Marie Finishes him Off Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor He was trapped and was loving it. Her enormous arms wrapped themselves around his upper torso. He was naked apart from his briefs, she was fully clothed. She gave him a little hug and he emitted an involuntary whimper. Her strength was immense and he gave into her as his weak body succumbed to her superior physique. Again she tensed her arms and again he emitted a breathy cry. This went on for minutes, as she began to enjoy toying with the weak male before her. "Please don't hurt me" he whimpered. She whispered into his ear, "Don't worry, Ill be careful with you". Every time she made any minor flex he would whimper like a girl. She was in complete control of his body now - she could break him if she wanted but she had other plans tonight. For his part, her pulsing embrace left him in a heightened sense of pleasure despite his realisation that she could break his ribs in an instant. He knew he had nowhere to go, no way of escape - he was under her complete control - his sense of emasculation already complete. He was hard now and dripping. She continued to tense and flex, release and pause, tense and flex, release and pause. There was a rhythm to this now - she enjoying his feeble yelps, he trembling with anticipation before each muscular embrace. Outside their hotel door a maid passed, oblivious to the game being played inside the room. 1995, School sports day He'd finished his long jump competition. A respectable third out of 12, he rubbed the sand out of his hair and looked on at the girls sprint race which was about to start. The pistol fired and the group marauded forward, elbows swinging and hair flowing. One was swifter than the others, pulling away with every stride, her cadence increasing until she opened up a ten meter lead. Her pert breasts broke the tape a good 15 meters ahead of the next girl, and she wheeled around hands on hips to watch the others finish. She was barely out of breath, as she put her hands through her hair and starred to giggle as her superiority sank in. She was only a couple of yards from him now. She was the same height as him, but the similarities ended there. While he was lily white she was tanned. His bony legs were thin and pale in contrast to her thick golden thighs which curved down to her knees. Her plump buttock cheeks were just visible below the stretched blue satin of her running shorts as she started her feline walk to congratulate the runner up. He was entranced by those thighs, how they seemed to bounce and quiver with every step she made. Their development so advanced compared to all the other girls and boys. Her shoulders were broader than her classmates too, and her arms were thick and tanned while his were sticklike and pale. Her name was Marie and she was the best athlete in the school. Everything she entered she won. Her bedroom was already full of medals and certificates, and she was about to receive another. He so wanted to ask her out for a date but he knew she was out of his reach. She was already dating guys five years older than her. Her development belied her tender age - taller than the other girls, she also outstripped them in bra size - an Amazonian twelve year old who could pass for sixteen any day of the week. Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor She let him go and looked deep into his eyes. Slightly taller than him without heels, her stilettos added another 6 inches to her height, so he had to look up at her at close quarters. Her index finger was under his chin now, her other hand resting on his shoulder as if to stabilise him. She craned her neck and whispered in his ear "Would you like me to take off my blouse?". He could scarcely reply, such was his excitement, but he managed a barely audible "yes". A smile came to her voluminous lips, which parted to reveal perfect white teeth and the tip of her tongue. She stood back to allow him to drink in the view. Button by button, her long fingers worked down her white blouse which now hung untucked over her generous breasts. "Take it off" she said, with another smile. He hesitated at first but then placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled the satin material away. What he saw then he would never forget. Her heavily muscled and bronzed frame was sculpted as if out of rock. Her skin was perfectly smooth and almost glistened. Her breasts were encased in a black lace bra which seemed to be buckling under the strain of carrying the two massive globes inside it. Her eight pack was a marvel of human engineering. He had never seen such a physique. It oozed strength and sinuous sensuality. Dense and chiselled, it must have been the result of years of hard lifting. He pulled the blouse down to reveal her arms. He let out a gasp as the material reluctantly pulled itself away from her double veined biceps and corrugated forearms. "Oh Marie, this isn't possible" he said, his head swimming. She smiled down at him as his breathing visibly quickened and his jaw fell open. Her index finger now moved down to his chest and he fell back onto the double bed. History class, 1997 Marie was an excellent student but unlike many A-graders, she preferred to sit at the back of class. Today she was going to conduct an experiment. She leant back on her chair so that her head was resting on the back wall. Half way through the lesson she removed her cardigan and placed her hands on top of her head. Unseen by the rest of the class she made eye contact with her teacher, a bespectacled recently married male. Pressing her hands down on her head caused a muscle spasm in her young biceps. Two balls of muscle sprung up from her upper arms, which then relaxed as she eased the pressure. Such a display of power by a fourteen year old took her teacher by surprise. He lost his train of thought. Just as he regained composure she flexed again. Then relaxed. She maintained eye contact. The bicep spasms then became more regular and faster, now each inflation occurring every second. He was now repeating himself as he lost track of the topic he was teaching. She quickened her pumping, accelerating her flexing until her young biceps burst upwards an incredible twice every second. A smile crossed her lips as she saw the effect it was having on the hapless professor. This outrageous show went on for a few minutes as she retained eye intact with her shaken teacher, who had now lost his narrative completely and was sweating profusely. A wet patch was also becoming visible on his khaki trousers, but was only noticed by Marie. She knew she almost had him. Victory was close. So removing her hands from her head she now struck a full double biceps pose, her biceps exploding to their full height. Her innocent face now switched into an expression of snarling dominance, as she prepared him for another explosion of muscle. She exuded supreme physical aggression, yet supreme control. At her third and biggest flex the class witnessed an involuntary jerk from their teacher, who wore a look of horror on his face as he quickly went to sit down behind his desk. He remained there for the rest of the lesson, stewing in his own juices as Marie calmly put her cardigan back on and wrote down some notes. As she left the class, she dropped a note on his desk, which read "Pec show next week" Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor Lying on the bed, he watched as she moved her hands down to her shapely hips. With a decisive movement she unzipped and stepped out of her black skirt. Her thighs were stunning to behold, layer upon layer of bronze muscle yet long, sinuous and graceful. Her calves were smooth and gleaming balls of coiled muscle. She stood before him, a majestic vision of athletic perfection. Her muscularity was extreme, but she carried her massive bulk easily and her long limbs moved with grace and poise. She stretched her arms up above her head and very slowly brought them down into a quivering double bicep pose. She had stopped measuring her arms when they reached 18 inches, but she knew he had never seen anything as big as these babies, on a man or a woman before. Slowly, catlike, she climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist. She was going to let him feel her muscles bulge and flex until his heart beat a bit faster. As she flexed she started grinding his groin. As he hardened, she smiled and flashed her perfect white teeth again. He was pinned to the bed beneath her, full of anticipation and a small amount of fear. It was only a matter of time before she would unclip her straining bra. Pool party, 1999 Marie had grown tired of schoolboys and was now dating an athlete from the city football team. He had recently bought a house with a pool, and naturally decided to ask a group of 6 teammates and their girlfriends over for some fun. As the evening wore on, Marie was drawing envious looks from the other girls and the hungry gaze of every guy in attendance. She was very tall, athletic, with cascading blonde hair and pouting lips, and on this evening she had decided to wear a gold bikini to show off her full breasts and sculpted legs. She outclassed all the other girls and she knew it. She could have the pick of any boy that night, and so decided to have some fun. One by one, she went round each male guest and engaged them in conversation. Much to the annoyance of the other girls she was very tactile and would think nothing of brushing against their bare chests with her bikini cups. Her effect on men was almost hypnotic and soon she had them all under her spell. Each of them she challenged to a two lap swim race in the pool. Each of them accepted. The time for racing had come. The music stopped as the first athlete lined up against Marie on the poolside. As they dived in he took an early lead, and was ahead at the turn. But with an almost effortless burst she glided past him to touch first. The second race followed the same pattern. The third was an easy victory as her victim ran out of energy after the turn. She was breathing hard now, and the best athletes were still to come. Race number 4 was close but Marie seemed to draw on reserves of strength to pass her adversary in the last few strokes. She took fewer, longer arm strokes than her competitors but her leg speed was phenomenal. Looking concerned, her fifth opponent gained a head start on her, but was hunted down and finished yards behind. She seemed if anything to be getting stronger rather than more tired. The final race was upon her, against her host and boyfriend Bobby, but she left him in her wake, and swam the race two seconds faster than the last to leave her bemused boyfriend trailing yards behind. She had beaten all the boys. She pulled herself out of the pool effortlessly and looked down at her opponent in the water. He was breathing heavily and she offered him her hand. As she pulled him up her bicep seemed to swell to an unnatural size. The girls looked at her uneasily and the party ended soon afterward. The next day she went to the gym as usual, and walked back through the park. Her boyfriend was about to start coaching a tennis class of teenage girls about fifty metres away. She had never played tennis and asked if she could join the group. He acquiesced. Soon she was striking the ball well and her backhand and forehand ground strokes were fizzing over the net. She enjoyed the feeling when the racket powered through the tennis ball and worked up a healthy sweat as she chased down shot after shot. Her anticipation and timing were uncanny - Bobby was very impressed with her progress. After the session finished she challenged her boyfriend to a game. "Don't be silly" he said. But she insisted, and reluctantly he tossed the ball up in the air for his first service game. It was a good serve, but it came back with interest. He managed to return the ball, but Marie advanced towards his weak lob and hit the ball hard back at him. He managed to get his racket on it and the ball flew into the air. Marie was now standing at the net and drove a volley powerfully towards him. Again he got his racket to it but the ball looped limply over the net, and was returned fiercely and the ball flew past him. This first point set the tone for the match. Every time he hit a good shot she seemed to hit an even better one back. Her reach and elasticity took him by surprise and he just couldn't make a successful passing shot. She was like a wall. The power in her shots surprised him and her returns seemed to be getting harder as the match went on. The pro tennis player lost the first set to the first timer 6-0. It was a humiliation. He dragged himself off the court and gulped down a bottle of water, avoiding eye contact. "That's enough" he said. "Please, one more game ?" she responded coyly, her breathing by contrast slow and measured. "You haven't warmed up, that's all", she joked. One more game became two, which became three. He was becoming so tired now and everything he tried was returned. Marie was standing at the net for most rallies now, her reach was phenomenal and her anticipation was amazing. Three more games passed and he fell to the ground, beaten 6-0, 6-0. She leant her racket against the net and struck a double biceps pose. She threw her head back and laughed as she stretched her arms above her head and gently lowered her arms into another powerful flex. Their relationship didn't last long after that. A beaten, sweat-drenched and exhausted jock realised he couldn't live with her any more. Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor Her breasts were magnificent. They wobbled above his head, taunting him, inviting his outstretched tongue to advance on to her raspberry-sized nipples. But they swayed out of his reach. She let him try in vain to stretch up to them for a short while until she lowered one into his grateful mouth. He suckled on her nipple like a baby, and was glad to be offered the other breast a few minutes later. He was struck by her gentleness in these moments as she cradled his head into her ample bosom. Stroking his hair, she whispered "there, there, there". Then she pulled him deeper into her heaving breasts until he was struggling for air. Instead of letting him catch his breath, she pulled him even tighter so that his entire head was engulfed in flesh. Near to passing out, she released him and let him gulp in the air. She repeated this a few times, enjoying the power she exercised over his consciousness. Then she placed a hand under her bosom and offered it to him, forcing her nipple deep into his mouth. It seemed to have grown and hardened, and her breasts seemed to be getting bigger and heavier. Perhaps he was mistaken, he didn't know and he didn't care at this point. After smothering him for what seemed like an hour or more, she brought her knees up to his head and sat on his chest. "Why don't you unclip my panties," she said. The engagement party, 2001 Although she had split up with Bobby a couple of years back, they stated in touch and so it was that Marie was invited to his engagement party to a girl called Beth. Beth was an extremely pretty girl, but slight and petite, certainly not the sort of girl that was going to beat Bobby in a sporting contest in a month of Sundays. She was wearing a strapless white dress which exposed her delicate neck, shoulders, arms and legs. Marie had been at the party for an hour or so but was getting bored, and spotted Beth over the other side of the room. She glided over to the bride-to-be who was talking to a bevy of female friends. "Hi Beth, I'm Marie" she said and held out her hand to Beth's slender arm. She gently pulled Beth towards her and planted a kiss on her cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark on Beth's pale skin. There was a significant size difference between them. As Marie stood back Beth realised that her head was in line with Marie's fulsome breasts and was standing eye to eye with her generous cleavage. She had to cock her head up to speak to Marie who by now was holding both her wrists and ever-so gently caressing them. They made polite conversation for a while, now excluding Beth's friends who moved away. Marie never lost eye contact with Beth, and would place her hands on the diminutive girls upper arms and shoulders whenever either made a pleasantry. Then she would rest her hand on Beth's hip, or hold her delicate hands. Once or twice, Marie let her hair drop onto Beth's face, and would brush her porcelaine cheeks as she removed her luxuriant locks from the petite girl's face. The cumulative effect of this stroking activity was to make Beth quite dizzy and hot. Her eyes kept returning to Marie's cleavage and mouth, its full lips and perfect teeth were in continuous motion, her tongue flickering in and out of her mouth. She recognised in Marie everything that she was not - she so would love to be the statuesque, athletic girl standing over her. Marie inched closer, forcing Beth to tilt her neck further back to look up at her, acutely conscious that Marie's bountiful breasts were just centimetres from her face. Beth felt flushed and started to wobble. Marie bent down and asked if she wanted to go elsewhere to cool off. Beth nodded and Marie led her upstairs to a spare bedroom. Closing the door behind her she walked towards Beth, bent down and whispered in her ear, "Can I show you something?" Beth looked up at the amazon before her and said yes, confused and but intrigued. Marie reached forward, placed her hand behind Beth's head and turned her face towards Beth's. Their lips were an inch apart now, their hot breath mingling. Marie held Beth there for a while, allowing Beth to study her lips up close. Marie parted her lips. Marie knew Beth would cave in. And so she did. She pressed her thin lips into Marie's thick, red lips and the two girls began a passionate, warm kiss. Marie then slid her tongue between Beth's lips. As her tongue unfurled it literally filled the tiny girls mouth, exploring every cavity and almost made Beth gag when it reached her throat. Their tongues entwined but it was no contest. Marie's tongue wrapped around Beth's underdeveloped tongue and tightened its grip. Beth was overcome by its strength and length and felt a wetness between her legs. Marie found her zip and Beth's dress fell to the floor. Beth's hands found Marie's ample breasts and started to fondle and knead them. Then Marie placed her hands under Beth's ass and proceeded to lift the slight girl off the ground. To Marie, Beth was light as a feather. She extended her arms upwards and manoeuvred Beth's legs onto her shoulders. Marie's mouth was now facing Beth's damp clit. She tore off her panties. Beth let out a moan. The next ten minutes were the most ecstatic of Beth's life. Marie gently kissed Beth's dripping sex as if it was a mouth. Then she entered. Marie's tongue seemed to be able to reach everywhere, deeper than any man had gone, but thicker too, and with such speed and dexterity. Soon Beth started to spasm uncontrollably as she neared climax, and was unable to hold back her cries of pleasure which could be heard in the party downstairs. The door flung open and Bobby watched in shock as Marie gently lifted Beth down from her mouth and placed her on the bed, naked and twitching. Beth couldn't stop the spasms for a week after. The wedding plans were shelved. Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor She was now gyrating her hips back and forward - he could feel her panties caressing his chest. She looked down at him, only his shoulders, arms and head now visible below. His hands were running over her eight pack, lats and thighs - everything else out of his reach. She flexed her arms above him and brought her right bicep to her lips and kissed it. She then did the same with her left bicep. She flexed again in the same rhythm as her hips and smiled down at him. She inched higher. His mouth now against her abdomen. She untied her panties and dropped them to her side. She inched higher still and reached down to put her hands around the back of his head. She inched higher still and tilted his head towards her belly. Now she raised herself up and It came into view. He gasped. "'t be. It's so....big...oh my god..." Her clit muscle was as wide as his limp dick although a lot shorter. It was pulsing, as if pleased to see him. "You can put it in your mouth if you want" she said. He gratefully opened his mouth wide and she pulled his head into her. His mouth was invaded by her twitching member, succulent and plump, and he ravenously explored every inch of it. He felt excited and humiliated at the same time, as they both knew that he was now her toy and she was playing the dominant male role in this muscle fantasy. She teased him with her pussy muscle for another ten minutes, dipping it in and out of his yearning mouth until she sensed his exhaustion. The job interview, 2003 It was 6pm and the office was nearly empty. A couple of people sat in front of a screen and discussed the data before them. His PA welcomed her on her way out and led her into the boardroom. "Mike will be with you in a minute", she said to the tall well-dressed girl. Marie poured herself a glass of water and undid two buttons on her blouse. She straightened her skirt and cleared her throat. A full ten minutes later Mike entered the room, looking tired and drawn. He'd had a long day and could do without another graduate interview but it was his last meeting of the day at least. Marie stood up and offered her hand. He hadn't received such a firm handshake from a girl before, and realised on sitting down that his hand was aching. As he started to ask the standard questions, his mind drifted. He noticed her full lips and gleaming white teeth first. His eyes moved down to her blouse where they lingered for a while. Marie noted this and knocked her empty glass. "Oh, I'm so sorry" she said as she reached over to her glass which had rolled towards him and gave him a perfect view of her heaving cleavage as she did so. She pressed her considerable chest against the tabletop before re-taking her place on her seat. His gaze moved back up to her eyes as he asked the next question. He was not listening to her answers, he was only thinking about what she would look like naked. There was a knock at the boardroom window - the last two workers were leaving for the evening. He would have to lock up tonight. He placed his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair. "So why do you think you should get this job?" he asked nonchalantly. She paused for a few seconds, and then said "Because you can't resist me". When she uttered these words, it was as if his brain snapped. He forgot what he was saying, his mind became foggy, confused. As he struggled for words, Marie stood up and walked over to his chair. She sat herself on the desk in front of him, crossed her legs and straightened her back so that her bosom was at full extension. His eyes were looking straight at her heaving breast now. She took a long deep breath and he watched them inflate, his jaw dropping. She repeated the trick, now leaning closer to him so that his nose was inches from the fabric of her blouse. "Stand up" she said. So he did, and she slid off the desk and stood before him. He was surprised that she was a few inches taller than him - he hadn't realised this before. Her arms reached behind his back and pulled him into her. He was unable to move his arms which were now pinned to his sides. He felt her tighten her grip and felt his ribs start to hurt. Now his feet left the floor as Marie straightened her back. He hung there helpless in the arms of this young amazon - thank god none of his employees had witnessed it ! She put him down and relaxed her grip. Now she sat on his chair and beckoned him over. "Sit on my lap". He hesitated but realised he had no choice, so he climbed onto her firm thighs and waited. She started jigging her knees and bouncing him as if he was a toddler. Her fingers were now dancing over his thighs and landed on his zipper. She pulled the zip down and inserted two fingers into his briefs, one either side of his throbbing cock. "Have I got the job?" she asked as she squeezed her fingers together making him ejaculate violently into his trousers just at the moment he screamed "Yes!" She never started her new job, and he never interviewed anyone ever again. Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor She was really toying with him now. His legs were now draped either side of her head over her shoulders, his shoulder blades pinned to the mattress. Her fingers were dancing expertly over his erect cock. Then she opened her lips. His erect cock disappeared in and out of her mouth. She played with him - one moment she engulfed himfully, her tongue seemingly extending the full length of his member, the next moment she would coil it around his purple head. Then she would withdraw her mouth and play with it instead using her long fingers, at times bringing him to the verge of climax but then gripping his shaft so tightly that it was impossible for him to come. This went on and on, her vicelike grips applied more regularly now as he was so turned on. He had never had such a sensual experience. Normally so sure of himself, he was now being directed and controlled by a superior human specimen. He didn't want this to end. But how long could he hold out before the levee would break? Commuter train, 2005 Five stops to go and the train was thinning out. Some sleeping middle aged men and a couple of girls with their heads in books. He looked to his right again at the tall girl holding onto the strap. She was wearing dungarees and a tight striped t-shirt. With each jerk of the train her bicep would flex as she tugged on the strap hanging from the train ceiling. This was no average bicep, it leapt upwards to form a ball of tight muscle which must have been over 40cms in diameter. The girl seemed unaware he was staring at her, and went on flexing as the train neared the next station. Only a couple of people left on the train now. He looked at her arms again as the muscle rose to a huge peak. Was he imagining it or was it getting bigger? Now their eyes met for the first time, and he looked away quickly. He plucked up the courage to glimpse her arm again, and the next time it rose a vein appeared. With each jerk, the vein seemed to get thicker and more prominent. Her sleeve had ridden upwards so now her underarm was visible too. Did he see some hair there? The next stop was his and he decided to walk past her on his way out to get a close look. As he rose, she placed her free arm in the strap on the other side of the train, effectively blocking his path. "Excuse me", he said officiously. She didn't move. Instead she said "If you want to get past me, you'll have to kiss them. You know you want to". She had noticed his attention from the moment he got on the train, and in this moment he realised it too. He hadn't realised she was quite so tall, and now that they were close it was clear that her biceps were well above his line of vision. She must have been over 2 metres yet he was barely 1m 50cm. Even if he wanted to, he would not be able to reach them to kiss them. The station was nearing now as the train took the bend. Her biceps flared upwards into mountainous peaks of muscle, and he felt his legs weakening. "Please let me past" he said politely, but she just pumped her arms again, and smiled. "Pull yourself up on them - they will bear your weight" she whispered into his ear. The station platform was now alongside the train. "It's now or never" she said, and flexed again, this time so hard that her shirt stretched tight over her breasts and her underarms were fully revealed, glistening with short dark hair oozing sweat and musk. Her arms were perhaps 50cm in diameter now, fully pumped and veiny. Reaching up at her tree trunk right arm, he pulled himself up and planted his lips and tongue onto Marie's right bicep and then buried his face into her lush armpit. "Both of them" she said. He moved to the left arm and opened wide as he felt the soft, hard muscle fill his mouth. "Good boy". She relaxed her arms and gave him a heavy slap on his backside to help him out of the train, just in time for the doors to close behind him. She moved on down to the next carriage. Present day, NYC hotel room, 22nd floor She stood up and stretched. Her back was to him and he watched in wonder as the ridges, ravines and crevices of her wide back rippled as she strained her huge body. He could have sworn she had grown, but thought better of it. By her bedside was a bottle of clear oil, which she proceeded to pour into her hands and rub into her chest, arms and shoulders. She was magnificent in that moment, as every contour of her thick torso sparkled in the sunlight. She seemed larger and taller than when he walked in the room an hour before. Was that possible? She reached down under his bottom and with one arm lifted him skyward, her large hand cupping his scrotum, his legs dangling either side of her massive forearm. With her other hand, she reached down to the bottle and poured the oily liquid onto his chest, belly and erect penis. Applying gentle but firm pressure onto his scrotum with one hand she started to gently and slowly lubricate his cock with the other. His hands were now free to wander and his fingers darted over her biceps, traps and back. Her strength was inhuman. Her physique otherworldly. Gradually her lubrication accelerated, to one firm up and downward stroke per second. He looked down at his joystick and wondered how long she could hold him here aloft. He placed his hands on her traps, which were solid. She quickened the pace again, now lubricating his shaft twice per second. Her grip on his scrotum tightened. He felt he was on the verge, but then he felt her index and thumb squeeze below his shaft and he knew the flow was stemmed - for now. On and on this went, each time he neared climax she would pinch the same spot and he would have to start again. Now she was rubbing very fast, at three strokes per second, manhandling his cock with her strong hand which was now a blur as it pumped up and down. He felt a bit queasy as once again her vicelike grip tightened around his sack. Faster and faster her hand was moving now and his sack felt swollen and a bit sore. He wasn't able to see his member as it was covered by her firm grip. His gaze fixed on her swollen bicep on her piston-like arm, its criss-crossed veins and the beads of sweat dripping down into her cavernous armpit. He laid both hands on the ball of muscle and watched as her hand cranked up the speed another notch. How could she keep this up ? He had lost some feeling now and asked her to stop a while. She slowed and removed her hand from his cock. To his surprise and distress it looked smaller than he remembered. Was it an illusion ? His proud 8 inches was now 5 at the most, and it seemed thinner than he remembered too. They both stared at it, his look of concern contrasting with her raised eyebrows and wry smile. She poured more oil onto it, and closed her hand around it again. Now she picked up the speed immediately and this time seemed to be pushing down harder than she was pulling up. For ten minutes she pumped at the same insane pace three and sometimes four cycles per second, only slowing to pinch his underside. Everything was becoming a blur for him now as his heartbeat raised to 160 beats per minute and his whole body started to tingle. Again he fell faint and begged her to stop. He looked down as she released her hand and was shocked to the core to see his cock was now barely three inches long and the width of a pencil. "Nooooooo!!" he cried as he stared at his miniaturised member. "Oh but it's so sweet darling" she coo'd. Her long tongue unfurled and she slid it under his pulsing tiny cock, which looked now like a lollipop on her impressive tongue. She wrapped her tongue around it and started to suck, really hard. He felt he was being drained of all his strength. For five minutes he squirmed in the palm her hand as her hot lips and tongue drank from his shrunken member. He looked down again as she released it from her mouth. It could only be two inches now! She smiled. "Awww. How sweet!" Her stroking recommenced but this time she only needed to use two fingers and her hand-speed was phenomenal. He was watching his cock literally disappear before his eyes now in between her fingers. But then her other hand suddenly released his scrotum and he flooded her mouth immediately with hot, creamy sperm. She let him fall back onto the bed, totally spent. "Oh Bobby, it's been so good to see you again", she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, showered and got dressed. Through his tears, he saw her blow him a kiss as she closed the door behind her. He would make a complete recovery but would never see her again.