She talked fast and had faster fists. I am a 27 year old single man born and raised in Alabama. I recently purchased a landscaping business from my uncle, who built it up from nothing over 21 years ago. The business is great and I love the work and stay damn fit as a result. With 19 employees and a lot of commercial accounts all is good. One day my buddy's invited me to a bar for some drinks and to witness a lady's only boxing contest where there were supposed to be some hot chicks "boxing" so I figured why not. I have been to this place before but never saw it so packed with people. There was a legit looking ring set up and pictures of the women on each table so you could root them on and bet among ourselves. All of them were fucking hot and some looked like they were in fighting shape. They were all around my age, give or take, some local girls and some from who knows where. When the first two chicks came out wearing sports bra's and short shorts I was very impressed. They had headgear but only wore those small mixed martial art gloves, with a real ref and all. Each fight was going to be 5 rounds and 2 minutes each and when the first bell rang I think everyone, including me was excited to see what was going to happen. Well it did not take long to see and they went at it like one of those cock fights! By the end of round one I thought my eardrums were going to break it was so loud in there, plus these 2 were quite aggressive and they both landed haymakers and both were bleeding from their noses. By the end of round 4 the brunette was helpless against the ropes as the black chick was pummeling her like crazy and they stopped the fight. It was really cool to watch I have to say. The next match was the reason why I am writing about this to begin with. Out comes this chick, she looked young but the bio said she was 24. Nice body but I have to say maybe a little chunky or on the thick side, no muscle definition and certainly compared to the first fight girls who were built and she was listed as 5'5'' and 140. Her opponent was fucking gorgeous, from head to toe. She was listed at 5'7'' and 135 and she was lean and ripped and it looked like a mismatch especially with the first one looking so much younger not to mention their bodies were athlete VS normal chick who works at the grocery type. When the bell rang the athlete looked the part from what I can tell. She looked like she seriously boxes and walked towards the other one. Well what can I say besides I have never seen anything like this before. The athlete throws a few jabs and catches the other one right in her face but she never stopped smiling and then she let loose with some haymakers catching the athlete solid and dropped her to the mat on her ass. The place exploded as she raised her hands and walked to the neutral corner and put her arms on the top rope. Meantime the hot athletic chick is up and stomping mad pointing and cursing at her opponent. When the ref checked her she made a b-line for the chunky one and throws some wild shots to her head that were blocked and then some uppercuts to her belly that surprised the hell out of me since it looked like solid shots but had no effect on this chubby one. Then the chubby one spins the athlete around with her back now at the corner and unleashes like 6 crazy wild punches to the athletes face and I witnessed my first live knockout, live. The place erupted like it was a riot. My eyes were darting around so much I lost track of the athletic one and all I saw was two dudes helping her up and out of the ring to catcalls, some were funny too. Meantime, the victor was taking it all in and enjoying every second of it. I was studying her body and could not figure where all of that strength was coming from. She was very cute and all but her body was ordinary in terms of athlete looking and she did have a big set of tits which was hot. So this fight thing continued and to make a long story short, this young lady fought in the final fight for the $500 check. She faced off against a much bigger woman who also won her first 3 fights, all by TKO. She was, according to the flyer, 5'8'' and 170 lbs, a big freakin chick. I am 5'10 1/2 and 180 and she looked bigger than me up close. I thought this would be a fast fight for sure but I was wrong. For 4 rounds the younger one landed some mean looking and sounding blows to the bigger one who kept on coming forward and I mean bad intentions/mean blows but could not stop her from moving forward. In turn, she landed her share of softer looking blows to the young one and I say softer looking but who knows. In the final round and I am not sure why but the younger one started to abuse her opponent with lots of direct and solid shots to her face. Seconds into that 5th round in a raucous bar the big lady started to bleed a lot from her nose and look tired. Now I bullshitted at the gym a few times hitting a heavybag and stuff and know how tiring boxing is with nobody hitting me back and not moving around much. These two were in their FIFTH round of non-stop fighting plus they each fought 3x before on this night. The younger one was pumped and her opponent out of gas, bleeding and breathing very hard. She finally was able to back her up and she was covering up against the ropes and blow after blow was landing somewhere, body, sides, face and she began to sag along the ropes and right before the ref jumped in to stop it and overhand right landed loud enough to hear over the crowd and dropped her like a sack of sand. She was not unconscious totally but glassy eyed and unable to move a muscle. Forget about the noise in that place and this young, physically unimpressive chick won her $500! It was quite the scene to see. About an hour after the last match the fighters began to mingle among us fans. It was pretty interesting seeing these women up close and dressed, I think, provocatively, like hooter girls in a way. At one point the athletic one came over to our table where we had 11 friends jabbering away. She was one of the hottest if not the hottest women I have ever seen in my life. Pretty face, like a 6-7 in that range but her body was a 9.9, unreal hot. She had this hourglass figure, some rather impressive muscles in her arms and abs and even her chest, which my buddy Tommy asked her to flex for us and holy shit those chesticles, as she called it were fucking unreal and she knew it and the fact that she could really fight, even though she did not win it all was a turn on for me. She even did a little flex show when one of my buddy's egged her on, really hot. About half way through the pretty chubby girl who won it all showed up which was also interesting. I say chubby but she had the skill and strength to perform the way she did so what can I say. Her face was a 9, sweet girl, really cute but her body was a 5-6. The kind of girl I would see in the streets and smile at but never turn around to check her ass or anything except she had a big set of tits so I will give her that. When she came over she, for some reason, extended her hand towards me and introduced herself as Anna-belle and I told her my name, actually my nickname, Whitey, a take off of my last name that everyone knows me by. But except for that intro ALL the attention was going towards the athletic chick. Anna- Belle was not happy with that and said to me loud enough for EVERYONE to hear that she was happy she fucked up everyone and won the money but the first fight against her, and she pointed towards the athletic one, was the easiest. I thought, ok here we go, lol. The athletic one said something stupid about a lucky punch an Anna-Belle lost her mind and had to be restrained. I was laughing at the whole scene but believe me I was giving them both well earned respect. After a few minutes Anna turns to me and said, call me cutie so we can go out and she turned and left. OK, I thought, I have no idea what your number is, no idea really who you are since I never saw you before, no way of looking up your number so so much for me ever calling you. The athletic one, like the entire table heard the exchange and she said, hey toughguy you can do a lot better than some fat bitch and everyone laughed, except me. I found that comment mean and uncalled for. I forgot all about "fight night" and was busy with work. I work very long hours at times and this particular Thursday night on a balmy August evening was one of those times. I pulled my company pickup into a local restaurant to get a large ice coffee and planned on heading back to the office for some paperwork. I got my coffee and some snacks and was backing up figuring at 11:30PM there was no traffic in the parking lot when this car began honking the horn at me because I almost hit the car. Totally my mistake but thankfully no damage. And this woman in the car began screaming and cursing at me and seemed out of control. I rolled down my window and told her to chill the fuck out and now I see her getting out of the car. Great I thought, what do I do? So I got out and stood my ground but she was walking towards me cursing like a truck driver and you would have thought I ran over her mother or something. As she got closer I see who it was, it was that cute girl from the boxing tournament!! So I said, hey it's you, calm down will ya and put my hands up as to show her I meant no harm plus I would NEVER hit a fucking woman, I was not raised to hit a lady, period! ? Well, next thing I knew everything went grey and I was on one knee, bleeding from my nose and experiencing waves of pain from my body. It took me, I don't know how long, maybe a few minutes, to finally stand and realize she just punched my lights out. She stood over me yelling about my poor driving and truthfully I could not tell you what else since between the pain and dizziness I could get my act together. Yes, I feel like an ass, a pussy and a loser, I felt like my manhood had been taken and now I see flashing lights from the police. Fuck me. Someone called that a guy was getting his ass kicked in this parking lot and was hurt. I had to play dumb and told them it was road rage by some guy and I could barely describe him since it all happened so fast. Then an ambulance comes but I would not go inside but they did try to evaluate me. They thought my nose may be broken and maybe some fractured ribs but I would not go to the hospital- totally embarrassed!! I eventually sat back in my truck and could not believe what happened and went home to put ice packs on my face and drink some beer to deaden the pain. I sat there in my favorite chair trying to come terms with what happened. It was not easy I have to tell you. I am a mans man in a mans profession and all but one of my employees is a guy. I am not a fighter or a bully or any kind of tough guy but I am all man and had to accept that this little woman kicked my ass big time and yes even though I did not fight back I knew the truth. The truth is she was so fast, skilled, powerful that I had no chance even if I wanted to. If nothing else I am a realist. For weeks I dragged myself into work and felt depressed about what happened and naturally told NOBODY. I will never forget the day, September 15th, never, when I saw her again. I was at Home Depot shopping for some electrical items for my house and reading the back of a box when I felt someone getting a little too close to me when I looked up- IT WAS HER. I was very taken aback and startled to say the least. I literally said, WHOA, and backed away which made her laugh. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and jeans and as before not looking very impressive. I suppose neither was I since I was wearing the same thing but my t-shirt was blue. She started talking to me like she knew me for years, it was shocking. She was very friendly but never came out an apologized so I brought it up. She took a step back and laughed and said she apologized for beating the crap out of me. I looked at her and no words were coming out of my mouth for some reason, probably bc I was still confused that any woman could do that to me. We spoke for several more minutes and told me straight out- simple and direct- "take me out for drinks tonight at such and such bar and she will meet me there" and then with an open hand slapped me in my mid section with enough power to make me grunt and bend over and then walked away. I was unsure how to handle this and if I should meet this woman for drinks but the curiosity got the better of me. I sat at the bar for 30 minutes figuring she was never going to show when suddenly she tapped me on the shoulder to say hi- she looked lovely and feminine in a white dress and heals. The conversation was friendly and open albeit strange based on her beating me up like that. Eventually we had to address the 500 pound elephant in the room and she was very very open about her fighting. She told me that she thoroughly enjoyed it, it turned her on, that she knows she does not look like a fighter, that her build does not reflect her strength or power and it is something that she has always been good at. How did she know she could fight I asked. It was as simple as defending a friend when she was 12 years old from these 2 female bully's and how she beat them and from there beat every other girl until she was 16 and then started beating up guys. WOW!!!!! I am watching her talk and noticing how cute she was and sounded intelligent too. She put her hand on my arm and apologized for being so rough on me but VERY CLEARLY reminding me how good she is at fighting and that I should never try to question that. Then she mumbled almost to herself, and said, but most guys do feel the need to challenge me and then shook her head. I heard what she said and I had no desire to fight anyone, especially a woman. I was beginning to like her despite the fact that being with a woman, even friendly with one, who had this fighting thing as a passion, not to mention what she did to me, as someone I could be friendly with. Over the next several months our friendship grew with a few dinners and lots of phone calls and texts. I experienced watching her fight 7 more times in similar places to the bar I first saw her in and each and every time she left women on the canvas and some sent directly to the hospital. It was after the last tournament, which was held out-of-state that we took separate hotel rooms when we finally made love. It was pretty awesome and for the most part "normal" except she made it very clear who was in charge and I was fine with that. As time went on I began to admire her more and more and not only for her athletism but for the great person she is. And today I am happy to say we live together, are engaged to get married next July and no, she never laid her fists on me but that one time. Although, I am reminded what her abilities are from time to time even though I need no reminding whatsoever. Meaning, I accompany her and assist her for a lot of her boxing workouts and clearly her skill and strength levels are off the charts and just something genetically she was born with, like some people can throw a football 75 yards or a baseball at 100mph, she can fight without getting tired and can stop/destroy/even knockout any woman of any size or skill level and a host of men too, me included. Just the way it is. We are both very happy to be together and hopefully have a family someday.