Ninjas A meeting between a group of ninjas and a trio of sexy ladies.Ninja:"We are experienced ninjas. We have sixth degree black-belts in one hundred arts, styles, methods, manners, schools, classes, and ways of self defense. People have taught us how to dodge, defend, and guard against practically all manner of attacks. Ninjas train their whole lives against every sort of attacker, enemy, villain, rival, opponent, nemesis, intruder, invader, burglar, hooligan, criminal, robber, thief, bandit, and every other sort of person or thing who may wish to cause any sort of mistreatment, harm, injury, or pain to our village, ourselves, our dojo, family, or anybody or anything we hold dear. As a ninja, we are sworn to uphold the way of the ninja. We practice the art of invisibility. Our companions throughout our journey are silence, stealth, darkness, shadow, shade, honor, respect, and truth."Let's say... this is in the middle of a fight which has caused casualties within the ways of ripped clothing, as well as some [comical] boob attacks. [no vag-busting].Female agent:"Yeah, well, as experienced as you are, you've never been up against us. You've got belts, huh? Do you use those belts for anything other than keeping your pants up. Maybe some good, hot, sexy, wild, naughty, kinky, erotic, old-fashioned bondage? ... Well, do your swords ever get shiny for some things other than combat? Maybe your katanas get a nice shining, sharpening, polishing, cleaning, and perhaps even a little stiffening once in a while. ... Are you boys as experienced with your ... daggers as you are with your weapons? Do you ever have more wood than your bo-staffs? Do those staffs over-compensate for anything... small? Have you ever gotten your sharp, shiny, big, strong knives out of their sheaths during a wild, hot, long, exciting, and pressing battle?Do your weapons ever cross during the heat, passion, and danger of combat? Which ninja among you has the mightiest, longest, finest, strongest, biggest, shiniest, sharpest, and very most powerful weapons? Hey, might any of you big, tall, strong, dedicated, and very prepared men happen to carry any length of thick rope around with you? Because after we get done with this battle here, two or more of us could go somewhere and" [moving the side of the face-guard away from the guy's ear, she whispers very sexy, kinky, and naughty thoughts and plans to him]. Then, she says, "Maybe one of us ladies can use rope on two of you guys and make ourselves our very own pair of nunchucks. We do need some practice on our nunchuck skills. Perhaps later, all three of us ladies could have some very sexy time with three of you guys, having our own sort of "swordfight". Perhaps the three of us ladies we could help three of you to unsheath your swords and then place them in our own absolutely perfectly-sized [and nicely-shaped] sheaths. ...[Maybe she continues with saying all sorts of other plans, suggestions, questions, phrases, ideas, and thoughts which are somehow ninja-related and are also positively obvious & easy sexual entendres.]She then says, "You truly defend yourself quite well. Nice to see a man who always knows just how to ... use very good protection. "Can ya guard yourself against a cute puppy attack" Attacks him with her breasts. "Maybe against some melons headed for you?" Another attack with her breasts. "You guys go out at night and roam these streets? Could you protect yourself against wild owls?" Yet another form of boob attack. "Any of you seen a wild booby while in the forests?" [More sexy, funny, erotic, & arousing attacks, pleasures, and other moves with her sizable breasts.] "You guys like birds, am I right? Could you identify titties if you found them?" [More sexy, sensual, kinky, erotic, and funny attacks, pleasures, seductions, and other moves with her arousing & crafty boobs!!]"Could you defend, guard, or dodge against attacks when your sword is stuck deep within the body of a nice, wet, lovely cave?" [She tries to rush herself forward, launching his "sword" nicely into her "deep caverns".] [sorry for the weird terms, but you can guess the meaning]. "Do you think you could protect yourself against attacks when your smoke bombs are wedged somewhere inside a good hole?"[Again, she runs and positions herself so her hole has become a very secure hiding space for the ninja's large "smoke bombs".] "How about if a great, big, majestic leopard has somehow eaten your katana and one of your very exciting explosive weapons?"[This time, she somehow tricks the ninja by moving her body so that his "katana" and one of his "bombs" are now within her pussy.]"What if a wizard somehow magically appeared and used his magic to lock your dagger and both of your throwing stars securely within one of his sleeves?" [For this, she quite remarkably motions herself so that. somehow, she manages to put both of his nuts, balls, ballbags, his ballsack, his scrotum, his foreskin, his taint, and the entirety of his rather large penis [tip, head, shaft, base, and even the roots] nicely within her "wizard sleeve". Before, during, and after the placement, she cleverly, sexually, naughtily, craftily, excitedly, wildly, and very seductively attacks each and every part of his entire crotch, ... even when she has the whole thing there, simultaneously seducing, hurting, pleasuring, arousing, exciting, and pleasing herself, the ninja, and each of the others watching.] [Also, with each of these countless phrases, adjustments, attacks, motions, and so forth, she colossally, seductively, powerfully, naughtily, kinkily, wildly, and crazily attacks, pleasures, seduces, excites, pleases, and arouses each of his butt-cheeks, his butt, his crotch as a whole, and each and every inch of his massive crotch, with every part of her body, including her mighty breasts.] "You say that you uphold the way of the ninja. Well, guess what?" She calls out to her pals, "Hey, ladies. Check this out here." She picks him up with two hands, grabbing him with a grip that's, at first, sexual, sensual, soft, erotic, & gentle, and then becomes strong, mighty, forceful, powerful, kinky, naughty, and crafty. Using this sexy and very slowly changing grip, she very nicely, craftily, and erotically grabs him by the scrotum with one hand and by the penis with the other hand. She gradually, inch by inch, lifts him up into the air as high as she could ever lift anybody. She laughs childishly & naughtily, looks up at the scared man, and says to the "brave ninja", [looking around to see her friends also watching this strangely arousing, very bizarre, and quite naughty scene unfold before them], "Gosh, um, I guess you could say that right about now, ... looks like I am upholding the weight of a ninja. Guys, his smokebombs are so very nice, strong, round, and big. He has such a great, sharp, powerful, and mighty sword, as well." She just dances around, holding him in her very thankful hands, and then eventually, after about ten or fifteen minutes of every attack, squeeze, pleasure, seduction, trickery, and otherwise nice and naughty treatment to each and every inch of each and every part of his whole massive, long, hard, wide, thick, bulging, erect, over-flowing, pulsating, powerful, and very easily rather full crotch, she says to her pal spies, "You guys want to play a nice game? How about we play catch? Let me start. Who wants to catch him?" She gets a much tighter grip around his whole & entire crotch, aiming for one of her friends. After she selects the catching person, she lowers him just enough to kiss, lick, bite, pinch, poke, and tickle his rather massive, playful, and arousing sack for good luck. She tosses him by his big sack to one of the other spies. She catches him with each hand nicely squeezing one enormous ball, and kisses, licks, bites, pinches, pokes, tickles, and rubs his sack and his left ball for luck and love. She throws him by the balls to the other lady spy. She catches him with one hand very nicely encompassing his rather tremendous and progressively more arousing entire crotch. She looks at her other two lady spies, where they are smiling, grinning, winking, nodding, blinking, air-kissing, shifting their breasts, gazing, crotch-pointing, and sighing sexually, naughtily, knowingly, and erotically right towards her rather aware and crafty form. Then, she naughtily, kinkily, craftily, sensually, hungrily, thirstily, happily, seductively, playfully, and excitedly back at the ninja guy. She whispers something to him, ... "So, my nifty ninja. Are you ready to have some sweet, hot, sexy, kinky, naughty, & erotic fun? You and I are going to play together!" She gives him every form of kiss, hug, lick, peck, suck, and nibble on, in, and around his mouth, his cheeks, his head, his nipples, his butt, and each inch of each part of his entire crotch. Then, she uses every part of her body to give him every form, type, style, and strength of poke, prod, punch, press, pull, push, pin, pad, pat, paddle, pound, pulverize, peck, kick, knock, knee, bite, bash, bonk, lock, grind, grip, grab, hit, honk, and hook on, around, between, and in each inch of each part of his slowly- growing crotch. Finally, she got as strong, secure, tight, and ready of a grip as she could around his entire crotch, and gave the sign, the wind-up, & the pitch of the ninja to the first spy lady. She caught the ninja with a grip just as before then, with one hand holding his entire sack and the other hand quite happily grabbing onto his penis. By this point, every part of his crotch [seeds, balls, nuts, bags, nutsack, scrotum, foreskin, roots, base, shaft, head, and penis tip] have grown to about 500 to 1,000 times their original length, width, depth, height, girth, thickness, mass, and basically, overall size. Luckily, the spies have been trained for just such a puzzling occasion.]She then pumps her grip around his penis and his balls. [From all the previous hits to his head, stomach, chest, butt, back, face, and crotch, he now looks quite positively knocked out, but remains conscious enough to stay aware of things happening to him. After all, any guy who's fighting against three women this hot, sexy, kinky, yummy, arousing, seductive, and erotic, [not to mention unpredictable, naughty, and quite playful] wants to be just as conscious as he can. Who knows what tricks, pleasures, attacks, seduction, treats, arousal, or other sort of moves they might happen to use on him?] Obviously, the continuous, erection-growing, non-stop, driven, playful, wild, naughty, kinky, pleasurable, and seductive pumping, tapping, priming, squeezing, tickling, squishing, grinding, grabbing, pinching, and prodding of his penis, testicles, sack, and the rest of his crotch has quite a very noticeable effect.After over three hours of action, excitement, arousal, watching, waiting, and hoping, the lady spy got exactly what she expected, ... and much more. At exactly three hours & forty-seven minutes after she had started, the three very anxious ladies looked excitedly and majestically up towards the easily overpowered, outnumbered, outmatched, and generally [not to mention luckilly] doomed form of the very meaty, sexy, beefy, muscular, sensual, seductive, erotic, and hot, ... yet helpless, hopeless, luckless, & powerless "skilled", "talented", and "mighty" criminal ninja warrior. Just moments ago, his bodies was shaking, moving, stretching, vibrating, rattling, rolling, tossing, and turning, all within the sexy, mighty, sexual, strong, sensual, powerful, kinky, talented, erotic, and secure grip of the most gorgeous, stunning, delightful, charming, and arousing woman on which that ninja had ever had the fortune to lay his unbelievably, endlessly, and ultimately carnal eyes. At this moment, however, he was merely slightly shaking in his head, leg, crotch, and butt areas here, as the lady spies couldn't believe what they were witnessing at the moment.Their sexy, hot, and erotically-talented partner currently held a formerly threatening and powerful criminal within her skilled grasp, going back and forth between holding him behind her back like a wrestler might hold up another wrestler, holding him like a great award or prize, as if she were an athlete who had just won a trophy, an actor or singer winning an award, etc.; holding him like a pool-player holds a pool cue, and finally holding him in a carnal version of how a ventriloquist holds a dummy, [on the lap, but with one hand on his balls and the other hand on his lengthy and powerful rod.] At this very moment, as they watched the most bizarre scene in their lives, the extremely horny, sex-crazed, kinky, over-flowing, carnal-minded and erotic-thinking ninja had begun to spurt from his scrotum. First, his penis began with just squirting millimeters of cum, semen, urine, and sperm. A couple of minutes later, with the lady spy still furiously, seductively, sexually, excitedly, kinkily, sensually, and naughtily pumping, pounding, pulling, & prodding his sack and his penis, he began to produce centimeters of juice. About five minutes later, with the lady spy still treating his crotch like her very own full-size and absolutely human pinball machine, he began to shoot inches of his own man-milk. Ten minutes later, those inches became feet. Around twenty minutes after that, the feet turned into yards. Then, oddly enough, after a full half-hour, those yards of his essence turned into miles of his sauce, milk, cream, and so forth. After an entire week of working at him, ... [with plenty of breaks to do everything she [and the other two lady spies] could do to seduce, bust, please, pleasure, arouse, hurt, or otherwise humorously, sexually, or even ridiculously effect any, each, both, either, and all parts of his crotch, nipples, and ass, ... [and the bodies of the other ninjas, whom the other spies were also fighting currently], he finally released every drop of himself that he had been holding in for the past twenty-three years. [Apparently, either as a joke, a prank, a naughty act by his girlfriend,some hentai-like punishment or hardship imposed by either his work-place, girlfriend, wife, fiancee, ex-girlfriend, or other person, people, or organization, as some sort of self-imposed challenge, or some other reason, the ninja had been wearing something on his sack, something around each ball, something separating one ball from the other ball, something separating his sack from his penis, & something plugging up the hole of his easily ready penis. Once his already enormous crotch had endured, taken, hardened from, grew from, and otherwise became ... happier from the countless, ceaseless, endless, naughty, endless, kinky, sexy, sexual, sensual, mighty, powerful, forceful, arousing, and dynamic moves, attacks, pleasures, seductions, pumps, and so much more, each part of his formerly monumental crotch practically ... perhaps, even literally, ... grew to the size of an entire continent, and due to their unbelievable thickness, width, girth, depth, height, scale, size, might, power, and force, ... were now much too big and strong to hold their shackles and other forms of encasement, so they simply self-destructed quite easily and rather obviously.] After the three female spies [and the ninjas] cleaned themselves [quite rapidly, almost like the Flash], ... off from this rather odd and very hentai-like ordeal there, the three lady spies treated each and every millimeter of every cm of every inch of every foot of every yard of every mile ... of every continent-sized to as large as hemisphere-sized part of the ninja's now planet-sized crotch as each slang, euphamysm [sp], phrase, or other word for each part. After five years of bizarre, erotic, strange, painful, sexual, helpful, pleasuring, and surprising treatment, pleasure, attacks, seduction, and so forth, the three lady spies had finally gotten his crotch, [and by extension, him], to its original size & scale."You say you practice the art of invisibility, yet here you are, out in the daylight, where everybody can easily see you move.Also, there's one part of you that is quite clearly not invisible, if you catch my drift. That's one part you're glad we can see.""Finally, you say that your companions in this journey are shadow, darkness, stealth, and so forth. Well, then you probably won't be needing these right now." [rrrrrrrriiiiiiipppp [ripping off the ninjas' clothes.] Hmm, you also probably won't be needing these, either. [Takes their weaponry]. "Finally, you won't be needing these, am I right?" [shaves them fully bald, from head to toe and, after a few minutes, decides not to take their crotches. Even though having something like that for fun would be very neat, the ninjas probably need those way more than the spies would.] "By the way, the police will be here within a few seconds from now. How's that invisibility thing working? Something just tells me something like that certainly would be needed, at least for now."