Hondurs I beat the shit out of both of my sons and daughter and it's all good!!! They will be better people. Nobody needs to tell me that my childhood was horrific. Both of my "parents" were alcoholics, violent towards each other and towards me and my 4 siblings and were the worst parents one could imagine. As a result, none of us kids stayed there a second past our 17th birthday's. Some of us got married while the other others joined the Marine's or Army. And I am proud to say all of us now, are living good lives with our families. I was born in Honduras and came to the United States when I was 2 years old. Yes, I speak both English and Spanish. We grew up lower-middle class in a decent home so it's not like I was poor or ever went without food. Fighting was as big a part of my life as breathing was and by the time I got to middle school I was a terror. My grades were always good for someone who never studied but I was a handful in terms of behavior. By the way, I am not proud of any of the chaos I created or was part of but it makes up who I am now. I was never a big girl but I was and still am fearless and would fight anyone at any time and for any reason or for no reason. We punched, kicked, sometimes pulled hair, wrestled and always did as much damage as possible before or if it got broke up. I fought girls up until I was about 18 and even though I fought a bunch of guys too it was mostly other females I was fighting. Today I am 5'7 and 140 pounds and like my siblings we are all very attractive with bodies to match. Just telling you the facts. I was sexually active, like everyone else I knew, at 14 and was married, the first time, a week after my 17th birthday to a man who was 26. A nice enough guy, also Hispanic, grew up like me in the same neighborhood but I really got married to get out of my crazy house. We did OK, he was a mechanic, handsome and like me, a really good fighter. We were not exactly upstanding citizens I have to admit as we smoked a lot of pot and did some other things I am not proud of, drank too much on occasion and beat the living shit out of a good number of people along the way. He was never violent towards me, which is good since he could have beaten me at will. This marriage lasted a total of 13 months and produced one beautiful child. Due to my reputation I suppose, my body and all, I was never without a guy and was married again a year or so after my divorce from Alex. Husband #2, was a white guy, had his own lawn business, had some money too and was quite the underground fist fighter which was a super turn on for me and where we met. Looking back it is amazing what used to be a turn on for me. He taught me how to really throw a punch and by this time the drugs were gone but I still drank and smoked while he did neither of those things. We had a lot of fun and traveled a lot since his business was good back then and he made a serious amount of money, all cash too, from his fighting. In short order I started fist fighting too at these underground places. It was really easy for me since the females I was beating on were out of shape big mouthed toughies who really did not grow up like me. I had a total of nine fistfights, won them all and knocked out 4 of them and they all were bloody, crying and totally fucked up in no time. I rarely left unscathed myself but back then those black eyes I wore proudly, again quite amazing what I used to think was cool. When we both fought at the same place, which we mostly did, and if we both won (he lost 3 fights of those times) the sex was on a different level and that level lasted for weeks if not longer. We were like animals screwing our brains out at that time and we did it every place you can imagine and God help you if you tried to stop us or lecture us about doing it in all of the public places we screwed around. Eventually, this marriage ended too as we were both cheating on each other a lot. At least this divorce I walked away with a house, car and a nice lump sum of money and another child. Just three months after the delivery of baby #2 I was back to fist fighting and did that for two reasons. Foremost, I loved fighting and everything about it. For me it was an art form, it was a time for me to dominate and totally destroy another human being who was trying to do the same thing to me voluntarily, I knew I was very good at it and secondarily, the money at this time was crazy. I was able to earn, sometimes, $10,000 in cash which was great in one night. Always wished I was able to fight more but there was a finite number of ladies back then who would fist fight and although I did fight a few guys I did know that was a recipe for a lot of hurt. As time went on as a single lady I was barely 22 years old with two kids. I finally met, through a friend, a "normal" white guy. Normal? College educated, a real job, great family, never has been in a fight or did drugs and was one of the most handsome men I ever met. He was and is the nurturing type. Initially I thought he would run for them hills once he learned about my background. Between me playing a little hard to get and inching him into my life slowly he married me and here we are 18 years later with 4 kids, 2 of each as they say. He is responsible for me going to college and becoming a teacher, a job I love and believe me NOBODY I have ever met would have thought I would attend college and become a teacher. He is also responsible for arranging some super private athletic training. For the first time in my life I had a personal trainer to build muscle and strength and a boxing trainer. The deal was that I was not allowed to ever fist fight again and I was not allowed to compete in boxing either. I agreed. Life was great. So today my body is better now than when I was 17 and thought I was the end all. Funny stuff. I have legit muscles all over and have never been stronger and the envy of all of our friends which is great. I can beat the devil out of a heavybag and my trainer's mitts, lol, but I do not compete. Again, life is good and hardly anyone knows the old me. My only vice is smoking which I rarely do but, I do on occasion even though he hates it. Let's just say I make him happy in other areas, more than he ever thought was possible he says, so he leaves me alone. It is common knowledge I could beat the tar out him but that's an absurd thought. I noticed that my kids were becoming down right spoiled and obnoxious over time as they grew up with endless vacations and everything else anyone could dream of. Having that kind of attitude is something I was having a very hard time with and I understood it is generational (snowflakes) and similar to their other friends. My husband and I discussed this a lot but never had a good solution until I convinced him to let me deal with it old school. Reluctantly he agreed. Understand we tried everything that every psychologist, school guidance counselor and book said to try with the same lousy results. It was old school time! First thing I did was to challenge the 20 year old's friends, my son, to arm wrestling matches in our yard. Dressed in my best bikini, and they always referred to me as the muscular mom by the way, I went to town. One day he had 6 of "his boys" over for some swimming and I came out with lunch for these spoiled kids wearing the bikini and my muscles were pumped from the curling I did just an hour before. I started with the "biggest one" and leaned over the table so he could see my breasts and I flexed them and then stood straight up and gave them a muscle show and sat down and put my hand up and asked, WHO WANTS TO ARM WRESTLE ME? It's not nice to say but I am very proud of my body. When I told my husband what I did he was hysterical. I took mister big boy and slammed him down in 5 seconds and did the same to all of the others INCLUDING my son. For my son I made sure I kept his arm up there until it was shaking and he was sweating and as he was doing that I drank some lemonade from his glass and then slammed him down to the table with a thud! You have never seen such quiet boys with big erections in your life. The big one says, which was a huge mistake, something about arm wrestling is bullshit and that he wanted to kick my ass, which was music to my ears to be honest. I directed him away from the pool and the concrete floor to the grassy area and took off my top. Remember, old school ass kicking. People stare at my body all the time since I am "well enowed" and have all of these feminie muscles and according to my delicious hubby my Hispanic being exudes sensuality, lol. Without saying a word I threw two jabs, one into each eye. I knew between my strength, the boxing lessons and the fire that has always burned inside me, the boy was dead meat. Over the next minute or so he became my personal punching bag as I threw a lot of punches, mostly into his face but some into his, what he thought was a hard belly. By the time I was done, he was curled up like a baby, crying and asking me to stop. I faced the others, with some sweat dripping down my breasts I should add and asked if they want some and I walked over to them since they were stone quiet and demanded they answer me and they sure did although meekly. I mentioned their nice erections to humiliate them some more. I stood in front of my son and gave him a 5 minute lecture about acting like a man and he sobbed I have to admit, as I did and I was fully aware I was topless. I told them to take care of their "big ass" friend and turned back to the house and called my husband and told him what happened. A similar scene, but shorter was done with son #2 who was 18. The girls I had to handle differently and in private and had to do so before the boys got to them. Fortunately they both arrived home together about 30 minutes after the last set of boys left. I was putting things away in the dishwasher, fully dressed now in shorts and top and engaged in some small talk. I asked them both to come outside and I tried one more time to break through their spoiled skulls and told them that their attitude sucks, their entitled, obnoxious ways must change. Neither gave a shit and then I did something I should have done years ago. First, I slapped the older one in the face as she was sitting so hard it knocked her to the ground and then I back handed the other with the same result. I have to admit I felt good doing it knowing they will be better people someday. They were both crying and holding their faces and dropped a lot of F bombs as they did. I picked up Nancy by her hair and threw an uppercut into her tight belly (both girls have been dancing since they were born and both are beautiful with very nice tight bodies ) and she dropped like the females I used to beat the tar out of back in the day. The younger one started to really scream for me not to hurt her. I calmed her down and when she was 50% calm I punched her in her gut the same way with the same result. The yard has not been that quiet in a long time! It took 15 minutes for them to get their shit together and sit in a chair and drink some water as their hands were shaking. And it was lecture time as we sat there for 2 hours as I explained my real background, good bad and ugly, and why I had no choice but to smack them around so they could see the real world and not that snowflake crap. It has been two years since all of this has gone down and the family has never been better and tighter. All 4 of them are in various types of fighting classes, 2 are boxing and 2 doing judo. Looking back at it all I know I did the right thing.