My Girlfriend's Twin My name is Chase and I have a perfect life. What don't believe me? I had a 4.0 gpa, was the ace pitcher of my high school baseball team, had a great group of friends, and best of all I had a beautiful, intelligent girlfriend. Her name was Rosemary and she was flawless, I'd do absolutely anything for her. Sometimes however my willingness to do as she said got me into trouble, this story happens to be one of those occasions. You see Rosemary was a very sweet girl who treated everyone very well with the exception of one person, her twin sister, Ella. Ella and Rosemary were complete opposites, were Rosemary was prim and proper, Ella was rambunctious and wild. While Rosemary cherished books above all, Ella was always on about sports and games. Now I didn't mind Ella all that much, but Rosemary hated her so I kind of became an enemy by association. Ella didn't seem to harbor any ill will against me, but she did love bothering me because she knew how mad it made her sister. One day in particular, Ella pushed me a bit too far. I was over at Rosemary's house and we were studying together. While okay she was studying I was watching a woman's softball match. It was at this point that Ella came in and seeing that I was lying on the floor watching the game, sat down on my back. Now it wasn't a big deal to me, I knew she was just playing around and that she'd get off soon, but to Rosemary it was a declaration of war and she yelled at her twin to go away. "Ella, would you get out of here!" Rosemary instructed. I couldn't help but admit that I thought it was adorable when my usually quiet and demure girlfriend let down her walls and showed her emotions, even if they were anger. Ella slid off of my but didn't leave, instead deciding to sit down and watch the game. "I'll go in a second Rosemary, I just wanted to ask Chase a question." Ella said very reasonably. She knew that acting proper and respectfully was the quickest way to make Rosemary's blood boil. I tried my best to intervene by asking Ella what her question was. "Why thank you for asking Chase, I just wanted to know if you thought I looked cute today?" Ella asked with a wicked edge, knowing how furious it'd make Rosemary. Now this put me in a rough spot, because Rosemary and Ella are twins, and they are identical twins to boot, so clearly since I was attracted to Rosemary I thought Ella was beautiful as well, but I knew better than to say that aloud. "Why I'd love to tell you, but I'm afraid I don't know. I only have eyes for my sweet Rosemary." I said as diplomatically as possible, ain't no way I wanted in the middle of this. Despite my response Rosemary looked ready to explode at her sister. "Ahh well that's too bad, well in that case mind answering a different question for me? Why are women only playing against women, why can't women play in the MLB." Ella asked me. Ella had an ulterior motive here that unfortunately I was unaware of. Usually in such a situation I'd have feigned ignorance, in order to stay neutral, but here I was just so excited to change from the previous subject that I jumped on her question. "While I think it's probably due to an athletic gap between the genders." I started, I certainly had more to say about this gap not being all to real anymore and how I believed that it was only a matter of time until women got their due and got the same opportunities as men, however I was cut off by Ella. "Are you saying men are stronger than women?" Ella asked with disgust. I realized that at this point I had to tread very carefully, unless I wanted serious trouble. "No no no, just that people in general believe that men are stronger. There are many women stronger than men, hell I probably wouldn't stand a chance against the women playing in this game." It was true, I was a high school ball player, and these were pros, but Ella just say it as bait. "So these women are stronger than you, do you think I am stronger than you too?" Ella asked sweetly, almost begging me to answer how she wanted. I knew better than to open that can of worms. "Of course not Ella! Chase is much stronger than you, I wouldn't date some weakling, right Chase." Rosemary responded bitterly. Just like that my hopes for a peaceful afternoon were dashed. "Oh yea, prove it! Wrestle me Chase!" Ella demanded, still with a playful edge, hoping I'd take her lightly. I was still trying to defuse the situation when she pounced on me. This was certainly not the start I was hoping for, as the young athletic girl sat astride me, aiming to pin down my shoulders. "You better not lose Chase!" Rosemary yelled, and I knew I had to get up right then and there. I snuck my arm under one of her and used my underhook to shift her weight and find an opening to get up. Before I go further let me give you a quick description of all of us. I was about 5'7, 170 pounds, average build with sandy blond hair and greyish eyes. Both Rosemary and Ella were about 5'5 and I would estimate about 135 pounds. They both had long blond hair and pretty green eyes. Now that I've coved that let me continue my story. If I'm being honest, the second I rose to my feet I wanted to run. I saw no possible positive outcome to this situation, but one look into my girlfriend's dark eyes and I knew that I had no choice but to give this my all. Ella gave me no moment of reprieve as she dove into me and knocked me onto my back. She was far stronger than she looked, and her aggression was a big advantage. She sat on my legs and I became very worried that things were ending all to quickly but she took a second to taunt her sister which gave me all the time I needed. "I can't wait to pin your boyfriend, I bet he's excited too!" Ella teased her twin sister, who I could see was turning beet red. While Ella focused on Rosemary, I sat up and grabbed Ella around the waist, and was able to lift her off of my legs and used that space to get back to my feet. "Take her down Chase!" Rosemary yelled and for fear of letting her down I did just that. Picking up Ella's legs and lifting her into the air. It wasn't the most practical move and it used up a lot of energy, but I wanted Rosemary to see how hard I was trying for her. Finally, I dropped too the ground on top of Ella and attempted to get to a position where I could pin her, but Ella knew better and wrapped her legs around my chest to halt my movement. Not only did it halt my movement but it began to wear me out physically, as I could feel my energy being sapped. It probably would've been smart to get out of there but Rosemary just kept shouting at me to pin her now, so I did my best to make her happy. Ella just smiled at my continued failed attempts to restrain her. She began squeezing harder now and suddenly I was worried she might go as far as to break a rib so I attempted to get away from her but as I stood up, Ella used her legs to hang on so that I was carrying her weight too. As Ella and I wrestled on and on, I noticed that while I seemed to be getting more and more tired, she just kept gaining energy. Suddenly the tides were turning and she was starting to gain the advantage, and she knew it too. Soon I could no longer carry her weight and I fell to my knees, she looked up at her sister, who she was know facing and smiled. "Ready to see your boyfriend lose?" Ella asked sweetly and then drove her legs into my stomach hard, causing me to fall back and her right on top of me. Ella didn't settle for a normal pin however, she slid forward so she could get as close as possible to her sister. She had her knees pinning down my arms, her hands on the coffee table in front of her and her eyes were locked with her sister, who was both fuming and heartbroken. Ella then did the unthinkable and sat her ass right on my face. She had all the leverage in the world, there was no chance of escape and everyone in the room knew it. "I guess I'll count the pin now!" Ella squealed and began counting slowly, stopping at each number to shake her ass on my face. I couldn't breathe under her, my arms were incredibly sore and my pride was bruised worst of all. As Ella slowly counted, past three, past five and all the way to ten I could feel my lungs bursting, so that I actually tapped out at 9. "Haha! You tapped out to my ass, gosh your such a loser. Rosey, did you know your boyfriend was such a loser?" Ella teased her sister, all the while still riding my prone face. "Get off of him Ella!" Rosemary shouted back. I had never heard her this mad before, and for a brief second I was glad I couldn't see the pain on her face. With that Ella finally moved off my face, allowing my first precious breath in almost a minute. To my horror she didn't move off of me though, instead sitting on my upper chest. "Well since I won, I think I deserve some kind of prize from my opponent? How about a victory kiss?" Ella asked me sweetly, as if I had a choice in the matter. Oh no if Rosemary was mad now I couldn't even imagine how pissed she'd be if Ella actually did this. "Don't you dare Ella!" Rosemary screamed, trying to let out all the anger and hatred inside her. But it was too late. Ella had made up her mind. She leaned down and kissed me forcefully on the lips. Ella held me tight as kissed me, making sure I knew she was in control, and after breaking of the kiss she quickly began another, all the while Rosemary screamed. "I can't believe you'd let her do that to you Chase!" We're through!" Rosemary screamed at me and stormed off. My heart was broken but I wasn't being much of a chance to recover as Ella sat astride me powerfully. "I know you're sad Chase, but it's for the best. Because now you belong to me." Ella stated forcefully, but then broke into an evil smile. I wasn't sure I wanted to belong to Ella, but I was absolutely sure I had no choice in the matter. The End