Katrina My name is Katrina, I'm European and a lesbian! From Austria to be exact, my first language is German. I'm able to write to you with a German to English translator and spell check, but this isn't foolproof so I will apologize in advance for my spelling and bad grammar. My English is getting better but I still struggle with crazy English words that sounds the same but are spelled different, or that are spelled the same and have different meanings. I'm not a big muscular woman but I'm not small either, at 5'10 and 149 lbs, with the body of a runner. In Austria, I was 17, working as a lesbian prostitute,,, for every woman I would have 10 men come up to me asking how much and I would just turn them away. I can not break nails with my fingers, but I can fight with both hands and feet, even now at 39, I can bring my foot up head high faster than most can react and if I get a half a step on you, I'm fucking gone! This night I had did well making over 400 euros, that is about 500 US dollars from a couple, men always wanted to watch me fucking their wife or girlfriend,,, and I always told the men stand away from the bed just watch, do not speak and if you touch me I will kill you! I was going home and I heard hey you, I turned and a young Russian ask how much? I told him, No Men! He ask if I know the time? I told him and turned to leave,,, when I woke up I was laying naked on a small table on my back, my legs tied up against my chest with a electrical power cord, around my back and under my knees, my head was off the table, all I could see is legs and hear men speaking Russian, something was holding my mouth open by being hooked over my lower teeth, one of the men was fucking me down the throat and another was fucking me in the ass, when the one in my mouth cum he just held it there,,, I couldn't breathe and passed out. When I came to I was sitting on a chair against a door with my arms tied up over my head and a gag in my mouth. My throat, asshole and vagina felt very painful and raw.... This was the first time I saw the 5 of them, 4 men and a woman all Russian, the woman was saying something to me and I was sure by the way she was talking and being a woman she would release me,,, but she came over and just sat beside me as she held the fire of her cigarette to me nipple and everyone laughed. She would smile at me as she was burning me with her cigarette and as I was screaming in the gag, she would scream with me and laugh as she held up her cigarette and blowing on the end until it was red hot before burning me again,,, she just kept smiling and laughing all the time she was burning me with her cigarette.... I don't know how long I was held or when they left, because when I woke up I had no clothing or money in (das Krankenhaus) the hospital being treated for the rap and the worst sore throat I have ever had! And with cigarette burns all over my body, the worst areas was my under arms and around my asshole, I couldn't spread my ass cheeks and hole my arms up at the sametime, so one or the other was going to burn, the only thing that helped was sitting in the tub with a little cold water and holding my arms up! It was over a year before I seen one of Russians again, I was watching him to see if he was alone, when the dumb fucker came over and ask if I wanted to dance? I couldn't believe it, this fucker didn't even remember me,,, I said no thanks my feet are sore from all the dancing, but you could walk me to my auto I live less than a (Meile) mile and if your a good boy you can come up to my apartment for a (Getränk) drink and you can buy me breakfast in the morning. He followed me out the backdoor of the (Nachtclub) nightclub, I lead him across the parking area to an auto where we would not be seen, I said here you drive and tossed him my keys, as he grabbed my keys, I turned kicking him in the stomach, he went down on his hands and knees, my next kick was too his head and he was out,,, I got my auto and pulled him into the back, but I had not thought this through I had nothing to tie him with and I didn't know where I was taking him, I was just driving away from Klagenfurt, I wanted to find someplace secluded, so that I could be alone with him. I remembered an old cardboard factory about 18 Miles away from Klagenfurt that had closed,,, I couldn't get into the factory because doors were welded shut, but driving around the factory I found a lot of bailing wire and a place he could be held immobile. Once he was out of the auto, I stripped him naked and tied his hands together with wire behind his back, gagged him with underwear and sit him on a large block of wood about 45 centimeters off the ground, that is about 17 inches, up against a tree and I wrapped wire around his neck and the tree, then around his body and the tree several more times,,, I wanted to make sure he couldn't hang himself, to avoid all of the pain I planned to give him. Looking at his naked male genitals as I waited for him to wake up, was nauseating and sickening for me so I covered it! I would have far preferred having the Russian female,,, yes, I could have really enjoyed causing her pain,,, with every one of her screams I would smile and laugh in her face as I orgasmed! Just the same as she did when I was screaming and banging her to stop!! There was no pleasure for me, not with him and I got tired of waiting, I just wanted to get it over with! Now Diana, I did not kill or castrate him, not that I didn't think about it,,, but I did stop him from rapping anymore girls!