Something About Judy Judy was the subject of Punch N Judy. She later had a profound impact on my life. I will be sharing the experience of meeting her and watching her beat up and humiliate Bob right in front of me. It was a sight I will never forget. She is extremely beautiful and highly sexual. I also hope to work up the nerve to reveal the first time she beat me up and humiliated me in front of Bob. I don't know if I'm man enough. We'll see. This short post is a little about Judy. I think it might help you understand how and why what happened, happened. Judy is a very serious and private person. She did indeed go to Law School and was a new prosecutor when we first met. That's over 20 years ago. Subsequently, she went into private practice and has been very successful. Judy lives a very segmented life. For instance, during the week she is all work. She isn't out drinking or partying. She is focused on work and only work. Now, she has a daughter, so obviously that captures much of her attention. She has a strong but infrequent sex drive. When she wants to let loose, she really lets loose. She would be with a man from Friday to Sunday. It was often a weekend of pure debauchery. Then Sunday night through Friday she was all work and no play. Her sexual preferences fell into 2 distinct categories. She liked very manly, smart, and attractive men. She also liked men like Bob and me. Men she could and would dominate. She is an extremely private person who prefers to spend much of her free time alone reading, writing or just being with her daughter. She will always be a single woman. She has a small group of men who she honors with her presence for mostly sexual gratification. The personal relationship is purely friendly. She maintains a handful of these type of relationships. When she was ready to have a child she chose a man based on his genetics mostly. There was this young handsome smart and athletic man who she thought would make the perfect sperm donor and some time father. She approached him and basically said that she wanted a child and was looking for a certain kind of man. She was going to raise the child and she had the financial means to pay for everything. The man would maintain a friendly relationship with her and be a father when needed. The man agreed to her terms. She took him on a two week vacation and basically screwed him morning noon and night. Several times a day. For several days. Sure enough, she missed her next period and indeed become pregnant. Then she sent him on his way. After the birth of her daughter, her sex drive diminished noticeably. About once every month or two she would leave her daughter with her brother and have a sexual rendezvous with one of her partners. Then, she would pick up her daughter and go home and wouldn't have any interest for another month or so. She went over 4 years without beating up Bob or any other men either. Then, the urge returned and she and Bob would get together for a sexual beating and domination session which repeats itself every month or two. My experience with her happened long ago. The night I met her she beat up Bob in front of me and it was a night of pure debauchery. It was sexy, exciting and really fun for me. Shortly thereafter, she beat me up in front of Bob and I was forced to watch her and Bob having sex, fun and laughs at my expense. Emotionally, I couldn't handle it. I let her beat me up one more time in front of Bob but I really hated it and we never did it again. I haven't seen Judy or Bob in years as I no longer live in their city. I still talk to Bob about once a month but rarely talk to Judy. Obviously, their names have been changed as is the description of her looks to protect their privacy. Judy is a very beautiful woman but she doesn't have black hair or dimples for that matter. I hope you enjoy the next post which will recap that first night. It was the sexiest night of my life and a prelude to the most humiliating and complicated beating I have ever endured. Hopefully, this explains both how she came into my life and why she is no longer a part of it. IB