Muscle Vampire 3 By Muscle Fan This is the continuing story of a muscle vampire. It contains graphic violence and sexual situations. Please read Muscle Vampire and Muscle Vampire 2 found in Diana the Valkyrie's Library. If you enjoy my work of fiction, let me know at Thank you, Muscle Fan It had been a long day at the office. In this case, the office is the medical examiner's office for the county. I'm the Chief Medical Examiner, an office I've held for the past eighteen years. I oversee a staff of twenty-seven; coroners, drivers, technicians, etc. Not long ago, a former employee of mine came by and he said, "You haven't aged a bit." I took the compliment, but didn't want to shock him by telling him that as a vampire, I won't age at all. Ever! Being the Chief Medical Examiner is a perfect cover for a vampire. Not because I drink the blood of the dead, blood begins to breakdown as soon as one dies, but because it affords me the opportunity to dispose of my 'victims' without questions. A misconception people have about vampires is that we drain our victims totally. I rarely do, but find that taking small amounts of blood, really just enough to quench my thirst, is sufficient. Occasionally I permit myself to gorge, but that is rare. The nice thing about taking small amounts of blood at one time is that my hosts don't remember the incident. They are in a coma-like state for a short period of time and when they awaken, have no knowledge of being used. Oh, they may remember me, I admit I'm hard to forget, but they don't remember me taking their blood. I'm six feet tall and heavily muscled. At work my muscles are easy to conceal since I wear a lab coat. A few of my co-workers have commented on my physique, but I simply say that I work out when I'm not at the office. Little do they know that my arms are twenty inches, my quads are twenty-six inches and if they could see my abdominals, their jaws would drop. Like I said, it had been a long day at the office, and I was in need of blood. It was past nine o'clock and on my way home, detoured to 'have a bite.' In this case it was a seeder part of town. All but a few liquor stores and bars were open. 'Perfect,' I thought as I spotted a man exiting a tavern. I pulled to the curb and watched as he stepped into an adjacent alley and facing the brick façade, unzipped his pants and began to relieve himself. Standing a few feet behind him, he wasn't aware of my presents until he turned to go back to the street. "Uh-oh, hello," he said and tried to step around me. "Hmm," I said as I grabbed him by the arms, "You'll do." "Huh?" he said looking at me from head to toe. I chuckled as I picked him up and held him against the wall and sunk my fangs into his jugular. This was one of the rare occasions where I drained my victim totally. The human body holds just over a gallon of blood and I took nearly all of it. When I was done, I let go of the man and he fell to the pavement. I turned to leave but I noticed movement further along the alley out of the corner of my eye. I walked further into the alley and just past a dumpster; I found a man huddled against the wall. "Please, please," he said, "I didn't see anything." I couldn't afford a witness to my feeding, so I knew I would have to deal with this unfortunate derelict. "Stand up," I said. His eyes shifted, right and left but he had nowhere to run, so he got to his feet. 'Short,' I thought, 'only about five and a half feet tall.' "What's your name?" I asked. "J-James," he said, his eyes still moving up and down the alley. I reached out and put a hand around the back of his neck. I walked him down the alley and when we got to the where the drunk man lay, we stopped. James looked at the corpse, his eyes wide. I bend down and with one hand around the dead man's throat held him in front of James. I shook him like a child would a doll and said, "This is what will happen to you, Jimmy boy, if you say anything to anyone, understand?" "Uh-huh," he said, nodding quickly. I threw the dead man against the wall where he hit with a sickening thud, his head making impact with the bricks. "Where do you live, Jimmy?" I asked. Eyes darting, he said, "H-here." "Here, in the alley," I asked. "Y-yes." "OK," I said, "You're coming with me, I'll figure out what to do with you later." I took James home with me. Lapse in judgement, perhaps, but I thought I could always dispose of him if need be. My house is large, secluded, and on a cul-de-sac so there's relatively little traffic. I took him to an unused bedroom and said, "There's a shower in there," indicating the bathroom, "you smell, so shower. I'll get some sheets and a blanket for the bed." When I returned, I dropped the bedding on the bed and pushed open the bathroom door. James was in the shower, his back to me. I opened the shower door startling him. He turned and instinctively covered his genitals. I chuckled and moved his hands away. His scrotum and penis fell free. To my delight, James was well endowed. His flaccid circumcised penis was at least seven inches long and fairly thick. "Nice," I said, fingering his cock. He stood motionless except for the stirrings of an erection. "Very nice," I said, "there's disposable razors and shave cream in the medicine cabinet. Use them. I don't want pubic hair on my boy," and flicked his cock with my finger, "And while you're at it, shave the rest of your body." I turned and left. 'What are you doing,' I asked myself as I undressed, 'you have to get rid of this man.' I hung up my clothes and then looked at myself in the mirror. I ran the flat of my hand over my hard washboard abs and then inserted two fingers into my vagina thinking about James' cock. "Hmm," I hummed as I stroked myself, 'maybe just one little fuck.' I walked back into his bedroom. He was just getting his clothes to put them back on. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. "Don't put those on," I said and he spun around dropping his boxer shorts. "You won't need them," I added. His eyes widened and his mouth opened as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out. "It's just the two of us, so you can remain naked, besides, I like to watch your cock." His penis hung limp between his legs. "I see you found the razors and shave cream," I said. "Y-yes," he said rubbing his fingers along his now hairless pubis. "Good," I said, "Are you hungry?" He considered this for a moment and then said, "Yes." I nodded and said, "Follow me, I'm not the greatest cook, but I'll make you a sandwich." In the kitchen I said, "Sit," and he took a seat at the breakfast bar on a stool. I made him a turkey sandwich with Swiss cheese, mayonnaise and mustard. I didn't ask what he wanted or if he liked this or that, he was lucky to be getting a meal. I knew he watched me as I worked. He also looked around the kitchen. When I set the plate and sandwich on the counter in front of him, he ate ravenously. "Were you on the streets long," I asked. He stopped, the last of his sandwich midway to his mouth. "A couple of weeks," he said. I nodded. "What do you do?" I asked. Chewing the last of the turkey sandwich, he held up a finger and when he swallowed said, "I'm a cook." I laughed and said, "Then I apologize for the sparse turkey sandwich." He smiled and said, "It was very good, really, thank you." "Would you like another?" I asked. "I'll make it, if you don't mind," he said getting up from the stool, "Would you like one?" I smiled and said, "No, I ate earlier." He only nodded and came around the island and took the knife from the counter and began preparing himself the sandwich. I watched him work, quickly and efficiently, getting what he needed from the refrigerator. I sat on the bar stool he had occupied. 'Best to get this out of the way sooner than later,' I thought and then said, "Do you have any questions for me?" "You're a vampire, aren't you?" he asked not bothering to look up. "Yes," I said, "Do you know about us?" He looked up and I chuckled then asked, "Did you think I was the only one?" He considered this and then said, "No, although I hadn't given it a lot of thought. I don't know much about vampires and don't believe I've ever met one." After a pause, he asked, "Do you drink people's blood?" "Yes, like you saw tonight, although normally I don't drain my victim like the man in the alley," I told him, "I usually take only what I need." There was a long pause and he left the last of his sandwich untouched. It's hard for humans to grasp the taking of one's blood, but for vampires, it's a necessity. Not daily, but when the craving becomes strong or in the case of tonight, overpowering. For the next hour he asked questions about vampires and I told him, holding nothing back. I found that James was very easy to talk to. "Are you always naked?" he asked. I laughed and said, "Yes, here at home I am. I want you to be naked as well." He looked at me and asked, "Am I staying here?" I paused and said, "Yes, if you leave, I'll have to kill you, because you know too much now." He considered this for a long time finally nodding and then said, "Considering the alternative, I best stay." I laughed and he joined in, and then asked, "What's your name?" "Anne," I said, "but you should call me mistress." "Very well, mistress," and he yawned. I looked at the clock on the stove and it was nearly midnight. "You must be tired; we'll talk again in the morning before I go to work." "Yes, mistress," James said, "I'll tidy up here and then go to bed." The next morning I woke and smelled eggs and coffee. When I entered the kitchen, James had a plate of eggs, toast and coffee waiting for me. "I wasn't sure whether you liked your eggs scrambled or over easy, so I made them both ways," he said. After draining my victim last night, I didn't have much of an appetite, but I didn't want to offend James so I ate what he prepared. He watched and I caught him staring at me. "Yes, vampires eat human food as well as drinking blood," I said, a fork full of egg half way to my mouth. He nodded and said, "Good, I didn't see any bottles of blood in the refrigerator," and smiled. "If you don't mind, I'll make a list of what we need from the market," he said, "I suspect you would like something besides turkey sandwiches for supper," and laughed, "by the way," he added, "what are my duties besides cooking?" I thought about this while I finished my coffee. "I'll expect you to not only cook, but run errands, house cleaning and take care of my needs as I require." "Needs?" he asked. I smiled and said, "Yes, needs; sex. You might even enjoy it." I laughed and after a hesitation, James joined in. "Now, I really must get ready for work," and I left. That night, I arrived home to find James had prepared shrimp scampi, rice and steamed broccoli. "I'm afraid I just about depleted everything you had in your freezer, mistress," he said. "We'll go shopping in the morning," I told him, and chatted while we ate. "That was wonderful, James," I said once we had finished. "Thank you, mistress. I'll do up the dishes." "The dishes can wait," I told him, "I need to have that cock of yours inside me." He flushed and I said, "You're not going to disappoint me are you?" He shook his head. "Good, come along then," and walked to the bedroom. James seemed timid at first, but I treated him to a muscle show, flexing until he couldn't stand it any longer. "Can you last, James," I asked as he positioned the head of his now erect cock between my labia. "Last?" he asked. "Yes, baby, last, I don't like to rush my orgasms," I told him, "I like to take my time and savor each stroke and then drain that cock of yours." He nodded and said, "I'll do my best to please you, mistress." For the next forty minutes, he thrust his magnificent cock into me. Finally, I tightened my vaginal muscles watching the expression on his face as his penis was held inside me immobile. "Ssh," I whispered, "Let me do the work," and I undulated my vagina, massaging his manhood, a technique I had perfected. His expression changed from one of concern to one of ecstasy. He exploded and I climaxed in unison. "Thank you mistress," he panted as he lay in my arms. I laughed and said, "Your welcome, not bad for your first time," and I meant it, "but we'll work on that endurance. I need you to be able to last for an hour or more." His breathing was returning to normal and he said, "I'll enjoy being your pupil," and we both laughed. In the days that followed, we worked on prolonging his erection, increasing his stamina as well as stocking up the kitchen to his liking. I bought James some clothes and a small coupe for when he needed to leave the house on an errand. Things seemed to work out and James was always eager to please me. One morning, I awoke to find James lying next to me looking at me. "What is it my pet?" I asked. He ran a hand over my chest, toying with first one nipple and then the other. "Pinch them," I said. He did and then commented, "They're like small marbles; hard, hard as a rock." I laughed and he moved his hand down my sternum to my abdominals and then my pubis. With a finger he found my clitoris and stroked me. I could feel myself becoming erect. "Hmm," I moaned as he grasped my womanhood between his thumb and forefinger and stroked me. "Don't stop, baby," I told him, "Don't stop." Near orgasm I pushed his head towards my waiting clit. "Suck me, suck my she-cock, I need to come," I told him. He eagerly sucked and pulled on my clit and labia. I exploded sending a small geyser of cum arcing upwards. I lay there panting. "Lap up my juices," I told him. He set about the task immediately, running his tongue over my genitals and inner thighs. "I'll be a little late this evening, James," I told him as I stepped from my bed, "and I won't be hungry." He looked at me and nodded. He knew that I must feed tonight. "Be safe," he said. I laughed and said, "I always am. Don't forget to do the laundry," indicating the wet sheets. I worked at the office until the night crew came on. We have a small night staff. When I left through the rear delivery door, I had on an ultra-short mini skirt and tight tank top with my three inch stilettos. I drove to one of the local suburbs and found what, or I should say who, I was looking for. In this case it was a prostitute standing on the corner. Parking on a side street, I walked up to her. "How's business?" I asked. "Slow," she said, "Not enough for the two of us. I've never seen you before." I chuckled and said, "I'm from the east side. I'll just hang out a minute." She looked at me and said, "Why don't you hang out on another corner, this is my spot." "I don't see your name on it," I said. "Look," she said, staring at my arms, "The cross dressers are over on Adams." Again I chuckled and lifted my skirt. Her eyes went wide as she saw my large clit. "All woman, baby." "Uh-huh," she said, "I'm not so sure ... " but before she could finish a Cadillac pulled to the curb with a screech. "Who's this bitch, Louise?" a black man asked. "I, uh, I don't know, Johnny. She's trying to take over my corner," the whore said. "Our corner, Louise, this is our corner," the young man said, "Bitch, you better move your ass, this is our corner." "Looks like it's mine now," I said. He pulled a switch blade from his pocket and the blade flipped open. "Move along bitch," he said stepping closer. Louise backed away deeper into the shadows. "You going to cut me?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm going to slice you up real bad so no one will want you," he said and lunged towards me. I sidestepped and chopped down with my right hand breaking his arm. He howled, dropped the knife and went to his knees. "Stupid man," I said as I looked down at him and then to Louise who was rooted in fear. Johnny was sobbing and cradling his arm, so I stepped to the woman and with one hand, lifted her up the wall she was standing against with one hand. I took about three quarts of her blood. It felt warm and I was intoxicated. When I turned back to the man, he was getting to his feet, his good hand outstretched towards me. "Please, please, lady, you can have the corner," he said, his eyes darting between Louise and myself. "Screw the corner," I said, "It's you I want," and I quickly lifted him and opened the back door of the Cadillac, tossing the man onto the rear seat. I knelt between his legs and pulled his pants down. 'Small cock,' I thought as I sunk my fangs into the artery next to his scrotum. Feeding this way is easier to conceal during autopsy. Within a minute I had drained him. Satiated, I went back to the woman and picked her up and tossed her on top of her dead pimp. She would undoubtedly be hysterical when she woke to find herself on top of her dead pimp. I had to chuckle at the thought as I walked back to my car. At home, James looked at me as I came through the door. "I was beginning to worry, mistress," he said glancing at the wall clock. I laughed and said, "How sweet, but not to worry." "How did it go?" he asked as I unzipped my skirt and pulled my T-shirt over my head. "It went well," I said and related the whole story to him. "He actually pulled a knife on you?" James asked. I smiled and said, "Yes." "Were you scared?" he asked. "No, he was weak, so was the prostitute," I told him, "let's go to bed, I'm tired right now." And so our lives became intertwined. James is a great companion, cook, housekeeper and lover. We still work on prolonging his erections and orgasms, a task I thoroughly enjoy. If you enjoyed my story, please let me know and read my other stories on the 'Muscle Fan' bookshelf in Diana the Valkyrie's Library. Thank you, Muscle Fan