David caught off guard David's bright blue eyes stared at his stunning girlfriend as she picked up his phone from the table behind her. They both recognized the tone from the phone as David's mother's personal ring. David stayed silent as Hannah reached for the phone and pressed the button to answer it. "This is David's phone Hannah speaking." Hannah said as she answered David's cellphone seeing his mother was calling. "Ohh hello Mrs. Willows, David is in the bathroom right now I can just tell him for you." She offered using her breath to move some of her long blonde hair out of her dark brown eyes. "Yes of course I'll tell him. Ok not a problem. You have a good one Mrs. Willows. You too." Hannah said before hanging up the phone and smirking. "You were well behaved David." Hannah said as she placed the phone back on the wooden kitchen table while she continued to stroke David's cock with her free right hand. "Mmmppphhhhh" David moaned into his gag. David continued to struggle a bit against his bonds. The poor brown haired boy had been taken completely by surprise by his girlfriend the second he stepped into her house. He had been overpowered, stripped, his wrists tapped together behind his wooden chair and gagged with a stress ball and several layers of silver tape which had the word WHORE written on it in black marker. "Don't pretend like you aren't enjoying this. I've seen your browser history." Hannah said still teasing David's swollen member a small amount of excitement leaking from the tip. It was hard for David to deny his girlfriend since his aroused cock made it quite clear that he was enjoying his situation. Hannah giggled as she watched her boytoy enjoy ever touch she made. "You know David we have the place all to our selves, no one will hear or see us, and no one can save you from me. But I get the feeling you don't wanna be saved do you?" Hannah asked squeezing his dick tightly as she spoke. "Mmmppphhhh" David responded which only made Hannah laugh more at her submissive boyfriend. She leaned in kissing his neck as she teased him. Her lips moving slowly down his body with every kiss. Just shy of his crotch she stopped and grinned knowing how badly he wanted to be relieved. They then made eye contact and Hannah began to lick the fingers of her hand not playing with his manhood. David did not have to wonder what she was doing for long since she then spread his legs and exposed his anus. "Mmmmpppphhhh!" David protested as he saw what she was planning. "Ohh shhh baby" she said as her fingers slid inside him making him squeal. "Good Boy" she said as a tear raced down his cheek and his cock exploded all over his stomach. "Look at you! Your making quite a mess." Hannah chuckled as she began to slide her fingers in and out while jerking his cock. "Mmmmpppphhhh!" David moaned and struggled as his body became overwhelmed with feelings. "You like it? I knew you would. You're my little slut aren't you?" Hannah teased. "Ymmmhhhhh!" David moaned nodding his head to agree with his girlfriend as she continued to drive him mad with pleasure. "I hope you do cause I don't intend on stopping for quite a while." Hannah said with an evil grin on her face. David continued to pant as he felt the incredible sensation of Hannah's left hand stroking his fully erect cock while her other penetrated what until several minutes ago had been his virgin ass. From what David could see of Hannah's face she seemed quite thrilled with the situation almost transfixed. "Mppphhh!" David moaned as he fired a second load all over himself and the floor. "Wow you are just full of it today arnt you?!" his girlfriend said not skipping a beat with her hands. "Mmpphh-" the defeated boy mumbled into his gag with a sigh a few drops of sweat running down his brow. "It looks like you are getting a bit tired there baby. Do you wanna take a little break?" Hannah asked sarcastically. David nodded his head praying and hoping that she would let him rest and recover. He had never felt so sexually depleted in his life. From what he could tell based on the clock on the kitchen stove which was always off by at least a few minutes he had been tied down for at least an hour by now. More sweat dripped down his body now running down his chest. "Mmmpppphhhh-?" David begged his dick now getting soft from his lack of energy. "Ohhh fine be that way" Hannah said with a pout as she slid her fingers out of her boyfriend's ass and stopped stroking his dick. Hannah then stood up and walked to the sink washing her hands leaving her boyfriend still tied to the chair with no option but look at her great booty through her leggings. She then left the room for several minutes leaving David in silence. When she returned she was in all new clothes including a cute yellow top and tight jeans. "Ok so - I'm gonna head out and grab us some dinner. I'm kinda in the mood for something Asian - maybe sushi? Or Chinese? Ohh Thai might hit the spot!" Hannah said knowing her tied up boy was unable to respond. "You can stay here I shouldn't be too long." Hannah continued as she grabbed her car keys from the counter top. She then walked back out of the room. David could hear her putting on her shoes and opening the front door. He then realized she was really leaving and that her roommate would probably be getting home soon. "Mmmpppphhh!!" David yelled in a panic only to hear his girlfriend shout her goodbye and close the front door. After closing the front door Hannah headed to her call and pulled out her phone and called her roommate Becky. "Ya he's at our place resting. Do whatever you want" Hannah said over the phone with a chuckle.