Samantha Grows Muscles Part Two - Another Surprise of David by Scheherazade the Amazon In which Samantha's husband David, the former college athlete decides to build himself back up and equal or surpass his wife's new strength. He is dreaming! Samantha When my husband came home early from work and saw me working out, I was thrilled and surprised to have him see me, but I was especially surprised to see that I had grown stronger than he is. I guess it makes sense; he doesn't work out any more, and that co-worker of his and the donuts, well that can't be too god for his overall health and strength. In fact, I was surprised to see how out of shape he was. David and I used to work out together, but ever since he started his own company, he has been too obsessed with growing the business to worry about growing his muscles. Meanwhile, I have been plugging away five or six times a week for two and a half years, almost six if you count the years we worked out together, sometimes at the gym and sometimes in our basement. It's weird to me. I used to be proud of the fact that he was the strongest guy on the football team, or one of them, and when we worked out together, I just deferred to him, and I always lifted a few plates less than him on the machines and fifty to a hundred less on the major lifts. I never tried to get stronger, just stay in shape. Then, when he stopped lifting with me, when he got too busy, I had no one to tell me what to do, and, in effect, no one to hold me back. I pushed myself to increase my weight every few weeks; I would often attempt a new max just to see where I was. I had never done that before. I knew I had gotten strong, but I hadn't really thought about it in terms of David's lifts. That is why I was absolutely floored when he went to the bench and took OFF the weights I had been lifting so that he could warm up with, like, 130 pounds less. Then he maxed out at only 205, forty pounds less than I had done for ten repetitions. Not only that, he failed on the sixth rep. It was weird too. I had always wanted a strong husband, but his relative weakness compared to me was oddly empowering to me. It was like a shot of adrenaline to see him fail at weights I could crush, and it was so fucking cool to crush him in the wrestling matches we had. It was also cool to have, what would you call it? Make-up sex? Emasculation sex? Either way, it was good. I know, now that I embarrassed him the other day, he is going to get back into training and try to turn things around, and I am relatively certain he is going to make some big gains in the first month and a half he is lifting. And there is a part of me that is glad he is doing that. However, there is another part of me, the competitive part, which says "Not on your fucking life!" So, David, from now on, if you are lifting heavy, I am not going to lift less just because I am a woman. In fact, there is a part of me that wonders how strong I could have been if I had been on my own schedule instead of his all those years. Anyway, I am happy he is going to get stronger, but I am going to do my level best to remain stronger than him and even increase the strength gap between us. If he lifts eight reps, I will lift ten. If he does two sets, I'll do three. I know he was strong in college, but, as I remember his old lifts, I think most of my current lifts are ahead of where he was back then, and I know I can keep increasing them. I just know it, and I am willing to bust my ass to do it. David Yesterday and last night were surprising and amazing. I never knew how much I would be turned on by a muscular woman, but seeing my wife lift as much weight as I did in college (and I was the strongest dude of the football team) gave me a raging erection. Watching her flex for me made my heart race and the blood rush to my face. Her legs were incredible, huge and striated with muscle. Then watching her butt move while she walked around was an answer to my dreams. Most of all, and this is the surprising part, I was turned on by the overall musculature of her upper body. When she flexed her biceps, they popped out of her arms like nothing I have ever seen. Relaxed, they were impressive but unremarkable, and then she would flex, and it was like something alive exploded under her skin. And there was that large vein pumping blood to it. I think she could have given me multiple orgasms without even touching me just by flexing. As good as the sex was, and as much as I enjoyed seeing my wife's gorgeous muscles, I was embarrassed to have lost so much strength and to be weaker than my wife is, and she proved it in every possible way. She lifted more than I did; she outwrestled my in every possible way, and she actually lifted me like a baby. Frankly, I think she is even stronger than her impressive lifts suggest, and all of this at 5'6" and 165 or so. Anyway, I am going to make a change. I will rise earlier every morning, so that I can do a workout before going to work, and on days I can't, I will go to the gym for a prolonged lunch break or after work. I will eschew the donuts, as good as they are, and have protein shakes and protein bars. Maybe I will do double workouts once on each weekend. I have to get my body back in shape. I may not be able to surpass her strength in the first month or two, but give me six months. I will be back at my college strength or beyond. I'll show her who's boss. Samantha It has been about three weeks since I totally emasculated my husband. David has begun his new workout regime, and he is keeping a log of everything he does right next to the landline on his desk in his office at home, which makes it very easy for me to check up on his progress. I have decided to increase my workouts, and since I am already in good shape, I have a bit of an advantage. Six days a week, I am doing double sessions, and one day a week I rest by doing only one. I am using plenty of supplements and a high-grade brand of creatine to help me recover faster and last longer in my workouts. I wasn't sure it was going to help, as I had never used it before, but I noticed an improvement in the second week. David spent two or three weeks just building up endurance; he used mostly the machine and pulley exercises and did multiple circuits. He was strong enough that he was able to do multiple sets of more than half the plates on those machines, but I had long since graduated from those, and my split workouts allowed me to do multiple exercises for each muscle group, each of which focused on a different part of the muscle. For instance, I did five different exercises for the biceps, some of which focused on bulking up and some of which focused on the peak or the Biceps Brachia and some on the brachialis which supports the Bracchia. Also, there is the long biceps and the short biceps, the two main muscles in the biceps. Great bodybuilders work all of them, and I intended to do the same. On arm days I would begin with preacher curls with the EZ bar on a preacher bench. I would do a set, add weight and do another, add weight and do another, and then repeat the whole thing in descending order. Occasionally I only ascended but performed supersets by dropping some of the weight quickly and then doing a second set at lower weight while still fatigued. Then I would do seated concentration curls. I would have two dumbbells, one of them five pounds lighter, and I would do three sets of supersets with them. Then I would perform hammer curls. Then I would perform standing curls with a preacher bar and my back against the wall. Then my favorite, the biceps curls on the cable crossover machine, where I got to stand in front of a mirror and pull the handles toward me and watch my biceps explode. These being the final exercises of the day for the biceps, they usually would be as huge as ever, giving me an amazing sense of accomplishment. I would split the workouts arms and shoulders in the morning and legs in the afternoon of days 1, 3, and 5. Chest and back on the opposite ends of days 2, 4, and 6. I did some cardio and core every day. My day off was a day for extra cardio, dead lifts (only once a week for them) and totally blasting my abs. Of course, there are exercises that work both chest and triceps, such as triceps dips, so on chest day I would widen the grip and perform them in such a way as to emphasize the pecs, and on arm days, I would narrow the grip to exercise the triceps more. Likewise for exercises that work both the back and the biceps. After merely two weeks, I began to notice a difference. The muscles recovered faster than before, and my body was hungry for the afternoon workout by the time it came. I felt as if I was getting bigger and definitely stronger, but I held off measuring myself until later. Meanwhile, I did notice my husband had lost a few pounds of fat and was getting some of his definition back. His pants hung differently, and his clothes all fit better. It was also noticeable when we were making love too, but I was quite sure that my progress was at least as much as his and probably more. Every session I did left me feeling engorged with blood, tired but powerful at the same time, and excited about the next workout. Phil My friend David, actually my boss, is on a health kick recently. Not only is he refusing to eat any of the donuts I bring in every day, he is eating health shakes and doing exercises during his free time. Gotta hand it to him. It's more than I could do. He takes off his coat, shirt, and tie and does a bunch of core exercises, like sit-ups, planks etc., and he does a few sets of push-ups. He does these every day. When he started, he told me he wanted to do 100 push-ups a day for a few weeks and then increase the total. During that first week, it took him four sets to get to 100; in fact, by Friday he was so tired it took him five. However, last week he managed it in three. This week, he is still doing it in three, but his first set is up to forty-five. My guess is that soon he will be able to do two sets of fifty. I don't know what motivated this, but he says he is embarrassed about how out-of-shape he is, especially since he was such an athlete in college and for the first few years afterwards. Who am I to judge? At least I get more of the donuts now. Samantha I was always a bit thicker than the girls of my height were. My arms, when we started working out together six years ago, measured 11 inches when flexed and a little over 10 inches unflexed. At that size, it didn't really matter whether I had recently worked out or not; there was really no such thing as a "pump" because the muscles were too little for the pump to make a difference. As I worked out with David, they grew a bit, maybe to 12 inches or 12.5. They really began to take off when I read about exercises to make the muscles grow. I think they were almost fifteen inches five weeks ago, when David decided to resume exercising, and I decided it was going to be a competition. I don't know why I am so competitive, but for some reason it is exciting. I know what he is doing, and I can see some of the effects, but I can't tell his growth in size, if any. I can with me, and I had been waiting until a significant amount of time had passed. Today was arm day, so I did some measurements. I waited until after I had finished my last triceps exercise, and then did an extra set of the cable curls. I knew I had really worked them, because I added a few pounds to every exercise, and on my last set of cable curls, I reached failure on the ninth of ten reps. I pulled hard and then held the curl before letting the plates down lightly to the floor and shaking out my arms. Then I ran into the bathroom to measure in private. I had a small measuring tape in a small bag I had attached to my water bottle. Fully aware that the measurement I would get today would likely be at least an inch bigger than it would read cold tomorrow morning, I took the tape out and wrapped it around my upper arm extended straight. The tape read 15 inches. Then I flexed and flexed hard. The tape moved and settled on 16.5 inches. "Holy MFG!" I said to myself. I measured the left to see if I had erred, and I got the same result. On my 5'6" frame, those measurements looked huge. I measured my forearms, and they came to fifteen inches. I was really turning into a muscular freak, but I didn't care. I loved it, and I wanted to keep growing. These double sessions and the creatine were certainly having their effect. That afternoon, I worked the legs hard. I pushed myself harder than I had ever done before. I wanted to have the same type of results I had seen with my arms in the morning. I ended with squats. Six weeks before, I had done 505 pounds, but I had done it for four reps without having done any other leg work that day. Today, I had done a full leg workout and had saved the squats for the end. Usually, I would have done them first, but I wanted to kill these legs on the squats, and I didn't want to think about later exercises. I warmed up with three plates on each end of the bar, and then I started in earnest. I lifted the bar with four large plates and a twenty-five at each end, and I did ten reps. Then I removed the twenty-five and added another set of forty-fives; I did that for eight reps. Then I added a set of twenty-fives and a ten to each end of the bar. This was uncharted territory for me, five hundred and fifty-five pounds of iron. I settled under it, lifted it from the rack and took baby steps backwards. I had a safety bar set up, but I was scared of failure and started down slowly. I reached the bottom and pressed upwards. I was surprised that it wasn't harder than it seemed. I repeated the lift and kept repeating it until I had done eight. At that point, I had slowed down. I hesitated." I can do two more," I thought to myself. The last two were hard, but I blasted through them, racked the bar, and looked vainly for someone to celebrate with. My thighs were totally engorged in blood and huge. When I had started training six years before, they had been strong but comparatively skinny at 19 inches. Three weeks before, they had been about 25 and a half inches. Now I got the tape out and measured around the thickest section of my thigh. It stretched the tape at 28.5 inches, but what was especially pleasing was that the muscles were defined and strong from where they connected to my torso all the way down to my knee. Every muscle stood out and seemed large. Even I was attracted to my legs. I had a warm feeling between my legs. I shook the thighs and watched the muscles jiggle; then I flexed. This was fun. I did it again and almost brought myself to orgasm. I couldn't wait to see David's reaction. That would happen soon enough. David I am really proud of myself. I have been working out religiously, and I feel a lot better about myself. My pants, which had begun to slide below my somewhat protruding stomach and had begun to feel uncomfortable, now fit much better. My waist, which I neglected to measure as I started, had returned to that nebulous spot between 34 and 36. Plus, my hips feel more like they did before. Moreover, and perhaps more to the point, I have lost eighteen pounds. I am afraid that my work has resulted more in weight loss than strength gains, but I am heading in the right direction. My max in the bench, which once was around 300 pounds when I was in college, had fallen to around 205 five weeks ago. I can probably hit around 225 for a few reps now. It will take a while to get my way back to 300 pounds or more. I have been doing push-ups every day at work; I recently worked my way up to doing 200 per day, and I complete them in only four sets. I do two sets of sixty push-ups, one of forty-five and one of thirty-five. I think if I challenge Samantha to a push-up contest, I might surprise her and win. She is probably expecting to show off her increased strength. I imagine, based on what she did five weeks ago, she would thrash me in a strength contest. That will have to wait until I have started striving for max effort in the major strength lifts. Samantha I have continued working hard, and can't wait to show off for my husband. Today is the day, and I am in the basement, waiting for David to come downstairs. We are each going to unveil our new selves and propose a physical challenge for the other one. I have a surprise in that area. He is probably expecting me to challenge him in squats, and that would be unfair. His best ever was only around 300 pounds, which always seemed strange to me because he could bench that much. I can do nearly twice that much, so it wouldn't be fair. I was thinking of pull-ups with added weight. That will be an interesting challenge, and I have been busting my back like crazy for the last month. "Honey," I heard David call from the top of the basement stairs. "Let me change into my workout gear, and I'll be right down." I decided to start my warm-up. I did multiple reps of a weight that was easy for each major muscle group, just to get my pump going. And just as I finished, David appeared. He came down the stairs and stopped, staring at me. "Sjit!, he said. "I'm in trouble. You look fuckin' amazing." I blushed, despite having wanted that response, and then flexed my right bicep muscle. The effect on him was immediate; he he pitched a tent in the crotch of his shorts and reached down to adjust it. I just smiled. "Hey'" he said. "I have a new body to show to you too, and he took off his sweat shirt and flexed for me. "Wow, honey! That is an impressive change. I can sort of see your abs." I had meant it as a compliment, but it came out all wrong. His erection suffered a setback, which was fine with me for now. "That did not come out right. You look great. How much weight have you lost? Fifteen, twenty pounds?" "Almost twenty," he said. "And you should see me do core exercises. I am really proud of myself. So what do we do now?" "I thought we would take turns with each other's challenges and then do some showing off, and see where that leads," I said, with a smile and a wink. "I like where your thoughts are tending." He said with a smile and a returned wink. "OK, as for the challenge, I'll propose a challenge first. I was thinking push-ups, five minutes to do as many as you can. I guess, since it is my challenge, I'll go first." With that he plopped down to the floor. I set my phone to five minutes and said, go. He started, and his push-ups were good ones, deep and steady with his chest approaching the floor. I was glad because I really didn't want to lose to someone whose exercises were cheap, buit I did not want to call him on lousy push-ups either. He clicked off 65 in the first minute and fifteen seconds before having to take a break, then he began again. There was no requirement that you do them straight through, and he rested totally on the floor before starting again. He was slowing down at the two and a half minute mark, having reached 100 push-ups. At that point, he needed another break. I was pretty sure I could do 100 without stopping, but I wasn't sure. Push-ups weren't what I had been planning on. He started again, but at the 3:30 mark he had reached 140 push-ups, and he was really slowing down. He only did fifteen more before the 4:10 mark, at which point he took a break. When the clock reached the five-minute mark, he had done 183 push-ups. "Great job, honey! I hope I can match that. I haven't really been doing push-ups, but I have been doing enough for the arms and the chest, that I think I'll be OK." I had to admit, he had been very impressive, especially for someone who was really out of shape six weeks before, but I was certain I could do more than he had done. I got down on the floor and he set his phone to five minutes and said begin. I began at a fast rate and reached sixty before the clock read one minute. I kept going without slowing down much and hit eighty-five at the 1:30 mark. Before the clock read 1:48 I reached the 100 push-up mark and did not stop. I finally rested at 130 push-ups, which I reached at the 2:20 second mark. I gave myself a fifteen-second break and began again, this time going even faster. I could hear David muttering, "You've got to be kidding!" under his breath. I blew by his 183 push-up mark as the clock read 3:20 and kept going. By this time, my arms were aching, but it was that good ache that reminded me I was working hard. It didn't really slow me down. When the 4:00 mark arrived, I had completed 230, but I had a surprise left for my husband. I started doing one-armed push-ups ten at a time on each side. I complete forty more, for a final total of 270 push-ups. I got up off the floor and stretched my arms and my chest. Then I flexed my triceps. They were swollen with blood, but my pecs had exploded. I walked over to my husband, smiled and performed a pec dance for him. I got the reaction I wanted as he smiled. In addition, he was unable to hide the telltale bulge in his shorts. "OK'" I said. "It's on to mine. I want to do a pull-up contest, but I have in mind adding weight." "Jeez!" He said. "Adding weight? Well, OK! I'll try it." "It was my turn to go first, so I hung twenty-five pounds from my belt and began. I was able to perform fifteen repetitions with that much weight. I thought I could do more, but I figured that would be enough. David put the twenty-five pounds on his waist and began. He got started OK, but he faltered very quickly. He was unable to perform his fourth one. "It's a little unfair, he said. I weigh slightly more that 235, and what do you weigh? 165? "Actually, I have put on a little weight. I'm up to 180, but you have a fair argument. What if I add 70 pounds, two thirty-five pound plates, and see what I can do? You can do your pull-ups with only body-weight? There's one catch. You have to go first." He thought about it for a second and said, "I guess that's fair." It wasn't fair, because I would actually be lifting more weight than he would be, but I wasn't complaining. He went first and clicked off nine good pull-ups and a few weak ones that I counted as good, for a total of twelve. I loaded up with seventy pounds and regretted it as I walked up to the pull-up bar. It was awkward just walking. I pulled myself up once and thought, "I think I can do this." I kept going. I reached six and realized this was going to be difficult, but I got a second wind at nine. Ten was slow; eleven slower. I paused for a moment at the bottom, and David said, "Giving up?" I smiled and winked and began again, I performed one strong pull-up and another slowly and agonizingly. Then I winked and did four more steadily and without hesitation before stopping. "Oh honey, I think that was five more than you did." "Oh, shut up!" He said, with a smile on his face. "I guess I have a ways to go yet." I had another surprise for him. David I had come into this competition expecting, or at least hoping, to have closed the gap between my wife's superior strength and mine. She not only toyed with me in the push-up contest, completing 130 or so push-ups before she took a rest and then finishing with forty-one armed push-ups, she demolished my in her pull-up contest. The final surprise came when she asked me to jump on her back and see if she could do a few pull-ups. OK, I have lost some weight, but I am still well over 200, close to 235 pounds. I figured there was no way. It looked like I was right, when after she grabbed the bar, she hung there struggling for a moment. "OK," I said. "Nice try. You got me on this exercise anyway." Then she said through her gritted teeth, "Don't you dare get off my back!" And slowly I felt myself rising higher and higher until our heads were level with the bar. Slowly she let me down and did two more of these pull-ups before she let go of the bar. As I let go, I looked at her lats and the other muscle groups just under the arm in the back. They were exploding, and when she did a lat spread for me, my pants exploded too. "Can I jump on you again from the front?" I asked. I did not wait for an answer. I may not have won the contest or proven much in the way of strength, but after I let her dominate me some more, I felt like I had won.