of abuse. Sarah decided she had the ideas and the power to do something about it. She began speaking engagements at various venues and gathered a set of contacts, some of whom became friends. She brought a few of them to the house and started to train them. One of them was the woman she had saved from the deliveryman, Linda Johnson, I think. One was the woman who was one of the administrators of the battered women's shelter, Brittany. The result was a fair number of people began congregating around the house on certain occasions. We decided it was time to have out Hawaiian Luau with the Pina Coladas. We invited a significant number of people, some were friends, some were new friends of my wife through the speaking engagements. We included my sister and her awful husband, who doesn't exactly beat her, but who pushes her around and uses his size to bully her into doing things she doesn't want to do. Like many of the women who were abused, she feared if she left him it was going to reflect badly on her. It would be a sign she could not keep her husband happy. The day arrived, and we began plying people with various drinks. We encouraged the women who we believed needed it to drink Pina Coladas; if their spouses chose the same drink, we gave them a different mix. Most of the men chose beer or bourbon, so it wasn't a problem. The party was going nicely; the guests plenty of food and drink, and the music system got a workout, and we watched some silly videos on Youtube that got everyone laughing. Every once in a while my wife would disappear downstairs with one or two of the female guests who, when they returned to the party, had smug expressions on their faces and would occasionally wander over to the mirror and flex for themselves as surreptitiously as possible. "So how do you think it's going? I asked as I sidled up next to her. "Even better than I could have dreamed. It's almost as if the serum increases it potency as it sits, I know that is impossible, but every woman I took downstairs was able to lift considerably more than her previous max and do so for reps. And God! Their physiques had improved. Some of them have been working hard for the last six weeks and had made progress, but this sure sped that progress up. "Good. Now for the second part of our plan, the little arm-wrestling tourney. You wanna start with that game of Twister as we talked about originally. "Yep, that seems to be the way we can ease into the armwrestling." So we played a game of Twister, actually a few games, because Sarah had bought a second Twister board. As we expected, in the entanglements, there was some jockeying for position and the women with their new strength often emerged victorious. Some of the men were bent out of shape and started complaining, so I said, "Let's have a more manly game. Anyone want an arm-wrestling tournament?" Many of the men grunted or shouted in assent, and we convinced everyone that we would set up a tournament that included every guest. We would even have a consolation tourney for those who lost in the first two rounds. Essentially, it was a double elimination tournament, with each round being two out of three. In the first round, I was paired with Linda Johnson, the woman who Amazonika had rescued. I was surprised how much of a fight she put up. It took me more than thirty seconds to put her down in the first contest, and she held me for longer than that in the second, actually pushing me back to within inches of the table before I rallied. I winked at Sarah. Surprisingly to many of the people, women won more than they lost in the first round. Some of the men grumbled. In the second round, I was paired with Linda's friend Brittany. The first thing I noticed about her was she looked nothing like the description my wife had given to me of her. Her light brown hair was cut in a very cute fashion with blonde highlights, and she wore a tight fitting dress that was sleeveless and accentuated her nice looking arms. "Better watch out," she said. "Your wife has been training me well." And she flexed for me. I was impressed. We locked arms and she began to push me down. I must have looked a bit flustered, because my wife said, "Come on, Richard, you can do better than that." But the truth was I couldn't. I held her at bay for another fifteen seconds and then pushed as hard as I could for about five. That brought her arm up to perpendicular, but then she smiled and said. "You better get her to train you too." And with a push, she put me down. "How many Pina Colada's did you have?" I asked. "Oh, they were so good I had four. Why? Do I look drunk?" "No, I was just wondering. We are really proud of our recipe." We switched to the left hand for the second round, but it was more of the same. I had to go into the consolation round, and I won a few matches there before losing to Alanna Hussell who had been invited as a friend, even though she was not a current survivor of spousal abuse, and had taken advantage of the Pina Coladas as well. In the end, she fought her way to the finals the hard way, through double elimination from the consolation bracket. The final involved two of my wife's pet projects, Alanna and Brittany, My money was on Brittany, because I had actually forced Alanna to a third game, but both of them looked incredibly strong Both the women defeated all the men they came up against, some in very quick fashion. A few of the men were so embarrassed they grabbed with both hands and lost anyway. Some of the men were turned on. A few of them lost to the wives they were abusing at home, and they looked at the women with a new sense of respect. All of those men credited Sarah's training sessions for their wives' newfound strength and attractiveness. Some of them grabbed their wives' biceps and said, "Flex for me babe." Various oohs and aahs would ensue. You could tell they were impressed and turned on, and all of them encouraged their wives to keep up the good work. Maybe this hair-brained scheme of Sarah's was going to work. The final match of the night pitted two strong women against each other, Alanna and Brittany. (Sarah had judiciously stayed out of the competition.) When they set up against each other, I saw a look of admiration from each of them. Alanna is a very competitive woman, and she put up a fight, but Brittany had been training very hard with my wife, and she had those four Pina Coladas. As she fought with Alanna, her arm swelled quite a bit, and I could tell she was no longer the mousy woman who was afraid of being physically attractive. She was embracing it. Every body part was tight and muscular, and though she was not huge, she probably packed a good 140 pounds on her 5'4" frame. She took Alanna in two matches, but she had to fight hard in both of them. When the two combatants had finished, they reached across the table and hugged each other, and I could tell there was more to that hug than just congratulations. Surreptitiously, the disappeared to the downstairs, ostensibly looking for bathrooms. So my wife had taken a stab in the dark and had guessed that Brittany was a closet lesbian. That's probably why she invited Alanna to the party and gave her some of the serum. I have to hand it to her, she had been right. Not only was she a lesbian, she had impressed an attractive and athletic woman fifteen years her junior. I looked at Sarah and winked. Alanna I can't believe my luck. My new friend, wife of my boss, Sarah Latella, invited me to a party a week ago, and tonight was the night. She plied me with these awesome Pina Coladas and got me a bit woozy. Then she manipulates things so there is a Twister game and an arm-wrestling tournament. In the twister game I met this gorgeous woman named Brittany, blondish brown hair and a body that is absolutely perfect, I mean perfect. She is not as big as Sarah, and maybe she's not perfect, because nobody is perfect compared to Sarah, but fuck, this woman is close to perfect. In Twister we get tangled up, and it's all I can do not to just grab her and pull her down on top of me. Then I get this distinct impression that she is feeling the same vibe. Just at that moment, she pretends to slip and she grabs me, squeezing my butt as we fall to the floor. "Sorry," she says. But I know she isn't. Then we are paired in the final of the arm-wrestling competition. I knew she had not lost, and I had when I slipped up and underestimated some guy in round two. I look at her and I know I am done. I can't really concentrate on the match, because I am watching her muscles bulge and that pretty little smile and the twinkling eye. She takes me down twice, and I know she has taken not only my arm down but my heart as well. I hugged her across the table, and we both know we will be getting together before we know it. She winks and looks at the door to the basement. She goes down, looking for a bathroom, and after a safe amount of time, I sneak down there as well. When I get there, she is stark naked on the weight bench, pushing up 250 pounds for reps. Then she adds more and repeats herself, I look at her arms and chest, and they are not huge, but they are perfect. She could be on a magazine cover. I approach her and she says, "I don't even know what I am doing. I never knew until tonight that I was attracted to women. I guess I repressed all my sexuality because of the way I had been treated, ... " But before she can continue I grab her and kiss her hard on the lips. I break away and look at her lovingly. "Shut Up," I said, "and kiss me some more." My hands begin to explore her body and take my own clothes off simultaneously. I reach behind her and grab her ass with both hands as she hops up and wraps her legs around me. I lightly kiss her breasts and then the nape of her neck, Then I go up and down her body which shivers with each kiss, even more so as I approach erogenous zones. Then she begins to grab and caress; I can tell she is unfamiliar with what to do, so I gently guide her, and we find our way over to the couch. I peck her cheeks and she begins to lick my breasts and my privates down below, and suddenly I am about to have a sexual seizure, she eases off, naturally, as if she has been doing this all her life. We take turns gratifying each other until we both reach orgasm at the same time. I know this is the one. It is her first encounter with a woman, and it is the first time I have ever met her, but I know this is my life partner. I look at her and I say, "I don't want to spend another day of my life without you." She looks at me and says, "I feel the same way, and I don't even know you. I want to eat you up and digest you, so I can now every little thing about you." We are both shaking now, that shivering shake you have, not when you are cold, but when your emotions get the better of you and you shiver uncontrollably. Then we hug. It's a hug of hunger and love and satisfaction. Then we make love again and fall asleep in each other's arms, forgetting that we are at Sarah and Richard's house. I think, somehow, they knew this was going to happen; in fact, I think, somehow, they made it happen. I look at her again, smile, and kiss her long and hard. Then, I kiss her again, long and sweetly. I have never been this happy in my life, and I want to savor the moment. (to be continued)